First off, thank you for considering contributing to the React Native Community. The community-supported packages are only possible because of amazing people like you.
Secondly, we'd like the contribution experience to be as good as possible. While we are a small all-volunteer team, we are happy to hear feedback about your experience, and if we can make the docs or experience better please let us know.
To be able to edit thist library, you first step is to download all dependencies.
After installing package dependencies, go to example app and install it dependencies as well.
cd example && yarn
The last step is to start expo bundler (you need expo-cli installed globally):
yarn start
Now, scan the QRCode with Expo Go app and start to edit the package, and will be refleted on example app.
Although the library is available for iOS, Android, and Web, this example app is not working on web enviroment, only Android and iOS. Feel free to open a Pull Request to configure it for web.
Make sure that you didn't break any tests, and if you are adding a new feature, please provide some tests. You can check if tests are passing running:
yarn test
All tests and builds are executed on every PR with our workflow on Github.
We will not accept Pull Requests with errors on tests
Before commit, verify if build/minify is working.
$ yarn && yarn prepare
Currently, we are using flags:
To new features and implementations on source code
Branch: feat/<branch-name>
Commits: feat: <commit-message>
To improve docs, contributing file, and other related to developer experience
Branch: docs/<branch-name>
Commits: docs: <commit-message>
To fix bugs on the source code
Branch: fix/<branch-name>
Commits: fix: <commit-message>