If you launch emojigun with no parameters, it will launch in GUI mode with a background process and tray icon. You can then use the configurator to customize your experience.
If you pass at least one parameter to emojigun, it will launch in CLI "one shot" mode. This means that the process will exit after an emoji has been copied.
EMOJIGUN - EMOJI sharing tool.
Usage: ./emojigun [OPTIONS]
-h,--help Print this help message and exit
List of images to display.
--vim Set the initial mode to VIM mode.
--rows TEXT REQUIRED Needs: --cols
How many rows to display
--cols TEXT Needs: --rows How many cols to display
--max-width TEXT Needs: --max-height
The max image width. Any images larger than this will be scaled to this width
--max-height TEXT REQUIRED Needs: --max-width
The max image height. Any images larger than this will be scaled to this height
--x-padding TEXT Needs: --y-padding
Padding between image and selection box in pixels on the x axis
--y-padding TEXT Needs: --x-padding
Padding between image and selection box in pixels on the y axis
--x-margin TEXT Needs: --y-margin
Margin between images in pixels on the x axis
--y-margin TEXT Needs: --x-margin
Margin between images in pixels on the y axis
--window-width TEXT Needs: --window-height
Window width
--window-height TEXT Needs: --window-width
Window height
--print-path Write file path to stdout instead of copying it's contents to the clipboard.
emojigun --files ~/.emoji/*.png --rows 6 --cols 10 --max-width 64 --max-height 64 --files ~/.temoji/*.png
alias emojigun-default='emojigun --rows 6 --cols 10 --max-width 64 --max-height 64 --files ~/.temoji/*.png --print-path'
convert -gravity center -background none $(emojigun-default) $(emojigun-default) +append /tmp/last-merged-emoji.png
cat /tmp/last-merged-emoji.png | xclip -selection clipboard -target image/png -i