The stories that teach us about data, where to get it, and how to use it for our benefit.
- analytics - Ah, analytics. The lifeline of any business.
- big-data - Gather and organize and process insights from large datasets with new computer strategies and technologies
- big-data-analytics
- data - Data is the king, queen, oil, sun, and the moon.
- data-analysis - "Data is a precious thing and will last longer than the systems themselves" ~ Tim Berners Lee
- data-analytics - No matter the project, data analytics are a must.
- data-engineering
- data-science - The science of using computer programs to sift through thousands of data points and then using computer programs to present that data in a visual format.
- data-scraping
- data-storage
- data-structures
- data-visualization - When your data can't be explained by plain words.
- databases
- datasets A data set (or dataset) is a collection of data. Data is information translated into a movable form. Learn how to manipulate datasets
- neural-networks - The crux of deep learning algorithms. Neural networks mimic the way that biological neurons signal to one another in the human brain.
- personal-data-security
- python-programming - Whatever you use it for, python is an easy to learn and extremely versatile tool.
- tensorflow