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File metadata and controls

331 lines (258 loc) · 15 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Diagrams (2.1.5) - 2021-08-30


  • Links not being removed from the node after they have been removed from the Links layer. (fixes #136)
  • A regression in ZoomToFit. (fixes #138)

Diagrams (2.1.4) - 2021-08-29


  • MouseDoubleClick (500ms interval) event in Diagram.
  • GetScreenPoint in Diagram in order to get the screen points from a diagram point (e.g. node position).
  • Title property in NodeModel, used by the default node widget.


  • ZoomToFit not triggering ZoomChanged event.
  • SourceNode and TargetNode not being set in BaseLinkModel when the ports change.

Diagrams (2.1.3) - 2021-07-19


  • Multiple demo projects by TrevorDArcyEvans showing:
    • Minimal project setup
    • Custom nodes & links
    • GraphShape layout algorithms


  • Link labels not appearing (fixes #109).
  • ZoomToFit throwing a NullReferenceException when one of the nodes doesn't have a size yet (fixes #118).

Diagrams (2.1.2) - 2021-05-31


  • Inability to interact with nodes after re-using ids on new node instances.

Diagrams (2.1.1) - 2021-05-25


  • Exception when navigating to the Options page (#95).
  • Portless links not deleted when node is deleted (#96).

Diagrams (2.1.0) - 2021-03-24


  • ScaleFactor zoom option (@joezearing)
  • Add Constraints options which gives you more control on what happens in the diagram:
    • ShouldDeleteNode: Whether a selected node should be deleted or not
    • ShouldDeleteLink: Whether a selected link should be deleted or not
    • ShouldDeleteGroup: Whether a selected group should be deleted or not
  • DeleteSelectionBehavior unit tests

Diagrams (2.0.0) - 2021-03-24


  • GroupUngrouped event (not the greatest name 😄)
  • Touch events TouchStart, TouchMove and TouchEnd
  • Mobile support
    • Dragging new links from ports
    • Selecting models
    • Panning
    • Dragging movables
  • RemoveGroup method to delete a group and all its children
  • Pressing DEL on a selected group will now remove it
  • Ability for links to be segmentable (by setting Segmentable to true)
    • Clicking a segmentable link will add a new vertex in that position
    • Vertices are movable models, which mean you can drag them to reposition them
    • Double clicking a vertex will delete it
  • Link routers
    • Routers are functions that take into account a link's vertices, and decide whether to add more points along the path
    • They are specified using Options.Links.DefaultRouter or by setting Router in links
    • There are currently two routers, Routers.Normal and Routers.Orthogonal
    • You can provide your own router by simply respecting the delegate Router
  • Link path generators
    • Path generators are functions that takes as input a link's route, and return a list of generated SVG paths (strings), as well as the position and angle of the source/target markers
    • They are specified using Options.Links.DefaultPathGenerator or by setting PathGenerator in links
    • There are currently two generators, PathGenerators.Straight and PathGenerators.Smooth
    • You can provide your own generator by simply respecting the delegate PathGenerator
  • On-the-fly link markers
    • A link can either have a SourceMarker or TargetMarker
    • Link markers are SVG Paths with a known width (to calculate angle and where to cut the links)
    • Static markers are available (e.g. LinkMarker.Arrow) as well as utility methods to create known shapes
  • MouseClick event, which only fires if the model (or canvas) in question didn't move, as opposed to MouseUp
  • data-X-id HTML attributes to nodes, ports and links
  • Abstract BaseLinkModel, LinkModel now inherits from it
    • All the parts of the library now refer to BaseLinkModel instead of LinkModel (e.g. PortModel.Links)
  • Color, SelectedColor and Width properties to LinkModel
  • Link labels
    • Can have custom models, using RegisterModelComponent
    • Due to the limitation of SVGs in Blazor, labels aren't interactive and must be created using MarkupString
    • They can have a specified distance
      • A number between 0 and 1: Position relative to the link's length
      • A positive number, greater than 1: Position away from the start
      • A negative number, less than 0: Position away from the end
    • They can have an offset (Point)
  • Link snapping
    • While the user is dragging a link, it will try to find the closest port it can attach the link to
    • Options (in DiagramOptions.Links): EnableSnapping and SnappingRadius
  • GetBounds extension method on IEnumerable<NodeModel>
  • Expose Padding property in GroupModel
  • Factory option to Options.Links
    • This is a delegate (BaseLinkModel LinkFactory(DiagramManager diagram, PortModel sourcePort)) to let you control how links are created
  • Groups (of type DiagramGroupOptions) option to DiagramOptions
    • Enabled option controls whether users are allow to group nodes together or not
    • KeyboardShortcut (Func<KeyboardEventArgs, bool>) controls what keys need to be pressed to trigger the behavior
    • Factory lets you control how groups are created
  • GetRelativePoint method to Diagram
    • This method gives the relative mouse point on the canvas
  • SelectionBoxWidget
    • If used, holding SHIFT and clicking then dragging will show a selection box that selects all models intersecting with it
  • Minified versions of all assets
  • Observe document body mutations to update canvas container
  • Ability to add/remove children after the group is created
  • Diagram now also inherits Model
  • Ability to suspend refreshes in Diagram by setting Diagram.SuspendRefresh to true
    • As the name suggests, this will stop the method Refresh from triggering the event Changed, which tries to re-render the UI
  • Batch(Action action) in Diagram.
    • This is just a helper method that suspends refreshes, runs the action and then refreshes
    • This is now used internally in node/link layers to only trigger 1 UI re-render
  • Add FillColor parameter to NavigatorWidget
  • Ability to create links between two nodes directly, without needing ports
    • This depends on the shape of the nodes, which can be defined by providing a ShapeDefiner in NodeModel's constructor
    • The default shape definer is Shapes.Rectangle
    • Currently, there is only the Rectangle and Ellipse (including Circle) shapes, others will be added later
    • This also works for groups, since groups are nodes
  • Unit tests


  • Renamed DiagramManager to Diagram
  • Remove need to specify Name in diagram's CascadingValue
  • Separate Nodes/Links from DiagramManager, they are now layers (Diagram.Nodes and Diagram.Links)
    • Adding/Removing nodes or links is now done inside these layers (e.g. Diagram.Nodes.Add)
    • Added/Removed events are now inside these layers, not in the diagram (e.g. Diagram.Links.Added)
  • LinkAttached event removed (TargetPortChanged is the alternative)
  • It is now mandatory to add nodes to diagram before creating groups
  • SelectionChanged event only contains the model now, use Selected property
  • Removed SelectedModels in favor of GetSelectedModels(), this is because we don't hold a list of selected models anymore (unnecessary)
  • Renamed DiagramSubManager to Behavior, it makes more sense
  • RegisterBehavior now takes as an argument the behavior instance to add. No need to use Activator.CreateInstance for something like this, as it just slows things down
  • Removed LinkType enum
  • Removed DefaultLinkType link option
  • Removed DefaultLinkModel link option
  • Removed GetNodesRect method from DiagramManager (use GetBounds)
  • Removed diagram dependency from GroupModel (was only using GetNodesRect)
  • Renamed GetRelativePoint to GetRelativeMousePoint
    • This method gives the relative mouse point inside the diagram, taking into account the current pan & zoom
  • Widgets are inside the DiagramCanvas now
    • This change is necessary so that widgets with absolute position have their relative parent be the canvas
  • Renamed Navigator widget to NavigatorWidget
  • Allow empty groups
  • Compare received JS sizes (width and height) with precision of 0.0001
    • In most cases, sizes retrieved from JS (especially with a zoom <> 1) can't be compared accurately (e.g. 80 and 79.9999975). We fix this by comparing with a tolerance.
  • Update ports dimensions only if Initialized is false
    • This avoids useless re-renders/JS calls when node is re-visible
  • NodeModel.Ports is now a IReadOnlyList<PortModel>
  • BaseLinkModelExtensions is now obsolete
  • Moved everything in Blazor.Diagrams.Core.Models.Core to Blazor.Diagrams.Core.Geometry
    • This includes Point, Size and Rectangle
    • This is to better structure things in the project, the new Geometry namespace will contain many other things related to it
  • Only render links when ports/nodes are initialized (position and/or size received)
    • This will avoid the weird flicker where links show at (0, 0) then move to the correct position


  • Remove links when groups are removed
  • Issue where links are clickable outside the visible stroke
    • pointer-events is now set to visiblePainted instead of all
  • MouseUp event bubbles up from PortModel to NodeModel
  • Size not taking into account zoom when nodes become visible again
  • Only allow link creation using left mouse button
  • JS errors in razor pages without a diagram
  • CustomNodeWidget was movable from text input
    • All users who create custom nodes with HTML inputs should use x:stopPropagation on mousedown, mousemove and mouseup to prevent the node from being movable through inputs.
  • Deleted nodes from groups would still show them
  • NavigatorWidget not handling negative node positions
  • Panning with right click. It is now disallowed
  • PortRender not taking into account its parent's RenderLayer
    • Ports on SVG nodes will now render as <g> elements
  • Useless refreshes when diagram Container values didn't change

Diagrams [1.5.2] - 2021-01-18


  • Missing MouseUp event on links.

Diagrams [1.5.1] - 2021-01-09


  • AddGroup: add an instance of a group to the diagram.
  • Custom group documentation/demo.


  • Clicking the canvas in the Events demo throws an exception.

Diagrams [1.5.0] - 2021-01-05


  • The ability to have ports on groups.
  • EXPERIMENTAL/INCOMPLETE Nested groups. Since GroupModel now inherits NodeMode, it became possible to have nested groups, but there are still problems with the order of links between groups.
  • A Class parameter to GroupContainer.


  • Only rerender groups when necessary.
  • Receiving the same size from ResizeObserver doesn't trigger a rerender anymore.
  • Avoid rerendering ports twice to update positions.
  • Avoid rerendering ports when their parent node is moving.
  • Padding is now handled in GroupModel instead of GroupContainer (UI). This is because the padding is necessary to have accurate size/position in the group model directly.


  • Use @key when rendering the list of groups. Not using it caused big/weird render times.
  • Groups not showing in Navigator/Overview.

Diagrams [1.4.2] - 2020-12-30


  • Locked nodes now have a locked class and their cursor is changed to pointer.

Diagrams [1.4.1] - 2020-12-24


  • EnableVirtualization option: whether to only render visible nodes or not.
  • RegisterModelComponent overload that takes Types as input for dynamic registrations.

Diagrams [1.4.0] - 2020-12-12


  • Two zoom related options, Minimum and Maximum, to clamp the zoom value.


  • [BREAKING] Grouped zoom related options into DiagramZoomOptions, available unnder Options.Zoom.
    • The option AllowZooming was renamed to Enabled.
    • The option InverseZoom was renamed to Inverse.


  • The diagram canvas' container wasn't updated when the user scrolls (#51).

Diagrams [1.3.0] - 2020-11-29


  • Abstract MovableModel, which inherits from SelectableModel and represents models that can be move with the mouse (e.g. nodes and groups).
  • Groups widget customization using RegisterModelComponent.
  • SizeChanged event on NodeModel.


  • SelectableModel is now abstract.
  • Groups:
    • Renamed model Group to GroupModel.
    • Rendered as a single entity (HTML div) with padding.
    • Movable and Selectable.
    • Selecting a node inside a group doesn't select the others anymore.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed DiagramManager.ChangePan to UpdatePan.
  • [BREAKING] Renamed DiagramManager.ChangeZoom to SetZoom.


  • ZoomToFit wasn't unhiding hidden nodes.

Diagrams [1.2.0] - 2020-11-08


  • DefaultLinkModel in DiagramLinkOptions (@joezearing).
  • Ability to change source/target ports of a link (SetSourcePort and SetTargetPort).
    The methods also trigger the new events SourcePortChanged and TargetPortChanged.


  • Curved link paths now take into account the ports alignements and a margin (@joezearing).
  • The AddLink<T>(T link, PortModel source, PortModel? target = null) overload in DiagramManager is now public.
    This is useful when developers want to create the link instance themselves, DiagramMananger will setup ports and trigger appropriate events.


  • GetMiddleTargetX and GetMiddleTargetY using SourcePort instead of TargetPort (@joezearing).

Algorithms [0.1.0] - 2020-11-08

A new project that aims to group all the algorithms that can be applied to DiagramManager.
It's a seperate package so that you only include it when you need it.


  • Reconnect links to the closest ports (Idea & Initial work by @kolbjornb).

[1.1.3] - 2020-11-03


  • Diagram Container not ready when ports/nodes need it.

[1.1.2] - 2020-11-02


  • Drag & Drop demo.
  • Helper method DiagramManager.GetRelativePoint.


  • Diagram container resizes don't update the offsets/position (top/left).
  • Container changes don't trigger node visibility checks.
  • Ports aren't refreshed when nodes are resized.

[1.1.0] - 2020-10-19


  • Track mouseup events on nodes @joriskalz.
  • Zooming in/out will now trigger the nodes visibility check.
  • AllowZooming and AllowPanning options.
  • DefaultColor and DefaultSelectedColor link options.
  • Custom ports/links demos/documentation.
  • Options documentation.


  • Group link related options into DiagramLinkOptions, available in DiagramOptions.Links.
  • All link related calculations (e.g. MiddleSourceX) are now extension methods available in LinkModelExtensions.


  • LinkWidget's behind file is not needed anymore.