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Java agent injector Manual

To use the java agent more natively, we propose the java agent injector to inject the agent sidecar into a pod.

When enabled in a pod's namespace, the injector injects the java agent container at pod creation time using a mutating webhook admission controller. By rendering the java agent to a shared volume, containers within the pod can use the java agent.

The following sections describe how to configure the agent, if you want to try it directly, please see Usage for more details.

Install Injector

The java agent injector is a component of the operator, so you need to follow Operator installation instrument to install the operator firstly.

Active the java agent injection

We have two granularities here: namespace and pod.

Resource Label Enabled value Disabled value
Namespace swck-injection enabled disabled
Pod swck-java-agent-injected "true" "false"

The injector is configured with the following logic:

  1. If either label is disabled, the pod is not injected.
  2. If two labels are enabled, the pod is injected.

Follow the next steps to active java agent injection.

  • Label the namespace with swck-injection=enabled
$ kubectl label namespace default(your namespace) swck-injection=enabled
  • Add label swck-java-agent-injected: "true" to the pod, and get the result as below.
$ kubectl get pod -l swck-java-agent-injected=true
inject-demo   1/1     Running   0          2d2h

The ways to configure the agent

The java agent injector supports a precedence order to configure the agent:

Annotations > SwAgent > Configmap (Deprecated) > Default Configmap (Deprecated)


Annotations are described in kubernetes annotations doc.

We support annotations in agent annotations and sidecar annotations.


SwAgent is a Customer Resource defined by SWCK.

We support SwAgent in SwAgent usage guide

Configmap (Deprecated)

Configmap is described in kubernetes configmap doc.

We need to use configmap to set agent.config so that we can modify the agent configuration without entering the container.

If there are different configmap in the namepsace, you can choose a configmap by setting sidecar annotations; If there is no configmap, the injector will create a default configmap.

Default configmap (Deprecated)

The injector will create the default configmap to overlay the agent.config in the agent container.

The default configmap is shown as below, one is agent.service_name and the string can't be empty; the other is collector.backend_service and it needs to be a legal IP address and port, the other fields need to be guaranteed by users themselves. Users can change it as their default configmap.

  agent.config: |
    # The service name in UI

    # Backend service addresses.

    # Please refer to to get more details.

To avoid the default configmap deleting by mistake, we use a configmap controller to watch the default configmap. In addition, if the user applies an invalid configuration, such as a malformed backend_service, the controller will use the default configmap.

Configure the agent

The injector supports two methods to configure agent:

  • Only use the default configuration.
  • Use annotations to overlay the default configuration.

Use the default agent configuration

After activating the java agent injection, if not set the annotations, the injector will use the default agent configuration directly as below.

  - args:
    - -c
    - mkdir -p /sky/agent && cp -r /skywalking/agent/* /sky/agent
    - sh
    image: apache/skywalking-java-agent:8.16.0-java8
    name: inject-skywalking-agent
    - mountPath: /sky/agent
      name: sky-agent
  - emptyDir: {}
    name: sky-agent
  - configMap:
      name: skywalking-swck-java-agent-configmap
    name: java-agent-configmap-volume

Use SwAgent to overlay default agent configuration

The injector will read the SwAgent CR when pods creating.

SwAgent CRD basic structure is like:

kind: SwAgent
  name: swagent-demo
  namespace: default
  containerMatcher: ''
    name: swagent-demo
    image: apache/skywalking-java-agent:8.16.0-java8
      - name: "SW_LOGGING_LEVEL"
        value: "DEBUG"
        value: "skywalking-system-oap:11800"
  sharedVolumeName: "sky-agent-demo"
    - "webflux"
    - "cloud-gateway-2.1.x"
    - "jdk-threading"

There are three kind of configs in SwAgent CR.

1. label selector and container matcher

label selector and container matcher decides which pod and container should be injected.

key path description default value
spec.selector label selector for pods which should be effected during injection. if no label selector was set, SwAgent CR config will affect every pod during injection. no default value
spec.containerMatcher container matcher is used to decide which container to be inject during injection. regular expression is supported. default value '.*' would match any container name. .*

2. injection configuration

injection configuration will affect on agent injection behaviour

key path description default value
javaSidecar javaSidecar is the configs for init container, which holds agent sdk and take agent sdk to the target containers. the name of the init container. inject-skywalking-agent
javaSidecar.image the image of the init container. apache/skywalking-java-agent:8.16.0-java8
SharedVolumeName SharedVolume is the name of an empty volume which shared by initContainer and target containers. sky-agent
OptionalPlugins Select the optional plugin which needs to be moved to the directory(/plugins). Such as trace,webflux,cloud-gateway-2.1.x. no default value
OptionalReporterPlugins Select the optional reporter plugin which needs to be moved to the directory(/plugins). such as kafka. no default value
BootstrapPlugins Select the bootstrap plugin which needs to be moved to the directory(/plugins). such as jdk-threading. no default value

3. skywalking agent configuration

skywalking agent configuration is for agent SDK.

key path description default value
javaSidecar.env the env list to be appended to target containers. usually we can use it to setup agent configuration at container level. no default value.

Use annotations to overlay default agent configuration

The injector can recognize five kinds of annotations to configure the agent as below.

1. strategy configuration

The strategy configuration is the annotation as below.

Annotation key Description Annotation Default value Select the injected container, if not set, inject all containers. not set

2. agent configuration

The agent configuration is the annotation like{option}: {value}, and the option support 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 、 in agent.config, such as,, etc.

3. plugins configuration

The plugins configuration is the annotation like{option}: {value}, and the option only support in the agent.config, such as,, etc.

4. optional plugin configuration

The optional plugin configuration is the annotation as below.

Annotation key Description Annotation value Select the optional plugin which needs to be moved to the directory(/plugins). Users can select several optional plugins by separating from , such as trace|webflux|cloud-gateway-2.1.x. not set

5. optional reporter plugin configuration

The optional reporter plugin configuration is the annotation as below.

Annotation key Description Annotation value Select the optional reporter plugin which needs to be moved to the directory(/plugins). Users can select several optional reporter plugins by separating from , such as kafka. not set

6. bootstrap plugin configuration

The bootstrap plugin configuration is the annotation as below.

Annotation key Description Annotation value Select the bootstrap plugin which needs to be moved to the directory(/plugins). Users can select several bootstrap plugins by separating from , such as jdk-threading. not set

Configure sidecar

The injector can recognize the following annotations to configure the sidecar:

Annotation key Description Annotation Default value The name of the injected java agent container. inject-skywalking-agent The container image of the injected java agent container. apache/skywalking-java-agent:8.16.0-java8 The command of the injected java agent container. sh The args option of the injected java agent container. -c The args command of the injected java agent container. mkdir -p /sky/agent && cp -r /skywalking/agent/* /sky/agent The resources limits of the injected java agent container. You should use json type to define it such as {"memory": "100Mi","cpu": "100m"} nil The resources requests of the injected java agent container. You should use json type to define it such as {"memory": "100Mi","cpu": "100m"} nil The name of sidecar Volume. sky-agent Mount path of the agent directory in the injected container. /sky/agent Environment Name used by the injected container (application container). JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS Environment variables used by the injected container (application container). -javaagent:/sky/agent/skywalking-agent.jar

The ways to get the final injected agent's configuration

Please see javaagent introduction for details.