diff --git a/.flake8 b/.flake8
index 969b66bdb..696d05318 100644
--- a/.flake8
+++ b/.flake8
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
-ignore = E402 C901 E501 E265
+ignore = E402
exclude = .eggs, *.egg,build, src/mrsimulator/__init__.py
filename = *.pyx, *py
max-line-length = 88
-max-complexity = 10
+max-complexity = 12
select = C,E,F,W,N8
+count = True
+statistics = True
diff --git a/conftest.py b/conftest.py
index af04953be..5a81ddcfd 100644
--- a/conftest.py
+++ b/conftest.py
@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
import numpy as np
import pytest
from mrsimulator import Simulator
@@ -28,6 +30,8 @@ def add_site(doctest_namespace):
doctest_namespace["st"] = SymmetricTensor
doctest_namespace["pprint"] = pprint
doctest_namespace["Isotope"] = Isotope
+ doctest_namespace["sp"] = sp
+ doctest_namespace["apo"] = apo
site1 = Site(
diff --git a/docs/api_py/fitting.rst b/docs/api_py/fitting.rst
index a778e5e33..38ca18bd9 100644
--- a/docs/api_py/fitting.rst
+++ b/docs/api_py/fitting.rst
@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ Fitting Utility Functions
.. currentmodule:: mrsimulator.spectral_fitting
-.. autofunction:: make_fitting_parameters
-.. autofunction:: min_function
+.. autofunction:: make_LMFIT_parameters
+.. autofunction:: LMFIT_min_function
diff --git a/docs/api_py/operations/operation_documentation.rst b/docs/api_py/operations/operation_documentation.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1049b437f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/api_py/operations/operation_documentation.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.. currentmodule:: mrsimulator.signal_processing
+.. autoclass:: Scale
+.. autoclass:: IFFT
+.. autoclass:: FFT
+.. currentmodule:: mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization
+.. autoclass:: Gaussian
+.. autoclass:: Exponential
diff --git a/docs/api_py/operations/operations_summary.rst b/docs/api_py/operations/operations_summary.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e075071b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/api_py/operations/operations_summary.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+.. _operations_api:
+Generic operations
+.. currentmodule:: mrsimulator.signal_processing
+Import the module as
+.. doctest::
+ >>> import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+.. rubric:: Operation Summary
+The following list of operations apply to **all dependent variables** within the
+simulation data object.
+.. autosummary::
+ :nosignatures:
+ ~Scale
+ ~FFT
+.. currentmodule:: mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization
+Import the module as
+.. doctest::
+ >>> import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+.. rubric:: Operation Summary
+The following list of operations apply to **selected dependent variables** within
+the simulation data object.
+.. autosummary::
+ :nosignatures:
+ ~Gaussian
+ ~Exponential
diff --git a/docs/api_py/py_api.rst b/docs/api_py/py_api.rst
index e382ebe7a..cd76b8d43 100644
--- a/docs/api_py/py_api.rst
+++ b/docs/api_py/py_api.rst
@@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ Python-API References
+ signal_processing
+ operations/operations_summary
.. parameterized_tensor
.. interaction
diff --git a/docs/api_py/signal_processing.rst b/docs/api_py/signal_processing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9cfcdf9f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/api_py/signal_processing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+.. _signal_processing_api:
+Signal Processing
+.. currentmodule:: mrsimulator.signal_processing
+.. autoclass:: SignalProcessor
+ :show-inheritance:
+ .. rubric:: Method Documentation
+ .. automethod:: parse_dict_with_units
+ .. automethod:: to_dict_with_units
+ .. automethod:: apply_operations
diff --git a/docs/api_py/simulator.rst b/docs/api_py/simulator.rst
index 0e4c6f1ea..af27034e4 100644
--- a/docs/api_py/simulator.rst
+++ b/docs/api_py/simulator.rst
@@ -20,4 +20,3 @@ Simulator
.. automethod:: run
.. automethod:: save
.. automethod:: load
- .. automethod:: apodize
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index ec1092fde..859a9353a 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -152,6 +152,7 @@ Our current objectives for the future are the following
+ signal_processing
diff --git a/docs/requirements.rst b/docs/requirements.rst
index a23ceec34..709f967c1 100644
--- a/docs/requirements.rst
+++ b/docs/requirements.rst
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ Package dependencies
- `requests>=2.22 `_
- cython>=0.29.14
- `matplotlib>=3.1 `_ for figures and visualization,
-- `csdmpy>=0.3 `_
+- `csdmpy>=0.3.1 `_
- `pydantic>=1.0 `_
- monty>=2.0.4
diff --git a/docs/signal_processing.rst b/docs/signal_processing.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80528146f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/signal_processing.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+Post Simulation Signal Processing
+.. sectionauthor:: Maxwell C. Venetos
+After running a simulation, you may often find yourself in need of some post-simulation
+signal processing operations. For example, you may want to scale the intensities to
+match the experiment, add line-broadening, or simulate signal artifact such as sinc
+wiggles. There are many signal-processing libraries, such as Numpy and Scipy, that you
+may use to accomplish this. Although, in NMR, certain operations like applying
+line-broadening, is so regularly used that it soon becomes inconvenient to having to
+write your own set of code. For this reason, the ``mrsimulator`` package offers some
+frequently used signal-processing operations.
+The following section will demonstrate the use of the
+:class:`~mrsimulator.signal_processing.SignalProcessor` class in applying various
+operations to the simulation data.
+**Setup for the figures**
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> import matplotlib as mpl
+ >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ ...
+ >>> # global plot configuration
+ >>> font = {"weight": "light", "size": 9}
+ >>> mpl.rc("font", **font)
+ >>> mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4.5, 3]
+Simulating spectrum
+Please refer to the :ref:`using_objects` for a detailed description
+of how to set up a simulation. Here, we will create a hypothetical simulation from two
+single-site spin-systems to illustrate the use of the post-simulation signal processing
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> from mrsimulator import Simulator, SpinSystem, Site
+ >>> from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecaySpectrum
+ ...
+ >>> # **Step 1** Create the site and spin system objects
+ >>> site1 = Site(
+ ... isotope="29Si",
+ ... isotropic_chemical_shift=-75.0, # in ppm
+ ... shielding_symmetric={"zeta": -60, "eta": 0.6}, # zeta in ppm
+ ... )
+ >>> site2 = Site(
+ ... isotope="29Si",
+ ... isotropic_chemical_shift=-80.0, # in ppm
+ ... shielding_symmetric={"zeta": -70, "eta": 0.5}, # zeta in ppm
+ ... )
+ ...
+ >>> sites = [site1, site2]
+ >>> labels = ["Sys-1", "Sys-2"]
+ >>> spin_systems = [SpinSystem(name=l, sites=[s]) for l, s in zip(labels, sites)]
+ ...
+ >>> # **Step 2** Create a Bloch decay spectrum method.
+ >>> method_object = BlochDecaySpectrum(
+ ... channels=["29Si"],
+ ... magnetic_flux_density=7.1, # in T
+ ... rotor_angle=54.735 * 3.1415 / 180, # in rads
+ ... rotor_frequency=780, # in Hz
+ ... spectral_dimensions=[
+ ... {
+ ... "count": 2048,
+ ... "spectral_width": 25000, # in Hz
+ ... "reference_offset": -5070, # in Hz
+ ... "label": "$^{29}$Si resonances",
+ ... }
+ ... ],
+ ... )
+ ...
+ >>> # **Step 3** Create the simulation and add the spin system and method objects.
+ >>> sim = Simulator()
+ >>> sim.spin_systems = spin_systems
+ >>> sim.methods = [method_object]
+ ...
+ >>> # **Step 4** Simulate the spectra.
+ >>> sim.run()
+The plot the spectrum is shown below.
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm") # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.plot(sim.methods[0].simulation, color="black", linewidth=1) # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.invert_xaxis() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP
+Post-simulating processing
+Signal processing is a series of operations that are applied to the dataset. In this
+workflow, the result from the previous operation becomes the input for the next
+operation. In the ``mrsimulator`` library, we define this series as a list of operations.
+Setting a list of operations
+All signal processing operations are located in the `signal_processing` module of the
+``mrsimulator`` library. Within the module is the `apodization` sub-module. An
+apodization is a point-wise multiplication operation of the input signal with the
+apodizing vector. Please read our :ref:`operations_api` documentation for a complete
+list of operations.
+Import the module and sub-module as
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+ >>> import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+In the following example, we show the application of a single operation—-convoluting
+the frequency spectrum with a Gaussian lineshape, that is, simulating a Gaussian
+line-broadening--using the :class:`~mrsimulator.signal_processing.SignalProcessor`
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> # list of processing operations
+ >>> post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ ... operations=[
+ ... sp.IFFT(), apo.Gaussian(sigma=100), sp.FFT()
+ ... ]
+ ... )
+The required attribute of the ``SignalProcessor`` class, `operations`, holds the list of
+operations that gets applied to the input dataset. The above set of operations is for a
+frequency domain input signal undergoing a Gaussian convolution of 100 Hz. In this scheme,
+the operations list will first perform an inverse Fourier Transform to convert
+the frequency domain signal to the time domain. Next, the time domain signal is apodized
+by a Gaussian function with a broadening factor of 100 Hz, followed by a forward Fourier
+transformation transforming the signal back to the frequency domain.
+.. note::
+ For almost all NMR spectrum, the post-simulation processing is a convolution, including
+ the line-broadening. The convolution theorem states that under suitable conditions, the
+ Fourier transform of a convolution of two signals is the pointwise product of their
+ Fourier transforms.
+Applying operation to the spectrum
+To apply the above list of operations to the simulation/input data, use the
+:meth:`~mrsimulator.signal_processing.SignalProcessor.apply_operations` method of the
+``SignalProcessor`` instance as follows,
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+The `data` is the required argument of the `apply_operations` method, whose value is a
+CSDM object holding the dataset. The variable `processed_data` holds the output, that is,
+the processed data. The plot of the processed signal is shown below.
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> ax = plt.gca(projection="csdm") # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.plot(processed_data, color="black", linewidth=1) # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.invert_xaxis() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP
+Applying operation to the sub-spectra
+.. spectrum and follow up by decomposing the spectrum and processing each signal
+.. independently.
+.. The above code resulted in the same processing to be applied
+.. to both signals because in the simulation the signals were not
+.. seperated.
+It is not uncommon for the NMR spectrum to compose of sub-spectrum, from different
+sites/systems, exhibiting differential relaxations, and therefore, have different
+extents of line-broadening. The reason for this differential relaxation behavior is
+not the focus of this sub-section. Here, we show how one can simulate such spectra
+using the operations list.
+Before we can move forward, you will first need to identify these sub-systems and
+simulate individual spectra for these systems. In this example, we will treat the two
+spin-systems as the two different spin environments exhibiting different
+relaxations/line-broadening. To simulate the sub-spectrum from the individual
+spin-systems, modify the value of the :attr:`~mrsimulator.Simulator.config` attribute
+as follows, and re-run the simulation.
+Refer to the :ref:`config_simulator` section for further details.
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> sim.config.decompose_spectrum = "spin_system"
+ >>> sim.run()
+.. Note, in the previous example, both sites/spin-systems got the same extent of Gaussian
+.. line-broadening. The following example illustrates how you can apply you might want to apply a different set of
+.. In order to apply different processes to each signal,
+.. we must set the simulation config to decompose the spectrum.
+.. Steps 1-3 will be the same and we will start at step 4.
+.. #
+.. **Step 4** Decompose spectrum and run simulation.
+.. sim.config.decompose_spectrum = "spin_system"
+.. sim.run()
+.. plt.xlabel("$^{29}$Si frequency / ppm")
+.. plt.xlim(x.value.max(), x.value.min())
+.. plt.grid(color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5)
+The above code generates two spectra, each corresponding to a spin-system.
+The plot of the spectra is shown below.
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> ax = plt.gca(projection="csdm") # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.plot(sim.methods[0].simulation) # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.invert_xaxis() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP
+Because the simulation is stored as a CSDM [#f1]_ object, each sub-spectrum is a
+dependent-variable of the CSDM object, sharing the same frequency dimension.
+When using the list of the operations, you may selectively apply a given operation to a
+specific dependent-variable by specifying the index of the corresponding
+dependent-variable as an argument to the operation class. Note, the order of the
+dependent-variables is the same as the order of the spin-systems. Use the `dep_var_indx`
+argument of the operation to specify the index. Consider the following list of
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ ... operations=[
+ ... sp.IFFT(), # convert to time-domain
+ ... apo.Gaussian(sigma=50, dep_var_indx=0),
+ ... apo.Exponential(FWHM=200, dep_var_indx=1),
+ ... sp.FFT(), # convert to frequency-domain
+ ... ]
+ ... )
+The above operations list first applies an inverse Fourier transformation,
+followed by a Gaussian apodization on the dependent variable at index 0 (spin-system
+labeled as `sys1`), followed by an Exponential apodization on the dependent
+variable at index 1 (spin-system labeled as `sys2`), and finally a forward Fourier
+transform. Note, the FFT and IFFT operations apply on all dependent-variables.
+As before, apply the operations with the
+:meth:`~mrsimulator.signal_processing.SignalProcessor.apply_operations` method.
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+The plot of the processed spectrum is shown below.
+.. plot::
+ :format: doctest
+ :context: close-figs
+ :include-source:
+ >>> ax = plt.gca(projection="csdm") # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.plot(processed_data, alpha=0.75) # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> ax.invert_xaxis() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.tight_layout() # doctest: +SKIP
+ >>> plt.show() # doctest: +SKIP
+Serializing the operations list
+You may also serialize the operations list using the
+method, as follows
+.. doctest::
+ >>> from pprint import pprint
+ >>> pprint(post_sim.to_dict_with_units())
+ {'operations': [{'dim_indx': 0, 'function': 'IFFT'},
+ {'dep_var_indx': 0,
+ 'dim_indx': 0,
+ 'function': 'apodization',
+ 'sigma': '50.0 Hz',
+ 'type': 'Gaussian'},
+ {'FWHM': '200.0 Hz',
+ 'dep_var_indx': 1,
+ 'dim_indx': 0,
+ 'function': 'apodization',
+ 'type': 'Exponential'},
+ {'dim_indx': 0, 'function': 'FFT'}]}
+.. [#f1] Srivastava, D. J., Vosegaard, T., Massiot, D., Grandinetti, P. J.,
+ Core Scientific Dataset Model: A lightweight and portable model and
+ file format for multi-dimensional scientific data, PLOS ONE,
+ **15**, 1-38, (2020).
+ `DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0225953 `_
diff --git a/docs/using_mrsimulator_objects.rst b/docs/using_mrsimulator_objects.rst
index 27177186f..d70bf9f6e 100644
--- a/docs/using_mrsimulator_objects.rst
+++ b/docs/using_mrsimulator_objects.rst
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
.. _using_objects:
-.. .. image:: https://mybinder.org/badge_logo.svg
-.. :target: https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/DeepanshS/mrsimulator/master?filepath=jupyternotebooks%2F
Getting started with ``mrsimulator``: Using objects
diff --git a/environment-dev.yml b/environment-dev.yml
index 38b41fb8b..41b74c6aa 100644
--- a/environment-dev.yml
+++ b/environment-dev.yml
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ dependencies:
- pip
- pip:
- monty>=2.0.4
- - csdmpy>=0.3
+ - csdmpy>=0.3.1
- pydantic>=1.0
- typing-extensions>=3.7
- flake8
diff --git a/environment.yml b/environment.yml
index f1fbd1221..d9d200381 100644
--- a/environment.yml
+++ b/environment.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,6 @@ dependencies:
- pip
- pip:
- monty>=2.0.4
- - csdmpy>=0.3
+ - csdmpy>=0.3.1
- pydantic>=1.0
- typing-extensions>=3.7
diff --git a/examples/1D_simulation/plot_0_Wollastonite.py b/examples/1D_simulation/plot_0_Wollastonite.py
index f5ab6845f..2c7da0348 100644
--- a/examples/1D_simulation/plot_0_Wollastonite.py
+++ b/examples/1D_simulation/plot_0_Wollastonite.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
# were obtained from Hansen `et. al.` [#f1]_
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
from mrsimulator import Simulator
from mrsimulator import Site
from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
@@ -20,8 +22,10 @@
# global plot configuration
mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4.5, 3.0]
+# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
# %%
-# **Step 1** Create the sites.
+# **Step 1:** Create the sites.
S29_1 = Site(
isotropic_chemical_shift=-89.0, # in ppm
@@ -41,12 +45,12 @@
sites = [S29_1, S29_2, S29_3] # all sites
# %%
-# **Step 2** Create the spin systems from these sites. Again, we create three
+# **Step 2:** Create the spin systems from these sites. Again, we create three
# single-site spin systems for better performance.
spin_systems = [SpinSystem(sites=[s]) for s in sites]
# %%
-# **Step 3** Create a Bloch decay spectrum method.
+# **Step 3:** Create a Bloch decay spectrum method.
method = BlochDecaySpectrum(
magnetic_flux_density=14.1, # in T
@@ -62,19 +66,32 @@
# %%
-# **Step 4** Create the Simulator object and add the method and spin-system objects.
+# **Step 4:** Create the Simulator object and add the method and spin-system objects.
sim_wollastonite = Simulator()
sim_wollastonite.spin_systems += spin_systems # add the spin systems
sim_wollastonite.methods += [method] # add the method
# %%
-# **Step 5** Simulate the spectrum.
+# **Step 5:** Simulate the spectrum.
+# The plot of the simulation before post-processing.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(sim_wollastonite.methods[0].simulation.real, color="black", linewidth=1)
# %%
-# **Step 6** The plot of the simulation.
+# **Step 6:** Add post-simulation processing.
+post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ operations=[sp.IFFT(), apo.Exponential(FWHM=70), sp.FFT()]
+processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim_wollastonite.methods[0].simulation)
+# The plot of the simulation after post-processing.
ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
-ax.plot(sim_wollastonite.methods[0].simulation, color="black", linewidth=1)
+ax.plot(processed_data.real, color="black", linewidth=1)
diff --git a/examples/1D_simulation/plot_1_PotassiumSulfate.py b/examples/1D_simulation/plot_1_PotassiumSulfate.py
index 13e2cf9be..2dd78d419 100644
--- a/examples/1D_simulation/plot_1_PotassiumSulfate.py
+++ b/examples/1D_simulation/plot_1_PotassiumSulfate.py
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
# for :math:`^{33}\text{S}` is obtained from Moudrakovski `et. al.` [#f3]_
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
from mrsimulator import Simulator
from mrsimulator import Site
from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
@@ -19,8 +21,10 @@
# global plot configuration
mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4.5, 3.0]
+# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
# %%
-# **Step 1** Create the sites, in this case, just the one.
+# **Step 1:** Create the sites, in this case, just the one.
S33 = Site(
@@ -29,11 +33,11 @@
# %%
-# **Step 2** Create the spin-system from the site.
+# **Step 2:** Create the spin-system from the site.
spin_system = SpinSystem(sites=[S33])
# %%
-# **Step 3** Create a central transition selective Bloch decay spectrum method.
+# **Step 3:** Create a central transition selective Bloch decay spectrum method.
method = BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum(
magnetic_flux_density=21.14, # in T
@@ -49,19 +53,33 @@
# %%
-# **Step 4** Create the Simulator object and add the method and the spin-system object.
+# **Step 4:** Create the Simulator object and add the method and the spin-system object.
sim_K2SO3 = Simulator()
sim_K2SO3.spin_systems += [spin_system] # add the spin-system
sim_K2SO3.methods += [method] # add the method
# %%
-# **Step 5** Simulate the spectrum.
+# **Step 5:** Simulate the spectrum.
+# The plot of the simulation before post-processing.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(sim_K2SO3.methods[0].simulation.real, color="black", linewidth=1)
# %%
-# **Step 6** The plot of the simulation.
+# **Step 6:** Add post-simulation processing.
+post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ operations=[sp.IFFT(), apo.Exponential(FWHM=10), sp.FFT()]
+processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim_K2SO3.methods[0].simulation)
+# The plot of the simulation after post-processing.
ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
-ax.plot(sim_K2SO3.methods[0].simulation, color="black", linewidth=1)
+ax.plot(processed_data.real, color="black", linewidth=1)
diff --git a/examples/1D_simulation/plot_2_Coesite.py b/examples/1D_simulation/plot_2_Coesite.py
index 68b0fda91..47c4c02f9 100644
--- a/examples/1D_simulation/plot_2_Coesite.py
+++ b/examples/1D_simulation/plot_2_Coesite.py
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@
# Grandinetti `et. al.` [#f2]_
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
from mrsimulator import Simulator
from mrsimulator import Site
from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
@@ -20,8 +22,10 @@
# global plot configuration
mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4.5, 3.0]
+# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 2
# %%
-# **Step 1** Create the sites.
+# **Step 1:** Create the sites.
# default unit of isotropic_chemical_shift is ppm and Cq is Hz.
O17_1 = Site(
@@ -44,14 +48,14 @@
sites = [O17_1, O17_2, O17_3, O17_4, O17_5]
# %%
-# **Step 2** Create the spin systems from these sites. For optimum performance, we
+# **Step 2:** Create the spin systems from these sites. For optimum performance, we
# create five single-site spin systems instead of a single five-site spin-system. The
# abundance of each spin-system is taken from above reference.
abundance = [0.83, 1.05, 2.16, 2.05, 1.90]
spin_systems = [SpinSystem(sites=[s], abundance=a) for s, a in zip(sites, abundance)]
# %%
-# **Step 3** Create a central transition selective Bloch decay spectrum method.
+# **Step 3:** Create a central transition selective Bloch decay spectrum method.
method = BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum(
rotor_frequency=14000, # in Hz
@@ -71,19 +75,32 @@
# width using 2048 points.
# %%
-# **Step 4** Create the Simulator object and add the method and spin-system objects.
+# **Step 4:** Create the Simulator object and add the method and spin-system objects.
sim_coesite = Simulator()
sim_coesite.spin_systems += spin_systems # add the spin systems
sim_coesite.methods += [method] # add the method
# %%
-# **Step 5** Simulate the spectrum.
+# **Step 5:** Simulate the spectrum.
+# The plot of the simulation before post-processing.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(sim_coesite.methods[0].simulation.real, color="black", linewidth=1)
# %%
-# **Step 6** The plot of the simulation.
+# **Step 6:** Add post-simulation processing.
+post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ operations=[sp.IFFT(), apo.Exponential(FWHM=30), apo.Gaussian(sigma=80), sp.FFT()]
+processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim_coesite.methods[0].simulation)
+# The plot of the simulation after post-processing.
ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
-ax.plot(sim_coesite.methods[0].simulation, color="black", linewidth=1)
+ax.plot(processed_data.real, color="black", linewidth=1)
diff --git a/examples/Fitting/README.rst b/examples/Fitting/README.rst
index 6a1794d59..3b09f909e 100644
--- a/examples/Fitting/README.rst
+++ b/examples/Fitting/README.rst
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
1D Data Fitting (Least Squares)
-Using LMFIT nonlinear least squares minimization routine to fit a simulation object to experimental data.
+The ``mrsimulator`` library is easily integrable with other python-based libraries.
+In the following examples, we illustrate the use of LMFIT non-linear least-squares
+minimization python package to fit a simulation object to experimental data.
diff --git a/examples/Fitting/plot_1_mrsimFitExample_cuspidine.py b/examples/Fitting/plot_1_mrsimFitExample_cuspidine.py
index 77c200f66..dae2855f3 100644
--- a/examples/Fitting/plot_1_mrsimFitExample_cuspidine.py
+++ b/examples/Fitting/plot_1_mrsimFitExample_cuspidine.py
@@ -1,186 +1,244 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Fitting Cusipidine.
+Fitting Cusipidine
.. sectionauthor:: Maxwell C. Venetos
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
-# Often, after obtaining an NMR measurement we must fit tensors to our data so we can
-# obtain the tensor parameters. In this example, we will illustrate the use of the *mrsimulator*
-# method to simulate the experimental spectrum and fit the simulation to the data allowing us to
-# extract the tensor parameters for our spin systems. We will be using the `LMFIT `_
-# methods to establish fitting parameters and fit the spectrum. The following examples will show fitting with
-# two synthetic :math:`^{29}\text{Si}` spectra--cuspidine and wollastonite--as well as the
-# measurements from an :math:`^{17}\text{O}` experiment on :math:`\text{Na}_{2}\text{SiO}_{3}`.
-# The *mrsimulator* library and data make use of CSDM compliant files.
-# In this example we will be creating a synthetic spectrum of cuspidine from reported tensor
-# parameters and then fit a simulation to the spectrum to demonstrate a simple fitting procedure.
-# The :math:`^{29}\text{Si}` tensor parameters were obtained from Hansen `et. al.` [#f1]_
+# %%
+# Often, after acquiring an NMR spectrum, we may require some form of least-squares
+# analysis to quantify our measurement. A typical recipe for any least-squares analysis
+# comprises of two steps:
+# - Create a "fitting model," and
+# - optimize the parameters of the model.
+# Here, we will use the mrsimulator objects to create a "fitting model," and use the
+# `LMFIT `_ library for performing the least-squares
+# fitting optimization.
+# In this example, we use a synthetic :math:`^{29}\text{Si}` NMR spectrum of cuspidine,
+# generated from the tensor parameters reported by Hansen `et. al.` [#f1]_, to
+# demonstrate a simple fitting procedure.
# We will begin by importing *matplotlib* and establishing figure size.
-import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
+import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-params = {"figure.figsize": (4.5, 3), "font.size": 9}
+font = {"size": 9}
+mpl.rc("font", **font)
+mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4.5, 3.0]
+# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
-# Next we will import `csdmpy `_ and loading the data file.
+# %%
+# Import the dataset
+# ------------------
+# We will import the `csdmpy `_
+# module and load the synthetic dataset as a CSDM object.
import csdmpy as cp
filename = "https://osu.box.com/shared/static/a45xj96iekdjrs2beri0nkrow4vjewdh.csdf"
synthetic_experiment = cp.load(filename)
+# convert the dimension coordinates from Hz to ppm
synthetic_experiment.dimensions[0].to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
-x1, y1 = synthetic_experiment.to_list()
+# Normalize the spectrum
+synthetic_experiment /= synthetic_experiment.max()
-plt.plot(x1, y1)
-plt.xlabel("$^{29}$Si frequency / ppm")
-plt.xlim(x1.value.max(), x1.value.min())
-plt.grid(color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5)
+# plot of the synthetic dataset.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(synthetic_experiment, color="black", linewidth=1)
+ax.set_xlim(-200, 50)
-# In order to to fit a simulation to the data we will need to establish a ``Simulator`` object. We will
-# use approximate initial parameters to generate our simulation:
-from mrsimulator import Simulator, SpinSystem, Site
+# %%
+# Create a "fitting model"
+# ------------------------
+# Before you can fit a simulation to an experiment, in this case, the synthetic dataset,
+# you will first need to create a "fitting model." We will use the ``mrsimulator``
+# objects as tools in creating a model for the least-squares fitting.
+from mrsimulator import SpinSystem, Simulator
from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecaySpectrum
-from mrsimulator.post_simulation import PostSimulator
-S29 = Site(
+# %%
+# **Step 1:** Create the guess sites and spin systems. The guess is often based on some
+# prior knowledge. For the current example, we know that Cuspidine is a crystalline
+# silica polymorph with one crystallographic Si site. Therefore, our guess model is a
+# single :math:`^{29}\text{Si}` site spin-system. For non-linear fitting algorithms,
+# as a general recommendation, the guess model parameters should be a good starting
+# point for the algorithms to converge.
+# the guess model comprising of a single site spin system
+site = dict(
- isotropic_chemical_shift=-80.0,
- shielding_symmetric={"zeta": -60, "eta": 0.6},
+ isotropic_chemical_shift=-82.0, # in ppm,
+ shielding_symmetric={"zeta": -63, "eta": 0.4}, # zeta in ppm
+system_object = SpinSystem(
+ name="Si Site",
+ description="A 29Si site in cuspidine",
+ sites=[site], # from the above code
+ abundance=100,
+# %%
+# **Step 2:** Create the method object. The method should be the same as the one used
+# in the measurement. In this example, we use the `BlochDecaySpectrum` method. Note,
+# when creating the method object, the value of the method parameters must match the
+# respective values used in the experiment.
method = BlochDecaySpectrum(
- magnetic_flux_density=7.1,
- rotor_frequency=780,
+ magnetic_flux_density=7.1, # in T
+ rotor_frequency=780, # in Hz
- {"count": 2048, "spectral_width": 25000, "reference_offset": -5000}
+ {
+ "count": 2048,
+ "spectral_width": 25000, # in Hz
+ "reference_offset": -5000, # in Hz
+ }
-PS = PostSimulator(
- scale=1, apodization=[{"args": [200], "function": "Lorentzian", "dimension": 0}]
+# %%
+# **Step 3:** Create the Simulator object and add the method and spin-system objects.
sim = Simulator()
-sim.spin_systems += [SpinSystem(name="Si29", sites=[S29], abundance=100)]
-sim.methods += [method]
+sim.spin_systems = [system_object]
+sim.methods = [method]
sim.methods[0].experiment = synthetic_experiment
-sim.methods[0].post_simulation = PS
+# %%
+# **Step 5:** simulate the spectrum.
-sim.methods[0].simulation.dimensions[0].to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
-x, y = sim.methods[0].simulation.to_list()
-y = sim.methods[0].apodize().real
+# %%
+# **Step 6:** Create a SignalProcessor class and apply post simulation processing.
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ operations=[sp.IFFT(), apo.Exponential(FWHM=200), sp.FFT(), sp.Scale(factor=1.5)]
+processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
-plt.plot(x, y)
-plt.xlabel("$^{29}$Si frequency / ppm")
-plt.xlim(x.value.max(), x.value.min())
-plt.grid(color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5)
+# %%
+# **Step 7:** The plot the spectrum. We also plot the synthetic dataset for comparison.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(processed_data.real, c="k", linewidth=1, label="guess spectrum")
+ax.plot(synthetic_experiment.real, c="r", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.5, label="experiment")
+ax.set_xlim(-200, 50)
-# Next, we will need a list of parameters that will be used in the fit. the *LMFIT* library allows us to create
-# a list of parameters rather easily using the `Parameters `_ class.
-# We have created a function to parse the
-# ``simulator`` object for available parameters and construct an *LMFIT* ``Parameter`` object which is shown in the next two
-# examples on fitting. Here, however, we will construct the parameter list explicitly to demonstrate how the parameters
-# are created.
-from lmfit import Minimizer, Parameters
+# %%
+# Setup a Least-squares minimization
+# ----------------------------------
+# Now that our model is ready, the next step is to set up a least-squares minimization.
+# You may use any optimization package of choice, here we show an application using
+# LMFIT. You may read more on the LMFIT
+# `documentation page `_.
+# Create fitting parameters
+# '''''''''''''''''''''''''
+# Next, you will need a list of parameters that will be used in the fit. The *LMFIT*
+# library provides a `Parameters `_
+# class to create a list of parameters rather easily.
+from lmfit import Minimizer, Parameters, fit_report
+site1 = system_object.sites[0]
params = Parameters()
-params.add(name="iso", value=-80)
-params.add(name="eta", value=0.6, min=0, max=1)
-params.add(name="zeta", value=-60)
-params.add(name="sigma", value=200)
-params.add(name="scale", value=1)
+params.add(name="iso", value=site1.isotropic_chemical_shift)
+params.add(name="eta", value=site1.shielding_symmetric.eta, min=0, max=1)
+params.add(name="zeta", value=site1.shielding_symmetric.zeta)
+params.add(name="FWHM", value=post_sim.operations[1].FWHM)
+params.add(name="factor", value=post_sim.operations[3].factor)
-# We will next set up an error function that will update the simulation throughout the minimization.
-# We will construct a simple function here to demonstrate the *LMFIT* library, however, the next examples
-# will showcase a fitting function provided in the *mrsimulator* library which automates the process.
+# %%
+# Create a minimization function
+# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
+# Note, the above set of parameters are does not know the model. You will need to set up
+# a function that will
+# - update the parameters of the `Simulator` and `SignalProcessor` object based on the
+# LMFIT parameter updates,
+# - re-simulate the spectrum based on the updated values, and
+# - return the difference between the experiment and simulation.
-def test_function(params, data, sim):
+def minimization_function(params, sim, post_sim):
values = params.valuesdict()
- intensity = data.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real
+ # the experiment data as a Numpy array
+ intensity = sim.methods[0].experiment.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real
# Here, we update simulation parameters iso, eta, and zeta for the site object
site = sim.spin_systems[0].sites[0]
site.isotropic_chemical_shift = values["iso"]
site.shielding_symmetric.eta = values["eta"]
site.shielding_symmetric.zeta = values["zeta"]
- sim.methods[0].post_simulation.scale = values["scale"]
- sim.methods[0].post_simulation.apodization[0].args = [values["sigma"]]
- # here we run the simulation
+ # run the simulation
- # here we apodize the signal to simulate line broadening
- y = sim.methods[0].apodize().real
- y_factored = y * values["scale"]
- return intensity - y_factored
+ # update the SignalProcessor parameter and apply line broadening.
+ post_sim.operations[3].factor = values["factor"]
+ post_sim.operations[1].FWHM = values["FWHM"]
+ processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(sim.methods[0].simulation)
-# With the synthetic data, simulation, and the parameters we are ready to perform the fit. To fit, we use
-# the *LMFIT* `Minimizer `_ class.
+ # return the difference vector.
+ return intensity - processed_data.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real
-minner = Minimizer(test_function, params, fcn_args=(synthetic_experiment, sim))
+# %%
+# .. note::
+# To automate the fitting process, we provide a function to parse
+# the ``simulator`` object for parameters and construct an *LMFIT* ``Parameters``
+# object. Similarly, a minimization function, analogous to the above
+# `minimization_function`, is also included in the *mrsimulator* library. See the
+# next example for usage instructions.
+# Perform the least-squares minimization
+# ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
+# With the synthetic data, simulation, and the parameters, we are ready to perform the
+# fit. To fit, we use the *LMFIT*
+# `Minimizer `_ class. One consideration
+# for the case of the magic-angle spinning fitting is we must use a discrete
+# minimization method, such as 'powell', as the chemical shift varies discretely.
+minner = Minimizer(minimization_function, params, fcn_args=(sim, post_sim))
result = minner.minimize(method="powell")
-# After the fit, we can plot the new simulated spectrum.
+# %%
+# The plot of the fit, measurement and the residuals is shown below.
plt.figsize = (4, 3)
-residual = synthetic_experiment.copy()
-residual[:] = result.residual
-plt.plot(*synthetic_experiment.to_list(), label="Spectrum")
-plt.plot(*(synthetic_experiment - residual).to_list(), "r", alpha=0.5, label="Fit")
-plt.plot(*residual.to_list(), alpha=0.5, label="Residual")
+x, y_data = synthetic_experiment.to_list()
+residual = result.residual
+plt.plot(x, y_data, label="Spectrum")
+plt.plot(x, y_data - residual, "r", alpha=0.5, label="Fit")
+plt.plot(x, residual, alpha=0.5, label="Residual")
-plt.xlim(x1.value.max(), x1.value.min())
plt.xlabel("Frequency / Hz")
+plt.xlim(-200, 50)
plt.grid(which="major", axis="both", linestyle="--")
+# %%
# .. [#f1] Hansen, M. R., Jakobsen, H. J., Skibsted, J., :math:`^{29}\text{Si}`
# Chemical Shift Anisotropies in Calcium Silicates from High-Field
# :math:`^{29}\text{Si}` MAS NMR Spectroscopy, Inorg. Chem. 2003,
# **42**, *7*, 2368-2377.
# `DOI: 10.1021/ic020647f `_
-# %%
diff --git a/examples/Fitting/plot_2_mrsimFitExample_O17.py b/examples/Fitting/plot_2_mrsimFitExample_O17.py
index 1ddb2e563..f0d4b7d70 100644
--- a/examples/Fitting/plot_2_mrsimFitExample_O17.py
+++ b/examples/Fitting/plot_2_mrsimFitExample_O17.py
@@ -1,178 +1,214 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Fitting Sodium Silicate.
+Fitting Crystalline Sodium Metasilicate
.. sectionauthor:: Maxwell C. Venetos
-# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
-# Often, after obtaining an NMR measurement we must fit tensors to our data so we can
-# obtain the tensor parameters. In this example, we will illustrate the use of the *mrsimulator*
-# method to simulate the experimental spectrum and fit the simulation to the data allowing us to
-# extract the tensor parameters for our spin systems. We will be using the `LMFIT `_
-# methods to establish fitting parameters and fit the spectrum. The following examples will show fitting with
-# two synthetic :math:`^{29}\text{Si}` spectra--cuspidine and wollastonite--as well as the
-# measurements from an :math:`^{17}\text{O}` experiment on :math:`\text{Na}_{2}\text{SiO}_{3}`.
-# The *mrsimulator* library and data make use of CSDM compliant files.
-# In this example we will fit a simulation to an experimentally obtained :math:`^{17}\text{O}` spectrum.
-# We use the :math:`^{17}\text{O}` tensor information from Grandinetti `et. al.` [#f5]_
+# %%
+# In this example, we illustrate the use of the mrsimulator objects to
+# - create a spin-system model,
+# - use the model to perform a least-squares fit on the experimental, and
+# - extract the tensor parameters of the spin - system model.
+# We will be using the `LMFIT `_ methods to
+# establish fitting parameters and fit the spectrum. The following example illustrates
+# the least-squares fitting on a :math:`^{17}\text{O}` measurement of
+# :math:`\text{Na}_{2}\text{SiO}_{3}` [#f5]_.
-# We will begin by importing *matplotlib* and establishing figure size.
-import matplotlib.pylab as pylab
+# We will begin by importing relevant modules and presetting figure style and layout.
+import csdmpy as cp
+import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+from lmfit import Minimizer
+from lmfit import report_fit
+from mrsimulator import Simulator
+from mrsimulator import Site
+from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
+from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum
+from mrsimulator.spectral_fitting import LMFIT_min_function
+from mrsimulator.spectral_fitting import make_LMFIT_parameters
-params = {"figure.figsize": (4.5, 3), "font.size": 9}
+font = {"size": 9}
+mpl.rc("font", **font)
+mpl.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = [4.25, 3.0]
+# sphinx_gallery_thumbnail_number = 3
-# Next we will import `csdmpy `_ and loading the data file.
-import csdmpy as cp
+# %%
+# Import the dataset
+# ------------------
+# Import the experimental data. In this example, we will import the data file serialized
+# with the CSDM file-format, using the
+# `csdmpy `_ module.
+filename = "https://osu.box.com/shared/static/kfgt0jxgy93srsye9pofdnoha6qy58qf.csdf"
+oxygen_experiment = cp.load(filename)
+# For spectral fitting, we only focus on the real part of the complex dataset
+oxygen_experiment = oxygen_experiment.real
-filename = "https://osu.box.com/shared/static/kfgt0jxgy93srsye9pofdnoha6qy58qf.csdf"
-oxygen_experiment = cp.load(filename).real
+# Convert the dimension coordinates from Hz to ppm.
oxygen_experiment.dimensions[0].to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
-x1, y1 = oxygen_experiment.to_list()
+# Normalize the spectrum
+oxygen_experiment /= oxygen_experiment.max()
-plt.plot(x1, y1)
-plt.xlabel("$^{17}$O frequency / ppm")
-plt.xlim(x1.value.max(), x1.value.min())
-plt.grid(color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5)
+# plot of the dataset.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(oxygen_experiment, color="black", linewidth=1)
+ax.set_xlim(-50, 100)
-# Next, we will want to create a ``simulator`` object that we will use to fit to our
-# spectrum. We will need to import the necessary libraries for the *mrsimulator*
-# methods. We will then create ``SpinSystem`` objects.
-from mrsimulator import Simulator, SpinSystem, Site
-from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum
-from mrsimulator.post_simulation import PostSimulator
-sim = Simulator()
+# %%
+# Create a "fitting model"
+# ------------------------
+# Next, we will create a ``simulator`` object that we use to fit the spectrum. We will
+# start by creating the guess ``SpinSystem`` objects.
+# **Step 1:** Create the guess sites.
O17_1 = Site(
- isotropic_chemical_shift=60.0,
- quadrupolar={"Cq": 4200000, "eta": 0.5},
+ isotropic_chemical_shift=60.0, # in ppm,
+ quadrupolar={"Cq": 4.2e6, "eta": 0.5}, # Cq in Hz
O17_2 = Site(
- isotope="17O", isotropic_chemical_shift=40, quadrupolar={"Cq": 2400000, "eta": 0.18}
+ isotope="17O",
+ isotropic_chemical_shift=40.0, # in ppm,
+ quadrupolar={"Cq": 2.4e6, "eta": 0.5}, # Cq in Hz
-spin_systems = [SpinSystem(sites=[site]) for site in [O17_1, O17_2]]
+# %%
+# **Step 2:** Create the spin-systems for the guess sites.
+system_object = [SpinSystem(sites=[s]) for s in [O17_1, O17_2]] # from the above code
+# %%
+# **Step 3:** Create the method object. Note, when performing the least-squares fit, you
+# must create an appropriate method object which matches the method used in acquiring
+# the experimental data. The attribute values of this method must be set to match the
+# exact conditions under which the experiment was acquired. This including the
+# acquisition channels, the magnetic flux density, rotor angle, rotor frequency, and
+# the spectral/spectroscopic dimension. In the following example, we set up a central
+# transition selective Bloch decay spectrum method, where the spectral/spectroscopic
+# information is obtained from the metadata of the CSDM dimension. The remaining
+# attribute values are set to the experimental conditions.
+# get the count, increment, and coordinates_offset info from the experiment dimension.
count = oxygen_experiment.dimensions[0].count
increment = oxygen_experiment.dimensions[0].increment.to("Hz").value
offset = oxygen_experiment.dimensions[0].coordinates_offset.to("Hz").value
method = BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum(
- magnetic_flux_density=9.4,
- rotor_frequency=14000,
+ magnetic_flux_density=9.4, # in T
+ rotor_frequency=14000, # in Hz
"count": count,
- "spectral_width": count * increment,
- "reference_offset": offset,
+ "spectral_width": count * increment, # in Hz
+ "reference_offset": offset, # in Hz
+# %%
+# Now we add the experimental data to the ``experiment`` attribute of the above method.
+method.experiment = oxygen_experiment
-PS = PostSimulator(
- scale=oxygen_experiment.dependent_variables[0].components[0].max().real / 4,
- apodization=[{"args": [100], "function": "Lorentzian", "dimension": 0}],
-sim.spin_systems += spin_systems
-sim.methods += [method]
-sim.methods[0].post_simulation = PS
-sim.methods[0].experiment = oxygen_experiment
+# %%
+# **Step 4:** Create the Simulator object and add the method and spin-system objects.
+sim = Simulator()
+sim.spin_systems = system_object
+sim.methods = [method]
-# To avoid querying at every iteration we will save the relevant transition pathways
-for iso in spin_systems:
+# %%
+# **Step 5:** Simulate the spectrum.
+for iso in sim.spin_systems:
+ # To avoid querying at every iteration, save the relevant transition pathways info
iso.transition_pathways = method.get_transition_pathways(iso).tolist()
-sim.methods[0].simulation.dimensions[0].to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
-x, y = sim.methods[0].simulation.to_list()
-y = sim.methods[0].apodize().real
-plt.plot(x, y)
-plt.xlabel("$^{17}$O frequency / ppm")
-plt.xlim(x.value.max(), x.value.min())
-plt.grid(color="gray", linestyle="--", linewidth=0.5, alpha=0.5)
+# %%
+# **Step 6:** Create the SignalProcessor class object and add and apply the list of
+# post-simulation operations.
+post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(
+ operations=[sp.IFFT(), apo.Exponential(FWHM=40), sp.FFT(), sp.Scale(factor=0.6)]
+processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+# %%
+# **Step 7:** The plot the guess simulation (black) along with the spectrum (red) is
+# shown below.
+ax = plt.subplot(projection="csdm")
+ax.plot(processed_data.real, color="black", linewidth=1, label="guess spectrum")
+ax.plot(oxygen_experiment.real, c="r", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.5, label="experiment")
+ax.set_xlim(-50, 100)
-# Once we have our simulation we must create our list of parameters to use in our
-# fitting. We will be using the `Parameters `_ class from *LMFIT*.
+# %%
+# Least-squares minimization with LMFIT
+# -------------------------------------
-# In each experiment the number of spin systems and sites present as well as their
-# attributes may vary. To simplify the parameter list creation we will use the
-# :func:`~mrsimulator.spectral_fitting.make_fitting_parameters`
-from mrsimulator.spectral_fitting import make_fitting_parameters
-params = make_fitting_parameters(sim)
-# With an experimental spectrum, a simulaton, and a list of parameters we are now
-# ready to perform a fit. This fit will be performed using the *LMFIT* library as
-# well as our error function, :func:`~mrsimulator.spectral_fitting.min_function`. The arguments
-# for ``min_function`` are the intensities from the experimental data and the simulation
-# CSDM object. Reporting the results of the fit will give us our tensor parameters.
+# Once you have a fitting model, you need to create the list of parameters to use in the
+# least-squares fitting. For this, you may use the
+# `Parameters `_ class from *LMFIT*,
+# as described in the previous example.
+# Here, we make use of a utility function,
+# :func:`~mrsimulator.spectral_fitting.make_LMFIT_parameters`, that considerably
+# simplifies the generation of the parameters object.
-# One thing to note is that the names of our parameters must correspond to their addresses within the simulation object
-# in order to update the simulation during the fit. The *LMFIT* library does not allow for the use of special characters
-# such as "\[", "\]", or "." so our current workaround is converting the special characters to their corresponding HTML
-# character code numbers and converting back to the special character when updating the simulation.
-from mrsimulator.spectral_fitting import min_function
-from lmfit import Minimizer
+# **Step 8:** Create a list of parameters.
+params = make_LMFIT_parameters(sim, post_sim)
-minner = Minimizer(min_function, params, fcn_args=(sim, "Lorentzian"))
+# %%
+# The `make_LMFIT_parameters` parses the instances of the ``Simulator`` and the
+# ``PostSimulator`` objects for parameters and returns an LMFIT `Parameters` object.
+# **Customize the Parameters:**
+# You may customize the parameters list, ``params``, as desired. Here, we add a
+# constraint on the fit by fixing the site abundances for the spin-systems at index
+# 1 and 2 to 50%.
+params["sys_0_abundance"].vary = False # fix the abundance
+# %%
+# **Step 9:** Perform least-squares minimization. For the user's convenience, we also
+# provide a utility function, :func:`~mrsimulator.spectral_fitting.LMFIT_min_function`,
+# for evaluating the difference vector between the simulation and experiment, based on
+# the parameters update. You may use this function directly as the argument of the
+# LMFIT Minimizer class, as follows,
+minner = Minimizer(LMFIT_min_function, params, fcn_args=(sim, post_sim))
result = minner.minimize()
-# Next, we can compare the fit to the experimental data:
+# %%
+# **Step 10:** The plot of the fit, measurement and the residuals is shown below.
plt.figsize = (4, 3)
-residual = oxygen_experiment.copy()
-residual[:] = result.residual
-plt.plot(*oxygen_experiment.to_list(), label="Spectrum")
-plt.plot(*(oxygen_experiment - residual).to_list(), "r", alpha=0.5, label="Fit")
-plt.plot(*residual.to_list(), alpha=0.5, label="Residual")
+x, y_data = oxygen_experiment.to_list()
+residual = result.residual
+plt.plot(x, y_data, label="Spectrum")
+plt.plot(x, y_data - residual, "r", alpha=0.5, label="Fit")
+plt.plot(x, residual, alpha=0.5, label="Residual")
-plt.xlim(x.value.max(), x.value.min())
plt.xlabel("$^{17}$O frequency / ppm")
+plt.xlim(-50, 100)
plt.grid(which="major", axis="both", linestyle="--")
+# %%
# .. [#f5] T. M. Clark, P. Florian, J. F. Stebbins, and P. J. Grandinetti,
# An :math:`^{17}\text{O}` NMR Investigation of Crystalline Sodium Metasilicate:
diff --git a/requirements-dev.txt b/requirements-dev.txt
index 32095f9a5..b94955b8a 100644
--- a/requirements-dev.txt
+++ b/requirements-dev.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 15cfc400b..660ae1672 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index cb99984f3..f3cd78984 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ def message(lib):
- "csdmpy>=0.3",
+ "csdmpy>=0.3.1",
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/method/__init__.py b/src/mrsimulator/method/__init__.py
index 4c183fe1f..b30933370 100644
--- a/src/mrsimulator/method/__init__.py
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/method/__init__.py
@@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
import csdmpy as cp
import numpy as np
-from mrsimulator.post_simulation import PostSimulator
from mrsimulator.spin_system.isotope import Isotope
from mrsimulator.transition import Transition
from mrsimulator.transition.transition_list import TransitionList
@@ -103,14 +102,12 @@ class Method(Parseable):
>>> bloch.description
- post_simulation: An optional dict with post-simulation parameters.
name: str = None
label: str = None
description: str = None
channels: List[str] = []
spectral_dimensions: List[SpectralDimension] = [{}]
- post_simulation: PostSimulator = None
simulation: Union[cp.CSDM, np.ndarray] = None
experiment: Union[cp.CSDM, np.ndarray] = None
@@ -208,8 +205,6 @@ def to_dict_with_units(self):
def dict(self, **kwargs):
temp_dict = super().dict(**kwargs)
- if self.post_simulation is not None:
- temp_dict["post_simulation"] = self.post_simulation.dict()
if self.simulation is not None:
temp_dict["simulation"] = self.simulation.to_dict(update_timestamp=True)
if self.experiment is not None:
@@ -331,28 +326,3 @@ def get_transition_pathways(self, spin_system) -> np.ndarray:
# segments.append(np.asarray(P_segment)) # append the intersection
# return cartesian_product(*segments)
- def apodize(self, **kwargs):
- """Returns the result of passing the selected apodization function .
- Args:
- csdm: simulation object
- Returns:
- A Numpy array.
- """
- csdm = self.simulation
- for dim in csdm.dimensions:
- dim.to("Hz", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
- apo = self.post_simulation.apodization
- sum_ = 0
- for item in apo:
- sum_ += item.apodize(csdm)
- for dim in csdm.dimensions:
- dim.to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
- return self.post_simulation.scale * sum_
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/post_simulation.py b/src/mrsimulator/post_simulation.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a8f8d1e33..000000000
--- a/src/mrsimulator/post_simulation.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""The Event class."""
-from typing import List
-from typing import Optional
-import numpy as np
-from mrsimulator.utils.parseable import Parseable
-from numpy.fft import fft
-from numpy.fft import fftshift
-from numpy.fft import ifft
-from numpy.fft import ifftshift
-class Apodization(Parseable):
- """The Apodization class."""
- function: str
- dimension: int = 0
- args: List[float] = [0]
- fraction: Optional[float] = 1
- class Config:
- validate_assignment = True
- def apodize(self, csdm, **kwargs):
- """Returns the result of passing the selected apodization function .
- Args:
- csdm: simulation object
- Returns:
- A Numpy array
- """
- function_mapping = {"Gaussian": Gaussian, "Lorentzian": Lorentzian}
- y = csdm.dependent_variables[0].components[0]
- # x = csdm.dimensions[self.dimension].coordinates
- axis = -self.dimension - 1
- fapp = function_mapping[self.function](
- csdm, self.dimension, self.args, **kwargs
- )
- recip_dim = csdm.dimensions[0].reciprocal
- coord = csdm.dimensions[0].coordinates
- phase = np.exp(2j * np.pi * recip_dim.coordinates_offset * coord)
- TimeDomain = ifft(ifftshift(y * phase, axes=axis), axis=axis)
- appodized = TimeDomain * fapp
- fft_output = fftshift(fft(appodized, axis=axis), axes=axis).real
- # csdm.dependent_variables[index].components[0] = (
- # self.fraction * phase.conj() * fft_output
- # )
- return self.fraction * phase.conj() * fft_output
-def Lorentzian(csdm, axis, arg, **kwargs):
- """Lorentzian apodization function.
- Args:
- Self: simulation object
- arg: list with one entry. The full-width-half-max in Hz of the Lorentzian function
- Returns:
- A Numpy array
- """
- inv_x = csdm.dimensions[axis].reciprocal_coordinates().to("s").value
- return np.exp(-arg[0] * np.pi * np.abs(inv_x))
-def Gaussian(csdm, axis, arg, **kwargs):
- """Gaussian apodization function.
- Args:
- Self: simulation object
- sigma: list with one entry. standard deviation in Hz of the Gaussian function
- Returns:
- A Numpy array
- """
- inv_x = csdm.dimensions[axis].reciprocal_coordinates().to("s").value
- return np.exp(-((inv_x * arg[0] * np.pi) ** 2) * 2)
-class PostSimulator(Parseable):
- """scale: scaling factor
- """
- scale: Optional[float] = 1.0
- apodization: List[Apodization] = []
- truncation_artifact: Optional[bool] = False
- dead_time: Optional[float] = 0.0
- class Config:
- validate_assignment = True
- arbitrary_types_allowed = True
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/__init__.py b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..df3250531
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""The Event class."""
+from sys import modules
+from typing import List
+import csdmpy as cp
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from ._base import AbstractOperation
+__author__ = "Maxwell C. Venetos"
+__email__ = "maxvenetos@gmail.com"
+class SignalProcessor(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Signal processing class to apply a series of operations to the dependent variables
+ of the simulation dataset.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ operations: List
+ A list of operations.
+ Examples
+ --------
+ >>> post_sim = SignalProcessor(operations=[o1, o2]) # doctest: +SKIP
+ """
+ processed_data: cp.CSDM = None
+ operations: List[AbstractOperation] = []
+ class Config:
+ validate_assignment = True
+ arbitrary_types_allowed = True
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_dict_with_units(self, py_dict):
+ """Parse a list of operations dictionary to a SignalProcessor class object.
+ Args:
+ pt_dict: A python dict object.
+ """
+ lst = []
+ for op in py_dict["operations"]:
+ if op["function"] == "apodization":
+ lst.append(
+ getattr(
+ modules[__name__].apodization, op["type"]
+ ).parse_dict_with_units(op)
+ )
+ else:
+ lst.append(
+ getattr(modules[__name__], op["function"]).parse_dict_with_units(op)
+ )
+ return SignalProcessor(operations=lst)
+ def to_dict_with_units(self):
+ """
+ Serialize the SignalProcessor object to a JSON compliant python dictionary
+ object, where physical quantities are represented as string with a value and a
+ unit.
+ Returns:
+ A Dict object.
+ """
+ lst = []
+ for i in self.operations:
+ lst += [i.to_dict_with_units()]
+ op = {}
+ op["operations"] = lst
+ return op
+ def apply_operations(self, data, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Function to apply all the operation functions in the operations member of a
+ SignalProcessor object. Operations applied sequentially over the data member.
+ Returns:
+ CSDM object: A copy of the data member with the operations applied to it.
+ """
+ if not isinstance(data, cp.CSDM):
+ raise ValueError("The data must be a CSDM object.")
+ copy_data = data.copy()
+ for filters in self.operations:
+ copy_data = filters.operate(copy_data)
+ self.processed_data = copy_data
+ return copy_data
+class Scale(AbstractOperation):
+ """
+ Scale the amplitudes of the dependent variables from the simulation data object.
+ Args:
+ float factor: The scaling factor applied to all the dependent variables in the
+ simulation data. The default value is 1.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+ >>> operation1 = sp.Scale(factor=20)
+ """
+ factor: float = 1
+ def operate(self, data):
+ r"""Applies the operation for which the class is named for.
+ .. math::
+ f(\vec(x)) = scale*\vec(x)
+ Args:
+ data: CSDM object
+ """
+ data *= self.factor
+ return data
+class IFFT(AbstractOperation):
+ """
+ Apply an inverse Fourier transform on the dependent variables from the simulation
+ data object.
+ Args:
+ int dim_indx: Data dimension index along which the function is applied.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> operation2 = sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0)
+ """
+ dim_indx: int = 0
+ def operate(self, data):
+ """Applies the operation for which the class is named for.
+ Args:
+ data: CSDM object
+ """
+ return data.fft(axis=self.dim_indx)
+class FFT(IFFT):
+ """
+ Apply a forward Fourier transform on the dependent variables from the simulation
+ data object.
+ Args:
+ int dim_indx: Data dimension index along which the function is applied.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> operation3 = sp.FFT(dim_indx=0)
+ """
+ pass
+class complex_conjugate(AbstractOperation):
+ pass
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/_base.py b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/_base.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d3dd21287
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/_base.py
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""The AbstractOperation class."""
+from mrsimulator.utils.parseable import Parseable
+__author__ = "Maxwell C. Venetos"
+__email__ = "maxvenetos@gmail.com"
+class AbstractOperation(Parseable):
+ """A base class for signal processing operations."""
+ @property
+ def function(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__
+ def to_dict_with_units(self):
+ my_dict = super().to_dict_with_units()
+ my_dict["function"] = self.function
+ if hasattr(self, "type"):
+ my_dict["type"] = self.type
+ return my_dict
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_dict_with_units(cls, py_dict):
+ """Parse dictionary for SignalProcessor
+ Args:
+ py_dict (dict): A python dictionary representation of the operation.
+ """
+ my_dict_copy = py_dict.copy()
+ if "function" in my_dict_copy.keys():
+ my_dict_copy.pop("function")
+ return super().parse_dict_with_units(my_dict_copy)
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/apodization.py b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/apodization.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20392b632
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/apodization.py
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""The Event class."""
+from sys import modules
+from typing import ClassVar
+from typing import Dict
+from typing import Union
+import numpy as np
+from ._base import AbstractOperation
+__author__ = "Maxwell C. Venetos"
+__email__ = "maxvenetos@gmail.com"
+class AbstractApodization(AbstractOperation):
+ dim_indx: int = 0
+ dep_var_indx: Union[int, list, tuple] = None # if none apply to all
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_dict_with_units(cls, py_dict):
+ obj = super().parse_dict_with_units(py_dict)
+ return getattr(modules[__name__], py_dict["type"])(**obj.dict())
+ @property
+ def function(self):
+ return "apodization"
+ @property
+ def type(self):
+ """The type apodization function."""
+ return self.__class__.__name__
+ def set_property_units(self, unit, prop):
+ """
+ Populate the property unit attribute of the class based on the dimension unit.
+ """
+ if unit.physical_type == "frequency":
+ self.property_units = {f"{prop}": "s"}
+ return
+ self.property_units = {f"{prop}": "Hz"}
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_dv_indexes(indexes, n):
+ """Return a list of dependent variable indexes.
+ Args:
+ indexes: An interger, list of integers, or None indicating the dv indexes.
+ n: Total number of dependent variables in the CSDM object.
+ """
+ if indexes is None:
+ return np.arange(n)
+ if isinstance(indexes, int):
+ return [indexes]
+ if isinstance(indexes, (list, tuple)):
+ return np.asarray(indexes)
+ def _operate(self, data, fn, prop_name, prop_value):
+ """A generic operation function.
+ Args:
+ data: A CSDM object.
+ fn: The apodization function.
+ prop_name: The argument name for the function fn.
+ prop_value: The argument value for the function fn.
+ """
+ x = data.dimensions[self.dim_indx].coordinates
+ x_value, x_unit = x.value, x.unit
+ self.set_property_units(x_unit, prop_name)
+ apodization_vactor = fn(x_value, prop_value)
+ n = len(data.dependent_variables)
+ dv_indexes = self._get_dv_indexes(self.dep_var_indx, n=n)
+ for i in dv_indexes:
+ data.dependent_variables[i].components[0] *= apodization_vactor
+ return data
+class Gaussian(AbstractApodization):
+ r"""Apodize a dependent variable of the simulation data object by a Gaussian
+ function. The function follows
+ .. math::
+ f(x) = e^{-2 x^2 \sigma^2 \pi^2},
+ where :math:`x` are the coordinates of the data dimension and :math:`\sigma` is
+ the standard deviation.
+ Args:
+ int dim_indx: Data dimension index to apply the function along. The default
+ value is 0.
+ float sigma: The standard deviation, :math:`\sigma`, of the Gaussian function.
+ The default value is 0.
+ int dep_var_indx: Data dependent variable index to apply the function to. If
+ the type None, the operation will be applied to every dependent variable.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+ >>> operation4 = apo.Gaussian(sigma=143.4, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0)
+ """
+ sigma: float = 0
+ property_unit_types: ClassVar = {"sigma": ["time", "frequency"]}
+ property_default_units: ClassVar = {"sigma": ["s", "Hz"]}
+ property_units: Dict = {"sigma": "Hz"}
+ @staticmethod
+ def fn(x, arg):
+ return np.exp(-2 * ((x * arg * np.pi) ** 2))
+ def operate(self, data):
+ """
+ Applies the operation for which the class is named for.
+ data: CSDM object
+ dep_var: int. The index of the dependent variable to apply operation to
+ """
+ return self._operate(data, fn=self.fn, prop_name="sigma", prop_value=self.sigma)
+# class ExponentialAbs(AbstractApodization):
+# r"""Apodize a dependent variable of the simulation data object by an exponential
+# function. The function follows
+# .. math::
+# f(x) = e^{-\Tau |x| \pi},
+# where :math:`x` are the coordinates of the data dimension and :math:`\Tau` is
+# the width parameter.
+# Args:
+# int dim_indx: Data dimension index to apply the function along.
+# float FWHM: The full width at half maximum parameter, :math:`\Tau`.
+# int dep_var_indx: Data dependent variable index to apply the function to. If
+# the type None, the operation will be applied to every dependent variable.
+# Example
+# -------
+# >>> operation5 = apo.Exponential(sigma=143.4, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0)
+# """
+# FWHM: float = 0
+# property_unit_types: ClassVar = {"FWHM": ["time", "frequency"]}
+# property_default_units: ClassVar = {"FWHM": ["s", "Hz"]}
+# property_units: Dict = {"FWHM": "Hz"}
+# @staticmethod
+# def fn(x, arg):
+# return np.exp(-arg * np.pi * np.abs(x))
+# def operate(self, data):
+# """
+# Applies the operation for which the class is named for.
+# data: CSDM object
+# dep_var: int. The index of the dependent variable to apply operation to
+# """
+# return self._operate(data, fn=self.fn, prop_name="FWHM", prop_value=self.FWHM)
+class Exponential(AbstractApodization):
+ r"""Apodize a dependent variable of the simulation data object by an exponential
+ function. The function follows
+ .. math::
+ f(x) = e^{-\Tau |x| \pi},
+ where :math:`x` are the coordinates of the data dimension and :math:`\Tau` is
+ the width parameter.
+ Args:
+ int dim_indx: Data dimension index to apply the function along.
+ float FWHM: The full width at half maximum parameter, :math:`\Tau`.
+ int dep_var_indx: Data dependent variable index to apply the function to. If
+ the type None, the operation will be applied to every dependent variable.
+ Example
+ -------
+ >>> operation5 = apo.Exponential(FWHM=143.4, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0)
+ """
+ FWHM: float = 0
+ property_unit_types: ClassVar = {"FWHM": ["time", "frequency"]}
+ property_default_units: ClassVar = {"FWHM": ["s", "Hz"]}
+ property_units: Dict = {"FWHM": "Hz"}
+ @staticmethod
+ def fn(x, arg):
+ return np.exp(-arg * np.pi * np.abs(x))
+ def operate(self, data):
+ """
+ Applies the operation for which the class is named for.
+ data: CSDM object
+ dep_var: int. The index of the dependent variable to apply operation to
+ """
+ return self._operate(data, fn=self.fn, prop_name="FWHM", prop_value=self.FWHM)
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_apodization.py b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_apodization.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db6792af3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_apodization.py
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+"""Apodization test"""
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+import numpy as np
+from mrsimulator import Simulator
+from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
+from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecaySpectrum
+sim = Simulator()
+the_site = {"isotope": "1H", "isotropic_chemical_shift": "0 ppm"}
+the_spin_system = {"name": "site A", "sites": [the_site], "abundance": "80%"}
+spin_system_object = SpinSystem.parse_dict_with_units(the_spin_system)
+sim.spin_systems += [spin_system_object, spin_system_object, spin_system_object]
+sim.config.decompose_spectrum = "spin_system"
+method_1 = BlochDecaySpectrum(
+ channels=["1H"],
+ magnetic_flux_density=9.4,
+ rotor_angle=0,
+ rotor_frequency=0,
+ spectral_dimensions=[
+ {"count": 4096, "spectral_width": 25000, "reference_offset": 0}
+ ],
+PS_0 = [sp.Scale(factor=10)]
+PS_1 = [
+ sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0),
+ apo.Exponential(FWHM=200, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0),
+ sp.FFT(dim_indx=0),
+PS_2 = [
+ sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0),
+ apo.Gaussian(sigma=20, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=[0, 1]),
+ sp.FFT(dim_indx=0),
+PS_3 = [
+ sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0),
+ apo.Gaussian(sigma=20, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=None),
+ sp.FFT(dim_indx=0),
+sim.methods += [method_1]
+freqHz = sim.methods[0].spectral_dimensions[0].coordinates_Hz()
+def test_scale():
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(operations=PS_0)
+ data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+ _, y0, y1, y2 = sim.methods[0].simulation.to_list()
+ _, y0_, y1_, y2_ = data.to_list()
+ assert y0_.max() / y0.max() == 10, "Scaling failed"
+ assert y1_.max() / y1.max() == 10, "Scaling failed"
+ assert y2_.max() / y2.max() == 10, "Scaling failed"
+def test_Lorentzian():
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(operations=PS_1)
+ data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+ _, y0, y1, y2 = data.to_list()
+ sigma = 200
+ test = (sigma / 2) / (np.pi * (freqHz ** 2 + (sigma / 2) ** 2))
+ assert np.allclose(y1, y2)
+ assert np.all(y0 != y1)
+ assert np.allclose(
+ test / test.max(), y0 / y0.max(), atol=1e-04
+ ), "Lorentzian apodization amplitude failed"
+def test_Gaussian():
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(operations=PS_2)
+ data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+ _, y0, y1, _ = data.to_list()
+ sigma = 20
+ test = (1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp(-((freqHz / sigma) ** 2) / 2)
+ assert np.allclose(y0, y1)
+ assert np.allclose(
+ test / test.max(), y0 / y0.max(), atol=1e-04
+ ), "Gaussian apodization amplitude failed"
+ # test None for dep_var_indx
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(operations=PS_3)
+ data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+ _, y0, y1, y2 = data.to_list()
+ sigma = 20
+ test = (1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp(-((freqHz / sigma) ** 2) / 2)
+ assert np.allclose(y0, y1)
+ assert np.allclose(y0, y2)
+ assert np.allclose(
+ test / test.max(), y0 / y0.max(), atol=1e-04
+ ), "Gaussian apodization amplitude failed"
+def test_scale_class():
+ # direct initialization
+ a = sp.Scale(factor=200)
+ assert a.factor == 200
+ assert a.property_units == {}
+ # class to dict with units
+ dict_ = a.to_dict_with_units()
+ assert dict_ == {
+ "function": "Scale",
+ "factor": 200.0,
+ }
+ # read from dictionary
+ b = sp.Scale.parse_dict_with_units(dict_)
+ assert a == b
+def test_Exponential_class():
+ # direct initialization
+ a = apo.Exponential(FWHM=200, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0)
+ assert a.FWHM == 200
+ assert a.property_units == {"FWHM": "Hz"}
+ assert a.dim_indx == 0
+ assert a.dep_var_indx == 0
+ # class to dict with units
+ dict_ = a.to_dict_with_units()
+ assert dict_ == {
+ "function": "apodization",
+ "type": "Exponential",
+ "FWHM": "200.0 Hz",
+ "dim_indx": 0,
+ "dep_var_indx": 0,
+ }
+ # read from dictionary
+ b = apo.Exponential.parse_dict_with_units(dict_)
+ assert a == b
+def test_Gaussian_class():
+ # direct initialization
+ a = apo.Gaussian(sigma=200, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0)
+ assert a.sigma == 200
+ assert a.property_units == {"sigma": "Hz"}
+ assert a.dim_indx == 0
+ assert a.dep_var_indx == 0
+ # class to dict with units
+ dict_ = a.to_dict_with_units()
+ assert dict_ == {
+ "function": "apodization",
+ "type": "Gaussian",
+ "sigma": "200.0 Hz",
+ "dim_indx": 0,
+ "dep_var_indx": 0,
+ }
+ # read from dictionary
+ b = apo.Gaussian.parse_dict_with_units(dict_)
+ assert a == b
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_signal_processing.py b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_signal_processing.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9308fc31c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_signal_processing.py
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import csdmpy as cp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+import numpy as np
+import pytest
+def test_01():
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor()
+ operations = [
+ sp.IFFT(),
+ apo.Gaussian(sigma=12, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0),
+ sp.FFT(),
+ ]
+ post_sim.operations = operations
+ with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="The data must be a CSDM object."):
+ post_sim.apply_operations([])
+ data = cp.as_csdm(np.arange(20))
+ post_sim.apply_operations(data)
+ # to dict with units
+ dict_ = post_sim.to_dict_with_units()
+ assert dict_ == {
+ "operations": [
+ {"dim_indx": 0, "function": "IFFT"},
+ {
+ "function": "apodization",
+ "type": "Gaussian",
+ "sigma": "12.0 Hz",
+ "dim_indx": 0,
+ "dep_var_indx": 0,
+ },
+ {"dim_indx": 0, "function": "FFT"},
+ ],
+ }
+ # parse dict with units
+ post_sim_2 = sp.SignalProcessor.parse_dict_with_units(dict_)
+ assert post_sim.operations == post_sim_2.operations
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_spectral_fitting.py b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_spectral_fitting.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9e1fb74c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/signal_processing/tests/test_spectral_fitting.py
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
+import mrsimulator.spectral_fitting as sf
+from mrsimulator import Simulator
+from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
+def test_01():
+ # str_to_html
+ str1 = "spin_systems[0].sites[0].isotropic_chemical_shift"
+ str1_encoded = "sys_0_site_0_isotropic_chemical_shift"
+ str2 = "spin_systems[0].sites[0].quadrupolar.Cq"
+ str2_encoded = "sys_0_site_0_quadrupolar_Cq"
+ assert sf._str_encode(str1) == str1_encoded
+ assert sf._str_encode(str2) == str2_encoded
+def test_02():
+ # html_to_str
+ str1 = "spin_systems[0].sites[0].isotropic_chemical_shift"
+ str1_encoded = "sys_0_site_0_isotropic_chemical_shift"
+ str2 = "spin_systems[0].sites[0].quadrupolar.Cq"
+ str2_encoded = "sys_0_site_0_quadrupolar_Cq"
+ assert sf._str_decode(str1_encoded) == str1
+ assert sf._str_decode(str2_encoded) == str2
+def test_03():
+ # post_sim_LMFIT_params
+ op_list = [
+ sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0),
+ apo.Exponential(FWHM=100, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0),
+ sp.FFT(dim_indx=0),
+ sp.Scale(factor=10),
+ ]
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(data=None, operations=op_list)
+ params = sf._post_sim_LMFIT_params(post_sim)
+ val = params.valuesdict()
+ assert val["operation_1_Exponential"] == 100
+ assert val["operation_3_Scale"] == 10
+def test_04():
+ # update_post_sim_from_LMFIT_params
+ op_list = [
+ sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0),
+ apo.Exponential(FWHM=100, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0),
+ sp.FFT(dim_indx=0),
+ sp.Scale(factor=10),
+ ]
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(data=None, operations=op_list)
+ params = sf._post_sim_LMFIT_params(post_sim)
+ params["operation_1_Exponential"].value = 10
+ params["operation_3_Scale"].value = 1
+ sf._update_post_sim_from_LMFIT_params(params, post_sim)
+ assert post_sim.operations[1].FWHM == 10
+ assert post_sim.operations[3].factor == 1
+def test_5():
+ # make_LMFIT_parameters
+ sim = Simulator()
+ H = {
+ "isotope": "1H",
+ "isotropic_chemical_shift": "10 ppm",
+ "shielding_symmetric": {"zeta": "5 ppm", "eta": 0.1},
+ }
+ spin_system = {"sites": [H], "abundance": "100%"}
+ system_object = SpinSystem.parse_dict_with_units(spin_system)
+ sim.spin_systems += [system_object]
+ op_list = [
+ sp.IFFT(dim_indx=0),
+ apo.Exponential(FWHM=100, dim_indx=0, dep_var_indx=0),
+ sp.FFT(dim_indx=0),
+ sp.Scale(factor=10),
+ ]
+ post_sim = sp.SignalProcessor(data=None, operations=op_list)
+ params = sf.make_LMFIT_parameters(sim, post_sim)
+ valuesdict = {
+ "sys_0_site_0_isotropic_chemical_shift": 10,
+ "sys_0_site_0_shielding_symmetric_zeta": 5,
+ "sys_0_site_0_shielding_symmetric_eta": 0.1,
+ "sys_0_abundance": 100,
+ "operation_1_Exponential": 100,
+ "operation_3_Scale": 10,
+ }
+ assert params.valuesdict() == valuesdict, "Parameter creation failed"
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/simulator/__init__.py b/src/mrsimulator/simulator/__init__.py
index 4dd4344e0..4a9d8b028 100644
--- a/src/mrsimulator/simulator/__init__.py
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/simulator/__init__.py
@@ -16,8 +16,6 @@
from .config import ConfigSimulator
-# from mrsimulator.post_simulation import PostSimulator
__author__ = "Deepansh J. Srivastava"
__email__ = "deepansh2012@gmail.com"
@@ -57,7 +55,7 @@ class Simulator(BaseModel):
>>> from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum
>>> sim.methods = [
... BlochDecaySpectrum(channels=['17O'], spectral_width=50000),
- ... BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum(channels=['17O'], spectral_width=50000)
+ ... BlochDecayCentralTransitionSpectrum(channels=['17O'])
... ]
config: :ref:`config_api` object or equivalent dict object (optional).
@@ -128,7 +126,6 @@ class Simulator(BaseModel):
description: str = None
spin_systems: List[SpinSystem] = []
methods: List[Method] = []
- # post_simulation: List[PostSimulator] = []
config: ConfigSimulator = ConfigSimulator()
indexes = []
@@ -529,39 +526,3 @@ def _update_name_description_application(self, obj, index):
"spin_systems": [self.spin_systems[index].to_dict_with_units()]
- def apodize(self, dimension=0, method=0, **kwargs):
- if self.config.decompose_spectrum is False:
- self.config.decompose_spectrum = True
- self.run(method_index=method)
- csdm = self.methods[method].simulation
- for dim in csdm.dimensions:
- dim.to("Hz", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
- for i, apodization_filter in enumerate(self.post_simulation):
- apodization_filter.apodization[0]._apodize(csdm, i)
- for dim in csdm.dimensions:
- dim.to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
- # apodization_filter = Apodization(
- # self.methods[method].simulation, dimension=dimension
- # )
- # return apodization_filter.apodize(fn, **kwargs)
- # csdm = self.simulation
- # for dim in csdm.dimensions:
- # dim.to("Hz", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
- # apo = self.post_simulation.apodization
- # sum_ = 0
- # for item in apo:
- # sum_ += item.apodize(csdm)
- # for dim in csdm.dimensions:
- # dim.to("ppm", "nmr_frequency_ratio")
- # return self.post_simulation.scale * sum_
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/spectral_fitting.py b/src/mrsimulator/spectral_fitting.py
index 6bcd44c2e..4228a4b3d 100644
--- a/src/mrsimulator/spectral_fitting.py
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/spectral_fitting.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import numpy as np
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing as sp
+import mrsimulator.signal_processing.apodization as apo
from mrsimulator import Simulator
@@ -13,8 +14,32 @@
__author__ = "Maxwell C Venetos"
__email__ = "maxvenetos@gmail.com"
+START = "sys_"
+ ["spin_systems[", START],
+ ["].sites[", "_site_"],
+ ["].isotropic_chemical_shift", "_isotropic_chemical_shift"],
+ ["].shielding_symmetric.", "_shielding_symmetric_"],
+ ["].quadrupolar.", "_quadrupolar_"],
+ ["].abundance", "_abundance"],
+ ["methods[", "METHODS_"], # why does methods need to be parameterized?
+ ["].post_simulation", "_POST_SIM_"],
+ [".scale", "scale"],
+ [".apodization[", "APODIZATION_"],
+ ["].args", "_args"],
+ "property_units",
+ "isotope",
+ "name",
+ "label",
+ "description",
+ "transition_pathways",
-def _str_to_html(my_string):
+def _str_encode(my_string):
LMFIT Parameters class does not allow for names to include special characters.
This function converts '[', ']', and '.' to their HTML numbers to comply with
@@ -25,26 +50,13 @@ def _str_to_html(my_string):
String object.
- my_string = my_string.replace("spin_systems[", "ISO_")
- my_string = my_string.replace("].sites[", "_SITES_")
- my_string = my_string.replace(
- "].isotropic_chemical_shift", "_isotropic_chemical_shift"
- )
- my_string = my_string.replace("].shielding_symmetric.", "_shielding_symmetric_")
- my_string = my_string.replace("].quadrupolar.", "_quadrupolar_")
- my_string = my_string.replace("].abundance", "_abundance")
- my_string = my_string.replace("methods[", "METHODS_") #
- my_string = my_string.replace("].post_simulation", "_POST_SIM_")
- my_string = my_string.replace(".scale", "scale")
- my_string = my_string.replace(".apodization[", "APODIZATION_")
- my_string = my_string.replace("].args", "_args")
+ for item in ENCODING_PAIRS:
+ my_string = my_string.replace(*item)
return my_string
-def _html_to_string(my_string):
+def _str_decode(my_string):
Converts the HTML numbers to '[', ']', and '.' to allow for execution of the
parameter name to update the simulator.
@@ -54,23 +66,9 @@ def _html_to_string(my_string):
String Object.
- my_string = my_string.replace("ISO_", "spin_systems[")
- my_string = my_string.replace("_SITES_", "].sites[")
- my_string = my_string.replace(
- "_isotropic_chemical_shift", "].isotropic_chemical_shift"
- )
- my_string = my_string.replace("_shielding_symmetric_", "].shielding_symmetric.")
- my_string = my_string.replace("_quadrupolar_", "].quadrupolar.")
- my_string = my_string.replace("_abundance", "].abundance")
- my_string = my_string.replace("METHODS_", "methods[") #
- my_string = my_string.replace("_POST_SIM_", "].post_simulation")
- my_string = my_string.replace("scale", ".scale")
- my_string = my_string.replace("APODIZATION_", ".apodization[")
- my_string = my_string.replace("_args", "].args")
+ for item in ENCODING_PAIRS:
+ my_string = my_string.replace(*item[::-1])
return my_string
@@ -84,21 +82,10 @@ def _list_of_dictionaries(my_list):
List Object.
return [item.dict() for item in my_list]
-exclude = [
- "property_units",
- "isotope",
- "name",
- "label",
- "description",
- "transition_pathways",
def _traverse_dictionaries(dictionary, parent="spin_systems"):
Parses through the dictionary objects contained within the simulator object in
@@ -106,50 +93,125 @@ def _traverse_dictionaries(dictionary, parent="spin_systems"):
dictionary: A dictionary or list object of the SpinSystem attributes from a
- simulation object
+ simulation object
parent: a string object used to create the addresses of the SpinSystem
- attributes.
+ attributes.
List Object.
name_list = []
if isinstance(dictionary, dict):
for key, vals in dictionary.items():
- if key not in exclude and vals is not None:
+ if key not in EXCLUDE and vals is not None:
if isinstance(vals, (dict, list)):
name_list += _traverse_dictionaries(
- vals, _str_to_html(f"{parent}.{key}")
+ vals, _str_encode(f"{parent}.{key}")
- name_list += [_str_to_html(f"{parent}.{key}")]
+ name_list += [_str_encode(f"{parent}.{key}")]
elif isinstance(dictionary, list):
for i, items in enumerate(dictionary):
- name_list += _traverse_dictionaries(items, _str_to_html(f"{parent}[{i}]"))
- # else:
- # name_list += [_str_to_html(f"{parent}.{dictionary}")]
+ name_list += _traverse_dictionaries(items, _str_encode(f"{parent}[{i}]"))
return name_list
-def make_fitting_parameters(sim, exclude_key=None):
+def _post_sim_LMFIT_params(post_sim):
+ """
+ Creates an LMFIT Parameters object for SignalProcessor operations
+ involved in spectrum fitting
+ Args:
+ post_sim: SignalProcessor object
+ Returns:
+ Parameters object
+ """
+ temp_dict = {}
+ # for item in post_sim.operations:
+ # prepend = f"DEP_VAR_{item.dependent_variable}_"
+ for i, operation in enumerate(post_sim.operations):
+ if isinstance(operation, apo.Gaussian):
+ identifier = f"operation_{i}_Gaussian"
+ arg = operation.sigma
+ temp_dict[f"{identifier}"] = arg
+ elif isinstance(operation, apo.Exponential):
+ identifier = f"operation_{i}_Exponential"
+ arg = operation.FWHM
+ temp_dict[f"{identifier}"] = arg
+ elif isinstance(operation, sp.Scale):
+ identifier = f"operation_{i}_Scale"
+ arg = operation.factor
+ temp_dict[f"{identifier}"] = arg
+ params = Parameters()
+ for key, val in temp_dict.items():
+ params.add(name=key, value=val)
+ return params
+def _update_post_sim_from_LMFIT_params(params, post_sim):
+ """Updates SignalProcessor operation arguments from an LMFIT Parameters object
+ Args:
+ params: LMFIT Parameters object
+ post_sim: SignalProcessor object
- Parses through the fitting parameter list to create LMFIT parameters used for
- fitting.
+ temp_dict = {}
+ arg_dict = {"Gaussian": "sigma", "Exponential": "FWHM", "Scale": "factor"}
+ for param in params:
+ # iterating through the parameter list looking for only DEP_VAR
+ # (ie post_sim params)
+ if "operation_" in param:
+ # splitting parameter name to obtain
+ # Dependent variable index (var)
+ # index of operation in the operation list (opIndex)
+ # arg value for the operation (val)
+ split_name = param.split("_")
+ # var = split_name[split_name.index("VAR") + 1]
+ opIndex = split_name[split_name.index("operation") + 1]
+ val = params[param].value
+ # creating a dictionary of operations and arguments for each dependent
+ # variable
+ # if f"DepVar_{var}" not in temp_dict.keys():
+ # temp_dict[f"DepVar_{var}"] = {}
+ temp_dict[f"{opIndex}_{split_name[-1]}"] = val
+ # iterate through list of operation lists
+ # for item in post_sim.operations:
+ # iterating through dictionary with corresponding dependent variable index
+ for operation, val in temp_dict.items():
+ # creating assignment strings to create the correct address for updating each
+ # operation
+ split = operation.split("_")
+ # dep_var_operation_list = f"post_sim.operations[{item.dependent_variable}]"
+ operation_val_update = f"post_sim.operations[{split[0]}].{arg_dict[split[-1]]}"
+ assignment = f"={val}"
+ exec(operation_val_update + assignment)
+def make_LMFIT_parameters(sim, post_sim=None, exclude_key=None):
+ """
+ Parses the Simulator and PostSimulator objects for a list of LMFIT parameters.
+ The parameter name is generated using the following syntax:
+ ``sys_i_site_j_attribute1_attribute2``
+ for spin-system attribute with signature sys[i].sites[j].attribute1.attribute2
sim: a Simulator object.
+ post_sim: a SignalProcessor object
LMFIT Parameters object.
error = (
f"The helper function {__name__} requires 'lmfit' module to create lmfit "
- "paramters. Please install the lmfit module using\n'pip install lmfit'.",
+ r"paramters. Please install the lmfit module using\n'pip install lmfit'.",
raise ImportError(error)
@@ -158,110 +220,113 @@ def make_fitting_parameters(sim, exclude_key=None):
params = Parameters()
temp_list = _traverse_dictionaries(_list_of_dictionaries(sim.spin_systems))
- for i in range(len(sim.methods)):
- if sim.methods[i].post_simulation is not None:
- parent = f"methods[{i}].post_simulation"
- temp_list += [_str_to_html(parent + ".scale")]
- # temp_list += [
- # item
- # for item in _traverse_dictionaries(
- # sim.methods[0].post_simulation, parent=parent
- # )
- # if "scale" in item
- # ]
- if sim.methods[i].post_simulation.apodization is not None:
- for j in range(len(sim.methods[i].post_simulation.apodization)):
- temp_list.append(_str_to_html(parent + f".apodization[{j}].args"))
+ # get total abundance scaling factor
length = len(sim.spin_systems)
- abundance = 0
- last_abund = f"{length - 1}_abundance"
- expression = "100"
- for i in range(length - 1):
- expression += f"-ISO_{i}_abundance"
- for i in range(length):
- abundance += eval("sim." + _html_to_string(f"spin_systems[{i}].abundance"))
+ abundance_scale = 100 / sum([sim.spin_systems[i].abundance for i in range(length)])
+ # expression for the last abundance.
+ last_abund = f"{length - 1}_abundance"
+ expression = "-".join([f"{START}{i}_abundance" for i in range(length - 1)])
+ expression = "100" if expression == "" else f"100-{expression}"
for items in temp_list:
- if "_eta" in items or "abundance" in items and last_abund not in items:
- if "_eta" in items:
- params.add(
- name=items,
- value=eval("sim." + _html_to_string(items)),
- min=0,
- max=1,
- )
- if "abundance" in items:
- params.add(
- name=items,
- value=eval("sim." + _html_to_string(items)) / abundance * 100,
- min=0,
- max=100,
- )
+ if "_eta" in items:
+ params.add(
+ name=items, value=eval("sim." + _str_decode(items)), min=0, max=1,
+ )
+ # last_abund should come before abundance
elif last_abund in items:
- value=eval("sim." + _html_to_string(items)),
+ value=eval("sim." + _str_decode(items)),
+ elif "abundance" in items:
+ params.add(
+ name=items,
+ value=eval("sim." + _str_decode(items)) * abundance_scale,
+ min=0,
+ max=100,
+ )
- value = eval("sim." + _html_to_string(items))
- if type(value) == list:
- params.add(name=items, value=value[0])
- else:
- params.add(name=items, value=value)
+ value = eval("sim." + _str_decode(items))
+ params.add(name=items, value=value)
+ if post_sim is None:
+ return params
+ if not isinstance(post_sim, sp.SignalProcessor):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Expecting a `SignalProcessor` object, found {type(post_sim).__name__}."
+ )
+ temp_params = _post_sim_LMFIT_params(post_sim)
+ for item in temp_params:
+ params.add(name=item, value=temp_params[item].value)
+ # params.add_many(temp_params)
return params
-def min_function(params, sim, apodization_function=None):
+def LMFIT_min_function(params, sim, post_sim=None):
- The simulation routine to establish how the parameters will update the simulation.
+ The simulation routine to calculate the vector difference between simulation and
+ experiment based on the parameters update.
params: Parameters object containing parameters to vary during minimization.
- data: a CSDM object of the data to fit the simulation to.
- sim: Simulator object to be fit to data. Initialized with arbitrary fitting
- parameters.
- apodization_function: A string indicating the apodization function to use.
- Currently "Gaussian" and "Lorentzian" are supported.
+ sim: Simulator object used in the simulation. Initialized with guess fitting
+ parameters.
+ post_sim: PostSimulator object used in the simulation. Initialized with guess
+ fitting parameters.
Array of the differences between the simulation and the experimental data.
if not isinstance(params, Parameters):
raise ValueError(
f"Expecting a `Parameters` object, found {type(params).__name__}."
- # if not isinstance(data, cp.CSDM):
- # raise ValueError(f"Expecting a `CSDM` object, found {type(data).__name__}.")
+ if not isinstance(post_sim, sp.SignalProcessor) or post_sim is None:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Expecting a `SignalProcessor` object, found {type(post_sim).__name__}."
+ )
if not isinstance(sim, Simulator):
raise ValueError(f"Expecting a `Simulator` object, found {type(sim).__name__}.")
- # intensity_data = data.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real
values = params.valuesdict()
for items in values:
- if "args" not in items:
- nameString = "sim." + _html_to_string(items)
+ if "operation_" not in items:
+ nameString = "sim." + _str_decode(items)
executable = f"{nameString} = {values[items]}"
- else:
- nameString = "sim." + _html_to_string(items)
- executable = f"{nameString} = [{values[items]}]"
- exec(executable)
+ elif "operation_" in items and post_sim is not None:
+ _update_post_sim_from_LMFIT_params(params, post_sim)
- residual = np.asarray([])
+ processed_data = post_sim.apply_operations(data=sim.methods[0].simulation)
+ # residual = np.asarray([])
+ if sim.config.decompose_spectrum == "spin_system":
+ datum = 0
+ for decomposed_datum in processed_data.dependent_variables:
+ datum += decomposed_datum.components[0]
+ # datum = [sum(i) for i in zip(datum, decomposed_datum)]
+ else:
+ datum = processed_data.dependent_variables[0].components[0]
+ return (
+ sim.methods[0].experiment.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real - datum.real
+ )
- for i, method in enumerate(sim.methods):
- y_factored = method.apodize().real
- residual = np.append(
- residual,
- method.experiment.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real - y_factored,
- )
+ # for i, method in enumerate(sim.methods):
+ # y_factored = method.apodize().real
+ # residual = np.append(
+ # residual,
+ # method.experiment.dependent_variables[0].components[0].real - y_factored,
+ # )
- return residual
+ # return residual
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/__init__.py b/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/__init__.py
index 031700285..d927d76d0 100644
--- a/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/__init__.py
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/__init__.py
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ class SpinSystem(Parseable):
to the computation.
.. seealso::
- `Fitting example <./../auto_examples/Fitting/plot_2_mrsimFitExample_O17.html>`_
+ `Fitting example
+ <./../auto_examples/Fitting/plot_2_mrsimFitExample_O17.html>`_
name: str = None
diff --git a/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/tensors.py b/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/tensors.py
index 8feabac36..eb8097da9 100644
--- a/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/tensors.py
+++ b/src/mrsimulator/spin_system/tensors.py
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class SymmetricTensor(Parseable):
- >>> shielding = SymmetricTensor(zeta=10, eta=0.1, alpha=0.15, beta=3.1415, gamma=2.1)
+ >>> shielding = SymmetricTensor(zeta=10, eta=0.1, alpha=0.15, beta=3.14, gamma=2.1)
>>> efg = SymmetricTensor(Cq=10e6, eta=0.5, alpha=1.5, beta=1.1451, gamma=0)
diff --git a/tests/test_apodization.py b/tests/test_apodization.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 48d9bacb7..000000000
--- a/tests/test_apodization.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Apodization test"""
-import numpy as np
-from mrsimulator import Simulator
-from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
-from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecaySpectrum
-from mrsimulator.post_simulation import PostSimulator
-sim = Simulator()
-the_site = {"isotope": "1H", "isotropic_chemical_shift": "0 ppm"}
-the_spin_system = {"name": "site A", "sites": [the_site], "abundance": "80%"}
-spin_system_object = SpinSystem.parse_dict_with_units(the_spin_system)
-sim.spin_systems += [spin_system_object]
-method_1 = BlochDecaySpectrum(
- channels=["1H"],
- magnetic_flux_density=9.4,
- rotor_angle=0,
- rotor_frequency=0,
- spectral_dimensions=[
- {"count": 4096, "spectral_width": 25000, "reference_offset": 0}
- ],
-PS_1 = PostSimulator(
- scale=1, apodization=[{"args": [200], "function": "Lorentzian", "dimension": 0}]
-PS_2 = PostSimulator(
- scale=1, apodization=[{"args": [20], "function": "Gaussian", "dimension": 0}]
-sim.methods += [method_1, method_1]
-freqHz = sim.methods[0].spectral_dimensions[0].coordinates_Hz()
-def test_Lorentzian():
- sim.methods[0].post_simulation = PS_1
- sigma = 200
- test = (sigma / 2) / (np.pi * (freqHz ** 2 + (sigma / 2) ** 2))
- x, y = sim.methods[0].simulation.to_list()
- y = sim.methods[0].apodize().real
- assert np.allclose(
- test / test.max(), y / y.max(), atol=1e-04
- ), "Lorentzian apodization amplitude failed"
-def test_Gaussian():
- sim.methods[0].post_simulation = PS_2
- sigma = 20
- test = (1 / (sigma * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi))) * np.exp(-((freqHz / sigma) ** 2) / 2)
- x, y = sim.methods[1].simulation.to_list()
- y = sim.methods[0].apodize().real
- assert np.allclose(
- test / test.max(), y / y.max(), atol=1e-04
- ), "Gaussian apodization amplitude failed"
diff --git a/tests/test_parameters.py b/tests/test_parameters.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b041f9871..000000000
--- a/tests/test_parameters.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Parameter test"""
-from mrsimulator import Simulator
-from mrsimulator import Site
-from mrsimulator import SpinSystem
-from mrsimulator.methods import BlochDecaySpectrum
-from mrsimulator.spectral_fitting import make_fitting_parameters
-from mrsimulator.spin_system.tensors import SymmetricTensor as st
-sim = Simulator()
-H = Site(
- isotope="1H", isotropic_chemical_shift=10, shielding_symmetric=st(zeta=5, eta=0.1)
-spin_system = SpinSystem(name="H1", sites=[H], abundance=100)
-method = BlochDecaySpectrum(
- channels=["1H"],
- magnetic_flux_density=9.4,
- rotor_frequency=14000,
- spectral_dimensions=[
- {"count": 2048, "spectral_width": 20000, "reference_offset": 0}
- ],
-sim.spin_systems += [spin_system]
-sim.methods += [method]
-params = make_fitting_parameters(sim)
-valuesdict = {
- "ISO_0_SITES_0_isotropic_chemical_shift": 10,
- "ISO_0_SITES_0_shielding_symmetric_zeta": 5,
- "ISO_0_SITES_0_shielding_symmetric_eta": 0.1,
- "ISO_0_abundance": 100,
-def test_param():
- assert params.valuesdict() == valuesdict, "Parameter creation failed"