Releases: deephealthproject/ecvl
ECVL 0.3.2
ECVL now uses CMake to retrieve 3rdparty applications instead of git submodules. The AugCenterCrop augmentation has been added.
ECVL 0.3.1
This minor release patches augmentations to work on 3D volumes and it adds a new Normalization augmentation.
ECVL 0.3.0
ECVL 0.2.3
ECVL now includes SliceTimingCorrection function and many imgproc functions have been parallelized.
ECVL 0.2.2
This release includes more Image augmentations (AugOpticalDistortion, AugSalt, AugPepper, AugSaltAndPepper), a new OneOfAugmentationContainer, support for older C++ compilers (gcc-6 or Clang 5) and bug fixes.
ECVL 0.2.1
This release adds basic CUDA support and includes more Image augmentations (AugTranspose, AugBrightness, AugGridDistortion, AugElasticTransform).
Moreover, it fixes Augmentations stream constructor and a bug in Image move assignment.
ECVL 0.2.0
Introduces the concept of Hardware Abstraction Layer to easily and smartly handle different devices. Completes the data augmentation mechanism. Increase coverage introducing more tests.
ECVL 0.1.1
This release introduces data augmentation mechanism.
ECVL 0.1.0
ECVL 0.1.0 has been released.