This is a Github Action that will collect Jest code coverage and create an informative badge using Shields.
- A free highly customizable badge, automatically updated and fetched by url.
- Badge can either show statements, conditionals or methods coverage percentage.
- Color of badge can be configured depending on the code coverage percentage.
- Badge get from Shields Endpoint, so it is very easy to override styles and badge information via url parameters.
- Customizable test command.
- Code coverage parsed from Clover XML report default Jest coverage report.
- Badge information stored in Key/Value as a Service (KVaaS) free cloud service. No registration required.
Note: Badge information will be public available. Anyone who knows the url can edit it. Here is an example of the information being stored:{"schemaVersion":1,"label":"coverage","message":"75.4.1%","color":"green","namedLogo":"jest"}
Command that will execute and collect test coverage data. Should include --coverage option. Default "npx jest --coverage"
Coverage type to be gathered. Valid options are: statements, methods or conditionals. Default "statements"
Label for the badge. Default "coverage"
Show Jest logo. Default "true"
Configuration for the badge colors depending on the code coverage percentage. Default "[{"color": "red", ">=": 0, "<": 30 }, {"color": "orange", ">=": 30, "<": 40 },{"color": "yellow", ">=": 40, "<": 60 },{"color": "yellowgreen", ">=": 60, "<": 70 },{"color": "green", ">=": 70, "<": 90 },{"color": "brightgreen", ">=": 90, "<=": 100 }]"
KVaaS key url where to post coverage values. If not present the action will generate a new url. More info in
The URL of the generated badge.
- Generate a new key KVaaS url to store your badge information.
- Run in shell:
curl -X POST
- Output example:
- Add the following into your github workflow, using the output from 1).
uses: luk-schweizer/[email protected] with: kvaas-key-url: ''
- Add the badge in your readme file, using the output from 1).

- That's it! Badge will be automatically updated every time the workflow runs. Note: It can take some minutes until the badge updates in github. This happens because github uploads and manage images through camo proxy and it can take some time to update the source.
With shields endpoint you can override your badge with url parameters. For example, we can change the color, the label, the logo and the style:

More information in
Multiple badges can be generated with different coverage percentage.You will need to follow the How to use section for each badge. For example:
- Workflow:
- name: Statements Badge Coverage uses: luk-schweizer/[email protected] with: coverage-type: statements badge-label: statements kvaas-key-url: '' - name: Conditionals Badge Coverage uses: luk-schweizer/[email protected] with: coverage-type: conditionals badge-label: conditionals kvaas-key-url: '' - name: Methods Badge Coverage uses: luk-schweizer/[email protected] with: coverage-type: methods badge-label: methods kvaas-key-url: ''
- Readme: