Folder Name | Description of Contents |
blackarch-sploitctl-urls | BlackArch urls.lst file from sploitctl shows URL's that are used to meta-search the web for exploits |
blackarch-tools-list | names of the 8K+ tools that are part of the BlackArch Linux distribution via |
exploit-pack-list | list of exploit names and descriptions from |
exploitdb-exploits-files | exploit file paths, descriptions, etc. from ExploitDB |
exploitdb-shellcodes-files | shellcode file paths, descriptions, etc. from ExploitDB |
metasploit-module-details | detailed metasploit module references |
mitre-cveid-list | list of MITRE CVE numbers from 1999 through 2017 |
securityfocus-exploit-downloads | URL's for every piece of PoC code corresponding to a SecurityFocus BID |
symantec-attack-signatures | Names of attack signatures monitored by Symantec security products via |
webappsec-vuln-info | structured vulnerability information from Web Application Security Consortium |