Report describing the final model to be delivered - typically comprised of one or more of the models built during the life of the project
- our goal is to explora our pipeline results on the created pipeline, to help us understand how did we improved the baselines.
- the inputs are two different datasets. boston housing prices and french motor claim, both helds 10~13 features, The former is smaller then the latter.
- Using xgboost model.
- We created a generic pipeline that accepts a datasource, ingest the data into our pipeline which performs feature-selection, outlier-removal and data-reweiging.
- our pipeline will generate plots - model's feature-importance,feature-selection voting matrices and scores.
- local csv file.
- Any scheme is allowed.
- using 80/20 test-split
- List of raw and derived features
- Importance ranking.
Models and Parameters
- First function - get_data ** fetching the data from source, the user capable of adding his own function handlers to fetch from other datasources. ** apply custom preprocess e.g one hot encoding, imputing.
- Second function - feature-selection ** function imported from mlrun's function marketplace to play a generic step in the pipeline, will calculate feature importance based on sklearn's univariate feature-selection classes (statistic models).
- Third function - outliner-removal ** custom implementation of outlier removal using pyod and IQR.
- Fourth function - dalex ** performing data reweighing / sampling using dalex package
- last function - auto_trainer ** mlrun wrappes different machine learning frameworks to orchestrate into the kubeflow pipeline XGBoost model. The only hypter parameter is the random_state.
housing pipeline feature importance :
boston pipeline feature importance :
housing voting (feature-selection) :
motor voting (feature-selection) :
boston scores : MSE 13.274
RMSE 3.643
MAE 2.639
R2 0.873 -
motor scores : MSE 0.056
RMSE 0.238
MAE 0.098
R2 0.033