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Retrospective Sprint 5, Term 2

oliverlevy110 edited this page Feb 10, 2020 · 2 revisions
  • Retrospective on Sprint #5:
    • members in attendance: selfie proof of meeting
      • Trevor
      • Oliver
      • Henry
      • Rafael
    • what worked well
      • Rafa finished the entanglement game functionality, and Oliver added GUI components for powerups.
      • Henry completed another iteration of the tutorial. He restructured the flow and broke each explanation down further into intuitive components. Started implementation plan for tutorial in GoDot.
      • Trevor successfully finished the powerups' math and with Henry added it to the tutorial.
    • what didn't
      • Oliver is still working on powerups game code. He hasn't yet worked on connecting game components to the server.
      • Trevor is roadblocked by GoDot implementation.
    • self assessment on progress
      • where are you in relation to progress towards finalfinal product?
        • Rafa and Oliver are finishing the code for entanglement and X and H powerups. We are making progress on the tutorial, however we may finish it later than expected (still in time for Beta release).
      • lay out each of the following weeks till end of term with brief goals for each
        • Current week: Finish all quantum functionality (X and H powerups, fix bugs in entanglement). Connect all the game components with the server. Work on tutorial and quantum visualizer.
        • week 7: Implement tutorial. Continue unfinished work and finalize project. Get resources for game.
        • week 8: Publish Project
        • week 9: Review comments and make changes accordingly