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File metadata and controls

195 lines (126 loc) · 6.25 KB


This script is for concrete5.5 / concrete5.6. If you are looking for a concrete5.7 compatible version, it has been re-written and is available at

At the moment this has only been tested on an ubuntu workstation connecting to an ubuntu server. As far as I know there isn't any reason it shouldn't work on any *nix setup though.

concrete5 shell scripts

This is the base of a set of concrete5 scripts to ease the management of dev and live environments. At the moment the only functionality is pulling a remote database, and rsyncing the files directory.

general syntax is similiar to rake tasks.

consh db:pull

consh files:pull

consh backup:db MyBackup

consh restore:remote:db 1362710294-MyBackup.sql

Commands can be added in to the commands folder and must extend the base command object. When a user runs consh fun:task the method FunTask->run() will be called. FunTask should be defined in commands/fun/task.php


You will need php's ssh2 library installed. For ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libssh2-php Other distos may have something similiar or you can install it using PECL

  • git clone this repo
  • symlink (I know... there should be a better way) the consh script to your bin folder (ie ~/bin/ or /usr/local/bin/)
  • cd to your local c5 install public_html folder
  • run consh config to create a config file
  • running consh will show a list of currently implemented commands

that's it! You should now be able to run consh commands


The current list of tasks avilable are:

Current Commands:
Backup:DB                   Backup the remote database locally
Config                      Create a configuration file
DB:Connect                  Connect to the local db
DB:Pull                     Pull remote database
DB:Push                     Push local database
Deploy                      Deploy the code from origin master to the remote server
Files:Pull                  Pull remote files locally
Files:Push                  Push local files to the remote server
Generate:Block              Generates a skeleton block
Generate:Block:Override     Copies the controller for a core block
Generate:Block:Template     Generates a template for an existing block
Generate:Model              Generates a skeleton model
Generate:Pagetype           Generates a pagetype controller
Generate:Table              Generates a db.xml file for the passed in attributes
Generate:Theme              Generates a skeleton theme
Git:Pull                    Pull remote repo locally
Git:Push                    Push local git repo to remote
Help                        Display help about a command
Pull                        Pull a remote database and files
Push                        Push local git repo to remote and then deploy
Restore:DB                  Restore a db backup to the local server
Restore:Remote:DB           Restore a db backup to the remote server
Site:Push                   Push local site to the remote server (files and database)
Version                     Displays the consh version


Hooks can be fired after key points of the execution. I was needing a way to pull files from a separate file location on the server into the main files folder and update the file storage location in the database for one project.

Hooks should either be a Closure or in a file which resides in <project_folder>/consh/hook/hook_class_name.php

A simple hook may look something like the following

//filename: /home/user/workspace/project_name/consh/hook/pull.php
class HookPull
    // sync files & then update the database to use a file location which works locally
    public static function post_pull()
        $to_dir = C5_DIR . "/" . "files/";
        $output = shell_exec('rsync -az '.REMOTE_USER.'@'.REMOTE_HOST.':~/secure_files/ '. $to_dir);
        shell_exec('chmod 777 files/');
        $db = new LocalDB();
        $res = $db->execute('Update FileStorageLocations set fslDirectory="/home/user/workspace/project_name/files"');
        output("Sync of secure files and update of storage location complete", 'success');

In the consh settings file add something like

Hook::register('after_pull', null, 'HookPull', 'post_pull');

Generating a Block

run something like:

consh Generate:Block my_block_name bID:id title:string body:text page_id:page image_id:image file_id:file

to create a block in the folder /blocks/my_block_name. The block will be named 'My Block Name' and have an add / edit interface for the passed in fields

Configuration Options

There are a number of required and optional configuration values which can be used to customize how consh interacts with the remote site.

SSH / Host connection Information


The remote host that the site runs on


The username on the remote system to ssh in as


The full path to the home folder of the website


Where the document root is on the remote server


Currently this is not used as only ssh-key based authentication is used


Currently not used and is always true


This should point to your ~/.ssh/ file path


This should point to your ~/.ssh/id_rsa file


If you are running ssh on a port besides 22 you will want to update this

Remote Database Connection Details


The host the remote website uses to connect to the database (usually localhost)


The username the remote website uses to connect to the database


The password the remote website uses to connect to the database


The database name the remote website uses

Git / Deployment information


Which branch to use when deploying (use master if you're not sure)


Which remote to use when deploying (use origin if you're not sure)


Currently only git_pull is supported. Future plans for a strategy more similar to capistrano's multiple versions, etc are in place.



Where to store the contents of the consh backup:db command