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There will be more mountains to climb and higher ones each time. The locations and timings will differ and so will your purpose and vision each time

My post will help you to start work from home by teaching you to become a Software Development.

Anybody who has ever used an API won’t question the benefits you get when using it and will probably notice the load of work it takes upon itself. The variety of APIs will fit any developer’s needs, so if you want your app to quote Marvel movies, there’s an API for that. But that’s a separate topic for discussion, because today we’re going to have a look at itinerary planners.

While the industry is still recovering from pandemic-era losses, the pandemic actually accelerated the need for more efficient and intelligent technologies.

The world’s leading tourism corporation filed for liquidation after years of accounting malpractice. A new accounting technology might have prevented that. 

A How-To Guide on Creating a Cloud Collaborative Workspace using Pylon and Tin, with the help of Git respositories. No installation needed!

The travel industry has been transformed by the use of facial detection algorithms streamlining processes and reducing hassle at different checkpoints. Airports, train stations and hotels have done away with long cues that required people to submit identity documentation and have them manually verified by officials. The whole process is being humanised by minimizing security processes and make the airport experience smoother. 

Please feel free to add comments to this doc and add your investment theories and options for nomads. Photo by Pawel Janiak (Unsplash)

Machines may not have taken over the world yet, but they are seeping into our lives and making it better. AI is changing every aspect of our lives. From self-driving cars to talking bots, there are so many examples of AI in use today. The technology is disrupting so many industries, and the travel industry isn’t exempt from this. Gone are the days when you had to count on a travel agent to plan your next vacation. You no longer need to engage yourself in that tiresome chain of conversations with your agent for your travel arrangements. AI now infiltrates every aspect of the travel industry. With the help of this technology, you can get personalized and intelligent travel solution tailored according to your needs.

With the new year starting, everyone is thinking about their goals for the year. Here's what the HN community had to say.

"While Q2 2020 is expected to recover slowly, I’m personally expecting the major recovery to take place from Q3 mainly for domestic travel with a full recovery, including international travel, towards Q4."

If you travel frequently, you should know how to safeguard your data. Think about these things before taking off on your next vacation.

Airbnb business case study reveals what makes Airbnb so successful, worth $70.39 billion. It is super convenient for both the renter and the owner. Learn more.

Everyday, we're working as developers, social media specialist, SEO specialists and we really enjoy our jobs.

We’ve shortened the list to 5 essential mobile apps that you’ll need on your vacations, whether you go hiking or sunbathing.

A lot of people aren’t aware that there are more than 80 different social media platforms and protocols. is the world’s leading cryptocurrency-friendly hotel booking services with the best prices on 2 million+ properties worldwide.

Shawn Younai is a travel hacker, the founder of, and a cyber security expert.

In May 2020, Deloitte mapped out 4 potential scenarios for the global travel and hospitality industry to get to the “next normal.” Each scenario evaluated known unknowns such as disease severity, government collaboration, healthcare response, economic consequences, and social cohesion.

We never could have predicted the events of 2020 that would shape our world and change the global corporate workforce as we know it. For a corporate culture agency specializing in corporate retreats and travel, the closing of borders and grounding of flights was daunting, to say the least. However, we chose to rise to the challenge and pivoted from connecting people through travel, to doing so in the virtual world when that became the only option.

The travel industry, post-Covid, actually looks a lot brighter thanks to the travel tech that erupted out of the woodwork when everyone was trapped at home.

How local and global businesses can integrate Covid-19 vaccination checks into identity verification and drive SSI adoption is apparently Virgin Atlantic’s choice of domain for its In-flight Wi-Fi landing page. But what does that mean?

APIs are useful tools in general but can be made exceptionally useful when combining a number of them to accumulate information to help you plan trips.

In like manner is this current in the Frozen Sea increased and maintained by the Dwina, the river Ob, etc.

Technology has taken leaps and bounds in the way that we travel. From couchsurfing to luxury holiday home sharing, there’s an answer to every desire.

Lisbon is no doubt a wonderful city, history, wine, architecture. On the other hand, Web Summit is horrible, an overhyped event with crowds of students, omnipotent sponsors, and off-target audience for a whole lot of money. 

First, as Gemma Frisius reciteth, there went from Europe three brethren though this passage: whereof it took the name of Fretum trium fratrum.

Americans may well claim the pride of inheritance in these brave annals of adventure on untried seas and to unknown lands.

Jeremy Foo, Founder and CEO at TripCandy's views on how the travel industry is being affected by the crypto revolution and what he expects from it in the future

Every great empire in the history of mankind eventually disintegrated and fragmented into smaller states. Some of those states became empires of their own, sometimes larger than the predecessors.

[32. How to Travel to Africa During

COVID-19]( Things to know before traveling to Africa during COVID-19.

In this slogging thread, our community shares their best suggestions on tech, financial, work, travel, gaming, and pop-culture-themed blogs to follow.

We often pay for air tickets more than necessary. And most of us know about that. However, we sometimes just have no time or patience to find better deals. That’s the reason why email subscribing services, sending their users notifications about advantageous flight deals, have recently become popular. They commonly work as freemium services offering free or paid subscription plans. Since this market is relatively young, we saw an opportunity to enter it with our product and launched our Manyflights system in late December.

The like whereof also happeneth in the Frozen Sea, which proveth but small continuance of that sea toward the east.

I have a question for you

In Memory of a Brother Drowned at Sea.

Japan is home to many things and is one of the longest-lasting civilizations in the world. There are many things the country has to offer.

You open Facebook and spot your friend on the beach with a cocktail in hand, and then your colleague in some picturesque settings that are, most certainly, far away from the office. Moreover, the ads with stunning snaps of different resorts are chasing you every time you open the browser. Travelling is no longer about intricate plans, large budgets and “we can afford it twice a year” thing. People want to discover more — and not only millennials, senior travelers are making more and more travels each year. Reflecting the demand, the market graciously responds with the reduced prices and sweet propositions to the increasing needs.

These letters were sent the next year after the date of King Edward’s letters, 1554.

Travelers are shifting to private properties instead of crowded hotels and resorts. Many prefer driving to flying and have returned to using travel advisors and trip insurance. As the industry is relentlessly transforming, businesses need to follow emerging trends to stay afloat. I had the opportunity to sit down and talk about the hottest emerging trends in the travel industry with Tatiana Buyanova, a head of business development at Travelpayouts, an affiliate marketing network focused on travel, shared insights on five emerging trends.

How I gained more for less than a fifth of the price of a top MBA

This article is the second in a three part series. If you want to read the first one you can do here.


Our journey so far has comprised of one year in South East Asia, five months in Australia and New Zealand, two months in Berlin, two months in the UK, and one month in Eastern Europe. Now we’re working our way through South America, having explored Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia. At the time of writing we’re actually on a bus to Peru, trying to type while bouncing around on the terrible roads out here!

Looking for a little fun and adventure in your life? 

The story of our first contact with Russia belongs to the days of Ivan the Terrible. 

The Chinese have a curse: “May you live in interesting times.”

The Discovery of Muscovy by Richard Hakluyt, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!

The Boy's Hakluyt: English Voyages of Adventure and Discovery by Richard Hakluyt, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series.

Here are some of the features that proved to be essential and valued by users.

But by the north-west we may safely trade without danger or annoyance of any prince living, Christian or heathen, it being out of all their trades.

Transitioning to a hybrid future of travel with the opportunity to build out more tourism experiences in the metaverse.

When the travel industry will recover after the pandemic, what will the travel experience look like and how modern tech will influence it?

For if they had come by the Cape of Good Hope, then must they, as aforesaid, have fallen upon the south parts of America.

To the North-West for the search of the passage or strait to China, written by Christopher Hall, and made in the year of our Lord 1576.

With the failure of this enterprise Cabot again left England and reëntered the service of Spain, taking the post of “pilot major.”

It hath been attempted by Corterialis the Portuguese, Scolmus the Dane, and by Sebastian Cabot in the time of King Henry VII.

A passage by way of “Cathay” had the most powerful attractions.

From these two narrations, the one supplying details omitted by the other, the full graphic story is to be drawn.

Voyages in Search of the North-West Passage by Richard Hakluyt, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!

Not long after he is found turning from the Northwest Passage and advising a new voyage for the discovery of a Northeast route to India.

The titles of the three-volumed second edition set forth the contents of each book with the same minute detail as that of the initial volume of 1589.

It is to be considered that of the Bona Speranza no word nor knowledge was had at this present day, nor yet of the arrival of the ships or goods from Scotland.

Richard Hakluyt was of an ancient Hertfordshire family, dating back in that historic county to the thirteenth century.

With regard to the island Britannia, it is of considerable length to the north-east, being eight hundred miles long and only two hundred miles broad. 

And to certify you of the weather here, men say, that these three hundred years was never so warm weather in this country at this time of the year.

Likewise Hieronimus Fracastorius, a learned Italian, and traveller in the north parts of the same land.

Whensoever you find the prices of your wares rated by the pode, consider that to be the great weight, and the pound to be small.

Nowadays everyone is glued to their phones and it’s no different in China, the mobile phone is an indispensable tool and something we just cannot live without. Hands up if it’s one of the last things you see at night and the first thing you look at in the morning? I knew it! Coming to China, a very different country with a different culture and language, your phone becomes even more vital as it is one thing that makes you feel like you’re at home and keeps you connected to it.

“Sir, Read and correct For great is the defect.”

"Henry by the grace of God, King of England and France, and lord of Ireland, to all to whom these presents shall come, Greeting.

Quarum quæ media est, non est habitabilis æstu.

Traveling is crucial in life and these are the 10 cheapest places to live in 2023.

For a time the four ships kept gallant company.

This was fittingly Hakluyt’s last published work.

By the like experiment you may find the ordinary motion of the sea in the ocean, how far soever you be off the land.

A little bote No bigger than a mannë’s thought;

The fifth testimony, out of Gomara’s “General History,” is the following extract from a history of the West Indies published in 1552–1553.

It seemeth that these trees are driven from some part of the Newfoundland, with the current that setteth from the west to the east.

“pendants and streams of purple and diverse other glorious colours, and flags of scarlet colour and silk.”

Upon the Saturday they eat flesh.

Best, furnishing a description of the spirited scenes at the departure, properly begins the story.

The 29th of July we departed from Colmogro, and the 14th of August we came to Vstioug, where we remained one day, and changed our barques, or boats.