A small and easy-to-use tween engine built on top of @smoovy/ticker. It's meant to be simple and not include too many edge cases. So basically tween values. It supports fromTo, timelines, stagger etc. like many animation libraries.
yarn add @smoovy/tween
npm install --save @smoovy/tween
Import the tween
import { tween } from '@smoovy/tween';
Every tween is going to be started with the fromTo
{ x: 0 },
{ x: 100 },
duration: 200,
on: {
update: ({ x }) => {
// Do something with "x"
The following easing functions are supported out-of-the-box:
import { easings } from '@smoovy/easings';
To use one of these, you can just add it to the tween options:
{ x: 0 },
{ x: 100 },
duration: 200,
easing: easings.ExpoOut
The default easing is linear:
(x) => x
You can implment your own easing functions. Just follow this pattern:
type Easing = (x: number) => number
By default the object you're passing as an "input" will be mutated. To prevent mutation, you need to disable it:
const someValues = { x: 0, y: 0 };
{ x: 100, y: 100 },
duration: 200,
mutate: false,
on: {
update: (values) => {
// someValues.x is still 0
Supports opacity
and all transforms
const element = document.querySelector('.target');
{ x: 100, y: 100 },
{ duration: 200 }
// rotate and move
{ x: 100, rotate: 100 },
{ duration: 200 }
// change the units to use
{ y: 100 },
duration: 200,
units: { y: '%' }
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('.target');
{ x: 100, y: 100 },
stagger: {
// determines the intersection perecentage between each tween
// it uses the neighbors duration so you don't have to keep track
// of the duration yourself. This makes all items start 30% before
// the end of the next tween
offeset: -0.3,
// this would start all simultaneously
// offset: -1.0
timline: {
onComplete: () => console.log('all tweens complete')
// ... same properties as above
const element1 = document.querySelectorAll('.target1')
const element2 = document.querySelectorAll('.target2')
const timeline = tween.timeline({
onComplete: () => conosole.log('timeline completed')
{ x: 100, y: 100 },
{ duration: 200 }
{ x: 100, y: 100 },
{ duration: 200 }
), {
offset: -0.2 // start 20% before element1 has finished (overlap)
All tweens, staggers and timelines can be awaited.
const tween1 = await tween.to(
{ x: 0 },
{ x: 100 },
duration: 200,
easing: easings.ExpoOut
// will be reversed and repeated once the first anaimation is done
There's no option for that, but you can combine onComplete
and start
// this will loop idefinitely between 0 and 100 (back and forth)
// you can remove `reverse` to so it always goes form 0 to 100
const tween1 = tween.to(
{ x: 0 },
{ x: 100 },
duration: 200,
easing: easings.ExpoOut,
onComplete: () => tween1.reverse().start()
Below are all the available tween options.
represents the input type
// An easing implementation
// Default: Circ.out
easing: EasingImplementation;
// The duration in milliseconds
// Default: 0
duration: number;
// Prevent object mutation
// Default: true
mutate: boolean;
// Overwrite tween for same object reference
// Default: true
overwrite: boolean;
// Delay before start (in ms)
delay: number;
// Determines if the tween should start immediately
// Default: true
autoStart: boolean;
// All callbacks (optional)
onStop: () => void;
onPause: () => void;
onStart: () => void;
onReset: () => void;
onDelay: (passed: number, progress: number) => void;
onUpdate: (values: Values, progress: number, target: HTMLElement) => void;
onOverwrite: () => void;
onComplete: () => void;
See the LICENSE file for license rights and limitations (MIT).