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244 lines (218 loc) · 11.9 KB


The architecture of the source directory is as such:

  • src/ - Crate root directory
  • src/api - Root directory containing raw endpoints and supporting functions
  • src/ - Source for the client
  • src/ - Contains the common error enum for this crate
  • src/ - Crate root file
  • src/*.rs - Main API functions that wrap endpoints located in src/api

For example, the PKI engine is organized as such:

  • src/api/pki/ - Contains all endpoints associated with this engine
  • src/api/pki/ - Contains all responses from the endpoints
  • src/ - Contains the high level functions for interacting with the engine

Additionally, the src/ file is further organized into modules which help break up the API functions available. For example, pki::certs contains functions for working with certificates and pki::roles contains functions for configuring roles.

This library leans heavily on rustify in order to scaffold the Vault API endpoints. Hashicorp also has extensive documentation available for all supported endpoints. Vault uses the concepts of secret engines in order to categorize the functionality offered by the software. For exampele, there's a PKI engine, KV engine, SSH engine, various database engines, etc. This library takes advantage of this categorization by breaking up the API interface to reflect the functionality available. As seen in the previous section, each engine has a dedicated directory under /api which contains the requests and responses of the API endpoints for that engine and then a single {engine}.rs file at the crate root which provides the high level API functions for the engine.


/// ## Generate Root
/// This endpoint generates a new self-signed CA certificate and private key. If
/// the path ends with exported, the private key will be returned in the
/// response; if it is internal the private key will not be returned and cannot
/// be retrieved later.
/// * Path: {self.mount}/root/generate/{self.cert_type}
/// * Method: POST
/// * Response: [Option<GenerateRootResponse]
/// * Reference:
#[derive(Builder, Debug, Default, Endpoint, Serialize)]
    path = "{self.mount}/root/generate/{self.cert_type}",
    method = "POST",
    response = "Option<GenerateRootResponse>",
    builder = "true"
#[builder(setter(into, strip_option), default)]
pub struct GenerateRootRequest {
    pub mount: String,
    pub cert_type: String,
    pub alt_names: Option<String>,
    pub common_name: Option<String>,
    pub country: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub exclude_cn_from_sans: Option<bool>,
    pub format: Option<String>,
    pub locality: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub key_bits: Option<u64>,
    pub key_type: Option<String>,
    pub ip_sans: Option<String>,
    pub max_path_length: Option<i32>,
    pub organization: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub other_sans: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub ou: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub permitted_dns_domains: Vec<String>,
    pub postal_code: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub private_key_format: Option<String>,
    pub province: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub serial_number: Option<String>,
    pub street_address: Option<Vec<String>>,
    pub ttl: Option<String>,
    pub uri_sans: Option<String>,

Above is the definition for the endpoint which generates root certificates in the PKI engine. Since there are many endpoints available in Vault, all definitions should include documentation comments that match the above format. This includes a short description of the endpoint (usually copied off the Vault API docs), basic details about the endpoint (method type, response, etc.) and then a link to where the endpoint is documented in the Vault API docs.

For a full explanation of how the rustify_derive macro works, see the docs. A brief overview follows:

  • The path parameter defines the relative API path of the endpoint. The client will automatically handle prepending the API version to the URLs and so it can be freely omitted. This parameter allows basic interpolation using curly braces as seen above. It's important to mark any fields being used in interpolation with [serde(skip)] to prevent serde from serializing them in the request body.
  • The method parameter defines the HTTP method that this endpoint is expecting. Note that some endpoints share the same path but expect different HTTP methods to be used.
  • The result parameter defines the concrete type that this endpoint is expected to return. The response from the Vault server will be attempted to be deserialized into this type. Thus, the target type should derive serde::Deserialize. Most responses from the Vault server are wrapped in a common format where the actual payload is located in the data field. The library will automatically strip this wrapper, escalating any errors found, and return the payload. Thus, the result type only needs to specify the format of the payload and not the entire wrapper. For endpoints that don't return any result, the result parameter can be omitted entirely.
  • The builder parameter adds some useful methods associated with using derive_builder and most endpoints should include this.

In some cases an endpoint may return a payload that is unknown by the library ahead of time. For example, the KV engine can return a payload that is specific to the secret being read. In cases like these it's possible to add a generic type to the result parameter, however, there are some limitations imposed by how associated types work in Rust. Specifically, we have to use PhantomData in the struct fields in order to prevent the compiler from complaining about unused generics. See UnwrapRequest for an example of this.

Alternatively, you can simply set the result/field to a serde_json::Value and then deserialize it in the higher level API function. See the read function for an example of this.

The remaining derviations for the endpoint are summarized below:

  • The Builder derivation is used to make building requests easier. The fields of the endpoint should indicate which are required and which are optional by using an Option. Combined with setter(into) and setter(strip_option) the build process for the end-user becomes much easier. The skip_serializing_none attribute informs serde to ignore fields that have a value of Option::None. Combined with Default any unset fields in the build process will default to Option::None and therefore not be serialized in the request. This is important because an empty field in some cases can actually erase the stored value.
  • The Serialize derivation is required as the request body consists of the result of serializing the endpoint. Thus, any fields you don't want to be serialized as part of the body should have the #[serde(skip)] tag added.

High-level Functions

/// Generates a new root CA
/// See [GenerateRootRequest]
pub async fn generate(
    client: &impl Client,
    mount: &str,
    cert_type: &str,
    opts: Option<&mut GenerateRootRequestBuilder>,
) -> Result<Option<GenerateRootResponse>, ClientError> {
    let mut t = GenerateRootRequest::builder();
    let endpoint = opts
        .unwrap_or(&mut t)
    api::exec_with_result(client, endpoint).await

Above is the high-level API function associated with the GenerateRootRequest endpoint. Most high-level functions will look identical with the only changes being related to the required fields, whether it accepts additional options, and the return type. A few notes:

  • All functions should have a succinct summary of what they do and link back to the documentation of the underlying endpoint. This allows the end-user to avoid a cluttered intellisense result when interacting with the API but still be able to easily click to the more detailed documentation added to the endpoint.
  • Executing endpoints requires a VaultClient and so all functions should take a reference to one.
  • Most secret engines can be mounted multiple times at different mount points. Thus, the end-user must specify which mounted secret engine they are targeting with the request.
  • The high-level API function should require the end-user pass all mandatory parameters for the endpoint. In the above example, the cert_type field in the GenerateRootRequest is required and would result in an error if it was omitted. Adding it to the function parameter list eases the burden of the end-user by specifying which ones are required.
  • Any optional request parameters should be handled by allowing the end-user to specify a Builder variant of the request. As seen above, we generate an empty builder and then use unwrap_or() to attempt to use the passed options but defaulting to our empty one if none was passed. We then attach the required parameters to the builder before executing.
  • The vaultrs::api module contains functions for executing endpoints. In particular:
    • The api::exec_with_result function executes the endpoint and returns the result as specified by the endpoint. This function will fail if an empty HTTP response or an empty data field is returned.
    • The api::exec_with_empty_result function executes the endpoint and expects the server to returned a wrapped response but the data field for that response is empty. This only occurs in rare occasions.
    • The api::exec_with_empty function executes the endpoint and expects the server to return an empty HTTP response. Most API endpoints that operate on server-side data will return an empty HTTP response.

The api::* functions will take care of most of the work of executing the endpoint for you. This includes automatically attaching the Vault token to requests as well as logging warnings found in the wrapper or returning an Err when the Vault server rejects a request. In most cases the Vault server will include an error message when a request fails and the library will automatically propagate it as needed.

Adding functionality

  1. Create a new directory under src/api for the engine type if it's not already been added.
  2. Add endpoints to src/api/{engine}/ and their associated responses to src/api/{engine}/
  3. Add high level functions that use the endpoints in src/{engine}.rs.
  4. Add tests for each high level function in tests/{engine}.rs.


All tests use a live instance of the Vault server for testing against since mocking cannot verify the endpoint structures are accurate and valid. This also allows pinning to specific versions of Vault and adding support for newer versions as needed. While the tests are not intended to test the Vault server itself, it's recommended to perform necessary setup to imitate end-user behavior.

Bear in mind that the response of an endpoint may change based on the input given by the user. For example, a different response is generated by the root CA generation endpoint depending on if an internal or external CA is requested. It's therefore important to mark fields as Optional<> where necessary and attempt to test all cases if possible.

Since some engines can have dozens of endpoints it's often better to define sub-functions for testing each endpoint and then combining them all together into a single test function. This allows you to setup the Vault server once and then test each endpoint and dramatically improves speed over testing each endpoint individually.