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Release notes


From this version release notes are kept in each release on GitHub.

v0.13.0 - 2018-06-29

  • New: Adds MyNatsClient.Encodings.Protobuf package which brings support for Protobuf serialization of messages.

v0.12.0 - 2018-06-29

  • Changed: Multi targeting frameworks: NETStandard2.0 and .NET4.5.1 for MyNatsClient and NETStandard2.0 and .NET4.6 for MyNatsClient.Rx.
  • Changed: IFilteredObservable<T> has been dropped in favour for a pure INatsObsevable<T> which now uses custom operators for: Where, Cast, OfType, hence it's like System.Reactive so if you want to use that instead just don't use the extensions in MyNatsClient.
  • Changed: When using Subscribe against the streams, ObservableOf<T> does call IObserver<T>.OnError if a handler causes an exception. When using SubscribeSafe it will silently swallow any unhandled exception that your handler might cause.
  • Changed: Use NatsObserver.Delegating|Safe as DelegatingObserver is not made public anymore. You can easily copy it if you want it or use AnonymousObserver in System.Reactive.
  • Changed: Constructor for NatsClient no longer accepts Id as it has no usage.
  • Changed: All methods in INatsClient for subscribing is now called Sub or SubAsync. Hence, SubWithObserver(...), SubWithHandler(...) and SubWithObservableSubscription(...) is now Sub(...). And SubWithObserverAsync(...), SubWithHandlerAsync(...) and SubWithObservableSubscriptionAsync(...) is now SubAsync(...)
  • Changed: Support for statistics defined by INatsClientStats has been dropped and is not accessible via client.Stats anymore.
  • Changed: OnException hook has been removed.
  • Changed: ClientConsumerFailed is now ClientWorkerFailed.
  • Changed: MyNatsClient.Encodings.Json now uses DefaultContractResolver and DefaultNamingStrategy instead of CamelCase. If you want the latter, this has to be explicitly configured.
  • Changed: MyNatsClient.Encodings.Json* now uses DateTimeZoneHandling.RoundtripKindinstead ofDateTimeZoneHandling.Utc`. If you want the latter, this has to be explicitly configured.
  • Changed: Removed all variants of client.Sub that accepts an IObserver<T> or Action<T> as you as the user of the client should own the stream.Subscribe call. You will get the stream passed: client.Sub("mysubject", stream => stream.Subscribe(msg => {})) or e.g. client.Sub("mysubject", stream => stream.SubscribeSafe(myObserver).
  • Fix: Bug with Unsub not being performed correctly if ISubscription was disposed.
  • New: Constructor for NatsClient now accepts an optional ISocketFactory.
  • New: SocketOptions.UseNagleAlgorithm, defaults to (false).
  • New: New overloads of client.Unsub(...) and client.UnsubAsync(...), which now accepts the ISubscription.

v0.11.0 - 2017-01-26

  • Fixed: Although it worked as it was, the RequestAsync method now uses same patter as other clients, and invokes an automatic unsub with maxMessages=1 so that many responders doesn't make the client get unnecessary replies.

v0.10.0 - 2017-01-10

  • Added: New NuGet MyNatsClient.Encodings.Json which ads simple Encode and Decode support for JSON and simplifying extension methods for it.
  • Fixed: Bug with PubAsync variations/overloads that used IPayload instead of byte[] or string.

v0.9.2 - 2017-01-08

Enabling lost support for .NET4.5+, so now .NET4.5+ is build specifically for .NET (plain old .NET) and .NET Core is build against .NET Standard 1.6

  • Fixed: Support for .NET4.5 again which was lost in v0.8.0 where the idea was to support it via .NET Standard.

v0.9.1 - 2017-01-07

  • Fixed: NatsException does not extend AggregateException anymore, as there seem to be an issue with internal stuff in .NET Core trying to reach members that does not exist.
  • Fixed: client.RequestAsync(...) now uses TaskCompletionSource.SetException for the time out instead of having the method throw the exception.

v0.9.0 - 2017-01-06

Focus of this release has been to offer more hooks for exceptions in your handlers.

  • Added: client.OpStream.OnException = (op, ex) => {} as a generic client hook for getting notified of exceptions in handlers for the all OPS stream.
  • Added: client.MsgOpStream.OnException = (msg, ex) => {} as a generic client hook for getting notified of exceptions in handlers for the MsgOP stream.
  • Added: Any exception caused by an observer will now be logged via a ILogger.Error resolved via LoggerManager.Resolve, which is a place where you can hook in NLog, Serilog or whatever.

v0.8.0 - 2017-01-04

Focus has been on stabilizing the experience and we are closing in on getting a stable API. No more planned changes exists.

  • Changed: ConnectionInfo.AutoReconnectOnFailure is now by default true, so in case that the internal consumer of a message fails, it will try and auto reconnect.
  • Changed: A failing observable subscription does no longer remove the subscription. OnError for the observer is still called if you have injected that. You can therefore control if it should be terminated or not. This is done, e.g. so that just becase Msg#1 on a certain subject X doesn't prevent Msg#2 against the same subject to be handled. Before, the handler subscription was removed if there was an exception for the first one.
  • Changed: NatsOpMediator no longer extends IObservable<> but instead exposes two observable streams via composition. This is probably nothing you have used though.
  • Changed: INatsClient now exposes INatsConnectionManager instead of a ISocketFactory. You now assign a custom SocketFactory to the manager instead of to the client. client.ConnectionManager.SocketFactory = new MySocketFactory()
  • Changed: INatsClient.State is removed, instead there's a simple client.IsConnected to chech instead.
  • Changed: Some codes in NatsExceptionCodes has changed. These are used as value for NatsException.ExceptionCode.
  • Changed: When connecting to a NATS Server, the CONNECT (handshake) now sends pedantic=false and protocol:1
  • Changed: No more specific compile for .NET4.5 as .NET4.5 is supported via .NET Standard 1.6.
  • Changed: Made NatsClient.Stats.OpCount a ulong instead of long.
  • Changed: ConnectionInfo.SocketOptions.SendTimeOut now defaults to 10s. Before it had no timeout.
  • Changed: Tweaked settings for ConnectionInfo.SocketOptions.ReceiveTimeoutMs to be 5s instead of 10s.
  • Added: New setting ConnectionInfo.SocketOptions.ConnectTimeoutMs with default of 5s. So no more long defaults on Windows.
  • Added: New setting ConnectionInfo.RequestTimeoutMs with default of 5s. That is what will be used if no specific request timeout is passed to client.RequestAsync.
  • Added: Since we now send protocol:1 in the CONNECT, we now get additive information dispatched to the client via whenever a new server is added to the cluster. In the next release that will be used to keep a hot list with the possible servers/hosts for a client to connect to in a cluster. Meaning that you will be able to connect to a seed server.
  • Added: NatsServerInfo.Host, NatsServerInfo.Port is now extracted from the info sent from the server.
  • Fixed: Issue with missed ConfigureAwait(false).
  • Fixed: Issue with looking at wrong state flag (which now has been removed) while disconnecting.
  • Fixed: Potential issue with not cleaning some resources when trying to connect to multiple servers where e.g. #1 failed and #2 succeeded.

v0.7.0 - 2016-12-23

Theme for this release has been "SIMPLIFY".

  • New: All subscribe methods on the client now remembers subscriptions. So, if the client disconnects and reconnects, the subscriptions will get re-subscribed against the NATS server.
  • New: All subscribe methods now returns an ISubscription which can be (not necessary) used to unsub, just by calling subscription.Dispose() or by calling client.Unsub(subscription.SubscriptionInfo).
  • New: Setup subscription to both NATS-server and in-process IObservable<MsgOp> stream in a single call using: client.SubscribeWithHandler|SubscribeWithHandlerAsync or client.SubscribeWithObserver|SubscribeWithObserverAsync.
  • New: client.RequestAsync assists with implementing request-response messaging pattern.
  • Removed: NatsConsumer as those features now are exposed by the NatsClient instead.
  • Removed: Some overloads of client.Sub and client.Unsub.
  • Fixed: Issue with not being able to do: client.Connect(), client.Disconnect() and client.Connect() really fast.
  • Fixed: Issue with always trying to do auto reconnect upon failure.
  • Fixed: Issue with missed ConfigureAwait(false).

v0.6.0 - 2016-12-04

  • New: ConnectionInfo.AutoReconnectOnFailure=true|false default is false. Will try and reconnect if the client fails. If no reconnect can be made, an ClientAutoReconnectFailed will be dispatched.

v0.5.1 - 2016-10-18

  • Fixed: NatsConsumer.Subscribe() now supports wildcard "*" and full wildcard ">".

v0.5.0 - 2016-10-17

  • New: NatsConsumer.Subscribe() now also accepts a handler with definition Action<MsgOp> and not only an IObserver<MsgOp>.
  • New: The overloads of NatsClient.Sub|SubAsync that takes a SubscriptionInfo now makes an automatical call to UnSub|UnSubAsync if the maxMessages option has been specified.

v0.4.0 - 2016-10-16

  • New: Introducing NatsConsumer for simplified experience around message consumption. See README for more info.
  • Changed: client.UnSub is now client.Unsub and client.UnSubAsync is now client.Unsubasync.

v0.3.0 - 2016-10-08

  • New: Support for DotNet Core.
  • New: You can now have credentials on a specific host instead of common credentials. Specific overrides common.
  • Fixed: client.Pub methods had replyTo as mandatory argument but it is optional.

v0.2.1 - 2016-06-14

  • Closed: #7, remove dependency on JSON.Net
  • Closed: #10, provide MyNatsClient.Rx as a convenience NuGet for bringing in MyNatsClient and Rx.

v0.1.2 - 2016-06-12

  • Fixed: #9, with mix up of QueueGroup and ReplyTo

v0.1.1 - 2016-06-12

  • Fixed: Wrong dependencies in NuSpec

v0.1.0 - 2016-06-12

First release.