Compiler in swift 2 will check at compile time to ensure that the apis used are available on the deployment target. The fixit for this error will add a guard for the correct #availability
- Features and users are tied to OS versions
- Checking runtime availability doesn’t actually guarantee expected behavior (ex: internal APIs)
guard #available(ios 9.0, *) else { return }
let stack = UIStackView()
functions can be annotated with @available(iOS 8.0, *)
you ensure the same safety for your internal code and can factor out code paths that can only be called on certain versions without duplicate checks
let fooImage = UIImage(named: “foo”)!
You have to force unwrap because your identifiers are “stringly” typed. Solution is to codify the type as an application specific enum:
extension UIImage {
enum AssetIdentifier: String {
case Isabella = “Isabella”
case Foo = “Foo”
convenience init!(identifier: AssetIdentifier) {
return UIImage…
- Centrally located constants
- Doesn’t pollute global namespace
- Must use one of the enum cases and results in a non-failable initializer
extension SegueHandlerType where Self: UIViewController {
// can add methods only where the implementer of SegueHandlerType is a UIViewController