“An automaton (plural: automata) is a self-operating machine. The word is sometimes used to describe a robot, more specifically an autonomous robot. Used colloquially, it refers to a mindless follower.” (Wikipedia)
deterministic, acyclic, finite-state automata compact size, fast linear lookup
Minimizing yields the FSA:
keyvi is using so called "incremental construction", the alternative are obviously non-incremental algorithms. If you are curious, there are some instruction classes available on youtube.
keyvi is only about text/string automata. There are other use cases for finite state techniques, e.g. modeling real control flows.
Register = Ø
while (another word):
Word = next word in lexicographic order
CommonPrefix = common_prefix(Word) #automata lookup
LastState = last_state (CommonPrefix)
CurrentSuffix = Word [length(CommonPrefix + 1):]
if LastState.has_Children():
add_suffix(LastState, CurrentSuffix)
func replace_or_register(State):
Child = last_child(State)
if (has_children (Child):
if Register.find(Child):
last_child = Register[Child]
Register = Ø
current_word = next word in lexicographic order
while (another word):
new_word = next word in lexicographic order
common_prefix = common_prefix(current_word, new_word)
feed_stack ( current_word , length( common_prefix), length ( current_word ) )
consume_stack ( length ( common_prefix ) )
current_word = new_word
feed_stack ( current_word, 0, length ( current_word ) )
consume_stack ( 0 )
func feed_stack( word, begin, end ):
for ( i = begin, i<end, ++i ):
unpacked_state_stack.insert(i, word[i])
unpacked_state_stack.insert(end, “final”)
func consume_stack(end):
while ( highest_stack > end ):
stack_entry = unpacked_state_stack.pop(highest_stack)
state = add_state (stack_entry)
unpacked_state_stack.connect ( highest_stack, state )
Code: General entry point: generator
Unpacked_State_Stack: unpacked_state_stack
Building a tiny automata containing just 4 strings:
The FSA is built from "right to left", the root state is written last.
- use sorted data characteristic: compare only the last two words
- no temporary state creation as with replace_or_register, which can be problematic depended on underlying data structure (e.g. Sparse Array)
- no recursion (as in replace_or_register)