diff --git a/docs/release-notes/release-notes.1.4.0.md b/docs/release-notes/release-notes.1.4.0.md
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+# vspd 1.4.0
+vspd v1.4.0 contains all development work completed since v1.3.2 (November 2023).
+All commits included in this release can be viewed
+[on GitHub](https://github.com/decred/vspd/compare/release-v1.3.2...release-v1.4.0).
+## Downgrade Warning
+This release contains a backwards incompatible database upgrade.
+The new database format is not compatible with previous versions of the vspd
+software, and there is no code to downgrade the database back to the previous
+Making a copy of the database backup before running the upgrade is suggested
+in order to enable rolling back to a previous version of the software if required.
+## Dependencies
+vspd 1.4.0 must be built with go 1.23 or later, and requires:
+- dcrd 2.0.6
+- dcrwallet 2.0.6
+Always use release versions of all binaries when deploying vspd to production.
+Neither vspd nor its dependencies should be built from master when handling
+mainnet tickets.
+## Recommended Upgrade Procedure
+The upgrade procedure below includes vspd downtime, during which clients will
+not be able to register new tickets, check their ticket status, or update their
+voting preferences. You may wish to put up a temporary maintenance webpage or
+announce downtime in public channels. Voting on tickets already registered with
+the VSP will not be interrupted.
+1. Build vspd from the `release-v1.4.0` tag, and build dcrwallet and dcrd from
+   their `release-v2.0.6` tags.
+1. Stop vspd.
+1. **Make a backup of the vspd database file in case rollback is required.**
+1. Stop the instance of dcrd running on the vspd server.
+1. Install new dcrd binary on the vspd server and start it to begin any required
+   database upgrades. You can proceed with the following steps while the
+   upgrades run.
+1. Upgrade voting wallets one by one so at least two wallets remain online for
+   voting at all times. On each server:
+    1. Stop dcrwallet.
+    1. Stop dcrd.
+    1. Install new dcrd binary and start.
+    1. Wait for any dcrd database upgrades to complete.
+    1. Check dcrd log file for warnings or errors.
+    1. Install new dcrwallet binary and start.
+    1. Wait for any dcrwallet database upgrades to complete.
+    1. Check dcrwallet log file for warnings or errors.
+1. Ensure dcrd on the vspd server has completed all database upgrades.
+1. Check dcrd log file for warnings or errors.
+1. Install new vspd binary and start it.
+1. Check vspd log file for warnings or errors.
+1. Log in to the admin webpage and check the VSP Status tab for any issues.
+## Notable Changes
+- A new executable named vspadmin has been added to the repository.
+  vspadmin is a tool to perform various VSP administration tasks such as
+  initializing new databases and creating default config files for fresh vspd
+  deployments. It also enables operators of existing VSPs to change the extended
+  public keys (xpub) used for collecting fees, something which was previously
+  not possible.
+  Full documentation for vspadmin can be found
+  [on GitHub](https://github.com/decred/vspd/blob/master/cmd/vspadmin/README.md).
+- The current and any historic fee xpub keys are listed on a new tab in the admin
+  page.
+- Fee calculation now takes the new block reward subsidy split from the activation
+  of [DCP-0012](https://github.com/decred/dcps/blob/master/dcp-0012/dcp-0012.mediawiki)
+  into consideration. In practice, this means that VSPs will begin charging
+  marginally higher fees.
+### Config Changes
+- The vspd flag `--feexpub` is now deprecated and does nothing. The equivalent
+  functionality has been moved into the `createdatabase` command of the new
+  vspadmin executable.
+- The vspd flag `--configfile` is now deprecated and does nothing. It is still
+  possible to run vspd with config in a non-default location using the
+  `--homedir` flag.
+### API changes
+- After being deprecated in release 1.3.0, the revoked ticket count has now been
+  removed from `/vspinfo`. The number of revoked tickets can be calculated
+  by adding the number of missed and expired tickets.
+### Bug Fixes
+- Don't run upgrades unnecessarily on brand new databases
+  ([#477](https://github.com/decred/vspd/pull/477)).
+- Don't initialize databases with private keys, only public
+  ([#478](https://github.com/decred/vspd/pull/478)).
+- Various minor GUI improvements and bugfixes
+  ([#495](https://github.com/decred/vspd/pull/495)).