- type (String): Supports 2 values based on the usage
- windowMinutes (Number): Data window required for this query. It will be used to expire data in the table
- sqlQuery (String): SQL format query whuch needs to be executed to receive alerts
- sinkExchangeKey (String): RMQ exchange key to which alert will be published
- sinkRoutingKey (String): RMQ routing key for the corresponding exchange
- ruleId (String): Rule Id which needs to be deleted
Example Rule:
"type": "RULE",
"sqlQuery": "select * from TABLE",
"windowMinutes": 1,
"sinkExchangeKey": "rule-result-test",
"sinkRoutingKey": "rule-result-test"
Example Delete RUle
"ruleId": "<rule-id>",
"type": "DELETE"