HTML and XHTML uses standard 7-bit ASCII when transmitting data over the Web.
7-bit ASCII represents 128 different character values (0-127).
|Result|Description|Entity Number| | |space| | |!|exclamation mark|!| |"|quotation mark|"| |#|number sign|#| |$|dollar sign|$| |%|percent sign|%| |&|ampersand|&| |'|apostrophe|'| |(|left parenthesis|(| |)|right parenthesis|)| |*|asterisk|*| |+|plus sign|+| |,|comma|,| |-|hyphen|-| |.|period|.| |/|slash|/| |0|digit 0|0| |1|digit 1|1| |2|digit 2|2| |3|digit 3|3| |4|digit 4|4| |5|digit 5|5| |6|digit 6|6| |7|digit 7|7| |8|digit 8|8| |9|digit 9|9| |:|colon|:| |;|semicolon|;| |<|less-than|<| |=|equals-to|=| |>|greater-than|>| |?|question mark|?| |@|at sign|@| |A|uppercase A|A| |B|uppercase B|B| |C|uppercase C|C| |D|uppercase D|D| |E|uppercase E|E| |F|uppercase F|F| |G|uppercase G|G| |H|uppercase H|H| |I|uppercase I|I| |J|uppercase J|J| |K|uppercase K|K| |L|uppercase L|L| |M|uppercase M|M| |N|uppercase N|N| |O|uppercase O|O| |P|uppercase P|P| |Q|uppercase Q|Q| |R|uppercase R|R| |S|uppercase S|S| |T|uppercase T|T| |U|uppercase U|U| |V|uppercase V|V| |W|uppercase W|W| |X|uppercase X|X| |Y|uppercase Y|Y| |Z|uppercase Z|Z| |[|left square bracket|[| ||backslash|\| |]|right square bracket|]| |^|caret|^| |_|underscore|_| |`|grave accent|`| |a|lowercase a|a| |b|lowercase b|b| |c|lowercase c|c| |d|lowercase d|d| |e|lowercase e|e| |f|lowercase f|f| |g|lowercase g|g| |h|lowercase h|h| |i|lowercase i|i| |j|lowercase j|j| |k|lowercase k|k| |l|lowercase l|l| |m|lowercase m|m| |n|lowercase n|n| |o|lowercase o|o| |p|lowercase p|p| |q|lowercase q|q| |r|lowercase r|r| |s|lowercase s|s| |t|lowercase t|t| |u|lowercase u|u| |v|lowercase v|v| |w|lowercase w|w| |x|lowercase x|x| |y|lowercase y|y| |z|lowercase z|z| |{|left curly brace|{| |||vertical bar||| |}|right curly brace|}| |~|tilde|~|
ASCII device control characters were originally designed to control hardware devices like printers and tape drives.
These characters have nothing to do inside any HTML document.
|Result|Description|Entity Number| |NUL|null character|�| |SOH|start of header|�| |STX|start of text|�| |ETX|end of text|�| |EOT|end of transmission|�| |ENQ|enquiry|�| |ACK|acknowledge|�| |BEL|bell (ring)|�| |BS|backspace|�| |HT|horizontal tab| | |LF|line feed| | |VT|vertical tab|�| |FF|form feed|| |CR|carriage return| | |SO|shift out|�| |SI|shift in|�| |DLE|data link escape|�| |DC1|device control 1|�| |DC2|device control 2|�| |DC3|device control 3|�| |DC4|device control 4|�| |NAK|negative acknowledge|�| |SYN|synchronize|�| |ETB|end transmission block|�| |CAN|cancel|�| |EM|end of medium|�| |SUB|substitute|�| |ESC|escape|�| |FS|file separator|�| |GS|group separator|�| |RS|record separator|�| |US|unit separator|�| |DEL|delete (rubout)|�|