everyone gather together in peace
Jembe currently runs on the v.20 master branch of dashmate.
git clone -b master https://github.com/dashevo/dashmate.git
cd dashmate
npm install
sudo npm link
dashmate reset --hard && dashmate update
Jembe relies on https://github.com/dashameter/dashpay-ext-poc for login and state transition signing.
git clone https://github.com/dashameter/dashpay-ext-poc.git
npm ci
DashPay Ext POC expects the following env vars:
(replace the vars with your setup's values)
npm run serve
Go to chrome://extensions
and enable Developer mode in the top right.
Select "Load unpacked" and navigate to your dashpay-ext-poc/dist
folder and load it. This should add the DashPay extension to chrome, pin it to always see the icon.
git clone https://github.com/dashameter/jembe.git
(ideally you clone your fork so you can work on it)
npm ci
Jembe expects the following env variables:
export NUXT_JEMBE_CONTRACT_ID_local=gDCrXwWwXQJ9NaZkNBJuhcueD7AworqnJGV4t1h8PmH
export NUXT_MNEMONIC="rival estate inside turn journey charge window rhythm marble audit amateur bus"
(replace the vars with your setup's values)
npm run local
Jembe ships with helper scripts that will automatically store the vars in ~/.evoenv
and source them before executing a script.
npm run reset:dashmate
resets the entire dashmate docker orchestration, funds 2 mnemonics, registers two testusers on dpns, adds the dpns and jembe contract ids to the env vars
npm run reset:contract
registers a new jembe contract and adds the contract id to the env vars
npm run register:testuser
registers 2 testusers to facilitate development with dashpay-ext-poc
For detailed explanation on how things work, check out Nuxt.js docs.