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Provider factories

Daniel Wertheim edited this page Nov 29, 2012 · 4 revisions

SisoDb does not come with a complex generic IoC container that you will have to substitute or configure. Instead, it mostly relies on good old fashioned factories and of course also some Funcs.


Each Db-provider has it's own IDbProviderFactory, which creates most parts of SisoDb. To switch it out you can inject an own implementation.

public class Sql2012DbFactory : ISisoDbFactory
    public virtual ISisoDatabase CreateDatabase(ISisoConnectionInfo connectionInfo, IDbProviderFactory providerFactory = null)
        return new Sql2012Database(connectionInfo, providerFactory ?? new Sql2012ProviderFactory());

Either you could create one from scratch by implementing IDbProviderFactory or extend an existing, like the Sql2012ProviderFactory.

Replace at own risk

Please ensure you don't mess up the semantic meanings with a replacement. Have a look at the source code before switching something out for your own implementation.

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