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136 lines (107 loc) · 6.18 KB

File metadata and controls

136 lines (107 loc) · 6.18 KB

Commandline tool


This commandline tool is unfinished and has some problems reading files and such.

So at this time: BETA quality.

Getting the commandline tool

You can get the prebuild jar from maven central. If you use a maven based project simply add this dependency



Simply install the normal build tools for a Java project (i.e. maven and jdk) and then simply do:

mvn clean package

Example usage

Getting commandline help

$ java -jar yauaa-commandline-*.jar 

| Yauaa 2.0-SNAPSHOT (v1.4-63 @ 2017-08-05T07:22:55Z)        |
| For more information: |
| Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Niels Basjes - License Apache 2.0  |

Errors: No input specified.

Usage: java jar <jar containing this class> <options>
 -bad             : Output only cases that have a problem (default: false)
 -cache N         : The number of elements that can be cached (LRU). (default:
 -csv             : Output in csv format (default: false)
 -debug           : Set to enable debugging. (default: false)
 -fields STRING[] : A list of the desired fieldnames (use 'Useragent' if you
                    want the input value aswell)
 -fullFlatten     : Set to flatten each parsed agent string. (default: false)
 -in VAL          : Location of input file
 -json            : Output in json format (default: false)
 -matchedFlatten  : Set to get the flattened values that were relevant for the
                    Matchers. (default: false)
 -ua VAL          : A single useragent string
 -yaml            : Output in yaml testcase format (default: false)

You will get the processing result via stdout and some informational stuff via stderr.

Doing a single value

Note that this is relatively slow because the full 2-3 seconds of startup overhead is incurred each time you start this.

AGENT="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.0; Nexus 6 Build/NBD90Z) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/53.0.2785.124 Mobile Safari/537.36"

java -jar yauaa-commandline-*.jar -yaml -ua "${AGENT}" > results.yaml

java -jar yauaa-commandline-*.jar -json -ua "${AGENT}" > results.json

Doing a large number of values

For streaming a file in it is recommended to use stdin like this

cat useragents.txt | java -jar yauaa-commandline-*.jar -json -in - > results.json

Running in this mode will also show some statistics via stderr.

| Yauaa 2.0-SNAPSHOT (v1.4-63 @ 2017-08-05T07:22:55Z)        |
| For more information: |
| Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Niels Basjes - License Apache 2.0  |

Loading from: "classpath*:UserAgents/**/*.yaml"
Loaded 56 files
Building all matchers
Building 2314 (dropped    0) matchers from   52 files took  3278 msec resulted in   243070 hashmap entries
Analyzer stats
Lookups      : 24
Matchers     : 2314 (total:2314 ; dropped: 0)
Hashmap size : 243070
Ranges map size : 5441
Testcases    : 771
Lines =     1000 (Ambiguities:    75 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =   357/sec.
Lines =     2000 (Ambiguities:    66 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =   472/sec.
Lines =     3000 (Ambiguities:    60 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =   838/sec.
Lines =     4000 (Ambiguities:    54 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =   973/sec.
Lines =     5000 (Ambiguities:    60 ; SyntaxErrors:     1) Analyze speed =   995/sec.
Lines =     6000 (Ambiguities:    55 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1153/sec.
Lines =     7000 (Ambiguities:    56 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1071/sec.
Lines =     8000 (Ambiguities:    70 ; SyntaxErrors:     1) Analyze speed =  1015/sec.
Lines =     9000 (Ambiguities:    70 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1053/sec.
Lines =    10000 (Ambiguities:    74 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1202/sec.
Lines =    11000 (Ambiguities:    42 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1247/sec.
Lines =    12000 (Ambiguities:    68 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1204/sec.
Lines =    13000 (Ambiguities:    37 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1223/sec.
Lines =    14000 (Ambiguities:    66 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1164/sec.
Lines =    15000 (Ambiguities:    43 ; SyntaxErrors:     0) Analyze speed =  1224/sec.
Performance: 15402 in 17 sec --> 897/sec
Parse results of 15402 lines
Parsed without error:    15400 (= 99.99%)
Parsed with    error:        2 (=  0.01%)
Fully matched       :     2642 (= 17.15%)
Parse results of 996935 hits
Parsed without error:   996917 (=100.00%)
Parsed with    error:       18 (=  0.00%)
Fully matched       :   248862 (= 24.96%)


Yet Another UserAgent Analyzer
Copyright (C) 2013-2017 Niels Basjes

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.