clang-format is used to enforce a consistent code style. A .clang-format file is provided in the repository. To format all files in place you can use:
clang-format -i -style=file core/**/*.cpp core/**/*.hpp implementations/**/*.cpp implementations/**/*.hpp io/**/*.cpp io/**/*.hpp test/*.cc main.cpp
Because development concentrates mainly on main.cpp and the implementations, this shortened command can also be used:
clang-format -i -style=file implementations/**/*.cpp implementations/**/*.hpp test/*.cc main.cpp
We have to specify the folders because e.g. seq
will build their files in a subfolder as well and we don't want to format their files.
It is recommended to create a precommit file for Git so the changes are formatted automatically. For this we have to create .git/hook/pre-commit.
We also need to make sure that clang-format is installed.
A simple example would be:
#!/bin/bash echo Running clang-format on added files. for FILE in $(git diff --cached --name-only | grep -E '.*\.(c|cpp|h|hpp)\b') do clang-format -i $FILE done
Make sure to mark the file as executable with e.g. chmod +x .git/hook/pre-commit