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-*- org -*- C-c C-o follows link[MM: grep-r -e ‘\(FIXME\|TODO\)’]

Before next release

glmrob() – bug = R-forge bug : warn when family = “gaussian”:

they should rather use lmrob() !! ==> ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/robustbase/glmrob_ChrSchoetz-ex.R

when lmrob.S() detects exact fit (in C code), it should return it, incl scale = 0

and it should have correct rweights[] in {0,1} and residuals[]; (fitted[] computed in R code after .C() call); ==> /R/MM/Pkg-ex/robustbase/ThMang_lmrob.R ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and >>> tests/subsample.R (bottom) <<<-------

in src/lmrob.c: Currently there two such situations the first explicit when

#{zero resid} >= ~ (n + p)/2 {–> theory of modified MAD ==> ~/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/tmad.R

lmrob() calling lmrob..M.. after that should “work”, optionally/always ?? using a non-zero scale,

------- it might use Martin’s tmad() {trimmed mean of absolute deviations from the median}

print(<covMcd>) and print(summary(<covMcd>)): ‘method’ almost twice; show iBest

for “deterministic”

covMcd(): allow ‘hsets.ini’ argument to covMcd(), and return them (optionally) as ‘Hsubsets’

export rankMM, classSVD, .signflip [MM: repmat should not be needed]

‘scalefn’ argument for covMcd() to be used for “detMCD”


change defaults for clower & cupper (E-mail from P.Segaert).

But there is more: +/- swap ==> results not back compatible

colMedians() -> ask Henrik/ <[email protected]> about “License: Artistic-2.0”

splitFrame() [important for lmrob(.. method = “M-S”) –> lmrob.M.S()]: character should be treated as factors


summary(nlrob()) fails for new methods; better error message or *work

for “MM” we are close to done; ideally want ‘$ rweights’ (robustness weights) for all meth

residuals( nlrob(), type = “…”) should provide types “as in the literature”

nlrob(*, method = “…”) should call methods “tau”, “CM”, “MTL”, “MM”

by Eduardo Conceicao

shouldn’t we rename jde() to jdeopt() or even jdeoptim(), jDEoptim(), or JDEoptim()

R users already know optim() etc.. so the name seems more logical for them.

Short Term calls `coef(lmrob( <y> ~ <x> -1))` … should use `` !

lmrob.S() -> lmrob.control() should get nResample = “exact” – as covMcd() / ltsReg() :

use Fortran routines rfncomb() and rfgenp() [in src/rf-common.f -> need F77_name(.) / F77_CALL(.)] from C

or even just right a version for C indices in {0, 1, …, p-1} instead of Fortran {1, 2, ...., p}

sc.1) Qn(), Sn() should work with ‘NA’ (via ‘na.rm=FALSE’ argument, as mad())

sc.2) Qn(), Sn() should work with Inf and “large x”, see example(mc)

sc.2) mc() now works better with “large x”, see example(mc) — BSc thesis by Lukas Graz

fixed: mc(x) can fail to converge: thesis Lukas Graz {and ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/robust/Robnik-mc.R }

Now that mc() works, also define lmc() and rmc() (left and right tail measures).

Try scaleTau2(*, iterate=TRUE) or ‘iter=TRUE’ (which can have ‘iter = 10’ etc)

[Peter Filzmoser, Geneva 2016-07-07 talk]: covMcd() warns when n < 2*p .. should not warn but give message()

[Peter Filzmoser, Geneva 2016-07-07 talk]: solve.default(getCov(mcd)) error with CovControlOgk() init

INSTEAD it should report the (theoretical) breakdown point (p …) / (n - h … ) [from the MCD theory]

estimethod(): also for lmrob() and glmrob() models

VT implement .detMcd() in C

r6pack(milk, ..): return singularity message but do not signal an error


for the “vector parameter” biomass example in tests/nlrob-tst.R: method = “MM”

As we do want the formula to work ==> we must allow ‘lower’ & ‘upper’ as list()s in R/nlregrob.R, have 14 matches for “eval ( *formula\[\[3L?” ((and *org shows the `[[3L].]` (no “.”) as underscored 3L)) : 123: y.hat <- eval( formula3L, c(data, setNames(par, pnames)) ) 127: y.hat <- eval( formula3L, c(data, setNames(par, pnames)) ) 141: y.hat <- eval( formula3L, c(data, setNames(par, pnames)) ) 175: res <- y - eval( formula3L, c(data, initial$par) ) 193: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, coef) ) 254: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, setNames(par, pnames)) ) 300: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, coef) ) 355: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, par) ) 361: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, par) ) 366: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, setNames(par, pnames)) ) 390: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, coef) ) 434: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, par) ) 442: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, setNames(par, pnames)) ) 468: fit <- eval( formula3L, c(data, coef) ) the same as in R/nlrob.R where we had eval(.., c(data, coef)) but now eval(.., c(data, start))

nlrob(, method=.) – try at least *one other optimizer than JDEoptim(),

since we provide already most of the needed “hooks”.

nlrob(*, method=”M”): allow a “fixed initial sigma” (–> inference for “MM”)

confint.nlrob():, “Wald” works; naming follows confint.lmer() from lme4

method = “profile” based on (TODO) profile.nlrob()

method = “Wald” works

simulate() : implement for “nlrob” {and lmrob() ? and ..}


BYlogreg() [ R/BYlogreg.R ]

–> more tests in ./tests/glmrob-1.R –> instead of glm() –> vcov() instead of just std.err. {is already there}

glmrob(*, weights.on.x = “robCov”) uses MASS::cov.rob(),

i.e. “MVE” and Andreas had a comment that “mcd” is worse. “covMcd” has been available for a while; now via robXweights() in ./R/glmrobMqle.R HOWEVER: Need something better when ‘X’ has (binary!) factors! “hat” +- works, but needs more work

We now allow weights.on.x to be an arbitrary general wts(X, intercept)

function or a list containing a robMcd()-like function. Definitely need testing this situation!

glmrob(<Gamma>): anova() has three variants: “V1”, “Eva1”, “Andreas1”

–> ./R/glmrobMqle-DQD.R

  • gives warning every time {-> easy to fix}
  • Default is “V1” is that a good idea?

glmrob() needs a bit more tests in ./tests/

[also consider those from man/glmrob.Rd] take those from Martin’s old ‘robGLM1’ package (need more!)

–> first test already shows that Martin’s tests for “huberC == Inf”

were not yet moved from robGLM1 to glmrob()… (in other words: glmrob() should work

also, ni = 0 does not work quite as it should ( ./tests/binom-ni-small.R )

obj $ df … maybe should be defined – for “glm” methods to be

applicable –> e.g. for predict(<glmrob>, interval=”..”) !

summary.glmrob() should be better documented;

we should decide if the current return value is fine.

Eva’s code (and MM’s) also computed & returned the “asymptotic efficiency”!

anova.glmrob(): More modularization, allowing to provide own ‘test’ function.

Test if Huber’s C are different. Need theory to compare different C’s and same model (which includes classical vs robust).

add1() and/or drop1() would be nice

scaleTau2(): Also do a cheap finite-sample correction [MM] !

[DONE partly; but undocumented, since bound to change –> file:~/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/1d-scale.R , 1d-scale-sim.R, etc — unfinished!!

Psi/Rho/Chi/Wgt Functions

We have quite a few “partial” collections of rho/psi functions; some are “sync”ed now, some not yet::

1) have the nice S4 class psi_func + psiFunc() and .defDwgt() functions

in file:R/psi-rho-funs.R with further explorations, ideas in file:misc/experi-psi-rho-funs.R

print/show of such psi_func should show more; at least the psi function

str.psi_func() should be a bit nicer than the current default str()

nlrob(): also allow psi to be a ‘psiFunc’:

–> ./R/nlrob.R ; consider even more real checks; now in tests/nlrob-tst.R

2) deprecated: “old” tukeyChi() & tukeyPsi1() originally called from lmrob() , in


3) psi.*(...., rho = FALSE/TRUE) functions from Andreas

(.R/psi-funs-AR.R) replaced by using the new psi_func objects

nlrob() changed: uses psi = .Mwgt.psi1(“huber”, cc=1.345) as default

4) have (C-based) functions Mpsi(), Mchi(), Mwgt(), etc, used from lmrob(),

in ./R/lmrob.MM.R

provide Mpsi(psi = “t”) etc; tuning parameter: ‘nu’ => MLE-t_ν psi and psi’

provide ‘1)’-i.e. psi_func versions of the Mpsi() etc

Mpsi(*, “GGW”) etc : have no (??) easy way to directly specify (a,b,c) tuning pars

New Mwgt(*, deriv=1) would correspond to Dwgt in psiFunc() which Manuel needs

now exported and documented in man/M.psi.Rd

Further files, illustrating features, differences, etc: ./vignettes/psi_functions.Rnw – with quite a few FIXME ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ./inst/xtraR/plot-psiFun.R chkPsiDeriv() {and plot utils} ./tests/psi-rho-etc.R compute asymp.efficiency and breakdown point ! ./tests/lmrob-psifns.R plot and lmrob()-test them

Deprecate* the “2)”, tukeyChi() etc, making them call the M.*fun():

Mid Term

R/lmrob.MM.R: Using lmrob.E( * )

TODO: numerically clearly better than these – e.g. in summary.lmrob(): use integrate(), or

---- allow to specify ‘use.integrate=TRUE, tol = 1e-10’ etc for accurate cor.factors

“hampel”, “bisquare”, “lqq” (polyn!): derive exact formula; others maybe, too <==> psi_func objects above?

New lmrob() features (“M-S” as option?):

Function names with “.” (which are exported) are frowned upon e.g. lmrob.split()

checking .vcov.avar1() and its “posdefify” options [but “KS201x” uses .vcov.w() anyway]

lmrob.mar() [file:inst/doc/estimating.functions.R]: Maronna & Yohai (2010) should

~~~~~~~~~~ become part of robustbase, maybe under a better name, e.g. via lmrob( … control ..) or directly. It is much used in the simulations of Koller & Stahel (2011)

Provide “simple M” estimator [so MASS :: rlm() is entirely superseeded]

Consider lmrob(*, method = “M”) –> default init = “ls” (Least Sq; as MASS:::rlm.default) which calls which is already documented as “simple” M-estimator (though the scale is kept fixed; i.e., no ‘proposal 2’).

glmrob(), glmrobMqle(), etc : expression()s and eval() no longer “satisfactory”,

e.g., see FIXME in ./R/glmrobMqle.R

covMcd(): pass k3 as argument; default=current ==> allow “formula” k3 = k3(n,p) !!


The argument name ‘weight.fn’ is pretty ugly and the default function name ‘hard.rejection()’ is just awful (we need a globally available function as ‘role model’.

  • Could allow ‘n.iter = 0’ to simply compute Cov()ij = rcov(X_i, X_j)

rrcov etc

rrcov.control() __ NEEDS name change ! ______

probably use mcd.control() and lts.control()

or forget about *control() completely? since there are only a few in each ??????/

tolellipse() –> renamed to tolEllipsePlot()

maybe use cluster::ellipsoidPoints()

allow other percentiles than just 97.5%

maybe return something

plot(mcd. ) [ R/covPlot.R ] : should show the call

Default for ‘ask’ should be smarter: depend on prod(par(“mfrow”)) < #{plots} (which depends on ‘classic’ and p=2)

ltsReg(): has undocumented ‘$resid’

in addition to ‘$residuals’ and ‘$raw.residuals’; drop it or document it !

More lmrob() considerations

more tests in tests/

fully implement and test the multivariate case (y = matrix with > 1 col.)

src/lmrob.c :

does median() , MAD() instead of using R’s sort() routines

Long Term / Maybe

inst/doc/lmrob_simulation.Rnw :

use hyperlinks {e.g. using jss docu.class!}

consider making parts available in (new) ./demo/lmrob…R

tau_i (p.5) is not clear for Joe Average.


Generalizing ‘wgt.himedian’: We’d want a C API on which R builds.

There are pure R implementations:

  • ‘weighted.median()’ in limma and I have generalized it —> file:inst/xtraR/ex-funs.R
  • more general code (different ‘tie’ strategies; weighted *quantile*s) in file:/u/maechler/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/weighted-median.R
  • The ‘Hmisc’ package has wtd.quantile()


Alternative version of covOGK() for correlation-only

using’s Huber’s correlation formula which ensures [-1,1] range –> ~/R/MM/Pkg-ex/robustbase/robcorgroesser1.R and ~/R/MM/STATISTICS/robust/pairwise-new.R

package ‘riv’ (author @!) has ‘slc()’ ~= cov.S(.) – in pure R code

doesn’t Valentin have a version too? otherwise: test this, ask author for “donation” to robustbase

adjOutlyingness() :

typo-bug is corrected; and I have made it more pretty.

Still a bit problematic when denominator = 0 Currently leave away all the c/0 = Inf and 0/0 = NaN values.

MM: Maybe, it’s the fact that the coef = 1.5 should really depend on the sample size n and will be too large for small n (??) –> should ask Mia and maybe Guy Brys

For really small (n,p): Taking 250 random samples of size p; is non-sense when choose(n,p) <= 250

Rather then, take all sub-samples of size p ==> getting a non-random result.

Add data sets from the MMY-book – mostly done {do we have all ?}

Data Sets — Valentin Todorov has several of Rousseeuw’s in the ‘rrov’ package

(and promised me “the rest” when needed) Don’t like the .x, *.y sub datasets: They shouldn’t be needed when use a *formula In his lts tests, he uses these “data sets from the literature”: (Note that ‘stackloss’ is already in “datasets”) : heart.x,heart.y, data(heart) stars.x,stars.y, data(stars) phosphor.x,phosphor.y, data(phosphor) stack.x,stack.loss, data(stackloss) coleman.x,coleman.y, data(coleman) salinity.x,salinity.y, data(salinity) aircraft.x,aircraft.y, data(aircraft) delivery.x,delivery.y, data(delivery) wood.x,wood.y, data(wood) hbk.x,hbk.y, data(hbk)