A simple scene demonstrating the distribution of 3 different wearables as rewards over the course of 3 consecutive days, along with interactions with a database to track various player interactions.
This scene shows you:
- How to fetch player data.
- How to handle async functions.
- Airdrop wearable to player wallet.
- How to use a server to keep track of how many times the player visited the scene, the time spent and the amount of wearables claimed.
- How to display in announcements and UI's data fetched from data base.
Feel free to reuse the models and code from this scene!
Previewing the scene
Download this repository.
Install the Decentraland Editor
Open a Visual Studio Code window on this scene's root folder. Not on the root folder of the whole repo, but instead on this sub-folder that belongs to the scene.
Open the Decentraland Editor tab, and press Run Scene
Alternatively, you can use the command line. Inside this scene root directory run:
npm run start -- --web3
If something doesn’t work, please file an issue.
Copyright info This scene is protected with a standard Apache 2 licence. See the terms and conditions in the LICENSE file.