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DappRadar DeFi Providers

Providers in this service get chain block heights and timestamps and return the balances of the locked assets in the requested block. The balances of locked assets should be found as effectively as possible, remembering that each request communicates with the blockchain. DappRadar


If dapp doesn't exist on DappRadar DeFi page, it can be submitted here.


Install Dependency

$ npm install
$ npm run build

Adding New Provider

You can see all the chains and providers that have already been added in providers and find the necessary generic functions with their definitions in the util or calculators file.

When adding a new provider, open a folder in that file and follow the convention in the integration examples below. You can test whether the integrated provider is working as written in the test section.

Don't forget to add the integration test after making sure it works.

Pull request convention

[CHAIN] [PROVIDER] integration

By submitting the code, you transfer all the rights to the code to DappRadar UAB and retain no copyright or other intellectual property rights to it.


After adding the new provider, you can test it by running this command or url:

npm run test <chain> <provider> <blocknumber>

npm run test ethereum stargate 16484613
npm run test ethereum radarstaking 16484613
npm run test bsc alpaca 25094000
npm run test polygon curve 38513512
npm run test solana saber 167690535



Some providers might not work with free RPC endpoints. RPC URLs can be changed in

Integration examples

Uniswap V2 clone integration: Sakeswap

Staking contract integrations: RADAR, CityCoins

Integration based on subgraph: Rubicon

Integration based on various smart contract methods calls: Aave, Iron

Integration where LP tokens are locked as TVL so their underlying balances have to be calculated: Autofarm

Code walk through of RADAR Staking contract integration

This integration computes RADAR token locked in DappRadar staking contract balance.

import util from '../../../../util/blockchainUtil';
import formatter from '../../../../util/formatter';
import { ITvlParams, ITvlReturn } from '../../../../interfaces/ITvl';

const START_BLOCK = 15051901;
const STAKING_REWARDS_PROXY = '0x990d156d511d0493a0b7c32d1af97e0c9e352acd';
const RADAR_TOKEN = '0x44709a920fccf795fbc57baa433cc3dd53c44dbe';

async function tvl(params: ITvlParams): Promise<Partial<ITvlReturn>> {
  const { block, chain, provider, web3 } = params;
  if (block < START_BLOCK) {
    return {};

  const proxyBalance = await util.getTokenBalances(

  const balances = {};
  formatter.sumMultiBalanceOf(balances, proxyBalance);
  return { balances };

export { tvl };

Line 5: START_BLOCK constant

const START_BLOCK = 15051901;

Dapp deployment block number.

Lines 6-7: Other constants

const STAKING_REWARDS_PROXY = '0x990d156d511d0493a0b7c32d1af97e0c9e352acd';
const RADAR_TOKEN = '0x44709a920fccf795fbc57baa433cc3dd53c44dbe';

STAKING_REWARDS_PROXY is address of contract that holds staked tokens;

RADAR_TOKEN is RADAR token contract address.

Line 9: tvl calculation function

async function tvl(params: ITvlParams): Promise<Partial<ITvlReturn>> {

Every integration must export this function. It calculates and returns locked tokens balances. It takes a single parameter params of type ITvlParams. The tvl function returns a Promise that resolves to a ITvlReturn.

params is an object which has these attributes:

  • block - block number for which TVL is calculated;
  • chain - provider's chain;
  • provider - provider's name;
  • web3 - web3 object, that let's you connect to blockchain node.

Lines 11-13: block number validation

if (block < START_BLOCK) {
  return {};

If provided block is lower than dapp deployment block, empty object is returned.

Lines 15-21: TVL calculation

const proxyBalance = await util.getTokenBalances(

If provided block is not lower than START_BLOCK, the function continues by calling the getTokenBalances function from the util module. getTokenBalances function calls ERC20 balanceOf method for every token for provided addresses.

  • @param holders - The array of addresses
  • @param tokens - The array of token addresses
  • @param block - The block number for which data is requested
  • @param chain - EVM chain name (providers parent folder name)
  • @param web3 - The Web3 object
  • @returns - The array of tokens and tokens balances of holders

Data is returned in this format:

        token: '0x44709a920fccf795fbc57baa433cc3dd53c44dbe',
        balance: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 24, c: [Array] }

util module has many helper functions that makes integrations simplier and more readable. More information can be found here

Line 24: summing balances

formatter.sumMultiBalanceOf(balances, proxyBalance);

sumMultiBalanceOf function from the formatter module sums provided balances (in this example balances object is still empty). Balances are returned in this format:

      '0x44709a920fccf795fbc57baa433cc3dd53c44dbe': BigNumber { s: 1, e: 24, c: [ 10716899567, 89084106491755 ] }

Line 25: converting balances to required format


convertBalancesToFixed function from the formatter module converts BigNumber objects to strings. Balances are returned in this format:

      '0x44709a920fccf795fbc57baa433cc3dd53c44dbe': '1071689956789084106491755'

formatter module has many helper funcions related with data transformation. More information can be found here

Code walk through of Sakeswap DEX protocol integration

This integration calculates TVL of Sakeswap protocol that is Uniswap V2 clone

import { ITvlParams, ITvlReturn } from '../../../../interfaces/ITvl';
import uniswapV2 from '../../../../util/calculators/uniswapV2';
import formatter from '../../../../util/formatter';

const START_BLOCK = 10932295;
const FACTORY_ADDRESS = '0x75e48C954594d64ef9613AeEF97Ad85370F13807';

async function tvl(params: ITvlParams): Promise<Partial<ITvlReturn>> {
  const { block, chain, provider, web3 } = params;
  if (block < START_BLOCK) {
    return {};

  const { balances, poolBalances } = await uniswapV2.getTvl(
  return { balances, poolBalances };

export { tvl };

Line 5: START_BLOCK constant

const START_BLOCK = 10932295;

Dapp deployment block number.

Lines 6: FACTORY_ADDRESS constant

const FACTORY_ADDRESS = '0x75e48C954594d64ef9613AeEF97Ad85370F13807';

Address of DEX factory. It holds addresses of all DEX pairs that belongs to this protocol.

Line 8: tvl calculation function

async function tvl(params: ITvlParams): Promise<Partial<ITvlReturn>> {

Every integration must export this function. It calculates and returns locked tokens balances. It takes a single parameter params of type ITvlParams. The tvl function returns a Promise that resolves to a ITvlReturn.

params is an object which has these attributes:

  • block - block number for which TVL is calculated;
  • chain - provider's chain;
  • provider - provider's name;
  • web3 - web3 object, that let's you connect to blockchain node.

Lines 14-20: TVL and pool balances calculation

const { balances, poolBalances } = await uniswapV2.getTvl(

If provided block is not lower than START_BLOCK, the function continues by calling the getTvl function from the uniswapV2 module. getTvl function calculates TVL of Uniswap V2 (or it's clone) using factory address. In addition to TVL it returns poolBalances object that holds data of pool balances.

  • @param factoryAddress - The address of factory
  • @param block - The block number for which data is requested
  • @param chain - EVM chain name (providers parent folder name)
  • @param provider - the provider folder name
  • @param web3 - The Web3 object
  • @param usePoolMethods - some factories use pool methods and other pair methods
  • @returns The object containing object with token addresses and their locked values and object with pool balances

Balances are returned in this format:

      '0x066798d9ef0833ccc719076dab77199ecbd178b0': BigNumber { s: 1, e: 25, c: [ 105156604450, 13181649986725 ] },
      '0x1f9840a85d5af5bf1d1762f925bdaddc4201f984': BigNumber { s: 1, e: 19, c: [ 248859, 12216779126148 ] },
      '0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599': BigNumber { s: 1, e: 6, c: [ 3462705 ] },
      '0xa1d0e215a23d7030842fc67ce582a6afa3ccab83': BigNumber { s: 1, e: 12, c: [ 1444845745234 ] }

Pool balances are returned in this format:

      '0x83970b5570e4cb5fc5e21ef9b9f3c4f8a129c2f2': {
        tokens: [
        balances: [ '66633869142732406456048', '24885912216779126148' ]
      '0xac10f17627cd6bc22719ceebf1fc524c9cfdc255': {
        tokens: [
        balances: [ '6269580334864237945077199', '9099834270207947836' ]
      '0x5f1243bce6290487b76af1d744110c0f3f7bf213': {
        tokens: [
        balances: [ '663798', '14395619' ]
      '0xf3fe52b5cd80ec9d470f163d0c938f141e8da4fb': {
        tokens: [
        balances: [ '1073794839271839181545164', '48612112952162791' ]

uniswapV2 calculator is just one of many calculators that can be use to calculate TVL of well known smart contract architectures. More calculators can be found here

Line 21: converting balances to required format


convertBalancesToFixed function from the formatter module converts BigNumber objects to strings. Balances are returned in this format:

      '0x44709a920fccf795fbc57baa433cc3dd53c44dbe': '1071689956789084106491755'

formatter module has many helper funcions related with data transformation. More information can be found here

Code walk through of Origin Dollar protocol integration

This integration calculates TVL in Origin Dollar stablecoin

import BigNumber from 'bignumber.js';
import VAULT_ABI from './abi.json';
import util from '../../../../util/blockchainUtil';
import formatter from '../../../../util/formatter';
import { ITvlParams, ITvlReturn } from '../../../../interfaces/ITvl';

const START_BLOCK = 11551793;
const VAULT_ADDRESS = '0xE75D77B1865Ae93c7eaa3040B038D7aA7BC02F70';

async function tvl(params: ITvlParams): Promise<Partial<ITvlReturn>> {
  const { block, chain, provider, web3 } = params;
  if (block < START_BLOCK) {
    return {};

  const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(VAULT_ABI, VAULT_ADDRESS);
  const assets = await contract.methods.getAllAssets().call(null, block);

  const results = await util.executeMultiCallsOfTarget(
    'checkBalance', => [asset]),

  const balanceResults = [];

  assets.forEach((address, index) => {
    const balance = BigNumber(results[index] || 0);
    if (balance.isGreaterThan(0)) {
        token: address,

  const balances = {};
  formatter.sumMultiBalanceOf(balances, balanceResults);
  return { balances };

export { tvl };

some of the steps are not mentioned as they are described in previous code walk through

Line 15: Contract instance

const contract = new web3.eth.Contract(VAULT_ABI, VAULT_ADDRESS);

Creates a new web3 contract instance with all its methods and events defined in its VAULT_ABI object.

Line 16: contract method call

const assets = await contract.methods.getAllAssets().call(null, block);

Calls Vault contract getAllAssets method for provided block number and stores return value into assets variable.

assets is equal to:


Lines 18-26: Execute multi calls of target

const results = await util.executeMultiCallsOfTarget(
  'checkBalance', => [asset]),

executeMultiCallsOfTarget function from the util module Calls EVM smart contract method with diferent parameters [params.length] times and returns its results in array.

  • @param target - The address of the smart contract to call

  • @param ABI - The json interface for the contract to instantiate

  • @param method - The smart contract method to call

  • @param params - The array of parameters or the array of parameter arrays to use in smart contract method calls

  • @param block - The block number for which data is requested

  • @param chain - EVM chain name (providers parent folder name)

  • @param web3 - The Web3 object

  • @returns The array of return value(s) of the smart contract method calls

    So in this case contract method was called 3 times, each time with diferent asset. Then return value were pushed into array and returned:

[ '11720382157066297278430886', '25859409768811', '11488127214656' ]

Lines 30-38: Merge assets and results variables

assets.forEach((address, index) => {
  const balance = BigNumber(results[index] || 0);
  if (balance.isGreaterThan(0)) {
      token: address,

assets array is iterated and balanceResults variable is filled with data that is ready to be passed to another standard function formatter.sumMultiBalanceOf. balanceResults is equal to:

        token: '0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F',
        balance: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 25, c: [Array] }
        token: '0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7',
        balance: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 13, c: [Array] }
        token: '0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48',
        balance: BigNumber { s: 1, e: 13, c: [Array] }


Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. Here is the discord