This class is designed to teach DevOps engineers, Production Support staff and developers how to effectively use Terraform to manage infrastructure in a cloud environment. The course covers the best practices around the concept of infrastructure as code and then introduces how this can be best be applied using Terraform.
3 days
Developers, Devops engineers, cloud architects
Basic AWS Cloud Skills would be beneficial
Basic understanding of deployment practices would be beneficial
At the end of this course, students should be able to:
What is IaC
Approaches to IaC
Terraform, Cloudformation, SAM and others
Introduction to Git
Working with Git in the Enterprise
Maintaining IaC in Git
Triggering pipelines from Git hooks
Working with a local Git repository
Working with a remote git repository
Effective use of branching
Handling conflicts
Git best practices and pull requests
Performing automated deployments
Blue / Green
In place rolling updates
Understanding how Terraform Works
Setting up Terraform
Deploying a single server using Terraform
Deploying a load balanced cluster of servers using Terraform
Arguments and Blocks
JSON syntax
Style conventions
Working with strings and numbers
Working with collection types
Working with object types
Using variables as input and output values
String and number functions
Collection related functions
Security related functions
Network related functions
File system and date related functions
Looping with for_each
Working with counters
The significance of depends_on
Working with different Providers
Using Meta-arguments
Understanding the core commands
Validating using validate
Using init, plan and apply
Using registry based modules
Creating custom modules
Publishing custom modules to a registry
How do you know what you have
Maintaining a registry of resources
The Terraform enterprise solution
Deploying, tracking and updating deployments using Terraform enterprise
Introduction to Configuration management tools
Automating configuration using Ansible
Configuring servers using Ansible
Deploying an updated application using Ansible
What should generally be done in Terraform
What should generally done using Ansible
Combining Terraform and Ansible
You are provided a sample Spring/React fullstack application
Deploy this application to AWS using either containers or EC2
Set up an appropriate pipeline for updates to be deployed