This is a brief explanation on how to schedule a task to run on each log on.
Since the cron utility does not offer ONLOGON
option (or I could not figure out how), the simplest way I found was:
make a small bash script...
sudo gedit
...containing the following 3 lines...
#!/bin/bash sleep 180 /usr/bin/Rscript ~/projects/packt-scraper/R/check_and_run_scraper.R
give it permissions...
chmod +x
...and add it to the startup applications in
I followed the approach outlined in this answer and it worked for me.
The task itself has a 3 minute delay - which means the notification should pop up 3 minutes after login.
The windows task scheduler utility does have a ONLOGON
option which makes it even easier and we can do everything from withing R itself.
# of course there is already an R package for this
if (!require("taskscheduleR"))
# path to Rscript
rscript_exe <- file.path( R.home(), "bin", "Rscript.exe" )
# path to the check-and-run script
proj_dir <- # getwd() # if you cloned this as Rproj
script_path <- file.path(proj_dir, "check_and_run_scraper.R")
# schedule script to run
taskscheduleR::taskscheduler_create(taskname = "packt_book_scraper",
rscript = script_path,
schedule = "ONLOGON",
Rexe = rscript_exe,
starttime = Sys.Date()