Big-Red-Buttin AWS Deployment
User Story
- As an end user, I want a simple to use application that is easy to use and understand.
- As an end user, I want to be able specify my environment variables for deployment.
- As an end user, I want to be able to easily setup AWS componets.
- As an end user, I want to be able to easily deploy to the AWS environment.
- As an end user, I want to me able to register on the application with username and password.
Site Owner
- As the site owner, I want to be able to view data on user deployments:
- As the site owner, I want the ability run reports on the services selected for deployment.
- As the site owner, I want the ability to track user logins.
- As a developer, we want to create a simple interface with which users can easily interact.
- As a developer, we want to provide an interface with Amazon AWS to streamline deployments.
- As a developer, we want to build both user view site pages and an admin page that allow site
owner to view user data and deployment requests. - As a developer, I want to create and maintain normalized data in a database to be able to
provide data to the end user and the site owner.
Stretch Goals
- As an end user I want to receive text messages when the deployment is complete.
- Provide the ability to spin up many different AWS services.