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Dj edited this page Jun 8, 2014 · 3 revisions

Creating your own remote source

Starting out with a sample module:

KineticModule = require '../kinetic-module'

module.exports =
class MySource extends KineticModule
  constructor: ->
    # your constructor will contain all your service information..
    # call super, with 3 arguments.  the HOST, the PATH, and the OPTIONS to use.
    super('', '/api/put', 
      some_var: 'foo',
      some_other_var: 'bar'

The Kinetic Module will then read your module, and put a respective menu item into the Packages Menu, that will look like Packages->Kinetic->Upload to MySource

Clicking that Upload to MySource, will call the @upload() method, which will simply use your data, and post it there.

Intercepting data

There are times where maybe your service returns an error. In this case, you can override the @check() method like so:

KineticModule = require '../kinetic-module'

module.exports =
class MySource extends KineticModule
  constructor: ->
  # the method needs an argument, for what the response from your service will be
  # Returns:
  #   true if intercepted message needs to be edited and sent again
  #   false if it's all good
  check: (resp) ->
    if resp.indexOf 'error'
      @opts['some_var'] = 'something else'
      return true

It will then try @MAX_ATTEMPTS times (which defaults to 5, and of course can be overriden by the module.) to send the data back after sanitizing and validating.

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