From 8d8a08a87e2bdf85ee9da4f22f8ea9e894fe0f54 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: xu_lw
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2022 10:00:11 +0800
Subject: [PATCH] Translate some entries
i18n/hx-language-pack-en/main.i18n.json | 15040 +++++++++++-----------
1 file changed, 7520 insertions(+), 7520 deletions(-)
diff --git a/i18n/hx-language-pack-en/main.i18n.json b/i18n/hx-language-pack-en/main.i18n.json
index cdf3cd2..14f028b 100644
--- a/i18n/hx-language-pack-en/main.i18n.json
+++ b/i18n/hx-language-pack-en/main.i18n.json
@@ -1,7520 +1,7520 @@
- "": [
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
- "Copyright (c) DCloud . All rights reserved.",
- "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
- ],
- "version": "1.0.0",
- "contents": {
- "NodeExtensionLauncher":{
- "msgbox.title.missingplug-ins.desc":"Extension debug feature depends [node-debug] extension,please install and retry.",
- "console.process.force.quit.error":"Process has crashed",
- "view.console.extension.title":"Extension Development"
- },
- ":/nodejs-extension-dev/package.json":{
- "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.label":"Run Extension-[${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.terminateLabel":"Stop Run Extension-[${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.debug.label":"Debug Extension-[${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.debug.terminateLabel":"Stop Debug Extension-[${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.nodejs.label":"Run Current File-[node ${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.nodejs.terminateLabel":"Stop Run-[node ${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.nodejs.debug.label":"Debug Current File-[node ${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.nodejs.debug.terminateLabel":"Stop Debug-[node ${}]",
- "contributes.launchers.nodejs-settings.label":"Node Path Settings"
- },
- ":/unicloud/package.json": {
- "": "&Run JQL Query",
- "": "&Stop JQL Query",
- "": "Delete action(&L)",
- "": "New action(&C)",
- "": "Create uni-clientDB-actions folder(&U)",
- "": "Upload DB Schema(&B)",
- "command.unicloud.newDBSchemaJson": "New DB Schema(&S)",
- "command.unicloud.newJQLFile": "New JQL file(&Q)",
- "": "Download DB Schema(&M)",
- "": "Create cloudfunctions folder(&T)",
- "": "Create database folder(&H)",
- "": "New db_init.json(&O)",
- "": "New cloudfunctions_init.json(&N)",
- "": "Create validation folder(&V)",
- "": "New validation file(&V)",
- "": "Upload validation file(&I)",
- "": "Download validation file(&T)",
- "": "Upload all validation(&K)",
- "": "Download all validation(&J)",
- "": "Download all DB Schema and validation files(&A)",
- "": "Upload all DB Schema and validation files(&E)",
- "": "Create common folder(&R)",
- "": "&New Page",
- "": "Run",
- "": "Execute JQL(&N)",
- "": "Stop JQL(&O)",
- "": "Run-LocalCloduFunction",
- "": "Stop-LocalCloduFunction",
- "": "Start debugguing-LocalCloduFunction",
- "": "Stop debugging-LocalCloduFunction"
- },
- "CLisenceDialog": {
- "": "cancel(&C)",
- "": "&Agree and Continue"
- },
- "QColorDialog": {
- "": "Pick Screen Color",
- "Cursor at %1, %2\nPress ESC to cancel": "鼠标位置 %1, %2\n按ESC键取消"
- },
- "AboutDialog": {
- "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
- "label.HBuilderX.desc.subtitle": "",
- "label.version.desc": "",
- "label.Copyright©": ""
- },
- "AppChannelManager": {
- "": "yingyongbao",
- "": "360 App Market",
- "": "HuaWei App Market",
- "": "XiaoMi App Market"
- },
- "AppPackDialog": {
- "label.appName.desc": "App Name:{1} {3} App Version:{2}",
- "": "Modify manifest.json",
- "": "Support iPhone",
- "": "Use DCloud keystore",
- "": "Use test keystore",
- "": "Support iPad(There will be a black border when running on ipad if unchecked)",
- "": "Use a jailbroken certificate (after packaging, it can only be installed on a jailbroken phone)",
- "": "Use IDP/IEP certificate",
- "label.dcloud.cert.warn.warning": "This certificate is only backward compatible for old users. Due to potential hidden dangers, the subsequent use of this certificate requires real-name authentication. Details",
- "": "Use existing keystore",
- "": "Android(apk/aab)",
- "": "iOS(ipa)",
- "": "iOS Settings",
- "label.textboxAppid.desc": "Appid",
- "label.textboxPrivateKeyPw.desc": "Key and Keystore password",
- "label.textboxiOSPrivateKeyPw.desc": "Certificate password",
- "label.textboxCertificateProfile.desc": "Provisioning profile",
- "": "Choose...",
- "label.textboxprivatekeycertificate.desc": "Certificate path",
- "": "Android Settings",
- "label.textboxAndroidPackName.desc": "Android Package Name",
- "label.textboxCertificateAlias.desc": "Key alias",
- "label.textboxCertificateFile.desc": "Keystore path",
- "label.channels.desc": "Channels Package",
- "": "None",
- "": "Customize channel package guide",
- "": "Ads",
- "": "Open all ads",
- "": "App open",
- "": "Red envelopes",
- "": "Push",
- "label.insertAdvanceadSDK.desc": "Native advanced Ads ({1}):",
- "": " document",
- "": "Document",
- "": "Document",
- "label.openBaseAds.desc": "Base Ads:",
- "": "Uni-AD helps you earn more app revenue. [Click here to uni-AD][How to use uni-AD]",
- "label.moreAdsMoreProfit.desc": "The more advertisements you open, the higher the profit",
- "": "Enable js native confusion",
- "": "Enable nvue native confusion",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "": "Common Mode(upload code and certificate,DCloud promises not to keep)",
- "": "Safe Mode(without upload code and certificate)",
- "": "detail",
- "msgbox.oldCertNotSupport.desc.error": "Debug package or dcloud old cert is not support safe mode,please use common mode",
- "msgbox.debugPackageNotSupport.desc.error": "Debug package is not support safe mode,please use common mode",
- "": "&Switch to common mode",
- "": "iOS is not support safe mode,will still use common mode.",
- "": "iOS safe mode only supports macOS",
- "": "&Continue",
- "": "&Submit",
- "dialog.appCloudPackage.title": "App cloud package",
- "msgbox.certificateWrong.desc.error": "The information of IOS, Google developer certificate is wrong, please input the right information.",
- "msgbox.iosCertificateWrong.desc.error": "The information of developer certificate of ios is wrong, please input the right information.",
- "msgbox.googleCertificateWrong.desc.error": "The information of developer certificate of Google is wrong, please input the right information.",
- "label.profileIsEmpty.error": "Profile cannot be empty",
- "label.profileNotExist.error": "The profile file does not exist",
- "label.privateKeyIsEmpty.error": "The privateKey certificate cannot be empty",
- "label.certificateAliasIsEmpty.error": "The certificate alias cannot be empty",
- "label.certificateIsEmpty.error": "Certificate cannot be empty",
- "label.manifestFileSyntaxError.error": "Manifest.json file syntax error, please check and fix",
- "label.appidIsEmpty.error": "Bundle ID(AppID) cannot be empty",
- "label.appidNonstandard.error": "Bundle ID(AppID)can only contain numbers, letters, points, and short crosses. Such as io.dcloud.HBuilder",
- "label.privateKeyNotExist.error": "can only contain numbers, letters, points, and short crosses",
- "label.packagenameIsEmpty.error": "Package name cannot be empty",
- "label.packagenameNonstandard.error": "Package name can only contain numbers, letters, underlines, and at least. It is divided into two paragraphs, each of which must begin with the letter. Such as io.dcloud.HBuilder",
- "label.certificateFileNotExist.error": "Certificate file does not exist",
- "label.manifestFileConfigError.error": "Manifest.json file configuration error, please check and fix",
- "label.manifestFileNodeError.error": "The following node is configured for error in the Manifest.json file, please check and fix",
- "msgbox.appCloudPackageFail.desc.error": "App cloud package fail",
- "msgbox.cloudServerReturnsError.desc.error": "Cloud server returns error: {1}",
- "": "App cloud package success",
- "": "{1} has been successfully submitted to the cloud server {2}",
- "label.isEmpty.error": "cannot be empty",
- "": "The dependency service is being started, please retry later",
- "label.mustInteger.error": "Must be Integer",
- "": "&Open certificate directory",
- "msgbox.signatureFailed.title": "Signature failed",
- "": "Detail",
- "": "Apple root certificate is not installed in the current system. Do you want to open the apple certificate directory(after opening, please install the certificate {1})",
- "label.fileNotExist.error": "File does not exist",
- "": "[more advertising, more revenue]",
- "groupbox.Exchange.title": "Exchange",
- "": "360 ads",
- "": "Tencent ads",
- "": "KuaiShou ads",
- "": "ChuanShanJia ads",
- "": "KuaiShou content",
- "groupbox.nativeConfusion.title": "Native Confusion",
- "": "[more setting]",
- "msgbox.serverBusyPleaseLater.desc.error": "Cloud server is busy, please try again later",
- "msgbox.NetworkErrorCheckSettings.desc.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
- "label.joinChangeAlliance.desc": "Join the exchange alliance, helps your app get more users.",
- "": "[Settings]",
- "": "[Detail]",
- "label.ThereNoManifestFile.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project root directory",
- "console.projectCancelPackageSuccessfully.warning": "Project {1} [{2}] cancel package successfully",
- "console.cancelErrorCurrentStatus.warning": "Project {1} [{2}] unable to cancel the package, The current packaging status is as follows:",
- "console.projectNoPackagingRequest.warning": "Project {1} [{2}] has no packaging request to cancel",
- "console.cancelErrorPleaseLater.error": "Project {1} [{2}] failed to cancel package, Cloud server is busy, please try again later",
- "console.cancelFailedCheckNetwork.error": "Project {1} [{2}] failed to cancel package, Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
- "": "Sending a request to cancel the package of project {1} [{2}]",
- "": "{1} is being packaged, click here to cancel",
- "": "&Hide",
- "": "Release",
- "": "Custom playground native runner(iOS's Safari remote debug must be use deverloper certificate )",
- "": "
[Configuration Guide]
- "": "&Update HBuilderX",
- "msgbox.jailbreakWarning.desc.question": "After packaging with a jailbroken certificate, it can only be installed on a jailbroken phone. Do you want to continue packaging?",
- "": "&Continue",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "msgbox.splashNotSetAll.desc.question": "{1} splash is not set all, please check continue pack or cancel and set the splash all",
- "": "Signing Sign your app with certificate",
- "": "Sign your app with keystore",
- "": "How to create certificate",
- "": "detail",
- "msgbox.HBuilderxInconsistentVersion.desc.question": "The local base version is diffrent with the base version of the server, {1}
continue pack or update HBuilderX",
- "msgbox.inconsistentVersion.desc.question": "
Current version:{1},cloud server version:{2}, more information ",
- "msgbox.cliInconsistentVersion.desc.question": "The project cli version is diffrent with the cli version of the server,
continue pack or update the project cli version",
- "msgbox.connectionServerTimedOut.desc.error": "connect server time out, please try again later",
- "label.textbox.AppID.desc": "Bundle Identifier",
- "": "detail",
- "label.plug-inIsTrialVersion.error": "the plugin {1}({2}) is probation, can only used custom or purchase in the plugin market",
- "label.BundleIDInconsistentPlug-inError.error": "The plugin {1} ios_bundle_id is not the same with iosAppID",
- "label.BundleIDInconsistentUniPushError.error": "DCloud UniPush binding appid is not the same with iosAppID",
- "label.packageNameInconsistentPlug-inError.error": "The plugin {1} android_package_name is not the same with androidPackagename",
- "label.packageNameInconsistentUniPushError.error": "DCloud UniPush binding packageName is not the same with androidPackagename",
- "": "OK",
- "msgbox.switchToSafePackaging.desc.question": "This packaging supports local fast packaging mode, which is faster and safer. Should you switch to fast packaging? [Learn more]",
- "": "&Switch to fast packaging",
- "": "&Continue cloud packaging",
- "msgbox.inTheQueue.desc.question": "It was detected that the installation package that was being made in this project was in the cloud queue, and continued packaging would cancel the production and queue up in the cloud team. Do you continue to submit it?",
- "msgbox.dependOnSafePackaging.desc.question": "Safe pack mode need plugin app-safe-pack do you want install?",
- "": "safe pack mode need plugin {1},Please install the plug-in first",
- "msgbox.resultFromServer.title": "Packaging check",
- "": "Use cloud keystore",
- "label.insertEncourageSDK.desc": "Integrated rewarded({1}):",
- "": "Interactive games(BianXianMao)",
- "msgbox.customBase.title": "The customized dock version is the same as the last version, which will cause the dock not to be automatically updated when running on the phone (it is recommended to modify the version number first). Are you sure you want to continue packaging?",
- "wechat.login.payment.sharing.same.text": "The UniversalLinks of WeChat login, WeChat payment, and WeChat sharing are inconsistent",
- "android.googleplay.aab.text": "The Android App Bundle (AAB) format used in the Android platform GooglePlay channel does not currently support safe packaging {1}. The GooglePlay channel package will be submitted to the cloud using the traditional packaging mode. Do you want to continue?",
- "qq.login.sharing.ulink.text ": "The UniversalLinks of QQ login and QQ sharing are inconsistent",
- "": "Sina Weibo login and Sina Weibo shared UniversalLinks are inconsistent",
- "msgbox.bindingspace.text": "The current project has no associated service space. Do you want to continue packaging?"
- },
- "AppPackageJob": {
- "console.checkPackingState.desc": "Check the cloud packing status...",
- "console.checkPackingResources.desc": "Check packaging resources...",
- "msgbox.resultFromServer.title": "Packaging check",
- "console.compressingPackingResources.desc": "Compressing packaging resources...",
- "console.sendingPackageToCloud.desc": "Sending a package request to the cloud...",
- "msgbox.serverBusyPleaseLater.desc.error": "Cloud server is busy, please try again later",
- "msgbox.cloudServerReturnsError.desc.error": "Cloud server returns error: {1}",
- "msgbox.networkErrorCheckSettings.desc.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
- "msgbox.inTheQueue.desc.question": "It was detected that the installation package that was being made in this project was in the cloud queue, and continued packaging would cancel the production and queue up in the cloud team. Do you continue to submit it?",
- "msgbox.fileIsOccupied.desc.error": "File {1} is occupied",
- "msgbox.projectCompilationFailed.desc.error": "The project compilation failed, please check the details in the console",
- "console.projectCompilationFailed.desc": "The project compilation failed, please check the details in HBuilder X console.",
- "console.compilingPackingResources.desc": "Compiling packing resources...",
- "console.serverTimeoutPleaseLater.desc": "Connect server time out, please try again later or check the resources whether or not is too large",
- "console.fileNotExists.desc": "Upload file failed, file not exists!",
- "console.filePermissionDenied.desc": "Upload file failed, file permission denied!"
- },
- "AppPackProgressDialog": {
- "dialog.appCloudPackage.title": "App cloud package"
- },
- "AppPackStatusCheckThread": {
- "console.projectPackagingSuccess.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] packaging success:",
- "console.projectCustomPackagingSuccess.edsc": ",Project {1} [{2}] custom packaging success,",
- "console.projectPackagingSuccessDownloading.edsc": "Project {1} [{2}] packaging success and is downloading:",
- "": "Download: ",
- "console.packagingFailedFailureLog.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] packaging failed, Failure log:",
- "console.theUrlIsTemporary.desc": "The url is temporary, The download time and frequency is limited, can not be used for official release",
- "console.projectCustomPackagingSuccess.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] custom packaging success:",
- "console.path.desc": "Path:",
- "console.selectUseCustomBase.desc": "Select Run->Run In Mobile->Select Base->Use Custom Base, and run again",
- "console.custombaseNotUpdateRelease.desc": "Notes: The custom base can not publish, and can not update resources out of HBuilderX",
- "console.type.desc": "Type:",
- "console.iOSJailbreak.desc": "IOS Jailbreak",
- "console.iOSAppstore.desc": "IOS Appstore",
- "console.androidPublicCertificate.desc": "Android DCloud certificate",
- "console.androidPublicTestCertificate.desc": "Android public test certificate",
- "console.androidOwnCertificate.desc": "Android own certificate",
- "console.projectFastPackagingSuccessed.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] fast packaging successed on cloud,We will continue to pack on local."
- },
- "AppPackStatusManager": {
- "console.packageStatusOfProject.desc": "Package status of project a {1} [{2}] :",
- "console.localPackFailed.desc": "Local pack failed,please retry or package by cloud.",
- "console.seeErrorLog.desc": "View Error Log",
- "": "Channel({1})",
- "console.openApkDir.desc": "[Open apk dir]",
- "console.time.desc": "Time:",
- "console.type.desc": "Type:",
- "console.iOSJailbreak.desc": "iOS Jailbreak",
- "console.iOSAppstore.desc": "iOS Appstore",
- "console.androidPublicCertificate.desc": "Android DCloud certificate",
- "console.androidPublicTestCertificate.desc": "Android public test certificate",
- "console.androidOwnCertificate.desc": "Android own certificate",
- "console.state.desc": "Status:",
- "console.packageSuccessed.desc": "Packaging sucess",
- "console.packageLocation.desc": "Package Location:",
- "console.packageFailed.desc": "Packaging failure",
- "console.haveBeenCancelled.desc": "Has been cancelled",
- "console.inQueue.desc": "In queue",
- "console.beingPrepared.desc": "Being prepared",
- "console.packing.desc": "Packing",
- "console.localPacking.desc": "Local packing (please don't close HBuilderX)",
- "": "Download:",
- "console.noPackagingInformation.desc": "No packaging information",
- "console.errorLog.desc": "Error log:",
- "console.successfullySubmittedCloud.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] has been successfully submitted to the cloud, the current packaging status is:",
- "console.autoReturnDownloadLink.desc": "It will return download link automatically after packaging success.",
- "console.queryPackageStatus.desc": "You can query packaging status through menu [publish]-[view status].",
- "console.waitingInLine.desc": "There is a long queuing line at peak hours on Friday evening. Please be patient.",
- "console.debuggingUseCustomBase.desc": "If it is for the 3rd party SDK debugging, use a custom base (menu run - mobile phone or simulator - make a custom base), and don't pack it repeatedly.",
- "": "Android Cloud Certificate",
- "console.googleaabplatform.text": "The Android platform GooglePlay channel uses the Android App Bundle (AAB) format, which cannot be directly installed on the mobile phone.",
- "console.selectSpace.text": "You can click the {1} button to select the service space and the installation package will be uploaded through the front-end web hosting",
- "console.webhostingsuccess.text": "After the front-end web hosting upload is successful, the console will display the download address of the installation package",
- "console.aab.detail": "Details"
- },
- "AutoCompletionListUI": {
- "window.Form.title": ""
- },
- "BeautifyFormator": {
- "console.configPathOfNode.desc": "Please configure the node.exe path correctly in the setting file"
- },
- "BrowersUtils": {
- "console.setting.desc": "Setting",
- "console.pathFind.desc": "path, found in the default settings",
- "console.nodeToUserSettings.desc": "Node, and copy it to the user settings, and then set",
- "console.value.desc": "value",
- "msgbox.fileNotSave.desc.question": "Please save current file!",
- "": "&Save file",
- "": "",
- "msgbox.cantOpenThisFile.desc.question": "The built-in server does not support opening this type of file, please configure the web server",
- "msgbox.fileNeedsToCompiled.desc.question": "The vue file cannot be run directly to the browser and needs to be compiled. If it is a web project, please run the npm command. If it is a uni-app project, please check whether the project type is correct, see"
- },
- "BuiltinBrowserHelper": {
- "": "The Built-In Browser plug-in is being upgraded, please wait...",
- "": "The Built-In Browser plug-in upgrade is complete!",
- "msgbox.doesNotInstallBrowser.desc.question": "The plug-in [Built-In Browser] is not installed, download and install it now?",
- "msgbox.downloadBrowserFailed.desc.question": "The download of the Built-In Browser plug-in failed. Do you want to try to download it again?",
- "": "Downloading Built-In Browser plug-in...",
- "": "Installing the Built-In Browser plug-in..."
- },
- "BuiltinPreViewBrowser": {
- "": "Web Browser",
- "msgbox.associatedFileNotFound.desc.warning": "The DOM node associated file was not found."
- },
- "CompileSetiingDialog": {
- "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
- "": "Browsing...",
- "label.lineeditWEAppDevToolsPath.desc": "WeChat developer tool path:",
- "label.lineeditCompilePath.desc": "Compile Path:",
- "editor.setting.title": "Setting",
- "": "Note that the selection of the installation directory is like: D:/Program Files/Tencent/WeChat web developer tools, if not installed, please go to download",
- "label.compileweAppProjectPath.desc": "Compile into the path of the WeChat project, you can open the directory with WeChat developer tools",
- "": "Note that the selection of the installation directory is like: D:/Program Files/Tencent/WeChat web developer tools, if not installed, please go to download",
- "": "Note that the selection of the installation directory is like: /Applications/, if it is not installed, please go to download",
- "label.WeChatDeveloperDirectory.desc": "uni-app relies on WeChat developer tools, please specify the tool installation directory:",
- "label.pleaseSelectRightPath.error": "Please select the correct installation path of WeChat Developer Tools!",
- "label.macPleaseSelectRightPath.error": "Please choose the correct stable version of WeChat Developer Tools installation path!"
- },
- "Configuration": {
- "msgbox.fileChangedPleaseSave.desc.critical": "{1} The file has been modified and the configuration cannot be written. Please save the file {1} first,and try again.",
- "msgbox.settings.json.desc.critical": "Settings.json",
- "msgbox.writeErrorPleaseCheck.desc.critical": "{1} file cannot be written. Please check the disk or file permissions.",
- "msgbox.syntaxErrorClearError.desc.critical": "{1} syntax error, Please clear the error and try again."
- },
- "ConfigurationEditPart": {
- "editor.settings.json.title": "Settings.json",
- "label.defaultSettings.desc": "Default settings (cannot be modified directly, please copy to the right)",
- "label.userSettings.desc": "User settings (copy the content on the left to the right and modify it to take effect)",
- "editor.keybindings.json.title": "Keybindings.json",
- "editor.external-commands.json.title": "External-commands.json"
- },
- "ConfigurationSplitEdit": {
- "label.defaultSettings.desc": "Default settings (cannot be modified directly, please copy to the right)",
- "label.userSettings.desc": "User settings (copy the content on the left to the right and modify it to take effect)",
- "label.built-inSnippets.desc": "Built-in code block (cannot be modified directly)",
- "label.customSnippets.desc": "Custom code block (valid after saving)"
- },
- "SnippetsConfig": {
- "text.noBuilt-inSnippets.writefile": "No built-in code block"
- },
- "ContentAssist": {
- "label.leftBookTitle.tooltips": "《",
- "label.rightBookTitle.tooltips": "》"
- },
- "Core": {
- "dialog.showLeftSidebar.desc": "",
- "dialog.hideLeftSidebar.desc": "",
- "dialog.showRightSidebar.desc": "",
- "dialog.hideRightSidebar.desc": "",
- "dialog.Qt.desc": "",
- "dialog.environment.desc": "",
- "dialog.clearMenu.desc": "",
- "dialog.configure.desc": "",
- "dialog.openPreferencesDialog.desc": "",
- "dialog.openOptionsDialog.desc": ""
- },
- "Core::IFindFilter": {
- "tooltip.caseSensitive.desc": "",
- "tooltip.wholeWords.desc": "",
- "tooltip.regularExpressions.desc": "",
- "tooltip.preserveCase.desc": "",
- "tooltip.flags.desc": "",
- "tooltip.none.desc": "",
- "tooltip., .desc": ""
- },
- "Core::QICore": {
- "dialog.basedOnQt.desc": ""
- },
- "Core::SearchResultWindow": {
- "dialog.searchResults.desc": ""
- },
- "CursorPositionWidget": {
- "statusbar.row.desc": "Line:",
- "statusbar.column.desc": "Column:",
- "statusbar.lines.desc": " Line",
- "statusbar.charsSelected.desc": " Chars selected",
- "statusbar.selections.desc": "Selections"
- },
- "DebugDeviceThread": {
- "console.proxyServerStart.desc": "The debugging server has been started, the address is:",
- "console.notFindIP.error": "The current computer cannot find the ip that the mobile phone can access through the network, please check the network connection (opening the firewall, enabling the system proxy, etc. may lead to undetected)",
- "console.lookingForIpThat.desc": "Looking for",
- "console.canConnected.desc": " The local ip that can be connected",
- "console.prepareToStartServer.desc": "It is the ip that the debugging device can connect through the network, and it is preparing to start the debugging server",
- "console.prepareStartProxyServer.desc": "Prepare to start proxy server",
- "console.startProxyServerFail.error": "Proxy server failed to start"
- },
- "DeviceLauncher": {
- "console.miniAppWechat.title": "miniApp - wechat",
- "console.uni-appPreview.title": "uni-app - preview",
- "console.miniAppBaidu.title": "miniApp - baidu",
- "console.miniAppAlipay.title": "miniApp - alipay",
- "console.miniAppBytedance.title": "miniApp - bytedance",
- "console.miniAppQQ.title": "miniApp - QQ"
- },
- "DeviceRemoteDebugAppWidget": {
- "window.Form.title": "",
- "label.other.desc": "其他",
- "***webview in %1": "webview in {1}"
- },
- "DeviceRemoteDebugUrlWidget": {
- "window.Form.title": "",
- "label.desc.desc": "",
- "label.Inspect.desc": "Inspect(调试)"
- },
- "DeviceRemoteDebugWidget": {
- "window.Form.title": "",
- "label.device.desc": "Device: {1} - {2}",
- "widget.iosWarn.title": "(Some devices do not support Chrome debugging, please use Safari for debugging)",
- "label.iosNotFoundRunning.desc": "No running debug dock app is detected on the phone:
1.Note that the HBuilder base is a certificate issued and cannot be debugged. Please use the commissioning certificate to package the custom base for commissioning
2.Run the custom base, can make custom package , and run the custom base
3.The other reference Webview remote debug FAQ ",
- "label.androidNotFoundRunning.desc": "No running debug dock app is detected on the phone :
1. Manually run the debugging application on the phone, for example HBuilder
2. Run a custom debugging base, which can click make , and then run the custom debugging base
3.The other reference Webview remote debug FAQ "
- },
- "EditorSashContainer": {
- "tooltip.closeTab(Ctrl+W).desc": "Close Tab(Ctrl+W)",
- "tooltip.closeTab(Command+W).desc": "Close Tab(⌘+W)"
- },
- "ExportWGT": {
- "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
- "": "&New",
- "": "&Refresh",
- "button.openService.desc": "Open Service",
- "": " The full name of wgt is widget, which is a front-end application resource pack.
reference: App resource online upgrade
- "": "Browser...",
- "": "Enable js native confusion",
- "": "Enable js/nvue native confusion",
- "": "[Configuration Guide]
- "dialog.ExportWGT.title": "Export wgt package",
- "dialog.publishH5.title": "Publish H5",
- "dialog.publishWeapp.title": "Publish weapp",
- "dialog.publishBaiduApp.title": "Publish baiduApp",
- "dialog.publishAlipayApp.title": "Publish alipayApp",
- "dialog.publishBytedanceApp.title": "Publish bytedanceApp",
- "dialog.publishQqApp.title": "Publish qqApp",
- "dialog.publish360App.title": "Publish 360App",
- "dialog.publishHuaweiQuickApp.title": "Publish huaweiQuickApp",
- "dialog.publishQuickAppUnion.title": "Publish quickAppUnion",
- "": "Issue as mixed subcontract",
- "lineedit.pleaseEnterSubcontractName.placeholder": "Please enter subcontract name",
- "": " View mixed subcontract ",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeTitle.placeholder": "Please enter title",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeDomain.placeholder": "Please enter domain",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeWeAppName.placeholder": "Please enter weApp Name",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeWeAppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter weApp appID",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeBaiduAppName.placeholder": "Please enter baiduApp Name",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeBaiduApp appId.placeholder": "Please enter baiduApp appId",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeBlipayAppName.placeholder": "Please enter alipayApp Name",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeAlipayAppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter alipayApp appId",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeBytedanceAppName.placeholder": "Please enter bytedanceApp Name",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeBytedanceApp appId.placeholder": "Please enter bytedanceApp appID",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeQqAppName.placeholder": "Please enter qqApp Name",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypeQqAppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter qqApp appID",
- "lineedit.pleaseType360AppName.placeholder": "Please enter 360App Name",
- "lineedit.pleaseType360AppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter 360App appId",
- "label.titleCanNotBeNull.error": "Title can not be null",
- "label.domainCanNotBeNull.error": "Domain can not be null",
- "label.weAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "WeAppName can not be null",
- "label.weApp appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "WeApp appId can not be null",
- "label.baiduAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "BaiduAppName can not be null",
- " appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "Baidu appId can not be null",
- "label.alipayAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "AlipayAppName can not be null",
- " appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "Alipay appId can not be null",
- "label.bytedanceAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "BytedanceAppName can not be null",
- "label.bytedance appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "Bytedance appId can not be null",
- "label.qqAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "QQApp Name can not be null",
- "label.qq appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "QQ appId can not be null",
- "label.360AppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "360App Name can not be null",
- "label.huaweiAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "HuaWeiApp Name can not be null",
- "label.quickAppUnionNameCanNotBeNull.error": "QuickAppUnion Name can not be null",
- "label.360 appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "360 appId can not be null",
- "label.subcontractNameCanNotBeEmpty.error": "Subcontract name cannot be empty",
- "label.lineedit.title.desc": "Site title",
- "label.lineedit.domain.desc": "Website domain name",
- "label.lineedit.staticDeploy.desc": "Static deploy",
- "label.lineedit.weAppName.desc": "WeChat miniApp name",
- "label.lineedit.weAppAppid.desc": "WeChat miniApp appId",
- "label.lineedit.baiduAppName.desc": "Baidu miniapp name",
- "label.lineedit.alipayAppName.desc": "Alipay miniapp name",
- "label.lineedit.baiduAppId.desc": "Baidu miniapp AppId",
- "label.lineedit.alipayAppId.desc": "Alipay miniapp AppId",
- "label.lineedit.bytedanceAppName.desc": "Bytedance miniapp name",
- "label.lineedit.bytedanceAppId.desc": "Bytedance miniapp appId",
- "label.lineedit.qqAppName.desc": "QQ miniapp name",
- "label.lineedit.qqAppId.desc": "QQ minapp appId",
- "label.lineedit.360AppName.desc": "360 miniapp name",
- "label.lineedit.huaweiAppName.desc": "Huawei miniapp name",
- "label.lineedit.quickAppUnionName.desc": "QuickAppUnion name",
- "label.lineedit.360AppId.desc": "360 miniapp appId",
- "": "&Advanced",
- "": "&Publish",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "": "&Generate wgt",
- "label.wgtDetails.desc": "wgt full name is widget,is the front-end package.
it can be used to [App update] or [uni-app publish]。
Please select the storage path of the wgt package for the application {1}:
- "label.beCompiledAndDeploied.desc": "Deploy the compiled resources to",
- "label.uniCloud-webHosting.desc": "[uniCloud-Front-end web hosting] (Free server, faster access speed)",
- "groupbox.cloudSpaceList.title": "Cloud space list(Only support for aliyun)",
- "": "cloud space {1} has not been opened.",
- "": "&Open",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "dialog.publishkuaishouApp.title": "Kuaishou applet issuance",
- "lineedit.pleaseTypekuaishouAppName.placeholder": "Enter the name of the fast hand applet",
- "label.kuaishouAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "Kuaishou app name cannot be empty",
- "label.lineedit.kuaishouAppUnionName.desc": "Kuaishou applet name",
- "checkBox.ssrCheck.text": "Issued by SSR",
- "": "(Currently does not support deployment to front-end web hosting,Help)"
- },
- "ExternalCommand": {
- "msgbox.externalCommand.title": "External command",
- "": "This external command uses variable ${projectDir}, and you need to select a file in a project to run",
- "": "This external command uses predefined variables, and you need to select a file to run",
- "": "Download",
- "": "&Download",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "msgbox.externalProgramNotFound.desc": "The use of this plug-in depends on the external application {1}, which is not detected by this machine,",
- "msgbox.pleaseDownloadAndInstall.desc.warning": "Please download and install the app, then retry!",
- "msgbox.clickDownloadAndInstall.desc.question": "Please click download and install, then retry!",
- "": "&Download it",
- "": "&Use System Shell",
- "msgbox.notInstallBuilt-inTerminal.desc.question": "Did not install the Built-In Terminal plug-in, is it downloaded? Or use an external command line to open it.",
- "msgbox.pluginIsNotInstalled.desc.warning": "The plugin is not installed or unloaded, please install or wait!",
- "msgbox.pluginAnyNotInstalled.desc.warning": "The plugin {1} is not installed, please wait!",
- "msgbox.pluginAnyIsInstalling.desc.warning": "The plugin {1} is installing, please wait!",
- "msgbox.pluginAnyInstallFailed.desc.warning": "The plugin {1} is install failed, please reinstall",
- "dialog.needInput.desc": "Please enter the necessary information"
- },
- "FileReplaceDialog": {
- "": "&Apply to all",
- "": "&Merge and compare",
- "": "&Continue to replace",
- "": "&Change to merge",
- "": "&Replace",
- "": "&Skip",
- "": "&Merge",
- "": "&Cover",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "": "&Stop",
- "msgbox.fileExistedPleaseNext.desc.question": "The target file {1} has been existed, please choice next?",
- "msgbox.directoryNotUse(GIT/SVN).desc.question": "The current project in this directory does not use the source control tool (GIT / SVN). Do you want to continue to replace?",
- "msgbox.continueWithReplacement.desc.question": "Note: \"Replace\" will delete the entire contents of the directory {1} to the recycle bin, and then copy the new file"
- },
- "FileWizard": {
- "mui html" : "Html file containing mui",
- "empty" : "Empty File",
- "simple" : "Simple Template",
- "default component" : "Default Template Component",
- "scss component" : "Template component using scss",
- "less component" : "Template component using less",
- "stylus component" : "Template component using stylus",
- "typescript component": "Template component using typescript",
- "textbox.pleaseInputJQLName.placeholder": "please input a jql name",
- "textbox.pleaseInputUniModuleName.placeholder": "Please input a uniModule name",
- "msgbox.cloudFunctionNameExist.desc.question": "The Cloud Function Name had been exist, continue?",
- "": "&Continue",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "": "&No",
- "msgbox.cloudSameNameExists.desc.question": "The same name {1} already exists in the cloud. Pull the same name {2} from the cloud or continue to create locally?",
- "": "Cloud pull",
- "": "Local creation",
- "": "New {1}",
- "textbox.location.placeholder": "Location",
- "": "Browser",
- "": "&Create",
- "dialog.otherFile.title.part": " Other file",
- "dialog.file.title.part": " File",
- "dialog.dir.title.part": " Dir",
- "": " Page",
- "dialog.component.title.part": " Component",
- "dialog.template.title.part": "&New from template",
- "textbox.pleaseInputFileName.placeholder": "Please enter file name",
- "textbox.pleaseInputDirName.placeholder": "Please input a dir name",
- "textbox.pleaseInputPageName.placeholder": "Please input a page name",
- "textbox.pleaseInputComponentName.placeholder": "Please enter the component name",
- "label.selectminiprogram.title": "Choose Subcontracting:",
- "checkbox.createdir.title": "Create same name directory",
- "": "[ Custom template ]",
- "label.dirCannotBeEmpty.error": "Dir name cannot be empty",
- "label.pageNameCannotEmpty.error": "Page name cannot be empty",
- "label.noNeedExtensionName.error": "Page name no need extension name",
- "label.functionNotBeCommon.error": "Cloud function name could not be common",
- "label.containUpperLetter.error": "Common module name could contain upper letter",
- "label.componentNameBeEmpty.error": "Component name cannot be empty",
- "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "Project name contains invalid characters",
- "label.commonModuleCannotEmpty.error": "Common module name cannot be empty",
- "label.locationIsNotValid.error": "Location is not valid",
- "label.locationIsNotFolder.error": "Location is not a folder",
- "label.alreadyExists.error": "A file with the same name already exists at the location",
- "label.templateFileReadFail.error": "Template file read fail...",
- "label.canNotWriteFile.error": "Failed to write file...",
- "": "Page {1} has been automatically added to pages.json",
- "dialog.nvue.title.part": "",
- "groupbox.Template.title": "Select template",
- "combobox.bothFile.desc": "New vue and nvue file",
- "combobox.vueFile.desc": "New vue file",
- "combobox.nvueFile.desc": "New nvue file",
- "combobox.mainPackage.desc": "Main package",
- "gropubox.123.title": "",
- "dialog.other.title.part": "",
- "dialog.cloudFun.title.part": "Cloud fun",
- "textbox.pleaseInputFunctionName.placeholder": "Please input a function name",
- "dialog.commonModule.title.part": "Common module",
- "textbox.pleaseInputModuleName.placeholder": "Please input a module name",
- "msgbox.sameNameAlreadyExists.desc.error": "A cloud function with the same name already exists at this location",
- "label.invalidFileName.error": "Invalid file name",
- "console.databaseSchema.desc": "Database Schema",
- "console.validateFunction.desc": "Database extension check function",
- "selected.location.same.text": "The selected location already exists with the same name{1}"
- },
- "CNewUniappPage": {
- "label.pagesIsNotValid.error": "There is an error in the engineering configuration file pages.json file, please adjust and try again",
- "label.jsonFormatNotGood.error": "There is a syntax error in the page style content registered in pages.json",
- "": "{1} Get more templates in the plug-in market {2}",
- "msgbox.cloudFunctionBeenExist.desc.question": "The Cloud Function Name had been exist, continue?",
- "": "&Continue",
- "": "&No",
- "": "New {1}",
- "textbox.location.placeholder": "Location",
- "": "Browser",
- "": "&Create",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "dialog.otherFile.title.part": " Other File",
- "dialog.file.title.part": " File",
- "dialog.dir.title.part": " Dir",
- "": " Page",
- "dialog.component.title.part": " Component",
- "dialog.template.title.part": "&New from template",
- "textbox.pleaseInputDirName.placeholder": "Please input a dir name",
- "textbox.pleaseInputPageName.placeholder": "Please input a page name",
- "textbox.pleaseInputComponentName.placeholder": "Please input a component name",
- "": "Custom templates",
- "": "Author:",
- "label.detail.desc": "Detail",
- "label.dirCannotBeEmpty.error": "Dir name cannot be empty",
- "label.pageNameCannotEmpty.error": "Page name cannot be empty",
- "label.noNeedExtensionName.error": "Just the English name, no need the extension",
- "label.functionNotBeCommon.error": "Cloud function name could not be common",
- "label.containUpperLetter.error": "Common module name could contain upper letter",
- "label.componentNameBeEmpty.error": "Component name cannot be empty",
- "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "Project name contains invalid characters",
- "label.commonModuleCannotEmpty.error": "Common module name cannot be empty",
- "label.locationIsNotValid.error": "Location is not valid",
- "label.locationIsNotFolder..error": "Location is not a folder",
- "label.alreadyExists.error": "A file with the same name already exists at the location",
- "label.templateFileReadFail.error": "Failed to read template file...",
- "label.cancelProgressOrError.error": "Operation was cancelled or execution error...",
- "label.canNotWriteFile.error": "Failed to write file...",
- "": "Page {1} has been automatically added to pages.json",
- "dialog.nvue.title.part": "",
- "groupbox.Template.title": "Select template",
- "combobox.bothFile.desc": "New vue and nvue file",
- "combobox.vueFile.desc": "New vue file",
- "combobox.nvueFile.desc": "New nvue file",
- "combobox.mainPackage.desc": "Main package",
- "gropubox.123.title": "",
- "dialog.other.title.part": "",
- "dialog.cloudFun.title.part": "Cloud fun",
- "textbox.pleaseInputFunctionName.placeholder": "Please input a function name",
- "dialog.commonModule.title.part": "Common module",
- "textbox.pleaseInputModuleName.placeholder": "Please input a module name",
- "msgbox.sameNameAlreadyExists.desc.error": "A cloud function with the same name already exists at this location",
- "***missing pages": "Files in the template are missing",
- "***no valid parameters in source pages.json": "The content of the template pages.json file is incorrect",
- "***current template is not a valid one.": "There is an error in the current template data, please adjust and try again",
- "checkbox.createdir.title": "Create same name directory",
- "checkbox.registerpage.title": "Register in pages.json",
- "label.selectApp.title": "Choose Subcontracting:"
- },
- "FloatImgUI": {
- "dialog.Form.title": ""
- },
- "JsonForm": {
- "": "Source View",
- "tooltip.JSONFileSyntaxError.error": "JSON file syntax error",
- "tooltip.thereAreSomeErrors.error": "There are some errors in the {1} that need to be fixed"
- },
- "JsonFormAppidElement": {
- "": "Reacquire",
- "": "Acquiring...",
- "msgbox.reacquisitioningAppidManyProblems.desc.warning": "Re-obtaining AppId will cause many problems. For details, please refer to: DCloud AppID Instructions , continue?",
- "": "&Continue",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "tooltip.onlyAvailableToUse.desc": "This feature is only available to users who have logged in",
- "": "Please log in first, then use the cloud to get the Appid function",
- "msgbox.title.inputAppidFirst": "Please enter the appid first, and then get the universal link"
- },
- "UniAppSplashJsonFormPage": {
- "button.ok.description": "确认(&O)",
- "button.cancel.description": "取消(&C)",
- "msgbox.title.warning": "根据工业和信息化部关于开展APP侵害用户权益专项整治要求,应用启动运行时需弹出隐私政策相关提示框,不配置将无法通过应用市场审核,确认不使用原生隐私协议提示框?"
- },
- "JsonFormFile": {
- "": "Browse..."
- },
- "JsonFormText": {
- "label.unsupportedFormatsGoSourceView.placeholder": "Unsupported formats, please set in source view"
- },
- "JsonFormArrayElement": {
- "": "Add item",
- "": "Delete selected item",
- "dialog.emptyList.desc": "Empty list",
- "dialog.inputNewItem.desc": "Input new item"
- },
- "JsonFormGenerateImage": {
- "checkbox.Don`": "Don`t replace manually set icons",
- "": "All icons are automatically generated and replaced",
- "": "Browse generated icons dir...",
- "tooltip.iconSavePath.desc": "Icon save path: unpackage/res/icons"
- },
- "JsonFormImage": {
- "": "Browse..."
- },
- "JsonFormLink": {
- "": "Edit in source view"
- },
- "KeyBindingsManager": {
- "": "Resolve &Conflict",
- "": "OK",
- "msgbox.hasBeenModified.desc.warning": "Unsaved content has been detected in the shortcut key configuration",
- "msgbox.pleaseSaveItFirst.warning": "Please save it first."
- },
- "LoginDialog": {
- "Account or password error": "Account or password error",
- "textbox.enterPassword.placeholder": "Enter password",
- "": "Forget password",
- "": "Login",
- "": "No account? Sign up",
- "": "Already have an account, login now",
- "": "Sign up",
- "textbox.e-mail.placeholder": "Email",
- "label.serverBusyPleaseLater.error": "The server is busy, please try again later",
- "label.NetworkFailedCheckNetwork.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
- "label.emailHasBeenRegistered.error": "This email has been registered. Please log in using your password",
- "label.sentEmailYourMailbox.error": "We have sent an email to your mailbox, please click the link in the mailbox to retrieve your password",
- "label.pleaseInputEmail.error": "Please input email",
- "label.emailFormatIsIncorrect.error": "Email format is incorrect",
- "label.pleaseInputPassword.error": "Please input password",
- "label.accountDoesNotExist.error": "The account does not exist. Please confirm that the registered account is entered",
- "": "China",
- "": "Global"
- },
- "NVueCompiler": {
- "console.projectStartCompiling.desc": "Project '{1}' start compiling ...",
- "console.absenceOfNodejsEnvironment.error": "The nodejs environment is missing, please configure the installation path of nodejs in the settings",
- "console.noManifest.jsonFile.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
- "console.cannotOpenManifest.error": "Cannot open manifest.json",
- "console.idIsEmpty.error": "'id' in manifest.json is Empty",
- "": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please re-run",
- "": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please reissue",
- "console.downloadToolsFailed.error": "Compilation plug-in download failed, please check the network status and system proxy settings",
- "": "Plug-in tools are downloading, please try again later",
- "console.projectIsNotExists.error": "Project is not exists",
- "text.writing.desc": "[Writing]",
- "console.projectCompilingEnd.desc": "Project '{1}' Compiling success.",
- "console.toolsUnloadedPleaseWait.error": "The tools is unloaded, please wait",
- "console.toolsUninstalledPleaseWait.error": "The tools is uninstalled, please wait",
- "console.toolsInstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is installing, please wait(If the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again)",
- "console.toolsReinstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is reinstalling, please wait!",
- "console.thePluginInstallFailed.error": "The plugin {1} is install failed, please use the 'npm install ' command to install"
- },
- "NodeServer": {
- "": "Failed to download the built-in server plug-in! Please check the network!",
- "": "The built-in server download is complete!",
- "msgbox.built-inServerNotRunning.desc.question": "The built-in server failed to start. If the permission query box pops up, be sure to click Allow. If you click Reject by mistake, you need to find the Windows firewall in the control panel, and click on \" Allowed applications or functions through windows firewall \" on the left. If you do not start the built-in server, you can also open it as a file.",
- "": "&Set, try again",
- "": "&Open local file in browser",
- "": "&Ignore if already opened",
- "": "Built-in server plug-in is downloading...",
- "": "&Wait plugin install"
- },
- "NodeServerThread": {
- "": "Can not find node, please check it.",
- "console.serverStartFail.error": "The built-in server failed to start, click the menu for more information: Help - View operation log.",
- "console.serverStartAt.desc": "The built-in server has been started, port:"
- },
- "PlatformFileUtils": {
- "msgbox.remoteTargetHasReplace.desc.warning": "Remote target has a same file named \"{1}\". Do you want to replace it?",
- "": "File is being used.",
- "": "Retry",
- "": "Skip",
- "": "Stop",
- "": "copy",
- "label.readyToCopy.desc": "Ready to copy...",
- "msgbox.title.replaceAndTips": "A file named {1} already exists at this location. Do you want to replace it with the item you are moving?",
- "": "move",
- "label.readyToMove.desc": "Ready to move...",
- "": "Cancel",
- "label.copyingFile.desc": "Copying file: {1}",
- "label.movingFile.desc": "Moving file: {1}",
- "msgbox.sourceDestinationsameParentFolder.desc": "The source and destination have the same parent folder.",
- "msgbox.sourceDestinationWasInvalid.desc": "The path in the source or destination or both was invalid.",
- "msgbox.destinationSubtreeSource.desc": "The destination is a subtree of the source.",
- "msgbox.cannotMovedOrRenamed.desc": "The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed."
- },
- "PluginMannager": {
- "": "&Install",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "console.downloadingDependentPleaseLater.error": "Downloading dependent plugins, please try again later.",
- "console.downloadDependentPluginFailed.error": "Failed to download dependent plugins, please check the network.",
- "": "Downloading Plugin [{1}]...",
- "msgbox.pluginDownloadFailed.desc.warning": "Plugin [{1}] download failed.",
- "": "Installing Plugin [{1}]...",
- "": "Plugin [{1}] is installed.",
- "": "Uninstalling Plugin [{1}]...",
- "": "Plugin [{1}] is uninstalled.",
- "msgbox.pluginUninstallFailed.desc.warning": "The plugin [{1}] failed to uninstall. Please go to Plugin in the HBuilderX directory to manually delete the plugin directory. Because the total number of files deleted by the OS at one time is limited, please delete files in batches if necessary.",
- "not support ssr to cef": "暂不支持Vue3 cli项目运行到内置浏览器,请运行到谷歌浏览器"
- },
- "PluginsDialog": {
- "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
- "": "&Close",
- "dialog.pluginInstall.title": "Plugin Install",
- "label.Installed.desc": "Installed",
- "": "Config",
- "": "Remove",
- "label.Downloading.desc": "Downloading",
- "label.Installing.desc": "Installing",
- "": "Install",
- "label.Uninstalling.desc": "Uninstalling",
- "": "Plugin install succeed,you can use it from Tool - \" or External Commands - {1}\".",
- "msgbox.unInstallThePlugin.desc.question": "Do you want to unInstall the plugin?",
- "notify.downloadFailedCheckNet.error": "Plugin [{1}] download failed, please check your network!",
- "notify.pluginInstallFailed.error": "Plugin [{1}] install failed.",
- "": "Plugin [{1}] install succeed.",
- "": "Plugin [{1}] unInstall succeed.",
- "notify.pluginUnInstallFailed.error": "Plugin [{1}] unInstall failed.",
- "notify.unInstallFailedReason.error": "Please stop the operation of the plugin before uninstalling it.",
- "": "Node plugin [{1}] install failed,you can use 'npm install' command to reinstall in cmd,
plugin path is {2}",
- "": "Plugin {1} required version are higher than current version,please upgrade to newest!",
- "tabbar.installedPlugins.title": "Installed",
- "tabbar.installNewPlugins.title": "Marketplace",
- "": "Develop plug-in",
- "": "Installation offline",
- "": "&Go to the plugin market to install...",
- "label.HBuilder core plugin.desc": "HBuilder core plugin",
- "label.pluginMarket.desc": "Plugin market",
- "label.HBuilderCorePluginDescription.desc": "This type of plug-in is an integral part of the HBuilderX product. After installation, it will be upgraded with the upgrade of HBuilderX. This type of plug-in does not support installation from the plug-in market.",
- "label.pluginMarketDescription.desc": "The plug-in market has a wealth of plug-ins, which are installed on the web interface. Note that these third-party plugins have the same local access rights as node.",
- "": "Update"
- },
- "ExtensionJsonFormPage": {
- "": "Open file {1} for edit."
- },
- "PreviouUniAppVueCompiler": {
- "": "Project '{1}' start compiling...",
- "": "Project '{1}' compiled successfully.",
- "console.projectCompilingFailed.warning": "Project '{1}' Compiling failed.",
- "": "Please see the log of front-end in browser console.",
- "": "Please see the log of front-end in miniprogram console.",
- "console.noManifestFile.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
- "console.cannotOpenManifest.error": "Cannot open manifest.json",
- "console.AppIDIsEmpty.error": "The appid in manifest.json is empty.",
- "console.noPagesFile.error": "There is no pages.json file in the project",
- "console.downloadToolsSuccess.success": "Download tools success, please rerun.",
- "console.downloadSuccessPleaseRepublish.success": "Download tools success, please republish.",
- "console.downloadToolsFailed.error": "Download tools failed, please rerun.",
- "": "It is downloading tools, please wait...",
- "console.toolsUninstalledPleaseWait.error": "The plugin(s) that depend on this one is waitting for install, please wait and try",
- "console.toolsReinstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is reinstalling, please wait.",
- "console.pluginInstallFailed.error": "The plugin {1} is install failed, please use the 'npm install' command to install.",
- "console.toolsInstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is installing, please wait.(If the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again)",
- "console.projectIsNotExists.error": "Project is not exists.",
- "console.absenceOfTheNodejsEnvironment.error": "In the absence of the nodejs environment, configure the nodejs path in the settings",
- "console.uni-appToH5Reference.warning": "Uni-app to H5 reference:",
- "console.theCurrentVersionLower.error": "The current version of the cli project is low and does not support the running and publishing of the App: 1. You can enter the currently running project directory on the command line, and execute the 'npm update ' and ' vue add @dcloudio/hbuilderx ' commands in turn to manually upgrade and install , 2. Or drag the src directory under the project into HBuilderX to run and publish the App as a separate project, 3. Or re-create a new cli project.",
- "vue3.onlysupportsH5.text": "Currently Vue3 only supports H5, details:{1}",
- "console.log.missingplug-ins.desc": "It is not possible to compile because it lacks the necessary plug-ins when compiling.",
- "msgbox.button.reinstallplugin.desc": "Reinstall the plugin",
- "msgbox.title.pluginhasmodified.desc": "It is detected that the plug-in code has been tampered with, and there may be security risks. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the plug-in or HBuilderX.",
- "msgbox.title.isInstall.desc": "Do you need to install?",
- "***label.depspNotLoad.desc.warning": "依赖插件还未加载,请稍后重试"
- },
- "ProjectExplorerItemEditor": {
- "label.project.desc": "Project",
- "label.file.desc": "File",
- "label.nameCannotBeEmpty.error": "{1} name cannot be empty",
- "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "{1} name contains invalid characters",
- "label.sameNameAlreadyExists.error": "a file with the same name already exists at the current location"
- },
- "ProjectExplorerView": {
- "": "&Extension View",
- "": "&View Server-Side Web Files",
- "console.noCloudFunctionDependent.desc": "There is no cloud function dependent on this module..",
- "": "&Sync with Editor",
- "menu.When Single": "Sync when Single &Project",
- "": "&Never Sync",
- "": "&Always Sync",
- "": "&Filter",
- "": "&Collapse All",
- "": "&No Icon",
- "": "&Icon Theme",
- "": "&Show Closed Projects",
- "menu.ClickExpand/": "&Click Expand/Collapse",
- "": "&Open the Builtin Explorer when Click Dir",
- "": "&New",
- "": "&Cut",
- "": "&Copy",
- "": "&Paste",
- "": "&Rename",
- "": "Setting &Alias Name",
- "": "&Collapse Others",
- "": "&Delete",
- "": "&Remove Project",
- "": "&Close Project",
- "": "...1 other file is not displied",
- "": "...{1} other files are not displied",
- "msgbox.removeTheProject(s)Below.desc.question": "Are you sure you want to remove the {1} project(s) below?",
- "msgbox.file(s)BelowToRecycle.desc.question": "Are you sure you want to delete the {1} file(s) below to Recycle Bin?",
- "": "The following {1} files already exist in the cloud function directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
- "msgbox.project.theFolderAlreadyExists.desc.question": "The following {1} files already exist in the project directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
- "msgbox.removeFile(s)BelowRecycle.desc.question": "Are you sure remove file(s) below to Recycle Bin?",
- "msgbox.deleteRecyleBinFailed.desc.question": "Delete to recyle bin failed,are you delete directly?",
- "": "&2.Forder",
- "": "&New Page",
- "": "&New Component",
- "": "&Publish",
- "": "&Upload Website to Server",
- "": "&View Server Sites File",
- "": "&Move to Recycle bin",
- "": "&Remove to Trash",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "": "&Remove from Project List",
- "": "&Compare Selected Files",
- "msgbox.projectNotExistInDisk.desc.warning": "Project \"{1}\" does not exist in disk.",
- "": "Detect project's type succeed: {1}",
- "": "&Refresh",
- "": "&Update Cloud Functions Depends on Current Module",
- "": "File &Diff",
- "": "&Uni-App Plugin Market",
- "": "Open in Explorer View",
- "console.cloudResourceSynchronizationInterrupted.error": "Cloud resource synchronization interrupted",
- "console.cloudResourceSynchronizationFailed.error": "Cloud resource synchronization failed,{1}",
- "msgbox.cloudFunctionAlreadyExists.desc.question": "Cloud function {1} already exists,Please select the next operation.",
- "msgbox.commonAlreadyExists.desc.question": "Common {1} already exists,Please select the next operation.",
- "msgbox.uni-clientDB-actionsAlreadyExists.desc.question": "Uni-clientDB-actions {1} already exists,Please select the next operation.",
- "": "&Replace All",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "console.downloadingCloudFunctions.desc": "Downloading cloud functions {1}",
- "console.cloudFunctionDownloadedSuccess.success": "Cloud function {1} has been downloaded",
- "console.downloadingAllCloudFunctions.desc": "Downloading all cloud functions...",
- "console.cloudFunctionDownloadCompleted.success": "Cloud function download completed",
- "console.downloadingAllCommonModule.desc": "Downloading all common module...",
- "console.downloadingCommonModule.desc": "Downloading common module",
- "console.downloadingCommonModules.desc": "Downloading common module {1}",
- "console.commonModulesDownloadCompleted.success": "Common module {1} has been downloaded.",
- "console.commonModuleDownloadCompleted.success": "Common module download completed.",
- "msgbox.theFolderAlreadyExists.desc.question": "The following {1} files already exist in the common module directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
- "msgbox.cloudFolderAlreadyExists.desc.question": "The following {1} files already exist in the Cloud function directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
- "textbox.inputAliasName.placeholder": "Input alias name"
- },
- "ProjectWizard": {
- "label.pleaseTestItFirst.desc": "Please test it first, to avoid negative impact on your data.",
- "label.newProject.title": "New {1} Project",
- "textbox.projectName.placeholder": "Project Name",
- "textbox.Location.placeholder": "Location",
- "": "Browser",
- "": "&Create",
- "label.projectNameCannotEmpty.error": "Project name cannot be empty",
- "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "Project name contains invalid characters",
- "label.locationIsNotValid.error": "Location is not valid",
- "label.locationIsNotFolder.error": "Location is not a folder",
- "label.sameNameAlreadyExists.error": "A file with the same name already exists at the location",
- "label.alreadyExistsNotCreated.error": "The project already exists and can not be created repeatedly",
- "label.unableToCreateProject.error": "Unable to create project, please check disk space and directory permissions",
- "": "&Web",
- "": "&HBuilderX Extension",
- "": "&5+App",
- "": "Wap2&App",
- "": "&QuickApp",
- "msgbox.Import.title": "Import from WeChat mini-app",
- "text.UniApp.desc": "",
- "": "HTML5+Standard cross-platform App。[Learn more]",
- "": "Quickly upgrade the wap website to an App with native functional experience. [Learn more]",
- "": "It is developed once, and it is also released as Android, iOS native App, WeChat, fast application, stream application and many other platforms. [Learn more]",
- "": "Create HBuilderX plug-ins through JavaScript, customize and enhance HBuilderX, and create a stronger tool.[Learn more]",
- "": "Fast application conforming to fast application alliance specification.",
- "label.quicklyGeneratedWeChatApplet.desc": "{1} code can be quickly generated from the WeChat applet",
- "": "&Uni-app",
- "": "&Mini app",
- "": "",
- "": "WeChat native wxml mini app",
- "lineedit.wapWebsiteUrl.placeholder": "Wap website url",
- "label.urlCannotEmpty.error": "Wap website url cannot be empty",
- "label.websiteUrlInvalid.error": "The wap website url is invalid",
- "msgbox.pleaseUse[https].desc.question": "the http:// website will be inserted advertisement, very unsafe, suggested use https://",
- "": "Ignore and continue",
- "": "Cancel and edit",
- "groupbox.Template.title": "Select template",
- "": "Start downloading template [{1}]",
- "notify.templateDownloadFailed.error": "Template [{1}] download failed",
- "": "Creating project [{1}]",
- "notify.projectCreateSucceed.success": "Project {1} create succeed",
- "": ",this project has [ vue.config.js ] call node to execute, it is highly recommended to check before running.",
- "notify.projectCreateFailed.error": "Project [{1}] create failed",
- "notify.projectCreationInterrupted.error": "Project {1} Creation interrupted",
- "": "uniCloud",
- "": "Alibaba cloud",
- "": "Tencent cloud",
- "": "Detail",
- "label.fullyAvailableCloudDevelopment.desc": "Only Available in China",
- "text.csdnUpload.desc": "Upload to Git code hosting platform(CSDN CODECHINA)",
- "***Use": "使用",
- "***Don't use": "不使用"
- },
- "ProxyThread": {
- "console.cannotFindPathOfNode.error": "Can't find node.exe"
- },
- "QObject": {
- "": "Press F1 to Open Help Docs",
- "snippet.proposal.desc": "From: Snippet",
- "console.depositService.desc": "deposit service",
- "console.notSupportService.error": "space '{1}' does not support this service",
- "console.samenameResourcePleaseRecover.error": "there is same name resource in target, please try --force to recover",
- "console.cannotGetDpaceList.error": "can not get space list for {1}",
- "console.cannotAssignSpace.error": "can not assign space ({1}) for {2}",
- "console.pleaseAssignSpace.desc": "please assign space",
- "console.missingParam.desc": "missing param '{1}'",
- "console.missingParamOneOf.error": "missing param one of '{1}'",
- "console.valueShouldBeOf.error": "{1}'s value '{2}' should be one of '{3}'",
- "console.isNotValidProject.error": "'{1}' is not a valid project",
- "console.isNotValidSpace.error": "'{1}' is not a valid space",
- "console.noResult.desc": "no result",
- "console.noMoreCloudfunctions.error": "no more cloudfunctions",
- "console.isNotValidCloudfunction.error": "'{1}' is not a valid cloudfunction",
- "console.notValidCloudfunctionsCommon.error": "'{1}' is not a valid cloudfunctions common",
- "console.moreCloudfunctionsCommon.error": "no more cloudfunctions common",
- "console.noMoreDatabase.error": "no more database",
- "console.isNotValidDatabase.error": "'{1}' is not a valid database",
- "console.noMoreValidationFunction.error": "no more validation function",
- "console.notValidValidationFunction.error": "'{1}' is not a valid validation function",
- "msgbox.errorWhenCopyFile.title": "Error when copy file",
- "": "Skip",
- "msgbox.errorInvalidPath.desc": "Invalid Path",
- "msgbox.errorNoFile.desc": "No File",
- "msgbox.errorOpenFailed.desc": "Open Failed",
- "msgbox.errorReadFailed.desc": "Read Failed",
- "msgbox.errorWriteFailed.desc": "Write Failed",
- "msgbox.errorDeleteFailed.desc": "Delete Failed",
- "msgbox.errorCreateFolderFailed.desc": "Create Folder Failed",
- "console.finished.desc": "Finished",
- "msgbox.folderNotExistsCreate.desc.question": "Folder {1} is not exists, do you want to create it?",
- "msgbox.pelaseMakeSureProvider.title": "Pelase ensure provider",
- "label.createDirFailed.error": "Create dir {1} failed",
- "label.pleaseMakeSureExists.error": "Please make sure {1} is exists before makedir {2}.",
- "console.conflict.error": "There are similar resources with the same name as ({1}) in the current project, please resolve the name conflict (rename or delete) and try again.",
- "console.cloudfunction.desc": "Cloud function",
- "console.commonModule.desc": "Common module",
- "console.validateFunction.desc": "Database verification function",
- "console.currentHasConflictedDelete.error": "Current {1} has conflicted, please rename or delete it.",
- "console.file.desc": " File",
- "console.uniCloudConsole.title": "[{1}] - uniCloud console",
- "": "Connect to local cloud functions.",
- "": "Connect to cloud cloud functions.",
- "": "Create All",
- "console.ifYouWantToConfig.desc": "If you want to config index, please goto [{1}]",
- "console.webConsole.desc": "Web console",
- "msgbox.schemaNotExistsCreate.desc.question": "Schema file {1} does not exists, do you want to create it?",
- "console.createSuccessed.success": "Create successed",
- "console.fileNameFormatError.error": "File name format error",
- "console.containsUnderlineAlphabetNumber.error": "Begin with alphabet, contains '_', alphabet and number.",
- "text.Remote.desc": "Remote",
- "msgbox.alreadyExists.desc.question": "{1} already exists in the current position, do you want to replace it?",
- "msgbox.alreadyExistsMerge.desc.question": "{1} already exists in the current location. Do you want to merge it?",
- "console.start.desc": "Start",
- "console.sendRequestServer.error": "Failed to send request to server.",
- "console.upload.desc": "Upload",
- "": "Download",
- "console.successfully.desc": "Successfully",
- "console.failed.desc": "Failed",
- "console.canceled.desc": "Canceled",
- "console.schemaFile.desc": "Data collection Schema",
- "console.noFileInDatabase.error": "Can not find the file in database",
- "console.schemaFiles.desc": "Data collection Schema({1})",
- "console.schema.desc": "Data collection Schema",
- "console.validation.desc": "Database extension check function",
- "console.validationFile.desc": "Database extension check function ({1})",
- "console.allSchemaAndValidation.desc": "All data collection Schema and database extension verification function",
- "console.allValidation.desc": "All database extension check function",
- "console.startDownloadSchema.desc": "Start downloading the data collection Schema",
- "console.downloadSchemaFileCanceled.error": "Download the data collection schema is canceled",
- "console.downloadSchemaFileError.error": "Failed to download data collection schema",
- "console.uploadSchemaFileCanceled.error": "Uploaded data collection schema is cancelled",
- "console.uploadSchemaFileWriteFail.error": "Failed to upload data collection schema",
- "console.uploadSchemaFileSuccessfully.success": "uccessfully uploaded the data collection schema.",
- "console.startUploadSchemaFiles.desc": "Start uploading the data collection schema.",
- "console.uploadSchemaFilesFailed.error": "Failed to upload data collection schema.",
- "": "Continue import",
- "console.startUploadValidationFiles.desc": "Uploading database extension verification function.",
- "msgbox.partsWillNotBeImported.desc.question": "The current project [{1}] cloud service space has been linked to the project [{2}]. The cloud part of the plug-in will not be imported. Do you want to continue?",
- "msgbox.wantToUseCloudfunctions.desc.question": "If you want to use cloudfunctions part, you should import it to[{1}]",
- "": "Import cloudfunctions part to [{1}]",
- "console.downloadSchemaFilesSuccessfully.success": "Download schema file(s) successfully",
- "console.failedToDownloadSchemaFail.error": "Failed to download schema file(s)",
- "console.cannotFetchFilesFromRemote.error": "Can not fetch files from remote",
- "console.noMoreFilesFromRemote.error": "Data collection schema does not exist.",
- "console.uploadValidationFilesSuccessfully.success": "Upload validation file(s) successfully",
- "console.uploadValidationFilesFailed.success": "Upload validation file(s) failed",
- "console.cannotFetchFilesFromLocal.success": "Can not fetch file(s) from local",
- "console.cannotFetchFilesFromRemoteValidation.error": "Failed to get the database extension verification function.",
- "console.startDownloadValidationFile.desc": "Downloading database extension check function.",
- "console.noMoreFileFromRemoteValidation.error": "No database extension check function.",
- "console.finishDownloadValidationFiles.success": "Download the database extension verification function completed.",
- "button.I": "Ok",
- "console.cloudfunctionsTransmissionDescription.desc": "Cloudfunctions transmission description",
- "console.migrateIsDoneSuccessfully.success": "The migration was all completed successfully.",
- "console.nothingToBeMigrate.error": "No items are migrated.",
- "console.migrateIsDoneSrocessFailed.error": "The migration is over, and the migration of the following items was not successful.",
- "": "&Move to Relate Project {1}",
- "": "{1} Upload More",
- "console.beginMigrate.desc": "Begin migrate......",
- "console.Success.success": "Project migration completed successfully.",
- "console.ProjectFolder.desc": "{1}/{2}",
- "msgbox.cloudfunctionsTransmission.title": "Cloud function catalog migration tool.",
- "": "The following cloud function directories will be migrated to the new structure uniCloud/cloudfunctions directory.",
- "groupbox.msgbox.pleaseSelectFunctionsTranslate.title": "Select the cloud function directory to be migrated.",
- "": "Migrate",
- "": "&Yes",
- "": "&Link",
- "": "Refresh",
- "": "Cancel",
- "": "&No",
- "": "&Delete from cloud space",
- "console.deleteFailedCodeError.desc": "Delete {1} failed code:{2}, error:{3}",
- "noitfy.pluginDownloadSusseced.success": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}",
- "console.folderMissingFiles.error": "The {1} folder is missing files and cannot be uploaded.",
- "console.downloadHadBeenCanceled.error": "Download {1} had been canceled.",
- "": "New {1} &Folder",
- "console.missingPleaseRetry.error": "Missing {1}, please {1} retry after assignment",
- "console.spaceid.error": "Associated cloud service space",
- "console.provider.error": "Designated cloud service provider",
- "console.appid.error": "Specify the uni-app application identifier (AppID)",
- "console.downloadSusseced.success": "{1} download susseced",
- "console.doesnotExistsDownloadFailed.error": "{1} doesnot exists, download failed",
- "": "&New Action",
- "console.downloadFailedCode.error": "Download {1} failed code:{2}, error:{3}",
- "console.extractFailed.error": "Extract {1} failed, please try again!",
- "": "{1} &Upload",
- "": "{1} &Download",
- "console.deletePleaseWait.desc": "Delete {1}, please wait...",
- "console.deleteSucceed.succees": "Delete {1} succeed.",
- "console.uploadPleaseWait.desc": "Upload {1}, please wait...",
- "console.downloadPleaseWait.desc": "Download {1}, please wait...",
- "console.uploadSucceed.success": "Upload {1} succeed.",
- "console.uploadFailedCodeError.desc": "Upload {1} failed code:{2}, error:{3}",
- "msgbox.newVersionRequireUpgrade.desc.question": "Importing the current plug-in requires HBuilderX {1} or higher. Do you want to upgrade now?",
- "dialog.import.title": "Import",
- "": "Don't Save",
- "": "Cancel",
- "msgbox.copyFileNewFolderVerify.question": "The page template you selected has uniCloud cloud functions, please select the uniCloud cloud service vendor to bind",
- "": "What is {1}?",
- "notify.upCldInit.success": "Sucess",
- "": "&Create [cloudfunctions_init.json] File",
- "notify.upCldInit.failed": "Cloud functions_init upload failed:",
- "notify.upCldInit.timeout": "Cloud functions_init query status timeout",
- "nofity.getTicket.failed:": "Failed to get ticket:",
- "": "Init cloudfunctions_init.json",
- "notify.moreFolders.description": "More folders",
- "": "Recover exists",
- "": "Skip exists",
- "": "Cancel import",
- "import.notify.cancleImport.desc": "Import has been canceled",
- "import.notify.packageInvalid.desc": "The format of the download package is incorrect. Please check and try again.",
- "console.upload.deployFailed.error": "{1} had been failed to deploy, error msg:{2}.",
- "console.upload.deployNothing.error": "Failed to execute the deployment. Please try again after troubleshooting.",
- "console.markdown.shareFailed.error": "\"Markdown sharing\" needs to activate uniCloud [front-end web hosting], and configure the corresponding service space Id to [Settings]-[Plugin Configuration]-[markdown-share].",
- "console.markdown.beginShare.desc": "Begin share [{1}] to uniCloud...",
- "console.markdown.compileMarkdown.desc": "Start compile markdown [{1}] to html...",
- "console.markdown.compileMarkdown.failed": "Share failed,{1} compiled html empty.",
- "console.markdown.deployResource.desc": "Begin to deploy to {1} cloud space...",
- "console.markdown.invalidSpaceId.error": "Share failed,invalid spaceId:{1}...",
- "console.markdown.shareFinish.success": "Share success:{1}",
- "console.cloudfunction.runInCloud.desc": "Run in cloud",
- "console.cloudfunction.returnResult.desc": "Return result:",
- "console.cloudfunction.runLog.desc": "Run log:",
- "console.cloudfunction.runResult.desc": "Run status:{1}",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunNormalExit.desc": "Normal exit",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunCrashExit.desc": "Crash exit",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRun.success": "success",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunWithParam.desc": "With {1}",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunConnectTry.error": "Connect to UniCloud-{1} failed, please try again.",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunRequest.error": "Request UniCloud-{1} failed, {2}.",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunMissingParam.error": "Missing {1}",
- "": "[",
- "]": "]",
- "": "Setup timeout time",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunError.desc": "Error.",
- "msgbox.cloudfunction.localRunInstallDep": "Local operation depends on the plug-in [uniCloud development], please install first",
- "msgbox.installDepPlugin.desc": "The current operation depends on the plug-in [{1}], please try again after installation.",
- "console.cloudfunction.canNotRunEncrpt.error": "Encrpt cloud function ({1}) can not run in local.",
- "console.cloudfunction.canNotEncrptCommon.error": "Encrpt cloud common function ({1}) can not run in local",
- "cloudfunction.runInLocal.desc": "Cloud function run in local",
- "console.cloudfunction.runInLocal.desc": "Run in local",
- "console.cloudfunction.localRunTimeOut.desc": "Cloud function run in local time out.",
- "notify.extension.canNotProcessRequest.error": "Extension [{1}] can not process external request.",
- "notify.extension.processRequest.desc": "Extension [{1}] processing external request ...",
- "notify.extension.askGoToMarket.desc": "The current external application request requires a plug-in [{1}], please go to the plug-in market to install it.",
- "notify.extension.askInstallPlugin.desc": "Current external request needs extension [{1}] please install.",
- "": "Retry{1}",
- "": "Cancel{1}",
- "": "Goto Plug-in Market {1}",
- "": "Plug-in [{1}] failed to process external request, please goto plug-in market to contact author.",
- "": "OK{1}",
- "": "Upgrade",
- "": "Go on",
- "msgbox.downloadPlugin.pluginAlreadyExists.desc": "The current plugin [{1}] already exists.",
- "notify.upgrade.updateInProgress.desc": "The ({1}/{2}) th plugin is being updated...",
- "console.processLauncher.invalidExtensionName.desc": "The plug-in name [{1}] is illegal, only English letters and numbers are supported. Please modify the plug-in name and run it again.",
- "console.processLauncher.extensionAlreadyExist.desc": "The list of currently installed plug-ins already contains a plug-in named [{1}]. Please change to another name.",
- "notify.upgrade.decompressionInProgress.desc": "The ({1}/{2}) th plugin is being decompression...",
- "console.progressLauncher.startProcess.desc": "Starting process",
- "console.progressLauncher.processExit.desc": "{1} has exited",
- "log.pluginManager.loadingPlugin.desc": "Loading plugin {1}...",
- "log.pluginManager.loaded.desc": "The plugin {1} has finished loading.",
- "log.pluginManager.startActivatedPlugin.desc": "Activating plugin {1}...",
- "log.pluginManager.pluginActivate.success": "The plugin {1} was activated successfully.",
- "log.pluginManager.pluginActivate.failed": "Activation of plugin {1} failed.",
- "button.bottomView.restartApp.tooltips": "Restart App",
- "notify.editor.autoLightlargeDoc.desc": "Open document was too big,the syntax is auto swtich to light mode,you can close this by setting modify",
- "": "/HBuilderX",
- "notify.editor.openFile.failed": "Failed to read file content",
- "": "Auto fix",
- "notify.editor.checkExistsWhenFailed.desc": "Please check if the file exists or has read permission.",
- "msgbox.autoSave.recoveryFile.title": "Recovery File",
- "": "View Libraries &Help...",
- "msgbox.autoSave.recoveryForTempFile.question": "There has a autosave temp file, do you want to recovery?
If you choose to ignore, the temporary file will be deleted",
- "": "&Recovery",
- "": "&Ignore",
- "menu.mainWindow.openEditorAtIndex": "Switch to the {1}th Tab",
- "msgbox.mainWindow.saveTempFile.question": "File does not exist on disk, save it first?",
- "status.mainWindow.failedAddFavoritesTry.desc": "Please save the file and then collect it again.",
- "status.mainWindow.invalidPathToAdd.desc": "Collection failed, file path is invalid.",
- "status.mainWindow.addedToFavorites.desc": "Added to favorites",
- "status.mainWindow.alreadyExistsInFavorites.desc": "The same file already exists in the favorites.",
- "msgbox.core.noPermissionNeedAdministrator.desc": "The current HBuilderX installation directory does not have write permission and needs to be run as an administrator.",
- "msgbox.editor.restartWithAdministrator.desc": "&Run as administrator",
- "status.editor.openOutNoTips.desc": "The grammar hint library cannot be loaded in the files under the non-project opened separately.",
- "": "Do not remind again.",
- "msgbox.core.reInstallPluginManagerModified.desc": "It is detected that the code of the node plug-in [plugin-manager] has been tampered with, and there may be security risks. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the plug-in or HBuilderX.",
- "hover.editor.pressToShowDoc.tooltips": "Press {1} to show docs",
- "": "New Menu",
- "": "Save",
- "notify.noMessageNotice.desc": "No message.",
- "notify.rebuildIndexForProject": "Rebuild index for project {1}",
- "": "Not updated yet",
- "": "Update right now",
- "nofity.upgrade.viewLog.desc": "View release notes ",
- "notify.upgrade.updateNow.desc": "Updating now...",
- "notify.upgrade.noUpdateFind.desc": "It is already the latest version.",
- "notify.upgrade.currentVersion.desc": "The current version is",
- "notify.upgrade.isLatestOffical.desc": "It is the latest official version.",
- "notify.upgrade.newAlphaEditionAvailable": "Alpha version has a higher version.",
- "": "Can be downloaded separately:",
- "notify.upgrade.hbuilderxUrl.desc": "",
- "notify.upgrade.fallbackInstanceNoUpgrade.desc": "The rollback version does not support direct updates, please switch to the latest local version and try again.",
- "notify.upgrade.downloadFailedTryNetwork.desc": "The update failed. Please check the network and try again.",
- "": "Ok",
- "notify.upgrade.forNewOrNo.question": "There has a new version for HBuilerX,update or not?",
- "notify.upgrade.updateFinishedRestartNow.question": "A restart is required to complete the update. Do you want to restart now?",
- "": "Restart now",
- "": "Restart later",
- "": "&Page",
- "": "&Component",
- "status.mainWindow.syncUpdatePagesJson.desc": "The page {1} has been deleted, please update at the same time pages.json",
- "": "&Reveal in pages.json",
- "button.bottomView.closeConsoleAltC.tooltips": "Close Console(Alt+C)",
- "button.bottomView.closeConsoleCtrlC.tooltips": "Close Console(Ctrl+C)",
- "console.fastapp.startParseManifestJson.desc": "Start parse manifest.json...",
- "console.fastapp.startParseRpkFiles.desc": "Start the first round of analysis. . .",
- "console.fastapp.uploadFetchUrls.desc": "Start the second round of analysis. . .",
- "console.fastapp.networkFailed.error": "Network connection failed!",
- "console.fastapp.rpkInvalid.error": "rpk is illegal!",
- "console.fastapp.parseInterfaceRules.desc": "Analyzing interface rules...",
- "console.fastapp.parseFinished.desc": "Data capture is complete!",
- "": "&Clear Console",
- "": "&Search Analysis",
- "": "&Lock Scrollbar",
- "": "&Select All",
- "": "Console",
- "": "Cloud Console",
- "cloudfunction.sizeGreaterThanLimit.desc": "The cloud function size exceeds 10M.",
- "cloudfunction.reCreateAppId.desc": "Please get the new AppID in the manifest.json file.",
- "cloudfunction.missingSpaceId.desc": "Please select a cloud service space first.",
- "console.bottomView.title": "Output",
- "": "&Undo",
- "": "&Cut Selection or Current Line",
- "": "&Copy Selection or Current Line",
- "": "&Copy Path",
- "": "&Paste",
- "label.untitle.title": "Untitle-",
- "": "&Word Wrap",
- "": "&Reveal in System Explorer",
- "": "&Reveal in Finder",
- "": "Copy &File",
- "msgbox.fileSave.title": "File Save",
- "dialog.editor.saveFile.title": "Save File",
- "dialog.editor.saveAsFile.title": "Save As File",
- "": "&Open File...",
- "": "&Redo",
- "": "&Delete Line",
- "": "&Insert the Current Row or Selection Repeatedly",
- "": "&Join Lines",
- "": "Select &Left Word",
- "": "Select &Right Word",
- "": "&Select Current Line or Continuous Line [Mouse click the line number or triple-click the current line]",
- "": "&Find Text(Current File)",
- "": "&Goto Line",
- "": "&Search Next Word",
- "": "&Search Prev Word",
- "": "&Upper Case",
- "": "&Lower Case",
- "": "Insert &Next Line",
- "": "Insert &Prev Line",
- "": "&Close Tab",
- "": "&Close Right Tab",
- "": "&Close All Saved Tab",
- "": "&Close All Tab",
- "": "&Exit",
- "": "&Settings",
- "": "&About HBuilderX...",
- "": "Goto Previous Location",
- "": "Goto Next Location",
- "msgbox.editor.change.title": "File Change",
- "msgbox.editor.thisFile.title": "This File",
- "": "Save As...",
- "": "&Save All",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "msgbox.editor.reloadIfModified.title": "Modified in other applications, do you want to reload?",
- "msgbox.editor.remoteIfNotExists.title": "No longer exists, remove it from the editor?",
- "": "Zoom &out [ctrl + scroll down]",
- "": "Zoom &in [ctrl + scroll up]",
- "": "&Open Recent",
- "": "Save Files",
- "": "Save And &Exit",
- "": "&Select All",
- "": "&Reload Code Block",
- "": "&About...",
- "": "&Feedback",
- "": "&View Log",
- "": "&Word Wrap",
- "": "And delete",
- "": "View",
- "": "Node configure",
- "": "&Display Blank Characters when Highlighted",
- "": "Show &Line Number",
- "": "Show &Indent Guide",
- "": "Show &Left Side",
- "": "&Show Toolbar",
- "": "&Full Screen",
- "": "&New Window",
- "": "New Window",
- "text.window.singleProjectWindow.title": "Single Project Window",
- "text.language.allFilesFilter.desc": "",
- "text.language.displayPatternFilter.desc": "",
- "": "Rebuild Project &Index",
- "": "&Properties",
- "": "&Open in New Window",
- "": "&Main Window",
- "text.window.mainwindow.title": "Main Window",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "Show &Statusbar",
- "": "&Find File",
- "": "&Comment/Uncomment",
- "": "&Reveal in Project Explorer",
- "": "",
- "": "&Close Others",
- "": "&Open in Terminal",
- "": "&Goto Matching Bracket",
- "": "",
- "": "&Select Next Word",
- "": "&Select All Same Word",
- "": "&Others",
- "": "&Custom Language Association...",
- "": "&Snippet Setting",
- "": " Snippet",
- "text.snippet.triggerChar.desc": "Trigger char:",
- "status.autoComplete.pressAlt.desc": "Press Alt+Number to Insert and Alt to Switch Mode.",
- "status.autoComplete.pressAltPlusNum.desc": "Press Number to Insert and Alt to Switch Mode.",
- "": "Select &Languages",
- "menu.mainWindow.selectOtherLanguages.namae": "&Select Languages...",
- "": "&Default",
- "": "&Monokai",
- "": "&Atom One Dark",
- "menu.mainWindow.moveLineUp.desc": "Move Line &Up",
- "": "",
- "menu.mainWindow.moveLineDown.desc": "Move Line &Down",
- "": "",
- "": "Set/Unset &Bookmark",
- "": "&Next Bookmark",
- "": "&Prev Bookmark",
- "": "&Clear All Bookmarks",
- "": "&Bookmarks",
- "": "&Custom External Commands",
- "": "&Theme Setting",
- "": "Custom Theme Guide...",
- "": "&External Commands",
- "": "&External Commands",
- "": "&Replace",
- "": "&Restore Recent Closed File",
- "": "&Reopen Closed Window",
- "": "&Bold",
- "": "uni-app(&Q)",
- "": "&Previous Tab",
- "": "&Next Tab",
- "": "&1.Project",
- "": "&wap2app project",
- "": "&New",
- "": "&Run",
- "": "&Import",
- "": "&QuickApp Publish to Server",
- "": "&QuickApp - Generate rpk File",
- "": "&Android Simulator Port Setting",
- "": "&Adb Path Setting",
- "": "&Base Path Setting",
- "": "&Faq",
- "": "&Install Simulator Faq",
- "": "&Chrome Debug Faq",
- "": "Run",
- "": "Mobile App &Playground",
- "menu.mainWindow.runDevicePrefix.desc": "Run-[Device:",
- "menu.mainWindow.stopDevicePrefix.desc": "Stop-[Device:",
- "menu.mainWindow.macOS11RunPrefix.desc": "Run-[Device:",
- "menu.mainWindow.macOS11stopPrefix.desc": "Stop-[Device:",
- "": "&Show Console",
- "": "Save file {1} ?",
- "": "If not saved, the change will be lost.",
- "": "&Save",
- "": "&Not save",
- "": "&Save As...",
- "": "&New File",
- "": "Indent to the Right",
- "": "Indent to the Left",
- "": "",
- "": "Delete Word &Left",
- "": "",
- "": "Delete Word &Right",
- "": "",
- "": "Delete to the &Beginning of the Line",
- "": "",
- "": "Delete to the &End of the Line",
- "": "",
- "": "Select to the &Beginning of the Line",
- "": "",
- "": "Select to the &End of the Line",
- "": "",
- "": "Select Match Quote &' [Double Click Quote]",
- "": "",
- "": "Select Match Bracket &[ [Double Click Bracket]",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "&Delete",
- "": "&Insert",
- "": "&Indentation",
- "": "&Tab",
- "": "Multi-Cursor",
- "": "&Use Spaces Instead of Tabs when Pressing Tab",
- "menu.mainWindow.tabWidth.desc": "Tab Width:&{1}",
- "": "&Auto Guess the Tab Width",
- "": "&Convert Indentation to Spaces",
- "": "&Convert Indentation to Tabs",
- "": "&Layout",
- "": "&Single",
- "": "&Two Columns",
- "": "&Three Columns",
- "": "Grid(&4)",
- "": "&Two Rows",
- "": "&Three Rows",
- "": "&Clone the Tab to New Column",
- "": "&Focus Editor",
- "": "&Focus Shift",
- "": "&Focus on the Right Column",
- "": "&Focus on the Left Column",
- "": "Trigger Code &Completion",
- "": "Trigger &Parameter Hints",
- "": "&Toggle Outline",
- "": "&Open Release Notes",
- "status.externalCommand.startValidate.desc": "[{1}] start validate {2} ...",
- "status.externalCommand.validateFailedCheckLog.error": "Validate failed,view detail log in console.",
- "text.editor.helpDocNoFound.tooltips": "Can not find the help document.",
- "status.externalCommand.validationComplateReportInfo.desc": "Validation complate,total {1} errors.",
- "status.externalCommand.gotoNextError.desc": "Press [{1}] goto next error.",
- "status.lspServerStarted.desc": "The lauguage server started successfully.",
- "status.lspServerUnavailable.desc": "The lauguage server is unavailable! trying restart...",
- "msgbox.fastapp.HBuilder.title": "",
- "msgbox.fastapp.initConsoleError.desc": "",
- "msgbox.fastapp.invalidRpkPackage.desc": "",
- "msgbox.fastapp.readManifestError.desc": "",
- "msgbox.fastapp.invalidManifest.desc": "",
- "msgbox.fastapp.manifestWithoutProperties.desc": "",
- "console.fastapp.nodeNotFound.desc": "",
- "console.fastapp.startParse.desc": "",
- "console.fastapp.findFetchUrl.desc": "",
- "": "&Find in Folder",
- "": "&Block Comment",
- "": "Ctrl+Shift+\\",
- "": "&Mobile App - Cloud Package",
- "": "&Mobile App - View Cloud Package Status",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "status.externalCommand.validationComplate.desc`": "Validation is complete.",
- "": "&Goto Definition[Alt + click]",
- "": "&Goto Definition to Side[Ctrl + Alt + click]",
- "": "&Expand Selection",
- "": "&Scroll Bar Mark",
- "": "&Goto Next Bookmark",
- "": "&Goto Next Search Word",
- "": "&Goto Next Error",
- "": "",
- "": "Set &Cursor Each Line",
- "": "&Unorder List Symbols By -",
- "": "&Unorder List Symbols By *",
- "": "&Unorder List Symbols By +",
- "": "&Order List Symbols",
- "": "&TaskList Symbols",
- "": "&Task Finish List Symbols",
- "": "Select Same Indentation Lines(I)【Double-click the blank character at the beginning of the line】",
- "": "&Delete Line End Space Char",
- "": "&Swich Two Selections Or Lines",
- "": "&Surrounding (such as if and other function)",
- "": "",
- "": "&UnSurround",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "&Surrounding",
- "status.editor.pasteImageFailed.desc": "",
- "status.editor.createDirError.desc": "Can not create dir, please check permission ...",
- "status.editor.saveImageFailed.desc": "",
- "": "Undo Last Selection",
- "": "",
- "": "&Paste as HTML",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "Set Cursor Surroud Selection",
- "": "Ctrl+\\",
- "": "",
- "": "&Select All Occurrences",
- "": "&Skip Selection And Select Next Word",
- "": "",
- "": "&Debug On Mobile",
- "": "Debug-[Device:",
- "": "Stop Debug-[Device:",
- "": "&Copy",
- "": "&Title Case",
- "": "",
- "": "&Paste From History",
- "": "Paste",
- "": "&Paste Text",
- "": "&Change to Table",
- "text.outline.outline.tooltips": "Outline",
- "menu.mainWindow.publishDCloudPlatform.desc": "&Mobile App - Publish to DCloud Platform",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "&Save and Refresh the Browser Automatically (Built-in Server Only)",
- "": "",
- "": "Find Symbols in Current File",
- "": "Run Browser",
- "": "Go to the Previous Tab",
- "": "&Select Folding Area (F) [Double click a left of folding]",
- "": "&Select the Current Line (without leading and trailing blank characters)[Double-click the end of the line]",
- "": "Expand Selection to Both Sides",
- "": "Decrease Selection from Both Sides Inward",
- "": "&Quote List Symbols",
- "": "&Fold",
- "": "&Expand",
- "": "&Fold Children Contract",
- "": "&Fold Children Expand",
- "": "&Fold All Contract",
- "": "&Fold All Expand",
- "": "&Fold Other Contract",
- "***Select the attached word (double click -, _, etc.)": "Select the Connected Word [double-click the hyphen -, _,. etc.]",
- "": "&Fold",
- "": "Show Built-in Browser(B)",
- "": "Can not open this file.",
- "": "&Get It",
- "msgbox.browser.fileOnlyForDevice.title": "ux/nml file can only be opened by devices",
- "": "&Config webserver",
- "": "&Use Built-in Server",
- "text.noResults.desc": "",
- "": "&Weapp",
- "": "&Miniprogram",
- "msgbox.browser.pleaseConfigBrowser.title": "Please config browser first!",
- "text.terminal.terminal.title": "Terminal",
- "status.editor.autoSwitchTo.desc": "",
- "status.editor.editorSuffix.desc": "",
- "button.terminal.newTerminal.tooltips": "New Terminal",
- "button.terminal.maximizeTerminal.tooltips": "Maximize Terminal",
- "": "&Show Terminal",
- "": "&Show UniCloud",
- "": "Switch to Next Window",
- "msgbox.mainWindow.builtinterminalDoesNotExists.title": "Built-in Terminal Plugin not Exist, Download it?",
- "button.terminal.restoreTerminal.tooltips": "Restore Terminal",
- "text.explorerTree.explorer.desc": "Explorer",
- "": "&Get it",
- "msgbox.mainWindow.builtinterminalDownloadFailed.desc": "The built-in terminal plug-in download failed, please go to the official website to download the App development version (full package)",
- "msgbox.mainWindow.builtinterminalDownloading.desc": "Built-in terminal plugin is downloading, please waitting...",
- "": "Choose a type to continute",
- "": "&Favorite",
- "text.dir.desc": "Dir",
- "text.custom.desc": "Custom",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "Debug-[simulator:",
- "": "Stop Debug-[simulator:",
- "": "Run-[simulator:",
- "": "Stop-[simulator:",
- "": "MacOS11-Debug-[simulator:",
- "": "MacOS11-Stop Debug-[simulator:",
- "": "MacOS11-Run-[simulator:",
- "": "MacOS11-Stop-[simulator:",
- "": "&Webserver Setting",
- "": "&Generate App Resources",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "&Offline Package",
- "": "&Android Package Guide ...",
- "": "&iOS Package Guide ...",
- "": "Export wgt Resources",
- "": "&Use Custom Base",
- "": "&Default Playground",
- "": "Generate Custom &Playground",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "",
- "": "Webview Debug",
- "": "&Show RemoteDebug Webview",
- "": "&No Icon",
- "": "",
- "": "Add Favorite",
- "": "Did not find the plugin you want?",
- "": "You can search in {1}Plugin Market{2}.",
- "": "&Redetect Project Type",
- "dialog.svn.svnAuthentication.title": "SVN Authentication",
- "dialog.svn.unableConnectRepository.desc": "Unable to connect to the svn repository.",
- "msgbox.svn.checkNetwork.title": "Please check the network.",
- "text.svn.createTemporaryFileFailed.desc": "Create temporary message file failed.",
- "text.svn.pluginNotInstalled.desc": "SVN plugin is not installed.",
- "": "OK",
- "": "Convert &Regexp to Content",
- "": "Change Theme",
- "": "New Blank File",
- "": "Change Keymaps",
- "": "Open Folder",
- "": "User Tutorial",
- "dialog.excludeDir.excludePlaceHolder.desc": "ExcludeDir split",
- "msgbox.mainWindow.windowStyleChanged.desc": "The window style setting has been changed,\nneed to restart HBuilder X to take effect.",
- "": "&Local History",
- "": "Show Minimap",
- "": "Enable Preview on Mouse Hover",
- "text.cloudfunction.noSpace.desc": "Unselect cloud server space",
- "text.cloudfunction.relatedProject.desc": "Related project ",
- "": "&Current Cloud Space ...",
- "": "&View Related Cloud Space",
- "menu.mainWindow.unbindRelatedProject": "&Unbind Related Cloud Space",
- "": "&Deploy to Cloud Space ...",
- "": "&Open uniCloud Developer Center...",
- "": "&Upload Common Module",
- "`": "&Download Common Module",
- "": "&Sync Common Module List",
- "": "&New Common Module",
- "": "&Upload All cloudfunctions,common module and actions",
- "": "&Download All Cloud Resources",
- "": "&Sync Cloud Fun List",
- "": "&New Cloud Fun",
- "": "&Upload And Deploy",
- "": "&DownLoad Cloud Fun",
- "": "&Upload And Run",
- "text.aliyun.desc": "Alibaba Cloud",
- "text.tcb.desc": "Tencent Cloud",
- "": "Create And Deploy Cloud Fun",
- "": "&Initialize the cloud database (including schema and verification functions)",
- "menu.explorerTree.notSupportDragDrop.tooltips": "Multi-file drag and drop operation is not supported.",
- "": "&Highlight the Elements in the Browser",
- "": "Add breakpoint failed. The location does not support breakpoints.",
- "text.fetching.desc": "Fetching",
- "": "&Install",
- "msgbox.packageJsonFormatError.title": "package.json File format error",
- "msgbox.checkPackageJsonFormat.title": "Check the package.json file format",
- "label.editor.pressF2ToFocus.tooltips": "Press 'F2' for focus",
- "ConnectionRefusedError": "ConnectionRefusedError",
- "RemoteHostClosedError": "RemoteHostClosedError",
- "HostNotFoundError": "HostNotFoundError",
- "TimeoutError": "TimeoutError",
- "OperationCanceledError": "OperationCanceledError",
- "SslHandshakeFailedError": "SslHandshakeFailedError",
- "TemporaryNetworkFailureError": "TemporaryNetworkFailureError",
- "NetworkSessionFailedError": "NetworkSessionFailedError",
- "BackgroundRequestNotAllowedError": "BackgroundRequestNotAllowedError",
- "TooManyRedirectsError": "TooManyRedirectsError",
- "InsecureRedirectError": "InsecureRedirectError",
- "UnknownNetworkError": "UnknownNetworkError",
- "ProxyConnectionRefusedError": "ProxyConnectionRefusedError",
- "ProxyConnectionClosedError": "ProxyConnectionClosedError",
- "ProxyNotFoundError": "ProxyNotFoundError",
- "ProxyTimeoutError": "ProxyTimeoutError",
- "ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError": "ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError",
- "UnknownProxyError": "UnknownProxyError",
- "ContentAccessDenied": "ContentAccessDenied",
- "ContentOperationNotPermittedError": "ContentOperationNotPermittedError",
- "ContentNotFoundError": "ContentNotFoundError",
- "AuthenticationRequiredError": "AuthenticationRequiredError",
- "ContentReSendError": "ContentReSendError",
- "ContentConflictError": "ContentConflictError",
- "ContentGoneError": "ContentGoneError",
- "UnknownContentError": "UnknownContentError",
- "ProtocolUnknownError": "ProtocolUnknownError",
- "ProtocolInvalidOperationError": "ProtocolInvalidOperationError",
- "ProtocolFailure": "ProtocolFailure",
- "InternalServerError": "InternalServerError",
- "OperationNotImplementedError": "OperationNotImplementedError",
- "ServiceUnavailableError": "ServiceUnavailableError",
- "title.msgbox.vueVersionDiffDesc.warning": "Mixing different versions of vue may cause unknown errors",
- "title.msgbox.vueVersionDifferentFrom.warning": "The vue version used by the imported plugin is {1}, which is different from the version {2} used by the current project",
- "": "Close all(&A)",
- "": "Download(&D)",
- "text.openwith": "Open Way",
- "git.env.checkTortoise.warning": "This operation relies on TortoiseGit, which was not found on this computer.\nPlease download and install first, and then try again.",
- "git.env.chekcCmd.warning": "This operation relies on the Git command line environment.\nPlease install and configure the system environment first, and restart HBuilder X.",
- "console.packageName.text": "[{1}] - Packaging console",
- "beendeployed.text": "{1} Successfully uploaded",
- "encrypt.cloudcommon.text": "This file is an encrypted public module, and the source code cannot be viewed.",
- "write.text.err": "Failed to write file...",
- "encrypt.encryptFile.text": "This file is encrypted and the source code cannot be viewed.",
- "node.version.text": "The current version of node has been upgraded to node12.22, there is a compatibility problem with the plug-in {1}, please upgrade the plug-in to the latest version",
- "uploading.file.text": "Uploading file {1}...",
- "": "Failed to read template file...",
- "preparing.file.text": "Preparing file {1}...",
- "nofront.webhosting": "The service space does not open front-end web hosting",
- "encrypt.cloudfunction.text": "This file is an encrypted cloud function, and the source code cannot be viewed.",
- "project.depends.plugin.text": "The project import depends on the {1} plugin, please install the plugin first",
- "": "Upgrade now",
- "create.unicloud.environment.text": "Create a uniCloud environment that depends on the {1} plugin, please install the plugin first",
- "": "The installation package has been uploaded successfully, the download address of the installation package: {1}",
- "console.package.upload.success.text": "The installation package was uploaded successfully {1}",
- "console.nodejs.error.text": "$$$1 Uncaught exception-There is an uncaught exception, and it was not handled by the domain or'uncaughtException' event handler.\n$$$2 - Not used (Bash is reserved for internal abuse)\n$$$3 Internal JavaScript parsing error-The JavaScript source code inside Node.js caused a syntax parsing error during the boot process. This is very rare, and generally only appears when developing Node.js itself.\n$$$4 Internal JavaScript execution failed-when the boot process executes the JavaScript source code inside Node.js, the return function value failed. This is very rare, and generally only appears when developing Node.js itself.\n$$$5 Fatal error-There is a fatal error in V8. The typical message is printed from stderr with FATALERROR as the prefix.\n$$$6 Non-function internal exception handling-An internal exception has occurred, but the internal exception handling function is set to a non-function or cannot be called.\n$$$7 The internal exception handling failed at runtime-there was an exception that could not be caught. When trying to handle this exception, the handler itself threw an error. This can happen, for example, if an'uncaughtException' or domain.on('error') handler throws an error.\n$$$8 - Unused, in previous versions of Node.js, exit code 8 sometimes indicated an uncaught exception.\n$$$9 - Unavailable parameters-Maybe an unknown option is not determined, or the required option is not filled in.\n$$$10 Internal JavaScript runtime failed-when the bootstrap function is called, the bootstrap process executes the JavaScript source code inside Node.js and throws an error. This is very rare, and generally only appears when developing Node.js itself.\n$$$12 Unavailable debugging parameters-The --inspect and/or --inspect-brk options have been set, but the selected port number is invalid or unavailable.",
- "File upload failed %1": "File upload failed %1",
- "cover": "Recently set",
- "source '%1' does not allow": "Not allowed'%1'as source path",
- "Please install and configure the system environment and restart HBuilderX.": "Please install and configure the system environment first, and restart HBuilder X",
- "Please download and install and re-operate.": "Please download and install first, and then try again.",
- "command '%1' does not exists or missing params.": "Command'%1' does not exist or is missing parameters",
- "please wait for last task to finish(%1)": "Please wait for the completion of the previous task(%1)",
- "Browser": "Browse",
- "edit": "Edit",
- "Retry Install": "Reinstall(&I)",
- "current setting is error": "There is an error in the current setting, if it is not modified, it will cause an exception",
- "fix": "Fix the error",
- "FILE": "File",
- "buildin": "Default setting",
- "no file in '%1'": "'%1'There is no file that can be uploaded",
- "This operation relies on TortoiseGit, but not found on this machine.": "This operation relies on TortoiseGit, which was not found on this computer.",
- "Project [%1]": "Item【 %1 】",
- "console.upgradecenter.text": "It is recommended to use the upgrade center, see for details: %1",
- "Mixing different versions of Vue will lead to risks": "Mixing code of different VUE versions has the risk of causing anomalies",
- "This operation relies on Git command tool environment.": "This operation relies on the Git command line environment.",
- "please assign remote path": "Please specify the path of the cloud space file to be deleted,such as:/myfile.file",
- "source '%1' does not exists.": "'%1'Source path does not exist",
- "Download": "Down download(&D)",
- "Import vue version(%1) is defferent from project vue version(%2)": "The version of VUE (%1) declared in the import plugin is not the same as the version of VUE (%2) declared in the project",
- "unvalid editorconfig file %1": "Invalid editorconfig file: %1.",
- "DIR": "Folder",
- "opreation has been terminated.": "The current operation was aborted by the user",
- "*****empty spaces list": "无可用的服务空间,请先创建",
- "UnknownServerError": "未知服务",
- "msgbox.button.continue": "continue(&R)",
- "msgbox.reportCrash.title": "The application HBuilderX has exited unexpectedly",
- "msgbox.reportCrash.description": "A crash report has been generated. To help us improve HBuilderX, please select \"Continue\" to add a detailed description, which includes the process of reproducing this step[Details]。\n\nWe will use this crash report to find a future solution to this problem",
- "console.unicloudResouceconflicts.error": "The initialization wizard has been interrupted, please resolve the above conflicts and try again",
- "":"Hide"
- },
- "QuickAppCompiler": {
- "console.startCompile.warning": "Project '{1}' start compiling...",
- "console.compile.success": "Project '{1}' Compiling end.",
- "console.missingNodejs.error": "In the absence of the nodejs environment, configure the nodejs path in the settings",
- "console.missingManifest.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
- "console.openManifestFailed.error": "Cannot open manifest.json",
- "console.manifestMissingPackage.error": "'package' in manifest.json is Empty",
- "console.waitForRPK.warning": "It is downloading tools, please wait ...",
- "console.failedToDownloadRPK.error": "Rpk plug-in download failed, please check the network status and system proxy settings.",
- "console.projectDoesNotExists.error": "Project is not exists.",
- "console.clearBuildDir.desc": "Clear build dir...",
- "console.copyProjectFiles.desc": "Copy project files...",
- "console.copyProjectFilesFailed.error": "Copy project files failed",
- "console.projectCompileFailed.error": "Project '{1}' Compiling failed.",
- "console.missingNeededCompileRPK.error": "Lack of necessary components for compiling RPK",
- "text.quickapp.desc": "uni-app",
- "console.downloadToolsSuccess.desc": "RPK download success, please rerun.",
- "console.needRepublish.desc": "Download tools success, please republish",
- "console.copySignFilesFailed.error": "Copy sign files failed",
- "console.manifestMissingAppId.desc": "'appid' in manifest.json is Empty",
- "console.waitForNotLoaded.desc": "The tools is unloaded, please wait...",
- "console.waitForInstall.desc": "The tools is uninstalled, please wait...",
- "console.installingWaitAndTry.desc": "The tools is installing, please wait. (If the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again)",
- "console.waitForReInstall.desc": "The tools is reinstalling, please wait...",
- "console.installFailedTryNpm.desc": "the plugin {1} is install failed, please use the 'npm install' command to install."
- },
- "QuickAppPacker": {
- "text.weApp.desc": "WeChat mini-app",
- "text.alipayApp.desc": "Alipay mini-app",
- "text.baiduApp.desc": "Baidu mini-app",
- "text.bytedanceApp.desc": "Bytedance mini-app",
- "text.qqApp.desc": "QQ mini-app",
- "text.360App.desc": "360 mini-app",
- "text.huaweiApp.desc": "Huawei Quick-app",
- "text.quickAppUnion.desc": "Quick-app",
- "console.startPublishProject.desc": "Project '{1}' start to publish...",
- "console.projectPublishItem.desc": "Project '{1}' start to publish {2}...",
- "console.rpkFilePath.desc": "RPK file path is: {1}",
- "console.sendingRequestToServer.desc": "Sending request to server...",
- "console.serverBusy.desc": "The server is busy, please try again later试",
- "console.publishFailedReportReason.desc": "Publish failure, the reason is: {1}",
- "console.networkConnectionFailed.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
- "console.projectPublishFailed.error": "Project '{1}' publish failed.",
- "console.projectPublishItemFailed.error": "Project '{1}' publish {2} failed.",
- "console.needLogin.desc": "Please Login in!",
- "console.compileFailedReason.error": "Compile failure, the reason is: {1}",
- "console.missingManifest.desc": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
- "console.openManifestError.desc": "Cannot open manifest.json",
- "console.manifestMissingPackage.desc": "'package' in manifest.json is Empty",
- "console.publishFinishedWaitReview.desc": "Project '{1}' has published,please wait for the review, If you do not known stream App, please go to the[]",
- "console.rpkPackageFinished.desc": "rpk file path: {1}, please upload the package to or the developer platform of the handset vendor",
- "console.projectExportSuccess.desc": "Project '{1}' export end,the path is: {2}",
- "console.wgtMatchSameSDK.desc": "This wgt file is generated by HBuilderX {1} version, and the running base sdk also needs to match the same version, otherwise some functions on the mobile phone may not work properly. See details ",
- "console.projectExportItemSuccess.desc": "Project '{1}'export {3} end,the path is: {2}",
- "console.cautionUseWebServer.desc": "Please deploy to the web server, do not use the resource manager to open directly, unless the relative path configuration is carried out, please refer to:。",
- "console.depolySecondLevelDir.desc": "If you want to deploy in second directory, you can set in manifest.json",
- "console.exportFailedReason.desc": "Project '{1}' export failed, because {2}",
- "console.noSupportExportResource.desc": "Project '{1}' does not support exporting local packaged App resources.",
- "console.startExport.desc": "Project '{1}' start export...",
- "console.exportInProgress.desc": "Project '{1}' exporting...",
- "console.exportFailed.error": "Project '{1}' export failed.",
- "console.confusionInProgress.desc": "Project '{1}' is confusioning....",
- "console.confusionFailed.error": "Project '{1}'js native obfuscation failed",
- "console.compressInProgress.desc": "Project '{1}' is compressing...",
- "console.invalidUniAppProject.desc": "Project '{1}' is not uni-app.",
- "console.invalidAppId.desc": "The owner of the AppID of this project is not the currently logged-in account, please log in with the correct account again or get it again in the project’s manifest.json",
- "console.emptyAppIdError.desc": "The project Appid is empty, please obtain it again!",
- "text.kuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou Mini Program",
- "console.appidNotowned.desc": "The AppID of this project is not owned by the current account, please contact the owner of the app to set your account as a collaborator or get it again in the project’s manifest.json",
- "Tips: The wgt is build in HBuilderx %1, the runtime sdk version must be the same version, if not the device will pop-up warning. details:": "提示:本wgt文件由HBuilderX %1版本生成,运行的基座sdk也需配套相同版本,否则在手机端部分功能可能无法正常使用。详见"
- },
- "QuickAppProjectWizard": {
- "text.quickApp.desc": "QuickApp",
- "text.whatIsQuickApp.desc": ""
- },
- "QuickSearch": {
- "text.form.desc": ""
- },
- "QuickSearchType": {
- "label.fileName.desc": "Find File",
- "label,filterCharCurrentFile.desc": "Find Text (Current File)",
- "label.replace.desc": "Replace",
- "label.gotoLine.desc": "Goto Line",
- "label.filterCharCurrentDirectory.desc": "Find Text (Current Dir)",
- "label.filterCharCurrentFile.desc": "Find Text (Current File)"
- },
- "RPCService": {
- "status.downloadSyntaxHelper.desc": "Downloading syntax helper plugin ...",
- "status.downloadSyntaxHelperFailed.desc": "Download the syntax helper plugin failed, please check the network status.",
- "status.configurSyntaxHelper.desc": "Configuring syntax helper plugin ...",
- "status.runDevice.desc": "Running Device",
- "console.oneOfUniappH5.desc": "Please select a QuickApp H5+App or Wap2App project!",
- "console.QuickAppNoIOS.desc": "IOS device not support nml or QuickApp!",
- "console.selectQuickAppProject.desc": "Please select a QuickApp Project!",
- "console.selectQuickOrNml.desc": "Please select a QuickApp Project or a UniApp Project!",
- "console.startWeappDev.desc": "Starting WeApp devTools...",
- "console.weappDevStarted.desc": "WeApp devTools start success, edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh WeApp devTools.",
- "console.weappDevStartFailed.desc": "WeApp devTools start failed, please check!",
- "console.closeIfWeappOpened.desc": "If the devTools was opened, close it and try again!",
- "console.upgradeWeappDev.desc": "Upgrade the devTools to the latest version!",
- "msgbox.downloadAndInstallSyntax.title": "The currently opened language file does not have a syntax prompt plug-in installed, and it has been automatically downloaded.
The download is complete, it will be prompted in the status bar.",
- "": "Ok",
- "label.view.miniAppWechat.title": "miniApp - wechat",
- "console.isStopped.desc": "is stopped...",
- "console.deviceNotFound.desc": "Did not find the device, please reconnect the device",
- "path.wechatWebdevTools.desc": "WeChat web developer tools",
- "console.notesPrefix.desc": "Notes:",
- "console.switchPagesCondition.desc": "You can switch the page configured by the condition in pages.json through the WeChat developer tool, or close the WeChat developer tool, and then start the specified page from HBuilderX.",
- "console.whitePageTryAgain.desc": "If there is a problem of a white screen after the WeChat developer tool is started, check whether multiple WeChat developer tools are started, if so, close all open WeChat developer tools, and then run again.",
- "console.publishIfNotCompress.desc": "In the running mode, the code is not compressed and contains the sourcemap, which is large; if you want to officially release, please click the release menu to release.",
- "label.view.miniAppBaidu.title": "miniApp - baidu",
- "label.view.miniAppAlipay.title": "miniApp - alipay",
- "label.view.miniAppBytedance.title": "miniApp - bytedance",
- "label.view.miniAppQQ.title": "miniApp - QQ",
- "label.view.miniApp360.title": "miniApp - 360",
- "label.view.qiuckAppHuawei.title": "qiuckApp - huawei",
- "label.view.qiuckAppUnion.title": "qiuckApp - union",
- "console.openIn360Browser.desc": "Preview in mac is not supported yet, please open {1} in 360 browser on windows.",
- "console.appendProjectIn360.desc": "Add items in the 360 browser:{1} detailed reference:{2}",
- "console.startBaiduAppDev.desc": "Starting baiduApp devTools...",
- "console.startDevTool.desc": "Starting {1} devTools具...",
- "console.waitForBaiduDev.desc": "Waiting baiduApp devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh baiduApp devTools.",
- "console.waitDevTool.desc": "Waiting {2} devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh {2} devTools.",
- "console.startQQDevTool.desc": "Starting qqApp devTools...",
- "console.waitQQDevTool.desc": "Waiting qqApp devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh qqApp devTools.",
- "console.startAlipayAppDev.desc": "Starting alipayApp devTools...",
- "console.waitForAlipayDev.desc": "waiting alipayApp devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh alipayApp devTools.",
- "console.start360DevTool.desc": "Starting 360App devTools...",
- "console.waitFor360Dev.desc": "Waiting 360App devTools start, please open the project {1}, for details, please refer to: {2}",
- "console.waitFor360Part.desc": "Then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh 360App devTools.",
- "console.startHuaweiDev.desc": "Starting huaweiApp devTools...",
- "console.waitForHuaweiDev.desc": "HuaweiApp devTools started, edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh huaweiApp devTools.",
- "console.startedHuaweiAppDev.desc": "HuaweiApp devTools started",
- "console.manuallyOpenHuaweiDev": "If you fail to open the project, please open it manually in Huawei Quick App Developer Tool: {1}",
- "console.startQuickAppUnion.desc": "Starting quickAppUnion devTools...",
- "console.quickAppUnionStarted.desc": "QuickAppUnion devTools started",
- "console.waitQuickAppUnion.desc": "Waiting quickAppUnion devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh quickAppUnion devTools.",
- "console.manuallyOpenQuickApp.desc": "If the project is not successfully opened, please open it manually in the Quick App Alliance Developer Tools: {1}",
- "text.weApp.desc": "WeChat mini-app",
- "text.alipayApp.desc": "Alipay mini-app",
- "text.baiduApp.desc": "Baidu mini-app",
- "text.bytedanceApp.desc": "Bytedance mini-app",
- "text.qqApp.desc": "QQ mini-app",
- "text.360App.desc": "360 mini-app",
- "text.huaweiApp.desc": "Huawei quick-app",
- "text.quickAppUnion.desc": "QuickAppUnion",
- "console.uploadInDevTool.desc": "Please upload in {1} devoloper tools.",
- "console.waitForDevTool.desc": "waiting {2} devTools start, please open the project {1}, and",
- "console.windowNotFoundDev.desc": "Not found {1} developer tools, please set in tool->settings->run settings",
- "console.macNotFoundDev.desc": "Not found {1} developer tools, please set in HBuilderX->preference->run settings",
- "console.devToolSuffix.title": "[{1} devoloper tools] ",
- "console.openWeappPort.desc": "WeApp devTools deny HBuilderX acces, please check follow these steps! ",
- "notify.missingPlugin.desc": "{1} not found, then code assist etc. could not work.",
- "": "Install",
- "": "Ingore",
- "console.debugServiceStarted.desc": "Debug proxy is started. The log information will be displayed in the Console of the Debug window.",
- "console.debugServiceProgress.desc": "Debug proxy is starting",
- "console.reRunDebug.desc": "The launcher is not started, please wait...",
- "console.startDebugServiceProgress.desc": "Starting debug proxy",
- "console.debugServiceStopped.desc": "Debug proxy is ended",
- "console.canNotDebug.desc": "Non-custom component mode cannot be debugged.",
- "console.downloadNotExistsPlugin.desc": "The plugin {1} does not exist and is being downloaded...",
- "console.downloadPluginSuccessed.desc": "The plugin {1} was downloaded successfully",
- "console.downloadPluginFailed.desc": "The plugin {1} failed to download, please check whether the network is normal.",
- "console.waitForDownloadPlugin.desc": "The plugin {1} is downloading, please wait...",
- "text.accountNoProject.desc": "This item does not exist in the current login account.",
- "text.openProjectFailed.desc": "Failed to open project.",
- "text.otherSimulators.desc": "Other",
- "label.view.miniAppkuaishou.title": "Mini Program-Kuaishou",
- "console.startKuaiShouAppDev.desc": "Starting Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool...",
- "console.waitKuaiShouAppDev.desc": "After waiting for the Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool to start, open the Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool: {1}, then modify the file in HBuilderX and save it, and the Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool will be refreshed automatically",
- "text.kuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou Mini Program"
- },
- "DebuggerWindow": {
- "text.debug.desc": "Debug"
- },
- "RemoteDebugWidget": {
- "label.checkbox.openWebViewDebug.desc": "Open remoteDebug view on run device.",
- "label.checkbox.checkDeviceProgress.desc": "It is getting device,please wait...",
- "text.noDeviceFound.desc": "Did not find device,please connect device to computer,prefrence:
device running FAQ ",
- "text.closeAllAndTry.desc": "\n Note: If you cannot open the debugging page normally, you can close all Chrome processes and try again!
\n For uni-app projects, only vue pages in v3 mode support the webview debugging view layer. To debug js or nvue, please click the debug button in the upper right corner of the running console. \n ",
- "Form": ""
- },
- "SashEdit": {
- "msgbox.tableContained.question": "Find table in clipboard, paste text or change to markdown table?"
- },
- "SearchBar": {
- "button.caseSensitive.tooltips": "Case Sensitive",
- "button.wholeWord.tooltips": "Whole Word",
- "button.Regular Expression.tooltips": "Regular Expression",
- "button.Filter.tooltips": "Filter",
- "button.Replace And Find.tooltips": "Replace And Find",
- "button.Replace All.tooltips": "Replace All",
- "button.Close.tooltips": "Close(Esc)",
- "button.Find All.tooltips": "Find All",
- "button.replace <<.tooltips": "Replace <<",
- "button.replace >>.tooltips": "Replace >>",
- "button.Replace.tooltips": "Replace",
- "button.Find Previous.tooltips": "Find Previous",
- "button.Find Next.tooltips": "Find Next",
- "button.Show Replace(CTRL+H).tooltips": "Show Replace(CTRL+H)",
- "button.Show Replace(Command+Option+F).tooltips": "Show Replace(⌘+Option+F)",
- "button.Search Type.tooltips": "Search Type",
- "textbox. Type File Name.placeholder": "Input File Name",
- "textbox. Find.placeholder": "Find",
- "textbox. MultiFile Find.placeholder": "Find in Files",
- "textbox. Replace With.placeholder": "Replace",
- "button.Find.tooltips": "Find",
- "msgbox.autosaveOrReplaceFile.title": "Replace and autosave all files or Replace the current file",
- "": "&Replace all search result list files ",
- "": "&Replace current file ",
- "": "&Cancel",
- "msgbox.button.autosave.title": "Replace and autosave all files",
- "": "&Yes",
- "text.currentDirectory.desc": "Current Directory",
- "text.selectedDirectoryOrFile.desc": "Left Side Selection",
- "text.currentProject.desc": "Current Project",
- "text.allProject.desc": "All Projects",
- "dialog.configFilterRegexp.title": "Filter Pattern Setting",
- "diaalog.excludeDir.title": "Filter Files to Exclude",
- "textbox.selectedDirectories.tooltips": "Selected {1} directories",
- "textbox.selectedFiles.tooltips": "Selected {1} files",
- "textbox.selectedDirectoriesAndFiles.tooltips": "Selected {1} directories and {2} files",
- "textbox.containProjects.tooltips": "Contain {1} Projects",
- "text.pleaseSelectScope.desc": "Select Scope",
- "msgbox.dirNoSearch.title": "The directory where the current document is located is not in the project manager and cannot be searched.",
- "msgbox.fileNoSearch.title": "The current document is not in the project manager and cannot be searched.",
- "msgbox.trySelect.title": "The project manager did not select anything. Please select again.",
- "button.findinselectregion.tooltips": "Find in Selection"
- },
- "FilterRegExpDialog": {
- "label.includeFileName.desc": "Include File Pattern",
- "label.excludeFileName.desc": "Exclude File Pattern:",
- "label.excludeDirectoryName.desc": "Exclude Dir Pattern:",
- "label.modifyDefaultRegexp.desc": "Modify default filter pattern",
- "textbox.delimited.placeholder": "Separate *.json, *.php with a comma"
- },
- "SearchResultEditPart": {
- "text.searchResult.title": "Search Result",
- "label.textbox.previewResult.desc": "Preview Result",
- "status.searchDone.desc": "Searching for \"{1}\" is complete, and {3} matching results were found in {2} files.",
- "status.excludeDir.desc": "exclude {1} directories:",
- "status.searchInProgress.desc": "Searching for \"{1}\"...find {2} results in {3} files exclude {4} directories.",
- "status.searchResultList.desc": "Search Result List",
- "status.replaceDone.desc": "Replaced \"{1}\" with \"{2}\",replaced {3} results in {4} files",
- "status.replaceInProgress.desc": ">Replacing \"{1}\" with \"{2}\"...replaced {3} results in {4} files",
- "label.clickOrDoubleClick.tooltips": "Click result to preview in right; Double click to open file on new tab.",
- "text.openedFile.desc": "File is dirty, search result from disk."
- },
- "TextEditor::BaseFileFind": {
- "text.numberOfFound.desc": "\n "
- },
- "TextEditor::FindInFiles": {
- "text.filesInFileSystem.desc": "",
- "text.findInFile.desc": "",
- "tooltips.findInFileDone.desc": ""
- },
- "TextEditor::Internal::InternalEngine": {
- "text.internal.desc": ""
- },
- "ThemeEdit": {
- "status.matchesFound.desc": "Found {1} of {2}",
- "status.noFound.desc": "Unable to find {1}",
- "status.replacedMatches.desc": "Replaced {1} matches",
- "": "&Plugin Config",
- "msgbox.canNotSaveFile.title": "Unable to save the file, please check permissions or whether the file is read-only.",
- "": "Other &Folds",
- "": "Fold &Contract Other",
- "": "&Expand All Folds",
- "": "&Add Breakpoint to Debugger",
- "": "&Add Breakpoint to - [{1}]",
- "": "&Delete Bookmark",
- "": "&Add Bookmark",
- "": "&Clear Bookmarks",
- "": "&Add Breakpoint to Built-in Browser",
- "": "Add/Remove Breakpoint(Double click)",
- "": "Disable Breakpoint",
- "": "Enable Breakpoint",
- "": "Add/Remove Breakpoint(Double click)",
- "": "Clear Breakpoints",
- "tooltpis.openHyperlink.Alt.desc": "Open link (Alt + click)",
- "tooltpis.openHyperlink.Command.desc": "Open link (Command + click)",
- "tooltpis.openHyperlink.Ctrl.desc": "Open link (Ctrl + click)",
- "editor.leftClickChangeColor.Alt.tooltips": "Use [Alt + click] to open color pick.",
- "editor.leftClickChangeColor.Ctrl.tooltips": "Use [Ctrl + click] to open color pick.",
- "editor.leftClickChangeColor.Command.tooltips": "Use [Command + click] to open color pick.",
- "" :"Double-click to Add Breakpoint or Pressing"
- },
- "UniAppBasicJsonFormPage": {
- "msgbox.loginFirstFetchAppid.title": "Please log in first, then use the cloud to get the Appid function",
- "msgbox.oneAppidForProject.title": "A project can only distribute one appid.",
- "properties.globalization.aa": "Afar",
- "properties.globalization.ab": "Abkhazian",
- "": "Avestan",
- "": "Afrikaans",
- "properties.globalization.ak": "Akan",
- "": "Amharic",
- "": "Aragonese",
- "": "Arabic",
- "": "Assamese",
- "properties.globalization.av": "Avaric",
- "properties.globalization.ay": "Aymara",
- "": "Azerbaijani",
- "": "Bashkir",
- "": "Belarusian",
- "": "Bulgarian",
- "": "Bihari",
- "": "Bislama",
- "": "Bambara",
- "": "Bengali",
- "": "Tibetan",
- "": "Breton",
- "": "Bosnian",
- "": "Catalan, Valencian",
- "properties.globalization.ce": "Chechen",
- "": "Chamorro",
- "": "Corsican",
- "": "Cree",
- "properties.globalization.cs": "Czech",
- "": "Church Slavic, Old Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian, Old Church Slavonic",
- "": "Chuvash",
- "": "Welsh",
- "properties.globalization.da": "Danish",
- "": "German",
- "properties.globalization.dv": "Divehi, Dhivehi, Maldivian",
- "": "Dzongkha",
- "": "Ewe",
- "properties.globalization.el": "Greek, Modern (1453–)",
- "properties.globalization.en": "English",
- "properties.globalization.en-AU": "English (Australia)",
- "properties.globalization.en-CA": "English (Canada)",
- "properties.globalization.en-GB": "English (UK)",
- "properties.globalization.en-IE": "English (Ireland)",
- "properties.globalization.en-IN": "English (India)",
- "properties.globalization.en-NZ": "English (New Zealand)",
- "properties.globalization.en-SG": "English (Singapore)",
- "properties.globalization.en-US": "English (US)",
- "properties.globalization.en-ZA": "English (South Africa)",
- "properties.globalization.eo": "Esperanto",
- "": "Spanish, Castilian",
- "": "Spanish (Latin America)",
- "": "Spanish (US)",
- "": "Estonian",
- "": "Basque",
- "properties.globalization.fa": "Persian",
- "properties.globalization.ff": "Fulah",
- "": "Finnish",
- "": "Fijian",
- "": "Faroese",
- "": "French",
- "": "French (Canada)",
- "properties.globalization.fy": "Western Frisian",
- "": "Irish",
- "": "Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic",
- "": "Galician",
- "": "Guarani",
- "": "Gujarati",
- "properties.globalization.gv": "Manx",
- "properties.globalization.ha": "Hausa",
- "properties.globalization.he": "Hebrew",
- "properties.globalization.hi": "Hindi",
- "properties.globalization.ho": "Hiri Motu",
- "": "Croatian",
- "": "Haitian, Haitian Creole",
- "": "Hungarian",
- "properties.globalization.hy": "Armenian",
- "properties.globalization.hz": "Herero",
- "properties.globalization.ia": "Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)",
- "": "Indonesian",
- "": "Interlingue, Occidental",
- "properties.globalization.ig": "Igbo",
- "properties.globalization.ii": "Sichuan Yi, Nuosu",
- "properties.globalization.ik": "Inupiaq",
- "": "Ido",
- "": "Icelandic",
- "": "Italian",
- "properties.globalization.iu": "Inuktitut",
- "properties.globalization.ja": "Japanese",
- "properties.globalization.jv": "Javanese",
- "properties.globalization.ka": "Georgian",
- "": "Kongo",
- "": "Kikuyu, Gikuyu",
- "properties.globalization.kj": "Kuanyama, Kwanyama",
- "properties.globalization.kk": "Kazakh",
- "properties.globalization.kl": "Kalaallisut, Greenlandic",
- "": "Central Khmer",
- "": "Kannada",
- "properties.globalization.ko": "Korean",
- "": "Kanuri",
- "properties.globalization.ks": "Kashmiri",
- "properties.globalization.ku": "Kurdish",
- "properties.globalization.kv": "Komi",
- "": "Cornish",
- "": "Kirghiz, Kyrgyz",
- "": "Latin",
- "": "Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch",
- "properties.globalization.lg": "Ganda",
- "": "Limburgan, Limburger, Limburgish",
- "properties.globalization.ln": "Lingala",
- "properties.globalization.lo": "Lao",
- "": "Lithuanian",
- "": "Luba-Katanga",
- "": "Latvian",
- "": "Malagasy",
- "": "Marshallese",
- "properties.globalization.mi": "Maori",
- "": "Macedonian",
- "": "Malayalam",
- "": "Mongolian",
- "": "Marathi",
- "": "Malay",
- "": "Maltese",
- "": "Burmese",
- "": "Nauru",
- "properties.globalization.nb": "Norwegian Bokmål",
- "properties.globalization.nd": "North Ndebele",
- "": "Nepali",
- "": "Ndonga",
- "": "Dutch, Flemish",
- "properties.globalization.nn": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
- "": "Norwegian",
- "": "South Ndebele",
- "properties.globalization.nv": "Navajo, Navaho",
- "properties.globalization.ny": "Chichewa, Chewa, Nyanja",
- "properties.globalization.oc": "Occitan",
- "properties.globalization.oj": "Ojibwa",
- "": "Oromo",
- "properties.globalization.or": "Oriya",
- "properties.globalization.os": "Ossetian, Ossetic",
- "": "Punjabi, Panjabi",
- "properties.globalization.pi": "Pali",
- "": "Polish",
- "": "Pashto, Pushto",
- "": "Portuguese",
- "": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
- "properties.globalization.qu": "Quechua",
- "properties.globalization.rm": "Romansh",
- "properties.globalization.rn": "Rundi",
- "": "Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan",
- "": "Russian",
- "": "Kinyarwanda",
- "": "Sanskrit",
- "": "Sardinian",
- "": "Sindhi",
- "": "Northern Sami",
- "": "Sango",
- "": "Sinhala, Sinhalese",
- "": "Slovak",
- "": "Slovenian",
- "": "Samoan",
- "": "Shona",
- "": "Somali",
- "properties.globalization.sq": "Albanian",
- "": "Serbian",
- "": "Swati",
- "": "Southern Sotho",
- "": "Sundanese",
- "": "Swedish",
- "properties.globalization.sw": "Swahili",
- "properties.globalization.ta": "Tamil",
- "properties.globalization.te": "Telugu",
- "": "Tajik",
- "": "Thai",
- "properties.globalization.ti": "Tigrinya",
- "": "Turkmen",
- "": "Tagalog",
- "": "Tswana",
- "": "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
- "": "Turkish",
- "properties.globalization.ts": "Tsonga",
- "": "Tatar",
- "": "Twi",
- "properties.globalization.ty": "Tahitian",
- "": "Uighur, Uyghur",
- "": "Ukrainian",
- "properties.globalization.ur": "Urdu",
- "": "Uzbek",
- "": "Venda",
- "": "Vietnamese",
- "properties.globalization.vo": "Volapük",
- "properties.globalization.wa": "Walloon",
- "properties.globalization.wo": "Wolof",
- "properties.globalization.xh": "Xhosa",
- "properties.globalization.yi": "Yiddish",
- "properties.globalization.yo": "Yoruba",
- "": "Zhuang, Chuang",
- "properties.globalization.zh": "Chinese",
- "properties.globalization.zh-Hans": "Chinese, Simplified",
- "properties.globalization.zh-Hant": "Chinese, Traditional",
- "properties.globalization.zh-Hant-HK": "Chinese, Traditional (Hong Kong)",
- "properties.globalization.zh-Hant-MO": "Chinese, Traditional (Macao)",
- "properties.globalization.zh-Hant-TW": "Chinese, Traditional (Taiwan)",
- "properties.globalization.zu": "Zulu"
- },
- "UniAppIconsJsonFormPage": {
- "msgbox.selectValidPng.title": "Please select a valid PNG image file first.",
- "dialog.generateIcons.title": "Generate icons",
- "dialog.generateIconsInProgress.title": "Generating icons...",
- "text.autoGeneratIcons.desc": "Automatic generation icons",
- "text.onlyForAutoGen.desc": "Only used to generation icons, advise:1024x1024"
- },
- "UniAppModulePermissionJsonFormPage": {
- "msgbox.removePermissionSameTime.question": "Does the Android permission used by the module be removed at the same time?"
- },
- "UniAppVueCompiler": {
- "console.startCompileProject.desc": "Project '{1}' start compiling...",
- "console.compileProjectSuccess.desc": "Project '{1}' Compiling end.",
- "console.compileProjectFailed.desc": "Project '{1}' Compiling failed.",
- "console.nodejsPathNeeded.desc": "In the absence of the nodejs environment, configure the nodejs path in the settings.",
- "console.missingManifest.desc": "There is no manifest.json file in the project.",
- "console.openManifestFailed.desc": "Cannot open manifest.json",
- "console.appidUniHeadOnly.desc": "The 'appid' in the manifest.json file is illegal and must start with __UNI__",
- "console.downloadToolsSuccess.desc": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please re-run.",
- "console.downloadToolsSuccessRepublish.desc": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please reissue.",
- "console.downloadToolsFailed.desc": "Compilation plug-in download failed, please check the network status and system proxy settings.",
- "console.waitForDownload.desc": "Downloading and compiling the plugin, please try again later.",
- "console.projectDoesNotExists.desc": "Project is not exists.",
- "console.tryToolNotLoaded.desc": "Dependent plugin has not been loaded, please try again later.",
- "console.toolWaitForInstall.desc": "Dependent plugin is waiting to be installed, please try again later.",
- "console.tryWaitInstallProgress.desc": "The dependent plug-in is being installed, please try again later (if the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again).",
- "console.waitInstallProgress.desc": "The dependent plugin is trying to reinstall, please try again later.",
- "console.installFailedOrNpm.desc": "The installation of the dependency plugin {1} failed. Please check the network or proxy, or enter the plugin directory on the command line, and use the command 'npm install ' to install manually.",
- "console.missingPagesJson.desc": "There is no pages.json file in the project."
- },
- "UniappDebugHelper": {
- "console.deviceConnectFailed.desc": "The phone/device cannot connect to your computer, please check the network connection between the computer and the phone/device.",
- "console.configureChromeToDefault.desc. ": "Debug debugging needs to use Chrome browser, please make sure to install Chrome. If you are using the green version of Chrome, please set Chrome as the default browser.",
- "console.debug.desc": "Debug",
- "console.foundLocalIp.desc": "Find IP:",
- "console.foundIp.desc": "Find IP:"
- },
- "UniappManifestJsonForm": {
- "text.appidHeadUniOnly.desc": "Appid must begin with __UNI__",
- "text.noEmpty.desc": "can not be empty"
- },
- "UnsupportEditor": {
- "label.noPreview.desc": "The file will not be displayed in the editor because it is a binary file, very large or unsupported text encoding. Click and use the system editor to open it.",
- "label.noSourceForEncrypt.desc": "The file is encrypt cloud function, can not check source code.",
- "label.noSourceEncryptCommon.desc": "The file is encrypt cloud common module, can not check source code."
- },
- "Upgrade": {
- "": "Checking for Update...",
- "": "&Restart to Update",
- "": "&Check for Updates",
- "": "&Fallback Version",
- "": "&Switch to the Latest Version",
- "msgbox.updataVersion.desc": "To switch the version, the software needs to be restarted. It takes about a few seconds. You can switch to the previous version later.",
- "msgbox.fallbackVersion.desc": "To switch the version, the software needs to be restarted. It takes about a few seconds. You can switch to the latest version later.",
- "msgbox.updataVersion.question.title": "Make sure to switch to the latest version?",
- "": "Cancel(&C)",
- "": "OK",
- "msgbox.fallbackVersion.question.title": "Make sure to switch to the previous version?",
- "msgbox.versionUpdateReleasenNode.question.title": "Whether to view the release note?"
- },
- "UserAuth": {
- "text.sponsor.desc": "{1} [{2}sponsor] {3}"
- },
- "UserAuthWidget": {
- "": "Sign &out",
- "": "Login",
- "": "Not signed in",
- "": "&Switch Account",
- "": "&Add Account"
- },
- "Utils::FileSearch": {
- "text.searchResult.desc": "\n ",
- "text.searchInFiles.desc": "\n ",
- "text.filePattern.desc": "",
- "text.exclusionPattern.desc": ""
- },
- "Utils::FileUtils": {
- "text.refusingToRemoveRoot.desc": "",
- "text.refusingToRemoveHome.desc": "",
- "text.failedToRemoveDirectory.desc": "",
- "text.failedToRemoveFile.desc": "",
- "text.failedToCreateDirectory.desc": "",
- "text.failedCopyTo.desc": "",
- "text.error.cannotopenthefile": "",
- "text.error.cannotread": "",
- "text.error.fileerror": "",
- "text.error.Diskfull": "",
- "text.error.invalidfilename": "",
- "text.error.cannotoverwritefile": "",
- "text.error.cannotcreatefile": "",
- "text.error.cannotcreatetemporaryfilein": ""
- },
- "Utils::HostOsInfo": {
- "text.write.cannotcreateOpenGLcontext": ""
- },
- "Utils::TextFileFormat": {
- "text.write.Outofmemory": "",
- "text.write.encodingerrorwasencountered.": ""
- },
- "WorkbenchPage": {
- "msgbox.text.terminaloutcounts": "The number of terminals exceeds the maximum limit, You can modify the terminal.maxcount in setting.json.",
- "msgbox.button.modify.desc": "&modify",
- "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
- "dialog.button.rerun.desc": "Restart({1})",
- "": "Start({1})",
- "dialog.button.stoprun.tooltip": "Stop({1})",
- "dialog.button.debug.tooltip": "Debug",
- "notify.tip.ifopenprojectinsinglewindow": "If you want to open project from this single window,please view detail",
- "notify.tip.viewdetail": "View signal window introduction ",
- "notify.tip.HBuilderXimprovemoreaboutvue": "HBuilderX provides a lot of optimization techniques for vue development.",
- "notify.tip.vueintroduce": "Please click introduction to optimization techniques ",
- "notify.tip.notfoundlocalhistoryofthisfile": "Not found local history of this file.",
- "notify.tip.savefirst": "Can not change encoding, please save this content first.",
- "projectexplorer.expand.tip": "Show/hide project manager"
- },
- "ConsoleView": {
- "console.button.rerun.desc": "&Restart",
- "": "&Run",
- "console.button.stoprun.desc": "&Stop",
- "menu.copylink.desc": "&Copy Link",
- "statusbar.tip.copylinksuccess": "Copy Link Success."
- },
- "WorkbenchWindow": {
- "dialog.button.webdeployment.tooltip": "Web hosting",
- "menu.stoptheplugin.desc": "Stop This Extension",
- "menu.runtheextension.desc": "Run This Extension",
- "dialog.label.extensiondevelopment.desc": "Extension Development",
- "dialog.button.documentstructurechart.tooltip": "Outline",
- "dialog.button.terminal.tooltip": "Terminal",
- "dialog.button.openlastpreviewfile.desc": "Open Last Preview File",
- "menu.opendirectory.desc": "&Open directory...",
- "menu.keybindings.desc": "&Key Bindings",
- "menu.oldversionkeybings.desc": "&OldHBuilder Key Bindings",
- "menu.newforder.desc": "&2.Forder(&D)",
- "menu.customfile.desc": "&Custom File",
- "dialog.button.Grammaticalhintslibraries.desc": "Javascript Libraries",
- "menu.notfoundGrammarlibrary.desc": "No Library Available.",
- "menu.format.desc": "&Format Document",
- "menu.markdownGrammarhelp.desc": "&Markdown Grammar Help",
- "menu.developercenter.desc": "&Developer Cloud Console...",
- "menu.requirementwall.des": "&Requirement Wall...",
- "menu.dCloudforum.desc": "&DCloud Forum...",
- "menu.leftoneword.desc": "Goto Left Word",
- "menu.rightoneword.desc": "Goto Right Word",
- "menu.gotoeditorstart.desc": "Goto &Begin of Document",
- "menu.gotoeditorend.desc": "Goto &End of Document",
- "menu.runonbrowser.desc": "&Browser",
- "console.tip.setting": "Setting",
- "console.tip.findpathindefaultsetting": "path, found in the default settings",
- "console.tip.setting1": "node in Settings,copy the node to User Settings,and set",
- "console.tip.setting2": "value",
- "menu.downloadlauncherplugin.desc": "&Download Launcher Plug-in",
- "menu.downloadinglauncherplugin.desc": "Downloading the launcher plug-in, it may take several minutes.",
- "menu.installinglauncherplugin.desc": "Processing launcher plug-in, please wait...",
- "menu.launcherplugindownloadFailed.desc": "&Launcher plugin download failed, click to download.",
- "menu.switchundisturbedmode.desc": "&Enter Distanction Free Mode",
- "menu.switchpuremode": "&Switch Pure Mode [double click tab title]",
- "menu.validation.desc": "&Validation",
- "menu.gotolinehome.desc": "",
- "menu.gotolineend.desc": "",
- "menu.downloadingdebugplugin.desc": "Downloading debug plugin",
- "menu.decompressioningdebugplugin.desc": "Processing debug plugin",
- "menu.debugplugindownloadFailed.desc": "Debug plugin &download failed, click to download.",
- "menu.plugininstall.desc": "Plugin &Install",
- "menu.configureplugin.desc": "Plugin &Settings",
- "msgbox.text.thefilenotinproject": "This file is not under HBuilderX Project control, please move it to a project!",
- "msgbox.title.unsupportfileruninbrowser": "The browser does not support this type of file.",
- "msgbox.button.confirm.desc1": "&Get It",
- "statusbar.warning.unsupportmicrosoftedgetoopenlocalfile": "It is not yet supported to open local files with Edge.",
- "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
- "menu.runnpminterminal.desc": "&Terminal",
- "menu.runnpminterminal.tooltip": "Run npm in package.json in the project.",
- "menu.usenodeexcutethisfile.desc": "Run This File with Node",
- "menu.confignodepath.desc": "&Config Node Path",
- "msgbox.button.usebuiltinterminal.desc": "&Use built-in terminal",
- "msgbox.button.useexternalterminal.desc": "&Use external terminal",
- "menu.runsetting1.desc": "&Config Setting",
- "msgbox.text.chooseaterminal": "Please choose to use the built-in terminal or external terminal to run. Later running will automatically run at the selected terminal
which can be modified in Tools - > Settings - > Running Settings.",
- "menu.notfinddevices.desc": "Can not find devices, please try again later.",
- "button.preView.desc": "Preview",
- "menu.runsetting.desc": "&Compile Dir Setting",
- "menu.stopweApp.desc": "&Stop WeChat devtools",
- "menu.runweApp1.desc": "&WeChat devtools",
- "menu.stopbaiduApp.desc": "&Stop Baidu devtools",
- "menu.runbaiduApp1.desc": "&Baidu devtools",
- "menu.uploadandruncloudfunction.desc": "&Upload and Run",
- "menu.stopalipayApp.desc": "&Stop Alipay devtools",
- "menu.runalipayApp.desc": "&Alipay devtools",
- "menu.runweApp.desc": "&WeChat devtools",
- "menu.runbaiduApp.desc": "&Baidu devtools",
- "menu.stopbytedanceApp.desc": "&Stop Bytedance devtools",
- "menu.runQQApp.desc": "&QQ devtools",
- "menu.stopQQApp.desc": "&Stop QQ devtools",
- "menu.runbytedanceApp.desc": "&Bytedance devtools",
- "menu.run360App.desc": "&360 devtools",
- "menu.stop360App.desc": "&Stop 360",
- "menu.runhuaweiApp.desc": "&Huawei devtools",
- "menu.stophuaweiApp.desc": "&Stop Huawei devtools",
- "menu.runquickAppUnion.desc": "&QuickAppUnion devtools",
- "menu.stopquickAppUnion.desc": "&Stop QuickAppUnion",
- "menu.stopone.desc": "Stop{1}",
- "menu.nocustompublish.desc": "No custom script",
- "msgbox.text.invalidvuefile": "The vue file must be compiled before it can be run, and package.json is not found under the project. If it is a uni-app project,
please check whether the project type is correct (right click on the project-re-identify the project type).",
- "msgbox.text.packagejsonunderprojectisempty": "package.json in project is empty.",
- "msgbox.text.packagejsonunderprojectparsefailed": "package.json parsed failed!",
- "msgbox.text.ifrunbuildvuefile": "The vue file must be compiled before it can be run. The compilation command was not found in package.json under the project.",
- "msgbox.button.confirm.desc": "&Download it",
- "mac.text.wechatdevtools": "Wechat developer tools",
- "msgbox.text.willcloseallconsole": "This operation will close all open console, to be continue?",
- "msgbox.button.closeallconsole.desc": "&close all console",
- "msgbox.button.hiddenbottompanel.desc": "&Hidden bottom panel",
- "msgbox.text.willcloseallterminals": "This operation will close all open terminals, to be continue?",
- "msgbox.button.closeallterminal.desc": "&close all terminal",
- "menu.addtofavorite.desc": "&Add to Favorite",
- "menu.managerfavorite.desc": "&Manager Favorite",
- "msgbox.text.willstopallrunindevice": "This operation will stop all run in device, to be continue?",
- "menu.runtopage.desc": "Run to page",
- "menu.stoprunthecurrentpageforstartuppage.desc": "Stop running the current page as the startup page",
- "menu.runthecurrentpageforstartuppage": "Run the current page as the startup page",
- "menu.stopruning.desc": "Stop Runing",
- "statusbar.tip.pageautoaddinpagesjson": "Page {1} has been automatically added to pages.json",
- "menu.editstarupconfigure.desc": "Edit pages.json's condition",
- "menu.addcurrentpagetostartupconfigure.desc": "Add this page to the startup configuration",
- "editor.inserttext.modeconfiguration": "//Mode configuration, effective only during development period.",
- "editor.inserttext.currentactivemode": "//Current active mode (index entry of list)",
- "editor.inserttext.modename": "//mode name",
- "editor.inserttext.startpagemustcheck": "//startup page, can not be empty",
- "editor.inserttext.startupparameters": "//The startup parameters are obtained in the onLoad function of the page.",
- "menu.custombase.desc": "&Custom Playground",
- "menu.iOScustomBase.desc": "&Custom Playground(iOS)",
- "menu.Androidcustombase.desc": "&Custom Playground(Android)",
- "menu.selectbase.desc": "&Select Playground",
- "menu.stoprunonChrome.desc": "&Stop Chrome",
- "menu.runonChrome.desc": "&Chrome",
- "menu.runtobuiltinBrowser.desc": "Built-&in Browser",
- "menu.iOSsimulator.desc": "IOS simulators",
- "menu.weApp.desc": "WeChat mini-app",
- "menu.alipayApp.desc": "Alipay mini-app",
- "menu.baiduApp.desc": "Baidu mini-app",
- "menu.bytedanceApp.desc": "Bytedance mini-app",
- "menu.qqApp.desc": "QQ mini-app",
- "menu.360.desc": "360",
- "menu.huaWei qiuckApp.desc": "Huawei QuickApp",
- "menu.qiuckApp union.desc": "QuickApp Union",
- "menu.showdevelopertoolmenu.desc": "Show {1} developer tools",
- "menu.showchromerunmenu.desc": "Show Chrome running menu",
- "menu.showdevicesrunmenu.desc": "Show mobile or simulator running menu",
- "menu.showcustomrunmenu.desc": "Show custom running menu",
- "menu.setcustommenu.desc": "Custom menu",
- "menu.whethercompresscodeforrunning.desc": "&Compress code on running",
- "notify.tip.builtinterminalpluginupdating": "Built-In Terminal plugin is updating, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.builtinterminalpluginupdateend": "Built-In Terminal plugin is updated.",
- "menu.miniProgramunsupporttheprojecttype.desc": "The project can not run in miniProgram, click to view details.",
- "menu.miniProgramunsupportthefilenotinproject.desc": "Files under non-projects cannot be run to the applet simulator, click to see details.",
- "menu.notcontainspackagejson.desc": "The package.json file is not included under this project.",
- "menu.terminalunsupportthefilenotinproject.desc": "Files under non-projects cannot be run to the terminal.",
- "menu.notfoundsciptesnodeinpackagejson.desc": "The scripts child node was not found in package.json under this project.",
- "menu.noopenfileorproject.desc": "Cannot run without open file or selected item.",
- "menu.devicerununsupporttheprojecttype.desc": "This project type cannot be run on a mobile phone or simulator, click to see details.",
- "notify.tip.enterUndisturbedmode": "In free mode, you can use the menu [View]-[Switch Do Not Disturb Mode] or the shortcut key F11 to restore.",
- "msgbox.button.noprompt.desc": "Not Prompt",
- "msgbox.button.iknow.desc": "Got it",
- "Multi-cursor behavior has been switched to [{1}+Click], accordingly, use [{2}+Click] to goto definition, and use [{2}+Drag] for rectangular selection.": "It has been switched to {1}+mouse for multi-cursor management, corresponding adjustments, {2}+left mouse button for go to definition, {2}+mouse drag for column selection.",
- "notify.whetherswitchkeybindings.desc": "Switching the shortcut key scheme will not affect the corresponding mouse shortcut keys for multiple cursors, go to definition, and column selection. If you need to switch,
please click here 。",
- "menu.markdownGrammarhelp1.desc": "Markdown Grammar Help",
- "statusbar.tip.onlysupportlocatingDOMnodeinhtml": "Currently only supports locating DOM nodes in html files.",
- "查找(&L)": "&Find",
- "帮助(&H)": "&Help",
- "External file can't use Javascript Libraries": "External file can not use Javascript Libraries.",
- "LICENSE": "Licence",
- "Readme": "Readme",
- "&Sponsor": "&Sponsor Us...",
- "Setting server": "Setting server",
- ",find ": ", found in the settings",
- "&Comment": "&Comment",
- "First character of line list ": "&Start-of-line list character",
- "Built-in server plug-in is downloading...": "Built-in server plug-in is downloading...",
- "&Wait plugin install": "&Wait plugin install",
- "open local file": "&open local file in the browser",
- "can't open this file,please config webserver": "The built-in server does not support opening this type of file, please configure the web server.",
- "&Config webserver": "&Config webserver",
- "this file can only be opened by devices": "Ux/nml file can only be opened by devices.",
- "can't find path of node or not config node,please config it": "",
- "Built-in server is not running,please check network and firewall...": "The built-in server failed to start. If a permission query box pops up, be sure to click Allow. If you click Reject by mistake, you need to find the Windows firewall in the control panel, and click \"Allowed applications or functions through the windows firewall\" on the left. If you do not start the built-in server, you can also open it as a file.",
- "&i checked network and firewall,Retry": "&Set, try again",
- "file not save": "Please save the current running file!",
- "&save file": "&save file",
- "If opened please i&gnore.": "&If opened, please ignore.",
- "wechatwebdevtools": "Wechat web developer tools",
- "Import &svn folder": "&Import from SVN",
- "Import &git folder": "&Import from git",
- "Android 11 is not supported at this time.": "Android 11 is not supported at this time.",
- "menu.notfindmobiledevices.desc": "No phone or device detected, please try again later",
- "menu.runkuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
- "menu.stopkuaishouApp.desc": "Stop Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
- "menu.kuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou Mini Program",
- "menu.runH5UseSSR.desc": "Run H5 in SSR mode",
- "button.runKuaishou.text": "Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
- "can not find mobile devices": "No phone or device detected, please try again later",
- "run H5 use ssr": "Run H5 in SSR mode",
- "StopKuaiShouApp": "Stop Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
- "": "Cursor up",
- "": "Cursor to next paragraph",
- "": "Cursor to previous page",
- "": "Cursor to next page",
- "": "Cursor right",
- "": "Cursor to the beginning of the line",
- "": "Cursor to the right one camel case word",
- "": "Cursor down",
- "": "Cursor to previous paragraph",
- "": "Cursor to end of line",
- "": "Cursor left",
- "": "Cursor to the left one camel case word",
- "": "Display the release menu(&P)",
- "msgbox.dependOnH5.desc.question": "H5 release function depends on plug-in [H5 extension]. Are you sure you want to install it?"
- },
- "Workspace": {
- "notify.tip.filesmovedrelateproject": "Files have moved successfully.",
- "notify.tip.filesmovedrelateprojectfailed": "Files have not moved successfully.",
- "dialog.title.opendirectory": "Open Directory",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.warning": "Warn",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.sameprojectnameexist": "A project with the same name already exists.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.cannotcreateprojectuserootdirectory": "Cannot create project from root directory.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.useWeChatappletprojectOrconverted": "Edit WeChat Mini Program project directly? Or convert to uni-app or fast application?",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.directediting.desc": "&Direct editing",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.convertedUniApp.desc": "&Switch to uni-app",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.conversionQuiackApp.desc": "&Switch to quickApp",
- "console.tip.theprojectconversionstart": "Project [{1}] start to switch...",
- "console.tip.theprojectconversionend": "Project [{1}] end of switch.",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.import": "Import",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.ifmpvueorwepynotify": "The current directory is suspected to be an mpvue or wepy project. Import the upper-level directory and run the commands in package.json directly in HBuilderX.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.importparentfolder": "&Import Parent Folder",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.importdirectly": "&Import Current Folder",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.invalidproject": "It is detected that the subdirectories under the current directory include uni-app/5+ projects. If you want to run these projects correctly, you need to drag the correct project root directory into HBuilderX.",
- "Found the project type is uni-app, has already into the source directory": "It is detected that you are opening a uni-app project, and you have directly entered the code directory."
- },
- "CInputAliasDlg": {
- "Submit": "Confirm Modify",
- "alias": "Input Alias"
- },
- "CDiffCampareSplitEdit": {
- "dialog.button.nextfiff.tooltip": "Next Diff Block (F6)",
- "dialog.button.previousfiff.tooltip": "Previous Diff Block (Shift+F6)",
- "dialog.button.useleft.tooltip": "Replace the right with the content on the left",
- "dialog.button.useright.tooltip": "Replace the left with the content on the right"
- },
- "CDiffCampare": {
- "": "Compare:"
- },
- "CSvnImportDlg": {
- "dialog.lable.nullparams.desc": "URL and local path cannot be empty.",
- "dialog.lable.invalidpath.desc": "Invalid path",
- "dialog.lable.invalidurl.desc": "Invalid url",
- "dialog.lable.installtortoiseSVNfirst.desc": "Plugin [SVN] denpends TortoiseSVN, Please install it first.",
- "dialog.lable.installtortoiseGITfirst.desc": "Plugin [Git] denpends TortoiseGIT, Please install it first.",
- "dialog.title.importgitproject": "Import git folder",
- "dialog.title.importsvnproject": "Import svn folder",
- "dialog.button.browser.desc": "Browser",
- "dialog.edit.URL.placeholdertext": "URL",
- "dialog.edit.locationpath.placeholdertext": "Location path",
- "dialog.edit.username": "User Name",
- "dialog.edit.password": "Password",
- "dialog.button.import": "Import",
- "dialog.button.verify": "Verify",
- "dialog.lable.localpathmustbeempty.desc": "Local dir must be empty",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.installtortoiseSVNfirst": "Plugin [SVN] does not exist. Please download it from 'Tool -> plug-in ' first.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.installtortoiseGITfirst": "Plugin [Git] does not exist.Please download it from ' tool -> plugin ' first.",
- "notify.tip.imoprtingprojectfromSVN": "Imoprting project from SVN.",
- "notify.tip.imoprtingprojectfromGIT": "Imoprting project from Git.",
- "notify.tip.imoprtprojectsuccess": "Imoprt project succeed.",
- "notify.tip.imoprtprojectfailed": "Imoprt project failed.",
- "brunch(option)": "Brunch(option)",
- "dialog.label.nullparams.desc": "URL and local path cannot be empty",
- "dialog.label.invalidpath.desc": "Invalid local path",
- "dialog.label.invalidurl.desc": "URL is invalid",
- "dialog.label.installtortoiseSVNfirst.desc": "The SVN plugin depends on TortoiseSVN, please install the software first",
- "dialog.label.installtortoiseGITfirst.desc": "The Git plugin depends on TortoiseGIT, please install the software first",
- "dialog.label.localpathmustbeempty.desc": "The local directory must be empty",
- "notify.tip.importFromPlugin": "This import will use the [{1}] plugin import",
- "path.existWarning": "An item with the same path already exists, please select a new path or remove the existing item first。"
- },
- "WorkspaceModel": {
- "statusbar.warning.copyfailed": "Copy failed:",
- "statusbar.warning.removefailed": "Remove failed:"
- },
- "VerCtrlFileCompare": {
- "dialog.title.versioncompare": "Version Compare:",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.unknownrepositorytype": "Unknown repository type",
- "console.error.getrepositoryfilefailed": "Get repository file failed.",
- "console.error.getrepositoryfileversionfailed": "Get repository file rivision failed:"
- },
- "VerCtrl::LogViewWidget": {
- "msgbox.text.getlogfailed": "Get log failed:",
- "msgbox.text.getfileurlfailed": "Get file url failed:",
- "msgbox.text.notsupportcomparison": "The file does not support comparison operation.",
- "dialog.button.showcount.desc": "Show more {1}",
- "dialog.button.showall.desc": "Show all"
- },
- "VerCtrl::VerCtrlCommitWidget": {
- "dialog.lable.unknownrepositorytype.desc": "Unknown Repository Type",
- "dialog.lable.committo.desc": "Commit to:",
- "dialog.lable.multitargetsselected.desc": "(Multi targets have been selected)",
- "dialog.lable.logmessage.desc": "Message:",
- "dialog.button.recentpullmessage.desc": "&Recent message",
- "dialog.lable.changelist.desc": "Changes list (double-click on file for diff, support only modified file):",
- "dialog.lable.selected.desc": "{1} files selected, {2} files total",
- "dialog.lable.check.desc": "Check:",
- "dialog.button.all.desc": "&All",
- "dialog.button.none.desc": "&None",
- "dialog.button.noversioned.desc": "Non-versioned",
- "dialog.button.versioned.desc": "Versioned",
- "dialog.button.added.desc": "Added",
- "dialog.button.deleted.desc": "Deleted",
- "dialog.button.modified.desc": "Modified",
- "dialog.button.showlog.desc": "&Show log",
- "dialog.button.commit.desc": "&Commit",
- "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
- "dialog.button.branch.desc": "Branch",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.getworkfolderstatusfailed": "Failed to get the status of the working directory file",
- "dialog.lable.selectonerecord.desc": "Select one record (double-click to confirm):",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.commitsuccess.": "Commit to repository succeed.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.commitonlylocalrepository": "Commit only to local repository,",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.pushremoterepository": "Use \"git push\" command to push the commit to remote repository if needed.",
- "msgbox.text.messageisempty": "Message is empty. Please input valid message.",
- "Commit to repository 失败": "Commit to repository failed",
- "dialog.label.unknownrepositorytype.desc": "Unknown warehouse type",
- "dialog.label.committo.desc": "Submit to:",
- "dialog.label.multitargetsselected.desc": "(Multiple targets selected)",
- "dialog.label.logmessage.desc": "Log information:",
- "dialog.label.changelist.desc": "Change list(Double-click the file to view the difference,Double-click the file to view the difference):",
- "dialog.label.selected.desc": "Selected {1} files, a total of {2} files",
- "dialog.label.check.desc": "Selected:",
- "dialog.label.selectonerecord.desc": "Select a record (double-click to confirm):",
- "dialog.label.nobranch": "No branch"
- },
- "VerCtrl::LogTableModel": {
- "list.title.version": "Version",
- "list.title.pullmessage": "Message",
- "": "Author",
- "": "Date"
- },
- "VerCtrl::LogFilesTableModel": {
- "list.title.path.desc": "Path",
- "list.title.status": "Action",
- "list.tip.added.desc": "Added",
- "list.tip.modify.desc": "Modified",
- "list.tip.deleted.desc": "Deleted",
- "": "Rename",
- "": "Copy"
- },
- "VerCtrl::CommitFileListModel": {
- "list.title.path.desc": "Path",
- "list.title.status.desc": "Status",
- "list.tip.added.desc": "Added",
- "list.tip.modify.desc": "Modified",
- "list.tip.deleted.desc": "Deleted",
- "list.tip.missing.desc": "Missing",
- "list.tip.noversioned.desc": "Non-versioned",
- "list.tip.conflicted.desc": "Conflicted",
- "": "Rename",
- "": "Copy"
- },
- "VerCtrl::VerCtrlLogEdit": {
- "editor.title.viewlog": "View Log:"
- },
- "UserInputDialog": {
- "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK"
- },
- "VerCtrl::UserPassWdInput": {
- "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK",
- "dialog.edit.username.placeholdertext": "User Name",
- "dialog.edit.password.placeholdertext": "Password",
- "dialog.lable.nameisnull": "User name is empty",
- "dialog.lable.passwordisnull": "Password is empty",
- "dialog.label.nameisnull": "Username is empty",
- "dialog.label.passwordisnull": "Password is empty"
- },
- "": "Services",
- "menu.hide.desc": "Hide {1}",
- "menu.hideothers.desc": "Hide Others",
- "menu.showall.desc": "Show All",
- "menu.preference.desc": "Preferences...",
- "menu.quit.desc": "Quit {1}",
- "menu.about.desc": "About {1}..."
- },
- "ADService": {
- "": "AD"
- },
- "UniAppNativePluginsJsonFormPage": {
- "dialog.text.trialonlycustombaseapp": " - [Trial version,only can used in custom base]",
- "dialog.title.localplugin": "Local Plugins",
- "dialog.title.serverplugin": "Plugins In Cloud Server",
- "frame.tip.selectlocalplugin": " [ Select Local Plugins ]",
- "frame.tip.selectserverplugin": " [Select Cloud Server Plugins ]",
- "frame.tip.applicableplatform": " (Platform:{1})",
- "frame.tip.url": " [ Plugin URL ]",
- "frame.tip.refreshstate": " [ Refresh Status ]",
- "frame.tip.delete": " [ Delete ] ",
- "frame.tip.nativeplugininnativeplugin": "The native plugin that in nativeplugins directory of the current project, cloud packaging for private native plug-ins that are not released to the plug-in market.",
- "frame.tip.serverpluginnotice": "Plug-ins that have been purchased or tested in the plug-in market do not need to be downloaded into the project. When packaged in the cloud, native plug-ins will be packaged directly into App.",
- "frame.tip.notselectedplugin": "Have no selected plugins.",
- "(contains the same id plugin, switch the server plugin)": " (Cloud plugins contain the same plugin id, switch the cloud server plugin )",
- "(contains the same id plugin, switch the local plugin)": " (Local plugins contain the same plugin id, switch the local plugin )"
- },
- "PluginListModel": {
- "title.applicableplatform": " (Platform:{1})"
- },
- "PluginSelectDialog": {
- "dialog.label.selectlocalplugin": "Local Plugins Selectors",
- "dialog.label.selectserverplugin": "Server Plugins Selectors",
- "dialog.label.nativepluginsdirectoryofthecurrentproject": "Local plug-ins are plug-ins in the nativeplugins directory of the current project, which are suitable for cloud packaging of private native plug-ins that have not been released to the plug-in market. If it is a plug-in of the plug-in market, please package it through [Cloud Plug-in] after purchasing in the plug-in market.",
- "dialog.label.onlinepluginsthatyoubought": "Cloud plug-in is a plug-in purchased or bundled for trial at Plugin Market",
- "dialog.label.pluginlist": "Plugin Lists",
- "dialog.button.ok.desc": "&OK",
- "dialog.button.cancle.desc": "&Cancel",
- "dialog.text.trialonlycustombaseapp": " - [Trial version,only can used in custom base]",
- "dialog.title.selectplugin": "Select Plugin",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.hasthesameplugininserver": "The same plug-in is included in the cloud selected plug-in list, the plug-in name: {1}, the plug-in ID: {2}, please delete and select again!",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.hasthesameplugininlocal": "The same plug-in is included in the local selected plug-in list, the plug-in name: {1}, the plug-in ID: {2}, please delete and select again!",
- "Please select one plugin at least, please check!": "Please select one plugin at least, please check!"
- },
- "ProjectSelectDialog": {
- "dialog.lable.suggest.desc": "Please test it first, to avoid negative impact on your data.",
- "dialog.lable.selectauniappProject": "Select a uni-app Project",
- "dialog.lable.nouniappproject": "The uni-app project was not found, please create a uni-app project",
- "dialog.groupbox.title.projectlist": "Project List",
- "dialog.button.ok.desc": "&OK",
- "dialog.button.cancle.desc": "&Cancel",
- "dialog.list.title.pluginname": "PluginName: {1}",
- "dialog.list.title.pluginversion": "Plugin Version: {1}",
- "dialog.list.title.pluginsize": "Plugin Size: {1}",
- "dialog.list.title.spaceName": "Space Name: {1}",
- "dialog.tip.notrelatecloudspace": "UniCloud service space not associated",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.currentaccountnotpurchasedtheplugin": "The current account is not the account that purchased the plug-in. Do you want to continue?",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.trialplugindiffcloudspace": "The service space corresponding to the project {1} you selected is {2}, which is different from the service space {3} bound to the trial plug-in. Are you sure to import the plug-in into this project?",
- "Select Project": "Select Project",
- "the project appid is empty, please check!": "The appid of the project is empty, please configure the appid in manifest.json.",
- "dialog.label.suggest.desc": "It is recommended to first experience the plug-in in the test service space to avoid negative impact on the data and storage of the commercial system",
- "dialog.label.selectauniappProject": "Select a uni-app project to import the plugin",
- "dialog.label.nouniappproject": "The uni-app project was not found, please create a uni-app project",
- "messagebox.nospace.error": "The project you selected {1} is not bound to the service space. Are you sure to import the plug-in to this project?"
- },
- "PluginMarketEditorPart": {
- "editor.title.uniapppluginmanager": "uni-app plugin market"
- },
- "PluginMarketFrame": {
- "notify.tip.downloading plugin": "Downloading plugin, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.extractingplugin": "Extracting plugin, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.copingpluginintoproject": "Coping plugin into project, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced": "Plugin download susseced!",
- "notify.error.copypluginfailed": "Copy plugin failed, please try again!",
- "notify.error.extractpluginfailed": "Extract plugin failed, please try again!",
- "notify.tip.creatingproject": "Creating project, please wait...",
- "notify.button.iknow.desc": "Ok",
- "notify.warning.selectuniappprojectandtryagain": "Please select a uni-app project and try again!",
- "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced1": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}, dir is {2}",
- "notify.tip.selectfileorfolderfirst": "Please select a file or folder first!",
- "notify.warning.notsupportmultipleselection": "Multiple selection is not supported!",
- "statusbar.tip.thefileaddingitignore": "{1} already add in .gitignore",
- "Project is created!": "Project is created!"
- },
- "PluginService": {
- "msgbox.ok": "OK",
- "msgbox.cancel": "CANCEL",
- "msgbox.title.question": "Install Plugin",
- "msgbox.text.ifinstalltheplugin": "Do you want to install [ {1} ] ?",
- "msgbox.text.becareful": "Caution: this extension should have OS API capabilites.",
- "notify.tip.downloadingplugin": "Downloading plugin, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.extractingplugin": "Extracting plugin, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.copingpluginintoproject": "Coping plugin into project, please wait...",
- "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced": "Plugin download susseced!",
- "notify.error.copypluginfailed": "Copy plugin failed, please try again!",
- "notify.error.extractpluginfailed": "Extract plugin failed, please try again!",
- "notify.tip.creatingproject": "Creating project, please wait...",
- "notify.button.iknow.desc": "Ok",
- "notify.warning.selectuniappprojectandtryagain": "Please select a uni-app project and try again!",
- "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced1": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}, dir is {2}",
- "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced2": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}, dir is {2}, uniCloud copy to {3}",
- "license": "Licence",
- "Project is created!": "Project is created!"
- },
- "PluginStateWatcher": {
- "notify.thepluginisdownloading": "Plugin {1} is downloading",
- "notify.thepluginisinstalling": "Plugin {1} is processing",
- "notify.thepluginisuninstalling": "Plugin {1} is uninstalling",
- "notify.downloadingdependencesoftheplugin": "Downloading dependences of plugin {1}",
- "Plugin %1 install failed, log: %2": "Plug-in [%1] failed to install, error log:%2",
- "Plugin failure solution:": "Solution for plug-in installation failure:",
- "Retry": "Try again",
- "Detail": "Details",
- "Cancel": "Cancel",
- "Plugin %1 install failed. Detail: npm install failed.": "The plugin [%1] failed to install. Reason: npm install failed。"
- },
- "WelcomeWidget": {
- "menu.newproject.desc": "New Project"
- },
- "GeolocationDialog": {
- "": "Cities:",
- "dialog.title.geolocationsetting": "Geolocation Setting",
- "dialog.table.longitude": "Longitude:",
- "dialog.table.latitude": "Latitude:",
- "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK",
- "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
- "dialog.button.custom.desc": "Custom"
- },
- "ClosedProjectListWidget": {
- "menu.openproject.desc": "&Open Project",
- "menu.removeproject.desc": "&Remove Project",
- "msgbox.text.sureremovproject": "Are you sure you want to remove the project?",
- "msgbox.button.removerecyclebin.desc": "&Remove to &recycle bin",
- "msgbox.button.removefromprojectlist.desc": "&Remove from &project list",
- "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel"
- },
- "ExpandBtnWidget": {
- "label.closedproject.desc": "Closed Project"
- },
- "VerCtrl::LocalHistoryWidget": {
- "menu.diff.desc": "Compare with Local File",
- "dialog.label.selecthistoryfilefromleftlist": "(Select one history file from left list)",
- "file local history : ": "Local history:",
- "Backup Time": "Record Time"
- },
- "VerCtrl::LocalHistoryEdit": {
- "dialog.title.localhistory": "Local history:"
- },
- "VerCtrl::LocalHistoryDataModel": {
- "text.backuptime": "Record Time"
- },
- "WinShortcut": {
- "msgbox.text.noshortcutondesktop.": "No shortcut detected on the desktop.",
- "msgbox.text.whethercreate?": "Whether to create?",
- "msgbox.checkbox.donotremindagain": "Not prompt",
- "msgbox.button.yes.desc": "Yes",
- "": "No"
- },
- "WelcomeWizard": {
- "theme.lightdefault": "Default",
- "theme.atomonedark": "Atom One Dark",
- "theme.darkdefault": "Monokai",
- "theme.selectyourfavoritetheme": "Select your favorite theme",
- "dialog.label.selectkeybindyouuse.desc": "Select the Keybinding Scheme",
- "dialog.button.startuse": "&Enjoy It"
- },
- "ExplorerStatusWidget": {
- "statusbar.tip.selecteditem": "Selected {1} item(s)",
- "statusbar.tip.itemcounts": "{1} item(s)",
- "statusbar.button.icon.tooltip.uselargethumbnails": "Choose Large Thumbnails to Display Items (Ctrl + Alt + 2)",
- "statusbar.button.table.tooltip.showeverydetail": "Displays Information about Each Item in the Window (Ctrl + Alt + 6)",
- "statusbar.lable.Byte.desc": "Byte(s)",
- "statusbar.table.title.desc": "Name",
- "statusbar.table.title.lastmodifydate": "Last Modified Time",
- "statusbar.table.title.type": "Type",
- "statusbar.table.title.size": "Size",
- "statusbar.table.title.sort:": "Sort:",
- "statusbar.button.table.details.desc": "Details",
- "statusbar.button.icon.desc": "Large Icons",
- "statusbar.label.Byte.desc": "字节"
- },
- "ExplorerNavigationBar": {
- "toolbar.button.searchin.tooltip": "Search",
- "toolbar.button.toup.tooltip": "Up",
- "toolbar.button.goback.tooltip": "Back",
- "toolbar.button.goforward.tooltip": "Forward",
- "toolbar.button.quickcreate.tooltip": "Quick new",
- "toolbar.button.stop.tooltip": "Stop",
- "toolbar.button.clean.tooltip": "Clean"
- },
- "ExplorerWidget": {
- "menu.initclouddatabase.desc": "&Init cloud database",
- "menu.relatecloudspaceorproject.desc": "&Associate cloud service space or project...",
- "menu.lookoverrelatedprojectcloudspace.desc": "&View the cloud service space of the associated project",
- "menu.deploytoCloudSpace.desc": "&Deploy to Cloud Space...",
- "menu.uploadanddeploy.desc": "&Upload And Deploy",
- "menu.downLoadcloudfunction.desc": "&DownLoad Cloud Fun",
- "menu.uploadandrun.desc": "&Upload And Test",
- "menu.configrunparam.desc": "&Config Run Param",
- "menu.uploadcommonmodule.desc": "&Upload Common Module",
- "menu.downloadcommonmodule.desc": "&Download Common Module",
- "menu.synccommonmodulelist.desc": "&Sync Common Module List",
- "menu.newcommonmodule.desc": "&New Common Module",
- "menu.updatethecloudfunctiondependce.desc": "&Update Cloud Functions Depends on Current Module",
- "menu.createnewcloudspace.desc": "&Create New Cloud Space",
- "menu.synccloudfunctionlist.desc": "&Sync Cloud Fun List",
- "menu.newcloudfunction.desc": "&New Cloud Fun",
- "menu.uploadall.desc": "&Upload All Cloud Functions",
- "menu.createdbinitjson.desc": "&Create db_init.json",
- "menu.openunicloudcenter.desc": "&Open uniCloud Center",
- "": "&New",
- "menu.newfolder.desc": "&New Folder",
- "menu.file.desc": "File",
- "list.title.desc": "Name",
- "list.title.status": "Version Status",
- "list.title.lastmodifytime": "Last Modified Time",
- "list.title.type": "Type",
- "list.title.size": "Size",
- "list.title.dir": "Fold",
- "menu.cut.desc": "&Cut",
- "menu.cut.copy.desc": "&Copy",
- "menu.cut.paste.desc": "&Paste",
- "menu.cut.delete.desc": "&Delete",
- "menu.cut.rename.desc": "&Rename",
- "menu.cut.refresh.desc": "&Refresh",
- "msgbox.text.suredeletefiletorecycle": "Are you sure you want to delete the {1} file(s) below to Recycle Bin?",
- "msgbox.text.deletetorecylefailed": "Delete to recyle bin failed,are you delete directly?",
- "log.copyfailed": "Copy failed:",
- "statusbar.removefailed.desc": "Remove failed:",
- "label.folderisempty.desc": "The folder is empty.",
- "label.searching.desc": "Searching...",
- "lable.nomatchedsearchpattern.desc": "No items matching the search pattern.",
- "": "&Open",
- "menu.view.desc": "&View",
- "menu.sortmode.desc": "&Sort",
- "menu.detail.desc": "&Detail",
- "menu.largeicon.desc": "&Large Icons",
- "": "Name",
- "menu.lastmodifyyime.desc": "Last Modified Time",
- "menu.type.desc": "Type",
- "menu.size.desc": "Size",
- "menu.incremental.desc": "Ascending Order",
- "menu.decreasing.desc": "Descending Order",
- "msgbox.text.1filenotdisplied": "...1 other file is not displied",
- "msgbox.text.morefilesnotdisplied": "...{1} other files are not displied",
- "msgbox.title.renamefile": "Rename File",
- "msgbox.text.willrename": "Do you want to rename {1} to {2} ?",
- "msgbox.text.findsamenamefile": "This location already contains files with the same name.",
- "dialog.title.searchresultin": "Search result in {1}",
- "msgbox.text.openordragfile": "Open the following files {1}, or move file to {2} ?",
- "msgbox.text.openormoveproject": "Open directory {1} as a project in HBuilderX, or move file to {2} ?",
- "msgbox.text.surecopy": "Copy {1} to {2} ?",
- "msgbox.button.ok.desc": "OK",
- "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
- "msgbox.openfile.desc": "Open File",
- "msgbox.button.movefile.desc": "Move File",
- "": "&Properties",
- "menu.newcomponent.desc": "&New Component",
- "menu.newpage.desc": "&New Page",
- "Drag File": "Drag File",
- "label.nomatchedsearchpattern.desc": "No items match the search criteria"
- },
- "ExplorerItemEdit": {
- "tooltip.filenamecouldnotincludefollowingchar": "File name could not include following char:"
- },
- "ExplorerItemModel": {
- "tooltip.dir": "Folder",
- "tooltip.lastmodifytime": "Last Modified Time",
- "tooltip.type": "Type",
- "tooltip.size": "Size",
- "tooltip.Bytes": "Bytes",
- "tooltip.createtime": "Create Time",
- "tooltip.emptyfolder": "Empty Folder",
- "tooltip.file": "File"
- },
- "MacFilePropertiesWidget": {
- "": "Property",
- "dialog.label.size.desc": "Size",
- "dialog.label.type.desc": "Type",
- "dialog.label.lastmodifiedtime.desc": "Last Modified Time",
- "dialog.label.file.desc": "File",
- "dialog.label.folder.desc": "Folder"
- },
- "ExplorerGridView": {
- "msgbox.text.Lastoperationnotcompleted": "Last operation have not been completed. Complete and Go on."
- },
- "ExplorerTableView": {
- "msgbox.text.Lastoperationnotcompleted": "Last operation have not been completed. Complete and Go on."
- },
- "CCloudManager": {
- "dialog.createfile.jqlfilename.desc": "JQL file Name",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.iknow.desc": "Ok",
- "dialog.button.relate.msgbox.text.checkspace": "The project you want to associate currently does not have a corresponding operating environment. Check whether the cloud service space has been associated. If there is no cloud service space, please create the corresponding cloud development environment first (Tencent Cloud Service Space and Alibaba Cloud Service Space cannot be associated with each other).",
- "": "Link",
- "console.tip.filesizelarge": "The file {1} ({2}) is larger than the upload limit ({3}) and has been skipped.",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.pluginoverdue": "The trial of the following plugins has expired. You need to go to the plug-in market to complete the purchase before continuing the trial. After the purchase, you can click the button [purchase completed] to continue deployment.",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.pluginwilloverdue": "The trial service space [{1}] has been valid for less than 30 minutes. If you want to continue using it after the expiration date, please complete the real-name authentication first.",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.authenticate.desc": "Authenticate",
- "": "Pay for {1}",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.paymentcompleted": "Payment completed",
- "console.tip.trialpluginsuccess": "You have successfully applied for trial [{2}] for service space {1}.",
- "console.tip.trialplugintime": "The trial plug-in is valid for {1} days. The expiration date is {2}. For commercial use, please visit",
- "console.tip.pluginmarket": "Plugin market",
- "console.tip.purchase": "Purchase",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.paidcloudfunctionstrialtime": "Project [{1}] uses paid cloud functions. The following plug-ins associated with these cloud functions can only be deployed after applying for a trial. The trial period is 7 days. (After 7 days, paid cloud functions will no longer be able to run in the bound service space. You can't apply for the trial again within 5 days after the trial ends, and you can reapply for the trial after 5 days.)",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.trial.desc": "Apply Trial",
- "console.error.trialpluginfaileddetail": "Failed to apply for trial plugin. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.error.syncplugininfofaileddetail": "Failed to sync plugin information. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.tip.deployingfiles": "begin deploy files...",
- "console.tip.deleteingfiles": "begin deleting files...",
- "console.tip.uploadsuccessed": "$file$ had been deployed",
- "console.tip.totalfileanddeploiedfile": "We need deploy $total$ file. $count$ file(s) had been deploied.",
- "dialog.title.showuniCloudview": "Web hosting",
- "": "&Upload Files on Current Dir",
- "console.tip.webdeployment": "Web hosting",
- "console.tip.deletefilesuccess": "File {1} delete success",
- "console.error.deletefilefaileddetail": "File {1} delete failed. Error msg: {2}",
- "": "&Open",
- "dialog.meun.delete.desc": "&Delete",
- "dialog.meun.refresh.desc": "&Refresh",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.1commonmodulenotdisplied": "...1 other module is not displied",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.commonmodulesnotdisplied": "...{1} other modules are not displied",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.overridecommonmodulesbelow?": "Are you sure you want to override the module(s) below?",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.title.overridecloudfunction": "Cloud function has been existed. Overrider?",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.button.override.desc": "Override",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.button.skip.desc": "Skip",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel upload",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.title.overridethecloudfunction": "Cloud function {1} has been existed. Overrider?",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.title.overridethecommonmodule": "Common module {1} has been existed. Overrider?",
- "console.tip.title.webconsole": "Web Console",
- "console.tip.goto": "For more settings such as cross-domain configuration, custom domain names, certificates, etc., please go to",
- "console.tip.formore": "for more.",
- "console.tip.urldetail": "URL is: {1}{2}",
- "console.tip.uploadingprojecttospace": "Project {1} begins to deploy to {2} cloud space...",
- "console.tip.staticdeploy": "Web page hosting",
- "console.tip.retry": "Retry",
- "console.tip.uploadsuccessto": "{1} had been deployed to {2}.",
- "console.tip.skipedupload": "{1} had been canceled.",
- "console.error.markdownsharefaileddetail": "Document sharing failed. Reason for failure: {2}.",
- "console.tip.detailcourse": "For a detailed tutorial, please refer to: {1}",
- "console.tip.allfileanduploadedfile": "{1} need to be deploied. {2} files had been deployed.",
- "console.tip.nocloudfunctiondependentmodule.": "There is no cloud function dependent on this module.",
- "console.tip.syncingcloudfunctionlist": "Syncing cloud function list...",
- "console.tip.syncingcommonmodulelist": "Syncing common module list...",
- "console.complete.uploadclodufunctionlist": "Cloud Function synchronization is complete.",
- "console.complete.uploadcommonmodulelist": "Common Module synchronization is complete.",
- "console.error.synccloudfunctiondetail": "Cloud Function sync failed. Detail:{1}",
- "console.error.synccommonmoduledetail": "Common Module sync failed. Detail:{1}.",
- "console.error.synccloduspacesdetail": "Cloud spaces sync failed. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.tip.cloudfunctionuploading": "Uploading Cloud Functions...",
- "console.tip.commonmoduleuploading.": "Uploading Common Modules...",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.cloudhasthecloudfunction": "Cloud server already has the function:{1},upload by appid:{2},but current appid is {3}, override or not?",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.override.desc": "Override",
- "dialog.msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
- "console.complete.cloudfunctionupload": "Cloud Function {1} Upload is complete.",
- "console.complete.commonmoduleupload": "Common Module {1} Upload is complete.",
- "console.error.uploadcloudfunctionfaileddetail": "Cloud Function {2} Upload failed. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.tip.uploadmodulesundercommonfirstly": "Upload modules under the common dir firstly",
- "console.tip.commonmodulenamenotsupportupperletter": "Common module name could not contain Upper letter, fix it and try again.",
- "console.error.uploadcommonmodulefaileddetail": "Common Module {2} Upload failed. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.tip.cloudfunctiondownLoading": "Downloading Cloud Functions...",
- "console.tip.commonmoduledownloading": "Downloading Common Modules...",
- "console.tip.cloudfunctioninstallingdepandence": "Installing cloud function {1} dependencies",
- "console.tip.commonmoduleinstallingdependence": "Installing public module {1} dependencies",
- "console.tip.aliyun": "Alibaba Cloud",
- "console.tip.tcb": "Tencent Cloud",
- "console.complete.thecloudfunctiondownLoad": "Cloud Function {1} DownLoad is complete.成",
- "console.complete.thecommonmoduledownLoad": "Common Module {1} DownLoad is complete.",
- "console.error.thecloudfunctionuploadfaileddetail": "Cloud Function {2} DownLoad failed. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.error.thecommonmoduleuploadfaileddetail": "Common Module {2} DownLoad failed. Detail: {1}.",
- "console.error.cloudfunctiondownloadurlnotexist": "Cloud Function DownLoad Url Does Not Exist.",
- "console.error.commonmoduledownloadurlnotexist": "Common Module DownLoad Url Does Not Exist.",
- "console.tip.startrun": "Start Run...",
- "console.tip.runstate": "Run Status:{1}",
- "console.tip.runparam": "Run Param:{1}",
- "console.tip.runresult": "Run Result:{1}",
- "console.tip.runlog:": "Run Log:",
- "console.tip.runreport": "Run Report:{1}",
- "console.success.cloudfunctionsuploadcount": "{1} cloud functions upload successfully.",
- "console.tip.canclefunctionsbelow": "Following functions were canceled: {1}.",
- "console.complete.batchuploadcloudfunctionend": "Batch upload cloud function has ended.",
- "console.tip.cloudfunctionuploadendcount": "{1} cloud functions were uploaded.",
- "console.tip.belowcloudfunctionunuploaded": "Following cloud functions were unuploaded: {1}.",
- "menu.tcb.desc": "&Tencent Cloud",
- "menu.aliyun.desc": "&Alibaba Cloud",
- "console.tip.success": "Success",
- "console.tip.failed": "Fail",
- "menu.createuniClouddevelopment.desc": "&Create uniCloud Environment",
- "menu.created.desc": "Created",
- "msgbox.button.replace.desc": "Replace",
- "msgbox.button.saveas.desc": "Save As...",
- "msgbox.title.cloudfunctiondownload": "Cloud function download",
- "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
- "dialog.title.selectfolder": "Choose src Directory",
- "console.tip.timeout": "Time out",
- "console.tip.billingduration": "Billing Duration",
- "console.tip.invocationduration": "Invocation Duration",
- "console.tip.runningmemory": "Memory Usage",
- "console.error.getclouddatabaselistfaileddetail": "Get cloud database list failed.Detail: {1}.",
- "console.tip.initclouddatabase": "Init cloud database",
- "console.tip.initclouddatabasesuccess": "Init cloud database succeed.",
- "console.complete.initclouddatabase": "Init cloud database finished.",
- "console.error.initclouddatabasefailedDetail": "Init cloud database failed.Detail: {1}",
- "console.error.initclouddatabasetimeout": "Init cloud database timeout.",
- "dialog.groupbox.title.selectoverridetable": "Please select a table to override",
- "dialog.footer.alreadyexistfollowdababase.desc": "The following data table with the same name already exists in the cloud database.",
- "dialog.footer.willnotdeleteexistingdata": "Overwriting the table will not delete the existing data of the table. Note that if there is no _id in the data,",
- "dialog.footer.willinsertnewdata": "The new data is inserted.",
- "dialog.button.cover.desc": "&Overwrite selected table and continue",
- "dialog.button.skip.desc": "&Skip these tables",
- "dialog.checkbox.selectall.desc": "Select All",
- "": "Create{1}",
- "console.tip.startupdatecloudfunctiondependencies": "Start update {1} dependencies...",
- "console.complete.updatethecloudfunctiondependencies": "Cloud function {1} update dependency completed",
- "msgbox.title.thefilealreadyexists": "The file already exists",
- "file.text.DBIintdefaulttext1.": "Cloud database initialization can be configured in this file, see the data format:",
- "file.text.DBIintdefaulttext2.": "Right-click on this file after writing, you can create tables and add data according to configuration rules",
- "console.error.databaseinitfileinvalid": "File is not a valid database initialization file",
- "console.warning.nodataupload": "There is no table data to upload",
- "file.text.jsoncontentiscloudfunctiontparameters": "The json content in this file will be passed to the cloud function as a parameter when the cloud function is [run].\r\n// Configuration tutorial reference:",
- "menu.configureruntestparameters.desc": "&Configure run test parameters",
- "console.tip.carriedtheparameter": "Carried {1} parameters",
- "dialog.title.managingcommonmoduledependencies": "Managing common module dependencies",
- "dialog.button.updatedependency.desc": "Update dependency",
- "dialog.label.notexist.desc": "(non-existent)",
- "dialog.footer.selectcommonmodule.desc": "Please select the public modules that you need to rely on. Unchecked items will be deleted from the original data.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.sameprojectpath": "The path {1} has a project {2} with the same name, please select",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.mergedetail": "Merge: Overwrite the new project to the old project directory, and the files with the same name in the old project will remain.",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.replacedetail": "Replace: delete the old item and replace it with a new one",
- "Does The current cloud function already exist?": "Does The current cloud function already exist?",
- "Does The current common module already exist?": "Does The current common module already exist?",
- "Please right click the cloud function directory under the project and select or create a new cloud service space.": "Please click the right-click menu on the cloud function catalog under the project and select or create a new cloud service space.",
- "Coming soon": "Coming soon",
- "The cloud function already has content. Do you want to replace it with the cloud function that will be downloaded?": "The cloud function already has content, do you want to replace it with the cloud function that you will download?",
- "The common module already has content. Do you want to replace it with the common module that will be downloaded?": "The public module already has content, do you want to replace it with the public module you will download?",
- "text.replaceIfExists.question": "Whether to replace the current cloud function that already exists?",
- "text.replaceIfModuleExists.question": "Whether to replace the current public module already exists?",
- "notify.createSpaceDone.desc": "Please click the right-click menu on the cloud function catalog under the project and select or create a new cloud service space.",
- "text.downloadAndReplaceFunction.question": "The cloud function already has content, do you want to replace it with the cloud function that you will download?",
- "text.downloadAndReplaceCommModule.question": "The public module already has content, do you want to replace it with the public module you will download?",
- "skip %1": "跳过%1个文件。",
- "%1 begins to deploy to %2 cloud space...": "%1 Start uploading to %2 service space...",
- "Detail": "显示详情",
- "dialog.msgbox.text.notsupportassociations": "当前选择的是协作服务空间,协作服务空间仅供当前项目使用,不支持被其他项目关联"
- },
- "CRequestTaskThread": {
- "console.error.packagejsonparsesfailed.desc": "package.json has syntax error, parses failed.",
- "cosnole.eroor.cloudfunctionfileOccupied": "The operation failed, and the cloud function file was occupied.",
- "console.error.cloudfunctionpathinvalid.": "The cloud function directory address is an invalid path.",
- "console.error.nmpinstall.deletepackgelocktryagain.": "npm install failed to execute. If package-lock.json exists in the cloud function directory, node_modules may cause npm install to fail, please delete and try again.",
- "console.tip.cloudfunction": "Cloud Function",
- "console.error.nmpinstall.checknodeenvironment": "The execution of npm install failed. Please check the node execution environment. Example: After trying to install npm and setting environment variables, do it again.",
- "console.error.missingindexjsfile": "Entry file index.js missing.",
- "console.warning.localdependenciespath": "Local dependencies must be in cloudfunctions/common dir."
- },
- "MultiCheckBoxDialog": {
- "dialog.label.selectuploadmodule.desc": "The current module depends on the following module. Select the module to upload:"
- },
- "DrawerTreeModel": {
- "msgbox.title.configurefilenotfound": "Config Not Found. Right click and select the create configuration from the menu."
- },
- "SashViewTabWidget": {
- "Explorer": "Explorer"
- },
- "SashView": {
- "Explorer": "Explorer",
- "DebugView": "Debug View"
- },
- "DrawerManager": {
- "Explorer": "Explorer"
- },
- "CloudSpaceListDialog": {
- "dialog.label.detail.desc": "Free server, faster access speed.[Learn more]",
- "dialog.title.staticdeployment.desc": "Web Page Hosting",
- "dialog.button.ok.msgbox.title.selectcloudspace.desc": "Select a cloud space to deploy",
- "dialog.list.title.cloudserverlistonlyaliyun": "Cloud space list(Only support for aliyun)",
- "dialog.lable.selectdeploypath.desc": "Deploy path:",
- "dialog.button.browser.desc": "Browser",
- "dialog.button.browser.dialog.title.selectdeploypath": "Select the dir to deploy",
- "dialog.checkbox.rebuild.desc": "Rebuild uni-app",
- "dialog.button.deploy.desc": "&Upload",
- "dialog.button.browser.dialog.label.donotcreate dironcloud.desc": "Note: do not create dir {1} on the cloud",
- "dialog.button.ok.msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
- "": "&Open",
- "dialog.button.ok.msgbox.text.spacehavenowebhostservice": "Cloud space {1} has not been opened.",
- "Open Service": "Open Service",
- "refresh list": "Refresh list",
- "querying ...": "Querying...",
- "New Cloud Space": "New Cloud Space",
- "dialog.label.selectdeploypath.desc": "Select upload directory :",
- "dialog.dialog.text": "Please select a service space",
- "label.goLink.text": "Ok"
- },
- "StaticDeploymentViewPart": {
- "dialog.title.uniCloudstatic.desc": "Web Page Hosting",
- "dialog.warning.spacehavenowebhostservice": "current cloud server space has not been opened. Open server ",
- "dialog.warning.nospace": "You have not create cloud space. Click create cloud space .
Only support for aliyun. After successful creation, right-click the menu and click refresh."
- },
- "StaticDeploymentEditWidget": {
- "": "Name",
- "list.title.lastmodifiedtime.desc": "Last Modified Time",
- "list.title.type": "Type",
- "list.title.size": "Size",
- "list.tip.spacehavenowebhostservice": "Hosting Service is not opened on the current cloud space, please go to web console open, then refresh ",
- "": "&Open In Browser",
- "": "&Copy URL",
- "": "Would you want to delete these file(s)?",
- "": "&Yes",
- "": "&No",
- "Open in editor is not supported at this time": "Open in editor is not supported at this time"
- },
- "StaticDeployContributeProvider": {
- "": "Name",
- "": "Last Modified Time",
- "": "Type",
- "": "Size",
- "": "Sort:",
- " ": "Server Space:",
- "": "Total:{1}"
- },
- "MessageService": {
- "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK"
- },
- "UniCloudWizard": {
- "dialog.navigation.title.checkuserstate.desc": "Check User Information",
- "dialog.navigation.title.selectservicespace.desc": "Select Service Space",
- "dialog.navigation.title.stepdeploycloudresource.desc": "Deploy Cloud Resource",
- "dialog.servicepage.title.bind": "Bind unicloud service space to project [{1}]",
- "dialog.deploypage.title.deploytospace": "Deploy project [{1}] cloud resource to service space [{2}]"
- },
- "CheckLoginStatePage": {
- "dialog.login.msgbox.authenticateorusetrialspace.text": "Authenticate first or use space on trial.",
- "dialog.login.msgbox.authenticatefirst.": "Authenticate first.",
- "dialog.button.login.desc": "Login",
- "dialog.button.wait.desc": "Wait...",
- "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
- "": "&Next",
- "dialog.label.promte.useuniCloudneedinit.desc": "Project {1} had used uniCloud, need to init.",
- "dialog.lable.needlogin.desc": "We have detected that you are not logged in, log in please.",
- "dialog.lable.error.notauthenticate.desc": "The account has not completed the real-name authentication, and the uniCloud service space cannot be used.",
- "dialog.lable.authentication.realnameorusetrialspace.desc": "Please complete real-name authentication or use the experience service space.",
- "dialog.label.authentication.realnamefirst.desc": "Please complete real-name authentication ",
- "dialog.lable.expire.trialservicespacedetail": "The experience service space has a time limit and will be automatically destroyed 4 hours after creation. If the real-name authentication is completed before the experience service space is destroyed, the service space will continue to be reserved.",
- "": "After the real name authentication is completed, you can continue to bind the service space in the next step.",
- "dialog.checkbox.trialcloudspace.desc": "Trial for Cloud Space.",
- "dialog.button.getverifycode": "Verification Code",
- "dialog.edit.mobilenumber.placeholdertext": "Please input mobile phone number",
- "dialog.edit.vertifycode.placeholdertext": "Please input verify code",
- "dialog.label.needlogin.desc": "It is detected that you are not logged in, please log in first.",
- "dialog.label.error.notauthenticate.desc": "The current login account has not completed the real-name authentication, and the uniCloud service space cannot be used.",
- "dialog.label.authentication.realnameorusetrialspace.desc": "Please complete the real-name authentication or use the experience service space first.",
- "dialog.label.expire.trialservicespacedetail": "The experience service space has a time limit and will be automatically destroyed 4 hours after creation. If the real-name authentication is completed before the experience service space is destroyed, the service space will continue to be reserved.",
- "": "After completing the real-name authentication, you can proceed to the next step for service space binding。"
- },
- "OperateCloudSpacePage": {
- "dialog.groupbox.title.bindselectspace": "Select the space you want to bind",
- "dialog.label.whatisunicloud": " waht is uniCloud? ",
- "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
- "": "&Next",
- "dialog.button.create.desc": "New",
- "dialog.button.refresh.desc": "Refresh",
- "dialog.label.prompt.projectwillbindspace": "This step will bind a service space for the project {1}. Please select a service space to bind in the list below. You can still rebind it later by right clicking cloud functions under the project."
- },
- "DeployResourcesToUniCloudPage": {
- "dialog.checkbox.initcloudfunctionandcommonandaction.desc": "Init cloud functions, common modules and actions",
- "dialog.checkbox.initspacedatabase": "Initialize the database of the service space according to db_init.json",
- "dialog.label.checkdatabasedocument.desc": "view >>",
- "dialog.label.checkuploadall": " view >>",
- "dialog.button.previous.desc": "&Previous",
- "dialog.button.finish.desc": "&Start Deploy",
- "dialog.button.success.desc": "Done",
- "dialog.label.prompt.projectnoresourcedeploy.desc": "The Project do not have resources to deploy.",
- "Init cloud functions on cloudfunctions_init.json": "Initialize cloud function configuration according to cloudfunctions_init.json",
- "Check cloud function doucment >>": " view >>",
- "": "Contains the data items configured by db_init.json and the DB Schema with the same name as the data item",
- "": ",Extended check function under database",
- "": "Contains the DB Schema and extended verification functions under the database, if checked",
- "": "db_init.json initializes the database, the extended verification function will not be uploaded repeatedly",
- "dialog.label.checkscheme": "View>>",
- "": "DB Schema and extended validation functions under the deployment project"
- },
- "WebViewEdit": {
- "dialog.panel.tip.openingfile": "Opening file...",
- "dialog.plugin.error.openfilefailed": "Open failed, the plugin [{1}] that this custom editor depends on doesn't exist.",
- "": "Save file failed.",
- "": "The new file doesn't match the current custom editor type.",
- "": "Please select new file.",
- "dialog.button.quit.msgdialog.title.notsavefile": "The files below are not saved, the changes will be lost if don't save.",
- "editor.warningOnUninstallPlugin": "Whether to automatically close the custom editor that depends on the plugin?",
- "menu.openwith.builtinEditor": "Built-in editor",
- "menu.configAssociation": "Configuration editor association...",
- "Done't Save": "Don't save",
- "Whether to automatically close the custom editor that depends on the plug-in?": "Whether to automatically close the custom editor that depends on the plugin?",
- "Close all": "Close all(&A)"
- },
- "LocalFaskPackJob": {
- "dialog.button.exit.msgbox.text": "Fask pack task is being executed, are you sure to exit and terminate the task ?",
- "console.tip.apk.makingpackage": "Begin to mak apk local package...",
- "console.tip.apk.makingchannelpackage": "Begin to mak channel package [{1}]...",
- "console.tip.channelpackagemakeresult": "The result of making channel package [{1}]:",
- "console.tip.package.path": "Package location:",
- "console.tip.package.type:": "Type:",
- "console.tip.package.failedreason:": "Reson:",
- "console.tip.package.result": "Packaging result:",
- "console.error.package.notfoundproject": "The project for the current pack task was not found",
- "console.error.getAppIDfailed": "App Id parse failed."
- },
- "RelateCloudSpaceDialog": {
- "": "New",
- "dialog.button.create.desc": "Create",
- "dialog.button.refreshspaces.desc": "Refresh Spaces",
- "menu.refresh.desc": "Refresh",
- "dialog.title.desc": "Associate cloud service space or project",
- "dialog.radiobutton.relatespace.desc": "Associated cloud service space",
- "dialog.radiobutton.relateproject.desc1": "Binding the service space of other projects",
- "dialog.list.cloudspace.desc": "Cloud Space: {1}",
- "dialog.radiobutton.relateproject.desc2": "(Suitable for multi-project sharing service space, ",
- "dialog.radiobutton.relateproject.desc3": " detail )",
- "dialog.footer.desc1": " How do we transfer cloud provider, ",
- "dialog.footer.desc2": " deail refer to ",
- "dialog.list.providercooperation.desc": "Cooperation",
- "notify.title.desc": "After linking other projects, the files in the uniCloud directory will be hidden. Hidden files that are unbound will be displayed.",
- "dialog.errorText.cysCorrelation": "项目不能关联自身,请选择其他项目",
- "dialog.errorText.repetitiveCorrelation": "该项目已关联其他项目,请选择一个其他项目",
- "dialog.list.relationProject.desc": "已关联项目"
- },
- "HXButtonBox": {
- "button.ok.desc": "OK",
- "button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
- "button.close.desc": "Close",
- "button.yes.desc": "Yes",
- "button.yestoAll.desc": "Yes to All",
- "": "No",
- "button.notoall.desc": "No to All"
- },
- "AuthorizeDialog": {
- "dialog.title.loginauthorize": "Login Authorize",
- "dialog.button.authorize.desc": "Authorize",
- "dialog.button.reject.desc": "Reject",
- "dialog.list.checkbox.phonenumber.desc": "Phone Number",
- "": "E-Mail",
- "dialog.list.checkbox.avatar.desc": "Avatar",
- "dialog.list.icon.alternativetext": "Invalid avatar",
- "dialog.list.checkbox.nickname.desc": "Nickname",
- "dialog.plugin.desc": "Plugin",
- "dialog.plugin.tip.requestsinformationbelow:": "Requests your information below :",
- "dialog.footer.desc.modifyinformation.": "Go to modify information.",
- "dialog.error.getrequesterror": "Request information failed.",
- "dialog.error.networkerror": "Network error",
- "dialog.error.servererror": "Server error",
- "Authorize User Information": "Authorize the information of the currently logged-in user to the plugin",
- "Basic Info": "Basic Info"
- },
- "MainHostWindow": {
- "dialog.showwebview.msgbox.title1": "This operation relies on the Built-In Browser plug-in.",
- "dialog.showwebview.msgbox.title2": "Please install and try again. Download immediately?"
- },
- "ProjectPickDialog": {
- "No valid project.": "No valid project."
- },
- "FolderMergeDialog": {
- "dialog.title.foldercompare": "Folder Compare and Merge",
- "dialog.lable.willmergefiles.desc": "Merging files",
- "dialog.editor.title.none": "None",
- "dialog.button.merge.desc": "Merge",
- "dialog.editor.title.oldfile": "Old File",
- "dialog.editor.title.newfile": "New File",
- "dialog.subtitle.desc1": "There is a file status mark at the end of each item.",
- "dialog.subtitle.desc": "No status mark means new file is the same as old file; 'A' means new file, 'M' means modified file, 'U' means edited manually, 'C' means conflicted file (one is a folder and another is a file).",
- "dialog.subtitle.desc2": "Checked {1} merging file(s)",
- "dialog.subtitle.desc3": "The dot indicates that there are changes under the folder, the color indicators the change type.",
- "dialog.subtitle.desc4": "Double click to open file and compare at right. Files larger than 5M will not show the difference.",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.fileinfo": "Basic info for binary file.",
- "": "File name",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.size": "File size",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.createtime": "Created time",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.lastmodifytime": "Last modified time",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type": "File type",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type.encryptedcloudfunction": "Encrypted cloud function",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type.encryptedcommonmodule": "Encrypted common module",
- "dialog.close.msgbox.title1": "Merging folder, close the window will interrupt the merge process, the result is unpredictable.",
- "dialog.close.msgbox.title2": "Are you sure to close?",
- "dialog.tree.tootip": "Double-click to compare.",
- "dialog.footer.error.nocheckedfile": "No files are checked",
- "dialog.loding.merging.desc": "Merging selected files",
- "dialog.loding.desc": "Comparing folder",
- "dialog.label.willmergefiles.desc": "Files to be merged",
- "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type.encryptedfile": "Encrypted file",
- "Encrypted file": "Encrypted file"
- },
- "BuiltinCef3BrowserImpl": {
- "": "&Back",
- "": "&Forward",
- "": "&Reload",
- "": "&Developer Tools",
- "text.inspectElement.desc": "&Check The Element",
- "text.showDevelopTools.desc": "Display Developer Tools",
- "text.lockUrl.desc": "&Lock URL",
- "text.lockCurrentUrl.desc": "Lock The Current URL, Not Automatically Switch With The Editor",
- "text.previewMobileQRCode.desc": "Mobile Phone Sacn QR Code Preview Page",
- "text.mobileScanQRCode.desc": "Scan QR Code In Mobile Browser",
- "text.inputWebAddress.desc": "Please Input URL",
- "text.noLongerLockUrl.desc": "No longer locking the url, the url is automatically switched with the editor",
- "": "&Stop Loading",
- "text.copyUrl.desc": "&Copy URL",
- "text.failedGenQRCode.desc": "Failed to generate QRCode",
- "text.sureConnection.desc": "Please make sure the phone can connect to {1}",
- "text.scanQRCode.desc": "Then scan QRCode below via phone browser",
- "text.note.desc": "Note:",
- "text.makeSureSecureDomain.desc": "If you use uniCloud cloud functions, please make sure in the cross-domain configuration of {3}\nSet {1}:{2} as a secure domain name.",
- "text.webConsole.desc": "Web Console",
- "text.howToConfig.desc": "How to Configure",
- "text.nonhttpNoGeo.desc": "Non-https URLs cannot use positioning and other functions.",
- "text.failedGetLocalIp.desc": "Failed to obtain local IP address",
- "text.pcMode.desc": "PC Mode",
- "text.enumlateMobileDevice.desc": "Phone Simulator",
- "text.developerTools.desc": "Developer Tools - {1}",
- "text.emulateGeo.desc": "Geolocation Emulate",
- "text.geolocationLocation.desc": "Geolocation",
- "text.settings.desc": "",
- "text.locateInFile.desc": "&Find DOM Node In File",
- "text.popUpIndipendentWindow.desc": "Pop up As Independent Window",
- "text.dockToMainWindow.desc": "Dock to The Main Window"
- },
- "BuiltinBrowserImpl": {
- "": "&Back",
- "": "&Forward",
- "": "&Reload",
- "": "&Developer Tools",
- "tooltip.showDevelopTools.desc": "Display Developer Tools",
- "": "&Lock URL",
- "locksCurrentUrl": "Lock The Current URL, Not Automatically Switch With The Editor",
- "lineedit.inputTheWebAddress.placeholder": "Please Input The URL",
- "": "",
- "tooltip.noLockingTheUrl.desc": "No longer locking the URL, the URL is automatically switched with the editor",
- "dialog.developer.title": "Developer Tools - {1}",
- "": "&Stop Loading",
- "": "Mobile Phone Sacn QR Code Preview Page",
- "tooltip.localIpAddress.desc": "Scan QR Code In Mobile Browser",
- "tooltip.loadQrcodeFailed.desc": "Failed to load QR Code",
- "": "Copy URL",
- "label.phoneCanConnect.desc": "Please make sure the phone can connect internet to {1}",
- "label.usePhoneScanQRCode.desc": "Then use the phone browser to scan the following QR code .",
- "label.note.desc": "Note:",
- "label.ifUseUniCloud.desc": "If you use uniCloud cloud functions, please make sure in the cross-domain configuration of {3}\nSet {1}:{2} as a secure domain name.",
- "": "Web Console",
- "": "How To Configure",
- "label.geolocationNotHttp.desc": "Non-https URLs can not use positioning and other functions.",
- "msgbox.getlocalIPFailed.desc.error": "Failed to obtain local IP address",
- "dialog.pcMode.title": "PC Mode",
- "text.emulateMobileDevice.desc": "Phone Simulator",
- "text.geo.desc": "Geographic Location",
- "": "Detach From The Main Window To A Independent Window",
- "": "Dock to The Main Window"
- },
- "BuiltinWebView": {
- "": "&Back",
- "": "&Forward",
- "": "&Reload",
- "": "&Copy",
- "": "&Paste",
- "": "&Review The Elements",
- "text.followLink.desc": "Open Links",
- "text.copyLinkUrl.desc": "Copy Link Address",
- "text.copyImage.desc": "Copy Image",
- "text.copyImageUrl.desc": "Copy Image URL",
- "text.locateDOMNode.desc": "&Find DOM Node In File"
- },
- "JsonFormIOSUniversalLinksElement": {
- "": "Auto Generate",
- "": "Auto Generating...",
- "": "Tips For Generate Success",
- "": "configure"
- },
- "CliPack": {
- "console.error.unsupportedparameter": "Unsupported parameter {1}",
- "console.error.configurefilenotexist": "The configuration file {1} does not exist",
- "console.error.configurefileopenfailed": "Configuration file {1} open failed",
- "console.error.configurefilecorrectform": "The configuration file {1} is not in the correct form",
- "console.tip.configurationfileabsolutepath": "Configuration file absolute path",
- "console.tip.projectnameorabsolutepath": "Project name or project absolute path",
- "console.tip.packageformdetail": "Packaging platform, the default value is android, the value has android, ios, if you want to separate multiple commas",
- "console.tip.whetherusecustombase": "If you want to use a custom base, the default value is false, true, and the rest is the default value",
- "console.tip.packagemodedetail": "The default value of packing method is 0 0 ordinary packing 1 ease packing the rest use the default value",
- "console.tip.androidpack.packagename": "android package name",
- "console.tip.androidpack.packagetypedetail": "The default value of android package type is 0 0 using self owned certificate 1 using public certificate 2 using old dcloud certificate",
- "cosnole.tip.androidpack.certificatealias": "android packaged certificate alias, self owned certificate packaged parameters",
- "cosnole.tip.androidpack.certificatefilepath": "android package certificate file path, self owned certificate package parameters",
- "cosnole.tip.androidpack.certificatepassword": "android package certificate password, own certificate package parameters",
- "console.tip.iOSpack.appid": "ios appid",
- "console.tip.iOSpack.desc": "The default value of ios packaging device type is iPhone. The values include iPhone and iPad. If you want to separate the packaging platform with multiple commas",
- "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomdesc": "Use custom certificate or jailbreak package default value 0 0 custom 1 jailbreak not filled in or other values use system default value",
- "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomcertificateprofilepath": "Profile file path packaged with custom certificate in ios",
- "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomcertificatefilepath": "ios uses the path of certificate file packaged with custom certificate",
- "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomcertificatepassword": "ios uses custom certificate packaged certificate password",
- "console.warning.openconfusewhenvalue1": "Whether to confuse, only when the value is 1",
- "console.warning.openscreenadwhenvalue1": "Open screen ads, only when the value is 1",
- "console.warning.openredpacketwhenvalue1": "The red packet advertisement can only be opened when the value is 1",
- "console.warning.openpushadwhenvalue1": "Push ads, only open when the value is 1",
- "console.warning.jointurnoveralliancewhenvalue1": "Join the turnover alliance, only when the value is 1",
- "console.error.invalidparameter": "Parameter {1} the value filled in is illegal",
- "android platform to play channel package values are google, yyb, 360, huawei, xiaomi, oppo, vivo, if you want to play multiple comma separated": "android platform to play channel package values are google, yyb, 360, huawei, xiaomi, oppo, vivo, if you want to play multiple comma separated"
- },
- "CCliProject": {
- "console.tip.projectpath": "Project path",
- "Unsupported parameter {1}": "Unsupported parameter {1}",
- "console.tip.projectimporting": "Importing project...",
- "console.tip.projectimportsuccess": "Project imported successfully",
- "console.error.projectimportfailed": "Project import failed",
- "console.tip.projectclosing": "Closing project",
- "console.tip.projectclosecomplete": "Project closure completed",
- "console.error.projectclosefailed": "Project close failed",
- "console.warning.pathisnull": "The path value is null",
- "console.error.pathnotexist": "The path {1} does not exist",
- "console.error.theprojectnotintheHBuilderXprojectlist": "Project {1} is not in the HBuilder X project list"
- },
- "UnicloudJQLEditor": {
- "editor.title": "JQL Query",
- "": "help",
- "editor.tip.default": "defalut tips",
- "editor.tip.querying": "Querying...",
- "editor.tip.querystopped!": "query has been stopped!",
- "editor.query.uselocalschema": "use local schema",
- "editor.query.useremoteschema": "use remote schema",
- "editor.radiobutton.remote.tooltip": "show remote schema tips",
- "console.cmbbox.item.onlydata.desc": "只看data",
- "console.cmbbox.item.fulldetail.desc": "全部信息",
- "editor.tip.nospaceid.desc": "检测到项目还未关联云服务空间,请先关联云服务空间后再执行"
- },
- "CSelectUniSpaceDlg": {
- "dialog.button.text.confirm": "confirm",
- "dialog.listdlg.title": "select cloud service",
- "dialog.tip.cloudservicenotopened": "no cloud service",
- "dialog.listdlg.list.title": "support aliyun cloud service only",
- "dialog.listdlg.subtitle": "help",
- "dialog.msgbox.title.hostingservicenotopened": "the cloud space has not been opened, so generated failed",
- "dialog.listdlg.choosedomain": "配置域名",
- "dialog.radiobutton.defaultdomain.desc": "默认域名(建议用于测试)",
- "dialog.radiobutton.selfdefinedomain.desc": "自定义域名",
- "dialog.tip.configureDomainfirst.desc": "请先配置域名后,再点击完成",
- "dialog.label.setselfdefinedomain.desc": "去配置",
- "": "通用链接自动生成指南",
- "please configure domain": "请先配置域名后,再点击完成"
- },
- "HXSpaceList": {
- "dialog.list.tip.hostingserviceopened": "Hosting Service opened",
- "dialog.list.tip.hostingservicenotopened": "Hosting Service not opened",
- "dialog.list.openservice": "Open"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/menus.json": {
- "": "&File",
- "": "&New",
- "": "Open Multi-&Window Project",
- "": "&Import",
- "": "&Tab",
- "": "&New Tab",
- "": "&Close Tab",
- "": "&Close the Right Tab",
- "": "&Close Other Tabs",
- "": "&Close All the Saved Tabs",
- "": "&Close All Tabs",
- "": "&Switch to Left Tab",
- "": "&Switch to Right Tab",
- "": "Switch to the Nearest Tab Card【Ctrl+Tab】",
- "": "Switch to the Nearest Tab Card【Alt+Tab】",
- "": "&Move Tab to the Left",
- "": "&Move Tab to the Right",
- "": "&Switch the First Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Second Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Third Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Fourth Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Fifth Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Sixth Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Seventh Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Eighth Tab",
- "": "&Switch the Ninth Tab",
- "": "&Switch the End Tab",
- "": "&Favorite",
- "": "&Open File ...",
- "": "&Open Directory ...",
- "": "&Open History File",
- "": "&Recover the Closed Tab",
- "": "&Clear the History List",
- "": "&Reopen with Encoding",
- "": "&Save",
- "": "&Save As ...",
- "": "&Save All",
- "": "&Reopen Project",
- "": "&Clear the History List",
- "": "&Open in External Explorer",
- "": "&Reveal in Finder",
- "": "Open in Terminal",
- "": "&Exit",
- "": "&Edit",
- "": "&Undo",
- "": "&Redo",
- "": "&Copy Selection or Current Line",
- "": "&Cut Selection or Current Line",
- "": "&Swap Letter/Selection/Line",
- "": "&Copy File Path",
- "": "&Paste",
- "": "&Paste as HTML",
- "": "&Paste From History",
- "": "&Format Document",
- "": "&Join Lines",
- "": "Move Line Up",
- "": "Move Line Down",
- "": "&Delete",
- "": "&Delete Line",
- "": "&Left Delete Word",
- "": "&Right Delete Word",
- "": "&Left Delete Hump Word",
- "": "&Right Delete Hump Word",
- "": "&Delete to Start of Line",
- "": "&Delete to End of Line",
- "": "&Delete Blank Spaces at the End of the Line",
- "": "&Insert",
- "": "Insert Line Below",
- "": "Insert Line Above",
- "": "&Insert the Current Row or Selection Repeatedly",
- "": "&Surround",
- "": "&Surround(Such as if and Other Function)",
- "": "&Anti-Surround",
- "": "&Bold",
- "": "Add quotation marks and brackets on the 2 side of the selection [selected content directly press the corresponding symbol]",
- "": "Add `or ~ or _ on the 2 side of markdown selection area [selected content directly press the corresponding symbol]",
- "": "&Comment",
- "": "&Comment Line/Uncomment",
- "": "&Block Comment",
- "": "&Conditional Compilation Ifdef",
- "": "&Conditional Compilation Ifndef",
- "": "&Beginning-of-line List Symbol",
- "": "&Ordered List Symbol",
- "": "&- Unordered List Symbol",
- "": "&* Unordered List Symbol",
- "": "&+ Unordered List Symbol",
- "": "&Task List Symbol",
- "": "&Finished Task List Symbol",
- "": "&Quote List Symbol",
- "": "&EOL Conversion",
- "": "&Convert Document Line Breaks to \\r\\n",
- "": "&Convert Document Line Breaks to \\r",
- "": "&Convert Document Line Breaks to \\n",
- "": "&Indentation",
- "": "Right indent",
- "": "Left indent",
- "": "&Convert Case",
- "": "&Upper Case",
- "": "&Lower Case",
- "": "&Title Case",
- "": "&Trigger Code Completion",
- "": "&Select",
- "": "&Select All",
- "": "&System Selection",
- "": "&Select Left",
- "": "&Select Right",
- "": "Select Up",
- "": "Select Down",
- "": "Select Left Word",
- "": "Select Right Word",
- "": "Select a Hump Word to the Left",
- "": "Select a Hump Word to the Right",
- "": "Select to Home of Line Shift+Home",
- "": "Select to End of Line Shift+End",
- "": "Select to Start of Line",
- "": "Select to End of Line",
- "": "Select to Start of Section",
- "": "Select to End of Section",
- "": "Select to Page Up",
- "": "Select to Page Down",
- "": "Select to Top of Page Ctrl+Shift+Home",
- "": "Select to End of Page Ctrl+Shift+End",
- "": "&Expand Selection",
- "": "Expand Selection to Both Sides",
- "": "Shrink Selection from Both Sides",
- "": "&Select Next Occurrences",
- "": "&Select All Occurrences",
- "": "Select All &Reference Symbols",
- "": "&Skip Current Selection and Select The Next Same Word",
- "": "Expand Selection to &Line",
- "": "Expand Selection to &Soft Line",
- "": "Expand Selection to &Brackets",
- "": "Expand Selection to &Quotation",
- "": "Expand Selection to &Folding",
- "": "Expand Selection to Same &Indented Line",
- "": "Select the List Area",
- "": "Select the Connected Word",
- "": "Expand Selection to &Semantics",
- "": "Select Html Tag",
- "": "Select Html Attribute",
- "": "Select the Encircled Area such as if, Funtion, etc.",
- "": "Choose Js and Other Languages; Paragraph Before the Semicolon",
- "": "Select the Css Category",
- "": "Select a Comma-separated array or method parameters or define variables",
- "": "Select the Comment Area",
- "": "Select Markdown Title Paragraph(&3)",
- "": "Select Markdown Pictures, Hyperlinks, Bold, Italic, Code and Other Syntax Areas",
- "": "Add &Previous Line",
- "": "Add &Next Line",
- "": "[Alt+Left Button to Drag and Select as Column Selection]",
- "": "Add Cursors on Both Sides of the Selection",
- "": "Add Cursor at the Start of Each Line",
- "": "&Drop Previous Selection or Cursor",
- "": "[Ctrl+Left Mouse Button to Add Cursor/Selection]",
- "": "[Ctrl+right Mouse Button to Delete Cursor/Selection]",
- "": "[Ctrl+left Mouse Button to Drag or Double Click to Increase the Multi-Selection Area]",
- "": "Switch to \"Alt+Click\" for Multi-Cursor",
- "": "Switch to \"Ctrl+Click\" for Multi-Cursor",
- "": "Switch to \"⌘+Click\" for Multi-Cursor",
- "": "Quick Selection Guide...",
- "": "&Find",
- "": "&Find File",
- "": "&Find",
- "": "&Find in Files",
- "": "&Replace",
- "": "&Find Next",
- "": "&Find Previous",
- "": "&Find Symbol in Editor...",
- "": "&Goto",
- "": "&System",
- "": "Cursor Left",
- "": "Cursor Down",
- "": "Cursor Up",
- "": "Cursor Right",
- "": "Cursor Left One Word",
- "": "Cursor Right One Word",
- "": "Cursor Left One Hump Word",
- "": "Cursor Right One Hump Word",
- "": "Cursor to The Start of The Soft Line",
- "": "Cursor to the End of the Soft Line",
- "": "Cursor to the Start of Line",
- "": "Cursor to the End of Line",
- "": "Cursor to the Previous Section (Empty line to split the section)",
- "": "Cursor to the Next Section (Empty line to split the section)",
- "": "Cursor to Page Up",
- "": "Cursor to Page Down",
- "": "Cursor to Page Top",
- "": "Cursor to Page End",
- "": "&Previous Position",
- "": "&Next Position",
- "": "&Go to Line",
- "": "&Go to Matching Bracket",
- "": "&Bookmarks",
- "": "&Set/Cancel Bookmark",
- "": "&Next Bookmark",
- "": "&Previous Bookmark",
- "": "&Clear All Bookmarks",
- "": "&Scroll Bar",
- "": "&Goto Next Bookmark",
- "": "&Goto Next Search Result",
- "": "&Goto Next Syntax Error",
- "": "&Fold",
- "": "&Fold",
- "": "&Expand",
- "": "&Fold Child Line",
- "": "&Expand Child Line",
- "": "&Fold All",
- "": "&Expand All",
- "": "&Fold Region",
- "": "&Go to Definition[Alt+Click]",
- "": "&Go to Definition[Ctrl+Click]",
- "": "&Go to Definition[⌘+Click]",
- "": "&Go to Definition to New Column[Ctrl+Alt+Click]",
- "": "&Go to Definition to New Column[⌘+Alt+Click]",
- "": "&Run",
- "": "&Build",
- "": "&Mobile App - Cloud Packaging",
- "": "&Mobile App - View Status of Cloud Packaging",
- "": "&Mobile App - Local Packaging",
- "": "&Generate Local Packaged App Resources",
- "": "&Local Packaging Guide for Android...",
- "": "&Local Packaging Guide for IOS...",
- "": "&Mobile App - Export WGT Resources",
- "": "&Mini-Program - WeChat(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Mini-Program - BaiDu(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Mini-Program - AliPay(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Mini-Program - ByteDance(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Mini-Program - QQ(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Mini-Program - 360(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&QuickApp - HuaWei(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Quickapp - Union(For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Web (For uni-app Only)",
- "": "&Custom Publish",
- "": "&Generate Unified Publishing Page",
- "": "&Upload Website to Server",
- "": "&View the Server Site File",
- "": "&View",
- "": "&Minimize",
- "": "&New Window",
- "": "&Switch to Pure Mode [Double-click Tab]",
- "": "&Switch to No Disturb Mode",
- "": "&Focus on Editor",
- "": "&Focus on Project Explorer",
- "": "Show &Left Side",
- "": "&Show Outline",
- "": "&Show Toolbar",
- "": "&Show Built-in Browser ",
- "": "&Show Minimap",
- "": "&Show Status Bar",
- "": "&Show Console",
- "": "&Show Terminal",
- "": "Show Debug View",
- "": "&Show Webview Debug Console",
- "": "&Show Web Hosting",
- "": "&Show Plug-in Views",
- "": "&Show Line Number",
- "": "&Show Indentation",
- "": "&Displays Whitespace Characters when Highlighted",
- "": "&Word Wrap",
- "": "&Layout",
- "": "&Single",
- "": "&Columns: 2",
- "": "&Columns: 3",
- "": "&Grid: 4",
- "": "&Rows: 2",
- "": "&Rows: 3",
- "": "&Focus on Left Column",
- "": "&Focus on Right Column",
- "": "Scroll",
- "": "Scroll Left [Alt+mouse wheel up]",
- "": "Scroll Right [Alt+mouse wheel down]",
- "": "Scroll Up One Screen [Shift+mouse wheel up]",
- "": "Scroll Down One Screen [Shift+mouse wheel down]",
- "": "Scroll One Screen to The Left [Ctrl+Alt+mouse wheel up]",
- "": "Scroll One Screen to The Right [Ctrl+Alt+mouse wheel down]",
- "": "&Editor Font Zoom In [Ctrl+Scroll Up]",
- "": "&Editor Font Zoom Out [Ctrl+Scroll Down]",
- "": "&Tool",
- "": "&Settings",
- "": "&Custom Keybindings",
- "": "&Keymaps",
- "": "&Snippets Setting",
- "": "&Customize Other Language Snippets...",
- "": "&Custom Snippet Tutorial...",
- "": "&Color Theme",
- "": "&File Icon Theme",
- "": "&No Icon",
- "": "&External Commands",
- "": "&Validate Document",
- "": "&External Command Setting",
- "": "&Plug-in Installation",
- "": "&Help",
- "": "&Started Tutorial...",
- "": "&Markdown Help",
- "": "&Developer Cloud Console...",
- "": "&Feature Requests...",
- "": "&Mail Feedback",
- "": "&DCloud Forums ...",
- "": "&View Running Logs",
- "": "&Release Notes",
- "": "Licence",
- "": "ReadMe",
- "": "&Sponsor Us...",
- "": "&About...",
- "": "Test Only",
- "": "&Go to Definition[Alt+onclick]",
- "": "&Go to Definition[ctrl+onclick]",
- "": "&External Commands",
- "": "&Import From SVN...",
- "": "&Import From Git...",
- "": "&Import From Local Directory...",
- "": "&0 Upload and Deploy Cloud Functions",
- "": "&0 Upload Data Collection Schema",
- "": "&0 Upload Action",
- "": "&0 Upload Database Extension Verification Function",
- "": "&1 App Cloud Packaging",
- "": "&2 Create H5 Website",
- "": "&3 Release to Wechat Mini-Program",
- "": "&4 Release to Baidu Mini-Program",
- "": "&5 Release to ALiPay Mini-Program",
- "": "&6 Release to 360 Appstore",
- "": "&7 Release to Huawei Appstore",
- "": "&8 Release to Quickappunion",
- "": "&1 Comment Line/Uncomment",
- "": "&2 Block Enclosing Comment",
- "": "&3 Conditional Compilation ifdef",
- "": "&4 Conditional Compilation ifdef",
- "workbench.switchtab.ctrl": "Switch to the Recent Tab [Ctrl+Tab]",
- "workbench.switchtab.alt": "Switch to the Recent Tab [Alt+Tab]",
- "editor.append.qoute": "Add Quotation Marks and Brackets on the 2 Side of the Selection",
- "markdown.append.wave": "Add `or ~ or _ on the 2 Side of Markdown Selection Area",
- "editor.selectconnectword": "Expand Selection to &Connected Word",
- "editor.selectlistzone": "Expand Selection to &List",
- "select.html.tag.right": "Select Html Tag",
- "": "Select Html Attribute",
- "select.cover.iforfunction": "Select the Encircled Area Such as if, Funtion, etc.",
- "select.paragraph.js": "Choose js and Other Languages; Paragraph Before the Semicolon",
- "select.class.css": "Select Css Class",
- "select.array.bycomma": "Select a Comma-Separated Array or Function Parameters or Define Variables",
- "": "Select the Comment Area",
- "select.markdown.paragraph": "&Select Markdown Title Paragraph",
- "": "Select Markdown Pictures, Hyperlinks, Bold, Italic, Code and Other Syntax Areas",
- "editor.drag.mouseleft.alt.forcolumnselection": "&Column Selection Mode [alt+mouse drag]",
- "editor.drag.mouseleft.ctrl.forcolumnselection": "【Ctrl+left mouse button drag selection as column selection】",
- "editor.drag.mouseleft.ctrl.forcolumnselection.d": "【Ctrl+Left mouse button drag selection as column selection】",
- "editor.mouseright.ctrl.delete.cursorselection": "[Ctrl+Right mouse button to delete cursor/selection]",
- "editor.mouseleft.drag.addselection": "[Ctrl+Left mouse button to drag or double-click to add multiple selection]",
- "editor.mouseleft.alt.delete.cursorselection": "[Alt+Left mouse button to add cursor/selection]",
- "editor.mouseright.alt.delete.cursorselection": "[Alt+Right mouse button to delete cursor/selection]",
- "editor.mouseleft.alt.addselection": "[Alt+Left mouse button to drag or double-click to add multiple selection]",
- "editor.mouseleft.command.addselection": "[⌘+Left mouse button to add cursor/selection]",
- "editor.mouseright.command.addselection": "[⌘+Right mouse button to delete cursor/selection]",
- "editor.mouseleft.command.drag.addselection": "[⌘+Left mouse button to drag or double-click to add multiple selection]",
- "scroll.toleft.alt.wheel.up": "Scroll Left [Alt+Scroll Up]",
- "scroll.toright.alt.wheel.down": "Scroll Right [Alt+Scroll Down]",
- "scroll.uppage.shift.wheel.up": "Scroll Up One Screen [Shift+Scroll Down]",
- "scroll.downpage.shift.wheel.down": "Scroll Down One Screen [Shift+Scroll Down]",
- "scroll.toleftpage.ctrl.alt.wheel.up": "Scroll left One Screen [Ctrl+Alt+Scroll Up]",
- "scroll.torightpage.ctrl.alt.wheel.down": "Scroll Right One Screen [Ctrl+Alt+Scroll Down]",
- "": "&Find in Selection",
- "": "&Mini Program-Kuaishou (For uni-app Only)"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/settings.json": {
- "settings.[Atom One Dark].desc": "Elegant Blue",
- "settings.[Default].desc": "Soft Green",
- "settings.[Monokai].desc": "Cool Black",
- "settings.adb.path.desc": "The path of adb, empty is the default adb",
- "": "Android emulator port",
- "settings.browsers.config.desc": "Browser path configuration. There is automatic detection, and it can be manually configured if it is not detected or not on time.",
- "settings.builtin.web.server.port.desc": "Built-in web server port",
- "settings.characters.desc": "Chinese punctuation marks that need to be escaped",
- "": "Cloud function local running timeout",
- "settings.dir.exclude.desc": "Folders not searched by default, each rule is separated by a comma",
- "settings.editor.autoHandoffChinesePunctuation.desc": "Chinese punctuation interference-free configuration, cancel (ctrl+z) can be restored to the original character",
- "settings.editor.background.desc": "Editing area background color",
- "settings.editor.caretWidth.desc": "Control the width of the cursor. The value range is 1~3, and it will be thicker according to the number.",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.desc": "Whether to activate the code assistant. When the value is true, the code will be prompted to associate content",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.px2rem.decimalLength.desc": "rem retains the length of the decimal part",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.px2rem.enabel.desc": "Enable px to rem prompt",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.px2rem.proportion.desc": "px to rem ratio, 1(rem)=proportion value(px)",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.px2upx.decimalLength.desc": "upx retain length of fractional part",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.px2upx.enabel.desc": "Enable px to upx prompt, uni-app project takes effect",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.px2upx.proportion.desc": "px to upx ratio, 1(upx)=proportion value (px), the ratio calculation method is: design draft reference width divided by 750",
- "settings.editor.codeassist.timeout.desc": "Code assistant calculation timeout (in milliseconds)",
- "settings.editor.codeassistFontSize.desc": "Codeassist Font Size",
- "settings.editor.codeassistKeyTab.desc": "Tab key is automatically inserted into the code assistant selected item",
- "settings.editor.colorScheme.desc": "Skin Style",
- "settings.editor.contentAssistSelectionMode.desc": "A shortcut selection method for an item in the application code prompt",
- "settings.editor.editorConfigSupport.desc": "Whether to enable editorconfig support",
- "settings.editor.foldedCodeExpandMode.desc": "Apply code folding and expanding mode",
- "settings.editor.fontFamily.desc": "Editor font. Value range is English, Microsoft YaHei font in English: Microsoft YaHei UI Light",
- "settings.editor.fontFmyCHS.desc": "Editor font. The value range is Chinese, Microsoft Yahei font Chinese:'Microsoft Yahei'",
- "settings.editor.fontSize.desc": "Editor font size in pixels.",
- "settings.editor.guessIndent.desc": "Guess the number of spaces in the tab intelligently. When it is false, the value of editor.tabSize in the configuration will be used. Reopen the file after modifying this item",
- "settings.editor.insertSpaces.desc": "Insert spaces when pressing'Tab'. When the value is true, press Tab to insert the number of spaces corresponding to the tab width editor.tabSize value.",
- "settings.editor.lineHeight.desc": "Editor line height ratio",
- "settings.editor.longLineIndicator.desc": "Whether to display the line width indicator",
- "settings.editor.longLineIndicatorColumn.desc": "In which column is the line width indicator line displayed",
- "settings.editor.matchesChars.desc": "Auto-matched matching characters. When the cursor is on the following characters, the corresponding closed characters are automatically highlighted. Note: When modifying in the json source code view, double quotes need to be escaped as backslashes +Double quotes ",
- "settings.editor.matchesChars.enable.desc": "Enable automatic character matching",
- "settings.editor.minimap.enabled.desc": "Whether to display the mini map",
- "settings.editor.minimap.maxPixelWidth.desc": "Maximum width of the mini map, unit: pixel",
- "settings.editor.mouseWheelZoom.desc": "Use Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom the editor",
- "settings.editor.multiCursorModifier.desc": "Editor mouse inserts multi-cursor keyboard modifier keys",
- "settings.editor.onlyHighlightWord.desc": "Select the same word to highlight, it will only take effect when a complete word is selected",
- "settings.editor.renderWhitespace.desc": "Whether to display blank characters when highlighting",
- "settings.editor.saveFoldStatus.enabled.desc": "Whether to enable saving the folded state",
- "settings.editor.saveOnFocusLost.desc": "Control whether to automatically save when the editor loses focus. When the value is true, the editor automatically saves the current content when it loses focus",
- "settings.editor.scrollbarHoverPreview.enabled.desc": "Whether to enable scrollbar hover preview",
- "settings.editor.scrollBeyondLastLine.desc": "After the editor scrolls to the end of the text, can you continue to scroll a certain area. When the value is true, you can still scroll down a certain area",
- "settings.editor.showDefaultEndOfLine.desc": "Set the default line break",
- "settings.editor.showEndOfLine.desc": "Whether to display the line break. When the value is true, the carriage return at the end of the line is displayed",
- "settings.editor.tabSize.desc": "editor.tabSize, the number of spaces equal to a tab",
- "settings.editor.tokenColorCustomizations.desc1": "Customize the editor theme, you can copy related lines to the editing area on the right to change the color value",
- "settings.editor.tokenColorCustomizations.desc2": "Refer to for details:",
- "settings.editor.triggerChars.desc": "Code Assistant Trigger Character",
- "settings.editor.viewIndentationGuides.desc": "Whether to display code indentation alignment",
- "settings.editor.wordChars.desc": "When double-clicking the selected word or word jump, it will be matched according to the characters configured here",
- "settings.editor.wordSeparators.desc": "Characters that will be used as text separators when performing text-related navigation or operations",
- "settings.editor.wordWrap.desc": "Whether to automatically wrap. When the value is true, automatic wrap is enabled.",
- "settings.editor.wordWrapMode.desc": "Set the default wrapping strategy.",
- "settings.enable.desc": "Whether to enable",
- "settings.explorer.expandsOnClick.desc": "Project Manager click to expand",
- "settings.explorer.fileReveal.policy.desc1": "When opening a file, expand the policy to the file in Explorer at the same time",
- "settings.explorer.fileReveal.policy.desc2": "Support settings: default (automatically associated in a single item), never (never associated), always (always associated)",
- "settings.explorer.folder.openExplorerViewOnClick.desc": "Project manager click on the folder to trigger the explorer view",
- "": "Automatically report crash log",
- "": "Update Settings",
- "settings.explorer.iconTheme.desc": "File Icon Theme",
- "settings.explorer.showClosedProject.desc": "Whether to show closed projects",
- "settings.files.associations.contextmenu.desc": "Right-click menu to use HBuilder X to open the file",
- "settings.files.associations.desc1": "Configure language association (eg:'*.htm':'html')",
- "settings.files.associations.desc2": "The configurable language type can be seen by clicking the lower right corner of the editor, just fill in the corresponding name here",
- "settings.files.associations.suffixs.desc1": "File Association",
- "settings.files.associations.suffixs.desc2": "Associated file type, open with HBuilder X by default, format: md,json",
- "settings.files.associations.types.mdfile.desc1": "Markdown File Association",
- "settings.files.associations.types.mdfile.desc2": "Associate Markdown (*.md) files, open with HBuilder X by default",
- "settings.files.exclude.desc": "Configure the files and folders that are not displayed in the project manager. Each rule is separated by a comma",
- "settings.html,xml,vue,wxml,ux,nml,php,asp,ejs.desc": "Language type: language name (click on the bottom right corner of the editor to see) or id, you can configure multiple, use ,(Comma) separated by ",
- "settings.jre.path.desc1": "Configure the local jre installation path, the syntax prompt function depends on this configuration",
- "settings.jre.path.desc2": "Official download address:",
- "settings.jre.path.desc3": "Example:'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_111\\bin'",
- "settings.jre.path.desc4": "After the configuration is complete, the plugin needs to be initialized and loaded due to the syntax prompt, which may take a few minutes",
- "settings.localHistory.file.maxBackupCount.desc": "File local history: the maximum number of records in a single file",
- "settings.localHistory.file.maxBackupDays.desc": "File local history: the maximum number of days for a single file",
- "settings.localHistory.file.maxBackupSize.desc": "File local history: single file size limit, unit KB",
- "settings.node.path.desc": "node path",
- "": "node start memory parameter",
- "settings.npm.path.desc": "npm path",
- "settings.query.timeout.desc": "The timeout period for the plugin to get the file list (milliseconds)",
- "settings.sideBar.background.desc": "Project Manager background color",
- "settings.terminal.maxcount.desc": "The maximum number of terminals allowed to be started. Since the terminals take up resources, opening too many terminals may cause a crash",
- "settings.terminal.type.desc": "node running terminal type",
- "settings.toolBar.background.desc": "Set the background color of the toolbar to black",
- "settings.view.remoteDebug.openOnRunDevice.desc": "Open the debug view when the real device is running",
- "settings.weApp.devTools.path.desc": "WeChat Developer Tools installation path configuration",
- "settings.webServer.config.desc1": "Web server configuration, url: the url of the web server, which can be ip, port or domain name, for example:; appendProjectName: whether to append the project name after the url , True means append, for example:",
- "settings.webServer.config.desc2": "HBuilderX comes with HTML web server. If you need to configure a third-party web server such as php, please modify this configuration",
- "settings.workbench.colorCustomizations.desc1": "Customize the UI theme, you can copy related lines to the editing area on the right to change the color value",
- "settings.workbench.colorCustomizations.desc2": "For details, please refer to:",
- "settings.workbench.editorAssociations.desc": "Customize the editor file association configuration, which can be copied to the editing area on the right for modification",
- "settings.workbench.titleBar.useNativeStyle.desc": "Whether the title bar uses Windows native style",
- "mac:settings.editor.fontFamily.desc": "Editor font style, the value range is English",
- "mac:settings.editor.fontFmyCHS.desc": "Editor font style, the value range is Chinese",
- "mac:settings.editor.mouseWheelZoom.desc": "The font of the editor can be zoomed by using the mouse wheel while holding down Command",
- "mac:settings.editor.autoHandoffChinesePunctuation.desc": "Chinese punctuation interference-free configuration, cancel (Command+z) can be restored to the original character",
- "editor.fontfmychs": "Microsoft Yahei Light",
- "mac:editor.fontfmychs": "Chinese fine black",
- "editor.foldedcodeexpandmode": "spread partially",
- "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.css.characters": ":“”;‘’,。》【】!¥()、",
- "editor.contentassistselectionmode": "Alt+Number Mode",
- "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.javascript.characters": ":“”;‘’,。《》?【】!¥()、",
- "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.json.characters": ":“”‘’,【】",
- "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.html.characters": ":“”;‘’,。《》【】!¥()、"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/settings-schema.json": {
- "title": "Commonly Used",
- "description": "",
- "properties.editor.fontsize.title": "The Editor Font Size",
- "properties.editor.fontsize.description": "Editor font size, the unit pixel",
- "properties.editor.fontfamily.win32.title": "Editing Fonts (English)",
- "properties.editor.fontfamily.win32.description": "Editor English font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfamily \" value",
- "properties.editor.fontfamily.macos.title": "Editing Fonts (English)",
- "properties.editor.fontfamily.macos.description": "Editor English font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfamily \" value",
- "properties.editor.fontfmychs.win32.title": "Edit Font (Chinese)",
- "properties.editor.fontfmychs.win32.description": "Editor Chinese font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfmyCHS \" value",
- "properties.editor.fontfmychs.macos.title": "Edit Font (Chinese)",
- "properties.editor.fontfmychs.macos.description": "Editor Chinese font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfmychs \" value",
- "properties.editor.tabsize.title": "Tab Size",
- "properties.editor.tabsize.description": "editor.tabSize,A TAB is equal to the number of Spaces",
- "properties.editor.insertspaces.title": "Insert Spaces when Pressing Tab",
- "properties.editor.insertspaces.description": "Press \"Tab\" to insert space. When true, press the Tab key to insert the number of Spaces corresponding to the Tab width editor.tabsize value",
- "properties.editor.saveonfocuslost.title": "Auto Save when Focus Losed",
- "properties.editor.saveonfocuslost.description": "Automatically saves when the editor loses focus. Value of true automatically saves the current content when the editor loses focus",
- "properties.files.associations.suffixs.title": "File Type Association",
- "properties.files.associations.suffixs.description": "In the operating system associated with the following suffix files (such as MD, JSON), set its default opener to HBuilder X",
- "properties.files.associations.contextmenu.title": "Associative Right Click Menu",
- "properties.files.associations.contextmenu.description": "“Open With HBuilder X” is displayed in the right-click menu of the file in “My Computer”",
- "properties.files.associations.title": "Language Association",
- "properties.files.associations.description": "To configure the language association (such as: \"*.htm\": \" HTML \"), the language type that can be configured can be seen by clicking the lower right corner of the editor, and the corresponding name can be entered here",
- "properties.files.exclude.title": "Exclude Directories Pattern For Find",
- "properties.files.exclude.description": "Configure files and folders that the project manager does not display, with each rule separated by a half corner comma",
- "properties.dir.exclude.title": "Search For Directories That Are Not Included By Default",
- "properties.dir.exclude.description": "Folders that are not searched, with each rule separated by a half corner comma",
- "properties.terminal.maxcount.title": "Maximum Number of Terminals Allowed to be Open",
- "properties.terminal.maxcount.description": "The maximum number of terminals allowed to be open. Since terminals are resource-intensive, opening too many terminals may cause a crash",
- "properties.editor.wordwrap.title": "Word Wrap",
- "properties.editor.wordwrap.description": "Whether to automatically wrap by default globally. When the value is true, automatic line wrapping is enabled",
- "properties.editor.renderwhitespace.title": "Display Blank Characters When Highlighted",
- "properties.editor.renderwhitespace.description": "Not included end-of-line newline",
- "properties.workbench.titlebar.usenativestyle.title": "Use Traditional Windows Window Style ",
- "properties.workbench.titlebar.usenativestyle.description": "After checking, the top menu will no longer be immersive, but will become a traditional windows style. Take effect after restart ",
- "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.title": "Maximum Number Of Backups For A Single File",
- "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.description": "",
- "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupsize.title": "Single File Size Limit",
- "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupsize.description": "Limit the file size to be backed up, unit KB",
- "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupdays.title": "Maximum Storage Day",
- "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupdays.description": "The maximum storage time of a backed up file, in days. Take 0 o'clock every day as the boundary, add 1 day after 0 o'clock, and 0 day means the time period after 0 o'clock on the current date.",
- "properties.explorer.expandsonclick.title": "Project Explorer: Expand/Collapse of Directory when Single Click",
- "properties.explorer.expandsonclick.description": "If you turn off this option, double-click to expand/collapse the directory",
- "properties.explorer.folder.openexplorerviewonclick.title": "Project Explorer: Open Built-in Resource Explorer when Single Click on the Directory",
- "properties.explorer.folder.openexplorerviewonclick.description": "When you click or double-click the directory in the project manager, open the internal resource manager tab in the editor area on the right ",
- "properties.editor.showendofline.title": "Render End of Line Characters(EOL)",
- "properties.editor.showendofline.description": "Whether to display line breaks. Display the carriage return at the end of the line when the value is true",
- "properties.editor.showdefaultendofline.title": "The Default End of Line Character(EOL)",
- "properties.editor.showdefaultendofline.description": "Only affect the behavior of hitting the Enter key",
- "properties.editor.minimap.maxpixelwidth.title": "Maximum Pixel Width Of Mini Map",
- "properties.editor.minimap.maxpixelwidth.description": "The maximum pixel width of the mini map, please enter an integer greater than zero",
- "properties.editor.scrollbarhoverpreview.enabled.title": "Mini Map: Preview on Mouse Hover",
- "properties.editor.scrollbarhoverpreview.enabled.description": "Preview the content of the mouse position when the mouse is hovering over the editor scroll bar or mini map",
- "properties.editor.savefoldstatus.enabled.title": "Remember Folding States when Document Close",
- "properties.editor.savefoldstatus.enabled.description": "",
- "properties.editor.editorconfigsupport.title": "Enable .editorconfig support",
- "properties.editor.editorconfigsupport.description": "When enabled, the editor configuration will be overwritten",
- "properties.editor.viewindentationguides.title": "Render Indent Guides",
- "properties.editor.viewindentationguides.description": "",
- "properties.editor.longlineindicator.title": "Render Long Line Indicator",
- "properties.editor.longlineindicator.description": "",
- "properties.editor.longlineindicatorcolumn.title": "The Long Line Indicates Which Column The Vertical Line Is Displayed In",
- "properties.editor.longlineindicatorcolumn.description": "",
- "properties.editor.lineheight.title": "Line Spacing Ratio",
- "properties.editor.lineheight.description": "Document line spacing ratio, the value is 1.x, for example, 1.5 means 1.5 times the line height",
- "properties.editor.onlyhighlightword.title": "Highlight Occurrences Only when Select Whole Word",
- "properties.editor.onlyhighlightword.description": "",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.title": "Enable Code Completion",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.description": "",
- "properties.editor.codeassistkeytab.title": "Auto Insert the Selected Item in Code Completion when Pressing Tab",
- "properties.editor.hover.assist.title": "Hover Code Assist",
- "properties.editor.hover.assist.description": "When hover on the identifier, pop up dialog that show the details",
- "properties.editor.codeassistkeytab.description": "After enabling this option, the tab key will not trigger emmet when the code assistant is displayed.",
- "properties.editor.codeassistfontsize.title": "Code Completion Widget Font Size",
- "properties.editor.codeassistfontsize.description": "",
- "properties.editor.triggerchars.title": "Code Completion Trigger Characters",
- "properties.editor.triggerchars.description": "",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.enabel.title": "Enable PX To Rem Prompt",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.enabel.description": "",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.proportion.title": "PX To Rem Ratio",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.proportion.description": "1(rem)=proportion value (px)",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.decimallength.title": "Rem Fractional Part Retention Length",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.decimallength.description": "",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.enabel.title": "Enable PX To Rpx/Upx Prompt",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.enabel.description": "uni-app project takes effect",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.proportion.title": "PX To Rpx/Upx Ratio ",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.proportion.description": "1(rpx/upx)=proportion value (px), the calculation method of proportion is: design draft reference width divided by 750",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.decimallength.title": "Rpx/Upx Fraction Retention Length",
- "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.decimallength.description": "",
- "properties.editor.matcheschars.title": "Automatically Match Matching Characters",
- "properties.editor.matcheschars.description": "When entering the left symbol of the following pairing symbols, the right pairing symbol is automatically input. When the cursor is on the following character, the matching character is automatically highlighted. The following content must match in pairs",
- "properties.editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.title": "Chinese Punctuation Interference-free Input",
- "properties.editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.description": "In the designated file type and grammar area, input Chinese symbols, which will automatically be converted to English half-width symbols. If you enter “。”, it will automatically become “.” ",
- "properties.editor.caretwidth.title": "Cursor Width",
- "properties.editor.caretwidth.description": "Control the width of the cursor. The value range is 1~3, and the number will be thicker in turn",
- "properties.editor.wordchars.title": "Word Match Character",
- "properties.editor.wordchars.description": "When double-clicking the selected word or word jump, it will match according to the characters configured here",
- "properties.editor.wordseparators.title": "Text Separator",
- "properties.editor.wordseparators.description": "The character that will be used as the text separator when performing text-related navigation or operations",
- "properties.editor.multicursormodifier.title": "Insert Modifier Keys Used By Multiple Cursors",
- "properties.editor.multicursormodifier.description": "Use the mouse to insert the keyboard modifier keys used by multiple cursors in the editor, the mouse usage of the “Go to Definition” function automatically uses another modifier key",
- "properties.editor.mousewheelzoom.title": "Use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to Zoom Editor",
- "properties.editor.mousewheelzoom.description": "",
- "properties.editor.guessindent.title": "Auto Guess of Tab Size",
- "properties.editor.guessindent.description": "Intelligently guess the number of spaces in the tab. When it is false, the value of editor.tabSize in the configuration will be used. After modifying this item, you need to reopen the file",
- "properties.editor.scrollbeyondlastline.title": "Allows Scrolling One Page Below the Last Line",
- "properties.editor.scrollbeyondlastline.description": "After the editor scrolls to the end of the text, can you continue to scroll a certain area? When the value is true, you can still scroll down one screen",
- "properties.adb.path.title": "adb Path (empty Is The Default Path)",
- "properties.adb.path.description": "",
- "": "Android Emulator Port",
- "": "",
- "properties.view.remotedebug.openonrundevice.title": "Open The Debug View When The Mobile Phone Is Running",
- "properties.view.remotedebug.openonrundevice.description": "",
- "": "Node Startup Memory Parameters",
- "": "",
- "properties.browsers.config.title": "Browser Running Configuration",
- "properties.browsers.config.description": "",
- "": "Chrome Browser Installation Path",
- "": "",
- "": "Firefox Browser Installation Path",
- "": "",
- "properties.builtin.web.server.port.title": "Built-in Web Server Port (effective After Restart)",
- "properties.builtin.web.server.port.description": "",
- "properties.webserver.config.title": "Web Server Configuration",
- "properties.webserver.config.description": "",
- "": "External Web Server Call Url",
- "": "After installing other web servers by yourself, you can fill in their url here. This url will be automatically opened when HBuilderX is running",
- "": "Does The External Web Server Url Include The Project Name",
- "": "If checked, the project name will be used as the secondary directory in the url, such as: name/index.html",
- "properties.weapp.devtools.path.title": "WeChat Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.weapp.devtools.path.description": "The installation path of WeChat Developer Tools, if not installed, please go to download ",
- "properties.baiduapp.devtools.path.title": "Baidu Developer Tools Path",
- "properties.baiduapp.devtools.path.description": "Baidu Developer Tools executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "properties.alipayapp.devtools.path.title": "Alipay Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.alipayapp.devtools.path.description": "Alipay Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "properties.bytedanceapp.devtools.path.title": "ByteDance Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.bytedanceapp.devtools.path.description": "ByteDance Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "properties.qqapp.devtools.path.title": "QQ Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.qqapp.devtools.path.description": "QQ Mini Program developer tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "properties.360app.devtools.path.title": "360 Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.360app.devtools.path.description": "360 Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "properties.huaweiapp.devtools.path.title": "Huawei Quick App Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.huaweiapp.devtools.path.description": "Huawei Quick App Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download ",
- "properties.quickappunion.devtools.path.title": "Quick Application Alliance Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.quickappunion.devtools.path.description": "Quick App Alliance Developer Tools executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "": "Timeout",
- "": "Cloud function local running timeout time, unit: seconds",
- "properties.terminal.type.title": "Run Terminal Type",
- "properties.terminal.type.description": "Type of terminal running",
- "properties.terminal.type.enum.item.built-in": "Built-in Terminal",
- "properties.terminal.type.enum.item.external": "External Terminal",
- "properties.npm.path.title": "npm Path",
- "properties.npm.path.description": "npm executable program path",
- "properties.node.path.title": "node Path",
- "properties.node.path.description": "node executable program path",
- "properties.extensions.title": "Plugins",
- "properties.extensions.description": "Installed plug-in extension configuration",
- "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.description": "How to expand the collapsed code",
- "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.title": "Code Expansion Strategy",
- "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.item.partialexpansion": "Partial Expansion",
- "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.item.allxpansion": "All Expansion",
- "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.title": "Code Completion Apply Select Mode",
- "properties.editor.matcheschars.enable.title": "Enable Automatic Character Matching",
- "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.description": "Shortcut selection of an item in the application code prompt",
- "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.enum.item.allandnumber": "Alt+Number Mode",
- "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.enum.item.number": "Number Mode",
- "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.title": "Word Wrap Strategy",
- "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.enum.char.title": "By Character",
- "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.enum.word.title": "By Word",
- "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.description": "This setting will only take effect after automatic line wrapping is turned on",
- "properties.kuaishouapp.devtools.path.title": "Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
- "properties.kuaishouapp.devtools.path.description": "Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
- "": "Help us improve the functionality and performance of HBuilderX",
- "": "Automatically report usage statistics and crashes to us",
- "": "Update Settings",
- "": "Configure whether checks updates,Requires a restart after change",
- "": "Check for updates on startup",
- "": "Manually check for updates"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/settings-uiconfig.json": {
- "editor.wordwrap.title": "Editor",
- "editor.wordwrap.description": "Editor related configuration",
- "editorŋwordwrap.description": "Editor related configuration",
- "adb.path.title": "Run",
- "adb.path.description": "",
- "adbŋpath.title": "Mobile Phone/Emulator Running Configuration",
- "editorŋwordwrap.title": "Editor Configuration",
- "localhistoryŋfileŋmaxbackupcount.title": "Local History",
- "localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.title": "Local History",
- "localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.description": "When the file is saved, it is backed up locally. You can view the backed up file through \"local history\"",
- "": "Uni-app Running Configuration",
- "": "",
- "nodeŋrunŋmemoryparam.title": "Uni-app Running Configuration",
- "weapp.devtools.path.title": "Mini Program Running Configuration",
- "weapp.devtools.path.description": "uni-app depends on the small program developer tool, and the installation directory of the small program development tool needs to be specified",
- "weappŋdevtoolsŋpath.title": "Mini Program Running Configuration",
- "cloud.runinlocal.timeout.title": "Cloud Function Local Running Configuration",
- "cloudŋruninlocalŋtimeout.title": "Cloud Function Local Running Configuration",
- "cloud.runinlocal.timeout.description": " ",
- "terminal.type.title": "Node Running Configuration",
- "terminalŋtype.title": "node Running Configuration",
- "terminal.type.description": " "
- },
- ":/config/app-manifest-schema.json": {
- "": "新浪微博分享",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "新浪微博开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "应用兼容的最低Android版本(API等级);参考文档",
- "": "640x1136",
- "": "访问本地网络(NSLocalNetworkUsageDescriptions)",
- "": "蓝牙(NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription)",
- "": "微信支付、微信分享和微信登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "Fingerprint(指纹识别)",
- "": "redirect_uri",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appsecret",
- "": "广告基础功能",
- "": "新浪微博分享和新浪微博登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "appkey",
- "": "2436x1125",
- "": "注册schema在其它App中打开当前App,多个scheme使用','号分割,例如:test1,test;参考文档",
- "": "蓝牙(NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription)",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "微信支付、微信分享和微信登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "支付宝支付",
- "": "Android自动添加第三方SDK需要的权限",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "80x80",
- "": "QQ分享和QQ登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "支付",
- "": "提交app store使用的图标 1024x1024",
- "": "后台运行访问位置(NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription)",
- "": "LivePusher(直播推流)",
- "": "80x80",
- "": "iOS平台小米登录的APPID",
- "": "channelid_android",
- "": "启动界面显示等待雪花",
- "": "appid",
- "": "redirect_uri",
- "": "Contact(通讯录)",
- "": "相册-读(NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS5-11 设置图标(高分屏)",
- "": "支持CPU类型",
- "": "不自动关闭时,需要在应用中显式调用plus.navigator.closeSplashscreen方法来关闭",
- "": "地图配置指南",
- "": "高德定位",
- "": "appsecret_ios",
- "": "2208x1242",
- "": "Android平台友盟渠道id",
- "": "Android图标配置",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "访问Siri(NSSiriUsageDescription)",
- "": "appid",
- "": "QQ分享和QQ登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "",
- "": "192x192",
- "": "相册-写(NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription)",
- "": "注册schema在其它App中打开当前App,多个scheme使用','号分割,例如:test1,test;参考文档",
- "": "百度地图和百度定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "Geolocation(定位,只能选一个)",
- "": " 定位功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "可选,768x1024,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini竖屏启动图片 ,支持iPad/mini(iOS7+)时必选",
- "": "可选,2048x1536,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini高分屏横屏启动图片,支持iPad/mini(iOS7+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "健康分享(NSHealthShareUsageDescription)",
- "": "媒体资料库(NSAppleMusicUsageDescription)",
- "": "可选,1242x2688,6.5英寸设备(iPhoneXS Max)启动图片,支持iPhone XS Max(iOS12+)时必选",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "Android平台小米登录的APPSecret",
- "": "跟踪用户的活动(NSUserTrackingUsageDescription)",
- "": "iPad图标配置",
- "": "高德地图和高德定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "2388x1668",
- "": "",
- "": "iOS平台友盟appkey",
- "": "iOS平台高德地图应用KEY",
- "": "58x58",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppSecret值,参数安全性问题",
- "": "VideoPlayer(视频播放)",
- "": "60x60",
- "": "分享配置指南 分享功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "hdpi高分屏应用图标",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "自动关闭启动界面的延迟时间",
- "": "使用三方SDK,需在这些SDK的官网申请key等信息填回到此处。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "": "iOS启动界面样式",
- "": "通讯录(NSContactsUsageDescription)",
- "properties.screenorientation.title": "横竖屏设置",
- "": "应用版本名称",
- "": "480x762",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用分享回调地址",
- "description": "配置指南",
- "": "图标配置",
- "": "允许当前App访问(查询是否安装、直接打开)的其它App白名单列表,填写其它App注册的scheme,多个scheme使用','号分割,例如:BaiduSSO,qqmusic;参考文档",
- "": "appsecret",
- "": "iOS11.3及更高版本",
- "": "minSdkVersion",
- "": "使用Face ID(NSFaceIDUsageDescription)",
- "": "2732x2048",
- "": "新浪微博登录",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "新浪微博开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "语音识别配置指南",
- "": "appsecret",
- "": "语音识别(只能选择一个)",
- "properties.launch_path.description": "默认为根目录下的index.html;也可以是网络地址,网络地址必须以http://或https://开头",
- "": "推送配置指南 消息推送功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "uniPush(集成各家手机厂商系统推送及个推,是个推的升级版)",
- "": "可选,1792x828,6.1英寸设备(iPhoneXR)iPhoneXR横屏启动图片,支持iPhone XR(iOS12+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "可选,640x960,3.5英寸设备(iPhone4/4S)启动图片,支持iPhone4/4S时必选",
- "": "百度地图(nvue不支持百度地图)",
- "": "SDK配置",
- "": "iOS平台高德定位地图应用KEY",
- "": "可选,1024x768,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini横屏启动图片,支持iPad/mini(iOS7)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "1792x828",
- "": "Android启动图片设置",
- "": "高德地图和高德定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "Apple应用内支付",
- "": "摄像头(NSCameraUsageDescription)",
- "": "麦克风(NSMicrophoneUsageDescription)",
- "": "可选,640x1136,4.0英寸设备(iPhone5/5S)启动图片,支持iPhone5/5S显示时必选",
- "": "可选,2732x2048,12.9英寸iPad Pro横屏启动图片,支持12.9英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "应用访问白名单",
- "": "58x58",
- "": "新浪微博分享和新浪微博登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "xxxhdpi 4K高分屏程序图标",
- "": "腾讯QQ开放平台申请应用的AppID",
- "": "运动与健身(NSMotionUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS5-11 设置图标",
- "": "分享",
- "": "Bluetooth(低功耗蓝牙)",
- "": "用户无需输入手机号,无需短信验证,免密一键登录, [开通配置], [使用指南]",
- "": "可选,1668x2224,10.5英寸iPad Pro竖屏启动图片,支持10.5英寸iPad Pro(iOS8+)时必选",
- "": "iOS9-11程序图标(iPad Pro)",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "properties.screenorientation.description": "若勾选多个方向,将根据手机重力感应自动旋转\r\nportrait-primary(竖屏),portrait-secondary(竖屏上下颠倒)\r\nlandscape-primary(横屏Home键在右侧)、landscape-secondary(横屏Home键在左侧)",
- "": "appid",
- "": "部分国产Android手机获取位置必须申请定位服务商的SDK。地图配置指南",
- "": "关联域(Associated Domains)",
- "": "可选,750x1334,4.7英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8)启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8时必选",
- "": "1136x640",
- "": "SQLite(数据库)",
- "": "可选,2688x1242,6.5英寸设备(iPhoneXS Max)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone XS Max(iOS12+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "使用三方SDK,需在这些SDK的官网申请key等信息填回到此处。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "": "可选,1242x2208,5.5英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8Plus)启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8Plus时必选",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "hdpi高分屏启动图片",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "可选,1334x750,4.7英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8横屏显示时必选",
- "": "2048x2732",
- "": "登录鉴权",
- "": "访问HomeKit数据(NSHomeKitUsageDescription)",
- "": "828x1792",
- "": "腾讯QQ开放平台申请应用的AppID值",
- "": "iOS13+支持,根据AppStore审核规范,如果App开发者提供任何其它第三登录(如微信),则必须同时提供苹果登录,参考文档",
- "": "targetSdkVersion",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "应用标识(AppID)",
- "": "启动界面在应用的首页面加载完毕后延迟关闭的时间,单位为毫秒,必须是整数\n默认不延迟,即首页面加载完毕后立即关闭",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppID",
- "": "Android权限配置",
- "": "微信支付、微信分享和微信登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "Android平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "微信登录",
- "": "Android平台高德定位地图应用KEY",
- "": "DCloud AppID 使用说明",
- "": "SDK配置",
- "": "2224x1668",
- "": "运行期访问位置(NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标",
- "": "1668x2224",
- "properties.fullscreen.description": "全屏并非状态栏透明或变色,而是没有状态栏 应用全屏设置说明",
- "": "iPhone图标配置",
- "": "Maps(地图,只能选一个)",
- "": "第三方登录鉴权配置指南 登录鉴权功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "语音识别配置指南",
- "": "配置,使用指南",
- "": "百度定位",
- "": "用于配置通用链接域名,通用链接域名格式为:applinks:域名,例如;详情文档参考",
- "": "Android平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "iPhone启动图片设置",
- "": "可选,1668x2388,11英寸iPad Pro竖屏启动图片,支持11英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)时必选",
- "": "1668x2388",
- "": "应用名称",
- "": "可配置.9.png,减少包体积、避免缩放图影响清晰度,教程",
- "": "iOS平台友盟渠道id",
- "": "腾讯优量汇广告联盟",
- "": "访问临床记录(NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription)",
- "": "支付配置指南 支付功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "76x76",
- "": "可选,1136x640,4.0英寸设备(iPhone5/5S)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone5/5S横屏显示时必选",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "iOS平台小米登录的APPSecret",
- "properties.fullscreen.title": "应用是否全屏显示",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "167x167",
- "": "UrlSchemes",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "title": "基础配置",
- "properties.permissions.title": "打包模块配置",
- "": "96x96",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标",
- "": "详情",
- "": "Android X5 Webview(腾讯TBS)",
- "": "FaceID(人脸识别,仅支持iOS)",
- "": "可选,1536x2048,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini高分屏竖屏图片,支持iPad/mini(iOS7+)时必选",
- "": "统计",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标(高分屏)",
- "": "使用指南",
- "": "iOS平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "QQ登录",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "QQ开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "1125x2436",
- "": "1536x2048",
- "": "提醒事项(NSRemindersUsageDescription)",
- "": "推送配置指南",
- "": "appsecret_android",
- "": "升级时必须高于上一次设置的值。离线打包需另行配置:Android配置、iOS配置",
- "": "地图(只能选择一个)",
- "": "可选,2388x1668,11英寸iPad Pro横屏启动图片,支持11英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "iPad启动图片设置",
- "": "支付配置指南",
- "": "微信分享",
- "": "20x20",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "Share(分享)",
- "": "详情 X5功能依赖腾讯TBS SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "Android平台高德地图应用KEY",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标(高分屏)",
- "": "应用适配的Android版本(API等级),部分应用市场要求设置较高的targetSdkVersion才能提交审核;参考文档",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appsecret",
- "": "xxhdpi 1080P高分屏启动图片",
- "": "百度地图和百度定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "应用后台播放音乐(audio)、定位(location)等功能,多项使用','号分割,例如:audio,location;参考文档",
- "": "redirect_uri_android",
- "": "appid",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标(iPhone4S/5/6/7/8)",
- "": "第三方登录鉴权配置指南",
- "": "快手内容联盟",
- "": "Sigmob广告联盟",
- "": "144x144",
- "": "360广告联盟",
- "": "Statistic(统计)",
- "": "2048x1536",
- "": "UrlSchemes",
- "": "今日头条穿山甲广告联盟",
- "": "2688x1242",
- "properties.launch_path.title": "应用入口页面(首页)地址",
- "": "友盟统计",
- "": "iOS平台小米登录的授权回调页地址",
- "": "Webview窗口加载失败(如404等)时显示的页面;参考文档",
- "": "自定义storyboard启动界面",
- "": "启动界面选项",
- "": "120x120",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appkey",
- "": "iOS5-11 Settings设置图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "720x1242",
- "": "Android平台小米登录的授权回调页地址",
- "": "152x152",
- "": "API Key",
- "": "appid",
- "": "uni-AD",
- "": "40x40",
- "": "40x40",
- "": "Messaging(短彩邮件消息)",
- "": "appkey",
- "": "Android平台友盟appkey",
- "": "微信支付",
- "": "appid_android",
- "": "iOS13及更高版本",
- "": "1242x2688",
- "": "iOS隐私信息访问的许可描述",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标(高分屏)",
- "": "高德地图",
- "": "768x1024",
- "": "",
- "": "离线打包需另行配置:Android配置、iOS配置",
- "": "应用版本号",
- "": "Speech(语音识别,只能选一个)",
- "": "后台运行能力",
- "": "Android启动界面样式",
- "": "使用原生隐私政策提示框",
- "": "详情",
- "": "定位",
- "": "1242x2208",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppID值",
- "": "访问位置(NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
- "": "统计配置指南 统计功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "OAuth(登录鉴权)",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "可选,2208x1242,5.5英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8Plus)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8Plus横屏显示时必选",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标",
- "": "1080x1882",
- "": "一键登录(univerify)",
- "": "750x1334",
- "": "推送",
- "": "iBeacon",
- "": "87x87",
- "": "自动关闭启动界面",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppID值",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "iOS5-11 Settings设置图标(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "Appstore审核要求App在调用如下涉及隐私的API时必须说明调用原因,该原因描述会弹框给最终手机用户以便手机用户确认是否给予隐私访问许可",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appkey",
- "properties.description.title": "应用描述",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "可选,828x1792,6.1英寸设备(iPhoneXR)启动图片,支持iPhone XR(iOS12+)时必选",
- "": "xhdpi 720P高分屏启动图片",
- "": "iOS UIWebview",
- "": "xhdpi 720P高分屏应用图标",
- "": "地图配置指南 地图功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "分享配置指南",
- "": "日历(NSCalendarsUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS10及更高版本",
- "": "百度语音识别",
- "": "AppId",
- "": "可选,1125x2436,5.8英寸设备(iPhoneX/XS)启动图片,支持iPhoneX/XS时必选",
- "": "120x120",
- "": "讯飞语音识别",
- "": "iOS平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "640x960",
- "": "可选,2224x1668,10.5英寸iPad Pro横屏启动图片,支持10.5英寸iPad Pro(iOS8+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "苹果登录(Sign in with Apple)",
- "": "Google登录",
- "": "",
- "": "iOS平台客户端ID",
- "": "Google API Console项目中获取的OAuth客户端ID",
- "": "Facebook登录",
- "": "",
- "": "appid",
- "": "Facebook开发者中心获取的应用编号",
- "": "使用NFC(NFCReaderUsageDescription)",
- "": "channelid_ios",
- "": "QQ分享",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "QQ开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "72x72",
- "": "redirect_uri_ios",
- "": "可选,2048x2732,12.9英寸iPad Pro竖屏启动图片,支持12.9英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)时必选",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用授权回调页地址",
- "": "",
- "": "29x29",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
- "": "Secret Key",
- "": "1334x750",
- "": "1024x768",
- "": "可选,2436x1125,5.8英寸设备(iPhoneX/XS)横屏启动图片,支持iPhoneX/XS横屏显示时必选",
- "": "系统语音识别(NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription)",
- "": "使用广告标识(IDFA)",
- "": "xxhdpi 1080P高分屏程序图标",
- "": "180x180",
- "": "Android平台小米登录的APPID",
- "": "统计配置指南",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "appid_ios",
- "": "健康更新(NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS、Android应用图标配置。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。应用图标配置注意事项",
- "": "小米登录",
- "": "快手广告联盟",
- "": "应用版本号,必须是整数;升级时必须高于上一次设置的值。离线打包需另行配置:Android配置、iOS配置",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "iOS14及更高版本",
- "": "",
- "": "appsecret",
- "": "40x40",
- "": "自定义404等错误页面",
- "": "iOS启动图片设置",
- "": "Payment(支付)",
- "": "Push(消息推送)"
- },
- ":/config/app-manifest-uiconfig.json": {
- "plus.distribute.icons.ios.appstore.title": "app store",
- "permissions.title": "模块配置",
- "": " ",
- "": "iOS设置",
- "": "Android设置",
- "plus.distribute.splashscreen.androidstyle.title": "Android启动界面设置",
- "plus.splashscreen.title": "启动界面配置",
- "plus.error.url.description": " ",
- "plus.splashscreen.description": "应用启动及splash相关配置。启动图或界面的变更需云打包后生效,图片建议存在unpackage目录下。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "plus.distribute.splashscreen.iosstyle.title": "iOS启动界面设置",
- "": "Android打包权限配置",
- "plus.distribute.sdkpage.description": "",
- "plus.distribute.sdkpage.title": "权限配置",
- "permissions.description": "App包含的扩展模块(影响包体积)。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "plus.error.url.title": "App常用其它设置",
- "": " "
- },
- ":/config/uniapp-manifest-schema.json": {
- "": "targetSdkVersion",
- "": "1536x2048",
- "": "SDK配置",
- "": "QQ登录和QQ分享的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "Android平台高德定位地图应用KEY",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标(iPhone4S/5/6/7/8)",
- "": "redirect_uri_ios",
- "": "应用兼容的最低Android版本(API等级);参考文档",
- "": "检查安全域名和TLS版本",
- "": "120x120",
- "": "appid",
- "": "iOS隐私信息访问的许可描述",
- "": "可选,1536x2048,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini高分屏竖屏图片,支持iPad/mini(iOS7+)时必选",
- "": "nvue页面编译模式",
- "": "uniPush(集成各家手机厂商系统推送及个推,是个推的升级版)",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "语音识别配置指南",
- "": "entitlements",
- "": "百度语音识别",
- "": "定位和地图(只能选一个)",
- "": "使用地图和定位相关功能需申请地图服务商的 SDK。详情",
- "": "可减少网站体积和加快首页渲染速度。参考文档",
- "properties.appid.title": "uni-app应用标识(AppID)",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "Apple应用内支付",
- "": "默认为应用名称",
- "": "iOS13及更高版本",
- "": "定位",
- "": "VideoPlayer(视频播放)",
- "": "语音识别配置指南",
- "": "58x58",
- "": "字节跳动小程序AppID(请在字节跳动开发者工具中申请获取)",
- "": "摄像头(NSCameraUsageDescription)",
- "": "QQ分享",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "QQ开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "LivePusher(直播推流)",
- "": "启动界面选项",
- "": "启用支付宝小程序平台",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "58x58",
- "": "位置接口",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "使用Face ID(NSFaceIDUsageDescription)",
- "": "可选,2388x1668,11英寸iPad Pro横屏启动图片,支持11英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "详情",
- "": "768x1024",
- "": "hdpi高分屏应用图标",
- "": "Secret Key",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "180x180",
- "": "启用所有平台",
- "": "访问Siri(NSSiriUsageDescription)",
- "": "广告基础功能",
- "": "一键登录(univerify)",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标",
- "": "相册-读(NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription)",
- "": "可选,2688x1242,6.5英寸设备(iPhoneXS Max)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone XS Max(iOS12+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "关联域(Associated Domains)",
- "": "1792x828",
- "": "可选,1668x2224,10.5英寸iPad Pro竖屏启动图片,支持10.5英寸iPad Pro(iOS8+)时必选",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appsecret",
- "": "redirect_uri_android",
- "": "自定义storyboard启动界面",
- "": "启用App平台",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "可选,640x1136,4.0英寸设备(iPhone5/5S)启动图片,支持iPhone5/5S显示时必选",
- "": "hash|history,二选一",
- "": "xxhdpi 1080P高分屏程序图标",
- "": "第三方登录鉴权配置指南 登录鉴权功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "腾讯地图",
- "": "谷歌地图",
- "": "默认为空,可定制生成的html代码,自定义meta、引入外部js,参考",
- "": "120x120",
- "": "hdpi高分屏启动图片",
- "": "iOS启动界面样式",
- "": "Fingerprint(指纹识别)",
- "": "用于在应用市场或者桌面显示的应用图标,必须与提交上架审核的应用图标信息一致。",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标",
- "": "可选,2048x2732,12.9英寸iPad Pro竖屏启动图片,支持12.9英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)时必选",
- "": "微信小程序AppID(请在微信开发者工具中申请获取)",
- "": "检查安全域名和TLS版本",
- "": "App原生插件配置",
- "": "定位和地图",
- "": "媒体资料库(NSAppleMusicUsageDescription)",
- "": "2732x2048",
- "": "API Key",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
- "": "使用三方SDK,需在这些SDK的官网申请key等信息填回到此处。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "": "Android权限配置",
- "description": "配置指南",
- "": "1125x2436",
- "": "iOS、Android应用图标配置。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。应用图标配置注意事项",
- "": "腾讯优量汇广告联盟",
- "": "Android平台高德地图应用KEY",
- "": "iOS平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "可选,1024x768,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini横屏启动图片,支持iPad/mini(iOS7)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "appsecret",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "高德定位",
- "": "可选,1792x828,6.1英寸设备(iPhoneXR)iPhoneXR横屏启动图片,支持iPhone XR(iOS12+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "QQ登录和QQ分享的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "第三方登录鉴权配置指南",
- "": "健康分享(NSHealthShareUsageDescription)",
- "": "appkey",
- "": "微信登录",
- "": "2688x1242",
- "": "iOS平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "xhdpi 720P高分屏应用图标",
- "": "应用图标",
- "": "运动与健身(NSMotionUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS启动图片设置",
- "": "百度地图(nvue不支持百度地图)",
- "": "iOS5-11 设置图标(高分屏)",
- "": "路由模式",
- "": "启用微信小程序平台",
- "": "iOS UIWebview",
- "": "百度小程序AppID",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "1334x750",
- "": "appid_android",
- "": "Messaging(短彩邮件消息)",
- "": "Webview窗口加载失败(如404等)时显示的页面;uni-app项目需放到根目录下的hybrid/html目录,否则不会被编译进去;参考文档",
- "": "描述",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "系统语音识别(NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription)",
- "": "微信登录、微信分享和微信支付的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "支付配置指南 支付功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "640x1136",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "",
- "": "1668x2224",
- "": "推送",
- "": "可选,1242x2208,5.5英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8Plus)启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8Plus时必选",
- "": "上传代码时样式自动补全",
- "": "检查安全域名和TLS版本",
- "": "AppId",
- "": "OAuth(登录鉴权)",
- "": "语音识别(只能选择一个)",
- "": "40x40",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "部分国产Android手机获取位置必须申请定位服务商的SDK。地图配置指南 地图功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "2048x1536",
- "": "1668x2388",
- "": "iOS平台小米登录的APPSecret",
- "": "健康更新(NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription)",
- "properties.appid.description": "DCloud AppID 使用说明",
- "": "快手广告联盟",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppID",
- "": "互动游戏(变现猫)",
- "": "1136x640",
- "": "appid",
- "": "提醒事项(NSRemindersUsageDescription)",
- "": "",
- "": "可选,640x960,3.5英寸设备(iPhone4/4S)启动图片,支持iPhone4/4S时必选",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用授权回调页地址",
- "": "appid",
- "": "新浪微博分享和新浪微博登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "推荐使用uni-app自带的uni统计,无需勾选此模块,详情",
- "": "iOS13+支持,根据AppStore审核规范,如果App开发者提供任何其它第三登录(如微信),则必须同时提供苹果登录,参考文档",
- "": "Contact(通讯录)",
- "": "UrlSchemes",
- "": "828x1792",
- "": "高德地图和高德定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "1242x2208",
- "": "例:/h5/,代表在域名的/h5目录下部署运行。如设为 ./,则代表相对路径,支持File协议打开,此时路由模式强制为hash模式。",
- "": "应用版本号",
- "": "2224x1668",
- "": "高德地图",
- "": "访问本地网络(NSLocalNetworkUsageDescriptions)",
- "": "Android图标配置",
- "": "上传代码时自动压缩",
- "": "支付宝小程序AppID",
- "": "可选,750x1334,4.7英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8)启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8时必选",
- "": "2388x1668",
- "": "部分国产Android手机获取位置必须申请定位服务商的SDK。地图配置指南",
- "": "腾讯QQ开放平台申请应用的AppID值",
- "": "相册-写(NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription)",
- "": "分享配置指南",
- "": "应用版本名称",
- "": "iOS9-11程序图标(iPad Pro)",
- "": "iOS5-11 Settings设置图标(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
- "": "上传代码时自动压缩",
- "": "百度地图和百度定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "",
- "": "uni-AD",
- "": "可选,2436x1125,5.8英寸设备(iPhoneX/XS)横屏启动图片,支持iPhoneX/XS横屏显示时必选",
- "": "支持的最小平台版本号",
- "": "640x960",
- "": "redirect_uri",
- "": "小米登录",
- "": "可选,1668x2388,11英寸iPad Pro竖屏启动图片,支持11英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)时必选",
- "": "key",
- "": "key",
- "": "微信支付",
- "": "40x40",
- "properties.description.title": "应用描述",
- "": "应用名称",
- "": "微信登录、微信分享和微信支付的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "可选,2224x1668,10.5英寸iPad Pro横屏启动图片,支持10.5英寸iPad Pro(iOS8+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标(高分屏)",
- "": "新浪微博分享",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "新浪微博开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "H5平台腾讯定位地图应用KEY",
- "": "H5平台谷歌定位地图应用KEY",
- "": "192x192",
- "": "访问临床记录(NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription)",
- "": "1024x768",
- "": "上传代码时样式自动补全",
- "": "运行期访问位置(NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
- "": "Android平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "腾讯QQ开放平台申请应用的AppID",
- "": "Statistic(统计)",
- "": "QQ小程序AppID",
- "": "可选,1242x2688,6.5英寸设备(iPhoneXS Max)启动图片,支持iPhone XS Max(iOS12+)时必选",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "可选,1125x2436,5.8英寸设备(iPhoneX/XS)启动图片,支持iPhoneX/XS时必选",
- "title": "基础配置",
- "": "iOS10及更高版本",
- "": "讯飞语音识别",
- "": "Android平台小米登录的授权回调页地址",
- "": "40x40",
- "": "appkey",
- "": "80x80",
- "": "Push(消息推送)",
- "": " 消息推送功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "分享",
- "": "72x72",
- "": "通讯录(NSContactsUsageDescription)",
- "": "可选,1334x750,4.7英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8横屏显示时必选",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标(高分屏)",
- "": "新浪微博登录",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "新浪微博开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "打包模块配置",
- "": "minSdkVersion",
- "properties.versioncode.title": "应用版本号",
- "properties.vueversion.title": "Vue版本选择",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppSecret值,参数安全性问题",
- "": "启用字节跳动小程序平台",
- "": "iOS平台小米登录的APPID",
- "": "运行的基础路径",
- "": "使用指南",
- "": "应用访问白名单",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "今日头条穿山甲广告联盟",
- "": "Bluetooth(低功耗蓝牙)",
- "": "iOS5-11 设置图标",
- "": "访问HomeKit数据(NSHomeKitUsageDescription)",
- "": "Share(分享)",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppID值",
- "": "appid_ios",
- "": "可选,768x1024,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini竖屏启动图片 ,支持iPad/mini(iOS7+)时必选",
- "": "部分国产Android手机获取位置必须申请定位服务商的SDK。地图配置指南",
- "": "可选,2208x1242,5.5英寸设备(iPhone6/7/8Plus)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone6/7/8Plus横屏显示时必选",
- "": "Geolocation(定位,只能选一个)",
- "": " 定位功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "20x20",
- "": "2436x1125",
- "": "微信分享",
- "": "appsecret",
- "": "可选,2048x1536,9.7/7.9英寸iPad/mini高分屏横屏启动图片,支持iPad/mini(iOS7+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "144x144",
- "": "检查安全域名和TLS版本",
- "": "应用包名",
- "": "配置,使用指南",
- "": "启动界面显示等待雪花",
- "": "iOS11.3及更高版本",
- "": "80x80",
- "": "支付配置指南",
- "": "麦克风(NSMicrophoneUsageDescription)",
- "": "redirect_uri",
- "": "详情 X5功能依赖腾讯TBS SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "iPhone启动图片设置",
- "": "iPad图标配置",
- "": "xxxhdpi 4K高分屏程序图标",
- "": "苹果登录(Sign in with Apple)",
- "": "Google登录",
- "": "",
- "": "iOS平台客户端ID",
- "": "Google API Console项目中获取的OAuth客户端ID",
- "": "Facebook登录",
- "": "",
- "": "appid",
- "": "Facebook开发者中心获取的应用编号",
- "": "注册schema在其它App中打开当前App,多个scheme使用','号分割,例如:test1,test;参考文档",
- "": "端口",
- "": "Android平台小米登录的APPSecret",
- "": "支持CPU类型",
- "": "跟踪用户的活动(NSUserTrackingUsageDescription)",
- "": "高德地图和高德定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "启用H5平台",
- "": "Android平台小米登录的APPID",
- "": "访问位置(NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight搜索图标(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
- "": "",
- "": "蓝牙(NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription)",
- "": "Payment(支付)",
- "": "分享配置指南 分享功能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "Android自动添加第三方SDK需要的权限",
- "": "应用适配的Android版本(API等级),部分应用市场要求设置较高的targetSdkVersion才能提交审核;参考文档",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appkey",
- "": "Appstore审核要求App在调用如下涉及隐私的API时必须说明调用原因,该描述原因会弹框给最终手机用户以便手机用户确认是否给予隐私访问许可。国际化描述详见",
- "": "如:\"1.0\"。",
- "": "图标配置",
- "": "iOS平台高德定位地图应用KEY",
- "": "xhdpi 720P高分屏启动图片",
- "": "使用NFC(NFCReaderUsageDescription)",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标(高分屏)",
- "": "index.html模板路径",
- "": "ES6转ES5",
- "": "Android启动界面样式",
- "": "使用原生隐私政策提示框",
- "": "详情",
- "": "必填,权限申请原因",
- "": "ES6转ES5",
- "": "iOS5-11 Settings设置图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "2048x2732",
- "": "后台运行访问位置(NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription)",
- "": "支付",
- "": "提交app store使用的图标 1024x1024",
- "": "Android X5 Webview(腾讯TBS)",
- "": "离线打包需另行配置:Android配置、iOS配置",
- "": "Android启动图片设置",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "纯nvue项目将在打包时只提供原生渲染引擎,可减少包体积和加快启动速度",
- "properties.versionname.description": "升级时必须高于上一次设置的值。离线打包需另行配置:Android配置、iOS配置",
- "": "页面标题",
- "": "fast启动模式",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "启用百度小程序平台",
- "": "快手内容联盟",
- "": "Sigmob广告联盟",
- "": "用户无需输入手机号,无需短信验证,免密一键登录, [开通配置], [使用指南]",
- "": "启用https协议",
- "": "FaceID(人脸识别,仅支持iOS)",
- "": "UrlSchemes",
- "": "使用广告标识(IDFA)",
- "": "等待首页渲染完毕后再关闭Splash图",
- "": "百度定位",
- "": "iBeacon",
- "": "应用后台播放音乐(audio)、定位(location)等功能,多项使用','号分割,例如:audio,location;参考文档",
- "properties.versioncode.description": "应用版本号,必须是整数;升级时必须高于上一次设置的值。离线打包需另行配置:Android配置、iOS配置",
- "": "可选,828x1792,6.1英寸设备(iPhoneXR)启动图片,支持iPhone XR(iOS12+)时必选",
- "": "微信登录、微信分享和微信支付的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "76x76",
- "": "上传代码时样式自动补全",
- "": "日历(NSCalendarsUsageDescription)",
- "": "可选,2732x2048,12.9英寸iPad Pro横屏启动图片,支持12.9英寸iPad Pro(iOS10+)横屏显示时必选",
- "": "152x152",
- "": "720x1242",
- "": "蓝牙(NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription)",
- "": "1080x1882",
- "": "纯nvue项目",
- "": "注册schema在其它App中打开当前App,多个scheme使用','号分割,例如:test1,test;参考文档",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appkey",
- "": "参考文档",
- "": "支持的平台(至少选一个)",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用appsecret",
- "": "百度地图和百度定位的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "SQLite(数据库)",
- "": "后台运行能力",
- "": "启用QQ小程序平台",
- "": "启用快手小程序平台",
- "": "快手小程序AppID",
- "": "96x96",
- "": "支付宝支付",
- "": "新浪微博分享和新浪微博登录的配置信息应保持一致",
- "": "iPad启动图片设置",
- "": "iOS7-11 通知栏图标",
- "": "xxhdpi 1080P高分屏启动图片",
- "": "原理同Android API Level,兼容性检查,避免上线后在低版本平台运行并导致不兼容。必须是整数。",
- "": "用于配置通用链接域名,通用链接域名格式为:applinks:域名,例如;详情文档参考",
- "": "iPhone图标配置",
- "": "允许当前App访问(查询是否安装、直接打开)的其它App白名单列表,填写其它App注册的scheme,多个scheme使用','号分割,例如:BaiduSSO,qqmusic;参考文档",
- "": "上传代码时自动压缩",
- "": "从1自增,务必每次重新上传包时versionCode+1,否则将影响上架版本的更新。例如原版本为11,更新版本的versionCode需要为12。必须是整数。",
- "": "新浪微博平台应用分享回调地址",
- "": "appid",
- "": "480x762",
- "": "",
- "": "1242x2688",
- "": "SDK配置",
- "": "微信开放平台申请应用的AppID值",
- "": "appid",
- "": "iOS平台小米登录的授权回调页地址",
- "": "167x167",
- "": "Maps(地图,只能选一个)",
- "": "capabilities",
- "properties.versionname.title": "应用版本名称",
- "": "750x1334",
- "": "appsecret",
- "": "ES6转ES5",
- "": "当前项目已配置的原生插件。云打包后生效,调试建议使用自定义调试基座。如需更多原生插件,请浏览插件市场
uni原生插件可能依赖三方SDK,上架到国内应用市场需要在隐私协议中添加相应的条款 [详情]",
- "": "2208x1242",
- "": "登录鉴权",
- "": "Speech(语音输入,只能选择一个)",
- "": "87x87",
- "": "29x29",
- "": "发行时启用摇树优化(自动裁剪没有使用的组件和API库)",
- "": "Android平台百度地图应用密钥",
- "": "可配置.9.png,减少包体积、避免缩放图影响清晰度,教程",
- "": "iOS7-11程序图标(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
- "": "60x60",
- "": "appsecret_ios",
- "": "QQ登录",
- "": "iOS平台通用链接(Universal Links)",
- "": "QQ开放平台申请应用时配置的Universal Links,参考文档",
- "": "详情",
- "": "iOS平台高德地图应用KEY",
- "": "详情",
- "": "appkey_ios",
- "": "确认与原生应用的包名不一致,推荐采用的格式,如:com.example.demo。",
- "": "可选,1136x640,4.0英寸设备(iPhone5/5S)横屏启动图片,支持iPhone5/5S横屏显示时必选",
- "": "使用三方SDK,需在这些SDK的官网申请key等信息填回到此处。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "": "appkey_android",
- "": "360广告联盟",
- "": "iOS14及更高版本",
- "": "appsecret_android",
- "": "自定义404等错误页面"
- },
- ":/config/uniapp-manifest-uiconfig.json": {
- "app-plus.distribute.splashscreen.iosstyle.title": "iOS启动界面设置",
- "app-plus.splashscreen.title": "App启动界面配置",
- "": " ",
- "app-plus.distribute.sdkpage.title": "App权限配置",
- "app-plus.modules.description": "App包含的扩展模块(影响包体积)。云打包后生效。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "mp-alipay.description": "配置指南",
- "app-plus.distribute.icons.title": "App图标配置",
- "mp-weixin.description": "配置指南",
- "mp-toutiao.title": "字节跳动小程序配置",
- "app-plus.splashscreen.description": "应用启动及splash封面图相关配置。启动图或界面的变更需云打包后生效,图片建议存在unpackage目录下。本地打包需另行在原生工程中配置。",
- "app-plus.distribute.icons.ios.appstore.title": "app store",
- "mp-toutiao.description": "配置指南",
- "": "Android设置",
- "h5.description": "配置指南",
- "app-plus.compilerversion.title": "编译模式",
- "": "Android打包权限配置",
- "mp-baidu.title": "百度小程序配置",
- "mp-qq.title": "QQ小程序配置",
- "unistatistics.description": "配置指南",
- "unistatistics.title": "uni统计配置",
- "app-plus.error.url.description": " ",
- "app-plus.compilerversion.description": " ",
- "app-plus.distribute.ios.urltypes.title": "iOS设置",
- "mp-qq.description": "配置指南",
- "app-plus.nativeplugins.title": "App原生插件配置",
- "h5.title": "h5配置",
- "mp-weixin.title": "微信小程序配置",
- "mp-alipay.title": "支付宝小程序配置",
- "mp-weixin.permission.title": "微信小程序权限配置",
- "quickapp-webview.description": "配置指南",
- "quickapp-webview.title": "快应用配置",
- "mp-baidu.description": "配置指南",
- "app-plus.error.url.title": "App常用其它设置",
- "app-plus.modules.title": "App模块配置",
- "app-plus.distribute.splashscreen.androidstyle.title": "Android启动界面设置",
- "app-plus.distribute.ios.urltypes.description": " ",
- "app-plus.distribute.sdkpage.description": "App权限配置",
- "mp-kuaishou.title": "快手小程序配置",
- "mp-kuaishou.description": "配置指南"
- },
- ":/unicloud-base/package.json": {
- "menu.command.unicloud.ClientDBActionDownload.title": "&Download uni-clientDB-actions",
- "menu.command.unicloud.ClientDBActionsUpload.title": "&Upload uni-clientDB-actions",
- "menu.command.unicloud.ClientDBActionsUploadSelected": "&Upload Actions"
- },
- "SelectSpaceDialog": {
- "dialog.dialog.text": "Choose a cloud service space",
- "spaceList.text": "Only supports Aliyun service space",
- "button.ok.text": "&OK",
- "button.cancel.text": "&Cancel",
- "label.footTitle.text": "The install pack will uploaded to the cloud storage.",
- "label.footTitle.des": "If upload success, the console will output download url"
- },
- "PublishDialog": {
- "dialog.dialog.text": "H5 Mobile version issuance",
- "label.titleName.text": "Site title",
- "label.domainName.text": "Website domain name",
- "label.staticdeploy.text": "Front-end web hosting",
- "input.pleaseEntersitetile.placeholder": "Enter website title",
- "input.pleaseEnterdomainName.placeholder": "Enter website domain name",
- "checkBox.deploy.text": "Deploy the compiled resources to",
- "checkBox.deploy.des": "[uniCloud-Front-end web hosting](Free server, faster access speed)",
- "": "Cloud service space list (currently only supports uniCloud Aliyun version)",
- "button.setting.text": "Advanced(&S)",
- "button.publish.text": "Issue(&P)",
- "button.cance.text": "Cancel(&C)"
- },
- "CEX_CMP_MergePages_Dlg": {
- "dialog.title.mergePages.desc": "Merge Pages window",
- "dialog.subtitle.mergePages.desc": "The following pages will be registered in Pages.json",
- "dialog.label.titleL.desc": "Current subcontract location",
- "dialog.label.titleR.desc": "Set subcontract location:"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/plugins.json": {
- "mac:launcher.description": "Browse and test uni-app on Android or iOS devices.",
- "": "Mobile App Playground",
- "git.description": "Git (depends TortoiseGit)",
- "svn.description": "SVN version management (depends on TortoiseSVN)",
- "": "Uni-app(vue2) Compile",
- "builtincef3browser.description": "Support preview while changing",
- "mac:builtinbrowser.description": "support preview while changing",
- "": "Uni-app App Debugging",
- "mac:svn.description": "SVN (depends TortoiseSVN)",
- "": "Unimodules plugin",
- "": "Built-in Terminal",
- "mac:unicloud.description": "Unicloud cloud development",
- "": "Uni-app App Debugging",
- "mac:uni_modules.description": "Unimodules plugin",
- "uniapp-debugger.description": "Uni-app App debugging tool",
- "": "Git plugin",
- "builtincef3terminal.description": "Built-in terminal,Can be opened in menu view",
- "unicloud.description": "Unicloud cloud development",
- "uni_modules.description": "Unimodules plugin",
- "mac:builtinterminal.description": "Built-in terminal,Can be opened in menu view",
- "mac:git.description": "Git (depends TortoiseGit)",
- "": "Git plugin",
- "uniapp-cli.description": "Uni-app compile vue2 compiler",
- "": "Unicloud Cloud Development",
- "": "Built-in Browser",
- "": "Unimodules plugin",
- "": "Built-in Browser",
- "launcher.description": "Browse and test uni-app on Android or iOS",
- "": "Uni-app(vue2) Compile",
- "": "Built-in Terminal",
- "": "Unicloud Cloud Development",
- "": "Mobile App Playground",
- "mac:uniapp-debugger.description": "Uni-app App debugging tool",
- "mac:uniapp-cli.description": "Uni-app compile vue2 compiler",
- "": "SVN plugin",
- "": "SVN plugin",
- "uniapp-cli(vue3).name": "Uni-app(vue3) Compile",
- "uniapp-cli(vue3).description": "Uni-app compile vue3 compiler",
- "mac:uniapp-cli(vue3).name": "Uni-app(vue3) Compile",
- "mac:uniapp-cli(vue3).description": "Uni-app compile vue3 compiler",
- "":"Node Debug",
- "node-debug.description":"Node.js debugging support,uniCloud debugging tool"
- },
- ":/i18n/package.json": {
- "menu.localizations.title": "Switch &Language"
- },
- ":/app-upgrade-center/package.json": {
- "app.hx.native.appUpgradeCenterHandler.title": "One-click upload to uniCloud (free cdn, long-term stability)"
- },
- ":/config/uniapp-manifest-permission.json": {
- "statistic.desc": "Statistic"
- },
- ":/vertrans/package.json": {
- "vertran.migrate.title": "Migration cloudfunctions Migration(&E)"
- },
- ":/markdown-share/package.json": {
- "markdown-share.share.title": "&Share to WebLink",
- "markdown-share.share.publish.title": "&Share Markdown to WebLink",
- "markdown-share.share.submenu.title": "&0 Share Markdown to WebLink"
- },
- ":/unicloudhosting/package.json": {
- "unicloud.web.publish.title": "View Server Web Files(&D)",
- "launchers.Deploy.label": "Upload Website to Server(&N)"
- },
- ":/IPK/package.json": {
- "IPK.installToMobile.title": "Install to phone"
- },
- ":/custom-context-menu/package.json": {
- "custommenu.openOrCreateMenuJson.title": "Customize the right-click menu(&D)..."
- },
- ":/dependence/package.json": {
- "command.commondependence-manager.manager.title": "Manage public module dependencies(&Z)"
- },
- "HXWizardDialog": {
- "button.back.desc": "Previous step(&N)",
- "": "Next step(&N)",
- "button.commit.desc": "Submit(&T)",
- "button.finish.desc": "Complete(&F)",
- "button.cancel.desc": "Cancel(&C)"
- },
- "GitUserSettingWidget": {
- "label.userName": "Username:",
- "label.userEmail": "E-mail:",
- "checkbox.applyToGlobal": "Apply to global user settings",
- "checkbox.applyLocal": "Only apply to local user settings",
- "labal.title": "Git User information settings",
- "label.repository": "Warehouse path:"
- },
- "GitOpeartion": {
- "label.pickref": "Choose to check out ref",
- "checkout.status.processing": "Checking out the [{2}] branch of project [{1}]...",
- "checkout.status.finished": "Check out branch completion on project [{1}]",
- "checkout.status.failed": "Failed to check out branch on project [{1}]",
- "fetch.status.processing": "Getting updates for item [{1}]...",
- "fetch.status.finished": "Project [{1}] update acquisition completed",
- "fetch.status.failed": "Failed to get update of item [{1}]",
- "label.pickPullOption": "Select the following pull options",
- "pull.status.processing": "Pulling item[%1]...",
- "pull.status.finished": "Project [{1}] pull completed",
- "pull.status.failed": "Project [{1}] failed to pull",
- "label.pickPushOption": "Choose the following push options",
- "push.forceWarning": "Forced push will cover the remote branch. Are you sure to push?",
- "push.status.processing": "Pushing project [{1}]...",
- "push.status.finished": "Project [{1}] push completed",
- "push.status.failed": "Project [{1}] failed to push"
- },
- "QWidgetTextControl": {
- "": "&Copy link address"
- },
- "QPlatformTheme": {
- "qt.platformtheme.ok": "OK",
- "qt.platformtheme.cancel": "Cancel"
- },
- "CUniCloudDebugPublic":{
- "toolbar.button.openDebug.desc":"Turn on breakpoint debugging",
- "toolbar.button.closeDebug.desc":"Turn off debugging",
- "console.log.closeDebug":"Debugging is off",
- "console.log.closeDebugFailed":"Failed to turn off debugging",
- "session.cloudfunction.desc":"CloudFunction",
- "console.button.debug.desc":"Turn on debugging",
- "msgbox.title.isCloseUniCloudConsole":"The uniCloud debugging service is running. Closing the console will cause the debugging function to be abnormal. Do you want to continue to close it?",
- "msg.button.confirm.desc":"Continue to close",
- "msg.button.cancel.desc":"cancel",
- "msgbox.title.projectHasRunning" : "There is already a debugging process running in the current project, and new debugging is not currently supported",
- "console.localDebugTitle.tip":"[本地调试]",
- "console.noUnicloudProcess.tip" : "uniCloud debugging service is not started and cannot be debugged",
- "console.remoteDebug.tip" : "Cloud function debugging is not supported temporarily, please switch to the UniAPP console page and check 'local cloud function' before debugging",
- "console.localDebugSuccess.tip" : "Start debugging successfully",
- "console.localDebugrunmoretimes.tip": "The local debugging service has been opened, please do not click repeatedly",
- "msgbox.title.missingplug-ins.desc" : "Missing the necessary debugging plug-in, the debugging service cannot run"
- },
- "DebuggerViewWidget":{
- "debugview.variables.title" : "Variables",
- "debugview.expressions.title": "Watchs",
- "debugview.callstack.title" : "Call Stack",
- "debugview.breakpoints.title": "Breakpoints",
- "debugview.collapseall" : "Collapse All"
- },
- "BreakpointListWidget": {
- "breakpoints.view.toggleAllActivate": "Disable Breakpoints",
- "breakpoints.view.removeAll" : "Delete All Breakpoints",
- "breakpoints.view.remove" : "Delete Breakpoints",
- "breakpoints.view.enableAll" : "Enable All Breakpoints",
- "breakpoints.view.disableAll" : "Disable All Breakpoints"
- },
- "ExpressionWatchWidget":{
- "expressions.view.add" : "Add Expression",
- "expressions.view.removeAll" : "Delete All Expressions",
- "expressions.view.remove" : "Delete Expressions",
- "expressions.view.edit" : "Edit Expression",
- "expressions.view.copyValue" : "Copy Value",
- "expressions.input.placeholder": "Expression to watch"
- },
- "VariableTreeView": {
- "variables.view.copyValue" : "Copy Value",
- "variables.view.copyExptession": "Copy as Expression",
- "variables.view.addToWatch" : "Add to Watch",
- "variables.view.edit" : "Edit Expression",
- "variables.input.placeholder" : "Expression to watch"
- },
- "DebugControlPanel":{
- "btn.toolTip.Pause.desc" : "Pause",
- "btn.toolTip.Continue.desc": "Continue",
- "btn.toolTip.StepOver.desc": "Step Over",
- "btn.toolTip.StepInto.desc": "Step Into",
- "btn.toolTip.StepOut.desc" : "Step Out",
- "comboBox.notSelcted.item" : "No Available Debug"
- },
- "ExpressionWatchModel":{
- "table.notAvailable.item": "Not available"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/keybindings.json": {
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "关闭其他文件",
- "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "本文档内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "本文档的区域内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "查找索引符号",
- "": "退出。windows下建议使用系统快捷键Alt+Space C",
- "": "运行",
- "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "底部控制台",
- "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "剪贴板",
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- "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "向下选行",
- "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "光标到软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "选至行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "选至软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "光标到软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "选至行首",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "选至软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "光标向左",
- "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "向左选字",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "光标到行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "选至段落结尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "光标到行首",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "选至段落开头",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "光标到下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "选至下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "光标到上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "选至上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "光标到下个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "光标到上个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "光标向右",
- "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "向右选字",
- "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "光标到页首",
- "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "选至文档首",
- "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "光标向上",
- "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "向上选行",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "光标向右一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "向右选词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "光标向左一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "光标向右一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "向右选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "光标向左一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选词",
- "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "向左删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "删到行首",
- "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "删到行尾",
- "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "向右删除",
- "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "向左删除词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "向左删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "向右删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "向右删除词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "选择当前词或下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "块注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "加粗(html、md生效)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "复制文件路径",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "剪切",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "粘贴",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "粘贴为HTML",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴(注意解除evernote的快捷键占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "条件编译ifdef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "条件编译ifndef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "注释/反注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "删除行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "重复插入选区或当前行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "重复插入选区或当前行(备份用于没有insert键的键盘)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "放大选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "向2侧扩大选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "格式化",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键,注意解除搜狗输入法全局快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "向上列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "向下列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "向下插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "向上插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "合并行(反格式化)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "合并行(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "跳转到配对的括号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "下移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "上移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "由2侧向内减少选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找下一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "插入有序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找上一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "插入>引用列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "在项目管理器中追踪/不追踪当前文件位置",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "选择所有相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "选择行(不含首尾空白字符)。也可双击行尾",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "选择括号内字符。可用双击括号替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "选择引号内字符串。可用双击引号来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "选择相同缩进的行。可用双击行首tab来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词(注意解除搜狗输入法全局占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "每行行首设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "每个选区前后设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "反回车,即把光标前内容移到下一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "注释菜单(含条件编译注释)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "跳过当前选择,选中下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "替换",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "交换选区或行。只支持2个选区或2行; 不是2个选区时, 交换光标前后的字母",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "插入已完成任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "插入任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "显示/隐藏迷你地图",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "显示/隐藏缩进线",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "显示/隐藏行号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "显示/隐藏空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "切换是否自动换行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "全部字母小写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "首字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "全部字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "删除行尾空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "显示/隐藏大纲",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "激活代码助手",
- "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "撤销一个新光标或选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "插入-无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "插入*无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "插入+无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "反包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "验证本文档语法",
- "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "选择行。也可单击行号或三击行",
- "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "外部命令/插件部分(需要安装对应插件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git切换分支",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git比较差异",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git拉取(pull)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git推送",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git还原(reset)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git文件状态",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git同步",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn更新",
- "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "文件对比,与最近一次提交比较",
- "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "查看指定svn或git文件的提交信息",
- "keybindings.file.subDesc": "文件",
- "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg或git文件提交",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "复制文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "剪切文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "粘贴文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.find.subDesc": "查找",
- "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git插件部分",
- "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "跳转",
- "": "帮助",
- "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "发行",
- "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "标签卡",
- "keybindings.language.subDesc": "语言",
- "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "行操作",
- "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "列表符操作",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + 左键单击 添加多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + 右键单击 删除多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + 左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + 左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + 左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + 左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + 左键拖选 列选择",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + 滚轮 缩放字体",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + 滚轮 横向滚动",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + 滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + 滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "以下为鼠标配合快捷键说明,不可自定义",
- "keybindings.outdent.desc": "反缩进",
- "": "App云打包",
- "": "uni-app发布到支付宝小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到百度小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到字节跳动小程序",
- "": "uni-app生成H5网站",
- "": "uni-app发布到QQ小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到微信小程序",
- "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "项目管理器",
- "keybindings.redo.desc": "重做",
- "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "重命名文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "打开文件所在目录",
- "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "在命令行打开文件所在目录",
- "": "运行",
- "": "选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "左侧是默认快捷键设置,右侧是自定义设置。右侧设置会覆盖左侧设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "自定义快捷键和默认快捷键冲突时会弹出选择菜单。也可在右侧设置添加 'override':true 参数来强制覆盖默认设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "支持连续快捷键,例如'key':'cltr+1 2'",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,ctrl+t新建标签卡、ctrl+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、ctrl+w关闭标签卡、ctrl+pagedown/pageup切换标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系ctrl+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与alt相关",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么alt+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即alt+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即alt+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n为置焦编辑器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如alt+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+alt+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "在windows下,alt+字母同时是菜单的&快捷键,可触发相应菜单功能,比如按下alt+v r,即可展开视图菜单并选中自动换行命令。菜单名称后面括号里的英文,即为对应的触发快捷字母",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl是操作、ctrl+shift是反操作或更多操作、ctrl+alt为更多操作",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k是格式化,那么ctrl+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么ctrl+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f是搜索,ctrl+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合ctrl定为快捷键是很难记住的。HBuilderX里ctrl+]是包围,ctrl+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "寻找文件从ctrl+t改为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "格式化从ctrl+shift+f改为ctrl+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime/vscode用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "打开控制台不是ctrl+~而是alt+x",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "在每行行首设置光标是ctrl+shift+\\而不是ctrl+shift+l",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "选择括号内容是ctrl+[而不是ctrl+shift+m",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供ctrl+shift+]为反包围",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是ctrl+[和]",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "扩大选区是ctrl+=",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "复制行或选区是ctrl+insert而不是ctrl+shift+d",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "包围",
- "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn插件部分",
- "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡ctrl+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "": "缩进",
- "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "工具",
- "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "激活方法参数提示",
- "keybindings.undo.desc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "检查更新",
- "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "显示更新日志",
- "keybindings.view.subDesc": "视图",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "清除所有书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "光标历史清空",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "关闭当前标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "关闭当前标签卡,不询问是否保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "关闭所有已保存标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "关闭右侧标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "复制标签卡到分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "重新运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "停止运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "免打扰模式",
- "": "打开收藏菜单",
- "": "反馈",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "本地历史记录",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "新建标签卡(默认md)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "打开外部文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "打开文件夹导入项目",
- "": "保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "全部保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "另存为",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "目录内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "置焦到编辑器区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "折叠所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "展开所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "折叠子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "展开子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "折叠其他区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "折叠单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "展开单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "跳转到行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "显示左边的标签卡",
- "": "新建",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "最小化",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "往左移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "往右移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "光标后退",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "光标前进",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "新建HBuilder窗体",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "下一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "下一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "置焦到下一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "切换到最末尾的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "切换到第1个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "切换到第2个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "切换到第3个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "切换到第4个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "切换到第5个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "切换到第6个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "切换到第7个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "切换到第8个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "切换到第9个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "打开外部命令设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "打开快捷键设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "打开设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "显示日志文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "转到Page.json(在uni-app的page页面可快速转到Page.json里对应的节点)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "上一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "上一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "置焦到上一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "查找文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "重新加载代码块",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "重开已关闭标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "显示右边的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "快捷发行菜单",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "单栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "左右2栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "左右3栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "四宫格",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "多窗口切换快捷键",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "显示/隐藏终端",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "设置/取消书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "全屏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏内置浏览器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏项目管理器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏状态栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏工具栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "清空控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "锁定滚动条",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "显示/隐藏控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "置焦到项目管理器",
- "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "删除文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,command+t新建标签卡、command+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、command+w关闭标签卡、command+alt+left/right切换标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系command+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与Ctrl相关",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么Ctrl+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即Ctrl+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即Ctrl+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n为置焦编辑器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如Ctrl+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+Ctrl+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command是操作、command+shift是反操作或更多操作、command+alt为更多操作",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k是格式化,那么command+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么command+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f是搜索,command+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合command等键定为快捷键是很难记住的。command+]是包围,command+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "寻找文件从command+t改为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "格式化从command+shift+f改为command+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "合并行从command+j改为command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "删除行从command+d改为ctrl+d。command+d让给了选择相同词",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "重复行内容的快捷键是command+shift+r",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "打开控制台不是command+~而是ctrl+x",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "合并行不是command+j而是command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "在每行行首设置光标不是command+shift+l而是command+shift+\\ ",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "选择括号内容不是command+shift+m而是command+[",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供command+shift+]为反包围",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是command+[和]",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "扩大选区是command+=,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "复制行或选区是command+shift+r而不是command+shift+d",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "": "退出。建议使用command+q",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +左键单击 添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +右键单击 删除多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +左键拖选 列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command +滚轮 缩放字体",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt +滚轮 横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift +滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command+alt +滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡alt+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【command+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【command+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
- "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
- "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
- "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/keybinding_sublime.json": {
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "关闭其他文件",
- "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "本文档内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "本文档的区域内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "查找索引符号",
- "": "退出。windows下建议使用系统快捷键Alt+Space C",
- "": "运行",
- "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "底部控制台",
- "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "剪贴板",
- "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "光标到页尾",
- "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "选至文档尾",
- "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "光标向下",
- "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "向下选行",
- "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "光标到软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "选至行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "选至软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "光标到软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "选至行首",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "选至软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "光标向左",
- "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "向左选字",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "光标到行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "选至段落结尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "光标到行首",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "选至段落开头",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "光标到下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "选至下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "光标到上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "选至上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "光标到下个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "光标到上个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "光标向右",
- "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "向右选字",
- "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "光标到页首",
- "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "选至文档首",
- "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "光标向上",
- "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "向上选行",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "光标向右一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "向右选词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "光标向左一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "光标向右一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "向右选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "光标向左一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选词",
- "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "向左删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "删到行首",
- "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "删到行尾",
- "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "向右删除",
- "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "向左删除词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "向左删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "向右删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "向右删除词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "选择当前词或下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "块注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "加粗(html、md生效)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "复制文件路径",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "剪切",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "粘贴",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "粘贴为HTML",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴(注意解除evernote的快捷键占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "条件编译ifdef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "条件编译ifndef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "注释/反注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "删除行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "重复插入选区或当前行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "重复插入选区或当前行(备份用于没有insert键的键盘)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "放大选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "向2侧扩大选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "格式化",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键,注意解除搜狗输入法全局快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "向上列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "向下列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "向下插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "向上插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "合并行(反格式化)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "合并行(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "跳转到配对的括号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "下移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "上移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "由2侧向内减少选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找下一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "插入有序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找上一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "插入>引用列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "在项目管理器中追踪/不追踪当前文件位置",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "选择所有相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "选择行(不含首尾空白字符)。也可双击行尾",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "选择括号内字符。可用双击括号替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "选择引号内字符串。可用双击引号来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "选择相同缩进的行。可用双击行首tab来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词(注意解除搜狗输入法全局占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "每行行首设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "每个选区前后设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "反回车,即把光标前内容移到下一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "注释菜单(含条件编译注释)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "跳过当前选择,选中下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "替换",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "交换选区或行。只支持2个选区或2行; 不是2个选区时, 交换光标前后的字母",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "插入已完成任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "插入任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "显示/隐藏迷你地图",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "显示/隐藏缩进线",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "显示/隐藏行号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "显示/隐藏空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "切换是否自动换行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "全部字母小写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "首字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "全部字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "删除行尾空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "显示/隐藏大纲",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "激活代码助手",
- "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "撤销一个新光标或选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "插入-无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "插入*无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "插入+无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "反包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "验证本文档语法",
- "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "选择行。也可单击行号或三击行",
- "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "外部命令/插件部分(需要安装对应插件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git切换分支",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git比较差异",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git拉取(pull)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git推送",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git还原(reset)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git文件状态",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git同步",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn更新",
- "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "文件对比,与最近一次提交比较",
- "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "查看指定svn或git文件的提交信息",
- "keybindings.file.subDesc": "文件",
- "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg或git文件提交",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "复制文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "剪切文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "粘贴文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.find.subDesc": "查找",
- "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git插件部分",
- "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "跳转",
- "": "帮助",
- "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "发行",
- "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "标签卡",
- "keybindings.language.subDesc": "语言",
- "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "行操作",
- "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "列表符操作",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + 左键单击 添加多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + 右键单击 删除多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + 左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + 左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + 左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + 左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + 左键拖选 列选择",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + 滚轮 缩放字体",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + 滚轮 横向滚动",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + 滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + 滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "以下为鼠标配合快捷键说明,不可自定义",
- "keybindings.outdent.desc": "反缩进",
- "": "App云打包",
- "": "uni-app发布到支付宝小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到百度小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到字节跳动小程序",
- "": "uni-app生成H5网站",
- "": "uni-app发布到QQ小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到微信小程序",
- "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "项目管理器",
- "keybindings.redo.desc": "重做",
- "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "重命名文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "打开文件所在目录",
- "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "在命令行打开文件所在目录",
- "": "运行",
- "": "选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "左侧是默认快捷键设置,右侧是自定义设置。右侧设置会覆盖左侧设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "自定义快捷键和默认快捷键冲突时会弹出选择菜单。也可在右侧设置添加 'override':true 参数来强制覆盖默认设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "支持连续快捷键,例如'key':'cltr+1 2'",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,ctrl+t新建标签卡、ctrl+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、ctrl+w关闭标签卡、ctrl+pagedown/pageup切换标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系ctrl+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与alt相关",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么alt+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即alt+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即alt+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n为置焦编辑器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如alt+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+alt+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "在windows下,alt+字母同时是菜单的&快捷键,可触发相应菜单功能,比如按下alt+v r,即可展开视图菜单并选中自动换行命令。菜单名称后面括号里的英文,即为对应的触发快捷字母",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl是操作、ctrl+shift是反操作或更多操作、ctrl+alt为更多操作",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k是格式化,那么ctrl+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么ctrl+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f是搜索,ctrl+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合ctrl定为快捷键是很难记住的。HBuilderX里ctrl+]是包围,ctrl+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "寻找文件从ctrl+t改为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "格式化从ctrl+shift+f改为ctrl+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime/vscode用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "打开控制台不是ctrl+~而是alt+x",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "在每行行首设置光标是ctrl+shift+\\而不是ctrl+shift+l",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "选择括号内容是ctrl+[而不是ctrl+shift+m",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供ctrl+shift+]为反包围",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是ctrl+[和]",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "扩大选区是ctrl+=",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "复制行或选区是ctrl+insert而不是ctrl+shift+d",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "包围",
- "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn插件部分",
- "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡ctrl+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "": "缩进",
- "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "工具",
- "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "激活方法参数提示",
- "keybindings.undo.desc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "检查更新",
- "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "显示更新日志",
- "keybindings.view.subDesc": "视图",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "清除所有书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "光标历史清空",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "关闭当前标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "关闭当前标签卡,不询问是否保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "关闭所有已保存标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "关闭右侧标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "复制标签卡到分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "重新运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "停止运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "免打扰模式",
- "": "打开收藏菜单",
- "": "反馈",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "本地历史记录",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "新建标签卡(默认md)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "打开外部文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "打开文件夹导入项目",
- "": "保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "全部保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "另存为",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "目录内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "置焦到编辑器区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "折叠所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "展开所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "折叠子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "展开子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "折叠其他区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "折叠单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "展开单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "跳转到行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "显示左边的标签卡",
- "": "新建",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "最小化",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "往左移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "往右移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "光标后退",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "光标前进",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "新建HBuilder窗体",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "下一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "下一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "置焦到下一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "切换到最末尾的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "切换到第1个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "切换到第2个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "切换到第3个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "切换到第4个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "切换到第5个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "切换到第6个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "切换到第7个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "切换到第8个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "切换到第9个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "打开外部命令设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "打开快捷键设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "打开设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "显示日志文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "转到Page.json(在uni-app的page页面可快速转到Page.json里对应的节点)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "上一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "上一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "置焦到上一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "查找文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "重新加载代码块",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "重开已关闭标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "显示右边的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "快捷发行菜单",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "单栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "左右2栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "左右3栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "四宫格",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "多窗口切换快捷键",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "显示/隐藏终端",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "设置/取消书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "全屏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏内置浏览器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏项目管理器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏状态栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏工具栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "清空控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "锁定滚动条",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "显示/隐藏控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "置焦到项目管理器",
- "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "删除文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,command+t新建标签卡、command+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、command+w关闭标签卡、command+alt+left/right切换标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系command+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与Ctrl相关",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么Ctrl+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即Ctrl+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即Ctrl+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n为置焦编辑器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如Ctrl+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+Ctrl+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command是操作、command+shift是反操作或更多操作、command+alt为更多操作",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k是格式化,那么command+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么command+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f是搜索,command+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合command等键定为快捷键是很难记住的。command+]是包围,command+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "寻找文件从command+t改为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "格式化从command+shift+f改为command+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "合并行从command+j改为command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "删除行从command+d改为ctrl+d。command+d让给了选择相同词",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "重复行内容的快捷键是command+shift+r",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "打开控制台不是command+~而是ctrl+x",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "合并行不是command+j而是command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "在每行行首设置光标不是command+shift+l而是command+shift+\\ ",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "选择括号内容不是command+shift+m而是command+[",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供command+shift+]为反包围",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是command+[和]",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "扩大选区是command+=,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "复制行或选区是command+shift+r而不是command+shift+d",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "": "退出。建议使用command+q",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +左键单击 添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +右键单击 删除多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +左键拖选 列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command +滚轮 缩放字体",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt +滚轮 横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift +滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command+alt +滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡alt+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【command+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【command+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
- "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
- "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
- "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/keybinding_vscode.json": {
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "关闭其他文件",
- "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "本文档内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "本文档的区域内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "查找索引符号",
- "": "退出。windows下建议使用系统快捷键Alt+Space C",
- "": "运行",
- "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "底部控制台",
- "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "剪贴板",
- "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "光标到页尾",
- "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "选至文档尾",
- "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "光标向下",
- "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "向下选行",
- "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "光标到软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "选至行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "选至软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "光标到软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "选至行首",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "选至软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "光标向左",
- "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "向左选字",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "光标到行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "选至段落结尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "光标到行首",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "选至段落开头",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "光标到下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "选至下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "光标到上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "选至上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "光标到下个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "光标到上个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "光标向右",
- "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "向右选字",
- "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "光标到页首",
- "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "选至文档首",
- "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "光标向上",
- "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "向上选行",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "光标向右一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "向右选词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "光标向左一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "光标向右一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "向右选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "光标向左一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选词",
- "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "向左删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "删到行首",
- "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "删到行尾",
- "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "向右删除",
- "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "向左删除词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "向左删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "向右删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "向右删除词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "选择当前词或下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "块注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "加粗(html、md生效)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "复制文件路径",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "剪切",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "粘贴",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "粘贴为HTML",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴(注意解除evernote的快捷键占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "条件编译ifdef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "条件编译ifndef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "注释/反注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "删除行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "重复插入选区或当前行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "重复插入选区或当前行(备份用于没有insert键的键盘)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "放大选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "向2侧扩大选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "格式化",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键,注意解除搜狗输入法全局快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "向上列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "向下列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "向下插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "向上插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "合并行(反格式化)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "合并行(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "跳转到配对的括号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "下移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "上移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "由2侧向内减少选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找下一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "插入有序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找上一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "插入>引用列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "在项目管理器中追踪/不追踪当前文件位置",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "选择所有相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "选择行(不含首尾空白字符)。也可双击行尾",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "选择括号内字符。可用双击括号替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "选择引号内字符串。可用双击引号来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "选择相同缩进的行。可用双击行首tab来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词(注意解除搜狗输入法全局占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "每行行首设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "每个选区前后设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "反回车,即把光标前内容移到下一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "注释菜单(含条件编译注释)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "跳过当前选择,选中下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "替换",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "交换选区或行。只支持2个选区或2行; 不是2个选区时, 交换光标前后的字母",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "插入已完成任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "插入任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "显示/隐藏迷你地图",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "显示/隐藏缩进线",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "显示/隐藏行号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "显示/隐藏空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "切换是否自动换行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "全部字母小写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "首字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "全部字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "删除行尾空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "显示/隐藏大纲",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "激活代码助手",
- "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "撤销一个新光标或选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "插入-无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "插入*无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "插入+无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "反包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "验证本文档语法",
- "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "选择行。也可单击行号或三击行",
- "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "外部命令/插件部分(需要安装对应插件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git切换分支",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git比较差异",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git拉取(pull)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git推送",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git还原(reset)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git文件状态",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git同步",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn更新",
- "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "文件对比,与最近一次提交比较",
- "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "查看指定svn或git文件的提交信息",
- "keybindings.file.subDesc": "文件",
- "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg或git文件提交",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "复制文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "剪切文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "粘贴文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.find.subDesc": "查找",
- "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git插件部分",
- "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "跳转",
- "": "帮助",
- "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "发行",
- "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "标签卡",
- "keybindings.language.subDesc": "语言",
- "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "行操作",
- "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "列表符操作",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + 左键单击 添加多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + 右键单击 删除多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + 左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + 左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + 左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + 左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + 左键拖选 列选择",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + 滚轮 缩放字体",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + 滚轮 横向滚动",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + 滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + 滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "以下为鼠标配合快捷键说明,不可自定义",
- "keybindings.outdent.desc": "反缩进",
- "": "App云打包",
- "": "uni-app发布到支付宝小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到百度小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到字节跳动小程序",
- "": "uni-app生成H5网站",
- "": "uni-app发布到QQ小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到微信小程序",
- "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "项目管理器",
- "keybindings.redo.desc": "重做",
- "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "重命名文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "打开文件所在目录",
- "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "在命令行打开文件所在目录",
- "": "运行",
- "": "选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "左侧是默认快捷键设置,右侧是自定义设置。右侧设置会覆盖左侧设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "自定义快捷键和默认快捷键冲突时会弹出选择菜单。也可在右侧设置添加 'override':true 参数来强制覆盖默认设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "支持连续快捷键,例如'key':'cltr+1 2'",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,ctrl+t新建标签卡、ctrl+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、ctrl+w关闭标签卡、ctrl+pagedown/pageup切换标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系ctrl+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与alt相关",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么alt+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即alt+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即alt+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n为置焦编辑器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如alt+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+alt+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "在windows下,alt+字母同时是菜单的&快捷键,可触发相应菜单功能,比如按下alt+v r,即可展开视图菜单并选中自动换行命令。菜单名称后面括号里的英文,即为对应的触发快捷字母",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl是操作、ctrl+shift是反操作或更多操作、ctrl+alt为更多操作",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k是格式化,那么ctrl+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么ctrl+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f是搜索,ctrl+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合ctrl定为快捷键是很难记住的。HBuilderX里ctrl+]是包围,ctrl+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "寻找文件从ctrl+t改为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "格式化从ctrl+shift+f改为ctrl+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime/vscode用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "打开控制台不是ctrl+~而是alt+x",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "在每行行首设置光标是ctrl+shift+\\而不是ctrl+shift+l",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "选择括号内容是ctrl+[而不是ctrl+shift+m",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供ctrl+shift+]为反包围",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是ctrl+[和]",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "扩大选区是ctrl+=",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "复制行或选区是ctrl+insert而不是ctrl+shift+d",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "包围",
- "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn插件部分",
- "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡ctrl+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "": "缩进",
- "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "工具",
- "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "激活方法参数提示",
- "keybindings.undo.desc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "检查更新",
- "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "显示更新日志",
- "keybindings.view.subDesc": "视图",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "清除所有书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "光标历史清空",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "关闭当前标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "关闭当前标签卡,不询问是否保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "关闭所有已保存标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "关闭右侧标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "复制标签卡到分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "重新运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "停止运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "免打扰模式",
- "": "打开收藏菜单",
- "": "反馈",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "本地历史记录",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "新建标签卡(默认md)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "打开外部文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "打开文件夹导入项目",
- "": "保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "全部保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "另存为",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "目录内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "置焦到编辑器区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "折叠所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "展开所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "折叠子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "展开子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "折叠其他区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "折叠单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "展开单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "跳转到行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "显示左边的标签卡",
- "": "新建",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "最小化",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "往左移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "往右移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "光标后退",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "光标前进",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "新建HBuilder窗体",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "下一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "下一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "置焦到下一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "切换到最末尾的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "切换到第1个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "切换到第2个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "切换到第3个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "切换到第4个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "切换到第5个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "切换到第6个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "切换到第7个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "切换到第8个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "切换到第9个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "打开外部命令设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "打开快捷键设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "打开设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "显示日志文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "转到Page.json(在uni-app的page页面可快速转到Page.json里对应的节点)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "上一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "上一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "置焦到上一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "查找文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "重新加载代码块",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "重开已关闭标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "显示右边的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "快捷发行菜单",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "单栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "左右2栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "左右3栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "四宫格",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "多窗口切换快捷键",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "显示/隐藏终端",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "设置/取消书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "全屏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏内置浏览器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏项目管理器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏状态栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏工具栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "清空控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "锁定滚动条",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "显示/隐藏控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "置焦到项目管理器",
- "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "删除文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,command+t新建标签卡、command+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、command+w关闭标签卡、command+alt+left/right切换标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系command+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与Ctrl相关",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么Ctrl+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即Ctrl+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即Ctrl+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n为置焦编辑器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如Ctrl+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+Ctrl+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command是操作、command+shift是反操作或更多操作、command+alt为更多操作",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k是格式化,那么command+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么command+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f是搜索,command+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合command等键定为快捷键是很难记住的。command+]是包围,command+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "寻找文件从command+t改为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "格式化从command+shift+f改为command+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "合并行从command+j改为command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "删除行从command+d改为ctrl+d。command+d让给了选择相同词",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "重复行内容的快捷键是command+shift+r",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "打开控制台不是command+~而是ctrl+x",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "合并行不是command+j而是command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "在每行行首设置光标不是command+shift+l而是command+shift+\\ ",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "选择括号内容不是command+shift+m而是command+[",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供command+shift+]为反包围",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是command+[和]",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "扩大选区是command+=,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "复制行或选区是command+shift+r而不是command+shift+d",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "": "退出。建议使用command+q",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +左键单击 添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +右键单击 删除多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +左键拖选 列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command +滚轮 缩放字体",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt +滚轮 横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift +滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command+alt +滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡alt+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【command+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【command+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
- "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
- "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
- "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/keybindings_intellij.json": {
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "关闭其他文件",
- "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "本文档内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "本文档的区域内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "查找索引符号",
- "": "退出。windows下建议使用系统快捷键Alt+Space C",
- "": "运行",
- "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "底部控制台",
- "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "剪贴板",
- "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "光标到页尾",
- "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "选至文档尾",
- "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "光标向下",
- "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "向下选行",
- "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "光标到软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "选至行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "选至软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "光标到软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "选至行首",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "选至软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "光标向左",
- "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "向左选字",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "光标到行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "选至段落结尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "光标到行首",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "选至段落开头",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "光标到下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "选至下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "光标到上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "选至上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "光标到下个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "光标到上个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "光标向右",
- "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "向右选字",
- "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "光标到页首",
- "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "选至文档首",
- "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "光标向上",
- "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "向上选行",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "光标向右一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "向右选词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "光标向左一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "光标向右一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "向右选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "光标向左一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选词",
- "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "向左删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "删到行首",
- "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "删到行尾",
- "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "向右删除",
- "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "向左删除词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "向左删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "向右删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "向右删除词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "选择当前词或下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "块注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "加粗(html、md生效)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "复制文件路径",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "剪切",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "粘贴",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "粘贴为HTML",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴(注意解除evernote的快捷键占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "条件编译ifdef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "条件编译ifndef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "注释/反注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "删除行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "重复插入选区或当前行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "重复插入选区或当前行(备份用于没有insert键的键盘)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "放大选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "向2侧扩大选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "格式化",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键,注意解除搜狗输入法全局快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "向上列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "向下列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "向下插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "向上插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "合并行(反格式化)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "合并行(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "跳转到配对的括号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "下移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "上移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "由2侧向内减少选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找下一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "插入有序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找上一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "插入>引用列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "在项目管理器中追踪/不追踪当前文件位置",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "选择所有相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "选择行(不含首尾空白字符)。也可双击行尾",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "选择括号内字符。可用双击括号替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "选择引号内字符串。可用双击引号来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "选择相同缩进的行。可用双击行首tab来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词(注意解除搜狗输入法全局占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "每行行首设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "每个选区前后设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "反回车,即把光标前内容移到下一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "注释菜单(含条件编译注释)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "跳过当前选择,选中下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "替换",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "交换选区或行。只支持2个选区或2行; 不是2个选区时, 交换光标前后的字母",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "插入已完成任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "插入任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "显示/隐藏迷你地图",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "显示/隐藏缩进线",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "显示/隐藏行号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "显示/隐藏空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "切换是否自动换行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "全部字母小写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "首字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "全部字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "删除行尾空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "显示/隐藏大纲",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "激活代码助手",
- "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "撤销一个新光标或选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "插入-无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "插入*无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "插入+无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "反包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "验证本文档语法",
- "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "选择行。也可单击行号或三击行",
- "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "外部命令/插件部分(需要安装对应插件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git切换分支",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git比较差异",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git拉取(pull)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git推送",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git还原(reset)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git文件状态",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git同步",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn更新",
- "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "文件对比,与最近一次提交比较",
- "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "查看指定svn或git文件的提交信息",
- "keybindings.file.subDesc": "文件",
- "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg或git文件提交",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "复制文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "剪切文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "粘贴文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.find.subDesc": "查找",
- "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git插件部分",
- "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "跳转",
- "": "帮助",
- "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "发行",
- "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "标签卡",
- "keybindings.language.subDesc": "语言",
- "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "行操作",
- "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "列表符操作",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + 左键单击 添加多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + 右键单击 删除多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + 左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + 左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + 左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + 左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + 左键拖选 列选择",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + 滚轮 缩放字体",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + 滚轮 横向滚动",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + 滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + 滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "以下为鼠标配合快捷键说明,不可自定义",
- "keybindings.outdent.desc": "反缩进",
- "": "App云打包",
- "": "uni-app发布到支付宝小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到百度小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到字节跳动小程序",
- "": "uni-app生成H5网站",
- "": "uni-app发布到QQ小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到微信小程序",
- "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "项目管理器",
- "keybindings.redo.desc": "重做",
- "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "重命名文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "打开文件所在目录",
- "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "在命令行打开文件所在目录",
- "": "运行",
- "": "选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "左侧是默认快捷键设置,右侧是自定义设置。右侧设置会覆盖左侧设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "自定义快捷键和默认快捷键冲突时会弹出选择菜单。也可在右侧设置添加 'override':true 参数来强制覆盖默认设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "支持连续快捷键,例如'key':'cltr+1 2'",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,ctrl+t新建标签卡、ctrl+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、ctrl+w关闭标签卡、ctrl+pagedown/pageup切换标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系ctrl+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与alt相关",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么alt+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即alt+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即alt+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n为置焦编辑器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如alt+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+alt+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "在windows下,alt+字母同时是菜单的&快捷键,可触发相应菜单功能,比如按下alt+v r,即可展开视图菜单并选中自动换行命令。菜单名称后面括号里的英文,即为对应的触发快捷字母",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl是操作、ctrl+shift是反操作或更多操作、ctrl+alt为更多操作",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k是格式化,那么ctrl+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么ctrl+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f是搜索,ctrl+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合ctrl定为快捷键是很难记住的。HBuilderX里ctrl+]是包围,ctrl+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "寻找文件从ctrl+t改为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "格式化从ctrl+shift+f改为ctrl+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime/vscode用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "打开控制台不是ctrl+~而是alt+x",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "在每行行首设置光标是ctrl+shift+\\而不是ctrl+shift+l",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "选择括号内容是ctrl+[而不是ctrl+shift+m",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供ctrl+shift+]为反包围",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是ctrl+[和]",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "扩大选区是ctrl+=",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "复制行或选区是ctrl+insert而不是ctrl+shift+d",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "包围",
- "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn插件部分",
- "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡ctrl+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "": "缩进",
- "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "工具",
- "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "激活方法参数提示",
- "keybindings.undo.desc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "检查更新",
- "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "显示更新日志",
- "keybindings.view.subDesc": "视图",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "清除所有书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "光标历史清空",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "关闭当前标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "关闭当前标签卡,不询问是否保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "关闭所有已保存标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "关闭右侧标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "复制标签卡到分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "重新运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "停止运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "免打扰模式",
- "": "打开收藏菜单",
- "": "反馈",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "本地历史记录",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "新建标签卡(默认md)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "打开外部文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "打开文件夹导入项目",
- "": "保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "全部保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "另存为",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "目录内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "置焦到编辑器区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "折叠所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "展开所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "折叠子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "展开子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "折叠其他区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "折叠单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "展开单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "跳转到行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "显示左边的标签卡",
- "": "新建",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "最小化",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "往左移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "往右移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "光标后退",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "光标前进",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "新建HBuilder窗体",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "下一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "下一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "置焦到下一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "切换到最末尾的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "切换到第1个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "切换到第2个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "切换到第3个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "切换到第4个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "切换到第5个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "切换到第6个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "切换到第7个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "切换到第8个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "切换到第9个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "打开外部命令设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "打开快捷键设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "打开设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "显示日志文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "转到Page.json(在uni-app的page页面可快速转到Page.json里对应的节点)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "上一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "上一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "置焦到上一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "查找文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "重新加载代码块",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "重开已关闭标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "显示右边的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "快捷发行菜单",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "单栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "左右2栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "左右3栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "四宫格",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "多窗口切换快捷键",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "显示/隐藏终端",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "设置/取消书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "全屏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏内置浏览器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏项目管理器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏状态栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏工具栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "清空控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "锁定滚动条",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "显示/隐藏控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "置焦到项目管理器",
- "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "删除文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,command+t新建标签卡、command+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、command+w关闭标签卡、command+alt+left/right切换标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系command+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与Ctrl相关",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么Ctrl+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即Ctrl+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即Ctrl+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n为置焦编辑器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如Ctrl+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+Ctrl+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command是操作、command+shift是反操作或更多操作、command+alt为更多操作",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k是格式化,那么command+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么command+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f是搜索,command+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合command等键定为快捷键是很难记住的。command+]是包围,command+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "寻找文件从command+t改为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "格式化从command+shift+f改为command+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "合并行从command+j改为command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "删除行从command+d改为ctrl+d。command+d让给了选择相同词",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "重复行内容的快捷键是command+shift+r",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "打开控制台不是command+~而是ctrl+x",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "合并行不是command+j而是command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "在每行行首设置光标不是command+shift+l而是command+shift+\\ ",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "选择括号内容不是command+shift+m而是command+[",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供command+shift+]为反包围",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是command+[和]",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "扩大选区是command+=,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "复制行或选区是command+shift+r而不是command+shift+d",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "": "退出。建议使用command+q",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +左键单击 添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +右键单击 删除多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +左键拖选 列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command +滚轮 缩放字体",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt +滚轮 横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift +滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command+alt +滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡alt+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【command+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【command+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
- "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
- "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
- "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/keybindings_eclipse.json": {
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "关闭其他文件",
- "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "本文档内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "本文档的区域内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "查找索引符号",
- "": "退出。windows下建议使用系统快捷键Alt+Space C",
- "": "运行",
- "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "底部控制台",
- "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "剪贴板",
- "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "光标到页尾",
- "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "选至文档尾",
- "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "光标向下",
- "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "向下选行",
- "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "光标到软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "选至行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "选至软行尾(连续按依次切换自动换行的行尾、真行尾)",
- "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "光标到软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "选至行首",
- "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "选至软行首(连续按依次切换自动换行的行首、缩进后的行首、真行首)",
- "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "光标向左",
- "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "向左选字",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "光标到行尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "选至段落结尾",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "光标到行首",
- "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "选至段落开头",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "光标到下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "选至下一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "光标到上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "选至上一页",
- "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "光标到下个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "光标到上个段落(空行为分割段落)",
- "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "光标向右",
- "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "向右选字",
- "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "光标到页首",
- "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "选至文档首",
- "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "光标向上",
- "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "向上选行",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "光标向右一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "向右选词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "光标向左一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "光标向右一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "向右选一个驼峰单词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "光标向左一词",
- "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "向左选词",
- "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "向左删除",
- "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "删到行首",
- "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "删到行尾",
- "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "向右删除",
- "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "向左删除词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "向左删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "向右删除驼峰词",
- "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "向右删除词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "选择当前词或下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "块注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "加粗(html、md生效)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "复制文件路径",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "剪切",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "粘贴",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "粘贴为HTML",
- "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴(注意解除evernote的快捷键占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "条件编译ifdef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "条件编译ifndef",
- "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "注释/反注释",
- "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "删除行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "重复插入选区或当前行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "重复插入选区或当前行(备份用于没有insert键的键盘)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "放大选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "向2侧扩大选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "格式化",
- "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键,注意解除搜狗输入法全局快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "向上列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "向下列选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "向下插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "向上插入行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "合并行(反格式化)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "合并行(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "跳转到配对的括号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "下移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "上移一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "由2侧向内减少选择",
- "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找下一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "插入有序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "查找上一个字符串",
- "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "插入>引用列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "在项目管理器中追踪/不追踪当前文件位置",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "选择所有相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "选择行(不含首尾空白字符)。也可双击行尾",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "选择括号内字符。可用双击括号替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "选择引号内字符串。可用双击引号来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "选择相同缩进的行。可用双击行首tab来替代",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词(注意解除搜狗输入法全局占用)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "每行行首设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "每个选区前后设置光标",
- "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "反回车,即把光标前内容移到下一行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "注释菜单(含条件编译注释)",
- "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "跳过当前选择,选中下一个相同词",
- "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "替换",
- "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "交换选区或行。只支持2个选区或2行; 不是2个选区时, 交换光标前后的字母",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "插入已完成任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "插入任务列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "显示/隐藏迷你地图",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "显示/隐藏缩进线",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "显示/隐藏行号",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "显示/隐藏空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "切换是否自动换行",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "全部字母小写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "首字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "全部字母大写",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "删除行尾空白字符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "显示/隐藏大纲",
- "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "激活代码助手",
- "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "撤销一个新光标或选区",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "插入-无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "插入*无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "插入+无序列表符",
- "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "反包围",
- "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "验证本文档语法",
- "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "选择行。也可单击行号或三击行",
- "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "外部命令/插件部分(需要安装对应插件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git切换分支",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git比较差异",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git拉取(pull)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git推送",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git还原(reset)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git文件状态",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git同步",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn增加文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn提交",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn查看日志",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn删除当前文件(单个文件)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn检查修改内容",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn还原(revert)",
- "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn更新",
- "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "文件对比,与最近一次提交比较",
- "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "查看指定svn或git文件的提交信息",
- "keybindings.file.subDesc": "文件",
- "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg或git文件提交",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "复制文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "剪切文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "粘贴文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.find.subDesc": "查找",
- "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git插件部分",
- "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "跳转",
- "": "帮助",
- "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "发行",
- "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "标签卡",
- "keybindings.language.subDesc": "语言",
- "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "行操作",
- "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "列表符操作",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + 左键单击 添加多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + 右键单击 删除多光标",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + 左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + 左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + 左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + 左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + 左键拖选 列选择",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + 滚轮 缩放字体",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + 滚轮 横向滚动",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + 滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + 滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "以下为鼠标配合快捷键说明,不可自定义",
- "keybindings.outdent.desc": "反缩进",
- "": "App云打包",
- "": "uni-app发布到支付宝小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到百度小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到字节跳动小程序",
- "": "uni-app生成H5网站",
- "": "uni-app发布到QQ小程序",
- "": "uni-app发布到微信小程序",
- "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "项目管理器",
- "keybindings.redo.desc": "重做",
- "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "重命名文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "打开文件所在目录",
- "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "在命令行打开文件所在目录",
- "": "运行",
- "": "选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "左侧是默认快捷键设置,右侧是自定义设置。右侧设置会覆盖左侧设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "自定义快捷键和默认快捷键冲突时会弹出选择菜单。也可在右侧设置添加 'override':true 参数来强制覆盖默认设置",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "支持连续快捷键,例如'key':'cltr+1 2'",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,ctrl+t新建标签卡、ctrl+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、ctrl+w关闭标签卡、ctrl+pagedown/pageup切换标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系ctrl+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与alt相关",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么alt+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即alt+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即alt+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n为置焦编辑器",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如alt+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+alt+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "在windows下,alt+字母同时是菜单的&快捷键,可触发相应菜单功能,比如按下alt+v r,即可展开视图菜单并选中自动换行命令。菜单名称后面括号里的英文,即为对应的触发快捷字母",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl是操作、ctrl+shift是反操作或更多操作、ctrl+alt为更多操作",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k是格式化,那么ctrl+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么ctrl+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f是搜索,ctrl+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合ctrl定为快捷键是很难记住的。HBuilderX里ctrl+]是包围,ctrl+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "寻找文件从ctrl+t改为ctrl+p",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "格式化从ctrl+shift+f改为ctrl+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime/vscode用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e为选中相同词",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "打开控制台不是ctrl+~而是alt+x",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "合并行从ctrl+j改为ctrl+shift+k",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "在每行行首设置光标是ctrl+shift+\\而不是ctrl+shift+l",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "选择括号内容是ctrl+[而不是ctrl+shift+m",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供ctrl+shift+]为反包围",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是ctrl+[和]",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "扩大选区是ctrl+=",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "复制行或选区是ctrl+insert而不是ctrl+shift+d",
- "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "包围",
- "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn插件部分",
- "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡ctrl+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "": "缩进",
- "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "工具",
- "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "激活方法参数提示",
- "keybindings.undo.desc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "撤销",
- "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "检查更新",
- "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "显示更新日志",
- "keybindings.view.subDesc": "视图",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "清除所有书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "光标历史清空",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "关闭当前标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "关闭当前标签卡,不询问是否保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "关闭所有标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "关闭所有已保存标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "关闭右侧标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "复制标签卡到分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "重新运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "停止运行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "免打扰模式",
- "": "打开收藏菜单",
- "": "反馈",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "本地历史记录",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "新建标签卡(默认md)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "打开外部文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "打开文件夹导入项目",
- "": "保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "全部保存",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "另存为",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "目录内查找字符串",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "置焦到编辑器区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "折叠所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "展开所有行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "折叠子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "展开子行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "折叠其他区域",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "折叠单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "展开单行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "分栏转到定义",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "跳转到行",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "显示左边的标签卡",
- "": "新建",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "最小化",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "往左移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "往右移动一个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "光标后退",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "光标前进",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "新建HBuilder窗体",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "下一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "下一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "置焦到下一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "切换到最末尾的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "切换到第1个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "切换到第2个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "切换到第3个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "切换到第4个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "切换到第5个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "切换到第6个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "切换到第7个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "切换到第8个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "切换到第9个标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "打开外部命令设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "打开快捷键设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "打开设置",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "显示日志文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "转到Page.json(在uni-app的page页面可快速转到Page.json里对应的节点)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "上一个书签(光标在编辑器区域)",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "上一个验证错误",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "置焦到上一个分栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "查找文件",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "重新加载代码块",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "重开已关闭标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "显示右边的标签卡",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "快捷发行菜单",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "单栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "左右2栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "左右3栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "四宫格",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "多窗口切换快捷键",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "显示/隐藏终端",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "设置/取消书签",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "全屏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏内置浏览器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏项目管理器",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏状态栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "显示/隐藏工具栏",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "清空控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "复制",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "锁定滚动条",
- "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "全选",
- "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "显示/隐藏控制台",
- "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "置焦到项目管理器",
- "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "删除文件(焦点在项目管理器中)",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【ctrl+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX的快捷键理念",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "HBuilderX的快捷键原则是:不定义记不住的快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "过去的很多工具都提供了太多abcd的快捷键,完全记不住",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX在定义每个快捷键时都经过了考量,记住如下原则,就可掌握大部分快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. 尽可能保持与OS、浏览器接近",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "如标签卡管理,与浏览器完全相同,command+t新建标签卡、command+shift+t恢复刚关闭的标签卡、command+w关闭标签卡、command+alt+left/right切换标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "对于习惯eclipse体系command+t寻找文件的用户,需记得寻找文件的快捷键已经调整为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. 界面快捷键都与Ctrl相关",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你可以把键盘方位当做屏幕,q为左上角字母,那么Ctrl+q为显示/关闭左侧的项目管理器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "q旁边的w是文档结构图(大纲),即Ctrl+w为显示/关闭文档结构图",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "右上角字母是p,即Ctrl+p显示/关闭右侧的预览",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n为置焦编辑器",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x(底部字母)为显示/关闭控制台",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c(底部字母)为显示/关闭终端",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+数字,是切换相应位置的标签卡,比如Ctrl+1是转到第一个标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[是在各种括号之间跳转",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d是转到定义(F12也可以),shift+Ctrl+d或shift+F12则是分栏转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command是操作、command+shift是反操作或更多操作、command+alt为更多操作",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k是格式化,那么command+shift+k就是合并为一行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w是关闭当前标签卡,那么command+shift+w是关闭所有标签卡",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f是搜索,command+alt+f是目录内搜索",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. 符号化而不是单词字母化",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "包围的英文是surround,但从这个单词里选一个字母配合command等键定为快捷键是很难记住的。command+]是包围,command+shift+]是反包围,这样好记多了",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+|是给选中行每行设置光标,“|”就是光标的样子,很形象",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. 强化和鼠标的配合,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+鼠标滚轮是横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+鼠标单击是转到定义",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+鼠标拖动是列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+鼠标单击是添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "鼠标双击可以智能选中,详见选择菜单",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. 老HBuilder用户需注意的常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "寻找文件从command+t改为command+p",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "格式化从command+shift+f改为command+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "合并行从command+j改为command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "删除行从command+d改为ctrl+d。command+d让给了选择相同词",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+d为删除当前行",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. sublime用户需注意常见快捷键差异",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "重复行内容的快捷键是command+shift+r",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "打开控制台不是command+~而是ctrl+x",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "合并行不是command+j而是command+shift+k",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "在每行行首设置光标不是command+shift+l而是command+shift+\\ ",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "选择括号内容不是command+shift+m而是command+[",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+]是加包围。除了包围tag还支持包围if等函数块。同时提供command+shift+]为反包围",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "调缩进是tab或shift+tab,不是command+[和]",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "选择tag、相同缩进,可以双击tag首尾或缩进符号,不用背快捷键",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "扩大选区是command+=,更易用",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "复制行或选区是command+shift+r而不是command+shift+d",
- "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "当然在右上角,你也可以点击下拉菜单,切换其他工具的快捷键方案",
- "": "退出。建议使用command+q",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "从历史粘贴板粘贴",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "格式化(兼容老版HBuilder快捷键)",
- "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "选择相同语法词",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +左键单击 添加多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +右键单击 删除多光标",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +左键拖选 添加多选区",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +左键双击 如果点击到了智能双击区域比如if块,会添加到选区里",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +左键单击 转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +左键单击 分栏转到定义/打开链接",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +左键拖选 列选择",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command +滚轮 缩放字体",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt +滚轮 横向滚动",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift +滚轮 垂直滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command+alt +滚轮 横向滚动一屏",
- "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "切换最近的标签卡alt+tab,该快捷键无法自定义",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "增大字体【command+鼠标滚动向上】",
- "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "减小字体【command+鼠标滚动向下】",
- "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
- "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
- "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
- "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
- "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/external-commands.json": {
- "configurationAttributeDescription.command.desc": "需要执行的外部命令及参数:",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc01": "值支持string 和 array 两种形式",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc02": "填写path环境中包含的命令或具体的程序路径及参数",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc03": "支持使用变量",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc04": "command值为string: 命令与参数连写,命令或参数包含空格时需要使用\"\"包围",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc05": "command值为array: 命令与参数分开写,命令或参数包含空格时不需要额外处理",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.key.desc": "快捷键 [可选项] : 可通过此快捷键直接运行此外部命令",
- "": "名称,用于在“工具-运行外部命令”菜单中显示",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.type.desc": "运行的环境 [可选项]:",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.type.subDesc01": "process(默认值): 后台运行,运行时不显示输入输出",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.type.subDesc02": "shell: 在cmd这样的独立shell环境下运行,运行时会打开shell窗口",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.type.subDesc03": "terminal: 在HBuilderX自带的内置终端插件中运行",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.workingDir.desc": "工作目录 [可选项]:命令运行时的工作目录,默认是文件所在目录",
- "configurationAttributeDescription.workingDir.subDesc": "支持使用变量",
- "example.desc01": "1. 在独立shell窗体下使用dir命令打印当前文件所在目录下文件列表",
- "example.desc02": "2. 如安装了Android Studio,可以在avd中新建一个模拟器,然后在HBuilderX中使用快捷键将模拟器直接启动而不必启动AS。注意该终端关闭会导致模拟器关闭,所以更适合在HBuilderX的内置终端中打开",
- "external-commands.configurationAttributeDescription.subDesc": "外部命令 配置属性说明",
- "external-commands.example.subDesc": "外部命令 示例",
- "external-commands.start.illustrate01": "配置外层为数组结构,数组内可添加多个外部命令设置",
- "external-commands.start.illustrate02": "外部命令可以让您在HBuilderX中通过菜单、快捷键等方式调用外部程序或命令行",
- "external-commands.start.illustrate03": "注意: 左侧为教程,不是配置,需在右侧用户设置中添加外部命令才生效",
- "external-commands.variableDescription.subDesc": "外部命令 变量说明",
- "variableDescription.desc": "'command'、'workingDir'中可使用预定义的变量来获取当前文件的路径信息",
- "variableDescription.subDesc01": "${file} 当前文件的完整路径, 比如 D:\\files\\test.txt",
- "variableDescription.subDesc02": "${fileName} 当前文件的文件名, 比如 test.txt",
- "variableDescription.subDesc03": "${fileExtension} 当前文件的扩展名, 比如 txt",
- "variableDescription.subDesc04": "${fileBasename} 当前文件仅包含文件名的部分, 比如 test",
- "variableDescription.subDesc05": "${fileDir} 当前文件所在目录的完整路径, 比如 D:\\files",
- "variableDescription.subDesc06": "${projectDir} 当前文件所在项目的完整路径, 只有当前文件是项目管理器中某个项目下的文件时才起作用"
- },
- ":/conf/resources/conf/snippet_template.json":{
- "snippet_template.json.desc01": "Note: This document only supports single-line comments, and there can be no non-blank characters before the'//'!!!",
- "snippet_template.json.desc02": "HBuilderX uses json extension code block, compatible with vscode code block format",
- "snippet_template.json.desc03": "This document has been modified, save it to take effect, no need to restart.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc04": "This document is used for user-defined %%1 code blocks.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc05": "The description of each configuration item is as follows:",
- "snippet_template.json.desc06": "'key': The display name of the code block, the name displayed in the code assistant list. In the following example,'console.log' is a key.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc07": "'prefix': the trigger character of the code block, which is what letter is typed to match this code block.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc08": "'body': the content of the code block. The content has the following special format",
- "snippet_template.json.desc09": "$1 indicates the position of the cursor after the code block is entered. If you need multiple cursors, configure $1 in multiple places. If there are preset data at this position, the writing method is ${1:foo1} .Multiple options (used in the drop-down candidate list) ${1:foo1/foo2/foo3}",
- "snippet_template.json.desc10": "$2 means that after the code block is entered, press tab again, and the cursor will switch to the position. tabstops(press tab after the code block is expanded to jump to the next tabstop)",
- "snippet_template.json.desc11": "$0 represents the final cursor position after the code block is entered (you can also press Enter to jump directly).",
- "snippet_template.json.desc12": "Double quotes are escaped using \\'",
- "snippet_template.json.desc13": "Newlines are represented by multiple arrays, one array per line, surrounded by double quotes and separated by commas",
- "snippet_template.json.desc14": "Indent needs to be represented by \\t, you can't enter indent directly!",
- "snippet_template.json.desc15": "'triggerAssist' :True means that the code prompt is triggered on the first tabtop immediately after the code block is entered into the document, and the code assistant is pulled out. The default is false.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc16": "Each code block uses the key as the primary key, and multiple code blocks need to be separated by commas.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc17": "If the json syntax is illegal, an error message will pop up at the bottom, please pay attention to correct it.",
- "snippet_template.json.desc18": "Example:"
- },
- "QLineEdit": {
- "&Copy": "&Copy",
- "&Paste": "&Paste",
- "&Redo": "&Redo",
- "&Undo": "&Undo",
- "Cu&t": "Cu&t",
- "Delete": "Delete",
- "Select All": "Select All"
- },
- "QScrollBar": {
- "Scroll down": "Scroll Down",
- "Scroll up": "Scroll Up",
- "Scroll here": "Scroll Here",
- "Left edge": "Left Edge",
- "Right edge": "Right Edge",
- "Bottom": "Bottom",
- "Line down": "Line Down",
- "Line up": "Line Up",
- "Page down": "Page Down",
- "Page left": "Page Left",
- "Page right": "Page Right",
- "Position": "Position",
- "Page up": "Page Up",
- "Scroll left": "Scroll Left",
- "Scroll right": "Scroll Right",
- "Top": "Top"
- },
- "CloseButton": {
- "Close Tab": "Close Tab"
- },
- "TerminalServer": {
- "menu.openInExternalBrowser.terminal":"Open In External Browser",
- "menu.openInBuilt-inBrowser.terminal":"Open In Built-in Browser"
- }
- }
+ "": [
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
+ "Copyright (c) DCloud . All rights reserved.",
+ "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
+ ],
+ "version": "1.0.0",
+ "contents": {
+ "NodeExtensionLauncher":{
+ "msgbox.title.missingplug-ins.desc":"Extension debug feature depends [node-debug] extension,please install and retry.",
+ "console.process.force.quit.error":"Process has crashed",
+ "view.console.extension.title":"Extension Development"
+ },
+ ":/nodejs-extension-dev/package.json":{
+ "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.label":"Run Extension-[${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.terminateLabel":"Stop Run Extension-[${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.debug.label":"Debug Extension-[${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.extensionDevelopment.debug.terminateLabel":"Stop Debug Extension-[${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.nodejs.label":"Run Current File-[node ${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.nodejs.terminateLabel":"Stop Run-[node ${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.nodejs.debug.label":"Debug Current File-[node ${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.nodejs.debug.terminateLabel":"Stop Debug-[node ${}]",
+ "contributes.launchers.nodejs-settings.label":"Node Path Settings"
+ },
+ ":/unicloud/package.json": {
+ "": "&Run JQL Query",
+ "": "&Stop JQL Query",
+ "": "Delete action(&L)",
+ "": "New action(&C)",
+ "": "Create uni-clientDB-actions folder(&U)",
+ "": "Upload DB Schema(&B)",
+ "command.unicloud.newDBSchemaJson": "New DB Schema(&S)",
+ "command.unicloud.newJQLFile": "New JQL file(&Q)",
+ "": "Download DB Schema(&M)",
+ "": "Create cloudfunctions folder(&T)",
+ "": "Create database folder(&H)",
+ "": "New db_init.json(&O)",
+ "": "New cloudfunctions_init.json(&N)",
+ "": "Create validation folder(&V)",
+ "": "New validation file(&V)",
+ "": "Upload validation file(&I)",
+ "": "Download validation file(&T)",
+ "": "Upload all validation(&K)",
+ "": "Download all validation(&J)",
+ "": "Download all DB Schema and validation files(&A)",
+ "": "Upload all DB Schema and validation files(&E)",
+ "": "Create common folder(&R)",
+ "": "&New Page",
+ "": "Run",
+ "": "Execute JQL(&N)",
+ "": "Stop JQL(&O)",
+ "": "Run-LocalCloduFunction",
+ "": "Stop-LocalCloduFunction",
+ "": "Start debugguing-LocalCloduFunction",
+ "": "Stop debugging-LocalCloduFunction"
+ },
+ "CLisenceDialog": {
+ "": "cancel(&C)",
+ "": "&Agree and Continue"
+ },
+ "QColorDialog": {
+ "": "Pick Screen Color",
+ "Cursor at %1, %2\nPress ESC to cancel": "Mouse position %1, %2\n Press ESC to cancel"
+ },
+ "AboutDialog": {
+ "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
+ "label.HBuilderX.desc.subtitle": "",
+ "label.version.desc": "",
+ "label.Copyright©": ""
+ },
+ "AppChannelManager": {
+ "": "yingyongbao",
+ "": "360 App Market",
+ "": "HuaWei App Market",
+ "": "XiaoMi App Market"
+ },
+ "AppPackDialog": {
+ "label.appName.desc": "App Name:{1} {3} App Version:{2}",
+ "": "Modify manifest.json",
+ "": "Support iPhone",
+ "": "Use DCloud keystore",
+ "": "Use test keystore",
+ "": "Support iPad(There will be a black border when running on ipad if unchecked)",
+ "": "Use a jailbroken certificate (after packaging, it can only be installed on a jailbroken phone)",
+ "": "Use IDP/IEP certificate",
+ "label.dcloud.cert.warn.warning": "This certificate is only backward compatible for old users. Due to potential hidden dangers, the subsequent use of this certificate requires real-name authentication. Details",
+ "": "Use existing keystore",
+ "": "Android(apk/aab)",
+ "": "iOS(ipa)",
+ "": "iOS Settings",
+ "label.textboxAppid.desc": "Appid",
+ "label.textboxPrivateKeyPw.desc": "Key and Keystore password",
+ "label.textboxiOSPrivateKeyPw.desc": "Certificate password",
+ "label.textboxCertificateProfile.desc": "Provisioning profile",
+ "": "Choose...",
+ "label.textboxprivatekeycertificate.desc": "Certificate path",
+ "": "Android Settings",
+ "label.textboxAndroidPackName.desc": "Android Package Name",
+ "label.textboxCertificateAlias.desc": "Key alias",
+ "label.textboxCertificateFile.desc": "Keystore path",
+ "label.channels.desc": "Channels Package",
+ "": "None",
+ "": "Customize channel package guide",
+ "": "Ads",
+ "": "Open all ads",
+ "": "App open",
+ "": "Red envelopes",
+ "": "Push",
+ "label.insertAdvanceadSDK.desc": "Native advanced Ads ({1}):",
+ "": " document",
+ "": "Document",
+ "": "Document",
+ "label.openBaseAds.desc": "Base Ads:",
+ "": "Uni-AD helps you earn more app revenue. [Click here to uni-AD][How to use uni-AD]",
+ "label.moreAdsMoreProfit.desc": "The more advertisements you open, the higher the profit",
+ "": "Enable js native confusion",
+ "": "Enable nvue native confusion",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "": "Common Mode(upload code and certificate,DCloud promises not to keep)",
+ "": "Safe Mode(without upload code and certificate)",
+ "": "detail",
+ "msgbox.oldCertNotSupport.desc.error": "Debug package or dcloud old cert is not support safe mode,please use common mode",
+ "msgbox.debugPackageNotSupport.desc.error": "Debug package is not support safe mode,please use common mode",
+ "": "&Switch to common mode",
+ "": "iOS is not support safe mode,will still use common mode.",
+ "": "iOS safe mode only supports macOS",
+ "": "&Continue",
+ "": "&Submit",
+ "dialog.appCloudPackage.title": "App cloud package",
+ "msgbox.certificateWrong.desc.error": "The information of IOS, Google developer certificate is wrong, please input the right information.",
+ "msgbox.iosCertificateWrong.desc.error": "The information of developer certificate of ios is wrong, please input the right information.",
+ "msgbox.googleCertificateWrong.desc.error": "The information of developer certificate of Google is wrong, please input the right information.",
+ "label.profileIsEmpty.error": "Profile cannot be empty",
+ "label.profileNotExist.error": "The profile file does not exist",
+ "label.privateKeyIsEmpty.error": "The privateKey certificate cannot be empty",
+ "label.certificateAliasIsEmpty.error": "The certificate alias cannot be empty",
+ "label.certificateIsEmpty.error": "Certificate cannot be empty",
+ "label.manifestFileSyntaxError.error": "Manifest.json file syntax error, please check and fix",
+ "label.appidIsEmpty.error": "Bundle ID(AppID) cannot be empty",
+ "label.appidNonstandard.error": "Bundle ID(AppID)can only contain numbers, letters, points, and short crosses. Such as io.dcloud.HBuilder",
+ "label.privateKeyNotExist.error": "can only contain numbers, letters, points, and short crosses",
+ "label.packagenameIsEmpty.error": "Package name cannot be empty",
+ "label.packagenameNonstandard.error": "Package name can only contain numbers, letters, underlines, and at least. It is divided into two paragraphs, each of which must begin with the letter. Such as io.dcloud.HBuilder",
+ "label.certificateFileNotExist.error": "Certificate file does not exist",
+ "label.manifestFileConfigError.error": "Manifest.json file configuration error, please check and fix",
+ "label.manifestFileNodeError.error": "The following node is configured for error in the Manifest.json file, please check and fix",
+ "msgbox.appCloudPackageFail.desc.error": "App cloud package fail",
+ "msgbox.cloudServerReturnsError.desc.error": "Cloud server returns error: {1}",
+ "": "App cloud package success",
+ "": "{1} has been successfully submitted to the cloud server {2}",
+ "label.isEmpty.error": "cannot be empty",
+ "": "The dependency service is being started, please retry later",
+ "label.mustInteger.error": "Must be Integer",
+ "": "&Open certificate directory",
+ "msgbox.signatureFailed.title": "Signature failed",
+ "": "Detail",
+ "": "Apple root certificate is not installed in the current system. Do you want to open the apple certificate directory(after opening, please install the certificate {1})",
+ "label.fileNotExist.error": "File does not exist",
+ "": "[more advertising, more revenue]",
+ "groupbox.Exchange.title": "Exchange",
+ "": "360 ads",
+ "": "Tencent ads",
+ "": "KuaiShou ads",
+ "": "ChuanShanJia ads",
+ "": "KuaiShou content",
+ "groupbox.nativeConfusion.title": "Native Confusion",
+ "": "[more setting]",
+ "msgbox.serverBusyPleaseLater.desc.error": "Cloud server is busy, please try again later",
+ "msgbox.NetworkErrorCheckSettings.desc.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
+ "label.joinChangeAlliance.desc": "Join the exchange alliance, helps your app get more users.",
+ "": "[Settings]",
+ "": "[Detail]",
+ "label.ThereNoManifestFile.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project root directory",
+ "console.projectCancelPackageSuccessfully.warning": "Project {1} [{2}] cancel package successfully",
+ "console.cancelErrorCurrentStatus.warning": "Project {1} [{2}] unable to cancel the package, The current packaging status is as follows:",
+ "console.projectNoPackagingRequest.warning": "Project {1} [{2}] has no packaging request to cancel",
+ "console.cancelErrorPleaseLater.error": "Project {1} [{2}] failed to cancel package, Cloud server is busy, please try again later",
+ "console.cancelFailedCheckNetwork.error": "Project {1} [{2}] failed to cancel package, Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
+ "": "Sending a request to cancel the package of project {1} [{2}]",
+ "": "{1} is being packaged, click here to cancel",
+ "": "&Hide",
+ "": "Release",
+ "": "Custom playground native runner(iOS's Safari remote debug must be use deverloper certificate )",
+ "": "[Configuration Guide]
+ "": "&Update HBuilderX",
+ "msgbox.jailbreakWarning.desc.question": "After packaging with a jailbroken certificate, it can only be installed on a jailbroken phone. Do you want to continue packaging?",
+ "": "&Continue",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "msgbox.splashNotSetAll.desc.question": "{1} splash is not set all, please check continue pack or cancel and set the splash all",
+ "": "Signing Sign your app with certificate",
+ "": "Sign your app with keystore",
+ "": "How to create certificate",
+ "": "detail",
+ "msgbox.HBuilderxInconsistentVersion.desc.question": "The local base version is diffrent with the base version of the server, {1}
continue pack or update HBuilderX",
+ "msgbox.inconsistentVersion.desc.question": "
Current version:{1},cloud server version:{2}, more information ",
+ "msgbox.cliInconsistentVersion.desc.question": "The project cli version is diffrent with the cli version of the server,
continue pack or update the project cli version",
+ "msgbox.connectionServerTimedOut.desc.error": "connect server time out, please try again later",
+ "label.textbox.AppID.desc": "Bundle Identifier",
+ "": "detail",
+ "label.plug-inIsTrialVersion.error": "the plugin {1}({2}) is probation, can only used custom or purchase in the plugin market",
+ "label.BundleIDInconsistentPlug-inError.error": "The plugin {1} ios_bundle_id is not the same with iosAppID",
+ "label.BundleIDInconsistentUniPushError.error": "DCloud UniPush binding appid is not the same with iosAppID",
+ "label.packageNameInconsistentPlug-inError.error": "The plugin {1} android_package_name is not the same with androidPackagename",
+ "label.packageNameInconsistentUniPushError.error": "DCloud UniPush binding packageName is not the same with androidPackagename",
+ "": "OK",
+ "msgbox.switchToSafePackaging.desc.question": "This packaging supports local fast packaging mode, which is faster and safer. Should you switch to fast packaging? [Learn more]",
+ "": "&Switch to fast packaging",
+ "": "&Continue cloud packaging",
+ "msgbox.inTheQueue.desc.question": "It was detected that the installation package that was being made in this project was in the cloud queue, and continued packaging would cancel the production and queue up in the cloud team. Do you continue to submit it?",
+ "msgbox.dependOnSafePackaging.desc.question": "Safe pack mode need plugin app-safe-pack do you want install?",
+ "": "safe pack mode need plugin {1},Please install the plug-in first",
+ "msgbox.resultFromServer.title": "Packaging check",
+ "": "Use cloud keystore",
+ "label.insertEncourageSDK.desc": "Integrated rewarded({1}):",
+ "": "Interactive games(BianXianMao)",
+ "msgbox.customBase.title": "The customized dock version is the same as the last version, which will cause the dock not to be automatically updated when running on the phone (it is recommended to modify the version number first). Are you sure you want to continue packaging?",
+ "wechat.login.payment.sharing.same.text": "The UniversalLinks of WeChat login, WeChat payment, and WeChat sharing are inconsistent",
+ "android.googleplay.aab.text": "The Android App Bundle (AAB) format used in the Android platform GooglePlay channel does not currently support safe packaging {1}. The GooglePlay channel package will be submitted to the cloud using the traditional packaging mode. Do you want to continue?",
+ "qq.login.sharing.ulink.text ": "The UniversalLinks of QQ login and QQ sharing are inconsistent",
+ "": "Sina Weibo login and Sina Weibo shared UniversalLinks are inconsistent",
+ "msgbox.bindingspace.text": "The current project has no associated service space. Do you want to continue packaging?"
+ },
+ "AppPackageJob": {
+ "console.checkPackingState.desc": "Check the cloud packing status...",
+ "console.checkPackingResources.desc": "Check packaging resources...",
+ "msgbox.resultFromServer.title": "Packaging check",
+ "console.compressingPackingResources.desc": "Compressing packaging resources...",
+ "console.sendingPackageToCloud.desc": "Sending a package request to the cloud...",
+ "msgbox.serverBusyPleaseLater.desc.error": "Cloud server is busy, please try again later",
+ "msgbox.cloudServerReturnsError.desc.error": "Cloud server returns error: {1}",
+ "msgbox.networkErrorCheckSettings.desc.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
+ "msgbox.inTheQueue.desc.question": "It was detected that the installation package that was being made in this project was in the cloud queue, and continued packaging would cancel the production and queue up in the cloud team. Do you continue to submit it?",
+ "msgbox.fileIsOccupied.desc.error": "File {1} is occupied",
+ "msgbox.projectCompilationFailed.desc.error": "The project compilation failed, please check the details in the console",
+ "console.projectCompilationFailed.desc": "The project compilation failed, please check the details in HBuilder X console.",
+ "console.compilingPackingResources.desc": "Compiling packing resources...",
+ "console.serverTimeoutPleaseLater.desc": "Connect server time out, please try again later or check the resources whether or not is too large",
+ "console.fileNotExists.desc": "Upload file failed, file not exists!",
+ "console.filePermissionDenied.desc": "Upload file failed, file permission denied!"
+ },
+ "AppPackProgressDialog": {
+ "dialog.appCloudPackage.title": "App cloud package"
+ },
+ "AppPackStatusCheckThread": {
+ "console.projectPackagingSuccess.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] packaging success:",
+ "console.projectCustomPackagingSuccess.edsc": ",Project {1} [{2}] custom packaging success,",
+ "console.projectPackagingSuccessDownloading.edsc": "Project {1} [{2}] packaging success and is downloading:",
+ "": "Download: ",
+ "console.packagingFailedFailureLog.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] packaging failed, Failure log:",
+ "console.theUrlIsTemporary.desc": "The url is temporary, The download time and frequency is limited, can not be used for official release",
+ "console.projectCustomPackagingSuccess.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] custom packaging success:",
+ "console.path.desc": "Path:",
+ "console.selectUseCustomBase.desc": "Select Run->Run In Mobile->Select Base->Use Custom Base, and run again",
+ "console.custombaseNotUpdateRelease.desc": "Notes: The custom base can not publish, and can not update resources out of HBuilderX",
+ "console.type.desc": "Type:",
+ "console.iOSJailbreak.desc": "IOS Jailbreak",
+ "console.iOSAppstore.desc": "IOS Appstore",
+ "console.androidPublicCertificate.desc": "Android DCloud certificate",
+ "console.androidPublicTestCertificate.desc": "Android public test certificate",
+ "console.androidOwnCertificate.desc": "Android own certificate",
+ "console.projectFastPackagingSuccessed.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] fast packaging successed on cloud,We will continue to pack on local."
+ },
+ "AppPackStatusManager": {
+ "console.packageStatusOfProject.desc": "Package status of project a {1} [{2}] :",
+ "console.localPackFailed.desc": "Local pack failed,please retry or package by cloud.",
+ "console.seeErrorLog.desc": "View Error Log",
+ "": "Channel({1})",
+ "console.openApkDir.desc": "[Open apk dir]",
+ "console.time.desc": "Time:",
+ "console.type.desc": "Type:",
+ "console.iOSJailbreak.desc": "iOS Jailbreak",
+ "console.iOSAppstore.desc": "iOS Appstore",
+ "console.androidPublicCertificate.desc": "Android DCloud certificate",
+ "console.androidPublicTestCertificate.desc": "Android public test certificate",
+ "console.androidOwnCertificate.desc": "Android own certificate",
+ "console.state.desc": "Status:",
+ "console.packageSuccessed.desc": "Packaging sucess",
+ "console.packageLocation.desc": "Package Location:",
+ "console.packageFailed.desc": "Packaging failure",
+ "console.haveBeenCancelled.desc": "Has been cancelled",
+ "console.inQueue.desc": "In queue",
+ "console.beingPrepared.desc": "Being prepared",
+ "console.packing.desc": "Packing",
+ "console.localPacking.desc": "Local packing (please don't close HBuilderX)",
+ "": "Download:",
+ "console.noPackagingInformation.desc": "No packaging information",
+ "console.errorLog.desc": "Error log:",
+ "console.successfullySubmittedCloud.desc": "Project {1} [{2}] has been successfully submitted to the cloud, the current packaging status is:",
+ "console.autoReturnDownloadLink.desc": "It will return download link automatically after packaging success.",
+ "console.queryPackageStatus.desc": "You can query packaging status through menu [publish]-[view status].",
+ "console.waitingInLine.desc": "There is a long queuing line at peak hours on Friday evening. Please be patient.",
+ "console.debuggingUseCustomBase.desc": "If it is for the 3rd party SDK debugging, use a custom base (menu run - mobile phone or simulator - make a custom base), and don't pack it repeatedly.",
+ "": "Android Cloud Certificate",
+ "console.googleaabplatform.text": "The Android platform GooglePlay channel uses the Android App Bundle (AAB) format, which cannot be directly installed on the mobile phone.",
+ "console.selectSpace.text": "You can click the {1} button to select the service space and the installation package will be uploaded through the front-end web hosting",
+ "console.webhostingsuccess.text": "After the front-end web hosting upload is successful, the console will display the download address of the installation package",
+ "console.aab.detail": "Details"
+ },
+ "AutoCompletionListUI": {
+ "window.Form.title": ""
+ },
+ "BeautifyFormator": {
+ "console.configPathOfNode.desc": "Please configure the node.exe path correctly in the setting file"
+ },
+ "BrowersUtils": {
+ "console.setting.desc": "Setting",
+ "console.pathFind.desc": "path, found in the default settings",
+ "console.nodeToUserSettings.desc": "Node, and copy it to the user settings, and then set",
+ "console.value.desc": "value",
+ "msgbox.fileNotSave.desc.question": "Please save current file!",
+ "": "&Save file",
+ "": "",
+ "msgbox.cantOpenThisFile.desc.question": "The built-in server does not support opening this type of file, please configure the web server",
+ "msgbox.fileNeedsToCompiled.desc.question": "The vue file cannot be run directly to the browser and needs to be compiled. If it is a web project, please run the npm command. If it is a uni-app project, please check whether the project type is correct, see"
+ },
+ "BuiltinBrowserHelper": {
+ "": "The Built-In Browser plug-in is being upgraded, please wait...",
+ "": "The Built-In Browser plug-in upgrade is complete!",
+ "msgbox.doesNotInstallBrowser.desc.question": "The plug-in [Built-In Browser] is not installed, download and install it now?",
+ "msgbox.downloadBrowserFailed.desc.question": "The download of the Built-In Browser plug-in failed. Do you want to try to download it again?",
+ "": "Downloading Built-In Browser plug-in...",
+ "": "Installing the Built-In Browser plug-in..."
+ },
+ "BuiltinPreViewBrowser": {
+ "": "Web Browser",
+ "msgbox.associatedFileNotFound.desc.warning": "The DOM node associated file was not found."
+ },
+ "CompileSetiingDialog": {
+ "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
+ "": "Browsing...",
+ "label.lineeditWEAppDevToolsPath.desc": "WeChat developer tool path:",
+ "label.lineeditCompilePath.desc": "Compile Path:",
+ "editor.setting.title": "Setting",
+ "": "Note that the selection of the installation directory is like: D:/Program Files/Tencent/WeChat web developer tools, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "label.compileweAppProjectPath.desc": "Compile into the path of the WeChat project, you can open the directory with WeChat developer tools",
+ "": "Note that the selection of the installation directory is like: D:/Program Files/Tencent/WeChat web developer tools, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "": "Note that the selection of the installation directory is like: /Applications/, if it is not installed, please go to download",
+ "label.WeChatDeveloperDirectory.desc": "uni-app relies on WeChat developer tools, please specify the tool installation directory:",
+ "label.pleaseSelectRightPath.error": "Please select the correct installation path of WeChat Developer Tools!",
+ "label.macPleaseSelectRightPath.error": "Please choose the correct stable version of WeChat Developer Tools installation path!"
+ },
+ "Configuration": {
+ "msgbox.fileChangedPleaseSave.desc.critical": "{1} The file has been modified and the configuration cannot be written. Please save the file {1} first,and try again.",
+ "msgbox.settings.json.desc.critical": "Settings.json",
+ "msgbox.writeErrorPleaseCheck.desc.critical": "{1} file cannot be written. Please check the disk or file permissions.",
+ "msgbox.syntaxErrorClearError.desc.critical": "{1} syntax error, Please clear the error and try again."
+ },
+ "ConfigurationEditPart": {
+ "editor.settings.json.title": "Settings.json",
+ "label.defaultSettings.desc": "Default settings (cannot be modified directly, please copy to the right)",
+ "label.userSettings.desc": "User settings (copy the content on the left to the right and modify it to take effect)",
+ "editor.keybindings.json.title": "Keybindings.json",
+ "editor.external-commands.json.title": "External-commands.json"
+ },
+ "ConfigurationSplitEdit": {
+ "label.defaultSettings.desc": "Default settings (cannot be modified directly, please copy to the right)",
+ "label.userSettings.desc": "User settings (copy the content on the left to the right and modify it to take effect)",
+ "label.built-inSnippets.desc": "Built-in code block (cannot be modified directly)",
+ "label.customSnippets.desc": "Custom code block (valid after saving)"
+ },
+ "SnippetsConfig": {
+ "text.noBuilt-inSnippets.writefile": "No built-in code block"
+ },
+ "ContentAssist": {
+ "label.leftBookTitle.tooltips": "《",
+ "label.rightBookTitle.tooltips": "》"
+ },
+ "Core": {
+ "dialog.showLeftSidebar.desc": "",
+ "dialog.hideLeftSidebar.desc": "",
+ "dialog.showRightSidebar.desc": "",
+ "dialog.hideRightSidebar.desc": "",
+ "dialog.Qt.desc": "",
+ "dialog.environment.desc": "",
+ "dialog.clearMenu.desc": "",
+ "dialog.configure.desc": "",
+ "dialog.openPreferencesDialog.desc": "",
+ "dialog.openOptionsDialog.desc": ""
+ },
+ "Core::IFindFilter": {
+ "tooltip.caseSensitive.desc": "",
+ "tooltip.wholeWords.desc": "",
+ "tooltip.regularExpressions.desc": "",
+ "tooltip.preserveCase.desc": "",
+ "tooltip.flags.desc": "",
+ "tooltip.none.desc": "",
+ "tooltip., .desc": ""
+ },
+ "Core::QICore": {
+ "dialog.basedOnQt.desc": ""
+ },
+ "Core::SearchResultWindow": {
+ "dialog.searchResults.desc": ""
+ },
+ "CursorPositionWidget": {
+ "statusbar.row.desc": "Line:",
+ "statusbar.column.desc": "Column:",
+ "statusbar.lines.desc": " Line",
+ "statusbar.charsSelected.desc": " Chars selected",
+ "statusbar.selections.desc": "Selections"
+ },
+ "DebugDeviceThread": {
+ "console.proxyServerStart.desc": "The debugging server has been started, the address is:",
+ "console.notFindIP.error": "The current computer cannot find the ip that the mobile phone can access through the network, please check the network connection (opening the firewall, enabling the system proxy, etc. may lead to undetected)",
+ "console.lookingForIpThat.desc": "Looking for",
+ "console.canConnected.desc": " The local ip that can be connected",
+ "console.prepareToStartServer.desc": "It is the ip that the debugging device can connect through the network, and it is preparing to start the debugging server",
+ "console.prepareStartProxyServer.desc": "Prepare to start proxy server",
+ "console.startProxyServerFail.error": "Proxy server failed to start"
+ },
+ "DeviceLauncher": {
+ "console.miniAppWechat.title": "miniApp - wechat",
+ "console.uni-appPreview.title": "uni-app - preview",
+ "console.miniAppBaidu.title": "miniApp - baidu",
+ "console.miniAppAlipay.title": "miniApp - alipay",
+ "console.miniAppBytedance.title": "miniApp - bytedance",
+ "console.miniAppQQ.title": "miniApp - QQ"
+ },
+ "DeviceRemoteDebugAppWidget": {
+ "window.Form.title": "",
+ "label.other.desc": "Other",
+ "***webview in %1": "webview in {1}"
+ },
+ "DeviceRemoteDebugUrlWidget": {
+ "window.Form.title": "",
+ "label.desc.desc": "",
+ "label.Inspect.desc": "Inspect(调试)"
+ },
+ "DeviceRemoteDebugWidget": {
+ "window.Form.title": "",
+ "label.device.desc": "Device: {1} - {2}",
+ "widget.iosWarn.title": "(Some devices do not support Chrome debugging, please use Safari for debugging)",
+ "label.iosNotFoundRunning.desc": "No running debug dock app is detected on the phone:
1.Note that the HBuilder base is a certificate issued and cannot be debugged. Please use the commissioning certificate to package the custom base for commissioning
2.Run the custom base, can make custom package , and run the custom base
3.The other reference Webview remote debug FAQ ",
+ "label.androidNotFoundRunning.desc": "No running debug dock app is detected on the phone :
1. Manually run the debugging application on the phone, for example HBuilder
2. Run a custom debugging base, which can click make , and then run the custom debugging base
3.The other reference Webview remote debug FAQ "
+ },
+ "EditorSashContainer": {
+ "tooltip.closeTab(Ctrl+W).desc": "Close Tab(Ctrl+W)",
+ "tooltip.closeTab(Command+W).desc": "Close Tab(⌘+W)"
+ },
+ "ExportWGT": {
+ "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
+ "": "&New",
+ "": "&Refresh",
+ "button.openService.desc": "Open Service",
+ "": " The full name of wgt is widget, which is a front-end application resource pack.
reference: App resource online upgrade
+ "": "Browser...",
+ "": "Enable js native confusion",
+ "": "Enable js/nvue native confusion",
+ "": "[Configuration Guide]
+ "dialog.ExportWGT.title": "Export wgt package",
+ "dialog.publishH5.title": "Publish H5",
+ "dialog.publishWeapp.title": "Publish weapp",
+ "dialog.publishBaiduApp.title": "Publish baiduApp",
+ "dialog.publishAlipayApp.title": "Publish alipayApp",
+ "dialog.publishBytedanceApp.title": "Publish bytedanceApp",
+ "dialog.publishQqApp.title": "Publish qqApp",
+ "dialog.publish360App.title": "Publish 360App",
+ "dialog.publishHuaweiQuickApp.title": "Publish huaweiQuickApp",
+ "dialog.publishQuickAppUnion.title": "Publish quickAppUnion",
+ "": "Issue as mixed subcontract",
+ "lineedit.pleaseEnterSubcontractName.placeholder": "Please enter subcontract name",
+ "": " View mixed subcontract ",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeTitle.placeholder": "Please enter title",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeDomain.placeholder": "Please enter domain",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeWeAppName.placeholder": "Please enter weApp Name",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeWeAppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter weApp appID",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeBaiduAppName.placeholder": "Please enter baiduApp Name",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeBaiduApp appId.placeholder": "Please enter baiduApp appId",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeBlipayAppName.placeholder": "Please enter alipayApp Name",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeAlipayAppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter alipayApp appId",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeBytedanceAppName.placeholder": "Please enter bytedanceApp Name",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeBytedanceApp appId.placeholder": "Please enter bytedanceApp appID",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeQqAppName.placeholder": "Please enter qqApp Name",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypeQqAppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter qqApp appID",
+ "lineedit.pleaseType360AppName.placeholder": "Please enter 360App Name",
+ "lineedit.pleaseType360AppAppId.placeholder": "Please enter 360App appId",
+ "label.titleCanNotBeNull.error": "Title can not be null",
+ "label.domainCanNotBeNull.error": "Domain can not be null",
+ "label.weAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "WeAppName can not be null",
+ "label.weApp appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "WeApp appId can not be null",
+ "label.baiduAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "BaiduAppName can not be null",
+ " appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "Baidu appId can not be null",
+ "label.alipayAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "AlipayAppName can not be null",
+ " appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "Alipay appId can not be null",
+ "label.bytedanceAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "BytedanceAppName can not be null",
+ "label.bytedance appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "Bytedance appId can not be null",
+ "label.qqAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "QQApp Name can not be null",
+ "label.qq appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "QQ appId can not be null",
+ "label.360AppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "360App Name can not be null",
+ "label.huaweiAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "HuaWeiApp Name can not be null",
+ "label.quickAppUnionNameCanNotBeNull.error": "QuickAppUnion Name can not be null",
+ "label.360 appIdCanNotBeNull.error": "360 appId can not be null",
+ "label.subcontractNameCanNotBeEmpty.error": "Subcontract name cannot be empty",
+ "label.lineedit.title.desc": "Site title",
+ "label.lineedit.domain.desc": "Website domain name",
+ "label.lineedit.staticDeploy.desc": "Static deploy",
+ "label.lineedit.weAppName.desc": "WeChat miniApp name",
+ "label.lineedit.weAppAppid.desc": "WeChat miniApp appId",
+ "label.lineedit.baiduAppName.desc": "Baidu miniapp name",
+ "label.lineedit.alipayAppName.desc": "Alipay miniapp name",
+ "label.lineedit.baiduAppId.desc": "Baidu miniapp AppId",
+ "label.lineedit.alipayAppId.desc": "Alipay miniapp AppId",
+ "label.lineedit.bytedanceAppName.desc": "Bytedance miniapp name",
+ "label.lineedit.bytedanceAppId.desc": "Bytedance miniapp appId",
+ "label.lineedit.qqAppName.desc": "QQ miniapp name",
+ "label.lineedit.qqAppId.desc": "QQ minapp appId",
+ "label.lineedit.360AppName.desc": "360 miniapp name",
+ "label.lineedit.huaweiAppName.desc": "Huawei miniapp name",
+ "label.lineedit.quickAppUnionName.desc": "QuickAppUnion name",
+ "label.lineedit.360AppId.desc": "360 miniapp appId",
+ "": "&Advanced",
+ "": "&Publish",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&Generate wgt",
+ "label.wgtDetails.desc": "wgt full name is widget,is the front-end package.
it can be used to [App update] or [uni-app publish]。
Please select the storage path of the wgt package for the application {1}:
+ "label.beCompiledAndDeploied.desc": "Deploy the compiled resources to",
+ "label.uniCloud-webHosting.desc": "[uniCloud-Front-end web hosting] (Free server, faster access speed)",
+ "groupbox.cloudSpaceList.title": "Cloud space list(Only support for aliyun)",
+ "": "cloud space {1} has not been opened.",
+ "": "&Open",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "dialog.publishkuaishouApp.title": "Kuaishou applet issuance",
+ "lineedit.pleaseTypekuaishouAppName.placeholder": "Enter the name of the fast hand applet",
+ "label.kuaishouAppNameCanNotBeNull.error": "Kuaishou app name cannot be empty",
+ "label.lineedit.kuaishouAppUnionName.desc": "Kuaishou applet name",
+ "checkBox.ssrCheck.text": "Issued by SSR",
+ "": "(Currently does not support deployment to front-end web hosting,Help)"
+ },
+ "ExternalCommand": {
+ "msgbox.externalCommand.title": "External command",
+ "": "This external command uses variable ${projectDir}, and you need to select a file in a project to run",
+ "": "This external command uses predefined variables, and you need to select a file to run",
+ "": "Download",
+ "": "&Download",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "msgbox.externalProgramNotFound.desc": "The use of this plug-in depends on the external application {1}, which is not detected by this machine,",
+ "msgbox.pleaseDownloadAndInstall.desc.warning": "Please download and install the app, then retry!",
+ "msgbox.clickDownloadAndInstall.desc.question": "Please click download and install, then retry!",
+ "": "&Download it",
+ "": "&Use System Shell",
+ "msgbox.notInstallBuilt-inTerminal.desc.question": "Did not install the Built-In Terminal plug-in, is it downloaded? Or use an external command line to open it.",
+ "msgbox.pluginIsNotInstalled.desc.warning": "The plugin is not installed or unloaded, please install or wait!",
+ "msgbox.pluginAnyNotInstalled.desc.warning": "The plugin {1} is not installed, please wait!",
+ "msgbox.pluginAnyIsInstalling.desc.warning": "The plugin {1} is installing, please wait!",
+ "msgbox.pluginAnyInstallFailed.desc.warning": "The plugin {1} is install failed, please reinstall",
+ "dialog.needInput.desc": "Please enter the necessary information"
+ },
+ "FileReplaceDialog": {
+ "": "&Apply to all",
+ "": "&Merge and compare",
+ "": "&Continue to replace",
+ "": "&Change to merge",
+ "": "&Replace",
+ "": "&Skip",
+ "": "&Merge",
+ "": "&Cover",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&Stop",
+ "msgbox.fileExistedPleaseNext.desc.question": "The target file {1} has been existed, please choice next?",
+ "msgbox.directoryNotUse(GIT/SVN).desc.question": "The current project in this directory does not use the source control tool (GIT / SVN). Do you want to continue to replace?",
+ "msgbox.continueWithReplacement.desc.question": "Note: \"Replace\" will delete the entire contents of the directory {1} to the recycle bin, and then copy the new file"
+ },
+ "FileWizard": {
+ "mui html" : "Html file containing mui",
+ "empty" : "Empty File",
+ "simple" : "Simple Template",
+ "default component" : "Default Template Component",
+ "scss component" : "Template component using scss",
+ "less component" : "Template component using less",
+ "stylus component" : "Template component using stylus",
+ "typescript component": "Template component using typescript",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputJQLName.placeholder": "please input a jql name",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputUniModuleName.placeholder": "Please input a uniModule name",
+ "msgbox.cloudFunctionNameExist.desc.question": "The Cloud Function Name had been exist, continue?",
+ "": "&Continue",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&No",
+ "msgbox.cloudSameNameExists.desc.question": "The same name {1} already exists in the cloud. Pull the same name {2} from the cloud or continue to create locally?",
+ "": "Cloud pull",
+ "": "Local creation",
+ "": "New {1}",
+ "textbox.location.placeholder": "Location",
+ "": "Browser",
+ "": "&Create",
+ "dialog.otherFile.title.part": " Other file",
+ "dialog.file.title.part": " File",
+ "dialog.dir.title.part": " Dir",
+ "": " Page",
+ "dialog.component.title.part": " Component",
+ "dialog.template.title.part": "&New from template",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputFileName.placeholder": "Please enter file name",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputDirName.placeholder": "Please input a dir name",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputPageName.placeholder": "Please input a page name",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputComponentName.placeholder": "Please enter the component name",
+ "label.selectminiprogram.title": "Choose Subcontracting:",
+ "checkbox.createdir.title": "Create same name directory",
+ "": "[ Custom template ]",
+ "label.dirCannotBeEmpty.error": "Dir name cannot be empty",
+ "label.pageNameCannotEmpty.error": "Page name cannot be empty",
+ "label.noNeedExtensionName.error": "Page name no need extension name",
+ "label.functionNotBeCommon.error": "Cloud function name could not be common",
+ "label.containUpperLetter.error": "Common module name could contain upper letter",
+ "label.componentNameBeEmpty.error": "Component name cannot be empty",
+ "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "Project name contains invalid characters",
+ "label.commonModuleCannotEmpty.error": "Common module name cannot be empty",
+ "label.locationIsNotValid.error": "Location is not valid",
+ "label.locationIsNotFolder.error": "Location is not a folder",
+ "label.alreadyExists.error": "A file with the same name already exists at the location",
+ "label.templateFileReadFail.error": "Template file read fail...",
+ "label.canNotWriteFile.error": "Failed to write file...",
+ "": "Page {1} has been automatically added to pages.json",
+ "dialog.nvue.title.part": "",
+ "groupbox.Template.title": "Select template",
+ "combobox.bothFile.desc": "New vue and nvue file",
+ "combobox.vueFile.desc": "New vue file",
+ "combobox.nvueFile.desc": "New nvue file",
+ "combobox.mainPackage.desc": "Main package",
+ "gropubox.123.title": "",
+ "dialog.other.title.part": "",
+ "dialog.cloudFun.title.part": "Cloud fun",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputFunctionName.placeholder": "Please input a function name",
+ "dialog.commonModule.title.part": "Common module",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputModuleName.placeholder": "Please input a module name",
+ "msgbox.sameNameAlreadyExists.desc.error": "A cloud function with the same name already exists at this location",
+ "label.invalidFileName.error": "Invalid file name",
+ "console.databaseSchema.desc": "Database Schema",
+ "console.validateFunction.desc": "Database extension check function",
+ "selected.location.same.text": "The selected location already exists with the same name{1}"
+ },
+ "CNewUniappPage": {
+ "label.pagesIsNotValid.error": "There is an error in the engineering configuration file pages.json file, please adjust and try again",
+ "label.jsonFormatNotGood.error": "There is a syntax error in the page style content registered in pages.json",
+ "": "{1} Get more templates in the plug-in market {2}",
+ "msgbox.cloudFunctionBeenExist.desc.question": "The Cloud Function Name had been exist, continue?",
+ "": "&Continue",
+ "": "&No",
+ "": "New {1}",
+ "textbox.location.placeholder": "Location",
+ "": "Browser",
+ "": "&Create",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "dialog.otherFile.title.part": " Other File",
+ "dialog.file.title.part": " File",
+ "dialog.dir.title.part": " Dir",
+ "": " Page",
+ "dialog.component.title.part": " Component",
+ "dialog.template.title.part": "&New from template",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputDirName.placeholder": "Please input a dir name",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputPageName.placeholder": "Please input a page name",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputComponentName.placeholder": "Please input a component name",
+ "": "Custom templates",
+ "": "Author:",
+ "label.detail.desc": "Detail",
+ "label.dirCannotBeEmpty.error": "Dir name cannot be empty",
+ "label.pageNameCannotEmpty.error": "Page name cannot be empty",
+ "label.noNeedExtensionName.error": "Just the English name, no need the extension",
+ "label.functionNotBeCommon.error": "Cloud function name could not be common",
+ "label.containUpperLetter.error": "Common module name could contain upper letter",
+ "label.componentNameBeEmpty.error": "Component name cannot be empty",
+ "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "Project name contains invalid characters",
+ "label.commonModuleCannotEmpty.error": "Common module name cannot be empty",
+ "label.locationIsNotValid.error": "Location is not valid",
+ "label.locationIsNotFolder..error": "Location is not a folder",
+ "label.alreadyExists.error": "A file with the same name already exists at the location",
+ "label.templateFileReadFail.error": "Failed to read template file...",
+ "label.cancelProgressOrError.error": "Operation was cancelled or execution error...",
+ "label.canNotWriteFile.error": "Failed to write file...",
+ "": "Page {1} has been automatically added to pages.json",
+ "dialog.nvue.title.part": "",
+ "groupbox.Template.title": "Select template",
+ "combobox.bothFile.desc": "New vue and nvue file",
+ "combobox.vueFile.desc": "New vue file",
+ "combobox.nvueFile.desc": "New nvue file",
+ "combobox.mainPackage.desc": "Main package",
+ "gropubox.123.title": "",
+ "dialog.other.title.part": "",
+ "dialog.cloudFun.title.part": "Cloud fun",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputFunctionName.placeholder": "Please input a function name",
+ "dialog.commonModule.title.part": "Common module",
+ "textbox.pleaseInputModuleName.placeholder": "Please input a module name",
+ "msgbox.sameNameAlreadyExists.desc.error": "A cloud function with the same name already exists at this location",
+ "***missing pages": "Files in the template are missing",
+ "***no valid parameters in source pages.json": "The content of the template pages.json file is incorrect",
+ "***current template is not a valid one.": "There is an error in the current template data, please adjust and try again",
+ "checkbox.createdir.title": "Create same name directory",
+ "checkbox.registerpage.title": "Register in pages.json",
+ "label.selectApp.title": "Choose Subcontracting:"
+ },
+ "FloatImgUI": {
+ "dialog.Form.title": ""
+ },
+ "JsonForm": {
+ "": "Source View",
+ "tooltip.JSONFileSyntaxError.error": "JSON file syntax error",
+ "tooltip.thereAreSomeErrors.error": "There are some errors in the {1} that need to be fixed"
+ },
+ "JsonFormAppidElement": {
+ "": "Reacquire",
+ "": "Acquiring...",
+ "msgbox.reacquisitioningAppidManyProblems.desc.warning": "Re-obtaining AppId will cause many problems. For details, please refer to: DCloud AppID Instructions , continue?",
+ "": "&Continue",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "tooltip.onlyAvailableToUse.desc": "This feature is only available to users who have logged in",
+ "": "Please log in first, then use the cloud to get the Appid function",
+ "msgbox.title.inputAppidFirst": "Please enter the appid first, and then get the universal link"
+ },
+ "UniAppSplashJsonFormPage": {
+ "button.ok.description": "Confirm(&O)",
+ "button.cancel.description": "Cancel(&C)",
+ "msgbox.title.warning": "According to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology’s special rectification requirements for APP infringing on user rights, a privacy policy-related prompt box needs to pop up when application runs. No configuration will not pass application market review. Confirm not to use the npps prompt box?"
+ },
+ "JsonFormFile": {
+ "": "Browse..."
+ },
+ "JsonFormText": {
+ "label.unsupportedFormatsGoSourceView.placeholder": "Unsupported formats, please set in source view"
+ },
+ "JsonFormArrayElement": {
+ "": "Add item",
+ "": "Delete selected item",
+ "dialog.emptyList.desc": "Empty list",
+ "dialog.inputNewItem.desc": "Input new item"
+ },
+ "JsonFormGenerateImage": {
+ "checkbox.Don`": "Don`t replace manually set icons",
+ "": "All icons are automatically generated and replaced",
+ "": "Browse generated icons dir...",
+ "tooltip.iconSavePath.desc": "Icon save path: unpackage/res/icons"
+ },
+ "JsonFormImage": {
+ "": "Browse..."
+ },
+ "JsonFormLink": {
+ "": "Edit in source view"
+ },
+ "KeyBindingsManager": {
+ "": "Resolve &Conflict",
+ "": "OK",
+ "msgbox.hasBeenModified.desc.warning": "Unsaved content has been detected in the shortcut key configuration",
+ "msgbox.pleaseSaveItFirst.warning": "Please save it first."
+ },
+ "LoginDialog": {
+ "Account or password error": "Account or password error",
+ "textbox.enterPassword.placeholder": "Enter password",
+ "": "Forget password",
+ "": "Login",
+ "": "No account? Sign up",
+ "": "Already have an account, login now",
+ "": "Sign up",
+ "textbox.e-mail.placeholder": "Email",
+ "label.serverBusyPleaseLater.error": "The server is busy, please try again later",
+ "label.NetworkFailedCheckNetwork.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
+ "label.emailHasBeenRegistered.error": "This email has been registered. Please log in using your password",
+ "label.sentEmailYourMailbox.error": "We have sent an email to your mailbox, please click the link in the mailbox to retrieve your password",
+ "label.pleaseInputEmail.error": "Please input email",
+ "label.emailFormatIsIncorrect.error": "Email format is incorrect",
+ "label.pleaseInputPassword.error": "Please input password",
+ "label.accountDoesNotExist.error": "The account does not exist. Please confirm that the registered account is entered",
+ "": "China",
+ "": "Global"
+ },
+ "NVueCompiler": {
+ "console.projectStartCompiling.desc": "Project '{1}' start compiling ...",
+ "console.absenceOfNodejsEnvironment.error": "The nodejs environment is missing, please configure the installation path of nodejs in the settings",
+ "console.noManifest.jsonFile.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
+ "console.cannotOpenManifest.error": "Cannot open manifest.json",
+ "console.idIsEmpty.error": "'id' in manifest.json is Empty",
+ "": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please re-run",
+ "": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please reissue",
+ "console.downloadToolsFailed.error": "Compilation plug-in download failed, please check the network status and system proxy settings",
+ "": "Plug-in tools are downloading, please try again later",
+ "console.projectIsNotExists.error": "Project is not exists",
+ "text.writing.desc": "[Writing]",
+ "console.projectCompilingEnd.desc": "Project '{1}' Compiling success.",
+ "console.toolsUnloadedPleaseWait.error": "The tools is unloaded, please wait",
+ "console.toolsUninstalledPleaseWait.error": "The tools is uninstalled, please wait",
+ "console.toolsInstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is installing, please wait(If the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again)",
+ "console.toolsReinstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is reinstalling, please wait!",
+ "console.thePluginInstallFailed.error": "The plugin {1} is install failed, please use the 'npm install ' command to install"
+ },
+ "NodeServer": {
+ "": "Failed to download the built-in server plug-in! Please check the network!",
+ "": "The built-in server download is complete!",
+ "msgbox.built-inServerNotRunning.desc.question": "The built-in server failed to start. If the permission query box pops up, be sure to click Allow. If you click Reject by mistake, you need to find the Windows firewall in the control panel, and click on \" Allowed applications or functions through windows firewall \" on the left. If you do not start the built-in server, you can also open it as a file.",
+ "": "&Set, try again",
+ "": "&Open local file in browser",
+ "": "&Ignore if already opened",
+ "": "Built-in server plug-in is downloading...",
+ "": "&Wait plugin install"
+ },
+ "NodeServerThread": {
+ "": "Can not find node, please check it.",
+ "console.serverStartFail.error": "The built-in server failed to start, click the menu for more information: Help - View operation log.",
+ "console.serverStartAt.desc": "The built-in server has been started, port:"
+ },
+ "PlatformFileUtils": {
+ "msgbox.remoteTargetHasReplace.desc.warning": "Remote target has a same file named \"{1}\". Do you want to replace it?",
+ "": "File is being used.",
+ "": "Retry",
+ "": "Skip",
+ "": "Stop",
+ "": "copy",
+ "label.readyToCopy.desc": "Ready to copy...",
+ "msgbox.title.replaceAndTips": "A file named {1} already exists at this location. Do you want to replace it with the item you are moving?",
+ "": "move",
+ "label.readyToMove.desc": "Ready to move...",
+ "": "Cancel",
+ "label.copyingFile.desc": "Copying file: {1}",
+ "label.movingFile.desc": "Moving file: {1}",
+ "msgbox.sourceDestinationsameParentFolder.desc": "The source and destination have the same parent folder.",
+ "msgbox.sourceDestinationWasInvalid.desc": "The path in the source or destination or both was invalid.",
+ "msgbox.destinationSubtreeSource.desc": "The destination is a subtree of the source.",
+ "msgbox.cannotMovedOrRenamed.desc": "The source is a root directory, which cannot be moved or renamed."
+ },
+ "PluginMannager": {
+ "": "&Install",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "console.downloadingDependentPleaseLater.error": "Downloading dependent plugins, please try again later.",
+ "console.downloadDependentPluginFailed.error": "Failed to download dependent plugins, please check the network.",
+ "": "Downloading Plugin [{1}]...",
+ "msgbox.pluginDownloadFailed.desc.warning": "Plugin [{1}] download failed.",
+ "": "Installing Plugin [{1}]...",
+ "": "Plugin [{1}] is installed.",
+ "": "Uninstalling Plugin [{1}]...",
+ "": "Plugin [{1}] is uninstalled.",
+ "msgbox.pluginUninstallFailed.desc.warning": "The plugin [{1}] failed to uninstall. Please go to Plugin in the HBuilderX directory to manually delete the plugin directory. Because the total number of files deleted by the OS at one time is limited, please delete files in batches if necessary.",
+ "not support ssr to cef": "Vue3 cli project is not supported to run to the built-in browser, please run in Google Chrome"
+ },
+ "PluginsDialog": {
+ "dialog.Dialog.title": "",
+ "": "&Close",
+ "dialog.pluginInstall.title": "Plugin Install",
+ "label.Installed.desc": "Installed",
+ "": "Config",
+ "": "Remove",
+ "label.Downloading.desc": "Downloading",
+ "label.Installing.desc": "Installing",
+ "": "Install",
+ "label.Uninstalling.desc": "Uninstalling",
+ "": "Plugin install succeed,you can use it from Tool - \" or External Commands - {1}\".",
+ "msgbox.unInstallThePlugin.desc.question": "Do you want to unInstall the plugin?",
+ "notify.downloadFailedCheckNet.error": "Plugin [{1}] download failed, please check your network!",
+ "notify.pluginInstallFailed.error": "Plugin [{1}] install failed.",
+ "": "Plugin [{1}] install succeed.",
+ "": "Plugin [{1}] unInstall succeed.",
+ "notify.pluginUnInstallFailed.error": "Plugin [{1}] unInstall failed.",
+ "notify.unInstallFailedReason.error": "Please stop the operation of the plugin before uninstalling it.",
+ "": "Node plugin [{1}] install failed,you can use 'npm install' command to reinstall in cmd,
plugin path is {2}",
+ "": "Plugin {1} required version are higher than current version,please upgrade to newest!",
+ "tabbar.installedPlugins.title": "Installed",
+ "tabbar.installNewPlugins.title": "Marketplace",
+ "": "Develop plug-in",
+ "": "Installation offline",
+ "": "&Go to the plugin market to install...",
+ "label.HBuilder core plugin.desc": "HBuilder core plugin",
+ "label.pluginMarket.desc": "Plugin market",
+ "label.HBuilderCorePluginDescription.desc": "This type of plug-in is an integral part of the HBuilderX product. After installation, it will be upgraded with the upgrade of HBuilderX. This type of plug-in does not support installation from the plug-in market.",
+ "label.pluginMarketDescription.desc": "The plug-in market has a wealth of plug-ins, which are installed on the web interface. Note that these third-party plugins have the same local access rights as node.",
+ "": "Update"
+ },
+ "ExtensionJsonFormPage": {
+ "": "Open file {1} for edit."
+ },
+ "PreviouUniAppVueCompiler": {
+ "": "Project '{1}' start compiling...",
+ "": "Project '{1}' compiled successfully.",
+ "console.projectCompilingFailed.warning": "Project '{1}' Compiling failed.",
+ "": "Please see the log of front-end in browser console.",
+ "": "Please see the log of front-end in miniprogram console.",
+ "console.noManifestFile.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
+ "console.cannotOpenManifest.error": "Cannot open manifest.json",
+ "console.AppIDIsEmpty.error": "The appid in manifest.json is empty.",
+ "console.noPagesFile.error": "There is no pages.json file in the project",
+ "console.downloadToolsSuccess.success": "Download tools success, please rerun.",
+ "console.downloadSuccessPleaseRepublish.success": "Download tools success, please republish.",
+ "console.downloadToolsFailed.error": "Download tools failed, please rerun.",
+ "": "It is downloading tools, please wait...",
+ "console.toolsUninstalledPleaseWait.error": "The plugin(s) that depend on this one is waitting for install, please wait and try",
+ "console.toolsReinstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is reinstalling, please wait.",
+ "console.pluginInstallFailed.error": "The plugin {1} is install failed, please use the 'npm install' command to install.",
+ "console.toolsInstallingPleaseWait.error": "The tools is installing, please wait.(If the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again)",
+ "console.projectIsNotExists.error": "Project is not exists.",
+ "console.absenceOfTheNodejsEnvironment.error": "In the absence of the nodejs environment, configure the nodejs path in the settings",
+ "console.uni-appToH5Reference.warning": "Uni-app to H5 reference:",
+ "console.theCurrentVersionLower.error": "The current version of the cli project is low and does not support the running and publishing of the App: 1. You can enter the currently running project directory on the command line, and execute the 'npm update ' and ' vue add @dcloudio/hbuilderx ' commands in turn to manually upgrade and install , 2. Or drag the src directory under the project into HBuilderX to run and publish the App as a separate project, 3. Or re-create a new cli project.",
+ "vue3.onlysupportsH5.text": "Currently Vue3 only supports H5, details:{1}",
+ "console.log.missingplug-ins.desc": "It is not possible to compile because it lacks the necessary plug-ins when compiling.",
+ "msgbox.button.reinstallplugin.desc": "Reinstall the plugin",
+ "msgbox.title.pluginhasmodified.desc": "It is detected that the plug-in code has been tampered with, and there may be security risks. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the plug-in or HBuilderX.",
+ "msgbox.title.isInstall.desc": "Do you need to install?",
+ "***label.depspNotLoad.desc.warning": "Dependency plugin has not been loaded, please try again later"
+ },
+ "ProjectExplorerItemEditor": {
+ "label.project.desc": "Project",
+ "label.file.desc": "File",
+ "label.nameCannotBeEmpty.error": "{1} name cannot be empty",
+ "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "{1} name contains invalid characters",
+ "label.sameNameAlreadyExists.error": "a file with the same name already exists at the current location"
+ },
+ "ProjectExplorerView": {
+ "": "&Extension View",
+ "": "&View Server-Side Web Files",
+ "console.noCloudFunctionDependent.desc": "There is no cloud function dependent on this module..",
+ "": "&Sync with Editor",
+ "menu.When Single": "Sync when Single &Project",
+ "": "&Never Sync",
+ "": "&Always Sync",
+ "": "&Filter",
+ "": "&Collapse All",
+ "": "&No Icon",
+ "": "&Icon Theme",
+ "": "&Show Closed Projects",
+ "menu.ClickExpand/": "&Click Expand/Collapse",
+ "": "&Open the Builtin Explorer when Click Dir",
+ "": "&New",
+ "": "&Cut",
+ "": "&Copy",
+ "": "&Paste",
+ "": "&Rename",
+ "": "Setting &Alias Name",
+ "": "&Collapse Others",
+ "": "&Delete",
+ "": "&Remove Project",
+ "": "&Close Project",
+ "": "...1 other file is not displied",
+ "": "...{1} other files are not displied",
+ "msgbox.removeTheProject(s)Below.desc.question": "Are you sure you want to remove the {1} project(s) below?",
+ "msgbox.file(s)BelowToRecycle.desc.question": "Are you sure you want to delete the {1} file(s) below to Recycle Bin?",
+ "": "The following {1} files already exist in the cloud function directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
+ "msgbox.project.theFolderAlreadyExists.desc.question": "The following {1} files already exist in the project directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
+ "msgbox.removeFile(s)BelowRecycle.desc.question": "Are you sure remove file(s) below to Recycle Bin?",
+ "msgbox.deleteRecyleBinFailed.desc.question": "Delete to recyle bin failed,are you delete directly?",
+ "": "&2.Forder",
+ "": "&New Page",
+ "": "&New Component",
+ "": "&Publish",
+ "": "&Upload Website to Server",
+ "": "&View Server Sites File",
+ "": "&Move to Recycle bin",
+ "": "&Remove to Trash",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&Remove from Project List",
+ "": "&Compare Selected Files",
+ "msgbox.projectNotExistInDisk.desc.warning": "Project \"{1}\" does not exist in disk.",
+ "": "Detect project's type succeed: {1}",
+ "": "&Refresh",
+ "": "&Update Cloud Functions Depends on Current Module",
+ "": "File &Diff",
+ "": "&Uni-App Plugin Market",
+ "": "Open in Explorer View",
+ "console.cloudResourceSynchronizationInterrupted.error": "Cloud resource synchronization interrupted",
+ "console.cloudResourceSynchronizationFailed.error": "Cloud resource synchronization failed,{1}",
+ "msgbox.cloudFunctionAlreadyExists.desc.question": "Cloud function {1} already exists,Please select the next operation.",
+ "msgbox.commonAlreadyExists.desc.question": "Common {1} already exists,Please select the next operation.",
+ "msgbox.uni-clientDB-actionsAlreadyExists.desc.question": "Uni-clientDB-actions {1} already exists,Please select the next operation.",
+ "": "&Replace All",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "console.downloadingCloudFunctions.desc": "Downloading cloud functions {1}",
+ "console.cloudFunctionDownloadedSuccess.success": "Cloud function {1} has been downloaded",
+ "console.downloadingAllCloudFunctions.desc": "Downloading all cloud functions...",
+ "console.cloudFunctionDownloadCompleted.success": "Cloud function download completed",
+ "console.downloadingAllCommonModule.desc": "Downloading all common module...",
+ "console.downloadingCommonModule.desc": "Downloading common module",
+ "console.downloadingCommonModules.desc": "Downloading common module {1}",
+ "console.commonModulesDownloadCompleted.success": "Common module {1} has been downloaded.",
+ "console.commonModuleDownloadCompleted.success": "Common module download completed.",
+ "msgbox.theFolderAlreadyExists.desc.question": "The following {1} files already exist in the common module directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
+ "msgbox.cloudFolderAlreadyExists.desc.question": "The following {1} files already exist in the Cloud function directory. Do you want to overwrite and continue?",
+ "textbox.inputAliasName.placeholder": "Input alias name"
+ },
+ "ProjectWizard": {
+ "label.pleaseTestItFirst.desc": "Please test it first, to avoid negative impact on your data.",
+ "label.newProject.title": "New {1} Project",
+ "textbox.projectName.placeholder": "Project Name",
+ "textbox.Location.placeholder": "Location",
+ "": "Browser",
+ "": "&Create",
+ "label.projectNameCannotEmpty.error": "Project name cannot be empty",
+ "label.nameContainsInvalidCharacters.error": "Project name contains invalid characters",
+ "label.locationIsNotValid.error": "Location is not valid",
+ "label.locationIsNotFolder.error": "Location is not a folder",
+ "label.sameNameAlreadyExists.error": "A file with the same name already exists at the location",
+ "label.alreadyExistsNotCreated.error": "The project already exists and can not be created repeatedly",
+ "label.unableToCreateProject.error": "Unable to create project, please check disk space and directory permissions",
+ "": "&Web",
+ "": "&HBuilderX Extension",
+ "": "&5+App",
+ "": "Wap2&App",
+ "": "&QuickApp",
+ "msgbox.Import.title": "Import from WeChat mini-app",
+ "text.UniApp.desc": "",
+ "": "HTML5+Standard cross-platform App。[Learn more]",
+ "": "Quickly upgrade the wap website to an App with native functional experience. [Learn more]",
+ "": "It is developed once, and it is also released as Android, iOS native App, WeChat, fast application, stream application and many other platforms. [Learn more]",
+ "": "Create HBuilderX plug-ins through JavaScript, customize and enhance HBuilderX, and create a stronger tool.[Learn more]",
+ "": "Fast application conforming to fast application alliance specification.",
+ "label.quicklyGeneratedWeChatApplet.desc": "{1} code can be quickly generated from the WeChat applet",
+ "": "&Uni-app",
+ "": "&Mini app",
+ "": "",
+ "": "WeChat native wxml mini app",
+ "lineedit.wapWebsiteUrl.placeholder": "Wap website url",
+ "label.urlCannotEmpty.error": "Wap website url cannot be empty",
+ "label.websiteUrlInvalid.error": "The wap website url is invalid",
+ "msgbox.pleaseUse[https].desc.question": "the http:// website will be inserted advertisement, very unsafe, suggested use https://",
+ "": "Ignore and continue",
+ "": "Cancel and edit",
+ "groupbox.Template.title": "Select template",
+ "": "Start downloading template [{1}]",
+ "notify.templateDownloadFailed.error": "Template [{1}] download failed",
+ "": "Creating project [{1}]",
+ "notify.projectCreateSucceed.success": "Project {1} create succeed",
+ "": ",this project has [ vue.config.js ] call node to execute, it is highly recommended to check before running.",
+ "notify.projectCreateFailed.error": "Project [{1}] create failed",
+ "notify.projectCreationInterrupted.error": "Project {1} Creation interrupted",
+ "": "uniCloud",
+ "": "Alibaba cloud",
+ "": "Tencent cloud",
+ "": "Detail",
+ "label.fullyAvailableCloudDevelopment.desc": "Only Available in China",
+ "text.csdnUpload.desc": "Upload to Git code hosting platform(CSDN CODECHINA)",
+ "***Use": "Use",
+ "***Don't use": "Don't use"
+ },
+ "ProxyThread": {
+ "console.cannotFindPathOfNode.error": "Can't find node.exe"
+ },
+ "QObject": {
+ "": "Press F1 to Open Help Docs",
+ "snippet.proposal.desc": "From: Snippet",
+ "console.depositService.desc": "deposit service",
+ "console.notSupportService.error": "space '{1}' does not support this service",
+ "console.samenameResourcePleaseRecover.error": "there is same name resource in target, please try --force to recover",
+ "console.cannotGetDpaceList.error": "can not get space list for {1}",
+ "console.cannotAssignSpace.error": "can not assign space ({1}) for {2}",
+ "console.pleaseAssignSpace.desc": "please assign space",
+ "console.missingParam.desc": "missing param '{1}'",
+ "console.missingParamOneOf.error": "missing param one of '{1}'",
+ "console.valueShouldBeOf.error": "{1}'s value '{2}' should be one of '{3}'",
+ "console.isNotValidProject.error": "'{1}' is not a valid project",
+ "console.isNotValidSpace.error": "'{1}' is not a valid space",
+ "console.noResult.desc": "no result",
+ "console.noMoreCloudfunctions.error": "no more cloudfunctions",
+ "console.isNotValidCloudfunction.error": "'{1}' is not a valid cloudfunction",
+ "console.notValidCloudfunctionsCommon.error": "'{1}' is not a valid cloudfunctions common",
+ "console.moreCloudfunctionsCommon.error": "no more cloudfunctions common",
+ "console.noMoreDatabase.error": "no more database",
+ "console.isNotValidDatabase.error": "'{1}' is not a valid database",
+ "console.noMoreValidationFunction.error": "no more validation function",
+ "console.notValidValidationFunction.error": "'{1}' is not a valid validation function",
+ "msgbox.errorWhenCopyFile.title": "Error when copy file",
+ "": "Skip",
+ "msgbox.errorInvalidPath.desc": "Invalid Path",
+ "msgbox.errorNoFile.desc": "No File",
+ "msgbox.errorOpenFailed.desc": "Open Failed",
+ "msgbox.errorReadFailed.desc": "Read Failed",
+ "msgbox.errorWriteFailed.desc": "Write Failed",
+ "msgbox.errorDeleteFailed.desc": "Delete Failed",
+ "msgbox.errorCreateFolderFailed.desc": "Create Folder Failed",
+ "console.finished.desc": "Finished",
+ "msgbox.folderNotExistsCreate.desc.question": "Folder {1} is not exists, do you want to create it?",
+ "msgbox.pelaseMakeSureProvider.title": "Pelase ensure provider",
+ "label.createDirFailed.error": "Create dir {1} failed",
+ "label.pleaseMakeSureExists.error": "Please make sure {1} is exists before makedir {2}.",
+ "console.conflict.error": "There are similar resources with the same name as ({1}) in the current project, please resolve the name conflict (rename or delete) and try again.",
+ "console.cloudfunction.desc": "Cloud function",
+ "console.commonModule.desc": "Common module",
+ "console.validateFunction.desc": "Database verification function",
+ "console.currentHasConflictedDelete.error": "Current {1} has conflicted, please rename or delete it.",
+ "console.file.desc": " File",
+ "console.uniCloudConsole.title": "[{1}] - uniCloud console",
+ "": "Connect to local cloud functions.",
+ "": "Connect to cloud cloud functions.",
+ "": "Create All",
+ "console.ifYouWantToConfig.desc": "If you want to config index, please goto [{1}]",
+ "console.webConsole.desc": "Web console",
+ "msgbox.schemaNotExistsCreate.desc.question": "Schema file {1} does not exists, do you want to create it?",
+ "console.createSuccessed.success": "Create successed",
+ "console.fileNameFormatError.error": "File name format error",
+ "console.containsUnderlineAlphabetNumber.error": "Begin with alphabet, contains '_', alphabet and number.",
+ "text.Remote.desc": "Remote",
+ "msgbox.alreadyExists.desc.question": "{1} already exists in the current position, do you want to replace it?",
+ "msgbox.alreadyExistsMerge.desc.question": "{1} already exists in the current location. Do you want to merge it?",
+ "console.start.desc": "Start",
+ "console.sendRequestServer.error": "Failed to send request to server.",
+ "console.upload.desc": "Upload",
+ "": "Download",
+ "console.successfully.desc": "Successfully",
+ "console.failed.desc": "Failed",
+ "console.canceled.desc": "Canceled",
+ "console.schemaFile.desc": "Data collection Schema",
+ "console.noFileInDatabase.error": "Can not find the file in database",
+ "console.schemaFiles.desc": "Data collection Schema({1})",
+ "console.schema.desc": "Data collection Schema",
+ "console.validation.desc": "Database extension check function",
+ "console.validationFile.desc": "Database extension check function ({1})",
+ "console.allSchemaAndValidation.desc": "All data collection Schema and database extension verification function",
+ "console.allValidation.desc": "All database extension check function",
+ "console.startDownloadSchema.desc": "Start downloading the data collection Schema",
+ "console.downloadSchemaFileCanceled.error": "Download the data collection schema is canceled",
+ "console.downloadSchemaFileError.error": "Failed to download data collection schema",
+ "console.uploadSchemaFileCanceled.error": "Uploaded data collection schema is cancelled",
+ "console.uploadSchemaFileWriteFail.error": "Failed to upload data collection schema",
+ "console.uploadSchemaFileSuccessfully.success": "uccessfully uploaded the data collection schema.",
+ "console.startUploadSchemaFiles.desc": "Start uploading the data collection schema.",
+ "console.uploadSchemaFilesFailed.error": "Failed to upload data collection schema.",
+ "": "Continue import",
+ "console.startUploadValidationFiles.desc": "Uploading database extension verification function.",
+ "msgbox.partsWillNotBeImported.desc.question": "The current project [{1}] cloud service space has been linked to the project [{2}]. The cloud part of the plug-in will not be imported. Do you want to continue?",
+ "msgbox.wantToUseCloudfunctions.desc.question": "If you want to use cloudfunctions part, you should import it to[{1}]",
+ "": "Import cloudfunctions part to [{1}]",
+ "console.downloadSchemaFilesSuccessfully.success": "Download schema file(s) successfully",
+ "console.failedToDownloadSchemaFail.error": "Failed to download schema file(s)",
+ "console.cannotFetchFilesFromRemote.error": "Can not fetch files from remote",
+ "console.noMoreFilesFromRemote.error": "Data collection schema does not exist.",
+ "console.uploadValidationFilesSuccessfully.success": "Upload validation file(s) successfully",
+ "console.uploadValidationFilesFailed.success": "Upload validation file(s) failed",
+ "console.cannotFetchFilesFromLocal.success": "Can not fetch file(s) from local",
+ "console.cannotFetchFilesFromRemoteValidation.error": "Failed to get the database extension verification function.",
+ "console.startDownloadValidationFile.desc": "Downloading database extension check function.",
+ "console.noMoreFileFromRemoteValidation.error": "No database extension check function.",
+ "console.finishDownloadValidationFiles.success": "Download the database extension verification function completed.",
+ "button.I": "Ok",
+ "console.cloudfunctionsTransmissionDescription.desc": "Cloudfunctions transmission description",
+ "console.migrateIsDoneSuccessfully.success": "The migration was all completed successfully.",
+ "console.nothingToBeMigrate.error": "No items are migrated.",
+ "console.migrateIsDoneSrocessFailed.error": "The migration is over, and the migration of the following items was not successful.",
+ "": "&Move to Relate Project {1}",
+ "": "{1} Upload More",
+ "console.beginMigrate.desc": "Begin migrate......",
+ "console.Success.success": "Project migration completed successfully.",
+ "console.ProjectFolder.desc": "{1}/{2}",
+ "msgbox.cloudfunctionsTransmission.title": "Cloud function catalog migration tool.",
+ "": "The following cloud function directories will be migrated to the new structure uniCloud/cloudfunctions directory.",
+ "groupbox.msgbox.pleaseSelectFunctionsTranslate.title": "Select the cloud function directory to be migrated.",
+ "": "Migrate",
+ "": "&Yes",
+ "": "&Link",
+ "": "Refresh",
+ "": "Cancel",
+ "": "&No",
+ "": "&Delete from cloud space",
+ "console.deleteFailedCodeError.desc": "Delete {1} failed code:{2}, error:{3}",
+ "noitfy.pluginDownloadSusseced.success": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}",
+ "console.folderMissingFiles.error": "The {1} folder is missing files and cannot be uploaded.",
+ "console.downloadHadBeenCanceled.error": "Download {1} had been canceled.",
+ "": "New {1} &Folder",
+ "console.missingPleaseRetry.error": "Missing {1}, please {1} retry after assignment",
+ "console.spaceid.error": "Associated cloud service space",
+ "console.provider.error": "Designated cloud service provider",
+ "console.appid.error": "Specify the uni-app application identifier (AppID)",
+ "console.downloadSusseced.success": "{1} download susseced",
+ "console.doesnotExistsDownloadFailed.error": "{1} doesnot exists, download failed",
+ "": "&New Action",
+ "console.downloadFailedCode.error": "Download {1} failed code:{2}, error:{3}",
+ "console.extractFailed.error": "Extract {1} failed, please try again!",
+ "": "{1} &Upload",
+ "": "{1} &Download",
+ "console.deletePleaseWait.desc": "Delete {1}, please wait...",
+ "console.deleteSucceed.succees": "Delete {1} succeed.",
+ "console.uploadPleaseWait.desc": "Upload {1}, please wait...",
+ "console.downloadPleaseWait.desc": "Download {1}, please wait...",
+ "console.uploadSucceed.success": "Upload {1} succeed.",
+ "console.uploadFailedCodeError.desc": "Upload {1} failed code:{2}, error:{3}",
+ "msgbox.newVersionRequireUpgrade.desc.question": "Importing the current plug-in requires HBuilderX {1} or higher. Do you want to upgrade now?",
+ "dialog.import.title": "Import",
+ "": "Don't Save",
+ "": "Cancel",
+ "msgbox.copyFileNewFolderVerify.question": "The page template you selected has uniCloud cloud functions, please select the uniCloud cloud service vendor to bind",
+ "": "What is {1}?",
+ "notify.upCldInit.success": "Sucess",
+ "": "&Create [cloudfunctions_init.json] File",
+ "notify.upCldInit.failed": "Cloud functions_init upload failed:",
+ "notify.upCldInit.timeout": "Cloud functions_init query status timeout",
+ "nofity.getTicket.failed:": "Failed to get ticket:",
+ "": "Init cloudfunctions_init.json",
+ "notify.moreFolders.description": "More folders",
+ "": "Recover exists",
+ "": "Skip exists",
+ "": "Cancel import",
+ "import.notify.cancleImport.desc": "Import has been canceled",
+ "import.notify.packageInvalid.desc": "The format of the download package is incorrect. Please check and try again.",
+ "console.upload.deployFailed.error": "{1} had been failed to deploy, error msg:{2}.",
+ "console.upload.deployNothing.error": "Failed to execute the deployment. Please try again after troubleshooting.",
+ "console.markdown.shareFailed.error": "\"Markdown sharing\" needs to activate uniCloud [front-end web hosting], and configure the corresponding service space Id to [Settings]-[Plugin Configuration]-[markdown-share].",
+ "console.markdown.beginShare.desc": "Begin share [{1}] to uniCloud...",
+ "console.markdown.compileMarkdown.desc": "Start compile markdown [{1}] to html...",
+ "console.markdown.compileMarkdown.failed": "Share failed,{1} compiled html empty.",
+ "console.markdown.deployResource.desc": "Begin to deploy to {1} cloud space...",
+ "console.markdown.invalidSpaceId.error": "Share failed,invalid spaceId:{1}...",
+ "console.markdown.shareFinish.success": "Share success:{1}",
+ "console.cloudfunction.runInCloud.desc": "Run in cloud",
+ "console.cloudfunction.returnResult.desc": "Return result:",
+ "console.cloudfunction.runLog.desc": "Run log:",
+ "console.cloudfunction.runResult.desc": "Run status:{1}",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunNormalExit.desc": "Normal exit",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunCrashExit.desc": "Crash exit",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRun.success": "success",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunWithParam.desc": "With {1}",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunConnectTry.error": "Connect to UniCloud-{1} failed, please try again.",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunRequest.error": "Request UniCloud-{1} failed, {2}.",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunMissingParam.error": "Missing {1}",
+ "": "[",
+ "]": "]",
+ "": "Setup timeout time",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunError.desc": "Error.",
+ "msgbox.cloudfunction.localRunInstallDep": "Local operation depends on the plug-in [uniCloud development], please install first",
+ "msgbox.installDepPlugin.desc": "The current operation depends on the plug-in [{1}], please try again after installation.",
+ "console.cloudfunction.canNotRunEncrpt.error": "Encrpt cloud function ({1}) can not run in local.",
+ "console.cloudfunction.canNotEncrptCommon.error": "Encrpt cloud common function ({1}) can not run in local",
+ "cloudfunction.runInLocal.desc": "Cloud function run in local",
+ "console.cloudfunction.runInLocal.desc": "Run in local",
+ "console.cloudfunction.localRunTimeOut.desc": "Cloud function run in local time out.",
+ "notify.extension.canNotProcessRequest.error": "Extension [{1}] can not process external request.",
+ "notify.extension.processRequest.desc": "Extension [{1}] processing external request ...",
+ "notify.extension.askGoToMarket.desc": "The current external application request requires a plug-in [{1}], please go to the plug-in market to install it.",
+ "notify.extension.askInstallPlugin.desc": "Current external request needs extension [{1}] please install.",
+ "": "Retry{1}",
+ "": "Cancel{1}",
+ "": "Goto Plug-in Market {1}",
+ "": "Plug-in [{1}] failed to process external request, please goto plug-in market to contact author.",
+ "": "OK{1}",
+ "": "Upgrade",
+ "": "Go on",
+ "msgbox.downloadPlugin.pluginAlreadyExists.desc": "The current plugin [{1}] already exists.",
+ "notify.upgrade.updateInProgress.desc": "The ({1}/{2}) th plugin is being updated...",
+ "console.processLauncher.invalidExtensionName.desc": "The plug-in name [{1}] is illegal, only English letters and numbers are supported. Please modify the plug-in name and run it again.",
+ "console.processLauncher.extensionAlreadyExist.desc": "The list of currently installed plug-ins already contains a plug-in named [{1}]. Please change to another name.",
+ "notify.upgrade.decompressionInProgress.desc": "The ({1}/{2}) th plugin is being decompression...",
+ "console.progressLauncher.startProcess.desc": "Starting process",
+ "console.progressLauncher.processExit.desc": "{1} has exited",
+ "log.pluginManager.loadingPlugin.desc": "Loading plugin {1}...",
+ "log.pluginManager.loaded.desc": "The plugin {1} has finished loading.",
+ "log.pluginManager.startActivatedPlugin.desc": "Activating plugin {1}...",
+ "log.pluginManager.pluginActivate.success": "The plugin {1} was activated successfully.",
+ "log.pluginManager.pluginActivate.failed": "Activation of plugin {1} failed.",
+ "button.bottomView.restartApp.tooltips": "Restart App",
+ "notify.editor.autoLightlargeDoc.desc": "Open document was too big,the syntax is auto swtich to light mode,you can close this by setting modify",
+ "": "/HBuilderX",
+ "notify.editor.openFile.failed": "Failed to read file content",
+ "": "Auto fix",
+ "notify.editor.checkExistsWhenFailed.desc": "Please check if the file exists or has read permission.",
+ "msgbox.autoSave.recoveryFile.title": "Recovery File",
+ "": "View Libraries &Help...",
+ "msgbox.autoSave.recoveryForTempFile.question": "There has a autosave temp file, do you want to recovery?
If you choose to ignore, the temporary file will be deleted",
+ "": "&Recovery",
+ "": "&Ignore",
+ "menu.mainWindow.openEditorAtIndex": "Switch to the {1}th Tab",
+ "msgbox.mainWindow.saveTempFile.question": "File does not exist on disk, save it first?",
+ "status.mainWindow.failedAddFavoritesTry.desc": "Please save the file and then collect it again.",
+ "status.mainWindow.invalidPathToAdd.desc": "Collection failed, file path is invalid.",
+ "status.mainWindow.addedToFavorites.desc": "Added to favorites",
+ "status.mainWindow.alreadyExistsInFavorites.desc": "The same file already exists in the favorites.",
+ "msgbox.core.noPermissionNeedAdministrator.desc": "The current HBuilderX installation directory does not have write permission and needs to be run as an administrator.",
+ "msgbox.editor.restartWithAdministrator.desc": "&Run as administrator",
+ "status.editor.openOutNoTips.desc": "The grammar hint library cannot be loaded in the files under the non-project opened separately.",
+ "": "Do not remind again.",
+ "msgbox.core.reInstallPluginManagerModified.desc": "It is detected that the code of the node plug-in [plugin-manager] has been tampered with, and there may be security risks. To solve this problem, you need to reinstall the plug-in or HBuilderX.",
+ "hover.editor.pressToShowDoc.tooltips": "Press {1} to show docs",
+ "": "New Menu",
+ "": "Save",
+ "notify.noMessageNotice.desc": "No message.",
+ "notify.rebuildIndexForProject": "Rebuild index for project {1}",
+ "": "Not updated yet",
+ "": "Update right now",
+ "nofity.upgrade.viewLog.desc": "View release notes ",
+ "notify.upgrade.updateNow.desc": "Updating now...",
+ "notify.upgrade.noUpdateFind.desc": "It is already the latest version.",
+ "notify.upgrade.currentVersion.desc": "The current version is",
+ "notify.upgrade.isLatestOffical.desc": "It is the latest official version.",
+ "notify.upgrade.newAlphaEditionAvailable": "Alpha version has a higher version.",
+ "": "Can be downloaded separately:",
+ "notify.upgrade.hbuilderxUrl.desc": "",
+ "notify.upgrade.fallbackInstanceNoUpgrade.desc": "The rollback version does not support direct updates, please switch to the latest local version and try again.",
+ "notify.upgrade.downloadFailedTryNetwork.desc": "The update failed. Please check the network and try again.",
+ "": "Ok",
+ "notify.upgrade.forNewOrNo.question": "There has a new version for HBuilerX,update or not?",
+ "notify.upgrade.updateFinishedRestartNow.question": "A restart is required to complete the update. Do you want to restart now?",
+ "": "Restart now",
+ "": "Restart later",
+ "": "&Page",
+ "": "&Component",
+ "status.mainWindow.syncUpdatePagesJson.desc": "The page {1} has been deleted, please update at the same time pages.json",
+ "": "&Reveal in pages.json",
+ "button.bottomView.closeConsoleAltC.tooltips": "Close Console(Alt+C)",
+ "button.bottomView.closeConsoleCtrlC.tooltips": "Close Console(Ctrl+C)",
+ "console.fastapp.startParseManifestJson.desc": "Start parse manifest.json...",
+ "console.fastapp.startParseRpkFiles.desc": "Start the first round of analysis. . .",
+ "console.fastapp.uploadFetchUrls.desc": "Start the second round of analysis. . .",
+ "console.fastapp.networkFailed.error": "Network connection failed!",
+ "console.fastapp.rpkInvalid.error": "rpk is illegal!",
+ "console.fastapp.parseInterfaceRules.desc": "Analyzing interface rules...",
+ "console.fastapp.parseFinished.desc": "Data capture is complete!",
+ "": "&Clear Console",
+ "": "&Search Analysis",
+ "": "&Lock Scrollbar",
+ "": "&Select All",
+ "": "Console",
+ "": "Cloud Console",
+ "cloudfunction.sizeGreaterThanLimit.desc": "The cloud function size exceeds 10M.",
+ "cloudfunction.reCreateAppId.desc": "Please get the new AppID in the manifest.json file.",
+ "cloudfunction.missingSpaceId.desc": "Please select a cloud service space first.",
+ "console.bottomView.title": "Output",
+ "": "&Undo",
+ "": "&Cut Selection or Current Line",
+ "": "&Copy Selection or Current Line",
+ "": "&Copy Path",
+ "": "&Paste",
+ "label.untitle.title": "Untitle-",
+ "": "&Word Wrap",
+ "": "&Reveal in System Explorer",
+ "": "&Reveal in Finder",
+ "": "Copy &File",
+ "msgbox.fileSave.title": "File Save",
+ "dialog.editor.saveFile.title": "Save File",
+ "dialog.editor.saveAsFile.title": "Save As File",
+ "": "&Open File...",
+ "": "&Redo",
+ "": "&Delete Line",
+ "": "&Insert the Current Row or Selection Repeatedly",
+ "": "&Join Lines",
+ "": "Select &Left Word",
+ "": "Select &Right Word",
+ "": "&Select Current Line or Continuous Line [Mouse click the line number or triple-click the current line]",
+ "": "&Find Text(Current File)",
+ "": "&Goto Line",
+ "": "&Search Next Word",
+ "": "&Search Prev Word",
+ "": "&Upper Case",
+ "": "&Lower Case",
+ "": "Insert &Next Line",
+ "": "Insert &Prev Line",
+ "": "&Close Tab",
+ "": "&Close Right Tab",
+ "": "&Close All Saved Tab",
+ "": "&Close All Tab",
+ "": "&Exit",
+ "": "&Settings",
+ "": "&About HBuilderX...",
+ "": "Goto Previous Location",
+ "": "Goto Next Location",
+ "msgbox.editor.change.title": "File Change",
+ "msgbox.editor.thisFile.title": "This File",
+ "": "Save As...",
+ "": "&Save All",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "msgbox.editor.reloadIfModified.title": "Modified in other applications, do you want to reload?",
+ "msgbox.editor.remoteIfNotExists.title": "No longer exists, remove it from the editor?",
+ "": "Zoom &out [ctrl + scroll down]",
+ "": "Zoom &in [ctrl + scroll up]",
+ "": "&Open Recent",
+ "": "Save Files",
+ "": "Save And &Exit",
+ "": "&Select All",
+ "": "&Reload Code Block",
+ "": "&About...",
+ "": "&Feedback",
+ "": "&View Log",
+ "": "&Word Wrap",
+ "": "And delete",
+ "": "View",
+ "": "Node configure",
+ "": "&Display Blank Characters when Highlighted",
+ "": "Show &Line Number",
+ "": "Show &Indent Guide",
+ "": "Show &Left Side",
+ "": "&Show Toolbar",
+ "": "&Full Screen",
+ "": "&New Window",
+ "": "New Window",
+ "text.window.singleProjectWindow.title": "Single Project Window",
+ "text.language.allFilesFilter.desc": "",
+ "text.language.displayPatternFilter.desc": "",
+ "": "Rebuild Project &Index",
+ "": "&Properties",
+ "": "&Open in New Window",
+ "": "&Main Window",
+ "text.window.mainwindow.title": "Main Window",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Show &Statusbar",
+ "": "&Find File",
+ "": "&Comment/Uncomment",
+ "": "&Reveal in Project Explorer",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Close Others",
+ "": "&Open in Terminal",
+ "": "&Goto Matching Bracket",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Select Next Word",
+ "": "&Select All Same Word",
+ "": "&Others",
+ "": "&Custom Language Association...",
+ "": "&Snippet Setting",
+ "": " Snippet",
+ "text.snippet.triggerChar.desc": "Trigger char:",
+ "status.autoComplete.pressAlt.desc": "Press Alt+Number to Insert and Alt to Switch Mode.",
+ "status.autoComplete.pressAltPlusNum.desc": "Press Number to Insert and Alt to Switch Mode.",
+ "": "Select &Languages",
+ "menu.mainWindow.selectOtherLanguages.namae": "&Select Languages...",
+ "": "&Default",
+ "": "&Monokai",
+ "": "&Atom One Dark",
+ "menu.mainWindow.moveLineUp.desc": "Move Line &Up",
+ "": "",
+ "menu.mainWindow.moveLineDown.desc": "Move Line &Down",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Set/Unset &Bookmark",
+ "": "&Next Bookmark",
+ "": "&Prev Bookmark",
+ "": "&Clear All Bookmarks",
+ "": "&Bookmarks",
+ "": "&Custom External Commands",
+ "": "&Theme Setting",
+ "": "Custom Theme Guide...",
+ "": "&External Commands",
+ "": "&External Commands",
+ "": "&Replace",
+ "": "&Restore Recent Closed File",
+ "": "&Reopen Closed Window",
+ "": "&Bold",
+ "": "uni-app(&Q)",
+ "": "&Previous Tab",
+ "": "&Next Tab",
+ "": "&1.Project",
+ "": "&wap2app project",
+ "": "&New",
+ "": "&Run",
+ "": "&Import",
+ "": "&QuickApp Publish to Server",
+ "": "&QuickApp - Generate rpk File",
+ "": "&Android Simulator Port Setting",
+ "": "&Adb Path Setting",
+ "": "&Base Path Setting",
+ "": "&Faq",
+ "": "&Install Simulator Faq",
+ "": "&Chrome Debug Faq",
+ "": "Run",
+ "": "Mobile App &Playground",
+ "menu.mainWindow.runDevicePrefix.desc": "Run-[Device:",
+ "menu.mainWindow.stopDevicePrefix.desc": "Stop-[Device:",
+ "menu.mainWindow.macOS11RunPrefix.desc": "Run-[Device:",
+ "menu.mainWindow.macOS11stopPrefix.desc": "Stop-[Device:",
+ "": "&Show Console",
+ "": "Save file {1} ?",
+ "": "If not saved, the change will be lost.",
+ "": "&Save",
+ "": "&Not save",
+ "": "&Save As...",
+ "": "&New File",
+ "": "Indent to the Right",
+ "": "Indent to the Left",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Delete Word &Left",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Delete Word &Right",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Delete to the &Beginning of the Line",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Delete to the &End of the Line",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Select to the &Beginning of the Line",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Select to the &End of the Line",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Select Match Quote &' [Double Click Quote]",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Select Match Bracket &[ [Double Click Bracket]",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Delete",
+ "": "&Insert",
+ "": "&Indentation",
+ "": "&Tab",
+ "": "Multi-Cursor",
+ "": "&Use Spaces Instead of Tabs when Pressing Tab",
+ "menu.mainWindow.tabWidth.desc": "Tab Width:&{1}",
+ "": "&Auto Guess the Tab Width",
+ "": "&Convert Indentation to Spaces",
+ "": "&Convert Indentation to Tabs",
+ "": "&Layout",
+ "": "&Single",
+ "": "&Two Columns",
+ "": "&Three Columns",
+ "": "Grid(&4)",
+ "": "&Two Rows",
+ "": "&Three Rows",
+ "": "&Clone the Tab to New Column",
+ "": "&Focus Editor",
+ "": "&Focus Shift",
+ "": "&Focus on the Right Column",
+ "": "&Focus on the Left Column",
+ "": "Trigger Code &Completion",
+ "": "Trigger &Parameter Hints",
+ "": "&Toggle Outline",
+ "": "&Open Release Notes",
+ "status.externalCommand.startValidate.desc": "[{1}] start validate {2} ...",
+ "status.externalCommand.validateFailedCheckLog.error": "Validate failed,view detail log in console.",
+ "text.editor.helpDocNoFound.tooltips": "Can not find the help document.",
+ "status.externalCommand.validationComplateReportInfo.desc": "Validation complate,total {1} errors.",
+ "status.externalCommand.gotoNextError.desc": "Press [{1}] goto next error.",
+ "status.lspServerStarted.desc": "The lauguage server started successfully.",
+ "status.lspServerUnavailable.desc": "The lauguage server is unavailable! trying restart...",
+ "msgbox.fastapp.HBuilder.title": "",
+ "msgbox.fastapp.initConsoleError.desc": "",
+ "msgbox.fastapp.invalidRpkPackage.desc": "",
+ "msgbox.fastapp.readManifestError.desc": "",
+ "msgbox.fastapp.invalidManifest.desc": "",
+ "msgbox.fastapp.manifestWithoutProperties.desc": "",
+ "console.fastapp.nodeNotFound.desc": "",
+ "console.fastapp.startParse.desc": "",
+ "console.fastapp.findFetchUrl.desc": "",
+ "": "&Find in Folder",
+ "": "&Block Comment",
+ "": "Ctrl+Shift+\\",
+ "": "&Mobile App - Cloud Package",
+ "": "&Mobile App - View Cloud Package Status",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "status.externalCommand.validationComplate.desc`": "Validation is complete.",
+ "": "&Goto Definition[Alt + click]",
+ "": "&Goto Definition to Side[Ctrl + Alt + click]",
+ "": "&Expand Selection",
+ "": "&Scroll Bar Mark",
+ "": "&Goto Next Bookmark",
+ "": "&Goto Next Search Word",
+ "": "&Goto Next Error",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Set &Cursor Each Line",
+ "": "&Unorder List Symbols By -",
+ "": "&Unorder List Symbols By *",
+ "": "&Unorder List Symbols By +",
+ "": "&Order List Symbols",
+ "": "&TaskList Symbols",
+ "": "&Task Finish List Symbols",
+ "": "Select Same Indentation Lines(I)【Double-click the blank character at the beginning of the line】",
+ "": "&Delete Line End Space Char",
+ "": "&Swich Two Selections Or Lines",
+ "": "&Surrounding (such as if and other function)",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&UnSurround",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Surrounding",
+ "status.editor.pasteImageFailed.desc": "",
+ "status.editor.createDirError.desc": "Can not create dir, please check permission ...",
+ "status.editor.saveImageFailed.desc": "",
+ "": "Undo Last Selection",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Paste as HTML",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Set Cursor Surroud Selection",
+ "": "Ctrl+\\",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Select All Occurrences",
+ "": "&Skip Selection And Select Next Word",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Debug On Mobile",
+ "": "Debug-[Device:",
+ "": "Stop Debug-[Device:",
+ "": "&Copy",
+ "": "&Title Case",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Paste From History",
+ "": "Paste",
+ "": "&Paste Text",
+ "": "&Change to Table",
+ "text.outline.outline.tooltips": "Outline",
+ "menu.mainWindow.publishDCloudPlatform.desc": "&Mobile App - Publish to DCloud Platform",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Save and Refresh the Browser Automatically (Built-in Server Only)",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Find Symbols in Current File",
+ "": "Run Browser",
+ "": "Go to the Previous Tab",
+ "": "&Select Folding Area (F) [Double click a left of folding]",
+ "": "&Select the Current Line (without leading and trailing blank characters)[Double-click the end of the line]",
+ "": "Expand Selection to Both Sides",
+ "": "Decrease Selection from Both Sides Inward",
+ "": "&Quote List Symbols",
+ "": "&Fold",
+ "": "&Expand",
+ "": "&Fold Children Contract",
+ "": "&Fold Children Expand",
+ "": "&Fold All Contract",
+ "": "&Fold All Expand",
+ "": "&Fold Other Contract",
+ "***Select the attached word (double click -, _, etc.)": "Select the Connected Word [double-click the hyphen -, _,. etc.]",
+ "": "&Fold",
+ "": "Show Built-in Browser(B)",
+ "": "Can not open this file.",
+ "": "&Get It",
+ "msgbox.browser.fileOnlyForDevice.title": "ux/nml file can only be opened by devices",
+ "": "&Config webserver",
+ "": "&Use Built-in Server",
+ "text.noResults.desc": "",
+ "": "&Weapp",
+ "": "&Miniprogram",
+ "msgbox.browser.pleaseConfigBrowser.title": "Please config browser first!",
+ "text.terminal.terminal.title": "Terminal",
+ "status.editor.autoSwitchTo.desc": "",
+ "status.editor.editorSuffix.desc": "",
+ "button.terminal.newTerminal.tooltips": "New Terminal",
+ "button.terminal.maximizeTerminal.tooltips": "Maximize Terminal",
+ "": "&Show Terminal",
+ "": "&Show UniCloud",
+ "": "Switch to Next Window",
+ "msgbox.mainWindow.builtinterminalDoesNotExists.title": "Built-in Terminal Plugin not Exist, Download it?",
+ "button.terminal.restoreTerminal.tooltips": "Restore Terminal",
+ "text.explorerTree.explorer.desc": "Explorer",
+ "": "&Get it",
+ "msgbox.mainWindow.builtinterminalDownloadFailed.desc": "The built-in terminal plug-in download failed, please go to the official website to download the App development version (full package)",
+ "msgbox.mainWindow.builtinterminalDownloading.desc": "Built-in terminal plugin is downloading, please waitting...",
+ "": "Choose a type to continute",
+ "": "&Favorite",
+ "text.dir.desc": "Dir",
+ "text.custom.desc": "Custom",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Debug-[simulator:",
+ "": "Stop Debug-[simulator:",
+ "": "Run-[simulator:",
+ "": "Stop-[simulator:",
+ "": "MacOS11-Debug-[simulator:",
+ "": "MacOS11-Stop Debug-[simulator:",
+ "": "MacOS11-Run-[simulator:",
+ "": "MacOS11-Stop-[simulator:",
+ "": "&Webserver Setting",
+ "": "&Generate App Resources",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "&Offline Package",
+ "": "&Android Package Guide ...",
+ "": "&iOS Package Guide ...",
+ "": "Export wgt Resources",
+ "": "&Use Custom Base",
+ "": "&Default Playground",
+ "": "Generate Custom &Playground",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Webview Debug",
+ "": "&Show RemoteDebug Webview",
+ "": "&No Icon",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Add Favorite",
+ "": "Did not find the plugin you want?",
+ "": "You can search in {1}Plugin Market{2}.",
+ "": "&Redetect Project Type",
+ "dialog.svn.svnAuthentication.title": "SVN Authentication",
+ "dialog.svn.unableConnectRepository.desc": "Unable to connect to the svn repository.",
+ "msgbox.svn.checkNetwork.title": "Please check the network.",
+ "text.svn.createTemporaryFileFailed.desc": "Create temporary message file failed.",
+ "text.svn.pluginNotInstalled.desc": "SVN plugin is not installed.",
+ "": "OK",
+ "": "Convert &Regexp to Content",
+ "": "Change Theme",
+ "": "New Blank File",
+ "": "Change Keymaps",
+ "": "Open Folder",
+ "": "User Tutorial",
+ "dialog.excludeDir.excludePlaceHolder.desc": "ExcludeDir split",
+ "msgbox.mainWindow.windowStyleChanged.desc": "The window style setting has been changed,\nneed to restart HBuilder X to take effect.",
+ "": "&Local History",
+ "": "Show Minimap",
+ "": "Enable Preview on Mouse Hover",
+ "text.cloudfunction.noSpace.desc": "Unselect cloud server space",
+ "text.cloudfunction.relatedProject.desc": "Related project ",
+ "": "&Current Cloud Space ...",
+ "": "&View Related Cloud Space",
+ "menu.mainWindow.unbindRelatedProject": "&Unbind Related Cloud Space",
+ "": "&Deploy to Cloud Space ...",
+ "": "&Open uniCloud Developer Center...",
+ "": "&Upload Common Module",
+ "`": "&Download Common Module",
+ "": "&Sync Common Module List",
+ "": "&New Common Module",
+ "": "&Upload All cloudfunctions,common module and actions",
+ "": "&Download All Cloud Resources",
+ "": "&Sync Cloud Fun List",
+ "": "&New Cloud Fun",
+ "": "&Upload And Deploy",
+ "": "&DownLoad Cloud Fun",
+ "": "&Upload And Run",
+ "text.aliyun.desc": "Alibaba Cloud",
+ "text.tcb.desc": "Tencent Cloud",
+ "": "Create And Deploy Cloud Fun",
+ "": "&Initialize the cloud database (including schema and verification functions)",
+ "menu.explorerTree.notSupportDragDrop.tooltips": "Multi-file drag and drop operation is not supported.",
+ "": "&Highlight the Elements in the Browser",
+ "": "Add breakpoint failed. The location does not support breakpoints.",
+ "text.fetching.desc": "Fetching",
+ "": "&Install",
+ "msgbox.packageJsonFormatError.title": "package.json File format error",
+ "msgbox.checkPackageJsonFormat.title": "Check the package.json file format",
+ "label.editor.pressF2ToFocus.tooltips": "Press 'F2' for focus",
+ "ConnectionRefusedError": "ConnectionRefusedError",
+ "RemoteHostClosedError": "RemoteHostClosedError",
+ "HostNotFoundError": "HostNotFoundError",
+ "TimeoutError": "TimeoutError",
+ "OperationCanceledError": "OperationCanceledError",
+ "SslHandshakeFailedError": "SslHandshakeFailedError",
+ "TemporaryNetworkFailureError": "TemporaryNetworkFailureError",
+ "NetworkSessionFailedError": "NetworkSessionFailedError",
+ "BackgroundRequestNotAllowedError": "BackgroundRequestNotAllowedError",
+ "TooManyRedirectsError": "TooManyRedirectsError",
+ "InsecureRedirectError": "InsecureRedirectError",
+ "UnknownNetworkError": "UnknownNetworkError",
+ "ProxyConnectionRefusedError": "ProxyConnectionRefusedError",
+ "ProxyConnectionClosedError": "ProxyConnectionClosedError",
+ "ProxyNotFoundError": "ProxyNotFoundError",
+ "ProxyTimeoutError": "ProxyTimeoutError",
+ "ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError": "ProxyAuthenticationRequiredError",
+ "UnknownProxyError": "UnknownProxyError",
+ "ContentAccessDenied": "ContentAccessDenied",
+ "ContentOperationNotPermittedError": "ContentOperationNotPermittedError",
+ "ContentNotFoundError": "ContentNotFoundError",
+ "AuthenticationRequiredError": "AuthenticationRequiredError",
+ "ContentReSendError": "ContentReSendError",
+ "ContentConflictError": "ContentConflictError",
+ "ContentGoneError": "ContentGoneError",
+ "UnknownContentError": "UnknownContentError",
+ "ProtocolUnknownError": "ProtocolUnknownError",
+ "ProtocolInvalidOperationError": "ProtocolInvalidOperationError",
+ "ProtocolFailure": "ProtocolFailure",
+ "InternalServerError": "InternalServerError",
+ "OperationNotImplementedError": "OperationNotImplementedError",
+ "ServiceUnavailableError": "ServiceUnavailableError",
+ "title.msgbox.vueVersionDiffDesc.warning": "Mixing different versions of vue may cause unknown errors",
+ "title.msgbox.vueVersionDifferentFrom.warning": "The vue version used by the imported plugin is {1}, which is different from the version {2} used by the current project",
+ "": "Close all(&A)",
+ "": "Download(&D)",
+ "text.openwith": "Open Way",
+ "git.env.checkTortoise.warning": "This operation relies on TortoiseGit, which was not found on this computer.\nPlease download and install first, and then try again.",
+ "git.env.chekcCmd.warning": "This operation relies on the Git command line environment.\nPlease install and configure the system environment first, and restart HBuilder X.",
+ "console.packageName.text": "[{1}] - Packaging console",
+ "beendeployed.text": "{1} Successfully uploaded",
+ "encrypt.cloudcommon.text": "This file is an encrypted public module, and the source code cannot be viewed.",
+ "write.text.err": "Failed to write file...",
+ "encrypt.encryptFile.text": "This file is encrypted and the source code cannot be viewed.",
+ "node.version.text": "The current version of node has been upgraded to node12.22, there is a compatibility problem with the plug-in {1}, please upgrade the plug-in to the latest version",
+ "uploading.file.text": "Uploading file {1}...",
+ "": "Failed to read template file...",
+ "preparing.file.text": "Preparing file {1}...",
+ "nofront.webhosting": "The service space does not open front-end web hosting",
+ "encrypt.cloudfunction.text": "This file is an encrypted cloud function, and the source code cannot be viewed.",
+ "project.depends.plugin.text": "The project import depends on the {1} plugin, please install the plugin first",
+ "": "Upgrade now",
+ "create.unicloud.environment.text": "Create a uniCloud environment that depends on the {1} plugin, please install the plugin first",
+ "": "The installation package has been uploaded successfully, the download address of the installation package: {1}",
+ "console.package.upload.success.text": "The installation package was uploaded successfully {1}",
+ "console.nodejs.error.text": "$$$1 Uncaught exception-There is an uncaught exception, and it was not handled by the domain or'uncaughtException' event handler.\n$$$2 - Not used (Bash is reserved for internal abuse)\n$$$3 Internal JavaScript parsing error-The JavaScript source code inside Node.js caused a syntax parsing error during the boot process. This is very rare, and generally only appears when developing Node.js itself.\n$$$4 Internal JavaScript execution failed-when the boot process executes the JavaScript source code inside Node.js, the return function value failed. This is very rare, and generally only appears when developing Node.js itself.\n$$$5 Fatal error-There is a fatal error in V8. The typical message is printed from stderr with FATALERROR as the prefix.\n$$$6 Non-function internal exception handling-An internal exception has occurred, but the internal exception handling function is set to a non-function or cannot be called.\n$$$7 The internal exception handling failed at runtime-there was an exception that could not be caught. When trying to handle this exception, the handler itself threw an error. This can happen, for example, if an'uncaughtException' or domain.on('error') handler throws an error.\n$$$8 - Unused, in previous versions of Node.js, exit code 8 sometimes indicated an uncaught exception.\n$$$9 - Unavailable parameters-Maybe an unknown option is not determined, or the required option is not filled in.\n$$$10 Internal JavaScript runtime failed-when the bootstrap function is called, the bootstrap process executes the JavaScript source code inside Node.js and throws an error. This is very rare, and generally only appears when developing Node.js itself.\n$$$12 Unavailable debugging parameters-The --inspect and/or --inspect-brk options have been set, but the selected port number is invalid or unavailable.",
+ "File upload failed %1": "File upload failed %1",
+ "cover": "Recently set",
+ "source '%1' does not allow": "Not allowed'%1'as source path",
+ "Please install and configure the system environment and restart HBuilderX.": "Please install and configure the system environment first, and restart HBuilder X",
+ "Please download and install and re-operate.": "Please download and install first, and then try again.",
+ "command '%1' does not exists or missing params.": "Command'%1' does not exist or is missing parameters",
+ "please wait for last task to finish(%1)": "Please wait for the completion of the previous task(%1)",
+ "Browser": "Browse",
+ "edit": "Edit",
+ "Retry Install": "Reinstall(&I)",
+ "current setting is error": "There is an error in the current setting, if it is not modified, it will cause an exception",
+ "fix": "Fix the error",
+ "FILE": "File",
+ "buildin": "Default setting",
+ "no file in '%1'": "'%1'There is no file that can be uploaded",
+ "This operation relies on TortoiseGit, but not found on this machine.": "This operation relies on TortoiseGit, which was not found on this computer.",
+ "Project [%1]": "Item【 %1 】",
+ "console.upgradecenter.text": "It is recommended to use the upgrade center, see for details: %1",
+ "Mixing different versions of Vue will lead to risks": "Mixing code of different VUE versions has the risk of causing anomalies",
+ "This operation relies on Git command tool environment.": "This operation relies on the Git command line environment.",
+ "please assign remote path": "Please specify the path of the cloud space file to be deleted,such as:/myfile.file",
+ "source '%1' does not exists.": "'%1'Source path does not exist",
+ "Download": "Down download(&D)",
+ "Import vue version(%1) is defferent from project vue version(%2)": "The version of VUE (%1) declared in the import plugin is not the same as the version of VUE (%2) declared in the project",
+ "unvalid editorconfig file %1": "Invalid editorconfig file: %1.",
+ "DIR": "Folder",
+ "opreation has been terminated.": "The current operation was aborted by the user",
+ "*****empty spaces list": "No service space available, please create first",
+ "UnknownServerError": "Unknown service",
+ "msgbox.button.continue": "continue(&R)",
+ "msgbox.reportCrash.title": "The application HBuilderX has exited unexpectedly",
+ "msgbox.reportCrash.description": "A crash report has been generated. To help us improve HBuilderX, please select \"Continue\" to add a detailed description, which includes the process of reproducing this step[Details]。\n\nWe will use this crash report to find a future solution to this problem",
+ "console.unicloudResouceconflicts.error": "The initialization wizard has been interrupted, please resolve the above conflicts and try again",
+ "":"Hide"
+ },
+ "QuickAppCompiler": {
+ "console.startCompile.warning": "Project '{1}' start compiling...",
+ "console.compile.success": "Project '{1}' Compiling end.",
+ "console.missingNodejs.error": "In the absence of the nodejs environment, configure the nodejs path in the settings",
+ "console.missingManifest.error": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
+ "console.openManifestFailed.error": "Cannot open manifest.json",
+ "console.manifestMissingPackage.error": "'package' in manifest.json is Empty",
+ "console.waitForRPK.warning": "It is downloading tools, please wait ...",
+ "console.failedToDownloadRPK.error": "Rpk plug-in download failed, please check the network status and system proxy settings.",
+ "console.projectDoesNotExists.error": "Project is not exists.",
+ "console.clearBuildDir.desc": "Clear build dir...",
+ "console.copyProjectFiles.desc": "Copy project files...",
+ "console.copyProjectFilesFailed.error": "Copy project files failed",
+ "console.projectCompileFailed.error": "Project '{1}' Compiling failed.",
+ "console.missingNeededCompileRPK.error": "Lack of necessary components for compiling RPK",
+ "text.quickapp.desc": "uni-app",
+ "console.downloadToolsSuccess.desc": "RPK download success, please rerun.",
+ "console.needRepublish.desc": "Download tools success, please republish",
+ "console.copySignFilesFailed.error": "Copy sign files failed",
+ "console.manifestMissingAppId.desc": "'appid' in manifest.json is Empty",
+ "console.waitForNotLoaded.desc": "The tools is unloaded, please wait...",
+ "console.waitForInstall.desc": "The tools is uninstalled, please wait...",
+ "console.installingWaitAndTry.desc": "The tools is installing, please wait. (If the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again)",
+ "console.waitForReInstall.desc": "The tools is reinstalling, please wait...",
+ "console.installFailedTryNpm.desc": "the plugin {1} is install failed, please use the 'npm install' command to install."
+ },
+ "QuickAppPacker": {
+ "text.weApp.desc": "WeChat mini-app",
+ "text.alipayApp.desc": "Alipay mini-app",
+ "text.baiduApp.desc": "Baidu mini-app",
+ "text.bytedanceApp.desc": "Bytedance mini-app",
+ "text.qqApp.desc": "QQ mini-app",
+ "text.360App.desc": "360 mini-app",
+ "text.huaweiApp.desc": "Huawei Quick-app",
+ "text.quickAppUnion.desc": "Quick-app",
+ "console.startPublishProject.desc": "Project '{1}' start to publish...",
+ "console.projectPublishItem.desc": "Project '{1}' start to publish {2}...",
+ "console.rpkFilePath.desc": "RPK file path is: {1}",
+ "console.sendingRequestToServer.desc": "Sending request to server...",
+ "console.serverBusy.desc": "The server is busy, please try again later试",
+ "console.publishFailedReportReason.desc": "Publish failure, the reason is: {1}",
+ "console.networkConnectionFailed.error": "Network connection failed, please check network status and system proxy settings",
+ "console.projectPublishFailed.error": "Project '{1}' publish failed.",
+ "console.projectPublishItemFailed.error": "Project '{1}' publish {2} failed.",
+ "console.needLogin.desc": "Please Login in!",
+ "console.compileFailedReason.error": "Compile failure, the reason is: {1}",
+ "console.missingManifest.desc": "There is no manifest.json file in the project",
+ "console.openManifestError.desc": "Cannot open manifest.json",
+ "console.manifestMissingPackage.desc": "'package' in manifest.json is Empty",
+ "console.publishFinishedWaitReview.desc": "Project '{1}' has published,please wait for the review, If you do not known stream App, please go to the[]",
+ "console.rpkPackageFinished.desc": "rpk file path: {1}, please upload the package to or the developer platform of the handset vendor",
+ "console.projectExportSuccess.desc": "Project '{1}' export end,the path is: {2}",
+ "console.wgtMatchSameSDK.desc": "This wgt file is generated by HBuilderX {1} version, and the running base sdk also needs to match the same version, otherwise some functions on the mobile phone may not work properly. See details ",
+ "console.projectExportItemSuccess.desc": "Project '{1}'export {3} end,the path is: {2}",
+ "console.cautionUseWebServer.desc": "Please deploy to the web server, do not use the resource manager to open directly, unless the relative path configuration is carried out, please refer to:。",
+ "console.depolySecondLevelDir.desc": "If you want to deploy in second directory, you can set in manifest.json",
+ "console.exportFailedReason.desc": "Project '{1}' export failed, because {2}",
+ "console.noSupportExportResource.desc": "Project '{1}' does not support exporting local packaged App resources.",
+ "console.startExport.desc": "Project '{1}' start export...",
+ "console.exportInProgress.desc": "Project '{1}' exporting...",
+ "console.exportFailed.error": "Project '{1}' export failed.",
+ "console.confusionInProgress.desc": "Project '{1}' is confusioning....",
+ "console.confusionFailed.error": "Project '{1}'js native obfuscation failed",
+ "console.compressInProgress.desc": "Project '{1}' is compressing...",
+ "console.invalidUniAppProject.desc": "Project '{1}' is not uni-app.",
+ "console.invalidAppId.desc": "The owner of the AppID of this project is not the currently logged-in account, please log in with the correct account again or get it again in the project’s manifest.json",
+ "console.emptyAppIdError.desc": "The project Appid is empty, please obtain it again!",
+ "text.kuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou Mini Program",
+ "console.appidNotowned.desc": "The AppID of this project is not owned by the current account, please contact the owner of the app to set your account as a collaborator or get it again in the project’s manifest.json",
+ "Tips: The wgt is build in HBuilderx %1, the runtime sdk version must be the same version, if not the device will pop-up warning. details:": "Note: this WGT file is generated by HBuilderX% 1, and the running base SDK must be in the same version, otherwise it may not work properly on the phone.See"
+ },
+ "QuickAppProjectWizard": {
+ "text.quickApp.desc": "QuickApp",
+ "text.whatIsQuickApp.desc": ""
+ },
+ "QuickSearch": {
+ "text.form.desc": ""
+ },
+ "QuickSearchType": {
+ "label.fileName.desc": "Find File",
+ "label,filterCharCurrentFile.desc": "Find Text (Current File)",
+ "label.replace.desc": "Replace",
+ "label.gotoLine.desc": "Goto Line",
+ "label.filterCharCurrentDirectory.desc": "Find Text (Current Dir)",
+ "label.filterCharCurrentFile.desc": "Find Text (Current File)"
+ },
+ "RPCService": {
+ "status.downloadSyntaxHelper.desc": "Downloading syntax helper plugin ...",
+ "status.downloadSyntaxHelperFailed.desc": "Download the syntax helper plugin failed, please check the network status.",
+ "status.configurSyntaxHelper.desc": "Configuring syntax helper plugin ...",
+ "status.runDevice.desc": "Running Device",
+ "console.oneOfUniappH5.desc": "Please select a QuickApp H5+App or Wap2App project!",
+ "console.QuickAppNoIOS.desc": "IOS device not support nml or QuickApp!",
+ "console.selectQuickAppProject.desc": "Please select a QuickApp Project!",
+ "console.selectQuickOrNml.desc": "Please select a QuickApp Project or a UniApp Project!",
+ "console.startWeappDev.desc": "Starting WeApp devTools...",
+ "console.weappDevStarted.desc": "WeApp devTools start success, edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh WeApp devTools.",
+ "console.weappDevStartFailed.desc": "WeApp devTools start failed, please check!",
+ "console.closeIfWeappOpened.desc": "If the devTools was opened, close it and try again!",
+ "console.upgradeWeappDev.desc": "Upgrade the devTools to the latest version!",
+ "msgbox.downloadAndInstallSyntax.title": "The currently opened language file does not have a syntax prompt plug-in installed, and it has been automatically downloaded.
The download is complete, it will be prompted in the status bar.",
+ "": "Ok",
+ "label.view.miniAppWechat.title": "miniApp - wechat",
+ "console.isStopped.desc": "is stopped...",
+ "console.deviceNotFound.desc": "Did not find the device, please reconnect the device",
+ "path.wechatWebdevTools.desc": "WeChat web developer tools",
+ "console.notesPrefix.desc": "Notes:",
+ "console.switchPagesCondition.desc": "You can switch the page configured by the condition in pages.json through the WeChat developer tool, or close the WeChat developer tool, and then start the specified page from HBuilderX.",
+ "console.whitePageTryAgain.desc": "If there is a problem of a white screen after the WeChat developer tool is started, check whether multiple WeChat developer tools are started, if so, close all open WeChat developer tools, and then run again.",
+ "console.publishIfNotCompress.desc": "In the running mode, the code is not compressed and contains the sourcemap, which is large; if you want to officially release, please click the release menu to release.",
+ "label.view.miniAppBaidu.title": "miniApp - baidu",
+ "label.view.miniAppAlipay.title": "miniApp - alipay",
+ "label.view.miniAppBytedance.title": "miniApp - bytedance",
+ "label.view.miniAppQQ.title": "miniApp - QQ",
+ "label.view.miniApp360.title": "miniApp - 360",
+ "label.view.qiuckAppHuawei.title": "qiuckApp - huawei",
+ "label.view.qiuckAppUnion.title": "qiuckApp - union",
+ "console.openIn360Browser.desc": "Preview in mac is not supported yet, please open {1} in 360 browser on windows.",
+ "console.appendProjectIn360.desc": "Add items in the 360 browser:{1} detailed reference:{2}",
+ "console.startBaiduAppDev.desc": "Starting baiduApp devTools...",
+ "console.startDevTool.desc": "Starting {1} devTools",
+ "console.waitForBaiduDev.desc": "Waiting baiduApp devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh baiduApp devTools.",
+ "console.waitDevTool.desc": "Waiting {2} devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh {2} devTools.",
+ "console.startQQDevTool.desc": "Starting qqApp devTools...",
+ "console.waitQQDevTool.desc": "Waiting qqApp devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh qqApp devTools.",
+ "console.startAlipayAppDev.desc": "Starting alipayApp devTools...",
+ "console.waitForAlipayDev.desc": "waiting alipayApp devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh alipayApp devTools.",
+ "console.start360DevTool.desc": "Starting 360App devTools...",
+ "console.waitFor360Dev.desc": "Waiting 360App devTools start, please open the project {1}, for details, please refer to: {2}",
+ "console.waitFor360Part.desc": "Then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh 360App devTools.",
+ "console.startHuaweiDev.desc": "Starting huaweiApp devTools...",
+ "console.waitForHuaweiDev.desc": "HuaweiApp devTools started, edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh huaweiApp devTools.",
+ "console.startedHuaweiAppDev.desc": "HuaweiApp devTools started",
+ "console.manuallyOpenHuaweiDev": "If you fail to open the project, please open it manually in Huawei Quick App Developer Tool: {1}",
+ "console.startQuickAppUnion.desc": "Starting quickAppUnion devTools...",
+ "console.quickAppUnionStarted.desc": "QuickAppUnion devTools started",
+ "console.waitQuickAppUnion.desc": "Waiting quickAppUnion devTools start, please open the project {1}, and then edit code in HBuilderX and save, can auto refresh quickAppUnion devTools.",
+ "console.manuallyOpenQuickApp.desc": "If the project is not successfully opened, please open it manually in the Quick App Alliance Developer Tools: {1}",
+ "text.weApp.desc": "WeChat mini-app",
+ "text.alipayApp.desc": "Alipay mini-app",
+ "text.baiduApp.desc": "Baidu mini-app",
+ "text.bytedanceApp.desc": "Bytedance mini-app",
+ "text.qqApp.desc": "QQ mini-app",
+ "text.360App.desc": "360 mini-app",
+ "text.huaweiApp.desc": "Huawei quick-app",
+ "text.quickAppUnion.desc": "QuickAppUnion",
+ "console.uploadInDevTool.desc": "Please upload in {1} devoloper tools.",
+ "console.waitForDevTool.desc": "waiting {2} devTools start, please open the project {1}, and",
+ "console.windowNotFoundDev.desc": "Not found {1} developer tools, please set in tool->settings->run settings",
+ "console.macNotFoundDev.desc": "Not found {1} developer tools, please set in HBuilderX->preference->run settings",
+ "console.devToolSuffix.title": "[{1} devoloper tools] ",
+ "console.openWeappPort.desc": "WeApp devTools deny HBuilderX acces, please check follow these steps! ",
+ "notify.missingPlugin.desc": "{1} not found, then code assist etc. could not work.",
+ "": "Install",
+ "": "Ingore",
+ "console.debugServiceStarted.desc": "Debug proxy is started. The log information will be displayed in the Console of the Debug window.",
+ "console.debugServiceProgress.desc": "Debug proxy is starting",
+ "console.reRunDebug.desc": "The launcher is not started, please wait...",
+ "console.startDebugServiceProgress.desc": "Starting debug proxy",
+ "console.debugServiceStopped.desc": "Debug proxy is ended",
+ "console.canNotDebug.desc": "Non-custom component mode cannot be debugged.",
+ "console.downloadNotExistsPlugin.desc": "The plugin {1} does not exist and is being downloaded...",
+ "console.downloadPluginSuccessed.desc": "The plugin {1} was downloaded successfully",
+ "console.downloadPluginFailed.desc": "The plugin {1} failed to download, please check whether the network is normal.",
+ "console.waitForDownloadPlugin.desc": "The plugin {1} is downloading, please wait...",
+ "text.accountNoProject.desc": "This item does not exist in the current login account.",
+ "text.openProjectFailed.desc": "Failed to open project.",
+ "text.otherSimulators.desc": "Other",
+ "label.view.miniAppkuaishou.title": "Mini Program-Kuaishou",
+ "console.startKuaiShouAppDev.desc": "Starting Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool...",
+ "console.waitKuaiShouAppDev.desc": "After waiting for the Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool to start, open the Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool: {1}, then modify the file in HBuilderX and save it, and the Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool will be refreshed automatically",
+ "text.kuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou Mini Program"
+ },
+ "DebuggerWindow": {
+ "text.debug.desc": "Debug"
+ },
+ "RemoteDebugWidget": {
+ "label.checkbox.openWebViewDebug.desc": "Open remoteDebug view on run device.",
+ "label.checkbox.checkDeviceProgress.desc": "It is getting device,please wait...",
+ "text.noDeviceFound.desc": "Did not find device,please connect device to computer,prefrence:
device running FAQ ",
+ "text.closeAllAndTry.desc": "\n Note: If you cannot open the debugging page normally, you can close all Chrome processes and try again!
\n For uni-app projects, only vue pages in v3 mode support the webview debugging view layer. To debug js or nvue, please click the debug button in the upper right corner of the running console. \n ",
+ "Form": ""
+ },
+ "SashEdit": {
+ "msgbox.tableContained.question": "Find table in clipboard, paste text or change to markdown table?"
+ },
+ "SearchBar": {
+ "button.caseSensitive.tooltips": "Case Sensitive",
+ "button.wholeWord.tooltips": "Whole Word",
+ "button.Regular Expression.tooltips": "Regular Expression",
+ "button.Filter.tooltips": "Filter",
+ "button.Replace And Find.tooltips": "Replace And Find",
+ "button.Replace All.tooltips": "Replace All",
+ "button.Close.tooltips": "Close(Esc)",
+ "button.Find All.tooltips": "Find All",
+ "button.replace <<.tooltips": "Replace <<",
+ "button.replace >>.tooltips": "Replace >>",
+ "button.Replace.tooltips": "Replace",
+ "button.Find Previous.tooltips": "Find Previous",
+ "button.Find Next.tooltips": "Find Next",
+ "button.Show Replace(CTRL+H).tooltips": "Show Replace(CTRL+H)",
+ "button.Show Replace(Command+Option+F).tooltips": "Show Replace(⌘+Option+F)",
+ "button.Search Type.tooltips": "Search Type",
+ "textbox. Type File Name.placeholder": "Input File Name",
+ "textbox. Find.placeholder": "Find",
+ "textbox. MultiFile Find.placeholder": "Find in Files",
+ "textbox. Replace With.placeholder": "Replace",
+ "button.Find.tooltips": "Find",
+ "msgbox.autosaveOrReplaceFile.title": "Replace and autosave all files or Replace the current file",
+ "": "&Replace all search result list files ",
+ "": "&Replace current file ",
+ "": "&Cancel",
+ "msgbox.button.autosave.title": "Replace and autosave all files",
+ "": "&Yes",
+ "text.currentDirectory.desc": "Current Directory",
+ "text.selectedDirectoryOrFile.desc": "Left Side Selection",
+ "text.currentProject.desc": "Current Project",
+ "text.allProject.desc": "All Projects",
+ "dialog.configFilterRegexp.title": "Filter Pattern Setting",
+ "diaalog.excludeDir.title": "Filter Files to Exclude",
+ "textbox.selectedDirectories.tooltips": "Selected {1} directories",
+ "textbox.selectedFiles.tooltips": "Selected {1} files",
+ "textbox.selectedDirectoriesAndFiles.tooltips": "Selected {1} directories and {2} files",
+ "textbox.containProjects.tooltips": "Contain {1} Projects",
+ "text.pleaseSelectScope.desc": "Select Scope",
+ "msgbox.dirNoSearch.title": "The directory where the current document is located is not in the project manager and cannot be searched.",
+ "msgbox.fileNoSearch.title": "The current document is not in the project manager and cannot be searched.",
+ "msgbox.trySelect.title": "The project manager did not select anything. Please select again.",
+ "button.findinselectregion.tooltips": "Find in Selection"
+ },
+ "FilterRegExpDialog": {
+ "label.includeFileName.desc": "Include File Pattern",
+ "label.excludeFileName.desc": "Exclude File Pattern:",
+ "label.excludeDirectoryName.desc": "Exclude Dir Pattern:",
+ "label.modifyDefaultRegexp.desc": "Modify default filter pattern",
+ "textbox.delimited.placeholder": "Separate *.json, *.php with a comma"
+ },
+ "SearchResultEditPart": {
+ "text.searchResult.title": "Search Result",
+ "label.textbox.previewResult.desc": "Preview Result",
+ "status.searchDone.desc": "Searching for \"{1}\" is complete, and {3} matching results were found in {2} files.",
+ "status.excludeDir.desc": "exclude {1} directories:",
+ "status.searchInProgress.desc": "Searching for \"{1}\"...find {2} results in {3} files exclude {4} directories.",
+ "status.searchResultList.desc": "Search Result List",
+ "status.replaceDone.desc": "Replaced \"{1}\" with \"{2}\",replaced {3} results in {4} files",
+ "status.replaceInProgress.desc": ">Replacing \"{1}\" with \"{2}\"...replaced {3} results in {4} files",
+ "label.clickOrDoubleClick.tooltips": "Click result to preview in right; Double click to open file on new tab.",
+ "text.openedFile.desc": "File is dirty, search result from disk."
+ },
+ "TextEditor::BaseFileFind": {
+ "text.numberOfFound.desc": "\n "
+ },
+ "TextEditor::FindInFiles": {
+ "text.filesInFileSystem.desc": "",
+ "text.findInFile.desc": "",
+ "tooltips.findInFileDone.desc": ""
+ },
+ "TextEditor::Internal::InternalEngine": {
+ "text.internal.desc": ""
+ },
+ "ThemeEdit": {
+ "status.matchesFound.desc": "Found {1} of {2}",
+ "status.noFound.desc": "Unable to find {1}",
+ "status.replacedMatches.desc": "Replaced {1} matches",
+ "": "&Plugin Config",
+ "msgbox.canNotSaveFile.title": "Unable to save the file, please check permissions or whether the file is read-only.",
+ "": "Other &Folds",
+ "": "Fold &Contract Other",
+ "": "&Expand All Folds",
+ "": "&Add Breakpoint to Debugger",
+ "": "&Add Breakpoint to - [{1}]",
+ "": "&Delete Bookmark",
+ "": "&Add Bookmark",
+ "": "&Clear Bookmarks",
+ "": "&Add Breakpoint to Built-in Browser",
+ "": "Add/Remove Breakpoint(Double click)",
+ "": "Disable Breakpoint",
+ "": "Enable Breakpoint",
+ "": "Add/Remove Breakpoint(Double click)",
+ "": "Clear Breakpoints",
+ "tooltpis.openHyperlink.Alt.desc": "Open link (Alt + click)",
+ "tooltpis.openHyperlink.Command.desc": "Open link (Command + click)",
+ "tooltpis.openHyperlink.Ctrl.desc": "Open link (Ctrl + click)",
+ "editor.leftClickChangeColor.Alt.tooltips": "Use [Alt + click] to open color pick.",
+ "editor.leftClickChangeColor.Ctrl.tooltips": "Use [Ctrl + click] to open color pick.",
+ "editor.leftClickChangeColor.Command.tooltips": "Use [Command + click] to open color pick.",
+ "" :"Double-click to Add Breakpoint or Pressing"
+ },
+ "UniAppBasicJsonFormPage": {
+ "msgbox.loginFirstFetchAppid.title": "Please log in first, then use the cloud to get the Appid function",
+ "msgbox.oneAppidForProject.title": "A project can only distribute one appid.",
+ "properties.globalization.aa": "Afar",
+ "properties.globalization.ab": "Abkhazian",
+ "": "Avestan",
+ "": "Afrikaans",
+ "properties.globalization.ak": "Akan",
+ "": "Amharic",
+ "": "Aragonese",
+ "": "Arabic",
+ "": "Assamese",
+ "properties.globalization.av": "Avaric",
+ "properties.globalization.ay": "Aymara",
+ "": "Azerbaijani",
+ "": "Bashkir",
+ "": "Belarusian",
+ "": "Bulgarian",
+ "": "Bihari",
+ "": "Bislama",
+ "": "Bambara",
+ "": "Bengali",
+ "": "Tibetan",
+ "": "Breton",
+ "": "Bosnian",
+ "": "Catalan, Valencian",
+ "properties.globalization.ce": "Chechen",
+ "": "Chamorro",
+ "": "Corsican",
+ "": "Cree",
+ "properties.globalization.cs": "Czech",
+ "": "Church Slavic, Old Slavonic, Church Slavonic, Old Bulgarian, Old Church Slavonic",
+ "": "Chuvash",
+ "": "Welsh",
+ "properties.globalization.da": "Danish",
+ "": "German",
+ "properties.globalization.dv": "Divehi, Dhivehi, Maldivian",
+ "": "Dzongkha",
+ "": "Ewe",
+ "properties.globalization.el": "Greek, Modern (1453–)",
+ "properties.globalization.en": "English",
+ "properties.globalization.en-AU": "English (Australia)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-CA": "English (Canada)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-GB": "English (UK)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-IE": "English (Ireland)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-IN": "English (India)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-NZ": "English (New Zealand)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-SG": "English (Singapore)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-US": "English (US)",
+ "properties.globalization.en-ZA": "English (South Africa)",
+ "properties.globalization.eo": "Esperanto",
+ "": "Spanish, Castilian",
+ "": "Spanish (Latin America)",
+ "": "Spanish (US)",
+ "": "Estonian",
+ "": "Basque",
+ "properties.globalization.fa": "Persian",
+ "properties.globalization.ff": "Fulah",
+ "": "Finnish",
+ "": "Fijian",
+ "": "Faroese",
+ "": "French",
+ "": "French (Canada)",
+ "properties.globalization.fy": "Western Frisian",
+ "": "Irish",
+ "": "Gaelic, Scottish Gaelic",
+ "": "Galician",
+ "": "Guarani",
+ "": "Gujarati",
+ "properties.globalization.gv": "Manx",
+ "properties.globalization.ha": "Hausa",
+ "properties.globalization.he": "Hebrew",
+ "properties.globalization.hi": "Hindi",
+ "properties.globalization.ho": "Hiri Motu",
+ "": "Croatian",
+ "": "Haitian, Haitian Creole",
+ "": "Hungarian",
+ "properties.globalization.hy": "Armenian",
+ "properties.globalization.hz": "Herero",
+ "properties.globalization.ia": "Interlingua (International Auxiliary Language Association)",
+ "": "Indonesian",
+ "": "Interlingue, Occidental",
+ "properties.globalization.ig": "Igbo",
+ "properties.globalization.ii": "Sichuan Yi, Nuosu",
+ "properties.globalization.ik": "Inupiaq",
+ "": "Ido",
+ "": "Icelandic",
+ "": "Italian",
+ "properties.globalization.iu": "Inuktitut",
+ "properties.globalization.ja": "Japanese",
+ "properties.globalization.jv": "Javanese",
+ "properties.globalization.ka": "Georgian",
+ "": "Kongo",
+ "": "Kikuyu, Gikuyu",
+ "properties.globalization.kj": "Kuanyama, Kwanyama",
+ "properties.globalization.kk": "Kazakh",
+ "properties.globalization.kl": "Kalaallisut, Greenlandic",
+ "": "Central Khmer",
+ "": "Kannada",
+ "properties.globalization.ko": "Korean",
+ "": "Kanuri",
+ "properties.globalization.ks": "Kashmiri",
+ "properties.globalization.ku": "Kurdish",
+ "properties.globalization.kv": "Komi",
+ "": "Cornish",
+ "": "Kirghiz, Kyrgyz",
+ "": "Latin",
+ "": "Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch",
+ "properties.globalization.lg": "Ganda",
+ "": "Limburgan, Limburger, Limburgish",
+ "properties.globalization.ln": "Lingala",
+ "properties.globalization.lo": "Lao",
+ "": "Lithuanian",
+ "": "Luba-Katanga",
+ "": "Latvian",
+ "": "Malagasy",
+ "": "Marshallese",
+ "properties.globalization.mi": "Maori",
+ "": "Macedonian",
+ "": "Malayalam",
+ "": "Mongolian",
+ "": "Marathi",
+ "": "Malay",
+ "": "Maltese",
+ "": "Burmese",
+ "": "Nauru",
+ "properties.globalization.nb": "Norwegian Bokmål",
+ "properties.globalization.nd": "North Ndebele",
+ "": "Nepali",
+ "": "Ndonga",
+ "": "Dutch, Flemish",
+ "properties.globalization.nn": "Norwegian Nynorsk",
+ "": "Norwegian",
+ "": "South Ndebele",
+ "properties.globalization.nv": "Navajo, Navaho",
+ "properties.globalization.ny": "Chichewa, Chewa, Nyanja",
+ "properties.globalization.oc": "Occitan",
+ "properties.globalization.oj": "Ojibwa",
+ "": "Oromo",
+ "properties.globalization.or": "Oriya",
+ "properties.globalization.os": "Ossetian, Ossetic",
+ "": "Punjabi, Panjabi",
+ "properties.globalization.pi": "Pali",
+ "": "Polish",
+ "": "Pashto, Pushto",
+ "": "Portuguese",
+ "": "Portuguese (Brazil)",
+ "properties.globalization.qu": "Quechua",
+ "properties.globalization.rm": "Romansh",
+ "properties.globalization.rn": "Rundi",
+ "": "Romanian, Moldavian, Moldovan",
+ "": "Russian",
+ "": "Kinyarwanda",
+ "": "Sanskrit",
+ "": "Sardinian",
+ "": "Sindhi",
+ "": "Northern Sami",
+ "": "Sango",
+ "": "Sinhala, Sinhalese",
+ "": "Slovak",
+ "": "Slovenian",
+ "": "Samoan",
+ "": "Shona",
+ "": "Somali",
+ "properties.globalization.sq": "Albanian",
+ "": "Serbian",
+ "": "Swati",
+ "": "Southern Sotho",
+ "": "Sundanese",
+ "": "Swedish",
+ "properties.globalization.sw": "Swahili",
+ "properties.globalization.ta": "Tamil",
+ "properties.globalization.te": "Telugu",
+ "": "Tajik",
+ "": "Thai",
+ "properties.globalization.ti": "Tigrinya",
+ "": "Turkmen",
+ "": "Tagalog",
+ "": "Tswana",
+ "": "Tonga (Tonga Islands)",
+ "": "Turkish",
+ "properties.globalization.ts": "Tsonga",
+ "": "Tatar",
+ "": "Twi",
+ "properties.globalization.ty": "Tahitian",
+ "": "Uighur, Uyghur",
+ "": "Ukrainian",
+ "properties.globalization.ur": "Urdu",
+ "": "Uzbek",
+ "": "Venda",
+ "": "Vietnamese",
+ "properties.globalization.vo": "Volapük",
+ "properties.globalization.wa": "Walloon",
+ "properties.globalization.wo": "Wolof",
+ "properties.globalization.xh": "Xhosa",
+ "properties.globalization.yi": "Yiddish",
+ "properties.globalization.yo": "Yoruba",
+ "": "Zhuang, Chuang",
+ "properties.globalization.zh": "Chinese",
+ "properties.globalization.zh-Hans": "Chinese, Simplified",
+ "properties.globalization.zh-Hant": "Chinese, Traditional",
+ "properties.globalization.zh-Hant-HK": "Chinese, Traditional (Hong Kong)",
+ "properties.globalization.zh-Hant-MO": "Chinese, Traditional (Macao)",
+ "properties.globalization.zh-Hant-TW": "Chinese, Traditional (Taiwan)",
+ "properties.globalization.zu": "Zulu"
+ },
+ "UniAppIconsJsonFormPage": {
+ "msgbox.selectValidPng.title": "Please select a valid PNG image file first.",
+ "dialog.generateIcons.title": "Generate icons",
+ "dialog.generateIconsInProgress.title": "Generating icons...",
+ "text.autoGeneratIcons.desc": "Automatic generation icons",
+ "text.onlyForAutoGen.desc": "Only used to generation icons, advise:1024x1024"
+ },
+ "UniAppModulePermissionJsonFormPage": {
+ "msgbox.removePermissionSameTime.question": "Does the Android permission used by the module be removed at the same time?"
+ },
+ "UniAppVueCompiler": {
+ "console.startCompileProject.desc": "Project '{1}' start compiling...",
+ "console.compileProjectSuccess.desc": "Project '{1}' Compiling end.",
+ "console.compileProjectFailed.desc": "Project '{1}' Compiling failed.",
+ "console.nodejsPathNeeded.desc": "In the absence of the nodejs environment, configure the nodejs path in the settings.",
+ "console.missingManifest.desc": "There is no manifest.json file in the project.",
+ "console.openManifestFailed.desc": "Cannot open manifest.json",
+ "console.appidUniHeadOnly.desc": "The 'appid' in the manifest.json file is illegal and must start with __UNI__",
+ "console.downloadToolsSuccess.desc": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please re-run.",
+ "console.downloadToolsSuccessRepublish.desc": "Compilation plug-in download is complete, please reissue.",
+ "console.downloadToolsFailed.desc": "Compilation plug-in download failed, please check the network status and system proxy settings.",
+ "console.waitForDownload.desc": "Downloading and compiling the plugin, please try again later.",
+ "console.projectDoesNotExists.desc": "Project is not exists.",
+ "console.tryToolNotLoaded.desc": "Dependent plugin has not been loaded, please try again later.",
+ "console.toolWaitForInstall.desc": "Dependent plugin is waiting to be installed, please try again later.",
+ "console.tryWaitInstallProgress.desc": "The dependent plug-in is being installed, please try again later (if the installation is not completed for a long time, please restart HBuilderX and try again).",
+ "console.waitInstallProgress.desc": "The dependent plugin is trying to reinstall, please try again later.",
+ "console.installFailedOrNpm.desc": "The installation of the dependency plugin {1} failed. Please check the network or proxy, or enter the plugin directory on the command line, and use the command 'npm install ' to install manually.",
+ "console.missingPagesJson.desc": "There is no pages.json file in the project."
+ },
+ "UniappDebugHelper": {
+ "console.deviceConnectFailed.desc": "The phone/device cannot connect to your computer, please check the network connection between the computer and the phone/device.",
+ "console.configureChromeToDefault.desc. ": "Debug debugging needs to use Chrome browser, please make sure to install Chrome. If you are using the green version of Chrome, please set Chrome as the default browser.",
+ "console.debug.desc": "Debug",
+ "console.foundLocalIp.desc": "Find IP:",
+ "console.foundIp.desc": "Find IP:"
+ },
+ "UniappManifestJsonForm": {
+ "text.appidHeadUniOnly.desc": "Appid must begin with __UNI__",
+ "text.noEmpty.desc": "can not be empty"
+ },
+ "UnsupportEditor": {
+ "label.noPreview.desc": "The file will not be displayed in the editor because it is a binary file, very large or unsupported text encoding. Click and use the system editor to open it.",
+ "label.noSourceForEncrypt.desc": "The file is encrypt cloud function, can not check source code.",
+ "label.noSourceEncryptCommon.desc": "The file is encrypt cloud common module, can not check source code."
+ },
+ "Upgrade": {
+ "": "Checking for Update...",
+ "": "&Restart to Update",
+ "": "&Check for Updates",
+ "": "&Fallback Version",
+ "": "&Switch to the Latest Version",
+ "msgbox.updataVersion.desc": "To switch the version, the software needs to be restarted. It takes about a few seconds. You can switch to the previous version later.",
+ "msgbox.fallbackVersion.desc": "To switch the version, the software needs to be restarted. It takes about a few seconds. You can switch to the latest version later.",
+ "msgbox.updataVersion.question.title": "Make sure to switch to the latest version?",
+ "": "Cancel(&C)",
+ "": "OK",
+ "msgbox.fallbackVersion.question.title": "Make sure to switch to the previous version?",
+ "msgbox.versionUpdateReleasenNode.question.title": "Whether to view the release note?"
+ },
+ "UserAuth": {
+ "text.sponsor.desc": "{1} [{2}sponsor] {3}"
+ },
+ "UserAuthWidget": {
+ "": "Sign &out",
+ "": "Login",
+ "": "Not signed in",
+ "": "&Switch Account",
+ "": "&Add Account"
+ },
+ "Utils::FileSearch": {
+ "text.searchResult.desc": "\n ",
+ "text.searchInFiles.desc": "\n ",
+ "text.filePattern.desc": "",
+ "text.exclusionPattern.desc": ""
+ },
+ "Utils::FileUtils": {
+ "text.refusingToRemoveRoot.desc": "",
+ "text.refusingToRemoveHome.desc": "",
+ "text.failedToRemoveDirectory.desc": "",
+ "text.failedToRemoveFile.desc": "",
+ "text.failedToCreateDirectory.desc": "",
+ "text.failedCopyTo.desc": "",
+ "text.error.cannotopenthefile": "",
+ "text.error.cannotread": "",
+ "text.error.fileerror": "",
+ "text.error.Diskfull": "",
+ "text.error.invalidfilename": "",
+ "text.error.cannotoverwritefile": "",
+ "text.error.cannotcreatefile": "",
+ "text.error.cannotcreatetemporaryfilein": ""
+ },
+ "Utils::HostOsInfo": {
+ "text.write.cannotcreateOpenGLcontext": ""
+ },
+ "Utils::TextFileFormat": {
+ "text.write.Outofmemory": "",
+ "text.write.encodingerrorwasencountered.": ""
+ },
+ "WorkbenchPage": {
+ "msgbox.text.terminaloutcounts": "The number of terminals exceeds the maximum limit, You can modify the terminal.maxcount in setting.json.",
+ "msgbox.button.modify.desc": "&modify",
+ "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "dialog.button.rerun.desc": "Restart({1})",
+ "": "Start({1})",
+ "dialog.button.stoprun.tooltip": "Stop({1})",
+ "dialog.button.debug.tooltip": "Debug",
+ "notify.tip.ifopenprojectinsinglewindow": "If you want to open project from this single window,please view detail",
+ "notify.tip.viewdetail": "View signal window introduction ",
+ "notify.tip.HBuilderXimprovemoreaboutvue": "HBuilderX provides a lot of optimization techniques for vue development.",
+ "notify.tip.vueintroduce": "Please click introduction to optimization techniques ",
+ "notify.tip.notfoundlocalhistoryofthisfile": "Not found local history of this file.",
+ "notify.tip.savefirst": "Can not change encoding, please save this content first.",
+ "projectexplorer.expand.tip": "Show/hide project manager"
+ },
+ "ConsoleView": {
+ "console.button.rerun.desc": "&Restart",
+ "": "&Run",
+ "console.button.stoprun.desc": "&Stop",
+ "menu.copylink.desc": "&Copy Link",
+ "statusbar.tip.copylinksuccess": "Copy Link Success."
+ },
+ "WorkbenchWindow": {
+ "dialog.button.webdeployment.tooltip": "Web hosting",
+ "menu.stoptheplugin.desc": "Stop This Extension",
+ "menu.runtheextension.desc": "Run This Extension",
+ "dialog.label.extensiondevelopment.desc": "Extension Development",
+ "dialog.button.documentstructurechart.tooltip": "Outline",
+ "dialog.button.terminal.tooltip": "Terminal",
+ "dialog.button.openlastpreviewfile.desc": "Open Last Preview File",
+ "menu.opendirectory.desc": "&Open directory...",
+ "menu.keybindings.desc": "&Key Bindings",
+ "menu.oldversionkeybings.desc": "&OldHBuilder Key Bindings",
+ "menu.newforder.desc": "&2.Forder(&D)",
+ "menu.customfile.desc": "&Custom File",
+ "dialog.button.Grammaticalhintslibraries.desc": "Javascript Libraries",
+ "menu.notfoundGrammarlibrary.desc": "No Library Available.",
+ "menu.format.desc": "&Format Document",
+ "menu.markdownGrammarhelp.desc": "&Markdown Grammar Help",
+ "menu.developercenter.desc": "&Developer Cloud Console...",
+ "menu.requirementwall.des": "&Requirement Wall...",
+ "menu.dCloudforum.desc": "&DCloud Forum...",
+ "menu.leftoneword.desc": "Goto Left Word",
+ "menu.rightoneword.desc": "Goto Right Word",
+ "menu.gotoeditorstart.desc": "Goto &Begin of Document",
+ "menu.gotoeditorend.desc": "Goto &End of Document",
+ "menu.runonbrowser.desc": "&Browser",
+ "console.tip.setting": "Setting",
+ "console.tip.findpathindefaultsetting": "path, found in the default settings",
+ "console.tip.setting1": "node in Settings,copy the node to User Settings,and set",
+ "console.tip.setting2": "value",
+ "menu.downloadlauncherplugin.desc": "&Download Launcher Plug-in",
+ "menu.downloadinglauncherplugin.desc": "Downloading the launcher plug-in, it may take several minutes.",
+ "menu.installinglauncherplugin.desc": "Processing launcher plug-in, please wait...",
+ "menu.launcherplugindownloadFailed.desc": "&Launcher plugin download failed, click to download.",
+ "menu.switchundisturbedmode.desc": "&Enter Distanction Free Mode",
+ "menu.switchpuremode": "&Switch Pure Mode [double click tab title]",
+ "menu.validation.desc": "&Validation",
+ "menu.gotolinehome.desc": "",
+ "menu.gotolineend.desc": "",
+ "menu.downloadingdebugplugin.desc": "Downloading debug plugin",
+ "menu.decompressioningdebugplugin.desc": "Processing debug plugin",
+ "menu.debugplugindownloadFailed.desc": "Debug plugin &download failed, click to download.",
+ "menu.plugininstall.desc": "Plugin &Install",
+ "menu.configureplugin.desc": "Plugin &Settings",
+ "msgbox.text.thefilenotinproject": "This file is not under HBuilderX Project control, please move it to a project!",
+ "msgbox.title.unsupportfileruninbrowser": "The browser does not support this type of file.",
+ "msgbox.button.confirm.desc1": "&Get It",
+ "statusbar.warning.unsupportmicrosoftedgetoopenlocalfile": "It is not yet supported to open local files with Edge.",
+ "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "menu.runnpminterminal.desc": "&Terminal",
+ "menu.runnpminterminal.tooltip": "Run npm in package.json in the project.",
+ "menu.usenodeexcutethisfile.desc": "Run This File with Node",
+ "menu.confignodepath.desc": "&Config Node Path",
+ "msgbox.button.usebuiltinterminal.desc": "&Use built-in terminal",
+ "msgbox.button.useexternalterminal.desc": "&Use external terminal",
+ "menu.runsetting1.desc": "&Config Setting",
+ "msgbox.text.chooseaterminal": "Please choose to use the built-in terminal or external terminal to run. Later running will automatically run at the selected terminal
which can be modified in Tools - > Settings - > Running Settings.",
+ "menu.notfinddevices.desc": "Can not find devices, please try again later.",
+ "button.preView.desc": "Preview",
+ "menu.runsetting.desc": "&Compile Dir Setting",
+ "menu.stopweApp.desc": "&Stop WeChat devtools",
+ "menu.runweApp1.desc": "&WeChat devtools",
+ "menu.stopbaiduApp.desc": "&Stop Baidu devtools",
+ "menu.runbaiduApp1.desc": "&Baidu devtools",
+ "menu.uploadandruncloudfunction.desc": "&Upload and Run",
+ "menu.stopalipayApp.desc": "&Stop Alipay devtools",
+ "menu.runalipayApp.desc": "&Alipay devtools",
+ "menu.runweApp.desc": "&WeChat devtools",
+ "menu.runbaiduApp.desc": "&Baidu devtools",
+ "menu.stopbytedanceApp.desc": "&Stop Bytedance devtools",
+ "menu.runQQApp.desc": "&QQ devtools",
+ "menu.stopQQApp.desc": "&Stop QQ devtools",
+ "menu.runbytedanceApp.desc": "&Bytedance devtools",
+ "menu.run360App.desc": "&360 devtools",
+ "menu.stop360App.desc": "&Stop 360",
+ "menu.runhuaweiApp.desc": "&Huawei devtools",
+ "menu.stophuaweiApp.desc": "&Stop Huawei devtools",
+ "menu.runquickAppUnion.desc": "&QuickAppUnion devtools",
+ "menu.stopquickAppUnion.desc": "&Stop QuickAppUnion",
+ "menu.stopone.desc": "Stop{1}",
+ "menu.nocustompublish.desc": "No custom script",
+ "msgbox.text.invalidvuefile": "The vue file must be compiled before it can be run, and package.json is not found under the project. If it is a uni-app project,
please check whether the project type is correct (right click on the project-re-identify the project type).",
+ "msgbox.text.packagejsonunderprojectisempty": "package.json in project is empty.",
+ "msgbox.text.packagejsonunderprojectparsefailed": "package.json parsed failed!",
+ "msgbox.text.ifrunbuildvuefile": "The vue file must be compiled before it can be run. The compilation command was not found in package.json under the project.",
+ "msgbox.button.confirm.desc": "&Download it",
+ "mac.text.wechatdevtools": "Wechat developer tools",
+ "msgbox.text.willcloseallconsole": "This operation will close all open console, to be continue?",
+ "msgbox.button.closeallconsole.desc": "&close all console",
+ "msgbox.button.hiddenbottompanel.desc": "&Hidden bottom panel",
+ "msgbox.text.willcloseallterminals": "This operation will close all open terminals, to be continue?",
+ "msgbox.button.closeallterminal.desc": "&close all terminal",
+ "menu.addtofavorite.desc": "&Add to Favorite",
+ "menu.managerfavorite.desc": "&Manager Favorite",
+ "msgbox.text.willstopallrunindevice": "This operation will stop all run in device, to be continue?",
+ "menu.runtopage.desc": "Run to page",
+ "menu.stoprunthecurrentpageforstartuppage.desc": "Stop running the current page as the startup page",
+ "menu.runthecurrentpageforstartuppage": "Run the current page as the startup page",
+ "menu.stopruning.desc": "Stop Runing",
+ "statusbar.tip.pageautoaddinpagesjson": "Page {1} has been automatically added to pages.json",
+ "menu.editstarupconfigure.desc": "Edit pages.json's condition",
+ "menu.addcurrentpagetostartupconfigure.desc": "Add this page to the startup configuration",
+ "editor.inserttext.modeconfiguration": "//Mode configuration, effective only during development period.",
+ "editor.inserttext.currentactivemode": "//Current active mode (index entry of list)",
+ "editor.inserttext.modename": "//mode name",
+ "editor.inserttext.startpagemustcheck": "//startup page, can not be empty",
+ "editor.inserttext.startupparameters": "//The startup parameters are obtained in the onLoad function of the page.",
+ "menu.custombase.desc": "&Custom Playground",
+ "menu.iOScustomBase.desc": "&Custom Playground(iOS)",
+ "menu.Androidcustombase.desc": "&Custom Playground(Android)",
+ "menu.selectbase.desc": "&Select Playground",
+ "menu.stoprunonChrome.desc": "&Stop Chrome",
+ "menu.runonChrome.desc": "&Chrome",
+ "menu.runtobuiltinBrowser.desc": "Built-&in Browser",
+ "menu.iOSsimulator.desc": "IOS simulators",
+ "menu.weApp.desc": "WeChat mini-app",
+ "menu.alipayApp.desc": "Alipay mini-app",
+ "menu.baiduApp.desc": "Baidu mini-app",
+ "menu.bytedanceApp.desc": "Bytedance mini-app",
+ "menu.qqApp.desc": "QQ mini-app",
+ "menu.360.desc": "360",
+ "menu.huaWei qiuckApp.desc": "Huawei QuickApp",
+ "menu.qiuckApp union.desc": "QuickApp Union",
+ "menu.showdevelopertoolmenu.desc": "Show {1} developer tools",
+ "menu.showchromerunmenu.desc": "Show Chrome running menu",
+ "menu.showdevicesrunmenu.desc": "Show mobile or simulator running menu",
+ "menu.showcustomrunmenu.desc": "Show custom running menu",
+ "menu.setcustommenu.desc": "Custom menu",
+ "menu.whethercompresscodeforrunning.desc": "&Compress code on running",
+ "notify.tip.builtinterminalpluginupdating": "Built-In Terminal plugin is updating, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.builtinterminalpluginupdateend": "Built-In Terminal plugin is updated.",
+ "menu.miniProgramunsupporttheprojecttype.desc": "The project can not run in miniProgram, click to view details.",
+ "menu.miniProgramunsupportthefilenotinproject.desc": "Files under non-projects cannot be run to the applet simulator, click to see details.",
+ "menu.notcontainspackagejson.desc": "The package.json file is not included under this project.",
+ "menu.terminalunsupportthefilenotinproject.desc": "Files under non-projects cannot be run to the terminal.",
+ "menu.notfoundsciptesnodeinpackagejson.desc": "The scripts child node was not found in package.json under this project.",
+ "menu.noopenfileorproject.desc": "Cannot run without open file or selected item.",
+ "menu.devicerununsupporttheprojecttype.desc": "This project type cannot be run on a mobile phone or simulator, click to see details.",
+ "notify.tip.enterUndisturbedmode": "In free mode, you can use the menu [View]-[Switch Do Not Disturb Mode] or the shortcut key F11 to restore.",
+ "msgbox.button.noprompt.desc": "Not Prompt",
+ "msgbox.button.iknow.desc": "Got it",
+ "Multi-cursor behavior has been switched to [{1}+Click], accordingly, use [{2}+Click] to goto definition, and use [{2}+Drag] for rectangular selection.": "It has been switched to {1}+mouse for multi-cursor management, corresponding adjustments, {2}+left mouse button for go to definition, {2}+mouse drag for column selection.",
+ "notify.whetherswitchkeybindings.desc": "Switching the shortcut key scheme will not affect the corresponding mouse shortcut keys for multiple cursors, go to definition, and column selection. If you need to switch,
please click here 。",
+ "menu.markdownGrammarhelp1.desc": "Markdown Grammar Help",
+ "statusbar.tip.onlysupportlocatingDOMnodeinhtml": "Currently only supports locating DOM nodes in html files.",
+ "查找(&L)": "&Find",
+ "help(&H)": "&Help",
+ "External file can't use Javascript Libraries": "External file can not use Javascript Libraries.",
+ "LICENSE": "Licence",
+ "Readme": "Readme",
+ "&Sponsor": "&Sponsor Us...",
+ "Setting server": "Setting server",
+ ",find ": ", found in the settings",
+ "&Comment": "&Comment",
+ "First character of line list ": "&Start-of-line list character",
+ "Built-in server plug-in is downloading...": "Built-in server plug-in is downloading...",
+ "&Wait plugin install": "&Wait plugin install",
+ "open local file": "&open local file in the browser",
+ "can't open this file,please config webserver": "The built-in server does not support opening this type of file, please configure the web server.",
+ "&Config webserver": "&Config webserver",
+ "this file can only be opened by devices": "Ux/nml file can only be opened by devices.",
+ "can't find path of node or not config node,please config it": "",
+ "Built-in server is not running,please check network and firewall...": "The built-in server failed to start. If a permission query box pops up, be sure to click Allow. If you click Reject by mistake, you need to find the Windows firewall in the control panel, and click \"Allowed applications or functions through the windows firewall\" on the left. If you do not start the built-in server, you can also open it as a file.",
+ "&i checked network and firewall,Retry": "&Set, try again",
+ "file not save": "Please save the current running file!",
+ "&save file": "&save file",
+ "If opened please i&gnore.": "&If opened, please ignore.",
+ "wechatwebdevtools": "Wechat web developer tools",
+ "Import &svn folder": "&Import from SVN",
+ "Import &git folder": "&Import from git",
+ "Android 11 is not supported at this time.": "Android 11 is not supported at this time.",
+ "menu.notfindmobiledevices.desc": "No phone or device detected, please try again later",
+ "menu.runkuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
+ "menu.stopkuaishouApp.desc": "Stop Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
+ "menu.kuaishouApp.desc": "Kuaishou Mini Program",
+ "menu.runH5UseSSR.desc": "Run H5 in SSR mode",
+ "button.runKuaishou.text": "Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
+ "can not find mobile devices": "No phone or device detected, please try again later",
+ "run H5 use ssr": "Run H5 in SSR mode",
+ "StopKuaiShouApp": "Stop Kuaishou devtools(&A)",
+ "": "Cursor up",
+ "": "Cursor to next paragraph",
+ "": "Cursor to previous page",
+ "": "Cursor to next page",
+ "": "Cursor right",
+ "": "Cursor to the beginning of the line",
+ "": "Cursor to the right one camel case word",
+ "": "Cursor down",
+ "": "Cursor to previous paragraph",
+ "": "Cursor to end of line",
+ "": "Cursor left",
+ "": "Cursor to the left one camel case word",
+ "": "Display the release menu(&P)",
+ "msgbox.dependOnH5.desc.question": "H5 release function depends on plug-in [H5 extension]. Are you sure you want to install it?"
+ },
+ "Workspace": {
+ "notify.tip.filesmovedrelateproject": "Files have moved successfully.",
+ "notify.tip.filesmovedrelateprojectfailed": "Files have not moved successfully.",
+ "dialog.title.opendirectory": "Open Directory",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.warning": "Warn",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.sameprojectnameexist": "A project with the same name already exists.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.cannotcreateprojectuserootdirectory": "Cannot create project from root directory.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.useWeChatappletprojectOrconverted": "Edit WeChat Mini Program project directly? Or convert to uni-app or fast application?",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.directediting.desc": "&Direct editing",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.convertedUniApp.desc": "&Switch to uni-app",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.conversionQuiackApp.desc": "&Switch to quickApp",
+ "console.tip.theprojectconversionstart": "Project [{1}] start to switch...",
+ "console.tip.theprojectconversionend": "Project [{1}] end of switch.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.import": "Import",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.ifmpvueorwepynotify": "The current directory is suspected to be an mpvue or wepy project. Import the upper-level directory and run the commands in package.json directly in HBuilderX.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.importparentfolder": "&Import Parent Folder",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.importdirectly": "&Import Current Folder",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.invalidproject": "It is detected that the subdirectories under the current directory include uni-app/5+ projects. If you want to run these projects correctly, you need to drag the correct project root directory into HBuilderX.",
+ "Found the project type is uni-app, has already into the source directory": "It is detected that you are opening a uni-app project, and you have directly entered the code directory."
+ },
+ "CInputAliasDlg": {
+ "Submit": "Confirm Modify",
+ "alias": "Input Alias"
+ },
+ "CDiffCampareSplitEdit": {
+ "dialog.button.nextfiff.tooltip": "Next Diff Block (F6)",
+ "dialog.button.previousfiff.tooltip": "Previous Diff Block (Shift+F6)",
+ "dialog.button.useleft.tooltip": "Replace the right with the content on the left",
+ "dialog.button.useright.tooltip": "Replace the left with the content on the right"
+ },
+ "CDiffCampare": {
+ "": "Compare:"
+ },
+ "CSvnImportDlg": {
+ "dialog.lable.nullparams.desc": "URL and local path cannot be empty.",
+ "dialog.lable.invalidpath.desc": "Invalid path",
+ "dialog.lable.invalidurl.desc": "Invalid url",
+ "dialog.lable.installtortoiseSVNfirst.desc": "Plugin [SVN] denpends TortoiseSVN, Please install it first.",
+ "dialog.lable.installtortoiseGITfirst.desc": "Plugin [Git] denpends TortoiseGIT, Please install it first.",
+ "dialog.title.importgitproject": "Import git folder",
+ "dialog.title.importsvnproject": "Import svn folder",
+ "dialog.button.browser.desc": "Browser",
+ "dialog.edit.URL.placeholdertext": "URL",
+ "dialog.edit.locationpath.placeholdertext": "Location path",
+ "dialog.edit.username": "User Name",
+ "dialog.edit.password": "Password",
+ "dialog.button.import": "Import",
+ "dialog.button.verify": "Verify",
+ "dialog.lable.localpathmustbeempty.desc": "Local dir must be empty",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.installtortoiseSVNfirst": "Plugin [SVN] does not exist. Please download it from 'Tool -> plug-in ' first.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.installtortoiseGITfirst": "Plugin [Git] does not exist.Please download it from ' tool -> plugin ' first.",
+ "notify.tip.imoprtingprojectfromSVN": "Imoprting project from SVN.",
+ "notify.tip.imoprtingprojectfromGIT": "Imoprting project from Git.",
+ "notify.tip.imoprtprojectsuccess": "Imoprt project succeed.",
+ "notify.tip.imoprtprojectfailed": "Imoprt project failed.",
+ "brunch(option)": "Brunch(option)",
+ "dialog.label.nullparams.desc": "URL and local path cannot be empty",
+ "dialog.label.invalidpath.desc": "Invalid local path",
+ "dialog.label.invalidurl.desc": "URL is invalid",
+ "dialog.label.installtortoiseSVNfirst.desc": "The SVN plugin depends on TortoiseSVN, please install the software first",
+ "dialog.label.installtortoiseGITfirst.desc": "The Git plugin depends on TortoiseGIT, please install the software first",
+ "dialog.label.localpathmustbeempty.desc": "The local directory must be empty",
+ "notify.tip.importFromPlugin": "This import will use the [{1}] plugin import",
+ "path.existWarning": "An item with the same path already exists, please select a new path or remove the existing item first。"
+ },
+ "WorkspaceModel": {
+ "statusbar.warning.copyfailed": "Copy failed:",
+ "statusbar.warning.removefailed": "Remove failed:"
+ },
+ "VerCtrlFileCompare": {
+ "dialog.title.versioncompare": "Version Compare:",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.unknownrepositorytype": "Unknown repository type",
+ "console.error.getrepositoryfilefailed": "Get repository file failed.",
+ "console.error.getrepositoryfileversionfailed": "Get repository file rivision failed:"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::LogViewWidget": {
+ "msgbox.text.getlogfailed": "Get log failed:",
+ "msgbox.text.getfileurlfailed": "Get file url failed:",
+ "msgbox.text.notsupportcomparison": "The file does not support comparison operation.",
+ "dialog.button.showcount.desc": "Show more {1}",
+ "dialog.button.showall.desc": "Show all"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::VerCtrlCommitWidget": {
+ "dialog.lable.unknownrepositorytype.desc": "Unknown Repository Type",
+ "dialog.lable.committo.desc": "Commit to:",
+ "dialog.lable.multitargetsselected.desc": "(Multi targets have been selected)",
+ "dialog.lable.logmessage.desc": "Message:",
+ "dialog.button.recentpullmessage.desc": "&Recent message",
+ "dialog.lable.changelist.desc": "Changes list (double-click on file for diff, support only modified file):",
+ "dialog.lable.selected.desc": "{1} files selected, {2} files total",
+ "dialog.lable.check.desc": "Check:",
+ "dialog.button.all.desc": "&All",
+ "dialog.button.none.desc": "&None",
+ "dialog.button.noversioned.desc": "Non-versioned",
+ "dialog.button.versioned.desc": "Versioned",
+ "dialog.button.added.desc": "Added",
+ "dialog.button.deleted.desc": "Deleted",
+ "dialog.button.modified.desc": "Modified",
+ "dialog.button.showlog.desc": "&Show log",
+ "dialog.button.commit.desc": "&Commit",
+ "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
+ "dialog.button.branch.desc": "Branch",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.getworkfolderstatusfailed": "Failed to get the status of the working directory file",
+ "dialog.lable.selectonerecord.desc": "Select one record (double-click to confirm):",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.commitsuccess.": "Commit to repository succeed.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.commitonlylocalrepository": "Commit only to local repository,",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.pushremoterepository": "Use \"git push\" command to push the commit to remote repository if needed.",
+ "msgbox.text.messageisempty": "Message is empty. Please input valid message.",
+ "Commit to repository 失败": "Commit to repository failed",
+ "dialog.label.unknownrepositorytype.desc": "Unknown warehouse type",
+ "dialog.label.committo.desc": "Submit to:",
+ "dialog.label.multitargetsselected.desc": "(Multiple targets selected)",
+ "dialog.label.logmessage.desc": "Log information:",
+ "dialog.label.changelist.desc": "Change list(Double-click the file to view the difference,Double-click the file to view the difference):",
+ "dialog.label.selected.desc": "Selected {1} files, a total of {2} files",
+ "dialog.label.check.desc": "Selected:",
+ "dialog.label.selectonerecord.desc": "Select a record (double-click to confirm):",
+ "dialog.label.nobranch": "No branch"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::LogTableModel": {
+ "list.title.version": "Version",
+ "list.title.pullmessage": "Message",
+ "": "Author",
+ "": "Date"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::LogFilesTableModel": {
+ "list.title.path.desc": "Path",
+ "list.title.status": "Action",
+ "list.tip.added.desc": "Added",
+ "list.tip.modify.desc": "Modified",
+ "list.tip.deleted.desc": "Deleted",
+ "": "Rename",
+ "": "Copy"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::CommitFileListModel": {
+ "list.title.path.desc": "Path",
+ "list.title.status.desc": "Status",
+ "list.tip.added.desc": "Added",
+ "list.tip.modify.desc": "Modified",
+ "list.tip.deleted.desc": "Deleted",
+ "list.tip.missing.desc": "Missing",
+ "list.tip.noversioned.desc": "Non-versioned",
+ "list.tip.conflicted.desc": "Conflicted",
+ "": "Rename",
+ "": "Copy"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::VerCtrlLogEdit": {
+ "editor.title.viewlog": "View Log:"
+ },
+ "UserInputDialog": {
+ "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::UserPassWdInput": {
+ "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK",
+ "dialog.edit.username.placeholdertext": "User Name",
+ "dialog.edit.password.placeholdertext": "Password",
+ "dialog.lable.nameisnull": "User name is empty",
+ "dialog.lable.passwordisnull": "Password is empty",
+ "dialog.label.nameisnull": "Username is empty",
+ "dialog.label.passwordisnull": "Password is empty"
+ },
+ "": "Services",
+ "menu.hide.desc": "Hide {1}",
+ "menu.hideothers.desc": "Hide Others",
+ "menu.showall.desc": "Show All",
+ "menu.preference.desc": "Preferences...",
+ "menu.quit.desc": "Quit {1}",
+ "menu.about.desc": "About {1}..."
+ },
+ "ADService": {
+ "": "AD"
+ },
+ "UniAppNativePluginsJsonFormPage": {
+ "dialog.text.trialonlycustombaseapp": " - [Trial version,only can used in custom base]",
+ "dialog.title.localplugin": "Local Plugins",
+ "dialog.title.serverplugin": "Plugins In Cloud Server",
+ "frame.tip.selectlocalplugin": " [ Select Local Plugins ]",
+ "frame.tip.selectserverplugin": " [Select Cloud Server Plugins ]",
+ "frame.tip.applicableplatform": " (Platform:{1})",
+ "frame.tip.url": " [ Plugin URL ]",
+ "frame.tip.refreshstate": " [ Refresh Status ]",
+ "frame.tip.delete": " [ Delete ] ",
+ "frame.tip.nativeplugininnativeplugin": "The native plugin that in nativeplugins directory of the current project, cloud packaging for private native plug-ins that are not released to the plug-in market.",
+ "frame.tip.serverpluginnotice": "Plug-ins that have been purchased or tested in the plug-in market do not need to be downloaded into the project. When packaged in the cloud, native plug-ins will be packaged directly into App.",
+ "frame.tip.notselectedplugin": "Have no selected plugins.",
+ "(contains the same id plugin, switch the server plugin)": " (Cloud plugins contain the same plugin id, switch the cloud server plugin )",
+ "(contains the same id plugin, switch the local plugin)": " (Local plugins contain the same plugin id, switch the local plugin )"
+ },
+ "PluginListModel": {
+ "title.applicableplatform": " (Platform:{1})"
+ },
+ "PluginSelectDialog": {
+ "dialog.label.selectlocalplugin": "Local Plugins Selectors",
+ "dialog.label.selectserverplugin": "Server Plugins Selectors",
+ "dialog.label.nativepluginsdirectoryofthecurrentproject": "Local plug-ins are plug-ins in the nativeplugins directory of the current project, which are suitable for cloud packaging of private native plug-ins that have not been released to the plug-in market. If it is a plug-in of the plug-in market, please package it through [Cloud Plug-in] after purchasing in the plug-in market.",
+ "dialog.label.onlinepluginsthatyoubought": "Cloud plug-in is a plug-in purchased or bundled for trial at Plugin Market",
+ "dialog.label.pluginlist": "Plugin Lists",
+ "dialog.button.ok.desc": "&OK",
+ "dialog.button.cancle.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "dialog.text.trialonlycustombaseapp": " - [Trial version,only can used in custom base]",
+ "dialog.title.selectplugin": "Select Plugin",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.hasthesameplugininserver": "The same plug-in is included in the cloud selected plug-in list, the plug-in name: {1}, the plug-in ID: {2}, please delete and select again!",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.hasthesameplugininlocal": "The same plug-in is included in the local selected plug-in list, the plug-in name: {1}, the plug-in ID: {2}, please delete and select again!",
+ "Please select one plugin at least, please check!": "Please select one plugin at least, please check!"
+ },
+ "ProjectSelectDialog": {
+ "dialog.lable.suggest.desc": "Please test it first, to avoid negative impact on your data.",
+ "dialog.lable.selectauniappProject": "Select a uni-app Project",
+ "dialog.lable.nouniappproject": "The uni-app project was not found, please create a uni-app project",
+ "dialog.groupbox.title.projectlist": "Project List",
+ "dialog.button.ok.desc": "&OK",
+ "dialog.button.cancle.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "dialog.list.title.pluginname": "PluginName: {1}",
+ "dialog.list.title.pluginversion": "Plugin Version: {1}",
+ "dialog.list.title.pluginsize": "Plugin Size: {1}",
+ "dialog.list.title.spaceName": "Space Name: {1}",
+ "dialog.tip.notrelatecloudspace": "UniCloud service space not associated",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.currentaccountnotpurchasedtheplugin": "The current account is not the account that purchased the plug-in. Do you want to continue?",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.trialplugindiffcloudspace": "The service space corresponding to the project {1} you selected is {2}, which is different from the service space {3} bound to the trial plug-in. Are you sure to import the plug-in into this project?",
+ "Select Project": "Select Project",
+ "the project appid is empty, please check!": "The appid of the project is empty, please configure the appid in manifest.json.",
+ "dialog.label.suggest.desc": "It is recommended to first experience the plug-in in the test service space to avoid negative impact on the data and storage of the commercial system",
+ "dialog.label.selectauniappProject": "Select a uni-app project to import the plugin",
+ "dialog.label.nouniappproject": "The uni-app project was not found, please create a uni-app project",
+ "messagebox.nospace.error": "The project you selected {1} is not bound to the service space. Are you sure to import the plug-in to this project?"
+ },
+ "PluginMarketEditorPart": {
+ "editor.title.uniapppluginmanager": "uni-app plugin market"
+ },
+ "PluginMarketFrame": {
+ "notify.tip.downloading plugin": "Downloading plugin, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.extractingplugin": "Extracting plugin, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.copingpluginintoproject": "Coping plugin into project, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced": "Plugin download susseced!",
+ "notify.error.copypluginfailed": "Copy plugin failed, please try again!",
+ "notify.error.extractpluginfailed": "Extract plugin failed, please try again!",
+ "notify.tip.creatingproject": "Creating project, please wait...",
+ "notify.button.iknow.desc": "Ok",
+ "notify.warning.selectuniappprojectandtryagain": "Please select a uni-app project and try again!",
+ "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced1": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}, dir is {2}",
+ "notify.tip.selectfileorfolderfirst": "Please select a file or folder first!",
+ "notify.warning.notsupportmultipleselection": "Multiple selection is not supported!",
+ "statusbar.tip.thefileaddingitignore": "{1} already add in .gitignore",
+ "Project is created!": "Project is created!"
+ },
+ "PluginService": {
+ "msgbox.ok": "OK",
+ "msgbox.cancel": "CANCEL",
+ "msgbox.title.question": "Install Plugin",
+ "msgbox.text.ifinstalltheplugin": "Do you want to install [ {1} ] ?",
+ "msgbox.text.becareful": "Caution: this extension should have OS API capabilites.",
+ "notify.tip.downloadingplugin": "Downloading plugin, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.extractingplugin": "Extracting plugin, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.copingpluginintoproject": "Coping plugin into project, please wait...",
+ "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced": "Plugin download susseced!",
+ "notify.error.copypluginfailed": "Copy plugin failed, please try again!",
+ "notify.error.extractpluginfailed": "Extract plugin failed, please try again!",
+ "notify.tip.creatingproject": "Creating project, please wait...",
+ "notify.button.iknow.desc": "Ok",
+ "notify.warning.selectuniappprojectandtryagain": "Please select a uni-app project and try again!",
+ "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced1": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}, dir is {2}",
+ "notify.tip.plugindownloadsusseced2": "Plugin download susseced, project is {1}, dir is {2}, uniCloud copy to {3}",
+ "license": "Licence",
+ "Project is created!": "Project is created!"
+ },
+ "PluginStateWatcher": {
+ "notify.thepluginisdownloading": "Plugin {1} is downloading",
+ "notify.thepluginisinstalling": "Plugin {1} is processing",
+ "notify.thepluginisuninstalling": "Plugin {1} is uninstalling",
+ "notify.downloadingdependencesoftheplugin": "Downloading dependences of plugin {1}",
+ "Plugin %1 install failed, log: %2": "Plug-in [%1] failed to install, error log:%2",
+ "Plugin failure solution:": "Solution for plug-in installation failure:",
+ "Retry": "Try again",
+ "Detail": "Details",
+ "Cancel": "Cancel",
+ "Plugin %1 install failed. Detail: npm install failed.": "The plugin [%1] failed to install. Reason: npm install failed。"
+ },
+ "WelcomeWidget": {
+ "menu.newproject.desc": "New Project"
+ },
+ "GeolocationDialog": {
+ "": "Cities:",
+ "dialog.title.geolocationsetting": "Geolocation Setting",
+ "dialog.table.longitude": "Longitude:",
+ "dialog.table.latitude": "Latitude:",
+ "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK",
+ "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
+ "dialog.button.custom.desc": "Custom"
+ },
+ "ClosedProjectListWidget": {
+ "menu.openproject.desc": "&Open Project",
+ "menu.removeproject.desc": "&Remove Project",
+ "msgbox.text.sureremovproject": "Are you sure you want to remove the project?",
+ "msgbox.button.removerecyclebin.desc": "&Remove to &recycle bin",
+ "msgbox.button.removefromprojectlist.desc": "&Remove from &project list",
+ "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel"
+ },
+ "ExpandBtnWidget": {
+ "label.closedproject.desc": "Closed Project"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::LocalHistoryWidget": {
+ "menu.diff.desc": "Compare with Local File",
+ "dialog.label.selecthistoryfilefromleftlist": "(Select one history file from left list)",
+ "file local history : ": "Local history:",
+ "Backup Time": "Record Time"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::LocalHistoryEdit": {
+ "dialog.title.localhistory": "Local history:"
+ },
+ "VerCtrl::LocalHistoryDataModel": {
+ "text.backuptime": "Record Time"
+ },
+ "WinShortcut": {
+ "msgbox.text.noshortcutondesktop.": "No shortcut detected on the desktop.",
+ "msgbox.text.whethercreate?": "Whether to create?",
+ "msgbox.checkbox.donotremindagain": "Not prompt",
+ "msgbox.button.yes.desc": "Yes",
+ "": "No"
+ },
+ "WelcomeWizard": {
+ "theme.lightdefault": "Default",
+ "theme.atomonedark": "Atom One Dark",
+ "theme.darkdefault": "Monokai",
+ "theme.selectyourfavoritetheme": "Select your favorite theme",
+ "dialog.label.selectkeybindyouuse.desc": "Select the Keybinding Scheme",
+ "dialog.button.startuse": "&Enjoy It"
+ },
+ "ExplorerStatusWidget": {
+ "statusbar.tip.selecteditem": "Selected {1} item(s)",
+ "statusbar.tip.itemcounts": "{1} item(s)",
+ "statusbar.button.icon.tooltip.uselargethumbnails": "Choose Large Thumbnails to Display Items (Ctrl + Alt + 2)",
+ "statusbar.button.table.tooltip.showeverydetail": "Displays Information about Each Item in the Window (Ctrl + Alt + 6)",
+ "statusbar.lable.Byte.desc": "Byte(s)",
+ "statusbar.table.title.desc": "Name",
+ "statusbar.table.title.lastmodifydate": "Last Modified Time",
+ "statusbar.table.title.type": "Type",
+ "statusbar.table.title.size": "Size",
+ "statusbar.table.title.sort:": "Sort:",
+ "statusbar.button.table.details.desc": "Details",
+ "statusbar.button.icon.desc": "Large Icons",
+ "statusbar.label.Byte.desc": "字节"
+ },
+ "ExplorerNavigationBar": {
+ "toolbar.button.searchin.tooltip": "Search",
+ "toolbar.button.toup.tooltip": "Up",
+ "toolbar.button.goback.tooltip": "Back",
+ "toolbar.button.goforward.tooltip": "Forward",
+ "toolbar.button.quickcreate.tooltip": "Quick new",
+ "toolbar.button.stop.tooltip": "Stop",
+ "toolbar.button.clean.tooltip": "Clean"
+ },
+ "ExplorerWidget": {
+ "menu.initclouddatabase.desc": "&Init cloud database",
+ "menu.relatecloudspaceorproject.desc": "&Associate cloud service space or project...",
+ "menu.lookoverrelatedprojectcloudspace.desc": "&View the cloud service space of the associated project",
+ "menu.deploytoCloudSpace.desc": "&Deploy to Cloud Space...",
+ "menu.uploadanddeploy.desc": "&Upload And Deploy",
+ "menu.downLoadcloudfunction.desc": "&DownLoad Cloud Fun",
+ "menu.uploadandrun.desc": "&Upload And Test",
+ "menu.configrunparam.desc": "&Config Run Param",
+ "menu.uploadcommonmodule.desc": "&Upload Common Module",
+ "menu.downloadcommonmodule.desc": "&Download Common Module",
+ "menu.synccommonmodulelist.desc": "&Sync Common Module List",
+ "menu.newcommonmodule.desc": "&New Common Module",
+ "menu.updatethecloudfunctiondependce.desc": "&Update Cloud Functions Depends on Current Module",
+ "menu.createnewcloudspace.desc": "&Create New Cloud Space",
+ "menu.synccloudfunctionlist.desc": "&Sync Cloud Fun List",
+ "menu.newcloudfunction.desc": "&New Cloud Fun",
+ "menu.uploadall.desc": "&Upload All Cloud Functions",
+ "menu.createdbinitjson.desc": "&Create db_init.json",
+ "menu.openunicloudcenter.desc": "&Open uniCloud Center",
+ "": "&New",
+ "menu.newfolder.desc": "&New Folder",
+ "menu.file.desc": "File",
+ "list.title.desc": "Name",
+ "list.title.status": "Version Status",
+ "list.title.lastmodifytime": "Last Modified Time",
+ "list.title.type": "Type",
+ "list.title.size": "Size",
+ "list.title.dir": "Fold",
+ "menu.cut.desc": "&Cut",
+ "menu.cut.copy.desc": "&Copy",
+ "menu.cut.paste.desc": "&Paste",
+ "menu.cut.delete.desc": "&Delete",
+ "menu.cut.rename.desc": "&Rename",
+ "menu.cut.refresh.desc": "&Refresh",
+ "msgbox.text.suredeletefiletorecycle": "Are you sure you want to delete the {1} file(s) below to Recycle Bin?",
+ "msgbox.text.deletetorecylefailed": "Delete to recyle bin failed,are you delete directly?",
+ "log.copyfailed": "Copy failed:",
+ "statusbar.removefailed.desc": "Remove failed:",
+ "label.folderisempty.desc": "The folder is empty.",
+ "label.searching.desc": "Searching...",
+ "lable.nomatchedsearchpattern.desc": "No items matching the search pattern.",
+ "": "&Open",
+ "menu.view.desc": "&View",
+ "menu.sortmode.desc": "&Sort",
+ "menu.detail.desc": "&Detail",
+ "menu.largeicon.desc": "&Large Icons",
+ "": "Name",
+ "menu.lastmodifyyime.desc": "Last Modified Time",
+ "menu.type.desc": "Type",
+ "menu.size.desc": "Size",
+ "menu.incremental.desc": "Ascending Order",
+ "menu.decreasing.desc": "Descending Order",
+ "msgbox.text.1filenotdisplied": "...1 other file is not displied",
+ "msgbox.text.morefilesnotdisplied": "...{1} other files are not displied",
+ "msgbox.title.renamefile": "Rename File",
+ "msgbox.text.willrename": "Do you want to rename {1} to {2} ?",
+ "msgbox.text.findsamenamefile": "This location already contains files with the same name.",
+ "dialog.title.searchresultin": "Search result in {1}",
+ "msgbox.text.openordragfile": "Open the following files {1}, or move file to {2} ?",
+ "msgbox.text.openormoveproject": "Open directory {1} as a project in HBuilderX, or move file to {2} ?",
+ "msgbox.text.surecopy": "Copy {1} to {2} ?",
+ "msgbox.button.ok.desc": "OK",
+ "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
+ "msgbox.openfile.desc": "Open File",
+ "msgbox.button.movefile.desc": "Move File",
+ "": "&Properties",
+ "menu.newcomponent.desc": "&New Component",
+ "menu.newpage.desc": "&New Page",
+ "Drag File": "Drag File",
+ "label.nomatchedsearchpattern.desc": "No items match the search criteria"
+ },
+ "ExplorerItemEdit": {
+ "tooltip.filenamecouldnotincludefollowingchar": "File name could not include following char:"
+ },
+ "ExplorerItemModel": {
+ "tooltip.dir": "Folder",
+ "tooltip.lastmodifytime": "Last Modified Time",
+ "tooltip.type": "Type",
+ "tooltip.size": "Size",
+ "tooltip.Bytes": "Bytes",
+ "tooltip.createtime": "Create Time",
+ "tooltip.emptyfolder": "Empty Folder",
+ "tooltip.file": "File"
+ },
+ "MacFilePropertiesWidget": {
+ "": "Property",
+ "dialog.label.size.desc": "Size",
+ "dialog.label.type.desc": "Type",
+ "dialog.label.lastmodifiedtime.desc": "Last Modified Time",
+ "dialog.label.file.desc": "File",
+ "dialog.label.folder.desc": "Folder"
+ },
+ "ExplorerGridView": {
+ "msgbox.text.Lastoperationnotcompleted": "Last operation have not been completed. Complete and Go on."
+ },
+ "ExplorerTableView": {
+ "msgbox.text.Lastoperationnotcompleted": "Last operation have not been completed. Complete and Go on."
+ },
+ "CCloudManager": {
+ "dialog.createfile.jqlfilename.desc": "JQL file Name",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.iknow.desc": "Ok",
+ "dialog.button.relate.msgbox.text.checkspace": "The project you want to associate currently does not have a corresponding operating environment. Check whether the cloud service space has been associated. If there is no cloud service space, please create the corresponding cloud development environment first (Tencent Cloud Service Space and Alibaba Cloud Service Space cannot be associated with each other).",
+ "": "Link",
+ "console.tip.filesizelarge": "The file {1} ({2}) is larger than the upload limit ({3}) and has been skipped.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.pluginoverdue": "The trial of the following plugins has expired. You need to go to the plug-in market to complete the purchase before continuing the trial. After the purchase, you can click the button [purchase completed] to continue deployment.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.pluginwilloverdue": "The trial service space [{1}] has been valid for less than 30 minutes. If you want to continue using it after the expiration date, please complete the real-name authentication first.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.authenticate.desc": "Authenticate",
+ "": "Pay for {1}",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.paymentcompleted": "Payment completed",
+ "console.tip.trialpluginsuccess": "You have successfully applied for trial [{2}] for service space {1}.",
+ "console.tip.trialplugintime": "The trial plug-in is valid for {1} days. The expiration date is {2}. For commercial use, please visit",
+ "console.tip.pluginmarket": "Plugin market",
+ "console.tip.purchase": "Purchase",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.paidcloudfunctionstrialtime": "Project [{1}] uses paid cloud functions. The following plug-ins associated with these cloud functions can only be deployed after applying for a trial. The trial period is 7 days. (After 7 days, paid cloud functions will no longer be able to run in the bound service space. You can't apply for the trial again within 5 days after the trial ends, and you can reapply for the trial after 5 days.)",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.trial.desc": "Apply Trial",
+ "console.error.trialpluginfaileddetail": "Failed to apply for trial plugin. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.error.syncplugininfofaileddetail": "Failed to sync plugin information. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.tip.deployingfiles": "begin deploy files...",
+ "console.tip.deleteingfiles": "begin deleting files...",
+ "console.tip.uploadsuccessed": "$file$ had been deployed",
+ "console.tip.totalfileanddeploiedfile": "We need deploy $total$ file. $count$ file(s) had been deploied.",
+ "dialog.title.showuniCloudview": "Web hosting",
+ "": "&Upload Files on Current Dir",
+ "console.tip.webdeployment": "Web hosting",
+ "console.tip.deletefilesuccess": "File {1} delete success",
+ "console.error.deletefilefaileddetail": "File {1} delete failed. Error msg: {2}",
+ "": "&Open",
+ "dialog.meun.delete.desc": "&Delete",
+ "dialog.meun.refresh.desc": "&Refresh",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.1commonmodulenotdisplied": "...1 other module is not displied",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.commonmodulesnotdisplied": "...{1} other modules are not displied",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.overridecommonmodulesbelow?": "Are you sure you want to override the module(s) below?",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.title.overridecloudfunction": "Cloud function has been existed. Overrider?",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.button.override.desc": "Override",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.button.skip.desc": "Skip",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel upload",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.title.overridethecloudfunction": "Cloud function {1} has been existed. Overrider?",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.replace.dialog.title.overridethecommonmodule": "Common module {1} has been existed. Overrider?",
+ "console.tip.title.webconsole": "Web Console",
+ "console.tip.goto": "For more settings such as cross-domain configuration, custom domain names, certificates, etc., please go to",
+ "console.tip.formore": "for more.",
+ "console.tip.urldetail": "URL is: {1}{2}",
+ "console.tip.uploadingprojecttospace": "Project {1} begins to deploy to {2} cloud space...",
+ "console.tip.staticdeploy": "Web page hosting",
+ "console.tip.retry": "Retry",
+ "console.tip.uploadsuccessto": "{1} had been deployed to {2}.",
+ "console.tip.skipedupload": "{1} had been canceled.",
+ "console.error.markdownsharefaileddetail": "Document sharing failed. Reason for failure: {2}.",
+ "console.tip.detailcourse": "For a detailed tutorial, please refer to: {1}",
+ "console.tip.allfileanduploadedfile": "{1} need to be deploied. {2} files had been deployed.",
+ "console.tip.nocloudfunctiondependentmodule.": "There is no cloud function dependent on this module.",
+ "console.tip.syncingcloudfunctionlist": "Syncing cloud function list...",
+ "console.tip.syncingcommonmodulelist": "Syncing common module list...",
+ "console.complete.uploadclodufunctionlist": "Cloud Function synchronization is complete.",
+ "console.complete.uploadcommonmodulelist": "Common Module synchronization is complete.",
+ "console.error.synccloudfunctiondetail": "Cloud Function sync failed. Detail:{1}",
+ "console.error.synccommonmoduledetail": "Common Module sync failed. Detail:{1}.",
+ "console.error.synccloduspacesdetail": "Cloud spaces sync failed. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.tip.cloudfunctionuploading": "Uploading Cloud Functions...",
+ "console.tip.commonmoduleuploading.": "Uploading Common Modules...",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.cloudhasthecloudfunction": "Cloud server already has the function:{1},upload by appid:{2},but current appid is {3}, override or not?",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.override.desc": "Override",
+ "dialog.msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
+ "console.complete.cloudfunctionupload": "Cloud Function {1} Upload is complete.",
+ "console.complete.commonmoduleupload": "Common Module {1} Upload is complete.",
+ "console.error.uploadcloudfunctionfaileddetail": "Cloud Function {2} Upload failed. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.tip.uploadmodulesundercommonfirstly": "Upload modules under the common dir firstly",
+ "console.tip.commonmodulenamenotsupportupperletter": "Common module name could not contain Upper letter, fix it and try again.",
+ "console.error.uploadcommonmodulefaileddetail": "Common Module {2} Upload failed. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.tip.cloudfunctiondownLoading": "Downloading Cloud Functions...",
+ "console.tip.commonmoduledownloading": "Downloading Common Modules...",
+ "console.tip.cloudfunctioninstallingdepandence": "Installing cloud function {1} dependencies",
+ "console.tip.commonmoduleinstallingdependence": "Installing public module {1} dependencies",
+ "console.tip.aliyun": "Alibaba Cloud",
+ "console.tip.tcb": "Tencent Cloud",
+ "console.complete.thecloudfunctiondownLoad": "Cloud Function {1} DownLoad is complete.成",
+ "console.complete.thecommonmoduledownLoad": "Common Module {1} DownLoad is complete.",
+ "console.error.thecloudfunctionuploadfaileddetail": "Cloud Function {2} DownLoad failed. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.error.thecommonmoduleuploadfaileddetail": "Common Module {2} DownLoad failed. Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.error.cloudfunctiondownloadurlnotexist": "Cloud Function DownLoad Url Does Not Exist.",
+ "console.error.commonmoduledownloadurlnotexist": "Common Module DownLoad Url Does Not Exist.",
+ "console.tip.startrun": "Start Run...",
+ "console.tip.runstate": "Run Status:{1}",
+ "console.tip.runparam": "Run Param:{1}",
+ "console.tip.runresult": "Run Result:{1}",
+ "console.tip.runlog:": "Run Log:",
+ "console.tip.runreport": "Run Report:{1}",
+ "console.success.cloudfunctionsuploadcount": "{1} cloud functions upload successfully.",
+ "console.tip.canclefunctionsbelow": "Following functions were canceled: {1}.",
+ "console.complete.batchuploadcloudfunctionend": "Batch upload cloud function has ended.",
+ "console.tip.cloudfunctionuploadendcount": "{1} cloud functions were uploaded.",
+ "console.tip.belowcloudfunctionunuploaded": "Following cloud functions were unuploaded: {1}.",
+ "menu.tcb.desc": "&Tencent Cloud",
+ "menu.aliyun.desc": "&Alibaba Cloud",
+ "console.tip.success": "Success",
+ "console.tip.failed": "Fail",
+ "menu.createuniClouddevelopment.desc": "&Create uniCloud Environment",
+ "menu.created.desc": "Created",
+ "msgbox.button.replace.desc": "Replace",
+ "msgbox.button.saveas.desc": "Save As...",
+ "msgbox.title.cloudfunctiondownload": "Cloud function download",
+ "msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
+ "dialog.title.selectfolder": "Choose src Directory",
+ "console.tip.timeout": "Time out",
+ "console.tip.billingduration": "Billing Duration",
+ "console.tip.invocationduration": "Invocation Duration",
+ "console.tip.runningmemory": "Memory Usage",
+ "console.error.getclouddatabaselistfaileddetail": "Get cloud database list failed.Detail: {1}.",
+ "console.tip.initclouddatabase": "Init cloud database",
+ "console.tip.initclouddatabasesuccess": "Init cloud database succeed.",
+ "console.complete.initclouddatabase": "Init cloud database finished.",
+ "console.error.initclouddatabasefailedDetail": "Init cloud database failed.Detail: {1}",
+ "console.error.initclouddatabasetimeout": "Init cloud database timeout.",
+ "dialog.groupbox.title.selectoverridetable": "Please select a table to override",
+ "dialog.footer.alreadyexistfollowdababase.desc": "The following data table with the same name already exists in the cloud database.",
+ "dialog.footer.willnotdeleteexistingdata": "Overwriting the table will not delete the existing data of the table. Note that if there is no _id in the data,",
+ "dialog.footer.willinsertnewdata": "The new data is inserted.",
+ "dialog.button.cover.desc": "&Overwrite selected table and continue",
+ "dialog.button.skip.desc": "&Skip these tables",
+ "dialog.checkbox.selectall.desc": "Select All",
+ "": "Create{1}",
+ "console.tip.startupdatecloudfunctiondependencies": "Start update {1} dependencies...",
+ "console.complete.updatethecloudfunctiondependencies": "Cloud function {1} update dependency completed",
+ "msgbox.title.thefilealreadyexists": "The file already exists",
+ "file.text.DBIintdefaulttext1.": "Cloud database initialization can be configured in this file, see the data format:",
+ "file.text.DBIintdefaulttext2.": "Right-click on this file after writing, you can create tables and add data according to configuration rules",
+ "console.error.databaseinitfileinvalid": "File is not a valid database initialization file",
+ "console.warning.nodataupload": "There is no table data to upload",
+ "file.text.jsoncontentiscloudfunctiontparameters": "The json content in this file will be passed to the cloud function as a parameter when the cloud function is [run].\r\n// Configuration tutorial reference:",
+ "menu.configureruntestparameters.desc": "&Configure run test parameters",
+ "console.tip.carriedtheparameter": "Carried {1} parameters",
+ "dialog.title.managingcommonmoduledependencies": "Managing common module dependencies",
+ "dialog.button.updatedependency.desc": "Update dependency",
+ "dialog.label.notexist.desc": "(non-existent)",
+ "dialog.footer.selectcommonmodule.desc": "Please select the public modules that you need to rely on. Unchecked items will be deleted from the original data.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.sameprojectpath": "The path {1} has a project {2} with the same name, please select",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.mergedetail": "Merge: Overwrite the new project to the old project directory, and the files with the same name in the old project will remain.",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.replacedetail": "Replace: delete the old item and replace it with a new one",
+ "Does The current cloud function already exist?": "Does The current cloud function already exist?",
+ "Does The current common module already exist?": "Does The current common module already exist?",
+ "Please right click the cloud function directory under the project and select or create a new cloud service space.": "Please click the right-click menu on the cloud function catalog under the project and select or create a new cloud service space.",
+ "Coming soon": "Coming soon",
+ "The cloud function already has content. Do you want to replace it with the cloud function that will be downloaded?": "The cloud function already has content, do you want to replace it with the cloud function that you will download?",
+ "The common module already has content. Do you want to replace it with the common module that will be downloaded?": "The public module already has content, do you want to replace it with the public module you will download?",
+ "text.replaceIfExists.question": "Whether to replace the current cloud function that already exists?",
+ "text.replaceIfModuleExists.question": "Whether to replace the current public module already exists?",
+ "notify.createSpaceDone.desc": "Please click the right-click menu on the cloud function catalog under the project and select or create a new cloud service space.",
+ "text.downloadAndReplaceFunction.question": "The cloud function already has content, do you want to replace it with the cloud function that you will download?",
+ "text.downloadAndReplaceCommModule.question": "The public module already has content, do you want to replace it with the public module you will download?",
+ "skip %1": "Skip%1 file。",
+ "%1 begins to deploy to %2 cloud space...": "%1 Start uploading to %2 service space...",
+ "Detail": "Show details",
+ "dialog.msgbox.text.notsupportassociations": "Currently selected collaborative service space is for use by the current project only, not supported to be associated with other projects"
+ },
+ "CRequestTaskThread": {
+ "console.error.packagejsonparsesfailed.desc": "package.json has syntax error, parses failed.",
+ "cosnole.eroor.cloudfunctionfileOccupied": "The operation failed, and the cloud function file was occupied.",
+ "console.error.cloudfunctionpathinvalid.": "The cloud function directory address is an invalid path.",
+ "console.error.nmpinstall.deletepackgelocktryagain.": "npm install failed to execute. If package-lock.json exists in the cloud function directory, node_modules may cause npm install to fail, please delete and try again.",
+ "console.tip.cloudfunction": "Cloud Function",
+ "console.error.nmpinstall.checknodeenvironment": "The execution of npm install failed. Please check the node execution environment. Example: After trying to install npm and setting environment variables, do it again.",
+ "console.error.missingindexjsfile": "Entry file index.js missing.",
+ "console.warning.localdependenciespath": "Local dependencies must be in cloudfunctions/common dir."
+ },
+ "MultiCheckBoxDialog": {
+ "dialog.label.selectuploadmodule.desc": "The current module depends on the following module. Select the module to upload:"
+ },
+ "DrawerTreeModel": {
+ "msgbox.title.configurefilenotfound": "Config Not Found. Right click and select the create configuration from the menu."
+ },
+ "SashViewTabWidget": {
+ "Explorer": "Explorer"
+ },
+ "SashView": {
+ "Explorer": "Explorer",
+ "DebugView": "Debug View"
+ },
+ "DrawerManager": {
+ "Explorer": "Explorer"
+ },
+ "CloudSpaceListDialog": {
+ "dialog.label.detail.desc": "Free server, faster access speed.[Learn more]",
+ "dialog.title.staticdeployment.desc": "Web Page Hosting",
+ "dialog.button.ok.msgbox.title.selectcloudspace.desc": "Select a cloud space to deploy",
+ "dialog.list.title.cloudserverlistonlyaliyun": "Cloud space list(Only support for aliyun)",
+ "dialog.lable.selectdeploypath.desc": "Deploy path:",
+ "dialog.button.browser.desc": "Browser",
+ "dialog.button.browser.dialog.title.selectdeploypath": "Select the dir to deploy",
+ "dialog.checkbox.rebuild.desc": "Rebuild uni-app",
+ "dialog.button.deploy.desc": "&Upload",
+ "dialog.button.browser.dialog.label.donotcreate dironcloud.desc": "Note: do not create dir {1} on the cloud",
+ "dialog.button.ok.msgbox.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&Open",
+ "dialog.button.ok.msgbox.text.spacehavenowebhostservice": "Cloud space {1} has not been opened.",
+ "Open Service": "Open Service",
+ "refresh list": "Refresh list",
+ "querying ...": "Querying...",
+ "New Cloud Space": "New Cloud Space",
+ "dialog.label.selectdeploypath.desc": "Select upload directory :",
+ "dialog.dialog.text": "Please select a service space",
+ "label.goLink.text": "Ok"
+ },
+ "StaticDeploymentViewPart": {
+ "dialog.title.uniCloudstatic.desc": "Web Page Hosting",
+ "dialog.warning.spacehavenowebhostservice": "current cloud server space has not been opened. Open server ",
+ "dialog.warning.nospace": "You have not create cloud space. Click create cloud space .
Only support for aliyun. After successful creation, right-click the menu and click refresh."
+ },
+ "StaticDeploymentEditWidget": {
+ "": "Name",
+ "list.title.lastmodifiedtime.desc": "Last Modified Time",
+ "list.title.type": "Type",
+ "list.title.size": "Size",
+ "list.tip.spacehavenowebhostservice": "Hosting Service is not opened on the current cloud space, please go to web console open, then refresh ",
+ "": "&Open In Browser",
+ "": "&Copy URL",
+ "": "Would you want to delete these file(s)?",
+ "": "&Yes",
+ "": "&No",
+ "Open in editor is not supported at this time": "Open in editor is not supported at this time"
+ },
+ "StaticDeployContributeProvider": {
+ "": "Name",
+ "": "Last Modified Time",
+ "": "Type",
+ "": "Size",
+ "": "Sort:",
+ " ": "Server Space:",
+ "": "Total:{1}"
+ },
+ "MessageService": {
+ "dialog.button.ok.desc": "OK"
+ },
+ "UniCloudWizard": {
+ "dialog.navigation.title.checkuserstate.desc": "Check User Information",
+ "dialog.navigation.title.selectservicespace.desc": "Select Service Space",
+ "dialog.navigation.title.stepdeploycloudresource.desc": "Deploy Cloud Resource",
+ "dialog.servicepage.title.bind": "Bind unicloud service space to project [{1}]",
+ "dialog.deploypage.title.deploytospace": "Deploy project [{1}] cloud resource to service space [{2}]"
+ },
+ "CheckLoginStatePage": {
+ "dialog.login.msgbox.authenticateorusetrialspace.text": "Authenticate first or use space on trial.",
+ "dialog.login.msgbox.authenticatefirst.": "Authenticate first.",
+ "dialog.button.login.desc": "Login",
+ "dialog.button.wait.desc": "Wait...",
+ "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&Next",
+ "dialog.label.promte.useuniCloudneedinit.desc": "Project {1} had used uniCloud, need to init.",
+ "dialog.lable.needlogin.desc": "We have detected that you are not logged in, log in please.",
+ "dialog.lable.error.notauthenticate.desc": "The account has not completed the real-name authentication, and the uniCloud service space cannot be used.",
+ "dialog.lable.authentication.realnameorusetrialspace.desc": "Please complete real-name authentication or use the experience service space.",
+ "dialog.label.authentication.realnamefirst.desc": "Please complete real-name authentication ",
+ "dialog.lable.expire.trialservicespacedetail": "The experience service space has a time limit and will be automatically destroyed 4 hours after creation. If the real-name authentication is completed before the experience service space is destroyed, the service space will continue to be reserved.",
+ "": "After the real name authentication is completed, you can continue to bind the service space in the next step.",
+ "dialog.checkbox.trialcloudspace.desc": "Trial for Cloud Space.",
+ "dialog.button.getverifycode": "Verification Code",
+ "dialog.edit.mobilenumber.placeholdertext": "Please input mobile phone number",
+ "dialog.edit.vertifycode.placeholdertext": "Please input verify code",
+ "dialog.label.needlogin.desc": "It is detected that you are not logged in, please log in first.",
+ "dialog.label.error.notauthenticate.desc": "The current login account has not completed the real-name authentication, and the uniCloud service space cannot be used.",
+ "dialog.label.authentication.realnameorusetrialspace.desc": "Please complete the real-name authentication or use the experience service space first.",
+ "dialog.label.expire.trialservicespacedetail": "The experience service space has a time limit and will be automatically destroyed 4 hours after creation. If the real-name authentication is completed before the experience service space is destroyed, the service space will continue to be reserved.",
+ "": "After completing the real-name authentication, you can proceed to the next step for service space binding。"
+ },
+ "OperateCloudSpacePage": {
+ "dialog.groupbox.title.bindselectspace": "Select the space you want to bind",
+ "dialog.label.whatisunicloud": " waht is uniCloud? ",
+ "dialog.button.cancel.desc": "&Cancel",
+ "": "&Next",
+ "dialog.button.create.desc": "New",
+ "dialog.button.refresh.desc": "Refresh",
+ "dialog.label.prompt.projectwillbindspace": "This step will bind a service space for the project {1}. Please select a service space to bind in the list below. You can still rebind it later by right clicking cloud functions under the project."
+ },
+ "DeployResourcesToUniCloudPage": {
+ "dialog.checkbox.initcloudfunctionandcommonandaction.desc": "Init cloud functions, common modules and actions",
+ "dialog.checkbox.initspacedatabase": "Initialize the database of the service space according to db_init.json",
+ "dialog.label.checkdatabasedocument.desc": "view >>",
+ "dialog.label.checkuploadall": " view >>",
+ "dialog.button.previous.desc": "&Previous",
+ "dialog.button.finish.desc": "&Start Deploy",
+ "dialog.button.success.desc": "Done",
+ "dialog.label.prompt.projectnoresourcedeploy.desc": "The Project do not have resources to deploy.",
+ "Init cloud functions on cloudfunctions_init.json": "Initialize cloud function configuration according to cloudfunctions_init.json",
+ "Check cloud function doucment >>": " view >>",
+ "": "Contains the data items configured by db_init.json and the DB Schema with the same name as the data item",
+ "": ",Extended check function under database",
+ "": "Contains the DB Schema and extended verification functions under the database, if checked",
+ "": "db_init.json initializes the database, the extended verification function will not be uploaded repeatedly",
+ "dialog.label.checkscheme": "View>>",
+ "": "DB Schema and extended validation functions under the deployment project"
+ },
+ "WebViewEdit": {
+ "dialog.panel.tip.openingfile": "Opening file...",
+ "dialog.plugin.error.openfilefailed": "Open failed, the plugin [{1}] that this custom editor depends on doesn't exist.",
+ "": "Save file failed.",
+ "": "The new file doesn't match the current custom editor type.",
+ "": "Please select new file.",
+ "dialog.button.quit.msgdialog.title.notsavefile": "The files below are not saved, the changes will be lost if don't save.",
+ "editor.warningOnUninstallPlugin": "Whether to automatically close the custom editor that depends on the plugin?",
+ "menu.openwith.builtinEditor": "Built-in editor",
+ "menu.configAssociation": "Configuration editor association...",
+ "Done't Save": "Don't save",
+ "Whether to automatically close the custom editor that depends on the plug-in?": "Whether to automatically close the custom editor that depends on the plugin?",
+ "Close all": "Close all(&A)"
+ },
+ "LocalFaskPackJob": {
+ "dialog.button.exit.msgbox.text": "Fask pack task is being executed, are you sure to exit and terminate the task ?",
+ "console.tip.apk.makingpackage": "Begin to mak apk local package...",
+ "console.tip.apk.makingchannelpackage": "Begin to mak channel package [{1}]...",
+ "console.tip.channelpackagemakeresult": "The result of making channel package [{1}]:",
+ "console.tip.package.path": "Package location:",
+ "console.tip.package.type:": "Type:",
+ "console.tip.package.failedreason:": "Reson:",
+ "console.tip.package.result": "Packaging result:",
+ "console.error.package.notfoundproject": "The project for the current pack task was not found",
+ "console.error.getAppIDfailed": "App Id parse failed."
+ },
+ "RelateCloudSpaceDialog": {
+ "": "New",
+ "dialog.button.create.desc": "Create",
+ "dialog.button.refreshspaces.desc": "Refresh Spaces",
+ "menu.refresh.desc": "Refresh",
+ "dialog.title.desc": "Associate cloud service space or project",
+ "dialog.radiobutton.relatespace.desc": "Associated cloud service space",
+ "dialog.radiobutton.relateproject.desc1": "Binding the service space of other projects",
+ "dialog.list.cloudspace.desc": "Cloud Space: {1}",
+ "dialog.radiobutton.relateproject.desc2": "(Suitable for multi-project sharing service space, ",
+ "dialog.radiobutton.relateproject.desc3": " detail )",
+ "dialog.footer.desc1": " How do we transfer cloud provider, ",
+ "dialog.footer.desc2": " deail refer to ",
+ "dialog.list.providercooperation.desc": "Cooperation",
+ "notify.title.desc": "After linking other projects, the files in the uniCloud directory will be hidden. Hidden files that are unbound will be displayed.",
+ "dialog.errorText.cysCorrelation": "The project cannot be related with itself, please select another one",
+ "dialog.errorText.repetitiveCorrelation": "This project is already related with another project, please select a different one",
+ "dialog.list.relationProject.desc": "Linked project"
+ },
+ "HXButtonBox": {
+ "button.ok.desc": "OK",
+ "button.cancel.desc": "Cancel",
+ "button.close.desc": "Close",
+ "button.yes.desc": "Yes",
+ "button.yestoAll.desc": "Yes to All",
+ "": "No",
+ "button.notoall.desc": "No to All"
+ },
+ "AuthorizeDialog": {
+ "dialog.title.loginauthorize": "Login Authorize",
+ "dialog.button.authorize.desc": "Authorize",
+ "dialog.button.reject.desc": "Reject",
+ "dialog.list.checkbox.phonenumber.desc": "Phone Number",
+ "": "E-Mail",
+ "dialog.list.checkbox.avatar.desc": "Avatar",
+ "dialog.list.icon.alternativetext": "Invalid avatar",
+ "dialog.list.checkbox.nickname.desc": "Nickname",
+ "dialog.plugin.desc": "Plugin",
+ "dialog.plugin.tip.requestsinformationbelow:": "Requests your information below :",
+ "dialog.footer.desc.modifyinformation.": "Go to modify information.",
+ "dialog.error.getrequesterror": "Request information failed.",
+ "dialog.error.networkerror": "Network error",
+ "dialog.error.servererror": "Server error",
+ "Authorize User Information": "Authorize the information of the currently logged-in user to the plugin",
+ "Basic Info": "Basic Info"
+ },
+ "MainHostWindow": {
+ "dialog.showwebview.msgbox.title1": "This operation relies on the Built-In Browser plug-in.",
+ "dialog.showwebview.msgbox.title2": "Please install and try again. Download immediately?"
+ },
+ "ProjectPickDialog": {
+ "No valid project.": "No valid project."
+ },
+ "FolderMergeDialog": {
+ "dialog.title.foldercompare": "Folder Compare and Merge",
+ "dialog.lable.willmergefiles.desc": "Merging files",
+ "dialog.editor.title.none": "None",
+ "dialog.button.merge.desc": "Merge",
+ "dialog.editor.title.oldfile": "Old File",
+ "dialog.editor.title.newfile": "New File",
+ "dialog.subtitle.desc1": "There is a file status mark at the end of each item.",
+ "dialog.subtitle.desc": "No status mark means new file is the same as old file; 'A' means new file, 'M' means modified file, 'U' means edited manually, 'C' means conflicted file (one is a folder and another is a file).",
+ "dialog.subtitle.desc2": "Checked {1} merging file(s)",
+ "dialog.subtitle.desc3": "The dot indicates that there are changes under the folder, the color indicators the change type.",
+ "dialog.subtitle.desc4": "Double click to open file and compare at right. Files larger than 5M will not show the difference.",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.fileinfo": "Basic info for binary file.",
+ "": "File name",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.size": "File size",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.createtime": "Created time",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.lastmodifytime": "Last modified time",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type": "File type",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type.encryptedcloudfunction": "Encrypted cloud function",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type.encryptedcommonmodule": "Encrypted common module",
+ "dialog.close.msgbox.title1": "Merging folder, close the window will interrupt the merge process, the result is unpredictable.",
+ "dialog.close.msgbox.title2": "Are you sure to close?",
+ "dialog.tree.tootip": "Double-click to compare.",
+ "dialog.footer.error.nocheckedfile": "No files are checked",
+ "dialog.loding.merging.desc": "Merging selected files",
+ "dialog.loding.desc": "Comparing folder",
+ "dialog.label.willmergefiles.desc": "Files to be merged",
+ "dialog.editor.binaryfile.type.encryptedfile": "Encrypted file",
+ "Encrypted file": "Encrypted file"
+ },
+ "BuiltinCef3BrowserImpl": {
+ "": "&Back",
+ "": "&Forward",
+ "": "&Reload",
+ "": "&Developer Tools",
+ "text.inspectElement.desc": "&Check The Element",
+ "text.showDevelopTools.desc": "Display Developer Tools",
+ "text.lockUrl.desc": "&Lock URL",
+ "text.lockCurrentUrl.desc": "Lock The Current URL, Not Automatically Switch With The Editor",
+ "text.previewMobileQRCode.desc": "Mobile Phone Sacn QR Code Preview Page",
+ "text.mobileScanQRCode.desc": "Scan QR Code In Mobile Browser",
+ "text.inputWebAddress.desc": "Please Input URL",
+ "text.noLongerLockUrl.desc": "No longer locking the url, the url is automatically switched with the editor",
+ "": "&Stop Loading",
+ "text.copyUrl.desc": "&Copy URL",
+ "text.failedGenQRCode.desc": "Failed to generate QRCode",
+ "text.sureConnection.desc": "Please make sure the phone can connect to {1}",
+ "text.scanQRCode.desc": "Then scan QRCode below via phone browser",
+ "text.note.desc": "Note:",
+ "text.makeSureSecureDomain.desc": "If you use uniCloud cloud functions, please make sure in the cross-domain configuration of {3}\nSet {1}:{2} as a secure domain name.",
+ "text.webConsole.desc": "Web Console",
+ "text.howToConfig.desc": "How to Configure",
+ "text.nonhttpNoGeo.desc": "Non-https URLs cannot use positioning and other functions.",
+ "text.failedGetLocalIp.desc": "Failed to obtain local IP address",
+ "text.pcMode.desc": "PC Mode",
+ "text.enumlateMobileDevice.desc": "Phone Simulator",
+ "text.developerTools.desc": "Developer Tools - {1}",
+ "text.emulateGeo.desc": "Geolocation Emulate",
+ "text.geolocationLocation.desc": "Geolocation",
+ "text.settings.desc": "",
+ "text.locateInFile.desc": "&Find DOM Node In File",
+ "text.popUpIndipendentWindow.desc": "Pop up As Independent Window",
+ "text.dockToMainWindow.desc": "Dock to The Main Window"
+ },
+ "BuiltinBrowserImpl": {
+ "": "&Back",
+ "": "&Forward",
+ "": "&Reload",
+ "": "&Developer Tools",
+ "tooltip.showDevelopTools.desc": "Display Developer Tools",
+ "": "&Lock URL",
+ "locksCurrentUrl": "Lock The Current URL, Not Automatically Switch With The Editor",
+ "lineedit.inputTheWebAddress.placeholder": "Please Input The URL",
+ "": "",
+ "tooltip.noLockingTheUrl.desc": "No longer locking the URL, the URL is automatically switched with the editor",
+ "dialog.developer.title": "Developer Tools - {1}",
+ "": "&Stop Loading",
+ "": "Mobile Phone Sacn QR Code Preview Page",
+ "tooltip.localIpAddress.desc": "Scan QR Code In Mobile Browser",
+ "tooltip.loadQrcodeFailed.desc": "Failed to load QR Code",
+ "": "Copy URL",
+ "label.phoneCanConnect.desc": "Please make sure the phone can connect internet to {1}",
+ "label.usePhoneScanQRCode.desc": "Then use the phone browser to scan the following QR code .",
+ "label.note.desc": "Note:",
+ "label.ifUseUniCloud.desc": "If you use uniCloud cloud functions, please make sure in the cross-domain configuration of {3}\nSet {1}:{2} as a secure domain name.",
+ "": "Web Console",
+ "": "How To Configure",
+ "label.geolocationNotHttp.desc": "Non-https URLs can not use positioning and other functions.",
+ "msgbox.getlocalIPFailed.desc.error": "Failed to obtain local IP address",
+ "dialog.pcMode.title": "PC Mode",
+ "text.emulateMobileDevice.desc": "Phone Simulator",
+ "text.geo.desc": "Geographic Location",
+ "": "Detach From The Main Window To A Independent Window",
+ "": "Dock to The Main Window"
+ },
+ "BuiltinWebView": {
+ "": "&Back",
+ "": "&Forward",
+ "": "&Reload",
+ "": "&Copy",
+ "": "&Paste",
+ "": "&Review The Elements",
+ "text.followLink.desc": "Open Links",
+ "text.copyLinkUrl.desc": "Copy Link Address",
+ "text.copyImage.desc": "Copy Image",
+ "text.copyImageUrl.desc": "Copy Image URL",
+ "text.locateDOMNode.desc": "&Find DOM Node In File"
+ },
+ "JsonFormIOSUniversalLinksElement": {
+ "": "Auto Generate",
+ "": "Auto Generating...",
+ "": "Tips For Generate Success",
+ "": "configure"
+ },
+ "CliPack": {
+ "console.error.unsupportedparameter": "Unsupported parameter {1}",
+ "console.error.configurefilenotexist": "The configuration file {1} does not exist",
+ "console.error.configurefileopenfailed": "Configuration file {1} open failed",
+ "console.error.configurefilecorrectform": "The configuration file {1} is not in the correct form",
+ "console.tip.configurationfileabsolutepath": "Configuration file absolute path",
+ "console.tip.projectnameorabsolutepath": "Project name or project absolute path",
+ "console.tip.packageformdetail": "Packaging platform, the default value is android, the value has android, ios, if you want to separate multiple commas",
+ "console.tip.whetherusecustombase": "If you want to use a custom base, the default value is false, true, and the rest is the default value",
+ "console.tip.packagemodedetail": "The default value of packing method is 0 0 ordinary packing 1 ease packing the rest use the default value",
+ "console.tip.androidpack.packagename": "android package name",
+ "console.tip.androidpack.packagetypedetail": "The default value of android package type is 0 0 using self owned certificate 1 using public certificate 2 using old dcloud certificate",
+ "cosnole.tip.androidpack.certificatealias": "android packaged certificate alias, self owned certificate packaged parameters",
+ "cosnole.tip.androidpack.certificatefilepath": "android package certificate file path, self owned certificate package parameters",
+ "cosnole.tip.androidpack.certificatepassword": "android package certificate password, own certificate package parameters",
+ "console.tip.iOSpack.appid": "ios appid",
+ "console.tip.iOSpack.desc": "The default value of ios packaging device type is iPhone. The values include iPhone and iPad. If you want to separate the packaging platform with multiple commas",
+ "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomdesc": "Use custom certificate or jailbreak package default value 0 0 custom 1 jailbreak not filled in or other values use system default value",
+ "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomcertificateprofilepath": "Profile file path packaged with custom certificate in ios",
+ "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomcertificatefilepath": "ios uses the path of certificate file packaged with custom certificate",
+ "console.tip.iOSPack.usecustomcertificatepassword": "ios uses custom certificate packaged certificate password",
+ "console.warning.openconfusewhenvalue1": "Whether to confuse, only when the value is 1",
+ "console.warning.openscreenadwhenvalue1": "Open screen ads, only when the value is 1",
+ "console.warning.openredpacketwhenvalue1": "The red packet advertisement can only be opened when the value is 1",
+ "console.warning.openpushadwhenvalue1": "Push ads, only open when the value is 1",
+ "console.warning.jointurnoveralliancewhenvalue1": "Join the turnover alliance, only when the value is 1",
+ "console.error.invalidparameter": "Parameter {1} the value filled in is illegal",
+ "android platform to play channel package values are google, yyb, 360, huawei, xiaomi, oppo, vivo, if you want to play multiple comma separated": "android platform to play channel package values are google, yyb, 360, huawei, xiaomi, oppo, vivo, if you want to play multiple comma separated"
+ },
+ "CCliProject": {
+ "console.tip.projectpath": "Project path",
+ "Unsupported parameter {1}": "Unsupported parameter {1}",
+ "console.tip.projectimporting": "Importing project...",
+ "console.tip.projectimportsuccess": "Project imported successfully",
+ "console.error.projectimportfailed": "Project import failed",
+ "console.tip.projectclosing": "Closing project",
+ "console.tip.projectclosecomplete": "Project closure completed",
+ "console.error.projectclosefailed": "Project close failed",
+ "console.warning.pathisnull": "The path value is null",
+ "console.error.pathnotexist": "The path {1} does not exist",
+ "console.error.theprojectnotintheHBuilderXprojectlist": "Project {1} is not in the HBuilder X project list"
+ },
+ "UnicloudJQLEditor": {
+ "editor.title": "JQL Query",
+ "": "help",
+ "editor.tip.default": "defalut tips",
+ "editor.tip.querying": "Querying...",
+ "editor.tip.querystopped!": "query has been stopped!",
+ "editor.query.uselocalschema": "use local schema",
+ "editor.query.useremoteschema": "use remote schema",
+ "editor.radiobutton.remote.tooltip": "show remote schema tips",
+ "console.cmbbox.item.onlydata.desc": "Look only data",
+ "console.cmbbox.item.fulldetail.desc": "All information",
+ "editor.tip.nospaceid.desc": "The project has not been linked with the cloud service space, please link before executing"
+ },
+ "CSelectUniSpaceDlg": {
+ "dialog.button.text.confirm": "confirm",
+ "dialog.listdlg.title": "select cloud service",
+ "dialog.tip.cloudservicenotopened": "no cloud service",
+ "dialog.listdlg.list.title": "support aliyun cloud service only",
+ "dialog.listdlg.subtitle": "help",
+ "dialog.msgbox.title.hostingservicenotopened": "the cloud space has not been opened, so generated failed",
+ "dialog.listdlg.choosedomain": "Configure domain name",
+ "dialog.radiobutton.defaultdomain.desc": "Default domain name(recommended for testing)",
+ "dialog.radiobutton.selfdefinedomain.desc": "Custom domain names",
+ "dialog.tip.configureDomainfirst.desc": "Please configure the domain name before clicking finish",
+ "dialog.label.setselfdefinedomain.desc": "to configure",
+ "": "Universal link Auto-Generation Guide",
+ "please configure domain": "Please configure the domain name before clicking finish"
+ },
+ "HXSpaceList": {
+ "dialog.list.tip.hostingserviceopened": "Hosting Service opened",
+ "dialog.list.tip.hostingservicenotopened": "Hosting Service not opened",
+ "dialog.list.openservice": "Open"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/menus.json": {
+ "": "&File",
+ "": "&New",
+ "": "Open Multi-&Window Project",
+ "": "&Import",
+ "": "&Tab",
+ "": "&New Tab",
+ "": "&Close Tab",
+ "": "&Close the Right Tab",
+ "": "&Close Other Tabs",
+ "": "&Close All the Saved Tabs",
+ "": "&Close All Tabs",
+ "": "&Switch to Left Tab",
+ "": "&Switch to Right Tab",
+ "": "Switch to the Nearest Tab Card【Ctrl+Tab】",
+ "": "Switch to the Nearest Tab Card【Alt+Tab】",
+ "": "&Move Tab to the Left",
+ "": "&Move Tab to the Right",
+ "": "&Switch the First Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Second Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Third Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Fourth Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Fifth Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Sixth Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Seventh Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Eighth Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the Ninth Tab",
+ "": "&Switch the End Tab",
+ "": "&Favorite",
+ "": "&Open File ...",
+ "": "&Open Directory ...",
+ "": "&Open History File",
+ "": "&Recover the Closed Tab",
+ "": "&Clear the History List",
+ "": "&Reopen with Encoding",
+ "": "&Save",
+ "": "&Save As ...",
+ "": "&Save All",
+ "": "&Reopen Project",
+ "": "&Clear the History List",
+ "": "&Open in External Explorer",
+ "": "&Reveal in Finder",
+ "": "Open in Terminal",
+ "": "&Exit",
+ "": "&Edit",
+ "": "&Undo",
+ "": "&Redo",
+ "": "&Copy Selection or Current Line",
+ "": "&Cut Selection or Current Line",
+ "": "&Swap Letter/Selection/Line",
+ "": "&Copy File Path",
+ "": "&Paste",
+ "": "&Paste as HTML",
+ "": "&Paste From History",
+ "": "&Format Document",
+ "": "&Join Lines",
+ "": "Move Line Up",
+ "": "Move Line Down",
+ "": "&Delete",
+ "": "&Delete Line",
+ "": "&Left Delete Word",
+ "": "&Right Delete Word",
+ "": "&Left Delete Hump Word",
+ "": "&Right Delete Hump Word",
+ "": "&Delete to Start of Line",
+ "": "&Delete to End of Line",
+ "": "&Delete Blank Spaces at the End of the Line",
+ "": "&Insert",
+ "": "Insert Line Below",
+ "": "Insert Line Above",
+ "": "&Insert the Current Row or Selection Repeatedly",
+ "": "&Surround",
+ "": "&Surround(Such as if and Other Function)",
+ "": "&Anti-Surround",
+ "": "&Bold",
+ "": "Add quotation marks and brackets on the 2 side of the selection [selected content directly press the corresponding symbol]",
+ "": "Add `or ~ or _ on the 2 side of markdown selection area [selected content directly press the corresponding symbol]",
+ "": "&Comment",
+ "": "&Comment Line/Uncomment",
+ "": "&Block Comment",
+ "": "&Conditional Compilation Ifdef",
+ "": "&Conditional Compilation Ifndef",
+ "": "&Beginning-of-line List Symbol",
+ "": "&Ordered List Symbol",
+ "": "&- Unordered List Symbol",
+ "": "&* Unordered List Symbol",
+ "": "&+ Unordered List Symbol",
+ "": "&Task List Symbol",
+ "": "&Finished Task List Symbol",
+ "": "&Quote List Symbol",
+ "": "&EOL Conversion",
+ "": "&Convert Document Line Breaks to \\r\\n",
+ "": "&Convert Document Line Breaks to \\r",
+ "": "&Convert Document Line Breaks to \\n",
+ "": "&Indentation",
+ "": "Right indent",
+ "": "Left indent",
+ "": "&Convert Case",
+ "": "&Upper Case",
+ "": "&Lower Case",
+ "": "&Title Case",
+ "": "&Trigger Code Completion",
+ "": "&Select",
+ "": "&Select All",
+ "": "&System Selection",
+ "": "&Select Left",
+ "": "&Select Right",
+ "": "Select Up",
+ "": "Select Down",
+ "": "Select Left Word",
+ "": "Select Right Word",
+ "": "Select a Hump Word to the Left",
+ "": "Select a Hump Word to the Right",
+ "": "Select to Home of Line Shift+Home",
+ "": "Select to End of Line Shift+End",
+ "": "Select to Start of Line",
+ "": "Select to End of Line",
+ "": "Select to Start of Section",
+ "": "Select to End of Section",
+ "": "Select to Page Up",
+ "": "Select to Page Down",
+ "": "Select to Top of Page Ctrl+Shift+Home",
+ "": "Select to End of Page Ctrl+Shift+End",
+ "": "&Expand Selection",
+ "": "Expand Selection to Both Sides",
+ "": "Shrink Selection from Both Sides",
+ "": "&Select Next Occurrences",
+ "": "&Select All Occurrences",
+ "": "Select All &Reference Symbols",
+ "": "&Skip Current Selection and Select The Next Same Word",
+ "": "Expand Selection to &Line",
+ "": "Expand Selection to &Soft Line",
+ "": "Expand Selection to &Brackets",
+ "": "Expand Selection to &Quotation",
+ "": "Expand Selection to &Folding",
+ "": "Expand Selection to Same &Indented Line",
+ "": "Select the List Area",
+ "": "Select the Connected Word",
+ "": "Expand Selection to &Semantics",
+ "": "Select Html Tag",
+ "": "Select Html Attribute",
+ "": "Select the Encircled Area such as if, Funtion, etc.",
+ "": "Choose Js and Other Languages; Paragraph Before the Semicolon",
+ "": "Select the Css Category",
+ "": "Select a Comma-separated array or method parameters or define variables",
+ "": "Select the Comment Area",
+ "": "Select Markdown Title Paragraph(&3)",
+ "": "Select Markdown Pictures, Hyperlinks, Bold, Italic, Code and Other Syntax Areas",
+ "": "Add &Previous Line",
+ "": "Add &Next Line",
+ "": "[Alt+Left Button to Drag and Select as Column Selection]",
+ "": "Add Cursors on Both Sides of the Selection",
+ "": "Add Cursor at the Start of Each Line",
+ "": "&Drop Previous Selection or Cursor",
+ "": "[Ctrl+Left Mouse Button to Add Cursor/Selection]",
+ "": "[Ctrl+right Mouse Button to Delete Cursor/Selection]",
+ "": "[Ctrl+left Mouse Button to Drag or Double Click to Increase the Multi-Selection Area]",
+ "": "Switch to \"Alt+Click\" for Multi-Cursor",
+ "": "Switch to \"Ctrl+Click\" for Multi-Cursor",
+ "": "Switch to \"⌘+Click\" for Multi-Cursor",
+ "": "Quick Selection Guide...",
+ "": "&Find",
+ "": "&Find File",
+ "": "&Find",
+ "": "&Find in Files",
+ "": "&Replace",
+ "": "&Find Next",
+ "": "&Find Previous",
+ "": "&Find Symbol in Editor...",
+ "": "&Goto",
+ "": "&System",
+ "": "Cursor Left",
+ "": "Cursor Down",
+ "": "Cursor Up",
+ "": "Cursor Right",
+ "": "Cursor Left One Word",
+ "": "Cursor Right One Word",
+ "": "Cursor Left One Hump Word",
+ "": "Cursor Right One Hump Word",
+ "": "Cursor to The Start of The Soft Line",
+ "": "Cursor to the End of the Soft Line",
+ "": "Cursor to the Start of Line",
+ "": "Cursor to the End of Line",
+ "": "Cursor to the Previous Section (Empty line to split the section)",
+ "": "Cursor to the Next Section (Empty line to split the section)",
+ "": "Cursor to Page Up",
+ "": "Cursor to Page Down",
+ "": "Cursor to Page Top",
+ "": "Cursor to Page End",
+ "": "&Previous Position",
+ "": "&Next Position",
+ "": "&Go to Line",
+ "": "&Go to Matching Bracket",
+ "": "&Bookmarks",
+ "": "&Set/Cancel Bookmark",
+ "": "&Next Bookmark",
+ "": "&Previous Bookmark",
+ "": "&Clear All Bookmarks",
+ "": "&Scroll Bar",
+ "": "&Goto Next Bookmark",
+ "": "&Goto Next Search Result",
+ "": "&Goto Next Syntax Error",
+ "": "&Fold",
+ "": "&Fold",
+ "": "&Expand",
+ "": "&Fold Child Line",
+ "": "&Expand Child Line",
+ "": "&Fold All",
+ "": "&Expand All",
+ "": "&Fold Region",
+ "": "&Go to Definition[Alt+Click]",
+ "": "&Go to Definition[Ctrl+Click]",
+ "": "&Go to Definition[⌘+Click]",
+ "": "&Go to Definition to New Column[Ctrl+Alt+Click]",
+ "": "&Go to Definition to New Column[⌘+Alt+Click]",
+ "": "&Run",
+ "": "&Build",
+ "": "&Mobile App - Cloud Packaging",
+ "": "&Mobile App - View Status of Cloud Packaging",
+ "": "&Mobile App - Local Packaging",
+ "": "&Generate Local Packaged App Resources",
+ "": "&Local Packaging Guide for Android...",
+ "": "&Local Packaging Guide for IOS...",
+ "": "&Mobile App - Export WGT Resources",
+ "": "&Mini-Program - WeChat(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Mini-Program - BaiDu(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Mini-Program - AliPay(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Mini-Program - ByteDance(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Mini-Program - QQ(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Mini-Program - 360(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&QuickApp - HuaWei(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Quickapp - Union(For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Web (For uni-app Only)",
+ "": "&Custom Publish",
+ "": "&Generate Unified Publishing Page",
+ "": "&Upload Website to Server",
+ "": "&View the Server Site File",
+ "": "&View",
+ "": "&Minimize",
+ "": "&New Window",
+ "": "&Switch to Pure Mode [Double-click Tab]",
+ "": "&Switch to No Disturb Mode",
+ "": "&Focus on Editor",
+ "": "&Focus on Project Explorer",
+ "": "Show &Left Side",
+ "": "&Show Outline",
+ "": "&Show Toolbar",
+ "": "&Show Built-in Browser ",
+ "": "&Show Minimap",
+ "": "&Show Status Bar",
+ "": "&Show Console",
+ "": "&Show Terminal",
+ "": "Show Debug View",
+ "": "&Show Webview Debug Console",
+ "": "&Show Web Hosting",
+ "": "&Show Plug-in Views",
+ "": "&Show Line Number",
+ "": "&Show Indentation",
+ "": "&Displays Whitespace Characters when Highlighted",
+ "": "&Word Wrap",
+ "": "&Layout",
+ "": "&Single",
+ "": "&Columns: 2",
+ "": "&Columns: 3",
+ "": "&Grid: 4",
+ "": "&Rows: 2",
+ "": "&Rows: 3",
+ "": "&Focus on Left Column",
+ "": "&Focus on Right Column",
+ "": "Scroll",
+ "": "Scroll Left [Alt+mouse wheel up]",
+ "": "Scroll Right [Alt+mouse wheel down]",
+ "": "Scroll Up One Screen [Shift+mouse wheel up]",
+ "": "Scroll Down One Screen [Shift+mouse wheel down]",
+ "": "Scroll One Screen to The Left [Ctrl+Alt+mouse wheel up]",
+ "": "Scroll One Screen to The Right [Ctrl+Alt+mouse wheel down]",
+ "": "&Editor Font Zoom In [Ctrl+Scroll Up]",
+ "": "&Editor Font Zoom Out [Ctrl+Scroll Down]",
+ "": "&Tool",
+ "": "&Settings",
+ "": "&Custom Keybindings",
+ "": "&Keymaps",
+ "": "&Snippets Setting",
+ "": "&Customize Other Language Snippets...",
+ "": "&Custom Snippet Tutorial...",
+ "": "&Color Theme",
+ "": "&File Icon Theme",
+ "": "&No Icon",
+ "": "&External Commands",
+ "": "&Validate Document",
+ "": "&External Command Setting",
+ "": "&Plug-in Installation",
+ "": "&Help",
+ "": "&Started Tutorial...",
+ "": "&Markdown Help",
+ "": "&Developer Cloud Console...",
+ "": "&Feature Requests...",
+ "": "&Mail Feedback",
+ "": "&DCloud Forums ...",
+ "": "&View Running Logs",
+ "": "&Release Notes",
+ "": "Licence",
+ "": "ReadMe",
+ "": "&Sponsor Us...",
+ "": "&About...",
+ "": "Test Only",
+ "": "&Go to Definition[Alt+onclick]",
+ "": "&Go to Definition[ctrl+onclick]",
+ "": "&External Commands",
+ "": "&Import From SVN...",
+ "": "&Import From Git...",
+ "": "&Import From Local Directory...",
+ "": "&0 Upload and Deploy Cloud Functions",
+ "": "&0 Upload Data Collection Schema",
+ "": "&0 Upload Action",
+ "": "&0 Upload Database Extension Verification Function",
+ "": "&1 App Cloud Packaging",
+ "": "&2 Create H5 Website",
+ "": "&3 Release to Wechat Mini-Program",
+ "": "&4 Release to Baidu Mini-Program",
+ "": "&5 Release to ALiPay Mini-Program",
+ "": "&6 Release to 360 Appstore",
+ "": "&7 Release to Huawei Appstore",
+ "": "&8 Release to Quickappunion",
+ "": "&1 Comment Line/Uncomment",
+ "": "&2 Block Enclosing Comment",
+ "": "&3 Conditional Compilation ifdef",
+ "": "&4 Conditional Compilation ifdef",
+ "workbench.switchtab.ctrl": "Switch to the Recent Tab [Ctrl+Tab]",
+ "workbench.switchtab.alt": "Switch to the Recent Tab [Alt+Tab]",
+ "editor.append.qoute": "Add Quotation Marks and Brackets on the 2 Side of the Selection",
+ "markdown.append.wave": "Add `or ~ or _ on the 2 Side of Markdown Selection Area",
+ "editor.selectconnectword": "Expand Selection to &Connected Word",
+ "editor.selectlistzone": "Expand Selection to &List",
+ "select.html.tag.right": "Select Html Tag",
+ "": "Select Html Attribute",
+ "select.cover.iforfunction": "Select the Encircled Area Such as if, Funtion, etc.",
+ "select.paragraph.js": "Choose js and Other Languages; Paragraph Before the Semicolon",
+ "select.class.css": "Select Css Class",
+ "select.array.bycomma": "Select a Comma-Separated Array or Function Parameters or Define Variables",
+ "": "Select the Comment Area",
+ "select.markdown.paragraph": "&Select Markdown Title Paragraph",
+ "": "Select Markdown Pictures, Hyperlinks, Bold, Italic, Code and Other Syntax Areas",
+ "editor.drag.mouseleft.alt.forcolumnselection": "&Column Selection Mode [alt+mouse drag]",
+ "editor.drag.mouseleft.ctrl.forcolumnselection": "【Ctrl+left mouse button drag selection as column selection】",
+ "editor.drag.mouseleft.ctrl.forcolumnselection.d": "【Ctrl+Left mouse button drag selection as column selection】",
+ "editor.mouseright.ctrl.delete.cursorselection": "[Ctrl+Right mouse button to delete cursor/selection]",
+ "editor.mouseleft.drag.addselection": "[Ctrl+Left mouse button to drag or double-click to add multiple selection]",
+ "editor.mouseleft.alt.delete.cursorselection": "[Alt+Left mouse button to add cursor/selection]",
+ "editor.mouseright.alt.delete.cursorselection": "[Alt+Right mouse button to delete cursor/selection]",
+ "editor.mouseleft.alt.addselection": "[Alt+Left mouse button to drag or double-click to add multiple selection]",
+ "editor.mouseleft.command.addselection": "[⌘+Left mouse button to add cursor/selection]",
+ "editor.mouseright.command.addselection": "[⌘+Right mouse button to delete cursor/selection]",
+ "editor.mouseleft.command.drag.addselection": "[⌘+Left mouse button to drag or double-click to add multiple selection]",
+ "scroll.toleft.alt.wheel.up": "Scroll Left [Alt+Scroll Up]",
+ "scroll.toright.alt.wheel.down": "Scroll Right [Alt+Scroll Down]",
+ "scroll.uppage.shift.wheel.up": "Scroll Up One Screen [Shift+Scroll Down]",
+ "scroll.downpage.shift.wheel.down": "Scroll Down One Screen [Shift+Scroll Down]",
+ "scroll.toleftpage.ctrl.alt.wheel.up": "Scroll left One Screen [Ctrl+Alt+Scroll Up]",
+ "scroll.torightpage.ctrl.alt.wheel.down": "Scroll Right One Screen [Ctrl+Alt+Scroll Down]",
+ "": "&Find in Selection",
+ "": "&Mini Program-Kuaishou (For uni-app Only)"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/settings.json": {
+ "settings.[Atom One Dark].desc": "Elegant Blue",
+ "settings.[Default].desc": "Soft Green",
+ "settings.[Monokai].desc": "Cool Black",
+ "settings.adb.path.desc": "The path of adb, empty is the default adb",
+ "": "Android emulator port",
+ "settings.browsers.config.desc": "Browser path configuration. There is automatic detection, and it can be manually configured if it is not detected or not on time.",
+ "settings.builtin.web.server.port.desc": "Built-in web server port",
+ "settings.characters.desc": "Chinese punctuation marks that need to be escaped",
+ "": "Cloud function local running timeout",
+ "settings.dir.exclude.desc": "Folders not searched by default, each rule is separated by a comma",
+ "settings.editor.autoHandoffChinesePunctuation.desc": "Chinese punctuation interference-free configuration, cancel (ctrl+z) can be restored to the original character",
+ "settings.editor.background.desc": "Editing area background color",
+ "settings.editor.caretWidth.desc": "Control the width of the cursor. The value range is 1~3, and it will be thicker according to the number.",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.desc": "Whether to activate the code assistant. When the value is true, the code will be prompted to associate content",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.px2rem.decimalLength.desc": "rem retains the length of the decimal part",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.px2rem.enabel.desc": "Enable px to rem prompt",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.px2rem.proportion.desc": "px to rem ratio, 1(rem)=proportion value(px)",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.px2upx.decimalLength.desc": "upx retain length of fractional part",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.px2upx.enabel.desc": "Enable px to upx prompt, uni-app project takes effect",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.px2upx.proportion.desc": "px to upx ratio, 1(upx)=proportion value (px), the ratio calculation method is: design draft reference width divided by 750",
+ "settings.editor.codeassist.timeout.desc": "Code assistant calculation timeout (in milliseconds)",
+ "settings.editor.codeassistFontSize.desc": "Codeassist Font Size",
+ "settings.editor.codeassistKeyTab.desc": "Tab key is automatically inserted into the code assistant selected item",
+ "settings.editor.colorScheme.desc": "Skin Style",
+ "settings.editor.contentAssistSelectionMode.desc": "A shortcut selection method for an item in the application code prompt",
+ "settings.editor.editorConfigSupport.desc": "Whether to enable editorconfig support",
+ "settings.editor.foldedCodeExpandMode.desc": "Apply code folding and expanding mode",
+ "settings.editor.fontFamily.desc": "Editor font. Value range is English, Microsoft YaHei font in English: Microsoft YaHei UI Light",
+ "settings.editor.fontFmyCHS.desc": "Editor font. The value range is Chinese, Microsoft Yahei font Chinese:'Microsoft Yahei'",
+ "settings.editor.fontSize.desc": "Editor font size in pixels.",
+ "settings.editor.guessIndent.desc": "Guess the number of spaces in the tab intelligently. When it is false, the value of editor.tabSize in the configuration will be used. Reopen the file after modifying this item",
+ "settings.editor.insertSpaces.desc": "Insert spaces when pressing'Tab'. When the value is true, press Tab to insert the number of spaces corresponding to the tab width editor.tabSize value.",
+ "settings.editor.lineHeight.desc": "Editor line height ratio",
+ "settings.editor.longLineIndicator.desc": "Whether to display the line width indicator",
+ "settings.editor.longLineIndicatorColumn.desc": "In which column is the line width indicator line displayed",
+ "settings.editor.matchesChars.desc": "Auto-matched matching characters. When the cursor is on the following characters, the corresponding closed characters are automatically highlighted. Note: When modifying in the json source code view, double quotes need to be escaped as backslashes +Double quotes ",
+ "settings.editor.matchesChars.enable.desc": "Enable automatic character matching",
+ "settings.editor.minimap.enabled.desc": "Whether to display the mini map",
+ "settings.editor.minimap.maxPixelWidth.desc": "Maximum width of the mini map, unit: pixel",
+ "settings.editor.mouseWheelZoom.desc": "Use Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom the editor",
+ "settings.editor.multiCursorModifier.desc": "Editor mouse inserts multi-cursor keyboard modifier keys",
+ "settings.editor.onlyHighlightWord.desc": "Select the same word to highlight, it will only take effect when a complete word is selected",
+ "settings.editor.renderWhitespace.desc": "Whether to display blank characters when highlighting",
+ "settings.editor.saveFoldStatus.enabled.desc": "Whether to enable saving the folded state",
+ "settings.editor.saveOnFocusLost.desc": "Control whether to automatically save when the editor loses focus. When the value is true, the editor automatically saves the current content when it loses focus",
+ "settings.editor.scrollbarHoverPreview.enabled.desc": "Whether to enable scrollbar hover preview",
+ "settings.editor.scrollBeyondLastLine.desc": "After the editor scrolls to the end of the text, can you continue to scroll a certain area. When the value is true, you can still scroll down a certain area",
+ "settings.editor.showDefaultEndOfLine.desc": "Set the default line break",
+ "settings.editor.showEndOfLine.desc": "Whether to display the line break. When the value is true, the carriage return at the end of the line is displayed",
+ "settings.editor.tabSize.desc": "editor.tabSize, the number of spaces equal to a tab",
+ "settings.editor.tokenColorCustomizations.desc1": "Customize the editor theme, you can copy related lines to the editing area on the right to change the color value",
+ "settings.editor.tokenColorCustomizations.desc2": "Refer to for details:",
+ "settings.editor.triggerChars.desc": "Code Assistant Trigger Character",
+ "settings.editor.viewIndentationGuides.desc": "Whether to display code indentation alignment",
+ "settings.editor.wordChars.desc": "When double-clicking the selected word or word jump, it will be matched according to the characters configured here",
+ "settings.editor.wordSeparators.desc": "Characters that will be used as text separators when performing text-related navigation or operations",
+ "settings.editor.wordWrap.desc": "Whether to automatically wrap. When the value is true, automatic wrap is enabled.",
+ "settings.editor.wordWrapMode.desc": "Set the default wrapping strategy.",
+ "settings.enable.desc": "Whether to enable",
+ "settings.explorer.expandsOnClick.desc": "Project Manager click to expand",
+ "settings.explorer.fileReveal.policy.desc1": "When opening a file, expand the policy to the file in Explorer at the same time",
+ "settings.explorer.fileReveal.policy.desc2": "Support settings: default (automatically associated in a single item), never (never associated), always (always associated)",
+ "settings.explorer.folder.openExplorerViewOnClick.desc": "Project manager click on the folder to trigger the explorer view",
+ "": "Automatically report crash log",
+ "": "Update Settings",
+ "settings.explorer.iconTheme.desc": "File Icon Theme",
+ "settings.explorer.showClosedProject.desc": "Whether to show closed projects",
+ "settings.files.associations.contextmenu.desc": "Right-click menu to use HBuilder X to open the file",
+ "settings.files.associations.desc1": "Configure language association (eg:'*.htm':'html')",
+ "settings.files.associations.desc2": "The configurable language type can be seen by clicking the lower right corner of the editor, just fill in the corresponding name here",
+ "settings.files.associations.suffixs.desc1": "File Association",
+ "settings.files.associations.suffixs.desc2": "Associated file type, open with HBuilder X by default, format: md,json",
+ "settings.files.associations.types.mdfile.desc1": "Markdown File Association",
+ "settings.files.associations.types.mdfile.desc2": "Associate Markdown (*.md) files, open with HBuilder X by default",
+ "settings.files.exclude.desc": "Configure the files and folders that are not displayed in the project manager. Each rule is separated by a comma",
+ "settings.html,xml,vue,wxml,ux,nml,php,asp,ejs.desc": "Language type: language name (click on the bottom right corner of the editor to see) or id, you can configure multiple, use ,(Comma) separated by ",
+ "settings.jre.path.desc1": "Configure the local jre installation path, the syntax prompt function depends on this configuration",
+ "settings.jre.path.desc2": "Official download address:",
+ "settings.jre.path.desc3": "Example:'C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre1.8.0_111\\bin'",
+ "settings.jre.path.desc4": "After the configuration is complete, the plugin needs to be initialized and loaded due to the syntax prompt, which may take a few minutes",
+ "settings.localHistory.file.maxBackupCount.desc": "File local history: the maximum number of records in a single file",
+ "settings.localHistory.file.maxBackupDays.desc": "File local history: the maximum number of days for a single file",
+ "settings.localHistory.file.maxBackupSize.desc": "File local history: single file size limit, unit KB",
+ "settings.node.path.desc": "node path",
+ "": "node start memory parameter",
+ "settings.npm.path.desc": "npm path",
+ "settings.query.timeout.desc": "The timeout period for the plugin to get the file list (milliseconds)",
+ "settings.sideBar.background.desc": "Project Manager background color",
+ "settings.terminal.maxcount.desc": "The maximum number of terminals allowed to be started. Since the terminals take up resources, opening too many terminals may cause a crash",
+ "settings.terminal.type.desc": "node running terminal type",
+ "settings.toolBar.background.desc": "Set the background color of the toolbar to black",
+ "settings.view.remoteDebug.openOnRunDevice.desc": "Open the debug view when the real device is running",
+ "settings.weApp.devTools.path.desc": "WeChat Developer Tools installation path configuration",
+ "settings.webServer.config.desc1": "Web server configuration, url: the url of the web server, which can be ip, port or domain name, for example:; appendProjectName: whether to append the project name after the url , True means append, for example:",
+ "settings.webServer.config.desc2": "HBuilderX comes with HTML web server. If you need to configure a third-party web server such as php, please modify this configuration",
+ "settings.workbench.colorCustomizations.desc1": "Customize the UI theme, you can copy related lines to the editing area on the right to change the color value",
+ "settings.workbench.colorCustomizations.desc2": "For details, please refer to:",
+ "settings.workbench.editorAssociations.desc": "Customize the editor file association configuration, which can be copied to the editing area on the right for modification",
+ "settings.workbench.titleBar.useNativeStyle.desc": "Whether the title bar uses Windows native style",
+ "mac:settings.editor.fontFamily.desc": "Editor font style, the value range is English",
+ "mac:settings.editor.fontFmyCHS.desc": "Editor font style, the value range is Chinese",
+ "mac:settings.editor.mouseWheelZoom.desc": "The font of the editor can be zoomed by using the mouse wheel while holding down Command",
+ "mac:settings.editor.autoHandoffChinesePunctuation.desc": "Chinese punctuation interference-free configuration, cancel (Command+z) can be restored to the original character",
+ "editor.fontfmychs": "Microsoft Yahei Light",
+ "mac:editor.fontfmychs": "Chinese fine black",
+ "editor.foldedcodeexpandmode": "spread partially",
+ "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.css.characters": ":“”;‘’,。》【】!¥()、",
+ "editor.contentassistselectionmode": "Alt+Number Mode",
+ "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.javascript.characters": ":“”;‘’,。《》?【】!¥()、",
+ "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.json.characters": ":“”‘’,【】",
+ "editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.html.characters": ":“”;‘’,。《》【】!¥()、"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/settings-schema.json": {
+ "title": "Commonly Used",
+ "description": "",
+ "properties.editor.fontsize.title": "The Editor Font Size",
+ "properties.editor.fontsize.description": "Editor font size, the unit pixel",
+ "properties.editor.fontfamily.win32.title": "Editing Fonts (English)",
+ "properties.editor.fontfamily.win32.description": "Editor English font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfamily \" value",
+ "properties.editor.fontfamily.macos.title": "Editing Fonts (English)",
+ "properties.editor.fontfamily.macos.description": "Editor English font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfamily \" value",
+ "properties.editor.fontfmychs.win32.title": "Edit Font (Chinese)",
+ "properties.editor.fontfmychs.win32.description": "Editor Chinese font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfmyCHS \" value",
+ "properties.editor.fontfmychs.macos.title": "Edit Font (Chinese)",
+ "properties.editor.fontfmychs.macos.description": "Editor Chinese font display, need to customize the font in the \" source view \" change \" editor.fontfmychs \" value",
+ "properties.editor.tabsize.title": "Tab Size",
+ "properties.editor.tabsize.description": "editor.tabSize,A TAB is equal to the number of Spaces",
+ "properties.editor.insertspaces.title": "Insert Spaces when Pressing Tab",
+ "properties.editor.insertspaces.description": "Press \"Tab\" to insert space. When true, press the Tab key to insert the number of Spaces corresponding to the Tab width editor.tabsize value",
+ "properties.editor.saveonfocuslost.title": "Auto Save when Focus Losed",
+ "properties.editor.saveonfocuslost.description": "Automatically saves when the editor loses focus. Value of true automatically saves the current content when the editor loses focus",
+ "properties.files.associations.suffixs.title": "File Type Association",
+ "properties.files.associations.suffixs.description": "In the operating system associated with the following suffix files (such as MD, JSON), set its default opener to HBuilder X",
+ "properties.files.associations.contextmenu.title": "Associative Right Click Menu",
+ "properties.files.associations.contextmenu.description": "“Open With HBuilder X” is displayed in the right-click menu of the file in “My Computer”",
+ "properties.files.associations.title": "Language Association",
+ "properties.files.associations.description": "To configure the language association (such as: \"*.htm\": \" HTML \"), the language type that can be configured can be seen by clicking the lower right corner of the editor, and the corresponding name can be entered here",
+ "properties.files.exclude.title": "Exclude Directories Pattern For Find",
+ "properties.files.exclude.description": "Configure files and folders that the project manager does not display, with each rule separated by a half corner comma",
+ "properties.dir.exclude.title": "Search For Directories That Are Not Included By Default",
+ "properties.dir.exclude.description": "Folders that are not searched, with each rule separated by a half corner comma",
+ "properties.terminal.maxcount.title": "Maximum Number of Terminals Allowed to be Open",
+ "properties.terminal.maxcount.description": "The maximum number of terminals allowed to be open. Since terminals are resource-intensive, opening too many terminals may cause a crash",
+ "properties.editor.wordwrap.title": "Word Wrap",
+ "properties.editor.wordwrap.description": "Whether to automatically wrap by default globally. When the value is true, automatic line wrapping is enabled",
+ "properties.editor.renderwhitespace.title": "Display Blank Characters When Highlighted",
+ "properties.editor.renderwhitespace.description": "Not included end-of-line newline",
+ "properties.workbench.titlebar.usenativestyle.title": "Use Traditional Windows Window Style ",
+ "properties.workbench.titlebar.usenativestyle.description": "After checking, the top menu will no longer be immersive, but will become a traditional windows style. Take effect after restart ",
+ "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.title": "Maximum Number Of Backups For A Single File",
+ "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.description": "",
+ "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupsize.title": "Single File Size Limit",
+ "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupsize.description": "Limit the file size to be backed up, unit KB",
+ "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupdays.title": "Maximum Storage Day",
+ "properties.localhistory.file.maxbackupdays.description": "The maximum storage time of a backed up file, in days. Take 0 o'clock every day as the boundary, add 1 day after 0 o'clock, and 0 day means the time period after 0 o'clock on the current date.",
+ "properties.explorer.expandsonclick.title": "Project Explorer: Expand/Collapse of Directory when Single Click",
+ "properties.explorer.expandsonclick.description": "If you turn off this option, double-click to expand/collapse the directory",
+ "properties.explorer.folder.openexplorerviewonclick.title": "Project Explorer: Open Built-in Resource Explorer when Single Click on the Directory",
+ "properties.explorer.folder.openexplorerviewonclick.description": "When you click or double-click the directory in the project manager, open the internal resource manager tab in the editor area on the right ",
+ "properties.editor.showendofline.title": "Render End of Line Characters(EOL)",
+ "properties.editor.showendofline.description": "Whether to display line breaks. Display the carriage return at the end of the line when the value is true",
+ "properties.editor.showdefaultendofline.title": "The Default End of Line Character(EOL)",
+ "properties.editor.showdefaultendofline.description": "Only affect the behavior of hitting the Enter key",
+ "properties.editor.minimap.maxpixelwidth.title": "Maximum Pixel Width Of Mini Map",
+ "properties.editor.minimap.maxpixelwidth.description": "The maximum pixel width of the mini map, please enter an integer greater than zero",
+ "properties.editor.scrollbarhoverpreview.enabled.title": "Mini Map: Preview on Mouse Hover",
+ "properties.editor.scrollbarhoverpreview.enabled.description": "Preview the content of the mouse position when the mouse is hovering over the editor scroll bar or mini map",
+ "properties.editor.savefoldstatus.enabled.title": "Remember Folding States when Document Close",
+ "properties.editor.savefoldstatus.enabled.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.editorconfigsupport.title": "Enable .editorconfig support",
+ "properties.editor.editorconfigsupport.description": "When enabled, the editor configuration will be overwritten",
+ "properties.editor.viewindentationguides.title": "Render Indent Guides",
+ "properties.editor.viewindentationguides.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.longlineindicator.title": "Render Long Line Indicator",
+ "properties.editor.longlineindicator.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.longlineindicatorcolumn.title": "The Long Line Indicates Which Column The Vertical Line Is Displayed In",
+ "properties.editor.longlineindicatorcolumn.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.lineheight.title": "Line Spacing Ratio",
+ "properties.editor.lineheight.description": "Document line spacing ratio, the value is 1.x, for example, 1.5 means 1.5 times the line height",
+ "properties.editor.onlyhighlightword.title": "Highlight Occurrences Only when Select Whole Word",
+ "properties.editor.onlyhighlightword.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.title": "Enable Code Completion",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.codeassistkeytab.title": "Auto Insert the Selected Item in Code Completion when Pressing Tab",
+ "properties.editor.hover.assist.title": "Hover Code Assist",
+ "properties.editor.hover.assist.description": "When hover on the identifier, pop up dialog that show the details",
+ "properties.editor.codeassistkeytab.description": "After enabling this option, the tab key will not trigger emmet when the code assistant is displayed.",
+ "properties.editor.codeassistfontsize.title": "Code Completion Widget Font Size",
+ "properties.editor.codeassistfontsize.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.triggerchars.title": "Code Completion Trigger Characters",
+ "properties.editor.triggerchars.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.enabel.title": "Enable PX To Rem Prompt",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.enabel.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.proportion.title": "PX To Rem Ratio",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.proportion.description": "1(rem)=proportion value (px)",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.decimallength.title": "Rem Fractional Part Retention Length",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2rem.decimallength.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.enabel.title": "Enable PX To Rpx/Upx Prompt",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.enabel.description": "uni-app project takes effect",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.proportion.title": "PX To Rpx/Upx Ratio ",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.proportion.description": "1(rpx/upx)=proportion value (px), the calculation method of proportion is: design draft reference width divided by 750",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.decimallength.title": "Rpx/Upx Fraction Retention Length",
+ "properties.editor.codeassist.px2upx.decimallength.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.matcheschars.title": "Automatically Match Matching Characters",
+ "properties.editor.matcheschars.description": "When entering the left symbol of the following pairing symbols, the right pairing symbol is automatically input. When the cursor is on the following character, the matching character is automatically highlighted. The following content must match in pairs",
+ "properties.editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.title": "Chinese Punctuation Interference-free Input",
+ "properties.editor.autohandoffchinesepunctuation.description": "In the designated file type and grammar area, input Chinese symbols, which will automatically be converted to English half-width symbols. If you enter “。”, it will automatically become “.” ",
+ "properties.editor.caretwidth.title": "Cursor Width",
+ "properties.editor.caretwidth.description": "Control the width of the cursor. The value range is 1~3, and the number will be thicker in turn",
+ "properties.editor.wordchars.title": "Word Match Character",
+ "properties.editor.wordchars.description": "When double-clicking the selected word or word jump, it will match according to the characters configured here",
+ "properties.editor.wordseparators.title": "Text Separator",
+ "properties.editor.wordseparators.description": "The character that will be used as the text separator when performing text-related navigation or operations",
+ "properties.editor.multicursormodifier.title": "Insert Modifier Keys Used By Multiple Cursors",
+ "properties.editor.multicursormodifier.description": "Use the mouse to insert the keyboard modifier keys used by multiple cursors in the editor, the mouse usage of the “Go to Definition” function automatically uses another modifier key",
+ "properties.editor.mousewheelzoom.title": "Use Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to Zoom Editor",
+ "properties.editor.mousewheelzoom.description": "",
+ "properties.editor.guessindent.title": "Auto Guess of Tab Size",
+ "properties.editor.guessindent.description": "Intelligently guess the number of spaces in the tab. When it is false, the value of editor.tabSize in the configuration will be used. After modifying this item, you need to reopen the file",
+ "properties.editor.scrollbeyondlastline.title": "Allows Scrolling One Page Below the Last Line",
+ "properties.editor.scrollbeyondlastline.description": "After the editor scrolls to the end of the text, can you continue to scroll a certain area? When the value is true, you can still scroll down one screen",
+ "properties.adb.path.title": "adb Path (empty Is The Default Path)",
+ "properties.adb.path.description": "",
+ "": "Android Emulator Port",
+ "": "",
+ "properties.view.remotedebug.openonrundevice.title": "Open The Debug View When The Mobile Phone Is Running",
+ "properties.view.remotedebug.openonrundevice.description": "",
+ "": "Node Startup Memory Parameters",
+ "": "",
+ "properties.browsers.config.title": "Browser Running Configuration",
+ "properties.browsers.config.description": "",
+ "": "Chrome Browser Installation Path",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Firefox Browser Installation Path",
+ "": "",
+ "properties.builtin.web.server.port.title": "Built-in Web Server Port (effective After Restart)",
+ "properties.builtin.web.server.port.description": "",
+ "properties.webserver.config.title": "Web Server Configuration",
+ "properties.webserver.config.description": "",
+ "": "External Web Server Call Url",
+ "": "After installing other web servers by yourself, you can fill in their url here. This url will be automatically opened when HBuilderX is running",
+ "": "Does The External Web Server Url Include The Project Name",
+ "": "If checked, the project name will be used as the secondary directory in the url, such as: name/index.html",
+ "properties.weapp.devtools.path.title": "WeChat Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.weapp.devtools.path.description": "The installation path of WeChat Developer Tools, if not installed, please go to download ",
+ "properties.baiduapp.devtools.path.title": "Baidu Developer Tools Path",
+ "properties.baiduapp.devtools.path.description": "Baidu Developer Tools executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "properties.alipayapp.devtools.path.title": "Alipay Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.alipayapp.devtools.path.description": "Alipay Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "properties.bytedanceapp.devtools.path.title": "ByteDance Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.bytedanceapp.devtools.path.description": "ByteDance Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "properties.qqapp.devtools.path.title": "QQ Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.qqapp.devtools.path.description": "QQ Mini Program developer tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "properties.360app.devtools.path.title": "360 Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.360app.devtools.path.description": "360 Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "properties.huaweiapp.devtools.path.title": "Huawei Quick App Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.huaweiapp.devtools.path.description": "Huawei Quick App Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download ",
+ "properties.quickappunion.devtools.path.title": "Quick Application Alliance Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.quickappunion.devtools.path.description": "Quick App Alliance Developer Tools executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "": "Timeout",
+ "": "Cloud function local running timeout time, unit: seconds",
+ "properties.terminal.type.title": "Run Terminal Type",
+ "properties.terminal.type.description": "Type of terminal running",
+ "properties.terminal.type.enum.item.built-in": "Built-in Terminal",
+ "properties.terminal.type.enum.item.external": "External Terminal",
+ "properties.npm.path.title": "npm Path",
+ "properties.npm.path.description": "npm executable program path",
+ "properties.node.path.title": "node Path",
+ "properties.node.path.description": "node executable program path",
+ "properties.extensions.title": "Plugins",
+ "properties.extensions.description": "Installed plug-in extension configuration",
+ "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.description": "How to expand the collapsed code",
+ "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.title": "Code Expansion Strategy",
+ "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.item.partialexpansion": "Partial Expansion",
+ "properties.editor.foldedcodeexpandmode.item.allxpansion": "All Expansion",
+ "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.title": "Code Completion Apply Select Mode",
+ "properties.editor.matcheschars.enable.title": "Enable Automatic Character Matching",
+ "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.description": "Shortcut selection of an item in the application code prompt",
+ "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.enum.item.allandnumber": "Alt+Number Mode",
+ "properties.editor.contentassistselectionmode.enum.item.number": "Number Mode",
+ "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.title": "Word Wrap Strategy",
+ "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.enum.char.title": "By Character",
+ "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.enum.word.title": "By Word",
+ "properties.editor.wordwrapmode.description": "This setting will only take effect after automatic line wrapping is turned on",
+ "properties.kuaishouapp.devtools.path.title": "Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool Path",
+ "properties.kuaishouapp.devtools.path.description": "Kuaishou Mini Program Developer Tool executable program, if not installed, please go to download",
+ "": "Help us improve the functionality and performance of HBuilderX",
+ "": "Automatically report usage statistics and crashes to us",
+ "": "Update Settings",
+ "": "Configure whether checks updates,Requires a restart after change",
+ "": "Check for updates on startup",
+ "": "Manually check for updates"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/settings-uiconfig.json": {
+ "editor.wordwrap.title": "Editor",
+ "editor.wordwrap.description": "Editor related configuration",
+ "editorŋwordwrap.description": "Editor related configuration",
+ "adb.path.title": "Run",
+ "adb.path.description": "",
+ "adbŋpath.title": "Mobile Phone/Emulator Running Configuration",
+ "editorŋwordwrap.title": "Editor Configuration",
+ "localhistoryŋfileŋmaxbackupcount.title": "Local History",
+ "localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.title": "Local History",
+ "localhistory.file.maxbackupcount.description": "When the file is saved, it is backed up locally. You can view the backed up file through \"local history\"",
+ "": "Uni-app Running Configuration",
+ "": "",
+ "nodeŋrunŋmemoryparam.title": "Uni-app Running Configuration",
+ "weapp.devtools.path.title": "Mini Program Running Configuration",
+ "weapp.devtools.path.description": "uni-app depends on the small program developer tool, and the installation directory of the small program development tool needs to be specified",
+ "weappŋdevtoolsŋpath.title": "Mini Program Running Configuration",
+ "cloud.runinlocal.timeout.title": "Cloud Function Local Running Configuration",
+ "cloudŋruninlocalŋtimeout.title": "Cloud Function Local Running Configuration",
+ "cloud.runinlocal.timeout.description": " ",
+ "terminal.type.title": "Node Running Configuration",
+ "terminalŋtype.title": "node Running Configuration",
+ "terminal.type.description": " "
+ },
+ ":/config/app-manifest-schema.json": {
+ "": "Share on Sina Weibo",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the Sina Weibo open platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "App compatible minimum Android version (API level);Reference Document",
+ "": "640x1136",
+ "": "Access local network(NSLocalNetworkUsageDescriptions)",
+ "": "Bluetooth(NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription)",
+ "": "The configuration info of WeChat payment, WeChat sharing and WeChat login should be consistent",
+ "": "Fingerprint(Fingerprint)",
+ "": "redirect_uri",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appsecret",
+ "": "Advertising Basics",
+ "": "Sina Weibo share and Sina Weibo login configuration information should be consistent",
+ "": "appkey",
+ "": "2436x1125",
+ "": "Register the schema to open the current app in other apps. Multiple schemes are separated by ',', for example: test1,test; Reference Document",
+ "": "Bluetooth(NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription)",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "The configuration info of WeChat payment, WeChat sharing and WeChat login should be consistent",
+ "": "pay by AliPay",
+ "": "Android auto-add permissions required by third-party SDK",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "80x80",
+ "": "QQ share and QQ login configuration should be consistent",
+ "": "pay",
+ "": "Submit icon 1024x1024 for use in App Store",
+ "": "The background run-time access location(NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription)",
+ "": "LivePusher(LivePusher)",
+ "": "80x80",
+ "": "APPID for Xiaomi login on iOS",
+ "": "channelid_android",
+ "": "Start screen display waiting for Snowflake",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "redirect_uri",
+ "": "Contact(contact)",
+ "": "photo album-read(NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings Icon (High Score Screen)",
+ "": "Support for CPU types",
+ "": "Need to explicitly call the plus.navigator.closeSplashscreen method in the application to close when it doesn't auto close",
+ "": "Map configuration guide",
+ "": "Gaode positioning",
+ "": "appsecret_ios",
+ "": "2208x1242",
+ "": "Android platform allies channel id",
+ "": "Android icon configuration",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the WeChat Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "Access Siri(NSSiriUsageDescription)",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "QQ share and QQ login configuration should be consistent",
+ "": "",
+ "": "192x192",
+ "": "photo album-write(NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Register the schema to open the current app in other apps. Multiple schemes are separated by ',', for example: test1,test; Reference Document",
+ "": "Baidu Map and Baidu Positioning configuration should be consistent",
+ "": "Geolocation (location, only one can be selected)",
+ "": "The positioning function relies on the third-party SDK, and the corresponding terms need to be added to the privacy agreement to be listed on the domestic application market [details]",
+ "": "Optional, 768x1024, 9.7/7.9-inch iPad/mini portrait screen startup image, required when iPad/mini (iOS7+) is supported",
+ "": "Optional, 2048x1536, 9.7/7.9-inch iPad/mini high score screen landscape startup picture, required when supporting iPad/mini (iOS7+) landscape display",
+ "": "HhealthShare(NSHealthShareUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Media library(NSAppleMusicUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Optional, 1242x2688, boot image for 6.5-inch device (iPhoneXS Max), required when supporting iPhone XS Max (iOS12+)",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "APPSecret for Xiaomi login on Android platform",
+ "": "Track user activity(NSUserTrackingUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iPad icon configuration",
+ "": "Gaode map and Gaode's location profiles should be consistent",
+ "": "2388x1668",
+ "": "",
+ "": "iOS platform allies appkey",
+ "": "iOS platform Gaode map application KEY",
+ "": "58x58",
+ "": "AppSecret value of WeChat open platform application,Parameter security issue",
+ "": "VideoPlayer(video play)",
+ "": "60x60",
+ "": "sharing configuration guide sharing function depends on the tripartite SDK, to the domestic application market needs to add the corresponding terms [details]",
+ "": "hdpi high split screen application icons",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "Delay time to automatically close the startup interface",
+ "": "To use the tripartite SDK needs to fill in the SDK's official website Key and other information back here. The cloud comes into effect when it's packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "": "iOS startup interface style",
+ "": "contact(NSContactsUsageDescription)",
+ "properties.screenorientation.title": "Horizontal and vertical screen settings",
+ "": "Application version name",
+ "": "480x762",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application sharing callback address",
+ "description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "": "icon configuration",
+ "": "Allows the current App to access (check to install, open) other App whitelist, fill in other App registered scheme, multiple scheme using','segmentation, such as: Baidusso, qqmusic;;Reference document",
+ "": "appsecret",
+ "": "iOS 11.3 and higher",
+ "": "minSdkVersion",
+ "": "Use Face ID(NSFaceIDUsageDescription)",
+ "": "2732x2048",
+ "": "Sina Weibo login",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the Sina Weibo open platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "Speech Recognition Configuration Guide",
+ "": "appsecret",
+ "": "Speech recognition (only one can be selected)",
+ "properties.launch_path.description": "Default is index in the root directory. HTML; can also be a web address, which must start with http: or HTTPS: ",
+ "": "push configuration guidemessage push function depends on the three-party SDK, to the domestic application market needs to add the corresponding terms [details]",
+ "": "uniPush (integrated system push and single push, which is an upgrade of push)",
+ "": "Optional, 1792 X828,6.1 inch device (iPhone XR) iPhone XR horizontal screen startup picture, support iPhone XR (iOS12 +) horizontal screen display must be selected",
+ "": "Optional, 640x960, boot image for 3.5-inch device (iPhone4/4S), required when supporting iPhone4/4S",
+ "": "Baidu map (nvue does not support Baidu map)",
+ "": "SDK configuration",
+ "": "iOS platform Gaode map application KEY",
+ "": "Optional, 1024x768,9.7/7.9 inch iPad/mini horizontal screen startup image, required for iPad/Mini (iOS7) horizontal screen display",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the WeChat Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "1792x828",
+ "": "Android launches image settings",
+ "": "Gaode map and Gaode's location profiles should be consistent",
+ "": "Apple in-app payments",
+ "": "Camera(NSCameraUsageDescription)",
+ "": "microphone(NSMicrophoneUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Optional, 640x1136, 4.0-inch device (iPhone5/5S) startup image, required when supporting iPhone5/5S display",
+ "": "Optional, 2732 X 2048,12.9-inch iPad Pro landscape boot image, support for 12.9-inch iPad Pro (iOS10 +) landscape display required",
+ "": "Application Access Whitelist",
+ "": "58x58",
+ "": "Sina Weibo share and Sina Weibo login configuration information should be consistent",
+ "": "xxxhdpi 4K High Resolution program icons",
+ "": "QQ open platform to apply for the AppID of the application",
+ "": "Sports & Fitness (NSMotionUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings Icon",
+ "": "Share",
+ "": "Bluetooth(Bluetooth Low Energy)",
+ "": "Users do not need to enter mobile phone number and SMS verifify, but password-free one-key login, [Activation configuration] a>, [Operation Guide]",
+ "": "Optional, 1668x2224,10.5 inch iPad Pro vertical screen boot image, support 10.5 inch iPad Pro (iOS8 +) when required",
+ "": "iOS 9-11 program icons(iPad Pro)",
+ "": "iOS 7-11 notification bar icon (iphone 6plus/7plus/8plus/x)",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "properties.screenorientation.description": "If multiple orientations are checked, it will automatically rotate according to the mobile phone's gravity sensor\r\nportrait-primary (vertical screen), portrait-secondary (vertical screen upside down)\r\nlandscape-primary (landscape home button on the right), landscape-secondary (landscape Home button on the left)",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Some domestic Android mobile phones must apply for the SDK of the positioning service provider to obtain the location.Map configuration guide",
+ "": "Associated Domains(Associated Domains)",
+ "": "Optional, 750x1334, 4.7-inch device (iPhone6/7/8) startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8",
+ "": "1136x640",
+ "": "SQLite(Database)",
+ "": "Optional, 2688x1242, 6.5-inch device (iPhoneXS Max) horizontal screen startup image, required when supporting iPhone XS Max (iOS12+) horizontal screen display",
+ "": "To use the tripartite SDK needs to fill in the SDK's official website Key and other information back here. The cloud comes into effect when it's packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "": "Optional, 1242x2208, 5.5-inch device (iPhone6/7/8Plus) startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8Plus",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "hdpi high-resolution screen startup picture",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "Optional, 1334x750, 4.7-inch device (iPhone6/7/8) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8 landscape display",
+ "": "2048x2732",
+ "": "Login authentication",
+ "": "Access HomeKit data (NSHomeKitUsageDescription)",
+ "": "828x1792",
+ "": "QQ open platform to apply for the AppID of the application",
+ "": "iOS 13 + support, according to the App Store audit specification, if App developers provide any other third login (such as wechat) , they must also provide apple login,Reference Document",
+ "": "targetSdkVersion",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "Application ID(AppID)",
+ "": "Startup interface in the application after the first page load delay closed time, in milliseconds, must be integer \n default no delay, that is, after the first page load immediately closed",
+ "": "App ID for wechat open platform application",
+ "": "Android permissions configuration",
+ "": "The configuration info of WeChat payment, WeChat sharing and WeChat login should be consistent",
+ "": "Android platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "Wechat login",
+ "": "Android platform Gaode map positioning application KEY",
+ "": "DCloud AppID operation guide",
+ "": "SDK configuration",
+ "": "2224x1668",
+ "": "runtime access location(NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS7-11 notification bar icon",
+ "": "1668x2224",
+ "properties.fullscreen.description": "Full screen is not a transparent or discolored status bar, but no status bar Application full screen setting instructions",
+ "": "iPhone icon configuration",
+ "": "Maps(only one can be selected)",
+ "": "Third-party login authentication configuration guide The login authentication function relies on three parties SDK, put on the domestic application market, you need to add the corresponding terms in the privacy agreement [details]",
+ "": "Speech Recognition Configuration Guide",
+ "": "配置,operation guide",
+ "": "Baidu positioning",
+ "": "Used to configure the universal link domain name. The format of the universal link domain name is: applinks:domain name, for;Detailed document reference",
+ "": "Android platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "iPhone startup image settings",
+ "": "Optional, 1668x2388,11-inch iPad Pro vertical screen boot image, support 11-inch iPad Pro (iOS10 +) when selected",
+ "": "1668x2388",
+ "": "application name",
+ "": "Configurable. 9. PNG, reduce package size, avoid resizing,tutorial",
+ "": "iOS platform allies channel id",
+ "": "Tencent Youlianghui advertising alliance",
+ "": "Access clinical records (NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Payment Configuration Guide The payment function relies on the third-party SDK, and it is listed on the domestic application The market needs to add corresponding clauses to the privacy agreement [details]",
+ "": "76x76",
+ "": "Optional, 1136x640, 4.0-inch device (iPhone5/5S) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhone5/5S landscape display",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "APPSecret for Xiaomi login on iOS platform",
+ "properties.fullscreen.title": "Whether the app is displayed in full screen",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "167x167",
+ "": "UrlSchemes",
+ "": "iOS7-11 program icon(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "title": "basic configuration",
+ "properties.permissions.title": "Packaging module configuration",
+ "": "96x96",
+ "": "iOS7-11 program icon",
+ "": "details",
+ "": "Android X5 Webview(Tencent TBS)",
+ "": "FaceID(face recognition,only support iOS)",
+ "": "Optional, 1536x2048, 9.7/7.9-inch iPad/mini high-resolution vertical screen image, required when iPad/mini (iOS7+) is supported",
+ "": "statistic",
+ "": "iOS7-11 notification bar icon (High-resolution screen)",
+ "": "operation guide",
+ "": "iOS platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "QQ login",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the QQ Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "1125x2436",
+ "": "1536x2048",
+ "": "Notification items(NSRemindersUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Push configuration guide",
+ "": "appsecret_android",
+ "": "It must be higher than the last set value when upgrading. Offline packaging needs to be configured separately:Android configuration、iOS configuration",
+ "": "Map(only one can be selected)",
+ "": "Optional, 2388x1668, 11-inch iPad Pro landscape startup image, required when supporting 11-inch iPad Pro (iOS10+) landscape display",
+ "": "iPad startup image settings",
+ "": "Payment Configuration Guide",
+ "": "Wechat share",
+ "": "20x20",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
+ "": "Share(share)",
+ "": "details The X5 function relies on Tencent TBS SDK and is listed on the domestic application market Corresponding terms need to be added to the privacy agreement[details]",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the WeChat Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "Android platform Gaode map application KEY",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon (High-resolution screen)",
+ "": "The Android version (API level) that the app is adapted to. Some app markets require a higher targetSdkVersion to be submitted for review; Reference Document",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appsecret",
+ "": "xxhdpi 1080P high-resolution screen startup picture",
+ "": "Baidu Map and Baidu Positioning configuration should be consistent",
+ "": "Application background music (audio), location (location) and other functions, multiple use of ',' separated, for example:audio,location;Reference Document",
+ "": "redirect_uri_android",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "iOS7-11 program icon(iPhone4S/5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "Third-party login authentication configuration guide",
+ "": "Kuaishou Content Alliance",
+ "": "Sigmob Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "144x144",
+ "": "360 Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "Statistic(statistic)",
+ "": "2048x1536",
+ "": "UrlSchemes",
+ "": "Toutiao Pangolin Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "2688x1242",
+ "properties.launch_path.title": "Application entry page (home page) address",
+ "": "Allied statistics",
+ "": "Authorization callback page address for Xiaomi login on iOS platform",
+ "": "The page displayed when the Webview window fails to load (such as 404, etc.); Reference Document",
+ "": "Custom storyboard startup interface",
+ "": "Launch interface options",
+ "": "120x120",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appkey",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings icon (iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
+ "": "720x1242",
+ "": "Authorization callback page address for Xiaomi login on Android platform",
+ "": "152x152",
+ "": "API Key",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "uni-AD",
+ "": "40x40",
+ "": "40x40",
+ "": "Messaging(SMS, MMS and mail message)",
+ "": "appkey",
+ "": "Android platform allies appkey",
+ "": "Wechat pay",
+ "": "appid_android",
+ "": "iOS 13 and higher version",
+ "": "1242x2688",
+ "": "Permission description for iOS private information access",
+ "": "iOS7-11program icon (High-resolution screen)",
+ "": "Gaode map",
+ "": "768x1024",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Offline packaging needs to be configured separately:Android configuration、iOS configuration",
+ "": "application version number",
+ "": "Speech(Speech Recognition,only one can be selected)",
+ "": "Ability to run in the background",
+ "": "Android startup interface style",
+ "": "Use Native Privacy Policy Toolbox",
+ "": "details",
+ "": "Position",
+ "": "1242x2208",
+ "": "App ID for wechat open platform application",
+ "": "Access location(NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Statistics configuration guide The statistical function relies on the third-party SDK, and it is put on the shelves for domestic applications The market needs to add corresponding clauses to the privacy agreement [details]",
+ "": "OAuth(Login authentication)",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Optional, 2208x1242, 5.5-inch device (iPhone6/7/8Plus) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8Plus landscape display",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon",
+ "": "1080x1882",
+ "": "One-click login (univerify)",
+ "": "750x1334",
+ "": "Push",
+ "": "iBeacon",
+ "": "87x87",
+ "": "Auto close set up interface",
+ "": "iOS7-11 notification bar icon(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "App ID for wechat open platform application",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings setting icon(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "Appstore audit requires app must explain the call reason when calling the following privacy-related APIs. The reason description will pop up to the end mobile phone user so that the mobile phone user can confirm whether to grant privacy access permission",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appkey",
+ "properties.description.title": "Application description",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "Optional, 828x1792, boot image for 6.1-inch device (iPhoneXR), required when supporting iPhone XR (iOS12+)",
+ "": "xhdpi 720P high-resolution screen startup picture",
+ "": "iOS UIWebview",
+ "": "xhdpi 720P high resolution screen application icon",
+ "": "Map configuration guide The map function relies on the third-party SDK, and it is put on the shelves for domestic applications The market needs to add corresponding clauses to the privacy agreement[details]",
+ "": "sharing configuration guide",
+ "": "Calendar(NSCalendarsUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS10 and higher version",
+ "": "Baidu speech recongnition",
+ "": "AppId",
+ "": "Optional, 1125x2436, 5.8-inch device (iPhoneX/XS) startup image, required when supporting iPhoneX/XS",
+ "": "120x120",
+ "": "Xunfei speech recongnition",
+ "": "iOS platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "640x960",
+ "": "Optional, 2224x1668, 10.5-inch iPad Pro landscape startup image, required when supporting 10.5-inch iPad Pro (iOS8+) landscape display",
+ "": "Apple login(Sign in with Apple)",
+ "": "Google login",
+ "": "",
+ "": "iOS platform client ID",
+ "": "OAuth client ID obtained in the Google API Console project",
+ "": "Facebook sign in",
+ "": "",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Application numbers obtained by the Facebook Developer Center",
+ "": "Use NFC(NFCReaderUsageDescription)",
+ "": "channelid_ios",
+ "": "QQ Share",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the QQ Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "72x72",
+ "": "redirect_uri_ios",
+ "": "Optional, 2048x2732, 12.9-inch iPad Pro portrait screen startup image, required when supporting 12.9-inch iPad Pro (iOS10+)",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application authorization callback page address",
+ "": "",
+ "": "29x29",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "Secret Key",
+ "": "1334x750",
+ "": "1024x768",
+ "": "Optional, 2436x1125, 5.8-inch device (iPhoneX/XS) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhoneX/XS landscape display",
+ "": "System speech recongnition(NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Use of Advertising Identification (IDFA)",
+ "": "xxhdpi 1080P high resolution screen program icon",
+ "": "180x180",
+ "": "Android platform Xiaomi login APPID",
+ "": "Statistics configuration guide",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "appid_ios",
+ "": "Health update(NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS, Android application icon configuration. It takes effect after the cloud is packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured in the native project separately.App Icon Configuration Notes",
+ "": "Sign in with Xiaomi",
+ "": "Kuaishou Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "Application version number, which must be an integer; it must be higher than the last set value when upgrading. Offline packaging needs to be configured separately:Android configuration、iOS configuration",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "iOS14 and higher version",
+ "": "",
+ "": "appsecret",
+ "": "40x40",
+ "": "Customize 404 and other error pages",
+ "": "iOS startup image settings",
+ "": "Payment(pay)",
+ "": "Push(Message push)"
+ },
+ ":/config/app-manifest-uiconfig.json": {
+ "plus.distribute.icons.ios.appstore.title": "app store",
+ "permissions.title": "Module configuration",
+ "": " ",
+ "": "iOS settings",
+ "": "Android settings",
+ "plus.distribute.splashscreen.androidstyle.title": "Android start up interface settings",
+ "plus.splashscreen.title": "Start up interface configuration",
+ "plus.error.url.description": " ",
+ "plus.splashscreen.description": "Application startup and splash related configuration. Changes to the startup diagram or interface need to be packaged in the cloud to take effect. It is recommended that the pictures be stored in the unpackage directory. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project",
+ "plus.distribute.splashscreen.iosstyle.title": "iOS startup interface settings",
+ "": "Android packing permissions configuration",
+ "plus.distribute.sdkpage.description": "",
+ "plus.distribute.sdkpage.title": "permissions configuration",
+ "permissions.description": "App contains extension modules (which affect the package size) . The cloud comes into effect when it's packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "plus.error.url.title": "App commonly used other settings",
+ "": " "
+ },
+ ":/config/uniapp-manifest-schema.json": {
+ "": "targetSdkVersion",
+ "": "1536x2048",
+ "": "SDK configuration",
+ "": " QQ login and QQ share configuration information should be consistent",
+ "": "Android platform Gaode map positioning application KEY",
+ "": "iOS7-11 program icon(iPhone4S/5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "redirect_uri_ios",
+ "": "App compatible minimum Android version (API level);Reference Document",
+ "": "Check secure domain name and TLS version",
+ "": "120x120",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Permission description for iOS private information access",
+ "": "Optional, 1536x2048, 9.7/7.9-inch iPad/mini high-resolution vertical screen image, required when iPad/mini (iOS7+) is supported",
+ "": "nvue page compilation mode",
+ "": "uniPush (integrated system push and single push, which is an upgrade of push)",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "Speech Recognition Configuration Guide",
+ "": "entitlements",
+ "": "Baidu speech recongnition",
+ "": "Location and map (only one can be selected)",
+ "": "Use the map and location-related functions need to apply for a map provider's SDK.details",
+ "": "Can reduce the size of the site and speed up the home page rendering. Reference Document",
+ "properties.appid.title": "uni-appApplication ID(AppID)",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Apple in-app payments",
+ "": "Defaults to app name",
+ "": "iOS 13 and higher version",
+ "": "Position",
+ "": "VideoPlayer(video play)",
+ "": "Speech Recognition Configuration Guide",
+ "": "58x58",
+ "": "ByteDance applet AppID (please apply for it in ByteDance developer tools)",
+ "": "Camera(NSCameraUsageDescription)",
+ "": "QQ Share",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the QQ Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "LivePusher(LivePusher)",
+ "": "Launch interface options",
+ "": "Enable Alipay applet platform",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "58x58",
+ "": "Position interface",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "Use Face ID(NSFaceIDUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Optional, 2388x1668, 11-inch iPad Pro landscape startup image, required when supporting 11-inch iPad Pro (iOS10+) landscape display",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "details",
+ "": "768x1024",
+ "": "hdpi high split screen application icons",
+ "": "Secret Key",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "180x180",
+ "": "Enable all platforms",
+ "": "Access Siri(NSSiriUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Advertising Basics",
+ "": "One-click login (univerify)",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon",
+ "": "photo album-read(NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Optional, 2688x1242, 6.5-inch device (iPhoneXS Max) horizontal screen startup image, required when supporting iPhone XS Max (iOS12+) horizontal screen display",
+ "": "Associated Domains(Associated Domains)",
+ "": "1792x828",
+ "": "Optional, 1668x2224,10.5 inch iPad Pro vertical screen boot image, support 10.5 inch iPad Pro (iOS8 +) when required",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appsecret",
+ "": "redirect_uri_android",
+ "": "Custom storyboard startup interface",
+ "": "Enable App platform",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "Optional, 640x1136, 4.0-inch device (iPhone5/5S) startup image, required when supporting iPhone5/5S display",
+ "": "hash|history, choose one",
+ "": "xxhdpi 1080P high resolution screen program icon",
+ "": "Third-party login authentication configuration guide The login authentication function relies on three parties SDK, put on the domestic application market, you need to add the corresponding terms in the privacy agreement [details]",
+ "": "Tencent map",
+ "": "Google Map",
+ "": "The default is empty, can customize the generated HTML code, customize the meta, introduce external JS, Reference",
+ "": "120x120",
+ "": "hdpi high-resolution screen startup picture",
+ "": "iOS startup interface style",
+ "": "Fingerprint(Fingerprint)",
+ "": "The app icon used to display in the app market or desktop must be consistent with the app icon information submitted for listing review",
+ "": "iOS7-11 program icon",
+ "": "Optional, 2048x2732, 12.9-inch iPad Pro portrait screen startup image, required when supporting 12.9-inch iPad Pro (iOS10+)",
+ "": "WeChat Mini Program AppID (please apply for it in WeChat Developer Tools)",
+ "": "Check secure domain name and TLS version",
+ "": "App native plugin configuration",
+ "": "Location and maps",
+ "": "Media library(NSAppleMusicUsageDescription)",
+ "": "2732x2048",
+ "": "API Key",
+ "": "iOS7-11 notification bar icon(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "To use the tripartite SDK needs to fill in the SDK's official website Key and other information back here. The cloud comes into effect when it's packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "": "Android permissions configuration",
+ "description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "": "1125x2436",
+ "": "iOS, Android application icon configuration. It takes effect after the cloud is packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured in the native project separately.App Icon Configuration Notes",
+ "": "Tencent Youlianghui advertising alliance",
+ "": "Android platform Gaode map application KEY",
+ "": "iOS platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "Optional, 1024x768,9.7/7.9 inch iPad/mini horizontal screen startup image, required for iPad/Mini (iOS7) horizontal screen display",
+ "": "appsecret",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the WeChat Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "Gaode positioning",
+ "": "Optional, 1792 X828,6.1 inch device (iPhone XR) iPhone XR horizontal screen startup picture, support iPhone XR (iOS12 +) horizontal screen display must be selected",
+ "": " QQ login and QQ share configuration information should be consistent",
+ "": "Third-party login authentication configuration guide",
+ "": "HhealthShare(NSHealthShareUsageDescription)",
+ "": "appkey",
+ "": "Wechat login",
+ "": "2688x1242",
+ "": "iOS platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "xhdpi 720P high resolution screen application icon",
+ "": "Application icon",
+ "": "Sports & Fitness (NSMotionUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS startup image settings",
+ "": "Baidu map (nvue does not support Baidu map)",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings Icon (High Score Screen)",
+ "": "routing mode",
+ "": "Enable WeChat Mini Program Platform",
+ "": "iOS UIWebview",
+ "": "Baidu Mini Program AppID",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "1334x750",
+ "": "appid_android",
+ "": "Messaging(SMS, MMS and mail message)",
+ "": "The page displayed when the Webview window fails to load (such as 404, etc.); the uni-app project needs to be placed in the hybrid/html directory under the root directory, otherwise it will not be compiled into it;Reference Document",
+ "": "description",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the WeChat Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "System speech recongnition(NSSpeechRecognitionUsageDescription)",
+ "": "The configuration information of wechat login, wechat share and wechat payment should be consistent",
+ "": "Payment Configuration Guide The payment function relies on the third-party SDK, and it is listed on the domestic application The market needs to add corresponding clauses to the privacy agreement [details]",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
+ "": "640x1136",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "",
+ "": "1668x2224",
+ "": "Push",
+ "": "Optional, 1242x2208, 5.5-inch device (iPhone6/7/8Plus) startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8Plus",
+ "": "Automatic style completion when uploading code",
+ "": "Check secure domain name and TLS version",
+ "": "AppId",
+ "": "OAuth(Login authentication)",
+ "": "Speech recognition (only one can be selected)",
+ "": "40x40",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "Some domestic Android mobile phones must apply for the SDK of the positioning service provider to obtain the location.Map configuration guide The map function relies on the third-party SDK, and it is put on the shelves for domestic applications The market needs to add corresponding clauses to the privacy agreement [Details]",
+ "": "2048x1536",
+ "": "1668x2388",
+ "": "APPSecret for Xiaomi login on iOS platform",
+ "": "Health update(NSHealthUpdateUsageDescription)",
+ "properties.appid.description": "DCloud AppID operation guide",
+ "": "Kuaishou Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "App ID for wechat open platform application",
+ "": "Interactive game (Cash Cat)",
+ "": "1136x640",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Notification items(NSRemindersUsageDescription)",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Optional, 640x960, boot image for 3.5-inch device (iPhone4/4S), required when supporting iPhone4/4S",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application authorization callback page address",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Sina Weibo share and Sina Weibo login configuration information should be consistent",
+ "": "Recommended to use the uni statistics that comes with uni-app, without checking this module, details",
+ "": "iOS 13 + support, according to the App Store audit specification, if App developers provide any other third login (such as wechat) , they must also provide apple login,Reference Document",
+ "": "Contact(contact)",
+ "": "UrlSchemes",
+ "": "828x1792",
+ "": "Gaode map and Gaode's location profiles should be consistent",
+ "": "1242x2208",
+ "": "Example: /h5/, which means deploy and run in the /h5 directory of the domain name. If set to. /, representing the relative path, supports the File protocol open, when routing mode is forced into hash mode.",
+ "": "application version number",
+ "": "2224x1668",
+ "": "Gaode map",
+ "": "Access local network(NSLocalNetworkUsageDescriptions)",
+ "": "Android icon configuration",
+ "": "Automatic compression when uploading code",
+ "": "Alipay applet AppID",
+ "": "Optional, 750x1334, 4.7-inch device (iPhone6/7/8) startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8",
+ "": "2388x1668",
+ "": "Some domestic Android mobile phones must apply for the SDK of the positioning service provider to obtain the location.Map configuration guide",
+ "": "QQ open platform to apply for the AppID of the application",
+ "": "photo album-write(NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription)",
+ "": "sharing configuration guide",
+ "": "Application version name",
+ "": "iOS 9-11 program icons(iPad Pro)",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings setting icon(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "Automatic compression when uploading code",
+ "": "Baidu Map and Baidu Positioning configuration should be consistent",
+ "": "",
+ "": "uni-AD",
+ "": "Optional, 2436x1125, 5.8-inch device (iPhoneX/XS) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhoneX/XS landscape display",
+ "": "Minimum supported platform version number",
+ "": "640x960",
+ "": "redirect_uri",
+ "": "Sign in with Xiaomi",
+ "": "Optional, 1668x2388,11-inch iPad Pro vertical screen boot image, support 11-inch iPad Pro (iOS10 +) when selected",
+ "": "key",
+ "": "key",
+ "": "Wechat pay",
+ "": "40x40",
+ "properties.description.title": "Application description",
+ "": "application name",
+ "": "The configuration information of wechat login, wechat share and wechat payment should be consistent",
+ "": "Optional, 2224x1668, 10.5-inch iPad Pro landscape startup image, required when supporting 10.5-inch iPad Pro (iOS8+) landscape display",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon (High-resolution screen)",
+ "": "Share on Sina Weibo",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the Sina Weibo open platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "H5 platform Tencent positioning map application KEY",
+ "": "H5 platform Google location map application KEY",
+ "": "192x192",
+ "": "Access clinical records (NSHealthClinicalHealthRecordsShareUsageDescription)",
+ "": "1024x768",
+ "": "Automatic style completion when uploading code",
+ "": "runtime access location(NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Android platform Baidu map application key",
+ "": "QQ open platform to apply for the AppID of the application",
+ "": "Statistic(Statistic)",
+ "": "QQ applet AppID",
+ "": "Optional, 1242x2688, boot image for 6.5-inch device (iPhoneXS Max), required when supporting iPhone XS Max (iOS12+)",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "Optional, 1125x2436, 5.8-inch device (iPhoneX/XS) startup image, required when supporting iPhoneX/XS",
+ "title": "basic configuration",
+ "": "iOS10 and higher version",
+ "": "Xunfei speech recongnition",
+ "": "Authorization callback page address for Xiaomi login on Android platform",
+ "": "40x40",
+ "": "appkey",
+ "": "80x80",
+ "": "Push(Message push)",
+ "": " message push function depends on the three-party SDK, to the domestic application market needs to add the corresponding terms [details]",
+ "": "share",
+ "": "72x72",
+ "": "contact(NSContactsUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Optional, 1334x750, 4.7-inch device (iPhone6/7/8) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8 landscape display",
+ "": "iOS7-11 notification bar icon (High-resolution screen)",
+ "": "Sina Weibo login",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the Sina Weibo open platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "Packaging module configuration",
+ "": "minSdkVersion",
+ "properties.versioncode.title": "application version number",
+ "properties.vueversion.title": "Vue version choise",
+ "": "AppSecret value of WeChat open platform application,Parameter security issue",
+ "": "Enable ByteDance Mini Program",
+ "": "APPID for Xiaomi login on iOS",
+ "": "base path to run",
+ "": "operation guide",
+ "": "Application Access Whitelist",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "Toutiao Pangolin Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "Bluetooth(Bluetooth Low Energy)",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings Icon",
+ "": "Access HomeKit data (NSHomeKitUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Share(share)",
+ "": "App ID for wechat open platform application",
+ "": "appid_ios",
+ "": "Optional, 768x1024, 9.7/7.9-inch iPad/mini portrait screen startup image, required when iPad/mini (iOS7+) is supported",
+ "": "Some domestic Android mobile phones must apply for the SDK of the positioning service provider to obtain the location.Map configuration guide",
+ "": "Optional, 2208x1242, 5.5-inch device (iPhone6/7/8Plus) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhone6/7/8Plus landscape display",
+ "": "Geolocation (location, only one can be selected)",
+ "": " The positioning function relies on the third-party SDK, and the corresponding terms need to be added to the privacy agreement to be listed on the domestic application market [details]",
+ "": "20x20",
+ "": "2436x1125",
+ "": "Wechat share",
+ "": "appsecret",
+ "": "Optional, 2048x1536, 9.7/7.9-inch iPad/mini high score screen landscape startup picture, required when supporting iPad/mini (iOS7+) landscape display",
+ "": "144x144",
+ "": "Check secure domain name and TLS version",
+ "": "Application package name",
+ "": "配置,operation guide",
+ "": "Start screen display waiting for Snowflake",
+ "": "iOS 11.3 and higher",
+ "": "80x80",
+ "": "Payment Configuration Guide",
+ "": "microphone(NSMicrophoneUsageDescription)",
+ "": "redirect_uri",
+ "": "details The X5 function relies on Tencent TBS SDK and is listed on the domestic application market Corresponding terms need to be added to the privacy agreement[details]",
+ "": "iPhone startup image settings",
+ "": "iPad icon configuration",
+ "": "xxxhdpi 4K High Resolution program icons",
+ "": "Apple login(Sign in with Apple)",
+ "": "Google login",
+ "": "",
+ "": "iOS platform client ID",
+ "": "OAuth client ID obtained in the Google API Console project",
+ "": "Facebook sign in",
+ "": "",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Application numbers obtained by the Facebook Developer Center",
+ "": "Register the schema to open the current app in other apps. Multiple schemes are separated by ',', for example: test1,test; Reference Document",
+ "": "port",
+ "": "APPSecret for Xiaomi login on Android platform",
+ "": "Support for CPU types",
+ "": "Track user activity(NSUserTrackingUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Gaode Map and Gaode's location profiles should be consistent",
+ "": "Enable H5 platform",
+ "": "Android platform Xiaomi login APPID",
+ "": "Access location(NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS7-11 Spotlight search icon(iPhone5/6/7/8)",
+ "": "",
+ "": "Bluetooth(NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Payment(pay)",
+ "": "sharing configuration guide sharing function depends on the tripartite SDK, to the domestic application market needs to add the corresponding terms [details]",
+ "": "Android auto-add permissions required by third-party SDK",
+ "": "The Android version (API level) that the app is adapted to. Some app markets require a higher targetSdkVersion to be submitted for review; Reference Document",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appkey",
+ "": "App Store reviews require apps to state the reason for invoking the following privacy-related API, a description that bounces off to the end-user so that the phone user can confirm whether or not to grant privacy access. Internationalization descriptionsee detail",
+ "": "Such as:\"1.0\"。",
+ "": "icon configuration",
+ "": "iOS platform Gaode map application KEY",
+ "": "xhdpi 720P high-resolution screen startup picture",
+ "": "Use NFC(NFCReaderUsageDescription)",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "iOS7-11program icon (High-resolution screen)",
+ "": "index.html template path",
+ "": "ES6 to ES5",
+ "": "Android startup interface style",
+ "": "Use Native Privacy Policy Toolbox",
+ "": "details",
+ "": "Required, reason for permission application",
+ "": "ES6 to ES5",
+ "": "iOS5-11 Settings icon (iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
+ "": "2048x2732",
+ "": "The background run-time access location(NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription)",
+ "": "pay",
+ "": "Submit icon 1024x1024 for use in App Store",
+ "": "Android X5 Webview(Tencent TBS)",
+ "": "Offline packaging needs to be configured separately:Android configuration、iOS configuration",
+ "": "Android launches image settings",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the WeChat Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "The pure nvue project will only provide native rendering engines when packaged, reducing package size and increasing startup speed",
+ "properties.versionname.description": "It must be higher than the last set value when upgrading. Offline packaging requires additional configuration:Android configuration、iOS configuration",
+ "": "Page title",
+ "": "fast set up module",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "Enable Baidu applet platform",
+ "": "Kuaishou Content Alliance",
+ "": "Sigmob Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "Users do not need to enter mobile phone number and SMS verifify, but password-free one-key login, [Activation configuration] a>, [Operation Guide]",
+ "": "Enable HTTPS protocol",
+ "": "FaceID(face recognition,only support iOS)",
+ "": "UrlSchemes",
+ "": "Use of Advertising Identification (IDFA)",
+ "": "Wait until the home page is rendered before closing the Splash image",
+ "": "Baidu positioning",
+ "": "iBeacon",
+ "": "Application background music (audio), location (location) and other functions, multiple use of ',' separated, for example:audio,location;Reference Document",
+ "properties.versioncode.description": "Application version number, which must be an integer; it must be higher than the last set value when upgrading. Offline packaging needs to be configured separately:Android configuration、iOS configuration",
+ "": "Optional, 828x1792, boot image for 6.1-inch device (iPhoneXR), required when supporting iPhone XR (iOS12+)",
+ "": "The configuration information of wechat login, wechat share and wechat payment should be consistent",
+ "": "76x76",
+ "": "Automatic style completion when uploading code",
+ "": "Calendar(NSCalendarsUsageDescription)",
+ "": "Optional, 2732 X 2048,12.9-inch iPad Pro landscape boot image, support for 12.9-inch iPad Pro (iOS10 +) landscape display required",
+ "": "152x152",
+ "": "720x1242",
+ "": "Bluetooth(NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription)",
+ "": "1080x1882",
+ "": "pure nvue project",
+ "": "Register the schema to open the current app in other apps. Multiple schemes are separated by ',', for example: test1,test; Reference Document",
+ "": "iOS 7-11 notification bar icon (iphone 6plus/7plus/8plus/x)",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appkey",
+ "": "Reference Document",
+ "": "Supported platform (choose at least one)",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application appsecret",
+ "": "Baidu Map and Baidu Positioning configuration should be consistent",
+ "": "SQLite(DataBase)",
+ "": "Ability to run in the background",
+ "": "Enable QQ applet plaform",
+ "": "Enable the speedy applet platform",
+ "": "Kuaishou applet AppID",
+ "": "96x96",
+ "": "pay by AliPay",
+ "": "Sina Weibo share and Sina Weibo login configuration information should be consistent",
+ "": "iPad startup image settings",
+ "": "iOS7-11 notification bar icon",
+ "": "xxhdpi 1080P high-resolution screen startup picture",
+ "": "The principle is the same as Android API Level, compatibility check, to avoid running on a low-Level version after going live and causing incompatibility. Must be integer.",
+ "": "Used to configure the universal link domain name. The format of the universal link domain name is: applinks:domain name, for;Detailed document reference",
+ "": "iPhone icon configuration",
+ "": "Allows the current App to access (check to install, open) other App whitelist, fill in other App registered scheme, multiple scheme using','segmentation, such as: BaiduSSO,qqmusic;Reference Document",
+ "": "Automatic compression when uploading code",
+ "": "From 1 autoincrement, make sure that versionCode + 1 is used each time the package is reuploaded, otherwise it will affect the available version update. For example, the original version is 11, and the updated version of versionCode needs to be 12. It has to be an integer.",
+ "": "Sina Weibo platform application sharing callback address",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "480x762",
+ "": "",
+ "": "1242x2688",
+ "": "SDK configuration",
+ "": "App ID for wechat open platform application",
+ "": "appid",
+ "": "Authorization callback page address for Xiaomi login on iOS platform",
+ "": "167x167",
+ "": "Maps(only one can be selected)",
+ "": "capabilities",
+ "properties.versionname.title": "Application version name",
+ "": "750x1334",
+ "": "appsecret",
+ "": "ES6 to ES5",
+ "": "Native plugins configured for the current project. It takes effect after the cloud is packaged. It is recommended to use a custom debugging base for debugging. For more native plugins, please visit Plugin Market
ni native plug-ins may rely on third-party SDKs, and they need to add corresponding terms to the privacy agreement when they are listed on the domestic application market.[details]",
+ "": "2208x1242",
+ "": "Login authentication",
+ "": "Speech(Voice input, only one can be selected)",
+ "": "87x87",
+ "": "29x29",
+ "": "Enable tree-shaking at release (automatically trim unused components and API libraries)",
+ "": "Android platform Baidu map application key ",
+ "": "Configurable. 9. PNG, reduce package size, avoid resizing,tutorial",
+ "": "iOS7-11 program icon(iPhone6plus/7plus/8plus/X)",
+ "": "60x60",
+ "": "appsecret_ios",
+ "": "QQ login",
+ "": "iOS universal links(Universal Links)",
+ "": "Universal Links configured when applying for an application on the QQ Open Platform,Reference Document",
+ "": "details",
+ "": "iOS platform Gaode map application KEY",
+ "": "details",
+ "": "appkey_ios",
+ "": "Confirm that it is inconsistent with the package name of the native application. It is recommended to use the format of, for example: com.example.demo.",
+ "": "Optional, 1136x640, 4.0-inch device (iPhone5/5S) landscape startup image, required when supporting iPhone5/5S landscape display",
+ "": "To use the tripartite SDK needs to fill in the SDK's official website Key and other information back here. The cloud comes into effect when it's packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "": "appkey_android",
+ "": "360 Advertising Alliance",
+ "": "iOS14 and higher version",
+ "": "appsecret_android",
+ "": "Customize 404 and other error pages"
+ },
+ ":/config/uniapp-manifest-uiconfig.json": {
+ "app-plus.distribute.splashscreen.iosstyle.title": "iOS Start up interface configuration",
+ "app-plus.splashscreen.title": "App Start up interface configuration",
+ "": " ",
+ "app-plus.distribute.sdkpage.title": "App permissions configuration",
+ "app-plus.modules.description": "App contains extension modules (which affect the package size) . The cloud comes into effect when it's packaged. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "mp-alipay.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "app-plus.distribute.icons.title": "App icon configuration",
+ "mp-weixin.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "mp-toutiao.title": "Byte Hop applet configuration",
+ "app-plus.splashscreen.description": "Application startup and splash cover image configuration. Changes to the boot diagram or interface need to be made after the cloud is packaged and the images are recommended to be stored in the UNPACKAGE directory. Local packaging needs to be configured separately in the native project.",
+ "app-plus.distribute.icons.ios.appstore.title": "app store",
+ "mp-toutiao.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "": "Android settings",
+ "h5.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "app-plus.compilerversion.title": "Compilation mode",
+ "": "Android parking permissions configuration",
+ "mp-baidu.title": "Baidu applet configuration",
+ "mp-qq.title": "QQ applet configuration",
+ "unistatistics.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "unistatistics.title": "uni statistical configuration",
+ "app-plus.error.url.description": " ",
+ "app-plus.compilerversion.description": " ",
+ "app-plus.distribute.ios.urltypes.title": "iOS settings",
+ "mp-qq.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "app-plus.nativeplugins.title": "App native plugin configuration",
+ "h5.title": "h5 configuration",
+ "mp-weixin.title": "Wechat applet configuration",
+ "mp-alipay.title": "Alipay applet configuration",
+ "mp-weixin.permission.title": "Configuration of Weixin applet rights",
+ "quickapp-webview.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "quickapp-webview.title": "Quick application configuration",
+ "mp-baidu.description": "Configuration Guide",
+ "app-plus.error.url.title": "App commonly used other settings",
+ "app-plus.modules.title": "App Module configuration",
+ "app-plus.distribute.splashscreen.androidstyle.title": "Android start up interface settings",
+ "app-plus.distribute.ios.urltypes.description": " ",
+ "app-plus.distribute.sdkpage.description": "App permissions configuration",
+ "mp-kuaishou.title": "Speedy applet configuration",
+ "mp-kuaishou.description": "Configuration Guide"
+ },
+ ":/unicloud-base/package.json": {
+ "menu.command.unicloud.ClientDBActionDownload.title": "&Download uni-clientDB-actions",
+ "menu.command.unicloud.ClientDBActionsUpload.title": "&Upload uni-clientDB-actions",
+ "menu.command.unicloud.ClientDBActionsUploadSelected": "&Upload Actions"
+ },
+ "SelectSpaceDialog": {
+ "dialog.dialog.text": "Choose a cloud service space",
+ "spaceList.text": "Only supports Aliyun service space",
+ "button.ok.text": "&OK",
+ "button.cancel.text": "&Cancel",
+ "label.footTitle.text": "The install pack will uploaded to the cloud storage.",
+ "label.footTitle.des": "If upload success, the console will output download url"
+ },
+ "PublishDialog": {
+ "dialog.dialog.text": "H5 Mobile version issuance",
+ "label.titleName.text": "Site title",
+ "label.domainName.text": "Website domain name",
+ "label.staticdeploy.text": "Front-end web hosting",
+ "input.pleaseEntersitetile.placeholder": "Enter website title",
+ "input.pleaseEnterdomainName.placeholder": "Enter website domain name",
+ "checkBox.deploy.text": "Deploy the compiled resources to",
+ "checkBox.deploy.des": "[uniCloud-Front-end web hosting](Free server, faster access speed)",
+ "": "Cloud service space list (currently only supports uniCloud Aliyun version)",
+ "button.setting.text": "Advanced(&S)",
+ "button.publish.text": "Issue(&P)",
+ "button.cance.text": "Cancel(&C)"
+ },
+ "CEX_CMP_MergePages_Dlg": {
+ "dialog.title.mergePages.desc": "Merge Pages window",
+ "dialog.subtitle.mergePages.desc": "The following pages will be registered in Pages.json",
+ "dialog.label.titleL.desc": "Current subcontract location",
+ "dialog.label.titleR.desc": "Set subcontract location:"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/plugins.json": {
+ "mac:launcher.description": "Browse and test uni-app on Android or iOS devices.",
+ "": "Mobile App Playground",
+ "git.description": "Git (depends TortoiseGit)",
+ "svn.description": "SVN version management (depends on TortoiseSVN)",
+ "": "Uni-app(vue2) Compile",
+ "builtincef3browser.description": "Support preview while changing",
+ "mac:builtinbrowser.description": "support preview while changing",
+ "": "Uni-app App Debugging",
+ "mac:svn.description": "SVN (depends TortoiseSVN)",
+ "": "Unimodules plugin",
+ "": "Built-in Terminal",
+ "mac:unicloud.description": "Unicloud cloud development",
+ "": "Uni-app App Debugging",
+ "mac:uni_modules.description": "Unimodules plugin",
+ "uniapp-debugger.description": "Uni-app App debugging tool",
+ "": "Git plugin",
+ "builtincef3terminal.description": "Built-in terminal,Can be opened in menu view",
+ "unicloud.description": "Unicloud cloud development",
+ "uni_modules.description": "Unimodules plugin",
+ "mac:builtinterminal.description": "Built-in terminal,Can be opened in menu view",
+ "mac:git.description": "Git (depends TortoiseGit)",
+ "": "Git plugin",
+ "uniapp-cli.description": "Uni-app compile vue2 compiler",
+ "": "Unicloud Cloud Development",
+ "": "Built-in Browser",
+ "": "Unimodules plugin",
+ "": "Built-in Browser",
+ "launcher.description": "Browse and test uni-app on Android or iOS",
+ "": "Uni-app(vue2) Compile",
+ "": "Built-in Terminal",
+ "": "Unicloud Cloud Development",
+ "": "Mobile App Playground",
+ "mac:uniapp-debugger.description": "Uni-app App debugging tool",
+ "mac:uniapp-cli.description": "Uni-app compile vue2 compiler",
+ "": "SVN plugin",
+ "": "SVN plugin",
+ "uniapp-cli(vue3).name": "Uni-app(vue3) Compile",
+ "uniapp-cli(vue3).description": "Uni-app compile vue3 compiler",
+ "mac:uniapp-cli(vue3).name": "Uni-app(vue3) Compile",
+ "mac:uniapp-cli(vue3).description": "Uni-app compile vue3 compiler",
+ "":"Node Debug",
+ "node-debug.description":"Node.js debugging support,uniCloud debugging tool"
+ },
+ ":/i18n/package.json": {
+ "menu.localizations.title": "Switch &Language"
+ },
+ ":/app-upgrade-center/package.json": {
+ "app.hx.native.appUpgradeCenterHandler.title": "One-click upload to uniCloud (free cdn, long-term stability)"
+ },
+ ":/config/uniapp-manifest-permission.json": {
+ "statistic.desc": "Statistic"
+ },
+ ":/vertrans/package.json": {
+ "vertran.migrate.title": "Migration cloudfunctions Migration(&E)"
+ },
+ ":/markdown-share/package.json": {
+ "markdown-share.share.title": "&Share to WebLink",
+ "markdown-share.share.publish.title": "&Share Markdown to WebLink",
+ "markdown-share.share.submenu.title": "&0 Share Markdown to WebLink"
+ },
+ ":/unicloudhosting/package.json": {
+ "unicloud.web.publish.title": "View Server Web Files(&D)",
+ "launchers.Deploy.label": "Upload Website to Server(&N)"
+ },
+ ":/IPK/package.json": {
+ "IPK.installToMobile.title": "Install to phone"
+ },
+ ":/custom-context-menu/package.json": {
+ "custommenu.openOrCreateMenuJson.title": "Customize the right-click menu(&D)..."
+ },
+ ":/dependence/package.json": {
+ "command.commondependence-manager.manager.title": "Manage public module dependencies(&Z)"
+ },
+ "HXWizardDialog": {
+ "button.back.desc": "Previous step(&N)",
+ "": "Next step(&N)",
+ "button.commit.desc": "Submit(&T)",
+ "button.finish.desc": "Complete(&F)",
+ "button.cancel.desc": "Cancel(&C)"
+ },
+ "GitUserSettingWidget": {
+ "label.userName": "Username:",
+ "label.userEmail": "E-mail:",
+ "checkbox.applyToGlobal": "Apply to global user settings",
+ "checkbox.applyLocal": "Only apply to local user settings",
+ "labal.title": "Git User information settings",
+ "label.repository": "Warehouse path:"
+ },
+ "GitOpeartion": {
+ "label.pickref": "Choose to check out ref",
+ "checkout.status.processing": "Checking out the [{2}] branch of project [{1}]...",
+ "checkout.status.finished": "Check out branch completion on project [{1}]",
+ "checkout.status.failed": "Failed to check out branch on project [{1}]",
+ "fetch.status.processing": "Getting updates for item [{1}]...",
+ "fetch.status.finished": "Project [{1}] update acquisition completed",
+ "fetch.status.failed": "Failed to get update of item [{1}]",
+ "label.pickPullOption": "Select the following pull options",
+ "pull.status.processing": "Pulling item[%1]...",
+ "pull.status.finished": "Project [{1}] pull completed",
+ "pull.status.failed": "Project [{1}] failed to pull",
+ "label.pickPushOption": "Choose the following push options",
+ "push.forceWarning": "Forced push will cover the remote branch. Are you sure to push?",
+ "push.status.processing": "Pushing project [{1}]...",
+ "push.status.finished": "Project [{1}] push completed",
+ "push.status.failed": "Project [{1}] failed to push"
+ },
+ "QWidgetTextControl": {
+ "": "&Copy link address"
+ },
+ "QPlatformTheme": {
+ "qt.platformtheme.ok": "OK",
+ "qt.platformtheme.cancel": "Cancel"
+ },
+ "CUniCloudDebugPublic":{
+ "toolbar.button.openDebug.desc":"Turn on breakpoint debugging",
+ "toolbar.button.closeDebug.desc":"Turn off debugging",
+ "console.log.closeDebug":"Debugging is off",
+ "console.log.closeDebugFailed":"Failed to turn off debugging",
+ "session.cloudfunction.desc":"CloudFunction",
+ "console.button.debug.desc":"Turn on debugging",
+ "msgbox.title.isCloseUniCloudConsole":"The uniCloud debugging service is running. Closing the console will cause the debugging function to be abnormal. Do you want to continue to close it?",
+ "msg.button.confirm.desc":"Continue to close",
+ "msg.button.cancel.desc":"cancel",
+ "msgbox.title.projectHasRunning" : "There is already a debugging process running in the current project, and new debugging is not currently supported",
+ "console.localDebugTitle.tip":"[本地调试]",
+ "console.noUnicloudProcess.tip" : "uniCloud debugging service is not started and cannot be debugged",
+ "console.remoteDebug.tip" : "Cloud function debugging is not supported temporarily, please switch to the UniAPP console page and check 'local cloud function' before debugging",
+ "console.localDebugSuccess.tip" : "Start debugging successfully",
+ "console.localDebugrunmoretimes.tip": "The local debugging service has been opened, please do not click repeatedly",
+ "msgbox.title.missingplug-ins.desc" : "Missing the necessary debugging plug-in, the debugging service cannot run"
+ },
+ "DebuggerViewWidget":{
+ "debugview.variables.title" : "Variables",
+ "debugview.expressions.title": "Watchs",
+ "debugview.callstack.title" : "Call Stack",
+ "debugview.breakpoints.title": "Breakpoints",
+ "debugview.collapseall" : "Collapse All"
+ },
+ "BreakpointListWidget": {
+ "breakpoints.view.toggleAllActivate": "Disable Breakpoints",
+ "breakpoints.view.removeAll" : "Delete All Breakpoints",
+ "breakpoints.view.remove" : "Delete Breakpoints",
+ "breakpoints.view.enableAll" : "Enable All Breakpoints",
+ "breakpoints.view.disableAll" : "Disable All Breakpoints"
+ },
+ "ExpressionWatchWidget":{
+ "expressions.view.add" : "Add Expression",
+ "expressions.view.removeAll" : "Delete All Expressions",
+ "expressions.view.remove" : "Delete Expressions",
+ "expressions.view.edit" : "Edit Expression",
+ "expressions.view.copyValue" : "Copy Value",
+ "expressions.input.placeholder": "Expression to watch"
+ },
+ "VariableTreeView": {
+ "variables.view.copyValue" : "Copy Value",
+ "variables.view.copyExptession": "Copy as Expression",
+ "variables.view.addToWatch" : "Add to Watch",
+ "variables.view.edit" : "Edit Expression",
+ "variables.input.placeholder" : "Expression to watch"
+ },
+ "DebugControlPanel":{
+ "btn.toolTip.Pause.desc" : "Pause",
+ "btn.toolTip.Continue.desc": "Continue",
+ "btn.toolTip.StepOver.desc": "Step Over",
+ "btn.toolTip.StepInto.desc": "Step Into",
+ "btn.toolTip.StepOut.desc" : "Step Out",
+ "comboBox.notSelcted.item" : "No Available Debug"
+ },
+ "ExpressionWatchModel":{
+ "table.notAvailable.item": "Not available"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/keybindings.json": {
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "close other files",
+ "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "Find strings within this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "Find strings within the area of this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "find index symbol",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use the system shortcut Alt+Space C under windows",
+ "": "run",
+ "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "bottom console",
+ "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "clipboard",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "cursor to end of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "select to end of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "cursor down",
+ "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "row down",
+ "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "Cursor to the end of a soft line (toggle between the end of a line and the end of a true line in sequence) ",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "select to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "Select to the soft end of line (continuously press to switch the end of the line and the end of the real line in turn)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "Cursor to soft line header (consecutive line headers, indented line headers, and true line headers are switched in sequence)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "select to beginning of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "Select to the beginning of the soft line (continuously press to switch the line beginning of automatic line wrapping, the beginning of the indented line, and the beginning of the real line)",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "select word left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "cursor to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "select to end of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "cursor to start of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "select to beginning of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "cursor to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "Go to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "cursor to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "go to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "The cursor goes to the next paragraph (empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "Cursor to previous paragraph (Empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "cursor right",
+ "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "select word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "cursor to top of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "Select to top of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "cursor up",
+ "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "row up",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "cursor right word",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "choose word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "Cursor one camelcase word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "Pick a camel case word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "Cursor one camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "Pick a camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "word cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "select words to the left",
+ "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "delete",
+ "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "delete left",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "delete to the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "delete to end of line",
+ "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "delete right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "delete word to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "Remove camel case words to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "Remove camel case words to the right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "delete word right",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "Select current word or next same word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "block comment",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "Bold (html, md take effect)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "copy file path",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "cut",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "paste",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "Paste as HTML",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard (note to release the shortcut key occupied by evernote)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "conditional compilation ifdef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "conditional compilation ifndef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "Annotation/Annotation",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "delete row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "Repeat insert selection or current row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "Repeat insert selection or current row (backup for keyboards without insert key)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "Enlarge selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Expand selection to 2 sides",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "format",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with the old version of HBuilder shortcut keys, pay attention to cancel the global shortcut keys of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "select up column",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "Select from the following",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "insert row down",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "Insert row up",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "Merge lines (deformat)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "Merge lines (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "jump to paired brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "move down one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "move up one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Decrease selection from 2 sides inward",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "find next string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "Insert an ordered list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "Find the previous string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "Insert > Quote List Breaker",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "Track/Untrack current file location in Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "select all the same words",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "Select the line (without leading and trailing whitespace characters). You can also double click at the end of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "Select characters within brackets. Can be replaced by double-click brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "Select the quoted string. Can be replaced by double-clicking the quotation marks",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "Select lines with the same indent. Double-click to replace the tab at the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word (Notice to release the global occupation of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "Set the cursor before and after each selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "Reverse carriage return, that is, move the content before the cursor to the next line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "Comments menu (with conditional compilation comments)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "Skip the current selection and select the next identical word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "replace",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "Swap selections or rows. Only supports 2 selections or 2 lines; when not 2 selections, swap the letters before and after the cursor",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "Insert completed task list symbol",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "Insert a task list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "show/hide minimap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "show/hide indent lines",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "show/hide line numbers",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "Show/hide whitespace characters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "Toggle whether to automatically wrap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "All lowercase letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "All capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "Remove whitespace characters at the end of a line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "show/hide outline",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "Activation Code Assistant",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "Undo a new cursor or selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "insert-unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "Insert * unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "insert + unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "Anti-encirclement",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "Verify the syntax of this document",
+ "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "Select row. Can also click the line number or triple-click the line",
+ "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "External command/plug-in section (need to install the corresponding plug-in)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git switch branch",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git compare diff",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git pull (pull)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git push",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git check for changes",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git restore (reset)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git file status",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git sync",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn check for modifications",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn update",
+ "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "file comparison, compared to the last commit",
+ "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "View the commit information of the specified svn or git file",
+ "keybindings.file.subDesc": "document",
+ "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg or git file commit",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "Copy files (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "Cut file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "Paste the file (focus is in the project manager)",
+ "keybindings.find.subDesc": "find",
+ "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git plugin section",
+ "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "jump",
+ "": "help",
+ "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "issued",
+ "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "label card",
+ "keybindings.language.subDesc": "language",
+ "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "row operation",
+ "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "List operator",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + left click to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + left-click drag to add multiple selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + left double-click If you click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + left click go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + left-click drag selection Column selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + scroll wheel zoom font",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "The following is a description of the shortcut keys of the mouse and cannot be customized",
+ "keybindings.outdent.desc": "anti-indent",
+ "": "App cloud packaging",
+ "": "uni-app released to Alipay applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to Baidu applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the ByteDance applet",
+ "": "uni-app generates H5 website",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the QQ applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to WeChat applet",
+ "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "project manager",
+ "keybindings.redo.desc": "redo",
+ "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "Rename file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located at the command line",
+ "": "run",
+ "": "choose",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "Left is default shortcut key settings, right is the custom settings. Right settings will override left settings",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "A selection menu appears when a custom shortcut key conflicts with the default shortcut key. The ‘override': true parameter can also be added to the right setting to force override of the default setting",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "Support continuous shortcut keys, such as 'key': 'cltr+1 2'",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Such as tab management, it is exactly the same as the browser, ctrl+t to create a new tab, ctrl+shift+t to restore the just closed tab, ctrl+w to close the tab, ctrl+pagedown/pageup to switch the tab",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to ctrl+t in the eclipse system to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to alt",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "你You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the letter in the upper left corner, then alt+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, alt+w is to display/close the document structure diagram",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, alt+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n is the focus editor",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, such as alt+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d is to go to definition (F12 can also), shift+alt+d or shift+F12 is to go to definition in columns",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "Under Windows, alt+letter is also the & shortcut key of the menu, which can trigger the corresponding menu function. For example, press alt+v r to expand the view menu and select the word wrap command. The English in parentheses after the menu name is the corresponding trigger shortcut letter",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl is an operation, ctrl+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, ctrl+alt is more operations",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k is formatting, then ctrl+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w is to close the current tab, then ctrl+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f is a search, ctrl+alt+f is a directory search",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key with ctrl. In HBuilderX, ctrl+] is surrounded, ctrl+shift+] is anti-surround, which is much easier to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Find files changed from ctrl+t to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Formatting changed from ctrl+shift+f to ctrl+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime/vscode users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Open the console is not ctrl+~ but alt+x",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "Setting the cursor at the beginning of each line is ctrl+shift+\\ instead of ctrl+shift+l",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "The content of the selection brackets is ctrl+[ instead of ctrl+shift+m",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+] is to add brackets. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide ctrl+shift+] for anti-envelope",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not ctrl+[ and ]",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To expand the selection is ctrl+=",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Copy line or selection is ctrl+insert not ctrl+shift+d",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn plugin section",
+ "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card ctrl+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "": "indentation",
+ "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "tool",
+ "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "Activating method parameter hints",
+ "keybindings.undo.desc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "Check for updates",
+ "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "show changelog",
+ "keybindings.view.subDesc": "view",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "clear all bookmarks",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "Cursor history is cleared",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "close current tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "Close the current tab without asking to save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "Close all saved tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "Close right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "Copy Tab Cards to Columns",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "rerun",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "stop running",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "Do Not Disturb Mode",
+ "": "Open the Favorites menu",
+ "": "feedback",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "local history",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "New tab card (default md)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "Open external files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "Open Folder Import Project",
+ "": "save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "save all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "Save as",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "find string in directory",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "Focus on editor area",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "Collapse all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "expand all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "Collapse child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "Expand child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "Collapse other areas",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "Collapse a single row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "Expand a single line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "column go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "jump to line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "Show left tab",
+ "": "new",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "minimize",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the left",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "cursor back",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "cursor forward",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "New HBuilder form",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "Next bookmark (cursor in editor area))",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "next validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "Focus to the next column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "switch to the last tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "Switch to the 1st tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "switch to 2nd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "switch to 3rd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "Switch to 4th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "Switch to 5th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "Switch to 6th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "Switch to the 7th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "Switch to the 8th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "Switch to the 9th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "Open external command settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "Open shortcut settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "Open settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "show log file",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "Go to Page.json (you can quickly go to the corresponding node in Page.json on the page page of uni-app)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "Previous bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "Last validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "Focus to the previous column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "find files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "Reload the code block",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "Reopen closed tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "Show right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "quick release menu",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "single column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "2 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "3 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "Si Gongge",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "Multi-window switching shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "show/hide terminal",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "set/unbookmark",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "full screen",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "Show/hide built-in browser",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "Show/hide status bar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Toolbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "clear console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "lock scrollbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "show/hide console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "Focus on Project Manager",
+ "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "delete file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [ctrl+mouse scroll up]",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [ctrl+mouse scroll down]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Tab management is exactly same with browser, command+t to create a new tab, command+shift+t to restore the just-closed tab, command+w to close the tab, command+alt+left/right to switch the tab",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to the eclipse system command+t to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to Ctrl",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the upper left corner letter, then Ctrl+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, Ctrl+w shows/closes the document structure diagram",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, Ctrl+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n is the focus editor",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+Number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, for example, Ctrl+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d is to go to the definition (F12 can also), shift+Ctrl+d or shift+F12 is to go to the definition in a column",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command is an operation, command+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, command+alt is more operations",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k is formatting, then command+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w is to close the current tab, then command+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f is to search, command+alt+f is to search in the directory",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key such as command. command+] is surrounded, command+shift+] is anti-surround, so it is much easier to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "Find files changed from command+t to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Formatting changed from command+shift+f to command+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Merge lines changed from command+j to command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Delete line changed from command+d to ctrl+d. command+d gives the choice of the same word",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "The shortcut key for repeating line content is command+shift+r",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "Open console is not command+~ but ctrl+x",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Merge lines not command+j but command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line instead of command+shift+l but command+shift+\\",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "The content of the selection bracket is not command+shift+m but command+[",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+] is to surround. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide command+shift+] for anti-encirclement",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not command+[ and ]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Expanding the selection is command+=, which is easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To copy a line or selection is command+shift+r instead of command+shift+d",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use command+q",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +left click add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +left-click add multiple selections",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +left-click double-click If click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +left click go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +left-click drag select column",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command + wheel zoom font",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command +alt +wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card alt+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [command+mouse scroll up]",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [command+mouse scroll down]",
+ "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/keybinding_sublime.json": {
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "close other files",
+ "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "Find strings within this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "Find strings within the area of this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "find index symbol",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use the system shortcut Alt+Space C under windows",
+ "": "run",
+ "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "bottom console",
+ "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "clipboard",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "cursor to end of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "select to end of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "cursor down",
+ "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "row down",
+ "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "Cursor to the end of a soft line (toggle between the end of a line and the end of a true line in sequence) ",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "select to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "Select to the soft end of line (continuously press to switch the end of the line and the end of the real line in turn)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "Cursor to soft line header (consecutive line headers, indented line headers, and true line headers are switched in sequence)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "select to beginning of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "Select to the beginning of the soft line (continuously press to switch the line beginning of automatic line wrapping, the beginning of the indented line, and the beginning of the real line)",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "select word left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "cursor to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "select to end of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "cursor to start of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "select to beginning of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "cursor to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "Go to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "cursor to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "go to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "The cursor goes to the next paragraph (empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "Cursor to previous paragraph (Empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "cursor right",
+ "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "select word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "cursor to top of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "Select to top of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "cursor up",
+ "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "row up",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "cursor right word",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "choose word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "Cursor one camelcase word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "Pick a camel case word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "Cursor one camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "Pick a camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "word cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "select words to the left",
+ "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "delete",
+ "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "delete left",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "delete to the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "delete to end of line",
+ "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "delete right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "delete word to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "Remove camel case words to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "Remove camel case words to the right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "delete word right",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "Select current word or next same word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "block comment",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "Bold (html, md take effect)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "copy file path",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "cut",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "paste",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "Paste as HTML",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard (note to release the shortcut key occupied by evernote)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "conditional compilation ifdef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "conditional compilation ifndef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "Annotation/Annotation",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "delete row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "Repeat insert selection or current row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "Repeat insert selection or current row (backup for keyboards without insert key)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "Enlarge selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Expand selection to 2 sides",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "format",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with the old version of HBuilder shortcut keys, pay attention to cancel the global shortcut keys of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "select up column",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "Select from the following",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "insert row down",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "Insert row up",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "Merge lines (deformat)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "Merge lines (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "jump to paired brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "move down one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "move up one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Decrease selection from 2 sides inward",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "find next string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "Insert an ordered list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "Find the previous string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "Insert > Quote List Breaker",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "Track/Untrack current file location in Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "select all the same words",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "Select the line (without leading and trailing whitespace characters). You can also double click at the end of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "Select characters within brackets. Can be replaced by double-click brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "Select the quoted string. Can be replaced by double-clicking the quotation marks",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "Select lines with the same indent. Double-click to replace the tab at the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word (Notice to release the global occupation of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "Set the cursor before and after each selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "Reverse carriage return, that is, move the content before the cursor to the next line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "Comments menu (with conditional compilation comments)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "Skip the current selection and select the next identical word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "replace",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "Swap selections or rows. Only supports 2 selections or 2 lines; when not 2 selections, swap the letters before and after the cursor",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "Insert completed task list symbol",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "Insert a task list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "show/hide minimap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "show/hide indent lines",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "show/hide line numbers",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "Show/hide whitespace characters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "Toggle whether to automatically wrap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "All lowercase letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "All capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "Remove whitespace characters at the end of a line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "show/hide outline",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "Activation Code Assistant",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "Undo a new cursor or selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "insert-unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "Insert * unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "insert + unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "Anti-encirclement",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "Verify the syntax of this document",
+ "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "Select row. Can also click the line number or triple-click the line",
+ "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "External command/plug-in section (need to install the corresponding plug-in)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git switch branch",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git compare diff",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git pull (pull)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git push",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git check for changes",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git restore (reset)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git file status",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git sync",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn check for modifications",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn update",
+ "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "file comparison, compared to the last commit",
+ "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "View the commit information of the specified svn or git file",
+ "keybindings.file.subDesc": "document",
+ "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg or git file commit",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "Copy files (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "Cut file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "Paste the file (focus is in the project manager)",
+ "keybindings.find.subDesc": "find",
+ "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git plugin section",
+ "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "jump",
+ "": "help",
+ "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "issued",
+ "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "label card",
+ "keybindings.language.subDesc": "language",
+ "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "row operation",
+ "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "List operator",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + left click to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + left-click drag to add multiple selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + left double-click If you click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + left click go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + left-click drag selection Column selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + scroll wheel zoom font",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "The following is a description of the shortcut keys of the mouse and cannot be customized",
+ "keybindings.outdent.desc": "anti-indent",
+ "": "App cloud packaging",
+ "": "uni-app released to Alipay applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to Baidu applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the ByteDance applet",
+ "": "uni-app generates H5 website",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the QQ applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to WeChat applet",
+ "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "project manager",
+ "keybindings.redo.desc": "redo",
+ "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "Rename file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located at the command line",
+ "": "run",
+ "": "choose",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "Left is default shortcut key settings, right is the custom settings. Right settings will override left settings",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "A selection menu appears when a custom shortcut key conflicts with the default shortcut key. The ‘override': true parameter can also be added to the right setting to force override of the default setting",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "Support continuous shortcut keys, such as 'key': 'cltr+1 2'",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Such as tab management, it is exactly the same as the browser, ctrl+t to create a new tab, ctrl+shift+t to restore the just closed tab, ctrl+w to close the tab, ctrl+pagedown/pageup to switch the tab",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to ctrl+t in the eclipse system to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to alt",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the letter in the upper left corner, then alt+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, alt+w is to display/close the document structure diagram",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, alt+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n is the focus editor",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, such as alt+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d is to go to definition (F12 can also), shift+alt+d or shift+F12 is to go to definition in columns",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "Under Windows, alt+letter is also the & shortcut key of the menu, which can trigger the corresponding menu function. For example, press alt+v r to expand the view menu and select the word wrap command. The English in parentheses after the menu name is the corresponding trigger shortcut letter",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl is an operation, ctrl+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, ctrl+alt is more operations",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k is formatting, then ctrl+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w is to close the current tab, then ctrl+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f is a search, ctrl+alt+f is a directory search",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key with ctrl. In HBuilderX, ctrl+] is surrounded, ctrl+shift+] is anti-surround, which is much easier to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line,'|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Find files changed from ctrl+t to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Formatting changed from ctrl+shift+f to ctrl+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime/vscode users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Open the console is not ctrl+~ but alt+x",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "Setting the cursor at the beginning of each line is ctrl+shift+\\ instead of ctrl+shift+l",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "The content of the selection brackets is ctrl+[ instead of ctrl+shift+m",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+] is to add brackets. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide ctrl+shift+] for anti-envelope",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not ctrl+[ and ]",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To expand the selection is ctrl+=",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Copy line or selection is ctrl+insert not ctrl+shift+d",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn plugin section",
+ "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card ctrl+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "": "indentation",
+ "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "tool",
+ "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "Activating method parameter hints",
+ "keybindings.undo.desc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "Check for updates",
+ "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "show changelog",
+ "keybindings.view.subDesc": "view",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "clear all bookmarks",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "Cursor history is cleared",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "close current tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "Close the current tab without asking to save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "Close all saved tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "Close right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "Copy Tab Cards to Columns",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "rerun",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "stop running",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "Do Not Disturb Mode",
+ "": "Open the Favorites menu",
+ "": "feedback",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "local history",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "New tab card (default md)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "Open external files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "Open Folder Import Project",
+ "": "save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "save all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "Save as",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "find string in directory",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "Focus on editor area",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "Collapse all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "expand all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "Collapse child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "Expand child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "Collapse other areas",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "Collapse a single row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "Expand a single line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "column go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "jump to line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "Show left tab",
+ "": "new",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "minimize",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the left",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "cursor back",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "cursor forward",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "New HBuilder form",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "Next bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "next validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "Focus to the next column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "switch to the last tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "Switch to the 1st tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "switch to 2nd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "switch to 3rd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "Switch to 4th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "Switch to 5th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "Switch to 6th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "Switch to the 7th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "Switch to the 8th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "Switch to the 9th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "Open external command settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "Open shortcut settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "Open settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "show log file",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "Go to Page.json (you can quickly go to the corresponding node in Page.json on the page page of uni-app)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "Previous bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "Last validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "Focus to the previous column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "find files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "Reload the code block",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "Reopen closed tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "Show right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "quick release menu",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "single column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "2 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "3 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "Si Gongge",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "Multi-window switching shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "show/hide terminal",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "set/unbookmark",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "full screen",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "Show/hide built-in browser",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "Show/hide status bar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Toolbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "clear console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "lock scrollbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "show/hide console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "Focus on Project Manager",
+ "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "delete file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [ctrl+mouse scroll up]",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [ctrl+mouse scroll down]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Tab management is exactly same with browser, command+t to create a new tab, command+shift+t to restore the just-closed tab, command+w to close the tab, command+alt+left/right to switch the tab",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to the eclipse system command+t to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to Ctrl",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the upper left corner letter, then Ctrl+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, Ctrl+w shows/closes the document structure diagram",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, Ctrl+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n is the focus editor",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+Number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, for example, Ctrl+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d is to go to the definition (F12 can also), shift+Ctrl+d or shift+F12 is to go to the definition in a column",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command is an operation, command+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, command+alt is more operations",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k is formatting, then command+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w is to close the current tab, then command+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f is to search, command+alt+f is to search in the directory",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key such as command. command+] is surrounded, command+shift+] is anti-surround, so it is much easier to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "Find files changed from command+t to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Formatting changed from command+shift+f to command+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Merge lines changed from command+j to command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Delete line changed from command+d to ctrl+d. command+d gives the choice of the same word",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "The shortcut key for repeating line content is command+shift+r",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "Open console is not command+~ but ctrl+x",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Merge lines not command+j but command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line instead of command+shift+l but command+shift+\\ ",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "The content of the selection bracket is not command+shift+m but command+[",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+] is to surround. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide command+shift+] for anti-encirclement",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not command+[ and ]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Expanding the selection is command+=, which is easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To copy a line or selection is command+shift+r instead of command+shift+d",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use command+q",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +left click add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +left-click add multiple selections",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +left-click double-click If click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +left click go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +left-click drag select column",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command + wheel zoom font",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command +alt +wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card alt+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [command+mouse scroll up]",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [command+mouse scroll down]",
+ "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/keybinding_vscode.json": {
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "close other files",
+ "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "Find strings within this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "Find strings within the area of this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "find index symbol",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use the system shortcut Alt+Space C under windows",
+ "": "run",
+ "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "bottom console",
+ "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "clipboard",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "cursor to end of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "select to end of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "cursor down",
+ "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "row down",
+ "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "Cursor to the end of a soft line (toggle between the end of a line and the end of a true line in sequence) ",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "select to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "Select to the soft end of line (continuously press to switch the end of the line and the end of the real line in turn)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "Cursor to soft line header (consecutive line headers, indented line headers, and true line headers are switched in sequence)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "select to beginning of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "Select to the beginning of the soft line (continuously press to switch the line beginning of automatic line wrapping, the beginning of the indented line, and the beginning of the real line)",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "select word left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "cursor to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "select to end of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "cursor to start of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "select to beginning of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "cursor to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "Go to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "cursor to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "go to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "The cursor goes to the next paragraph (empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "Cursor to previous paragraph (Empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "cursor right",
+ "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "select word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "cursor to top of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "Select to top of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "cursor up",
+ "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "row up",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "cursor right word",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "choose word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "Cursor one camelcase word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "Pick a camel case word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "Cursor one camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "Pick a camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "word cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "select words to the left",
+ "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "delete",
+ "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "delete left",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "delete to the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "delete to end of line",
+ "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "delete right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "delete word to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "Remove camel case words to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "Remove camel case words to the right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "delete word right",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "Select current word or next same word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "block comment",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "Bold (html, md take effect)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "copy file path",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "cut",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "paste",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "Paste as HTML",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard (note to release the shortcut key occupied by evernote)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "conditional compilation ifdef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "conditional compilation ifndef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "Annotation/Annotation",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "delete row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "Repeat insert selection or current row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "Repeat insert selection or current row (backup for keyboards without insert key)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "Enlarge selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Expand selection to 2 sides",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "format",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with the old version of HBuilder shortcut keys, pay attention to cancel the global shortcut keys of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "select up column",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "Select from the following",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "insert row down",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "Insert row up",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "Merge lines (deformat)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "Merge lines (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "jump to paired brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "move down one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "move up one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Decrease selection from 2 sides inward",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "find next string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "Insert an ordered list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "Find the previous string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "Insert > Quote List Breaker",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "Track/Untrack current file location in Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "select all the same words",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "Select the line (without leading and trailing whitespace characters). You can also double click at the end of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "Select characters within brackets. Can be replaced by double-click brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "Select the quoted string. Can be replaced by double-clicking the quotation marks",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "Select lines with the same indent. Double-click to replace the tab at the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word (Notice to release the global occupation of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "Set the cursor before and after each selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "Reverse carriage return, that is, move the content before the cursor to the next line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "Comments menu (with conditional compilation comments)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "Skip the current selection and select the next identical word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "replace",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "Swap selections or rows. Only supports 2 selections or 2 lines; when not 2 selections, swap the letters before and after the cursor",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "Insert completed task list symbol",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "Insert a task list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "show/hide minimap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "show/hide indent lines",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "show/hide line numbers",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "Show/hide whitespace characters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "Toggle whether to automatically wrap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "All lowercase letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "All capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "Remove whitespace characters at the end of a line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "show/hide outline",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "Activation Code Assistant",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "Undo a new cursor or selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "insert-unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "Insert * unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "insert + unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "Anti-encirclement",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "Verify the syntax of this document",
+ "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "Select row. Can also click the line number or triple-click the line",
+ "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "External command/plug-in section (need to install the corresponding plug-in)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git switch branch",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git compare diff",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git pull (pull)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git push",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git check for changes",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git restore (reset)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git file status",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git sync",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn check for modifications",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn update",
+ "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "file comparison, compared to the last commit",
+ "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "View the commit information of the specified svn or git file",
+ "keybindings.file.subDesc": "file",
+ "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg or git file commit",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "Copy files (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "Cut file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "Paste the file (focus is in the project manager)",
+ "keybindings.find.subDesc": "find",
+ "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git plugin section",
+ "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "jump",
+ "": "help",
+ "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "issued",
+ "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "label card",
+ "keybindings.language.subDesc": "language",
+ "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "row operation",
+ "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "List operator",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + left click to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + left-click drag to add multiple selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + left double-click If you click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + left click go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + left-click drag selection Column selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + scroll wheel zoom font",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "The following is a description of the shortcut keys of the mouse and cannot be customized",
+ "keybindings.outdent.desc": "anti-indent",
+ "": "App cloud packaging",
+ "": "uni-app released to Alipay applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to Baidu applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the ByteDance applet",
+ "": "uni-app generates H5 website",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the QQ applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to WeChat applet",
+ "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "project manager",
+ "keybindings.redo.desc": "redo",
+ "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "Rename file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located at the command line",
+ "": "run",
+ "": "choose",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "Left is default shortcut key settings, right is the custom settings. Right settings will override left settings",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "A selection menu appears when a custom shortcut key conflicts with the default shortcut key. The ‘override': true parameter can also be added to the right setting to force override of the default setting",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "Support continuous shortcut keys, such as 'key': 'cltr+1 2'",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Such as tab management, it is exactly the same as the browser, ctrl+t to create a new tab, ctrl+shift+t to restore the just closed tab, ctrl+w to close the tab, ctrl+pagedown/pageup to switch the tab",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to ctrl+t in the eclipse system to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to alt",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the letter in the upper left corner, then alt+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, alt+w is to display/close the document structure diagram",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, alt+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n is the focus editor",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, such as alt+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d is to go to definition (F12 can also), shift+alt+d or shift+F12 is to go to definition in columns",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "Under Windows, alt+letter is also the & shortcut key of the menu, which can trigger the corresponding menu function. For example, press alt+v r to expand the view menu and select the word wrap command. The English in parentheses after the menu name is the corresponding trigger shortcut letter",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl is an operation, ctrl+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, ctrl+alt is more operations",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k is formatting, then ctrl+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w is to close the current tab, then ctrl+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f is a search, ctrl+alt+f is a directory search",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key with ctrl. In HBuilderX, ctrl+] is surrounded, ctrl+shift+] is anti-surround, which is much easier to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Find files changed from ctrl+t to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Formatting changed from ctrl+shift+f to ctrl+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime/vscode users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Open the console is not ctrl+~ but alt+x",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "Setting the cursor at the beginning of each line is ctrl+shift+\\ instead of ctrl+shift+l",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "The content of the selection brackets is ctrl+[ instead of ctrl+shift+m",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+] is to add brackets. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide ctrl+shift+] for anti-envelope",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not ctrl+[ and ]",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To expand the selection is ctrl+=",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Copy line or selection is ctrl+insert not ctrl+shift+d",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn plugin section",
+ "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card ctrl+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "": "indentation",
+ "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "tool",
+ "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "Activating method parameter hints",
+ "keybindings.undo.desc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "Check for updates",
+ "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "show changelog",
+ "keybindings.view.subDesc": "view",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "clear all bookmarks",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "Cursor history is cleared",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "close current tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "Close the current tab without asking to save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "Close all saved tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "Close right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "Copy Tab Cards to Columns",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "rerun",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "stop running",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "Do Not Disturb Mode",
+ "": "Open the Favorites menu",
+ "": "feedback",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "local history",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "New tab card (default md)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "Open external files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "Open Folder Import Project",
+ "": "save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "save all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "Save as",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "find string in directory",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "Focus on editor area",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "Collapse all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "expand all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "Collapse child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "Expand child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "Collapse other areas",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "Collapse a single row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "Expand a single line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "column go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "jump to line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "Show left tab",
+ "": "new",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "minimize",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the left",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "cursor back",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "cursor forward",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "New HBuilder form",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "Next bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "next validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "Focus to the next column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "switch to the last tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "Switch to the 1st tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "switch to 2nd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "switch to 3rd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "Switch to 4th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "Switch to 5th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "Switch to 6th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "Switch to the 7th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "Switch to the 8th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "Switch to the 9th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "Open external command settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "Open shortcut settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "Open settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "show log file",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "Go to Page.json (you can quickly go to the corresponding node in Page.json on the page page of uni-app)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "Previous bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "Last validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "Focus to the previous column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "find files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "Reload the code block",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "Reopen closed tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "Show right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "quick release menu",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "single column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "2 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "3 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "Si Gongge",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "Multi-window switching shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "show/hide terminal",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "set/unbookmark",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "full screen",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "Show/hide built-in browser",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "Show/hide status bar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Toolbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "clear console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "lock scrollbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "show/hide console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "Focus on Project Manager",
+ "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "delete file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [ctrl+mouse scroll up]",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [ctrl+mouse scroll down]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Tab management is exactly same with browser, command+t to create a new tab, command+shift+t to restore the just-closed tab, command+w to close the tab, command+alt+left/right to switch the tab",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to the eclipse system command+t to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to Ctrl",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the upper left corner letter, then Ctrl+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, Ctrl+w shows/closes the document structure diagram",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, Ctrl+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n is the focus editor",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+Number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, for example, Ctrl+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d is to go to the definition (F12 can also), shift+Ctrl+d or shift+F12 is to go to the definition in a column",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command is an operation, command+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, command+alt is more operations",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k is formatting, then command+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w is to close the current tab, then command+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f is to search, command+alt+f is to search in the directory",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key such as command. command+] is surrounded, command+shift+] is anti-surround, so it is much easier to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "Find files changed from command+t to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Formatting changed from command+shift+f to command+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Merge lines changed from command+j to command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Delete line changed from command+d to ctrl+d. command+d gives the choice of the same word",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "The shortcut key for repeating line content is command+shift+r",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "Open console is not command+~ but ctrl+x",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Merge lines not command+j but command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line instead of command+shift+l but command+shift+\\ ",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "The content of the selection bracket is not command+shift+m but command+[",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+] is to surround. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide command+shift+] for anti-encirclement",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not command+[ and ]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Expanding the selection is command+=, which is easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To copy a line or selection is command+shift+r instead of command+shift+d",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use command+q",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +left click add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +left-click add multiple selections",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +left-click double-click If click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +left click go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +left-click drag select column",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command + wheel zoom font",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command +alt +wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card alt+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [command+mouse scroll up]",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [command+mouse scroll down]",
+ "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/keybindings_intellij.json": {
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "close other files",
+ "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "Find strings within this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "Find strings within the area of this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "find index symbol",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use the system shortcut Alt+Space C under windows",
+ "": "run",
+ "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "bottom console",
+ "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "clipboard",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "cursor to end of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "select to end of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "cursor down",
+ "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "row down",
+ "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "Cursor to the end of a soft line (toggle between the end of a line and the end of a true line in sequence) ",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "select to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "Select to the soft end of line (continuously press to switch the end of the line and the end of the real line in turn)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "Cursor to soft line header (consecutive line headers, indented line headers, and true line headers are switched in sequence)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "select to beginning of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "Select to the beginning of the soft line (continuously press to switch the line beginning of automatic line wrapping, the beginning of the indented line, and the beginning of the real line)",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "select word left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "cursor to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "select to end of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "cursor to start of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "select to beginning of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "cursor to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "Go to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "cursor to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "go to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "The cursor goes to the next paragraph (empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "Cursor to previous paragraph (Empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "cursor right",
+ "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "select word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "cursor to top of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "Select to top of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "cursor up",
+ "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "row up",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "cursor right word",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "choose word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "Cursor one camelcase word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "Pick a camel case word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "Cursor one camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "Pick a camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "word cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "select words to the left",
+ "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "delete",
+ "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "delete left",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "delete to the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "delete to end of line",
+ "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "delete right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "delete word to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "Remove camel case words to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "Remove camel case words to the right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "delete word right",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "Select current word or next same word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "block comment",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "Bold (html, md take effect)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "copy file path",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "cut",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "paste",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "Paste as HTML",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard (note to release the shortcut key occupied by evernote)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "conditional compilation ifdef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "conditional compilation ifndef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "Annotation/Annotation",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "delete row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "Repeat insert selection or current row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "Repeat insert selection or current row (backup for keyboards without insert key)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "Enlarge selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Expand selection to 2 sides",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "format",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with the old version of HBuilder shortcut keys, pay attention to cancel the global shortcut keys of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "select up column",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "Select from the following",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "insert row down",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "Insert row up",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "Merge lines (deformat)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "Merge lines (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "jump to paired brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "move down one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "move up one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Decrease selection from 2 sides inward",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "find next string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "Insert an ordered list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "Find the previous string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "Insert > Quote List Breaker",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "Track/Untrack current file location in Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "select all the same words",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "Select the line (without leading and trailing whitespace characters). You can also double click at the end of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "Select characters within brackets. Can be replaced by double-click brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "Select the quoted string. Can be replaced by double-clicking the quotation marks",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "Select lines with the same indent. Double-click to replace the tab at the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word (Notice to release the global occupation of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "Set the cursor before and after each selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "Reverse carriage return, that is, move the content before the cursor to the next line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "Comments menu (with conditional compilation comments)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "Skip the current selection and select the next identical word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "replace",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "Swap selections or rows. Only supports 2 selections or 2 lines; when not 2 selections, swap the letters before and after the cursor",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "Insert completed task list symbol",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "Insert a task list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "show/hide minimap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "show/hide indent lines",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "show/hide line numbers",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "Show/hide whitespace characters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "Toggle whether to automatically wrap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "All lowercase letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "All capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "Remove whitespace characters at the end of a line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "show/hide outline",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "Activation Code Assistant",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "Undo a new cursor or selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "insert-unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "Insert * unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "insert + unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "Anti-encirclement",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "Verify the syntax of this document",
+ "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "Select row. Can also click the line number or triple-click the line",
+ "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "External command/plug-in section (need to install the corresponding plug-in)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git switch branch",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git compare diff",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git pull (pull)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git push",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git check for changes",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git restore (reset)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git file status",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git sync",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn check for modifications",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn update",
+ "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "file comparison, compared to the last commit",
+ "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "View the commit information of the specified svn or git file",
+ "keybindings.file.subDesc": "file",
+ "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg or git file commit",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "Copy files (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "Cut file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "Paste the file (focus is in the project manager)",
+ "keybindings.find.subDesc": "find",
+ "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git plugin section",
+ "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "jump",
+ "": "help",
+ "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "issued",
+ "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "label card",
+ "keybindings.language.subDesc": "language",
+ "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "row operation",
+ "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "List operator",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + left click to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + left-click drag to add multiple selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + left double-click If you click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + left click go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + left-click drag selection Column selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + scroll wheel zoom font",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "The following is a description of the shortcut keys of the mouse and cannot be customized",
+ "keybindings.outdent.desc": "anti-indent",
+ "": "App cloud packaging",
+ "": "uni-app released to Alipay applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to Baidu applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the ByteDance applet",
+ "": "uni-app generates H5 website",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the QQ applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to WeChat applet",
+ "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "project manager",
+ "keybindings.redo.desc": "redo",
+ "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "Rename file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located at the command line",
+ "": "run",
+ "": "choose",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "Left is default shortcut key settings, right is the custom settings. Right settings will override left settings",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "A selection menu appears when a custom shortcut key conflicts with the default shortcut key. The ‘override': true parameter can also be added to the right setting to force override of the default setting",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "Support continuous shortcut keys, such as 'key': 'cltr+1 2'",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Such as tab management, it is exactly the same as the browser, ctrl+t to create a new tab, ctrl+shift+t to restore the just closed tab, ctrl+w to close the tab, ctrl+pagedown/pageup to switch the tab",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to ctrl+t in the eclipse system to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to alt",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the letter in the upper left corner, then alt+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, alt+w is to display/close the document structure diagram",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, alt+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n is the focus editor",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, such as alt+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d is to go to definition (F12 can also), shift+alt+d or shift+F12 is to go to definition in columns",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "Under Windows, alt+letter is also the & shortcut key of the menu, which can trigger the corresponding menu function. For example, press alt+v r to expand the view menu and select the word wrap command. The English in parentheses after the menu name is the corresponding trigger shortcut letter",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl is an operation, ctrl+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, ctrl+alt is more operations",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k is formatting, then ctrl+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w is to close the current tab, then ctrl+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f is a search, ctrl+alt+f is a directory search",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key with ctrl. In HBuilderX, ctrl+] is surrounded, ctrl+shift+] is anti-surround, which is much easier to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Find files changed from ctrl+t to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Formatting changed from ctrl+shift+f to ctrl+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime/vscode users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Open the console is not ctrl+~ but alt+x",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "Setting the cursor at the beginning of each line is ctrl+shift+\\ instead of ctrl+shift+l",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "The content of the selection brackets is ctrl+[ instead of ctrl+shift+m",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+] is to add brackets. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide ctrl+shift+] for anti-envelope",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not ctrl+[ and ]",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To expand the selection is ctrl+=",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Copy line or selection is ctrl+insert not ctrl+shift+d",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn plugin section",
+ "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card ctrl+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "": "indentation",
+ "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "tool",
+ "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "Activating method parameter hints",
+ "keybindings.undo.desc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "Check for updates",
+ "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "show changelog",
+ "keybindings.view.subDesc": "view",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "clear all bookmarks",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "Cursor history is cleared",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "close current tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "Close the current tab without asking to save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "Close all saved tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "Close right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "Copy Tab Cards to Columns",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "rerun",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "stop running",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "Do Not Disturb Mode",
+ "": "Open the Favorites menu",
+ "": "feedback",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "local history",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "New tab card (default md)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "Open external files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "Open Folder Import Project",
+ "": "save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "save all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "Save as",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "find string in directory",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "Focus on editor area",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "Collapse all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "expand all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "Collapse child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "Expand child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "Collapse other areas",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "Collapse a single row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "Expand a single line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "column go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "jump to line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "Show left tab",
+ "": "new",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "minimize",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the left",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "cursor back",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "cursor forward",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "New HBuilder form",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "Next bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "next validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "Focus to the next column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "switch to the last tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "Switch to the 1st tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "switch to 2nd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "switch to 3rd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "Switch to 4th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "Switch to 5th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "Switch to 6th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "Switch to the 7th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "Switch to the 8th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "Switch to the 9th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "Open external command settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "Open shortcut settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "Open settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "show log file",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "Go to Page.json (you can quickly go to the corresponding node in Page.json on the page page of uni-app)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "Previous bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "Last validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "Focus to the previous column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "find files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "Reload the code block",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "Reopen closed tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "Show right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "quick release menu",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "single column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "2 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "3 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "Si Gongge",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "Multi-window switching shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "show/hide terminal",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "set/unbookmark",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "full screen",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "Show/hide built-in browser",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "Show/hide status bar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Toolbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "clear console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "lock scrollbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "show/hide console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "Focus on Project Manager",
+ "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "delete file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [ctrl+mouse scroll up]",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [ctrl+mouse scroll down]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Tab management is exactly same with browser, command+t to create a new tab, command+shift+t to restore the just-closed tab, command+w to close the tab, command+alt+left/right to switch the tab",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to the eclipse system command+t to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to Ctrl",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the upper left corner letter, then Ctrl+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, Ctrl+w shows/closes the document structure diagram",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, Ctrl+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n is the focus editor",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+Number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, for example, Ctrl+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d is to go to the definition (F12 can also), shift+Ctrl+d or shift+F12 is to go to the definition in a column",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command is an operation, command+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, command+alt is more operations",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k is formatting, then command+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w is to close the current tab, then command+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f is to search, command+alt+f is to search in the directory",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key such as command. command+] is surrounded, command+shift+] is anti-surround, so it is much easier to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "Find files changed from command+t to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Formatting changed from command+shift+f to command+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Merge lines changed from command+j to command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Delete line changed from command+d to ctrl+d. command+d gives the choice of the same word",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "The shortcut key for repeating line content is command+shift+r",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "Open console is not command+~ but ctrl+x",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Merge lines not command+j but command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line instead of command+shift+l but command+shift+\\ ",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "The content of the selection bracket is not command+shift+m but command+[",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+] is to surround. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide command+shift+] for anti-encirclement",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not command+[ and ]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Expanding the selection is command+=, which is easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To copy a line or selection is command+shift+r instead of command+shift+d",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use command+q",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +left click add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +left-click add multiple selections",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +left-click double-click If click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +left click go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +left-click drag select column",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command + wheel zoom font",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command +alt +wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card alt+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [command+mouse scroll up]",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [command+mouse scroll down]",
+ "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/keybindings_eclipse.json": {
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeOtherEditors.desc": "close other files",
+ "keybindings.actions.find.desc": "Find strings within this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.findinRegion.desc": "Find strings within the area of this document",
+ "keybindings.actions.quickFind.desc": "find index symbol",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use the system shortcut Alt+Space C under windows",
+ "": "run",
+ "keybindings.BottomConsole.subDesc": "bottom console",
+ "keybindings.clipboard.subDesc": "clipboard",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottom.desc": "cursor to end of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorBottomSelect.desc": "select to end of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorDown.desc": "cursor down",
+ "keybindings.cursorDownSelect.desc": "row down",
+ "keybindings.cursorEnd.desc": "Cursor to the end of a soft line (toggle between the end of a line and the end of a true line in sequence) ",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndDirectSelect.desc": "select to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorEndSelect.desc": "Select to the soft end of line (continuously press to switch the end of the line and the end of the real line in turn)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHome.desc": "Cursor to soft line header (consecutive line headers, indented line headers, and true line headers are switched in sequence)",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeDirectSelect.desc": "select to beginning of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorHomeSelect.desc": "Select to the beginning of the soft line (continuously press to switch the line beginning of automatic line wrapping, the beginning of the indented line, and the beginning of the real line)",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeft.desc": "cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLeftSelect.desc": "select word left",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEnd.desc": "cursor to end of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineEndSelect.desc": "select to end of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStart.desc": "cursor to start of line",
+ "keybindings.cursorLineStartSelect.desc": "select to beginning of paragraph",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDown.desc": "cursor to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageDownSelect.desc": "Go to next page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUp.desc": "cursor to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorPageUpSelect.desc": "go to previous page",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaDown.desc": "The cursor goes to the next paragraph (empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorParaUp.desc": "Cursor to previous paragraph (Empty lines separate paragraphs)",
+ "keybindings.cursorRight.desc": "cursor right",
+ "keybindings.cursorRightSelect.desc": "select word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorTop.desc": "cursor to top of page",
+ "keybindings.cursorTopSelect.desc": "Select to top of document",
+ "keybindings.cursorUp.desc": "cursor up",
+ "keybindings.cursorUpSelect.desc": "row up",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRight.desc": "cursor right word",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordEndRightSelect.desc": "choose word right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeft.desc": "Cursor one camelcase word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartLeftSelect.desc": "Pick a camel case word to the left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRight.desc": "Cursor one camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordPartRightSelect.desc": "Pick a camel cased word to the right",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeft.desc": "word cursor left",
+ "keybindings.cursorWordStartLeftSelect.desc": "select words to the left",
+ "keybindings.delete.subDesc": "delete",
+ "keybindings.deleteLeft.desc": "delete left",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineLeft.desc": "delete to the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.deleteLineRight.desc": "delete to end of line",
+ "keybindings.deleteRight.desc": "delete right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordLeft.desc": "delete word to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartLeft.desc": "Remove camel case words to the left",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordPartRight.desc": "Remove camel case words to the right",
+ "keybindings.deleteWordRight.desc": "delete word right",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.addSelectionToNextFindMatch.desc": "Select current word or next same word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.blockCommentLine.desc": "block comment",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.bold.desc": "Bold (html, md take effect)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyAction.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCopyPathAction.desc": "copy file path",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardCutAction.desc": "cut",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAction.desc": "paste",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteAsHTML.desc": "Paste as HTML",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard (note to release the shortcut key occupied by evernote)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfdef.desc": "conditional compilation ifdef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.CommentIfndef.desc": "conditional compilation ifndef",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.commentLine.desc": "Annotation/Annotation",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.deleteLines.desc": "delete row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc1": "Repeat insert selection or current row",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.duplicate.desc2": "Repeat insert selection or current row (backup for keyboards without insert key)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelection.desc": "Enlarge selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.expandSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Expand selection to 2 sides",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc1": "format",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with the old version of HBuilder shortcut keys, pay attention to cancel the global shortcut keys of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorAbove.desc": "select up column",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertCursorBelow.desc": "Select from the following",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineAfter.desc": "insert row down",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.insertLineBefore.desc": "Insert row up",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc1": "Merge lines (deformat)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.joinLines.desc2": "Merge lines (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.jumpToBracket.desc": "jump to paired brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesDownAction.desc": "move down one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.moveLinesUpAction.desc": "move up one line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.narrowSelectionTwoSides.desc": "Decrease selection from 2 sides inward",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.nextSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "find next string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.orderListSymbols.desc": "Insert an ordered list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.previousSelectionMatchFindAction.desc": "Find the previous string",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.quoteListSymbols.desc": "Insert > Quote List Breaker",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.revealInProjectExplorer.desc": "Track/Untrack current file location in Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectAllSameWord.desc": "select all the same words",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectLineNoBlankStr.desc": "Select the line (without leading and trailing whitespace characters). You can also double click at the end of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchBracket.desc": "Select characters within brackets. Can be replaced by double-click brackets",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectMatchQuote.desc": "Select the quoted string. Can be replaced by double-clicking the quotation marks",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.selectSameIndentationLine.desc": "Select lines with the same indent. Double-click to replace the tab at the beginning of the line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word (Notice to release the global occupation of Sogou input method)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorEachLine.desc": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.setCursorSurroundSel.desc": "Set the cursor before and after each selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.shiftEnter.desc": "Reverse carriage return, that is, move the content before the cursor to the next line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.showCommentMenu.desc": "Comments menu (with conditional compilation comments)",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.skipSelectionAndSelectNext.desc": "Skip the current selection and select the next identical word",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.startFindReplaceAction.desc": "replace",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.SurroundBylanguage.desc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.swichSelectionOrLine.desc": "Swap selections or rows. Only supports 2 selections or 2 lines; when not 2 selections, swap the letters before and after the cursor",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskFinishListSymbols.desc": "Insert completed task list symbol",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.taskListSymbols.desc": "Insert a task list character",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleMinimap.desc": "show/hide minimap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderIndentReference.desc": "show/hide indent lines",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderLineNumber.desc": "show/hide line numbers",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleRenderWhitespace.desc": "Show/hide whitespace characters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.toggleWordWrap.desc": "Toggle whether to automatically wrap",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToLowercase.desc": "All lowercase letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToTitlecase.desc": "capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.transformToUppercase.desc": "All capital letters",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerDeleteLineEndSpace.desc": "Remove whitespace characters at the end of a line",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerOutline.desc": "show/hide outline",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.triggerSuggest.desc": "Activation Code Assistant",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.undoSelection.desc": "Undo a new cursor or selection",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMinus.desc": "insert-unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByMultiply.desc": "Insert * unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.unOrderListSymbolsByPlus.desc": "insert + unordered list",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.UnSurroundBylanguage.desc": "Anti-encirclement",
+ "keybindings.editor.action.validation.desc": "Verify the syntax of this document",
+ "keybindings.expandLineSelection.desc": "Select row. Can also click the line number or triple-click the line",
+ "keybindings.External_Plug-ins.subDesc": "External command/plug-in section (need to install the corresponding plug-in)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_ADD.desc": "git add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_CHECKOUT_BRANCH.desc": "git switch branch",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_COMMIT.desc": "git commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_DIFF.desc": "git compare diff",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_LOG.desc": "git view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PULL.desc": "git pull (pull)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_PUSH.desc": "git push",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REMOVE.desc": "git delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REPOSTATUS.desc": "git check for changes",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_RESET.desc": "git restore (reset)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_REVERT.desc": "git restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_STATUS.desc": "git file status",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:GIT_SYNC.desc": "git sync",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_ADD.desc": "svn add file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_COMMIT.desc": "svn commit",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_LOG.desc": "svn view log",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REMOVE.desc": "svn delete current file (single file)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REPOSTATUS.desc": "svn check for modifications",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_REVERT.desc": "svn restore (revert)",
+ "keybindings.ExternalCommand:SVN_UPDATE.desc": "svn update",
+ "keybindings.file.compareWithLastVersion.desc": "file comparison, compared to the last commit",
+ "keybindings.file.showlog.desc": "View the commit information of the specified svn or git file",
+ "keybindings.file.subDesc": "file",
+ "keybindings.files.commit.desc": "svg or git file commit",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.copy.desc": "Copy files (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.cut.desc": "Cut file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.filesExplorer.paste.desc": "Paste the file (focus is in the project manager)",
+ "keybindings.find.subDesc": "find",
+ "keybindings.GITexternal.subDesc": "git plugin section",
+ "keybindings.goTo.subDesc": "jump",
+ "": "help",
+ "keybindings.issue.subDesc": "issued",
+ "keybindings.labelCard.subDesc": "label card",
+ "keybindings.language.subDesc": "language",
+ "keybindings.lineOperation.subDesc": "row operation",
+ "keybindings.listerOperation.subDesc": "List operator",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc01": "ctrl + left click to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc02": "ctrl + right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc03": "ctrl + left-click drag to add multiple selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc04": "ctrl + left double-click If you click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt + left click go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl + left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt + left-click drag selection Column selection",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc08": "ctrl + scroll wheel zoom font",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.desc11": "ctrl+alt + wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "keybindings.mouse.subDesc": "The following is a description of the shortcut keys of the mouse and cannot be customized",
+ "keybindings.outdent.desc": "anti-indent",
+ "": "App cloud packaging",
+ "": "uni-app released to Alipay applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to Baidu applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the ByteDance applet",
+ "": "uni-app generates H5 website",
+ "": "uni-app is published to the QQ applet",
+ "": "uni-app is published to WeChat applet",
+ "keybindings.projectManager.subDesc": "project manager",
+ "keybindings.redo.desc": "redo",
+ "keybindings.renameFile.desc": "Rename file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInOS.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located",
+ "keybindings.revealFileInTerminal.desc": "Open the directory where the file is located at the command line",
+ "": "运行",
+ "": "choose",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate01": "Left is default shortcut key settings, right is the custom settings. Right settings will override left settings",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate02": "A selection menu appears when a custom shortcut key conflicts with the default shortcut key. The ‘override': true parameter can also be added to the right setting to force override of the default setting",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate03": "Support continuous shortcut keys, such as 'key': 'cltr+1 2'",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate04": "# HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate05": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Such as tab management, it is exactly the same as the browser, ctrl+t to create a new tab, ctrl+shift+t to restore the just closed tab, ctrl+w to close the tab, ctrl+pagedown/pageup to switch the tab",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to ctrl+t in the eclipse system to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to alt",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the letter in the upper left corner, then alt+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, alt+w is to display/close the document structure diagram",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, alt+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate15": "alt+n is the focus editor",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate16": "alt+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate17": "alt+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate18": "alt+number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, such as alt+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate19": "alt+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate20": "alt+d is to go to definition (F12 can also), shift+alt+d or shift+F12 is to go to definition in columns",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate21": "Under Windows, alt+letter is also the & shortcut key of the menu, which can trigger the corresponding menu function. For example, press alt+v r to expand the view menu and select the word wrap command. The English in parentheses after the menu name is the corresponding trigger shortcut letter",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate22": "3. ctrl is an operation, ctrl+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, ctrl+alt is more operations",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate23": "ctrl+k is formatting, then ctrl+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate24": "ctrl+w is to close the current tab, then ctrl+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate25": "ctrl+f is a search, ctrl+alt+f is a directory search",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate26": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate27": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key with ctrl. In HBuilderX, ctrl+] is surrounded, ctrl+shift+] is anti-surround, which is much easier to remember",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate28": "ctrl+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate29": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate32": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate33": "ctrl+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate34": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate35": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Find files changed from ctrl+t to ctrl+p",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Formatting changed from ctrl+shift+f to ctrl+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate39": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime/vscode users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate41": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate42": "ctrl+e to select the same word",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Open the console is not ctrl+~ but alt+x",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Merge lines from ctrl+j to ctrl+shift+k",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate45": "Setting the cursor at the beginning of each line is ctrl+shift+\\ instead of ctrl+shift+l",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate46": "The content of the selection brackets is ctrl+[ instead of ctrl+shift+m",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate47": "ctrl+] is to add brackets. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide ctrl+shift+] for anti-envelope",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not ctrl+[ and ]",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To expand the selection is ctrl+=",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Copy line or selection is ctrl+insert not ctrl+shift+d",
+ "keybindings.start.illustrate52": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "keybindings.Surround.subDesc": "surrounded",
+ "keybindings.SVNexternal.subDesc": "svn plugin section",
+ "keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card ctrl+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "": "indentation",
+ "keybindings.tool.subDesc": "tool",
+ "keybindings.Trigger Parameter Hints.desc": "Activating method parameter hints",
+ "keybindings.undo.desc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.undo.subDesc": "revoke",
+ "keybindings.update.checkForUpdate.desc": "Check for updates",
+ "keybindings.update.showCurrentReleaseNotes.desc": "show changelog",
+ "keybindings.view.subDesc": "view",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearBookmarks.desc": "clear all bookmarks",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.clearPosHistory.desc": "Cursor history is cleared",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditor.desc": "close current tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeActiveEditorNoConfirm.desc": "Close the current tab without asking to save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllEditors.desc": "close all tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeAllSavedEditors.desc": "Close all saved tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.closeRightEditor.desc": "Close right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.copyEditor.desc": "Copy Tab Cards to Columns",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.restart.desc": "rerun",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.debug.stop.desc": "stop running",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.distanceFreeMode.desc": "Do Not Disturb Mode",
+ "": "Open the Favorites menu",
+ "": "feedback",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.localHistory.desc": "local history",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.newUntitledFile.desc": "New tab card (default md)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFile.desc": "Open external files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.openFolder.desc": "Open Folder Import Project",
+ "": "save",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAll.desc": "save all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.files.saveAs.desc": "Save as",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.findInFiles.desc": "find string in directory",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.focusEditor.desc": "Focus on editor area",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllContract.desc": "Collapse all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldAllExpand.desc": "expand all lines",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenContract.desc": "Collapse child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldChildrenExpand.desc": "Expand child row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldContractOther.desc": "Collapse other areas",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineContract.desc": "Collapse a single row",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.foldLineExpand.desc": "Expand a single line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinition.desc": "go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoDefinitionWithPane.desc": "column go to definition",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.gotoLine.desc": "jump to line",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.leftTab.desc": "Show left tab",
+ "": "new",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.minimize.desc": "minimize",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorLeftInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the left",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.moveEditorRightInGroup.desc": "Move one tab to the right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateBack.desc": "cursor back",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.navigateForward.desc": "cursor forward",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.newWindow.desc": "New HBuilder form",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextBookmark.desc": "Next bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextError.desc": "next validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.nextpane.desc": "Focus to the next column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex0.desc": "switch to the last tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex1.desc": "Switch to the 1st tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex2.desc": "switch to 2nd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex3.desc": "switch to 3rd tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex4.desc": "Switch to 4th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex5.desc": "Switch to 5th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex6.desc": "Switch to 6th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex7.desc": "Switch to the 7th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex8.desc": "Switch to the 8th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openEditorAtIndex9.desc": "Switch to the 9th tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalExternalcommands.desc": "Open external command settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalKeybindings.desc": "Open shortcut settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openGlobalSettings.desc": "Open settings",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openlog.desc": "show log file",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.openPageJsonFile.desc": "Go to Page.json (you can quickly go to the corresponding node in Page.json on the page page of uni-app)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevBookmark.desc": "Previous bookmark (cursor in editor area)",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevError.desc": "Last validation error",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.prevpane.desc": "Focus to the previous column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.quickOpen.desc": "find files",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reloadSnippets.desc": "Reload the code block",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.reopenClosedEditor.desc": "Reopen closed tabs",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.rightTab.desc": "Show right tab",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.showPubMenu.desc": "quick release menu",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split1e.desc": "single column",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split2e.desc": "2 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split3e.desc": "3 columns left and right",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.split4grid.desc": "Si Gongge",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.switchWindow.desc": "Multi-window switching shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.tiggleTerminal.desc": "show/hide terminal",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleBookmark.desc": "set/unbookmark",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleFullScreen.desc": "full screen",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.togglePreviewBrowserVisibility.desc": "Show/hide built-in browser",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleSidebarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Project Manager",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleStatusbarVisibility.desc": "Show/hide status bar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.action.toggleToolbarVisibility.desc": "Show/Hide Toolbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.clearLog.desc": "clear console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.copy.desc": "copy",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.lock.desc": "lock scrollbar",
+ "keybindings.workbench.console.action.selectAll.desc": "select all",
+ "keybindings.workbench.debug.action.toggleRepl.desc": "show/hide console",
+ "keybindings.workbench.view.explorer.desc": "Focus on Project Manager",
+ "keybingings.moveFileToTrash.desc": "delete file (focus in project manager)",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [ctrl+mouse scroll up]",
+ "keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [ctrl+mouse scroll down]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate04": "The shortcut key principle of HBuilderX is: do not define shortcut keys that cannot be remembered HBuilderX's shortcut key concept",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate05": "",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate06": "Many tools in the past have provided too many abcd shortcuts to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate07": "HBuilderX takes care of defining each shortcut, and most of them can be mastered with the following principles in mind",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate08": "1. Keep as close to OS and browser as possible",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate09": "Tab management is exactly same with browser, command+t to create a new tab, command+shift+t to restore the just-closed tab, command+w to close the tab, command+alt+left/right to switch the tab",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate10": "For users who are used to the eclipse system command+t to find files, remember that the shortcut key for finding files has been adjusted to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate11": "2. The interface shortcut keys are related to Ctrl",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate12": "You can use the keyboard orientation as the screen, q is the upper left corner letter, then Ctrl+q is to show/close the project manager on the left",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate13": "The w next to q is the document structure diagram (outline), that is, Ctrl+w shows/closes the document structure diagram",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate14": "The letter in the upper right corner is p, that is, Ctrl+p shows/closes the preview on the right",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate15": "Ctrl+n is the focus editor",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate16": "Ctrl+x (bottom letter) to show/close console",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate17": "Ctrl+c (bottom letter) to show/close the terminal",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate18": "Ctrl+Number, is to switch the tab card at the corresponding position, for example, Ctrl+1 is to go to the first tab card",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate19": "Ctrl+[ is to jump between various brackets",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate20": "Ctrl+d is to go to the definition (F12 can also), shift+Ctrl+d or shift+F12 is to go to the definition in a column",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate21": "3. command is an operation, command+shift is an inverse operation or more operations, command+alt is more operations",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate22": "command+k is formatting, then command+shift+k is merged into one line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate23": "command+w is to close the current tab, then command+shift+w is to close all tabs",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate24": "command+f is to search, command+alt+f is to search in the directory",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate25": "4. Symbolize rather than alphabetize words",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate26": "Surrounded English is surround, but it is difficult to remember to select a letter from this word and set it as a shortcut key such as command. command+] is surrounded, command+shift+] is anti-surround, so it is much easier to remember",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate27": "command+shift+| is to set the cursor for each line of the selected line, '|' is the appearance of the cursor, very vivid",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate28": "5. Strengthen the cooperation with the mouse and make it easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate29": "alt+mouse wheel scrolls horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate30": "alt+mouse click is go to definition",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate31": "alt+mouse drag is column selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate32": "command+mouse click is to add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate33": "Double-click the mouse to select intelligently, see the selection menu for details",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate34": "6. Common shortcut key differences that old HBuilder users should pay attention to",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate35": "Find files changed from command+t to command+p",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate36": "Formatting changed from command+shift+f to command+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate37": "Merge lines changed from command+j to command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate38": "Delete line changed from command+d to ctrl+d. command+d gives the choice of the same word",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate39": "CTRL + D deletes the current line",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate40": "7. Sublime users should pay attention to common shortcut key differences",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate41": "The shortcut key for repeating line content is command+shift+r",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate42": "Open console is not command+~ but ctrl+x",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate43": "Merge lines not command+j but command+shift+k",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate44": "Set the cursor at the beginning of each line instead of command+shift+l but command+shift+\\ ",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate45": "The content of the selection bracket is not command+shift+m but command+[",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate46": "command+] is to surround. In addition to enclosing tags, it also supports enclosing function blocks such as if. At the same time provide command+shift+] for anti-encirclement",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate47": "Indentation is tab or shift+tab, not command+[ and ]",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate48": "Select tag, the same indentation, you can double-click the tag beginning and end or indent symbol, do not back shortcut keys",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate49": "Expanding the selection is command+=, which is easier to use",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate50": "To copy a line or selection is command+shift+r instead of command+shift+d",
+ "mac:keybindings.start.illustrate51": "Of course, in the upper right corner, you can also click the drop-down menu to switch the shortcut key scheme of other tools",
+ "": "quit. It is recommended to use command+q",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.clipboardPasteFromHistory.desc": "Paste from the history pasteboard",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.format.desc2": "Formatting (compatible with old HBuilder shortcut keys)",
+ "mac:keybindings.editor.action.SelectSameWordByLan.desc": "Select the same grammatical word",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc01": "command +left click add multiple cursors",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc02": "command +right click delete multi-cursor",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc03": "command +left-click add multiple selections",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc04": "command +left-click double-click If click on a smart double-click area such as an if block, it will be added to the selection",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc05": "alt +left click go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc06": "alt+ctrl +left click Column go to definition/open link",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc07": "alt +left-click drag select column",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc08": "command + wheel zoom font",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc09": "alt + wheel scroll horizontally",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc10": "shift + wheel scroll vertically one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.mouse.desc11": "command +alt +wheel scroll horizontally one screen",
+ "mac:keybindings.switchLabelCard.desc": "Switch the recent tab card alt+tab, the shortcut key cannot be customized",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomIn.desc": "Increase font [command+mouse scroll up]",
+ "mac:keybingings.workbench.action.zoomOut.desc": "Decrease font [command+mouse scroll down]",
+ "keybindings.debug.subDesc": "Debug related shortcuts",
+ "keybindings.editor.debug.action.toggleBreakpoint.desc": "Set shortcut keys, used to set/cancel breakpoints",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepover.desc": "stepover",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepin.desc": "stepin",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.stepout.desc": "stepout",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.continue.desc": "continue",
+ "keybindings.debug.action.pause.desc": "pause"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/external-commands.json": {
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.command.desc": "External commands and parameters to be executed:",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc01": "The value supports both string and array forms",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc02": "Fill in the command or specific program path and parameters contained in the path environment",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc03": "Support for using variables",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc04": "The command value is string: the command is written consecutively with the parameter. When the command or parameter contains spaces, it needs to be surrounded by \"\"",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.command.subDesc05": "The command value is array: the command is written separately from the parameter, and no additional processing is required when the command or parameter contains spaces",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.key.desc": "Shortcut key [optional] : You can directly run this external command through this shortcut key",
+ "": "Name to display in the Tools - Run External Command menu",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.type.desc": "Running environment [optional]:",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.type.subDesc01": "pprocess (default): run in the background, no input and output are displayed when running",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.type.subDesc02": "shell: run in an independent shell environment such as cmd, and a shell window will be opened when running",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.type.subDesc03": "terminal: run in the built-in terminal plugin that comes with HBuilderX",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.workingDir.desc": "working directory [optional]: the working directory when the command is run, the default is the directory where the file is located",
+ "configurationAttributeDescription.workingDir.subDesc": "Support for using variables",
+ "example.desc01": "1. Use the dir command in a separate shell form to print the list of files in the directory where the current file is located",
+ "example.desc02": "2. If Android Studio is installed, you can create a new emulator in avd, and then use the shortcut key in HBuilderX to start the emulator directly without starting AS. Note that closing the terminal will cause the emulator to close, so it is more suitable to open it in HBuilderX's built-in terminal",
+ "external-commands.configurationAttributeDescription.subDesc": "External Command,configure property description",
+ "external-commands.example.subDesc": "External command demo",
+ "external-commands.start.illustrate01": "Configure the outer layer as an array structure, and multiple external command settings can be added to the array",
+ "external-commands.start.illustrate02": "External commands allow you to call external programs or command lines in HBuilderX through menus, shortcut keys, etc.",
+ "external-commands.start.illustrate03": "Note: The left side is a tutorial, not a configuration. You need to add an external command to the user settings on the right to take effect.",
+ "external-commands.variableDescription.subDesc": "External command Variable description",
+ "variableDescription.desc": "Predefined variables can be used in 'command' and 'workingDir' to obtain the path information of the current file",
+ "variableDescription.subDesc01": "${file} The full path to the current file, such as D:\\files\\test.txt",
+ "variableDescription.subDesc02": "${fileName} The filename of the current file, such as test.txt",
+ "variableDescription.subDesc03": "${fileExtension} The extension of the current file, such as txt",
+ "variableDescription.subDesc04": "${fileBasename} The current file contains only the part of the filename, such as test",
+ "variableDescription.subDesc05": "${fileDir} The full path of the directory where the current file is located, such as D:\\files",
+ "variableDescription.subDesc06": "${projectDir} The full path of the project where the current file is located,only works when the current file is a file under a project in the project manager"
+ },
+ ":/conf/resources/conf/snippet_template.json":{
+ "snippet_template.json.desc01": "Note: This document only supports single-line comments, and there can be no non-blank characters before the'//'!!!",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc02": "HBuilderX uses json extension code block, compatible with vscode code block format",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc03": "This document has been modified, save it to take effect, no need to restart.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc04": "This document is used for user-defined %%1 code blocks.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc05": "The description of each configuration item is as follows:",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc06": "'key': The display name of the code block, the name displayed in the code assistant list. In the following example,'console.log' is a key.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc07": "'prefix': the trigger character of the code block, which is what letter is typed to match this code block.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc08": "'body': the content of the code block. The content has the following special format",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc09": "$1 indicates the position of the cursor after the code block is entered. If you need multiple cursors, configure $1 in multiple places. If there are preset data at this position, the writing method is ${1:foo1} .Multiple options (used in the drop-down candidate list) ${1:foo1/foo2/foo3}",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc10": "$2 means that after the code block is entered, press tab again, and the cursor will switch to the position. tabstops(press tab after the code block is expanded to jump to the next tabstop)",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc11": "$0 represents the final cursor position after the code block is entered (you can also press Enter to jump directly).",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc12": "Double quotes are escaped using \\'",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc13": "Newlines are represented by multiple arrays, one array per line, surrounded by double quotes and separated by commas",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc14": "Indent needs to be represented by \\t, you can't enter indent directly!",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc15": "'triggerAssist' :True means that the code prompt is triggered on the first tabtop immediately after the code block is entered into the document, and the code assistant is pulled out. The default is false.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc16": "Each code block uses the key as the primary key, and multiple code blocks need to be separated by commas.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc17": "If the json syntax is illegal, an error message will pop up at the bottom, please pay attention to correct it.",
+ "snippet_template.json.desc18": "Example:"
+ },
+ "QLineEdit": {
+ "&Copy": "&Copy",
+ "&Paste": "&Paste",
+ "&Redo": "&Redo",
+ "&Undo": "&Undo",
+ "Cu&t": "Cu&t",
+ "Delete": "Delete",
+ "Select All": "Select All"
+ },
+ "QScrollBar": {
+ "Scroll down": "Scroll Down",
+ "Scroll up": "Scroll Up",
+ "Scroll here": "Scroll Here",
+ "Left edge": "Left Edge",
+ "Right edge": "Right Edge",
+ "Bottom": "Bottom",
+ "Line down": "Line Down",
+ "Line up": "Line Up",
+ "Page down": "Page Down",
+ "Page left": "Page Left",
+ "Page right": "Page Right",
+ "Position": "Position",
+ "Page up": "Page Up",
+ "Scroll left": "Scroll Left",
+ "Scroll right": "Scroll Right",
+ "Top": "Top"
+ },
+ "CloseButton": {
+ "Close Tab": "Close Tab"
+ },
+ "TerminalServer": {
+ "menu.openInExternalBrowser.terminal":"Open In External Browser",
+ "menu.openInBuilt-inBrowser.terminal":"Open In Built-in Browser"
+ }
+ }