In order to serve files to the client application like the Salsah GUI,
Sipi must be set up and running. Sipi can be downloaded from its own
GitHub repository: (which requires
building from source), or the published docker image.
can be used. To start Sipi, run the following command from inside the sipi/
$ docker image rm --force dhlabbasel/sipi:develop // deletes cached image and needs only to be used when newer image is available on dockerhub
$ docker run --rm -it --add-host webapihost:$DOCKERHOST -v $PWD/config:/sipi/config -v $PWD/scripts:/sipi/scripts -v /tmp:/tmp -v $HOME:$HOME -p 1024:1024 dhlabbasel/sipi:develop --config=/sipi/config/sipi.knora-docker-config.lua
is the IP of the host running the Knora
(or --config=/sipi/config/sipi.knora-docker-it-config.lua
using sipi for integration testing). Please see sipi.knora-docker-config.lua
for the settings like URL, port number
etc. These settings need to be set accordingly in Knora's application.conf
. If you use the default settings both in
Sipi and Knora, there is no need to change these settings.
Whenever a file is requested from Sipi (e.g. a browser trying to
dereference an image link served by Knora), a preflight function is
called. This function is defined in sipi.init-knora.lua
present in the
Sipi root directory. It takes three parameters: prefix
, identifier
(the name of the requested file), and cookie
. The prefix is the shortcode
of the project that the resource containing the file value belongs to.
Given this information, Sipi asks Knora about the current's users permissions on the given file. The cookie contains the current user's Knora session id, so Knora can match Sipi's request with a given user profile and determine the permissions this user has on the file. If the Knora response grants sufficient permissions, the file is served in the requested quality. If the suer has preview rights, Sipi serves a reduced quality or integrates a watermark. If the user has no permissions, Sipi refuses to serve the file. However, all of this behaviour is defined in the preflight function in Sipi and not controlled by Knora. Knora only provides the permission code.
See Authentication of Users with Sipi for more information about sharing the session ID.
If you just want to test Sipi with Knora without serving the actual files (e.g. when executing browser tests), you can simply start Sipi like this:
$ docker image rm --force dhlabbasel/sipi:develop // deletes cached image and needs only to be used when newer image is available on dockerhub
$ docker run --rm -it --add-host webapihost:$DOCKERHOST -v $PWD/config:/sipi/config -v $PWD/scripts:/sipi/scripts -v /tmp:/tmp -v $HOME:$HOME -p 1024:1024 dhlabbasel/sipi:develop --config=/sipi/config/sipi.knora-docker-test-config.lua
Then always the same test file will be served which is included in Sipi. In test mode, Sipi will not ask Knora about the user's permission on the requested file.
Additionally, these environment variables can be used to further configure Sipi:
: overridesknora_path
in Sipi's configSIPI_WEBAPI_PORT=3333
: overridesknora_port
in Sipi's config
These variables need to be explicitly used like in sipi.ini-knora.lua
-- Allows to set SIPI_WEBAPI_HOSTNAME environment variable and use its value.
local webapi_hostname = os.getenv("SIPI_WEBAPI_HOSTNAME")
if webapi_hostname == nil then
webapi_hostname = config.knora_path
server.log("webapi_hostname: " .. webapi_hostname, server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG)
-- Allows to set SIPI_WEBAPI_PORT environment variable and use its value.
local webapi_port = os.getenv("SIPI_WEBAPI_PORT")
if webapi_port == nil then
webapi_port = config.knora_port
server.log("webapi_port: " .. webapi_port, server.loglevel.LOG_DEBUG)
knora_url = 'http://' .. webapi_hostname .. ':' .. webapi_port .. '/admin/files/' .. prefix .. '/' .. identifier