By Sean Hawkins and Anna Matusewicz
cd tinder4dogz
expo start
Open the iOS simulator (and the expo app within that) and enjoy!
We built an app we call Tinder4Dogz, which is modeled off of Tinder but helps people find other dog owners to walk their dogs with. It features a stack of cards of profiles that the user swipes through in order to match with other dog walkers who want to walk with them. It also has a profile page where the user can input their information, which would be displayed to other users. Tinder4Dogz would be a great way to meet fellow dog-lovers, potential friends, and fitness buddies who live in your neighborhood.
Both us of worked on the initial commit that was based off of these tutorials: and After that, Sean worked on enabling multiple pictures for each card/account and the integration of an additional screen, the profile page. Anna worked on adding in the profile information viewing functionality and dots for photo progress.
Neither of us had ever worked with React Native before, so we got a good understanding of a new tech stack through doing this project. We also learned the basics of how to make objects draggable in an app and how to incorporate animations with other app funcationality.
Mainly, it made us more confident in creating a phone app for our Senior Design Project. We now have a general sense of what we can do within the React Native framework and what we would have to learn to add other types of features. We now are able to build on the knowledge we gained from this project, which could be taken in million different directions for various projects we could pursue in CS98.
Adding animations outside of the tutorial proved difficult. We will need to look more into the fundamentals of the animations in the future to understand exactly why we had to implement our animations in the ways we did. Most internet examples utilized absolute positioning which didn't work very well with the existing flex box structure, so we had to be very intentional about how we formated our components within the app.