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536 lines (458 loc) · 19 KB



An example Talos Linux Kubernetes cluster in libvirt QEMU/KVM Virtual Machines using terraform.

Cilium is used to augment the Networking (e.g. the LoadBalancer and Ingress controllers), Observability (e.g. Service Map), and Security (e.g. Network Policy).

LVM, DRBD, LINSTOR, and the Piraeus Operator, are used for providing persistent storage volumes.

The spin extension, which installs containerd-shim-spin, is used to provide the ability to run Spin Applications (WebAssembly/Wasm).

Usage (Ubuntu 22.04 host)

Install libvirt:

# install libvirt et al.
apt-get install -y virt-manager
# configure the security_driver to prevent errors alike (when using terraform):
#   Could not open '/var/lib/libvirt/images/terraform_talos_example_c0.img': Permission denied'
sed -i -E 's,#?(security_driver)\s*=.*,\1 = "none",g' /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf
systemctl restart libvirtd
# let the current user manage libvirtd.
# see /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d/60-libvirt.rules
usermod -aG libvirt $USER
# restart the shell.

Install Terraform:

# see
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=hashicorp/terraform
wget "$terraform_version/terraform_${$terraform_version}"
unzip "terraform_${$terraform_version}"
sudo install terraform /usr/local/bin
rm terraform terraform_*

Install cilium cli:

# see
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=cilium/cilium-cli
wget -O- "$cilium_url" | tar xzf - cilium
sudo install cilium /usr/local/bin/cilium
rm cilium

Install cilium hubble:

# see
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=cilium/hubble
wget -O- "$hubble_url" | tar xzf - hubble
sudo install hubble /usr/local/bin/hubble
rm hubble

Install kubectl-linstor:

# NB kubectl linstor storage-pool list is equivalent to:
#    kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor storage-pool list
# see
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=piraeusdatastore/kubectl-linstor
wget -O- "$kubectl_linstor_url" | tar xzf - kubectl-linstor
sudo install kubectl-linstor /usr/local/bin/kubectl-linstor
rm kubectl-linstor

Install talosctl:

# see
# renovate: datasource=github-releases depName=siderolabs/talos
sudo install talosctl-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/talosctl
rm talosctl-linux-amd64

Install the talos image into libvirt, and initialize terraform:

./do init

Create the infrastructure:

time ./do plan-apply

Show talos information:

export TALOSCONFIG=$PWD/talosconfig.yml
controllers="$(terraform output -raw controllers)"
workers="$(terraform output -raw workers)"
c0="$(echo $controllers | cut -d , -f 1)"
w0="$(echo $workers | cut -d , -f 1)"
talosctl -n $all version
talosctl -n $all dashboard

Show kubernetes information:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
kubectl cluster-info
kubectl get nodes -o wide

Show Cilium information:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
cilium status --wait
kubectl -n kube-system exec ds/cilium -- cilium-dbg status --verbose

In another shell, open the Hubble UI:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
cilium hubble ui

Execute an example workload:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
kubectl apply -f example.yml
kubectl rollout status deployment/example
kubectl get ingresses,services,pods,deployments
example_ip="$(kubectl get ingress/example -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip)"
example_fqdn="$(kubectl get ingress/example -o json | jq -r .spec.rules[0].host)"
curl --resolve "$example_fqdn:80:$example_ip" "$example_url"
echo "$example_ip $example_fqdn" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
curl "$example_url"
xdg-open "$example_url"
kubectl delete -f example.yml

Execute the example hello-etcd stateful application:

# see
# renovate: datasource=github-tags depName=rgl/hello-etcd
rm -rf tmp/hello-etcd
install -d tmp/hello-etcd
pushd tmp/hello-etcd
wget -qO- "$hello_etcd_version/manifest.yml" \
  | perl -pe 's,(storageClassName:).+,$1 linstor-lvm-r1,g' \
  | perl -pe 's,(storage:).+,$1 1Gi,g' \
  > manifest.yml
kubectl apply -f manifest.yml
kubectl rollout status deployment hello-etcd
kubectl rollout status statefulset hello-etcd-etcd
kubectl get service,statefulset,pod,pvc,pv,sc
kubectl linstor volume list

Access the hello-etcd service from a kubectl port-forward local port:

kubectl port-forward service/hello-etcd 6789:web &
sleep 3
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #1!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #2!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #3!

Delete the etcd pod:

# NB the used StorageClass is configured with ReclaimPolicy set to Delete. this
#    means that, when we delete the application PersistentVolumeClaim, the
#    volume will be deleted from the linstor storage-pool. please note that
#    this will only happen when the pvc finalizers list is empty. since the
#    pvc is created by the statefulset (due to having
#    persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy set to Retain), and it adds the
# finalizer, which means, the pvc will only be
#    deleted when you explicitly delete it (and nothing is using it as noted by
#    an empty finalizers list)
# NB although we delete the pod, the StatefulSet will create a fresh pod to
#    replace it. using the same persistent volume as the old one.
kubectl delete pod/hello-etcd-etcd-0
kubectl get pod/hello-etcd-etcd-0 # NB its age should be in the seconds range.
kubectl rollout status deployment hello-etcd
kubectl rollout status statefulset hello-etcd-etcd
kubectl get pvc,pv
kubectl linstor volume list

Access the application, and notice that the counter continues after the previously returned value, which means that although the etcd instance is different, it picked up the same persistent volume:

wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #4!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #5!
wget -qO- http://localhost:6789 # Hello World #6!

Delete everything:

kubectl delete -f manifest.yml
kill %1 && sleep 1 # kill the kubectl port-forward background command execution.
# NB the pvc will not be automatically deleted because it has the
# finalizer (set by the statefulset, due to
#    having persistentVolumeClaimRetentionPolicy set to Retain), which prevents
#    it from being automatically deleted.
kubectl get pvc,pv
kubectl linstor volume list
# delete the pvc (which will also trigger the pv (persistent volume) deletion
# because the associated storageclass reclaim policy is set to delete).
kubectl delete pvc/etcd-data-hello-etcd-etcd-0
# NB you should wait until its actually deleted.
kubectl get pvc,pv
kubectl linstor volume list

Execute an example WebAssembly (Wasm) Spin workload:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
kubectl apply -f example-spin.yml
kubectl rollout status deployment/example-spin
kubectl get ingresses,services,pods,deployments
example_spin_ip="$(kubectl get ingress/example-spin -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip)"
example_spin_fqdn="$(kubectl get ingress/example-spin -o json | jq -r .spec.rules[0].host)"
curl --resolve "$example_spin_fqdn:80:$example_spin_ip" "$example_spin_url"
echo "$example_spin_ip $example_spin_fqdn" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
curl "$example_spin_url"
xdg-open "$example_spin_url"
kubectl delete -f example-spin.yml

Access Gitea:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
export SSL_CERT_FILE="$PWD/kubernetes-ingress-ca-crt.pem"
gitea_ip="$(kubectl get ingress/gitea -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip)"
gitea_fqdn="$(kubectl get ingress/gitea -o json | jq -r .spec.rules[0].host)"
echo "gitea_url: $gitea_url"
echo "gitea_username: gitea"
echo "gitea_password: gitea"
curl --resolve "$gitea_fqdn:443:$gitea_ip" "$gitea_url"
echo "$gitea_ip $gitea_fqdn" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
xdg-open "$gitea_url"

Access Argo CD:

export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yml
argocd_server_ip="$(kubectl get -n argocd ingress/argocd-server -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip)"
argocd_server_fqdn="$(kubectl get -n argocd ingress/argocd-server -o json | jq -r .spec.rules[0].host)"
  kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" \
    | base64 --decode)"
echo "argocd_server_url: $argocd_server_url"
echo "argocd_server_admin_password: $argocd_server_admin_password"
echo "$argocd_server_ip $argocd_server_fqdn" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
xdg-open "$argocd_server_url"

If the Argo CD UI is showing these kind of errors:

Unable to load data: permission denied Unable to load data: error getting cached app managed resources: NOAUTH Authentication required. Unable to load data: error getting cached app managed resources: cache: key is missing Unable to load data: error getting cached app managed resources: InvalidSpecError: Application referencing project default which does not exist

Try restarting some of the Argo CD components, and after restarting them, the Argo CD UI should start working after a few minutes (e.g. at the next sync interval, which defaults to 3m):

kubectl -n argocd rollout restart statefulset argocd-application-controller
kubectl -n argocd rollout status statefulset argocd-application-controller --watch
kubectl -n argocd rollout restart deployment argocd-server
kubectl -n argocd rollout status deployment argocd-server --watch

Create the argocd-example repository:

export SSL_CERT_FILE="$PWD/kubernetes-ingress-ca-crt.pem"
curl \
  --silent \
  --show-error \
  --fail-with-body \
  -u gitea:gitea \
  -X POST \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "name": "argocd-example",
    "private": true
  }' \
  https://gitea.example.test/api/v1/user/repos \
  | jq
rm -rf tmp/argocd-example
git init tmp/argocd-example
pushd tmp/argocd-example
git branch -m main
cp ../../example.yml .
git add .
git commit -m init
git remote add origin https://gitea.example.test/gitea/argocd-example.git
git push -u origin main

Create the argocd-example argocd application:

# TODO why are each of these argocd commands taking ~20s to complete?
argocd login \
  "$argocd_server_fqdn" \
  --username admin \
  --password "$argocd_server_admin_password"
argocd cluster list
# NB we have to access gitea thru the internal cluster service because the
#    external/ingress domains does not resolve inside the cluster.
# NB if git repository was hosted outside of the cluster, we might have
#    needed to execute the following to trust the certificate.
#     argocd cert add-tls gitea.example.test --from "$SSL_CERT_FILE"
#     argocd cert list --cert-type https
argocd repo add \
  http://gitea-http.default.svc:3000/gitea/argocd-example.git \
  --username gitea \
  --password gitea
argocd app create \
  argocd-example \
  --dest-name in-cluster \
  --dest-namespace default \
  --project default \
  --auto-prune \
  --self-heal \
  --sync-policy automatic \
  --repo http://gitea-http.default.svc:3000/gitea/argocd-example.git \
  --path .
argocd app list
argocd app wait argocd-example --health --timeout 300
kubectl get crd | grep
kubectl -n argocd get applications
kubectl -n argocd get application/argocd-example -o yaml

Access the example application:

kubectl rollout status deployment/example
kubectl get ingresses,services,pods,deployments
example_ip="$(kubectl get ingress/example -o json | jq -r .status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip)"
example_fqdn="$(kubectl get ingress/example -o json | jq -r .spec.rules[0].host)"
curl --resolve "$example_fqdn:80:$example_ip" "$example_url"
echo "$example_ip $example_fqdn" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
curl "$example_url"
xdg-open "$example_url"

Modify the example application, by bumping the number of replicas:

pushd tmp/argocd-example
sed -i -E 's,(replicas:) .+,\1 3,g' example.yml
git diff
git add .
git commit -m 'bump replicas'
git push -u origin main

Then go the Argo CD UI, and wait for it to eventually sync the example argocd application, or click Refresh to sync it immediately.

Delete the example argocd application and repository:

argocd app delete \
  argocd-example \
argocd repo rm \
curl \
  --silent \
  --show-error \
  --fail-with-body \
  -u gitea:gitea \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  "$gitea_url/api/v1/repos/gitea/argocd-example" \
  | jq

Destroy the infrastructure:

time ./do destroy

List this repository dependencies (and which have newer versions):


Update the talos extensions to match the talos version:

./do update-talos-extensions



# see
talosctl -n $all support && rm -rf support && 7z x -osupport && code support
talosctl -n $c0 service ext-qemu-guest-agent status
talosctl -n $c0 service etcd status
talosctl -n $c0 etcd status
talosctl -n $c0 etcd alarm list
talosctl -n $c0 etcd members
talosctl -n $c0 get members
talosctl -n $c0 health --control-plane-nodes $controllers --worker-nodes $workers
talosctl -n $c0 inspect dependencies | dot -Tsvg >c0.svg && xdg-open c0.svg
talosctl -n $c0 dashboard
talosctl -n $c0 logs controller-runtime
talosctl -n $c0 logs kubelet
talosctl -n $c0 disks
talosctl -n $c0 mounts | sort
talosctl -n $c0 get resourcedefinitions
talosctl -n $c0 get machineconfigs -o yaml
talosctl -n $c0 get staticpods -o yaml
talosctl -n $c0 get staticpodstatus
talosctl -n $c0 get manifests
talosctl -n $c0 get services
talosctl -n $c0 get extensions
talosctl -n $c0 get addresses
talosctl -n $c0 get nodeaddresses
talosctl -n $c0 netstat --extend --programs --pods --listening
talosctl -n $c0 list -l -r -t f /etc
talosctl -n $c0 list -l -r -t f /system
talosctl -n $c0 list -l -r -t f /var
talosctl -n $c0 list -l -r /dev
talosctl -n $c0 list -l /sys/fs/cgroup
talosctl -n $c0 read /proc/cmdline | tr ' ' '\n'
talosctl -n $c0 read /proc/mounts | sort
talosctl -n $w0 read /proc/modules | sort
talosctl -n $w0 read /sys/module/drbd/parameters/usermode_helper
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/os-release
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/resolv.conf
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/containerd/config.toml
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/cri/containerd.toml
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/cri/conf.d/cri.toml
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/kubernetes/kubelet.yaml
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/kubernetes/kubeconfig-kubelet
talosctl -n $c0 read /etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubeconfig
talosctl -n $c0 ps
talosctl -n $c0 containers -k


cilium status --wait
kubectl -n kube-system exec ds/cilium -- cilium-dbg status --verbose
cilium config view
cilium hubble ui
# **NB** cilium connectivity test is not working out-of-the-box in the default
# test namespaces and using it in kube-system namespace will leave garbage
# behind.
#cilium connectivity test --test-namespace kube-system
kubectl -n kube-system get leases | grep cilium-l2announce-


kubectl get events --all-namespaces --watch
kubectl --namespace kube-system get events --watch
kubectl --namespace kube-system debug node/w0 --stdin --tty --image=busybox:1.36 -- cat /host/etc/resolv.conf
kubectl --namespace kube-system get configmaps coredns --output yaml
pod_name="$(kubectl --namespace kube-system get pods --selector k8s-app=kube-dns --output json | jq -r '.items[0]')"
kubectl --namespace kube-system debug $pod_name --stdin --tty --image=busybox:1.36 --target=coredns -- sh -c 'cat /proc/$(pgrep coredns)/root/etc/resolv.conf'
kubectl --namespace kube-system run busybox -it --rm --restart=Never --image=busybox:1.36 -- nslookup -type=a
kubectl get crds
kubectl api-resources

Storage (lvm/drbd/linstor/piraeus):

# NB kubectl linstor node list is equivalent to:
#    kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec deploy/linstor-controller -- linstor node list
kubectl linstor node list
kubectl linstor storage-pool list
kubectl linstor volume list
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec daemonset/linstor-satellite.w0 -- drbdadm status
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec daemonset/linstor-satellite.w0 -- lvdisplay
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec daemonset/linstor-satellite.w0 -- vgdisplay
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec daemonset/linstor-satellite.w0 -- pvdisplay
  kubectl -n piraeus-datastore get pods \
    --field-selector spec.nodeName=w0 \
    --selector \
    --output 'jsonpath={.items[*]}')"
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec "pod/$w0_csi_node_pod_name" -- lsblk
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec "pod/$w0_csi_node_pod_name" -- bash -c 'mount | grep /dev/drbd'
kubectl -n piraeus-datastore exec "pod/$w0_csi_node_pod_name" -- bash -c 'df -h | grep -P "Filesystem|/dev/drbd"'