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File metadata and controls

144 lines (137 loc) · 3.36 KB

HTML ASCII Reference

7-Bit Printable ASCII Characters

HTML and XHTML uses standard 7-bit ASCII when transmitting data over the Web.
7-bit ASCII represents 128 different character values (0-127).

|Result|Description|Entity Number| | |space| | |!|exclamation mark|!| |"|quotation mark|"| |#|number sign|#| |$|dollar sign|$| |%|percent sign|%| |&|ampersand|&| |'|apostrophe|'| |(|left parenthesis|(| |)|right parenthesis|)| |*|asterisk|*| |+|plus sign|+| |,|comma|,| |-|hyphen|-| |.|period|.| |/|slash|/| |0|digit 0|0| |1|digit 1|1| |2|digit 2|2| |3|digit 3|3| |4|digit 4|4| |5|digit 5|5| |6|digit 6|6| |7|digit 7|7| |8|digit 8|8| |9|digit 9|9| |:|colon|:| |;|semicolon|;| |<|less-than|<| |=|equals-to|=| |>|greater-than|>| |?|question mark|?| |@|at sign|@| |A|uppercase A|A| |B|uppercase B|B| |C|uppercase C|C| |D|uppercase D|D| |E|uppercase E|E| |F|uppercase F|F| |G|uppercase G|G| |H|uppercase H|H| |I|uppercase I|I| |J|uppercase J|J| |K|uppercase K|K| |L|uppercase L|L| |M|uppercase M|M| |N|uppercase N|N| |O|uppercase O|O| |P|uppercase P|P| |Q|uppercase Q|Q| |R|uppercase R|R| |S|uppercase S|S| |T|uppercase T|T| |U|uppercase U|U| |V|uppercase V|V| |W|uppercase W|W| |X|uppercase X|X| |Y|uppercase Y|Y| |Z|uppercase Z|Z| |[|left square bracket|[| ||backslash|\| |]|right square bracket|]| |^|caret|^| |_|underscore|_| |`|grave accent|`| |a|lowercase a|a| |b|lowercase b|b| |c|lowercase c|c| |d|lowercase d|d| |e|lowercase e|e| |f|lowercase f|f| |g|lowercase g|g| |h|lowercase h|h| |i|lowercase i|i| |j|lowercase j|j| |k|lowercase k|k| |l|lowercase l|l| |m|lowercase m|m| |n|lowercase n|n| |o|lowercase o|o| |p|lowercase p|p| |q|lowercase q|q| |r|lowercase r|r| |s|lowercase s|s| |t|lowercase t|t| |u|lowercase u|u| |v|lowercase v|v| |w|lowercase w|w| |x|lowercase x|x| |y|lowercase y|y| |z|lowercase z|z| |{|left curly brace|{| |||vertical bar||| |}|right curly brace|}| |~|tilde|~|

7-BIT ASCII Device Control Characters

ASCII device control characters were originally designed to control hardware devices like printers and tape drives.
These characters have nothing to do inside any HTML document.

|Result|Description|Entity Number| |NUL|null character|�| |SOH|start of header|�| |STX|start of text|�| |ETX|end of text|�| |EOT|end of transmission|�| |ENQ|enquiry|�| |ACK|acknowledge|�| |BEL|bell (ring)|�| |BS|backspace|�| |HT|horizontal tab| | |LF|line feed| | |VT|vertical tab|�| |FF|form feed| | |CR|carriage return| | |SO|shift out|�| |SI|shift in|�| |DLE|data link escape|�| |DC1|device control 1|�| |DC2|device control 2|�| |DC3|device control 3|�| |DC4|device control 4|�| |NAK|negative acknowledge|�| |SYN|synchronize|�| |ETB|end transmission block|�| |CAN|cancel|�| |EM|end of medium|�| |SUB|substitute|�| |ESC|escape|�| |FS|file separator|�| |GS|group separator|�| |RS|record separator|�| |US|unit separator|�| |DEL|delete (rubout)|�|