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8. Single-page application

Goal: As a user, I want to navigate through pages without reloading the application.

Keywords: router, url pattern

  1. Add route dependency in pubspec.yaml

        route: any
  2. Create a new custom element x-route (Hints)

  • Create route.html and route.dart file. Copy this class as it is:

    import 'package:polymer/polymer.dart';
    import 'package:route/client.dart';
    class XRoute extends PolymerElement {
      XRoute.created() : super.created() {
        var router = new Router()
          ..addHandler(gamesUrl, _routeHandler(gamesUrl))
          ..addHandler(gameUrl, _routeHandler(gameUrl))
          ..addHandler(newGameUrl, _routeHandler(newGameUrl))
        route = new Route(gamesUrl);
      final gamesUrl = new UrlPattern(r'/(.*)#/games');
      final gameUrl = new UrlPattern(r'/(.*)#/games/(\d+)');
      final newGameUrl = new UrlPattern(r'/(.*)#/games/new');
      @observable Route route;
      Handler _routeHandler(UrlPattern url) => (String path) {
        print("Route changed: $url - $path");
        route = new Route(url, url.parse(path));
      int asInt(String value) => int.parse(value);
    class Route {
      final UrlPattern url;
      final List params;
      Route(this.url, [this.params = const []]);
      operator [](int index) => index < params.length ? params[index] : null;
  1. Explore this class
  • When one of registered UrlPattern is handled on url that has changed, the route attribute is updated. There is already three registered patterns:
    • #/games: to show the games list
    • #/game/1: to edit the game with id=1
    • #/games/new: to create a new game
  • The Route class contains the handled UrlPattern and the parsed parameters.
  • In databindings, parameters can be retrieved with this syntax: route[1] where 1 is the group index in regex
  1. In route.html, create two contidionnal templates to switch between x-games element and x-game-edit.
  • Check if the current route.url is the expected UrlPattern
  • Don't forget to set the gameId attribute from the parsed parameters
  1. In index.html, use x-route instead of x-game-edit and x-games.
  2. Now you can bookmark your games list!
    x-router games
