Trello features
- Single board
- Re-orderable lists and tasks
- Deleteable lists and tasks
Task functionality
- Title, description, date
- Quick entry and full entry modal
- Icons and colors to indicate due and overdue items
- Editable tasks
UI features
- Fast keyboard interaction
- Smooth animation
State management
- Vuex state management
- Persistence
## Planned features
- Multiple boards
- New board
- New board templates
- Routing
- Online storage
- Authentication
- Search (home and board)
- Multiple task select
- either by marquee or keyboard modifier
- then potentially drag
- if not, an action
- Undo / redo
- Keyboard navigation between cards, including
- up, down
- left, right
- edit, complete, delete
- Types
- Board types, i.e. Kanban, To do
- List types, i.e. "done" column
- Feature plugin architecture