brew analytics off
brew install fish ripgrep fd sd vivid jq coreutils navi neovim zellij
brew install --cask alacritty rectangle firefox visual-studio-code zed spotify
code --install-extension vscodevim.vim
code --install-extension golang.go
Add /usr/local/bin/fish
to /etc/shells
, and then run:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
Remove all unnecessary icons
Pin all your favorite apps to the dock
Set preferred size (note default is 64
defaults write tilesize -int 54; killall Dock
Note that we choose 54
because that's the perfect size for the terminal and font configuration.
Uncheck System Settings -> Displays -> Automatically adjust brightness
Set brightness to desired level
Go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Touch Bar Settings -> Customize Control Strip:
- Replace Siri icon with Spotlight
Uncheck System preferences -> Keyboard -> Spelling and prediction -> Capitalize words automatically
Uncheck System preferences -> Keyboard -> Spelling and prediction -> Add period with double-space
Uncheck System preferences -> Keyboard -> Spelling and prediction -> Touch Bar typing suggestions
Go to System Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts:
Mission Control -> Move left a space:
Mission Control -> Move right a space:
- Uncheck System Settings -> Desktop and Dock -> Mission Control -> Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use
Set preferred background
Swipe three fingers up on the touchpad and add more desktops