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Kattis Solutions

This repository contains my Kattis solutions. Solutions may be in multiple languages. You can check the table under solved problems to see which ones I've solved, and in which languages.

Editor Setup

I am using vscode as my editor. Using the Code Runner extension, I have a single hotkey that will compile/build/run many languages. I have bound the run command to CTRL+SHIFT+B, which is vscode's default build keybind.

Related settings from settings.json:

  "code-runner.executorMap": {
    // modified / using
    "cpp": "cd $dir && mkdir -p build && g++ $fileName -o build/$fileNameWithoutExt && $dir/build/$fileNameWithoutExt",
    // -> move into directory of file
    // -> make 'build' directory
    // -> compile file.cpp to build/file using g++
    // -> execute ./build/file

    "java": "java",
    // -> run java /path/to/; this compiles in-memory and runs the file

    "haskell": "runghc",
    // -> run runghc /path/to/file.hs; this yeets the file into the interpreter and runs it

Solved problems

Problem Solutions
aaah hs, java
abc hs, java
addingtrouble cpp, hs
alphabetspam hs, java
apaxiaaans hs, java
apaxianparent cpp, hs
autori cpp, hs, java
avion cpp, hs
batterup cpp, hs
battlesimulation hs, java
bela cpp, hs, java
betting cpp, hs
bijele cpp, hs, java
bookingaroom cpp
bus cpp, hs
busnumbers hs, java
canadianseh cpp, hs
carefulascent hs, java
carrots cpp, hs
cetvrta cpp, hs, java
chanukah cpp, hs
classfieldtrip cpp, hs
coconut cpp
codetosavelives cpp
cold cpp, java
conundrum java
countingclauses cpp
countthevowels cpp
cprnummer cpp
cudoviste cpp
cups cpp
cutinline cpp
cutthenegativity cpp
datum cpp
deathknight cpp
detaileddifferences java
dicecup cpp, java
dicegame cpp
different java
digitswap cpp
divvyingup cpp
doublepassword cpp
drmmessages cpp
drunkvigenere cpp
dst java
easiest java
echoechoecho cpp
electricaloutlets cpp
eligibility cpp
empleh java
encodedmessage cpp
estimatingtheareaofacircle cpp
everywhere cpp, java
eyeofsauron cpp
fadingwind cpp
faktor cpp, java
fiftyshades cpp
filip cpp, java
finalexam2 cpp
findingana cpp
forcedchoice cpp
freefood cpp
fyi cpp
gcvwr cpp
gerrymandering cpp
ghostleg cpp
goatrope cpp
grading cpp
grassseed cpp, java
greetings2 cpp
hangingout cpp
hangman cpp
harshadnumbers cpp
heartrate cpp
heirsdilemma cpp
hello cpp, java
helpaphd cpp
herman java
hissingmicrophone cpp
hittingtargets cpp
homework cpp
humancannonball2 cpp, java
icpcawards cpp
internationaldates cpp
isithalloween cpp
jackolanternjuxtaposition cpp
janitortroubles cpp
jobexpenses cpp
judgingmoose cpp
jumbojavelin cpp
karte cpp
kleptography cpp
knightpacking cpp
knotknowledge cpp
kornislav cpp
ladder cpp, java
laptopsticker cpp
lastfactorialdigit cpp
licensetolaunch cpp
logicfunctions cpp
lostlineup cpp
magictrick cpp
makingameowth cpp
maptiles2 cpp
methodicmultiplication cpp
metronome cpp
mixedfractions cpp
moderatepace cpp
monopol cpp
musicalscales cpp
nastyhacks cpp
nodup cpp
nsum cpp
numberfun cpp
oddecho cpp
oddities cpp, java
oddmanout cpp
ofugsnuid cpp
parking2 cpp
pet cpp, java
pieceofcake2 cpp
planina cpp, java
pokechat cpp
pokerhand cpp
pot cpp
provincesandgold cpp
prsteni cpp
ptice cpp
pyramids cpp
qaly cpp
quadrant cpp
r2 cpp, java
racingalphabet cpp
railroad2 cpp
ratingproblems cpp
rectanglearea cpp
relocation cpp
reversebinary cpp, java
rijeci cpp
romans cpp
sevenwonders cpp, java
shatteredcake cpp
sibice cpp, java
sifferprodukt cpp
simonsays cpp, java
skener cpp
skocimis cpp
skruop cpp
smil cpp
sorttwonumbers cpp
spavanac cpp, java
speeding cpp
squarepeg cpp
stickykeys cpp
stopwatch cpp
sumkindofproblem cpp
sumsquareddigits cpp
synchronizinglists cpp
t9spelling cpp
taisformula cpp
tarifa cpp, java
tetration cpp
thelastproblem cpp
timeloop cpp
transitwoes cpp
triarea cpp
trik cpp, java
twostones cpp, java
twosum cpp
ultimatebinarywatch cpp
undeadoralive cpp
upprodun cpp
weakvertices cpp
whichisgreater cpp
zamka cpp, java
zanzibar cpp