marp | paginate | theme | description |
true |
true |
default |
npx @marp-team/marp-cli -o ./theme/slides.html |
- Security
- Scalability
- Governance
- Free for all
- Centralised Deployment
- Automated Deployment
- Stable Operating Environment
- Faster Feature Delivery
- Happier, More Productive Teams
- Jenkins / MS Release Manager
- Bitbucket / Gitlab Pipelines
- Github Actions
- PyViyaTools
- @sasjs/core - Macro library
- @sasjs/adapter - Connectivity
- @sasjs/cli - CI/CD and Automated Deployment
- Make Services, Folders, Groups & more
- Base SAS, Metadata, Viya
npm install @sasjs/core
- Authentication
- Bidirectional communication with SAS
npm install @sasjs/adapter
- Project Setup
- Automated Deployments
npm install --global @sasjs/cli
- Define a Target
- Client / Secret
- App Location (
sasjs folder create /some/folder -t target
sasjs folder move /some/folder /new/folder
sasjs folder delete /new/folder
sasjs run
Command | Description |
add | Provides a series of prompts used to define a SAS target along with the relevant connection details (if SAS Viya) |
build | takes all of the input jobs and services and creates a build pack |
compile | Extracts all the dependencies and input programs for each service / job and includes them in a single file ready for deployment |
context | List, export, create, edit, and delete SAS Compute contexts |
create | Initialise a SASjs repository, either in plain form or using a range of templates |
deploy | Perform the actual deployment of a SASjs project into SAS 9 or Viya |
folder | Management of logical Viya folders |
job | Manage & Execute SAS Jobs |
run | Run arbitrary SAS code in a Viya Compute Session, directly from the terminal (or commandline session) |
servicepack | The SASjs Service Pack is a collection of services and folder objects. The servicepack command lets you deploy them easily |