Login to Google Cloud Console with the special workshop credentials:
If you were provided with a Google Cloud Lab username setup the account by:
1 - Dismiss the offer for a free trial and select the project
2 - Select the only Google Cloud Platform project in the project list. If you don't see a project, let the instructor know!
This workshop can either be run all locally using the following setup instructions or it can be run in Google Cloud Shell.
Local Setup CLOUD SDK
./google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud init
gcloud auth login
gcloud config list
gcloud components install kubectl
If you already have an installation of kubectl in your computer you can skip this step.
Clone from the current repository, e.g.
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/THIS_REPOSITORY/istio-workshop
If you install Git for Windows you get Curl automatically too. There are some advantages:
Git takes care of the PATH setup during installation automatically. You get the GNU bash, a really powerful shell, in my opinion much better than the native Windows console. You get many other useful Linux tools like tail, cat, grep, gzip, pdftotext, less, sort, tar, vim and even Perl.