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padding: 8px; + padding: 32px 64px; - background-color: $bgDark; - background-image: url(../img/githubBanner.png); - background-position: center; - background-size: cover; - min-height: 300px; + background-color: black; - .icon { - width: 100px; - height: 100px; + .bgWrapper { + width: 100%; + background-image: url(../img/deepnight.png); + background-position: center; + background-size: contain; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + min-height: 300px; } } @@ -3345,14 +3365,18 @@ textarea { .version { display: grid; align-items: center; + grid-template-columns: min-content min-content; padding: 16px; - font-weight: bold; font-size: 50pt; line-height: 55pt; color: $bgDark; background-color: $orange; white-space: nowrap; + em { + font-style: normal; + } + &.long { font-size: 35pt; } @@ -3560,6 +3584,31 @@ textarea { margin-bottom: 0; } } + + .imgWrapper { + position: relative; + overflow: hidden; + border-radius: 4px; + border: 1px solid $bgDark; + outline: 1px solid $bgLight; + + img { + transition: transform 1s; + &:hover { + transform: scale(1.05); + } + } + + .shadow { + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + box-shadow: 0px -8px 32px rgba(0,0,0, 0.6) inset; + pointer-events: none; + } + } } } @@ -4211,7 +4260,9 @@ textarea { } .input { display: grid; - grid-template-columns: auto min-content min-content; + grid-template-columns: auto; + grid-auto-flow: column; + grid-auto-columns: min-content; position: relative; span { display: flex; @@ -4418,13 +4469,20 @@ textarea { z-index: 97; } -ul.sortable:not(.customHandle) li:not(.fixed) { - background-image: url("../icons/dragAlpha.svg"); - background-repeat: no-repeat; - background-position: left center; - padding-left: 32px !important; - &.dragging { - cursor: ns-resize; +ul.sortable:not(.customHandle) { + &:not(.onlyDraggables)>li, + &.onlyDraggables>li.draggable { + background-image: url("../icons/dragAlpha.svg"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: left center; + padding-left: 32px !important; + + &.dragging { + cursor: ns-resize; + } + } + &.onlyDraggables>li:not(.draggable) { + padding-left: 32px !important; } } @@ -4979,7 +5037,8 @@ canvas#webgl { } #mainPaletteWrapper { - overflow: auto; + overflow-x: hidden; + overflow-y: auto; position: relative; &:empty { @@ -5001,7 +5060,7 @@ canvas#webgl { - ul#editingOptions { + #editingOptions { position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: $editingOptionsY; @@ -5016,62 +5075,105 @@ canvas#webgl { border-top-left-radius: 0px; border-bottom-left-radius: 0px; - li { - align-items: center; - border: 1px solid $bgLight; - border-radius: 3px; - padding: 4px; - cursor: pointer; - - &.separator { - padding: 0; - cursor: default; - border: none; - height: 16px; + .title { + font-family: Roboto; + padding: 2px 0; + font-size: 9pt; + text-align: center; + &.editing { + color: $green; } - - .icon { - width: 24px; - height: 24px; + &.visuals { + color: #6594ff; } + } + ul+.title { + margin-top: 8px; + } - &.active { - border-color: $green; - background-color: $helpDark; - box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px $help, 0px 0px 16px $green inset; - .off { - display: none; + ul { + li { + align-items: center; + border: 1px solid $bgLight; + border-radius: 3px; + padding: 4px; + cursor: pointer; + &+li { + margin-top: 1px; } - } - - &:hover { - border-color: white; - } - &:not(.active) { - .on { - display: none; + &.separator { + padding: 0; + cursor: default; + border: none; + height: 16px; } + .icon { + width: 24px; + height: 24px; + } + + &.active { + .off { + display: none; + } + } + + &:not(.active) { opacity: 0.66; + .on { + display: none; + } + .icon { + opacity: 0.35; + } } - &.warnOff { - border-color: $orange; - background-color: $darkRed; - // box-shadow: 0px 0px 24px $red; - box-shadow: 0px 0px 16px $red, 0px 0px 16px $red inset; + &:hover { + border-color: white; + } + + &.unsupported { + cursor: not-allowed; + border-color: transparent; + background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); + box-shadow: none; + + .icon { + opacity: 0.2; + } } } - &.unsupported { - cursor: not-allowed; - border-color: transparent; - background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); - box-shadow: none; + &.editing li { + &.active { + border-color: $green; + background-color: $helpDark; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px $help, 0px 0px 16px $green inset; + } + &:not(.active) { + border-color: $helpMed; + background-color: $helpDarker; + .icon { + filter: brightness(1) sepia(1) hue-rotate(0.15rad) saturate(10); + } + } + } - .icon { - opacity: 0.2; + &.visuals li { + &.active { + border-color: #8dd3ff; + background-color: #6594ff; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px #6594ff, 0px 0px 16px #8dd3ff inset; + } + &:not(.active) { + border-color: #6594ff; + background-color: #1e366f; + .icon { + opacity: 0.6; + filter: brightness(0.7) sepia(1) hue-rotate(3.5rad) saturate(30) + } } } } @@ -5227,115 +5329,53 @@ canvas#webgl { } } - &:not(.compactPanel) .onlyCompact { - display: none; - } - - &.compactPanel { - .notCompact { - display: none !important; + &:not(.zenMode) { + #zenModeRevealer { + display: none; } + } - .onlyCompact{ - display: block; + &.zenMode { + #permanentNotifications { + width: 100vw; + left: 0; + z-index: 0; } - #mainPanel { - width: $mainPanelCompactWid; - grid-template-rows: min-content 200px min-content auto; - - #mainBar { - .buttons { - display: grid; - grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); - grid-template-rows: repeat(4, min-content); - border-radius: 0; - button { - z-index: 1; // fix box-shadow depth - margin: 0px; - box-shadow: none !important; - } - button.showHelp { - grid-column: 1/4; - grid-row: 4/5; - z-index: 0; - padding-top: 2px; - padding-bottom: 2px; - } - button.settings { - grid-column: 3/4; - grid-row: 3/4; - z-index: 0; - } - button.editProject { - grid-column: 3/4; - grid-row: 2/3; - z-index: 0; - } - button.close { - grid-column: 3/4; - grid-row: 1/2; - z-index: 0; - } - .icon { - width: 1.3em; - height: 1.3em; - } - } - } - - .optionsWrapper { + &:not(.revealed) { + #zenModeRevealer { display: block; + position: absolute; + top: 0; + left: 0; + z-index: 1; + width: 16px; + height: 100vh; + background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); + background-color: transparentize($color: white, $amount: 0.9); + border-right: 1px solid white; + cursor: e-resize; } - #guide { + #mainPanel, + #editingOptions { display: none; } - ul#layers li { - grid-template-columns: min-content auto min-content; - .name { - padding: 5px 0px; - font-family: Roboto; - font-size: 10pt; - font-weight: bold; - } - } - - ul.niceList li { - padding: 4px 2px !important; - gap: 4px; - &.collapser { - background-image: none; - } - } - - h2#levelName { - font-size: 1.1em; + .panelMask { + display: none; } - } - - #mainPaletteWrapper { - .niceList li, - .intGridValues li { - font-size: 9.5pt; - border-left-width: 1px; + .panel.worldPanel { + display: none; } } - #permanentNotifications { - left: $mainPanelCompactWid; - width: calc( 100vw - #{ $mainPanelCompactWid } ); - } - - ul#editingOptions { - left: $mainPanelCompactWid; - top: 74px; - .icon { - width: 18px; - height: 18px; + &.revealed.worldMode { + #mainPanel, + #editingOptions { + display: none; } } } @@ -5501,11 +5541,51 @@ canvas#webgl { background-position: bottom center; .version { - font-size: 150pt; - color: $bgLight; - opacity: 0.3; + display: grid; + width: 500px; + grid-auto-flow: column; + grid-auto-columns: min-content; text-align: center; margin-top: 8px; + white-space: nowrap; + font-size: 0; + + * { + display: inline-block; + // letter-spacing: -0.15em; + font-size: 132px; + } + + strong { + padding-left: 8px; + padding-right: 16px; + color: $bgDark; + font-weight: bold; + text-shadow: 0px 0px 32px transparentize($orange, 0.7); + background-color: $orange; + border-radius: 4px; + } + + em { + display: none; + } + + &.patchRelease { + strong { + border-top-right-radius: 0; + border-bottom-right-radius: 0; + } + em { + display: inline-block; + padding-right: 16px; + color: $bgLighter; + font-style: normal; + border-radius: 4px; + border-top-left-radius: 0; + border-bottom-left-radius: 0; + background-color: $bgMed; + } + } } .appLogo { @@ -6168,14 +6248,80 @@ canvas#webgl { background-color: $bgDark; image-rendering: pixelated; - &.entities { + &.entities, + &.intGrid { grid-template-rows: min-content auto fit-content(24px); + + .bar { + display: grid; + gap: 4px; + grid-template-columns: auto min-content; + button { + padding: 2px 6px; + } + } + + ul.niceList { + &:not(.col-1) .subList ul { + display: grid; + + li { + display: grid; + grid-template: none; + grid-template-rows: auto min-content; + justify-items: center; + padding: 2px; + font-size: 8pt; + line-height: 1.2em; + border: none; + + .name { + overflow: hidden; + } + } + + } + &.col-2 .sublist ul { grid-template-columns: repeat(2,1fr); } + &.col-3 .sublist ul { grid-template-columns: repeat(3,1fr); } + &.col-4 .sublist ul { grid-template-columns: repeat(4,1fr); } + &.col-5 .sublist ul { grid-template-columns: repeat(5,1fr); } + } } - &.intGrid { - grid-template-rows: min-content auto fit-content(24px); + &.intGrid ul.niceList { + &:not(.col-1) .subList ul li { + .intGridValue { + width: 100%; + min-height: 64px; + border: none; + img { + object-fit: contain; + } + } + } + + &.col-2 .sublist ul li .intGridValue { min-height: 128px; } + &.col-3 .sublist ul li .intGridValue { min-height: 96px; } + &.col-5 .sublist ul li .intGridValue { min-height: 28px; } + } + + + &.entities ul.niceList { + &:not(.col-1) .subList ul li { + .entityPreview { + margin: 0; + zoom: 2; + } + } + &.col-2 .subList ul li .entityPreview { + zoom: 4; + } + &.col-3 .subList ul li .entityPreview { + zoom: 3; + } } + &.invalid { background: url("../img/stripes.png"); .warning { @@ -6262,9 +6408,6 @@ canvas#webgl { li.active { outline: 1px solid white !important; outline-offset: -1px; - // box-shadow: - // 0px 0px 2px black inset, - // 0px 0px 2px black inset; } } } @@ -6307,7 +6450,7 @@ canvas#webgl { left: 0; width: 100% !important; height: 100% !important; - object-fit: cover; + object-fit: contain; object-position: center; } } @@ -7623,65 +7766,146 @@ dl.form.fieldInstanceEditor { margin-left: 2px; } - ul.intGridValues { - li { - position: relative; - } + dd.intGridValues { + padding: 10px; + background-color: $bgDark; + border-radius: 3px; - li+li { - margin-top: 8px; + .buttons { + flex: 1 0 100%; + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: auto 25%; + gap: 2px; + border-radius: 2px; } - li.value { - display: grid; - align-items: center; - grid-template-columns: min-content 2em 32px auto 64px min-content; - gap: 4px; + ul.intGridValuesGroups { + flex: 1 0 100%; + // margin-bottom: 8px; + li { + position: relative; + } - input[type=color] { - width: 100%; - height: 100%; + li+li { + margin-top: 4px; } - input.name { - text-align: center; - font-style: italic; + &>li { + padding: 8px 2px; + border-left: 3px solid $bgLighter; + border-radius: 2px; + background-color: $bgMed; + background-position: 4px 16px; + &:not(.none):hover { + border-color: white; + } + &.none { + border-left: none; + padding-left: 8px; + .header button { + display: none; + } + } } - span.id { + + .header { display: grid; - min-width: 1.5em; - min-height: 1.5em; - align-content: center; - text-align: center; - font-weight: bold; - font-size: 1.3em; - border: 1px solid white; - border-radius: 3px; + padding: 2px; + padding-top: 0; + align-items: center; + grid-template-columns: min-content auto; + grid-auto-flow: column; + grid-auto-columns: min-content; + + .name { + padding: 4px; + margin-right: 8px; + &.editable { + color: white; + font-weight: bold; + cursor: text; + + &:hover { + color: $orangeLight; + // background-color: $bgDark; + outline: 1px dashed $bgLighter; + } + } + &:not(.editable) { + color: $bgLighter; + font-style: italic; + } + } + + .groupIcon { + width: 1.5em; + height: 1.5em; + } } - span.tile { - align-self: stretch; + ul.intGridValuesGroup { &:empty { + margin: 0; + margin-right: 16px; + min-height: 20px; + border: none; background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); - background-repeat: repeat; } - } - button.remove { - align-self: stretch; - padding: 0; - width: 28px; + &.none .groupHeader { + font-style: italic; + color: $almostWhite; + } + + li:hover { + background-color: $bgLight; + outline: 1px solid $bgLighter; + } } - } - li.add button { - padding: 0px; - text-align: center; - font-weight: bold; - font-size: 200%; - text-decoration: none; - color: white; + li.value { + display: grid; + align-items: center; + grid-template-columns: min-content 32px 64px 32px auto min-content; + gap: 4px; + + input[type=color] { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + } + + input.name { + text-align: center; + font-style: italic; + } + + span.id { + display: grid; + min-width: 1.5em; + min-height: 1.5em; + align-content: center; + text-align: center; + font-weight: bold; + font-size: 1.3em; + border: 1px solid white; + border-radius: 3px; + } + + span.tile { + align-self: stretch; + &:empty { + background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); + background-repeat: repeat; + } + } + + button.remove { + align-self: stretch; + padding: 0; + width: 28px; + } + } } } @@ -8215,14 +8439,15 @@ body.sorting ul.collapsedSortTarget { grid-auto-columns: min-content; align-items: stretch; width: 100%; - height: 32px; + height: 34px; background-color: $bgLight; div.name { display: grid; - grid-template-columns: 20px auto; + grid-template-columns: 20px min-content auto; align-content: center; - gap: 4px; + align-items: center; + gap: 6px; width: 100%; height: 100%; @@ -8233,6 +8458,13 @@ body.sorting ul.collapsedSortTarget { cursor: pointer; + .customIcon { + margin-top: 1px; + margin-bottom: 1px; + box-shadow: 0px 0px 4px black; + background-color: transparentize($color: black, $amount: 0.6); + } + .text { overflow: hidden; text-overflow: ellipsis; @@ -8266,20 +8498,21 @@ body.sorting ul.collapsedSortTarget { font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt; } - &:hover.active{ - background-color: $bgLighter !important; + &.ruleActive:hover{ + background-color: transparentize($color: white, $amount: 0.66) !important; } - } - button.off { - opacity: 0.3; - background-color: $red; - } + &.off { + opacity: 0.3; + background-color: $red; + } - button.active .icon { - width: 100%; + &.ruleActive .icon { + width: 100%; + } } + .context{ border-radius: 0; border-width: 0; @@ -8287,7 +8520,7 @@ body.sorting ul.collapsedSortTarget { } &:not(.optional) header .name:hover { - background-color: $bgLighter; + background-color: transparentize($color: white, $amount: 0.8) !important; } &.optional header .name:hover { @@ -8584,6 +8817,10 @@ $patternSize : 32px; grid-template-columns: repeat(7,auto); } + &.size-9 { + grid-template-columns: repeat(9,auto); + } + &.preview { gap: 1px; border: 1px solid $bgLight; @@ -8600,6 +8837,9 @@ $patternSize : 32px; &.size-7 .cell { zoom: 0.2; } + &.size-9 .cell { + zoom: 0.15; + } .cell { opacity: 0.5; @@ -8616,7 +8856,8 @@ $patternSize : 32px; box-sizing: border-box; padding: 2px; - background-color: black; + background-color: gray; + background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); border: 1px solid white; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px black; @@ -8644,6 +8885,11 @@ $patternSize : 32px; margin-left: -75%; margin-top: -75%; } + &.size-9 .cell.center canvas { + zoom: 3; + margin-left: -75%; + margin-top: -75%; + } } .stampPreview { @@ -8706,6 +8952,15 @@ $patternSize : 32px; } } + &.group { + background-image: url("../icons/folderClose.svg"); + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-position: center center; + background-size: 65%; + outline: 1px solid white; + outline-offset: -2px; + } + .cellIcon { width: $patternSize; height: $patternSize; @@ -8720,7 +8975,7 @@ $patternSize : 32px; &.cross { background-image: url("../icons/cross.png"); - background-size: 50%; + background-size: 65%; } &.nothing { @@ -8790,7 +9045,7 @@ $patternSize : 32px; .window.dialog.ruleRandomOffsets { .wrapper { - width: 450px; + width: 500px; dl.form { dt { min-width: 0; @@ -8807,6 +9062,15 @@ $patternSize : 32px; input[type=text] { flex: 1 1 40px; } + button.link { + padding: 2px; + .unlink { + opacity: 0.35; + } + &:hover { + background-color: $bgLight; + } + } button.reset { flex: 0; padding: 2px; @@ -8975,7 +9239,7 @@ $patternSize : 32px; .outOfBounds, .tileSettings, .pattern .editor, - .pattern .values { + .pattern .valuePalette { width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 16px; @@ -8995,7 +9259,7 @@ $patternSize : 32px; .explain { display: grid; align-items: center; - max-width: calc(400px + 8px); + width: 580px; min-height: calc( 4em + 16px * 2 ); font-size: 10pt; text-align: left; @@ -9055,6 +9319,8 @@ $patternSize : 32px; cursor: pointer; width: 24px !important; height: 24px !important; + background-color: gray; + background-image: url("../img/stripes.png"); &:hover { border-color: white; @@ -9077,7 +9343,7 @@ $patternSize : 32px; gap: $gutter; - .editor{ + .editor { display: grid; grid-template-rows: min-content auto; gap: 4px; @@ -9094,7 +9360,7 @@ $patternSize : 32px; } } - .values { + .valuePalette { position: relative; max-height: 400px; overflow-y: auto; @@ -9108,15 +9374,65 @@ $patternSize : 32px; padding: 3px 1px; } - ul { - display: grid; + ul.groups { + + li.title { + padding: 3px 4px; + border-top-left-radius: 2px; + border-top-right-radius: 2px; + cursor: pointer; + + white-space: nowrap; + overflow: hidden; + + &:not(.active) { + color: $bgLighter; + .icon { + opacity: 0.4; + } + } + + .icon { + margin-right: 3px; + } + } + + li.title:not(.active):hover+li.subList { + outline: 1px dashed white; + } + + li.title.active { + color: white; + font-weight: bold; + + +li.subList { + outline: 2px solid white; + background-color: $bgMed; + outline-offset: -2px; + li.value { + filter: none; + } + } + } + + &.col-1 { + li.value { + display: grid; + grid-template-columns: 32px auto; + .name { + padding: 8px; + } + +li { + margin-top: 1px; + } + } + } &.col-2, &.col-3, &.col-4, &.col-5 { - gap: 2px; - li { + ul.groupValues>li { padding: 0; grid-template-columns: auto; justify-items: center; @@ -9129,8 +9445,11 @@ $patternSize : 32px; } .name { + display: block; padding: 3px 0; + font-size: 8.5pt; font-weight: normal; + text-align: center; overflow: hidden; } @@ -9144,84 +9463,85 @@ $patternSize : 32px; } } - &.col-2 { + &.col-2 ul.groupValues { + display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 1fr); li .intGridValue { - height: 70px; + height: 80px; } } - &.col-3 { + &.col-3 ul.groupValues { + display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr); li .intGridValue { height: 60px; } } - &.col-4 { + &.col-4 ul.groupValues { + display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(4, 1fr); li .intGridValue { height: 50px; } } - &.col-5 { + &.col-5 ul.groupValues { + display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat(5, 1fr); li .intGridValue { height: 50px; } } - li { - display: grid; - grid-template-columns: 32px auto; - font-weight: bold; - cursor: pointer; - border-radius: 3px; - border-top: 1px solid transparentize($color: white, $amount: 0.7); - - &+li { - margin-top: 1px; - } - - .value { - padding: 8px 4px; - font-size: 11pt; - text-align: center; - color: white; - background-color: transparentize($color: black, $amount: 0.9); - } - - .name { - padding: 8px; - font-size: 9pt; + li.subList { + margin-bottom: 8px; + padding: 8px; + >ul { + gap: 2px; } + li.value { + cursor: pointer; - &:hover { - outline: 1px dashed white; - } + &:hover { + outline: 1px dashed white; + } - &.active { - outline: 2px solid white; - .value { - color: $bgDark; - background-color: white; - box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px transparentize($color: black, $amount: 0.6); + &.active { + outline: 2px solid white; + outline-offset: -1px; + .value { + color: $bgDark; + background-color: white; + box-shadow: 0px 4px 8px transparentize($color: black, $amount: 0.6); + } + } + &:not(.active) { + filter: brightness(0.5); } - } - &:not(.active) { - filter: brightness(0.5); } } + li.any { + padding: 8px; font-style: italic; background-image: url("../img/any.png"); border-color: $bgDark; + cursor: pointer; + + &:not(.active):hover { + outline: 1px dashed white; + } + &.active { + outline: 2px solid white; + outline-offset: -2px; + } } } - } + } diff --git a/app/assets/embedAtlas/finalbossblues-icons_full_16.png b/app/assets/embedAtlas/finalbossblues-icons_full_16.png index 052bc0155..c2c73af4b 100644 Binary files a/app/assets/embedAtlas/finalbossblues-icons_full_16.png and b/app/assets/embedAtlas/finalbossblues-icons_full_16.png differ diff --git a/app/assets/icons/deleteIcon.svg b/app/assets/icons/deleteIcon.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..f89ce234b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/deleteIcon.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/link.svg b/app/assets/icons/link.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ebb7d54b --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/link.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/lock.svg b/app/assets/icons/lock.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..95a257b2e --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/lock.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/mouseLeft.png b/app/assets/icons/mouseLeft.png index d6022fc62..986f9d681 100644 Binary files a/app/assets/icons/mouseLeft.png and b/app/assets/icons/mouseLeft.png differ diff --git a/app/assets/icons/mouseMiddle.png b/app/assets/icons/mouseMiddle.png index 20e20631b..437723897 100644 Binary files a/app/assets/icons/mouseMiddle.png and b/app/assets/icons/mouseMiddle.png differ diff --git a/app/assets/icons/mouseRight.png b/app/assets/icons/mouseRight.png index 08cf8cfdd..903d86702 100644 Binary files a/app/assets/icons/mouseRight.png and b/app/assets/icons/mouseRight.png differ diff --git a/app/assets/icons/mouseWheel.png b/app/assets/icons/mouseWheel.png index 17d65262d..bb6f1c57f 100644 Binary files a/app/assets/icons/mouseWheel.png and b/app/assets/icons/mouseWheel.png differ diff --git a/app/assets/icons/optional.svg b/app/assets/icons/optional.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..10635086f --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/optional.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/outOfBounds.svg b/app/assets/icons/outOfBounds.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2405e79bf --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/outOfBounds.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/pickIcon.svg b/app/assets/icons/pickIcon.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..be3bf55a4 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/pickIcon.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/unlink.svg b/app/assets/icons/unlink.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..647d3e950 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/unlink.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/unlock.svg b/app/assets/icons/unlock.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..fb91bb515 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/unlock.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/wizard.svg b/app/assets/icons/wizard.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..22d42ca16 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/wizard.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/icons/zen.svg b/app/assets/icons/zen.svg new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d31138859 --- /dev/null +++ b/app/assets/icons/zen.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/changelog.html b/app/assets/tpl/changelog.html index 852456f27..7b7c7f05e 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/changelog.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/changelog.html @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- ::ver:: + ::mainVer::::patchVer::
diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/colorPicker.html b/app/assets/tpl/colorPicker.html index 7c641ddd9..166c69259 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/colorPicker.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/colorPicker.html @@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ +
diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/editAllAutoLayerRules.html b/app/assets/tpl/editAllAutoLayerRules.html index 3730890c3..f9f41ad09 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/editAllAutoLayerRules.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/editAllAutoLayerRules.html @@ -19,11 +19,12 @@

Rules: ::layer::

- +
diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/editEntityDefs.html b/app/assets/tpl/editEntityDefs.html index ec9456b79..76a5ec15d 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/editEntityDefs.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/editEntityDefs.html @@ -149,6 +149,17 @@

Project entities

+ +
+ +
Alternative icon to represent this entity in the interface panels and lists.\nIf not set, the Editor Visual settings (see above) will be used by default.
+ +
+ +
diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/editLayerDefs.html b/app/assets/tpl/editLayerDefs.html index 9fe6ae795..29581bdb7 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/editLayerDefs.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/editLayerDefs.html @@ -204,19 +204,27 @@

The list of all Integer values that could be painted in this IntGrid layer.

- +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + +
    ? + -
    diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/help.html b/app/assets/tpl/help.html index de47766c7..f88dae187 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/help.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/help.html @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@

    Video guides


    Most important commands

    @@ -45,6 +46,71 @@

    Most important commands

    Clear selection, close panel, cancel an action etc.
    + +

    General commands

    Show this help
    + +
    Toggle zen mode
    + +
    CTRL H
    Show/hide visual details
    + +
    F1 to F10
    Select layers
    + +
    Toggle fullscreen
    + +
    Open app settings
    + +
    ctrl S
    Save project
    + +
    ctrl shift S
    Save project as...
    + +
    ctrl W
    Close project
    + +
    ctrl Q
    Quit ::app::
    + +
    Enable/disable the grid
    + +
    Toggle "Single layer" mode
    + +
    ctrl A
    Select all
    + +
    Delete selected elements
    + +
    ctrl R
    Run a project custom command
    + + +


    Open "Project" panel
    Open "Layers" panel
    Open "Entities" panel
    Open "Enumerations" panel
    Open "Tileset" panel
    + +
    + + + +

    Editing commands

    alt + mouseleft
    @@ -66,6 +132,7 @@

    Editing commands

    Flood-fill the current area with the selected value.


    Shift + R
    @@ -90,66 +157,7 @@

    Tile layers

    Y-mirror current tile(s)
    - - -


    Open "Project" panel
    Open "Layers" panel
    Open "Entities" panel
    Open "Enumerations" panel
    Open "Tileset" panel
    - -

    General commands

    Show this help
    - -
    CTRL H
    Show/hide visual details
    - -
    Toggle compact mode
    - -
    F1 to F10
    Select layers
    Toggle fullscreen
    - -
    Open app settings
    - -
    ctrl S
    Save project
    - -
    ctrl shift S
    Save project as...
    - -
    ctrl W
    Close project
    - -
    ctrl Q
    Quit ::app::
    - -
    Enable/disable the grid
    - -
    Toggle "Single layer" mode
    - -
    ctrl A
    Select all
    - -
    Delete selected elements
    - -
    ctrl R
    Run a project custom command

    World mode

    @@ -163,7 +171,9 @@

    World mode

    Move current level between world layers
    diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/pages/editor.html b/app/assets/tpl/pages/editor.html index 931c023dd..d9d9b6683 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/pages/editor.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/pages/editor.html @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ +
    @@ -33,38 +34,50 @@
    • -
    • +
      • +
      • -
      • -
      • +
      • +
      • -
      • -
      • -
      • +
      • +
      • -
      • -
      • +
      • +
      • +
    • -
    • +
      • +
      • + +
      • +
      • + +
      • +
      • +
      + +
    • -
    • -
      @@ -92,14 +105,11 @@ - - + + - - - - Rules - + + Rules diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/pages/home.html b/app/assets/tpl/pages/home.html index e1b3a4278..c0adbc2bd 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/pages/home.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/pages/home.html @@ -1,7 +1,14 @@
      + + ::majorVer::.::minorVer:: + + + .::patchVer:: + +
      @@ -34,7 +41,7 @@
      - + -
          @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@
          • : paint "This IntGrid value is required" in a cell
          • : paint "This IntGrid value should NOT be here".
          • -
          • : clear pattern cell".
          • -
          • Use the Anything special value to match "Any IntGrid value" or "No IntGrid value at all"
          • +
          • : clear pattern cell.
          • +
          • Use the Any Value special value to match "Any IntGrid value" or "No IntGrid value at all"

          For example, if you want to paint "wall blocks" where you have the IntGrid value "1" in your level, you just put the IntGrid value "1" in the center of this pattern. diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/ruleRandomOffsets.html b/app/assets/tpl/ruleRandomOffsets.html index f16ee3a86..6baea20b9 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/ruleRandomOffsets.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/ruleRandomOffsets.html @@ -1,11 +1,14 @@

          + +
          - + +
          @@ -13,25 +16,32 @@
          min= - px, max= + px, + + max= px
          min= - px, max= + px, + + max= px
          diff --git a/app/assets/tpl/buy.html b/app/assets/tpl/support.html similarity index 95% rename from app/assets/tpl/buy.html rename to app/assets/tpl/support.html index 874db4b71..08e678c69 100644 --- a/app/assets/tpl/buy.html +++ b/app/assets/tpl/support.html @@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
          diff --git a/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_1_basic.ldtk b/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_1_basic.ldtk index f36c8208b..a7a32d8cc 100644 --- a/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_1_basic.ldtk +++ b/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_1_basic.ldtk @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ "doc": "https://ldtk.io/json", "schema": "https://ldtk.io/files/JSON_SCHEMA.json", "appAuthor": "Sebastien 'deepnight' Benard", - "appVersion": "1.3.3", + "appVersion": "1.4.0", "url": "https://ldtk.io" }, "iid": "a22d35f0-7820-11ed-b6fd-213e885f30da", - "jsonVersion": "1.3.3", - "appBuildId": 467696, + "jsonVersion": "1.4.0", + "appBuildId": 470941, "nextUid": 108, "identifierStyle": "Capitalize", "toc": [], @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ "defaultPivotX": 0, "defaultPivotY": 0, "defaultGridSize": 8, + "defaultEntityWidth": 16, + "defaultEntityHeight": 16, "bgColor": "#4A5066", "defaultLevelBgColor": "#1E2027", "minifyJson": false, @@ -62,9 +64,10 @@ "parallaxScaling": true, "requiredTags": [], "excludedTags": [], - "intGridValues": [{ "value": 1, "identifier": "walls", "color": "#FFFFFF", "tile": { "tilesetUid": 9, "x": 64, "y": 56, "w": 8, "h": 8 } }], + "intGridValues": [{ "value": 1, "identifier": "walls", "color": "#FFFFFF", "tile": { "tilesetUid": 9, "x": 64, "y": 56, "w": 8, "h": 8 }, "groupUid": 0 }], + "intGridValuesGroups": [], "autoRuleGroups": [ - { "uid": 104, "name": "Plants", "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ + { "uid": 104, "name": "Plants", "color": null, "icon": null, "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ { "uid": 99, "active": true, @@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ "perlinOctaves": 2 } ], "usesWizard": false }, - { "uid": 85, "name": "Dirt", "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ + { "uid": 85, "name": "Dirt", "color": null, "icon": null, "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ { "uid": 95, "active": true, diff --git a/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_2_stamps.ldtk b/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_2_stamps.ldtk index 3bb189613..470e272ce 100644 --- 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"value": 1, "identifier": "walls", "color": "#FFFFFF", "tile": { "tilesetUid": 1, "x": 0, "y": 112, "w": 16, "h": 16 }, "groupUid": 0 }], + "intGridValuesGroups": [], "autoRuleGroups": [ - { "uid": 12, "name": "Stamp", "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ + { "uid": 12, "name": "Stamp", "color": null, "icon": null, "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ { "uid": 13, "active": true, @@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ "perlinOctaves": 2 } ], "usesWizard": false }, - { "uid": 10, "name": "Wall base", "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ + { "uid": 10, "name": "Wall base", "color": null, "icon": null, "active": true, "isOptional": false, "rules": [ { "uid": 11, "active": true, diff --git a/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_3_Mosaic.ldtk b/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_3_Mosaic.ldtk index 4b819fcd6..28f4ec668 100644 --- a/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_3_Mosaic.ldtk +++ b/app/extraFiles/samples/AutoLayers_3_Mosaic.ldtk @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ "doc": "https://ldtk.io/json", 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"f": 0, "t": 2, "d": [80,104], "a": 1 }, @@ -30347,13 +30811,15 @@ { "px": [208,96], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,109], "a": 1 }, { "px": [224,96], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,110], "a": 1 }, { "px": [240,96], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,111], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [48,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,115], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,122], "a": 1 }, { "px": [176,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,123], "a": 1 }, { "px": [192,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,124], "a": 1 }, { "px": [208,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,125], "a": 1 }, { "px": [224,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,126], "a": 1 }, { "px": [240,112], "src": [320,272], "f": 0, "t": 411, "d": [108,127], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [48,128], "src": [320,272], "f": 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[272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,68], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,64], "src": [256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [107,75], "a": 1 }, { "px": [176,64], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [107,75], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,80], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,84], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [64,80], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,84], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,80], "src": [256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [107,91], "a": 1 }, { "px": [176,80], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [107,91], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,96], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,100], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [64,96], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,100], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,96], "src": [256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [107,102], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [96,96], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [107,102], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,96], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,105], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,96], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,105], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,112], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,116], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [64,112], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,116], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,112], "src": [256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [107,118], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [96,112], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [107,118], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,112], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,121], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,112], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,121], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,128], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,132], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [64,128], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,132], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [48,128], "src": [256,240], "f": 1, "t": 361, "d": [107,130], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [32,128], "src": [272,240], "f": 1, "t": 362, "d": [107,130], "a": 1 }, { "px": [80,128], "src": [256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [107,134], "a": 1 }, { "px": [96,128], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [107,134], "a": 1 }, { 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[256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [105,101], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [80,96], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [105,101], "a": 1 }, - { "px": [96,96], "src": [288,240], "f": 0, "t": 363, "d": [105,101], "a": 1 }, { "px": [128,192], "src": [256,240], "f": 0, "t": 361, "d": [105,201], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,192], "src": [272,240], "f": 0, "t": 362, "d": [105,201], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,192], "src": [288,240], "f": 0, "t": 363, "d": [105,201], "a": 1 }, @@ -30439,6 +30893,15 @@ { "px": [96,80], "src": [176,240], "f": 2, "t": 356, "d": [112,53], "a": 1 }, { "px": [96,64], "src": [176,256], "f": 2, "t": 379, "d": [112,53], "a": 1 }, { "px": [96,48], "src": [176,272], "f": 2, "t": 402, "d": [112,53], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,144], "src": [144,240], "f": 2, "t": 354, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,128], "src": [144,256], "f": 2, "t": 377, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,112], "src": [144,272], "f": 2, "t": 400, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,144], "src": [160,240], "f": 2, "t": 355, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,128], "src": [160,256], "f": 2, "t": 378, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,112], "src": [160,272], "f": 2, "t": 401, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,144], "src": [176,240], "f": 2, "t": 356, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,128], "src": [176,256], "f": 2, "t": 379, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,112], "src": [176,272], "f": 2, "t": 402, "d": [112,117], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,96], "src": [144,240], "f": 0, "t": 354, "d": [112,138], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,112], "src": [144,256], "f": 0, "t": 377, "d": [112,138], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,128], "src": [144,272], "f": 0, "t": 400, "d": [112,138], "a": 1 }, @@ -30469,6 +30932,24 @@ { "px": [160,48], "src": [208,320], "f": 3, "t": 473, "d": [113,59], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,64], "src": [224,304], "f": 3, "t": 451, "d": [113,59], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,48], "src": [224,320], "f": 3, "t": 474, "d": [113,59], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,64], "src": [192,304], "f": 0, "t": 449, "d": [113,84], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,80], "src": [192,320], "f": 0, "t": 472, "d": [113,84], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,64], "src": [208,304], "f": 0, "t": 450, "d": [113,84], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,80], "src": [208,320], "f": 0, "t": 473, "d": [113,84], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,64], "src": [224,304], "f": 0, "t": 451, "d": [113,84], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,80], "src": [224,320], "f": 0, "t": 474, "d": [113,84], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [32,128], "src": [192,304], "f": 2, "t": 449, "d": [113,114], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [32,112], "src": [192,320], "f": 2, "t": 472, "d": [113,114], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [48,128], "src": [208,304], "f": 2, "t": 450, "d": [113,114], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [48,112], "src": [208,320], "f": 2, "t": 473, "d": [113,114], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,128], "src": [224,304], "f": 2, "t": 451, "d": [113,114], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,112], "src": [224,320], "f": 2, "t": 474, "d": [113,114], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,128], "src": [192,304], "f": 3, "t": 449, "d": [113,118], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [96,112], "src": [192,320], "f": 3, "t": 472, "d": [113,118], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,128], "src": [208,304], "f": 3, "t": 450, "d": [113,118], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [80,112], "src": [208,320], "f": 3, "t": 473, "d": [113,118], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,128], "src": [224,304], "f": 3, "t": 451, "d": [113,118], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,112], "src": [224,320], "f": 3, "t": 474, "d": [113,118], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,112], "src": [192,304], "f": 0, "t": 449, "d": [113,137], "a": 1 }, { "px": [144,128], "src": [192,320], "f": 0, "t": 472, "d": [113,137], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,112], "src": [208,304], "f": 0, "t": 450, "d": [113,137], "a": 1 }, @@ -30489,6 +30970,8 @@ { "px": [144,208], "src": [224,320], "f": 1, "t": 474, "d": [113,219], "a": 1 }, { "px": [96,48], "src": [128,224], "f": 0, "t": 330, "d": [114,54], "a": 1 }, { "px": [128,176], "src": [128,224], "f": 0, "t": 330, "d": [114,184], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,112], "src": [128,208], "f": 0, "t": 307, "d": [115,116], "a": 1 }, + { "px": [64,128], "src": [128,224], "f": 0, "t": 330, "d": [115,116], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,176], "src": [128,208], "f": 0, "t": 307, "d": [115,186], "a": 1 }, { "px": [160,192], "src": [128,224], "f": 0, "t": 330, "d": [115,186], "a": 1 } ], @@ -30498,7 +30981,13 @@ "entityInstances": [] } ], - "__neighbours": [ { "levelIid": "a36811d0-66b0-11ec-9cd7-4367627fb745", "dir": "w" }, { "levelIid": "a36fda00-66b0-11ec-9cd7-ffa8f8d0b484", "dir": "s" }, { "levelIid": "a370eb70-66b0-11ec-9cd7-ef1d13410308", "dir": "e" }, { "levelIid": "a3727210-66b0-11ec-9cd7-aba0184f5034", "dir": "n" } ] + "__neighbours": [ + { "levelIid": "a36f8be0-66b0-11ec-9cd7-a9c628ac47cf", "dir": ">" }, + { "levelIid": "a36811d0-66b0-11ec-9cd7-4367627fb745", "dir": "w" }, + { "levelIid": "a36fda00-66b0-11ec-9cd7-ffa8f8d0b484", "dir": "s" }, + { "levelIid": "a370eb70-66b0-11ec-9cd7-ef1d13410308", "dir": "e" }, + { "levelIid": "a3727210-66b0-11ec-9cd7-aba0184f5034", "dir": "n" } + ] }, { "identifier": "Shortcut_passage", @@ -30552,6 +31041,8 @@ "__tags": ["actor"], "__tile": { "tilesetUid": 133, "x": 224, "y": 176, "w": 16, "h": 16 }, "__smartColor": "#EC50FF", + "__worldX": 808, + "__worldY": 1296, "iid": "abd6a7b0-66b0-11ec-a595-ffcc1299ef8f", "width": 24, "height": 24, @@ -30574,6 +31065,8 @@ "__tags": ["actor"], "__tile": { "tilesetUid": 133, "x": 224, "y": 176, "w": 16, "h": 16 }, "__smartColor": "#EC50FF", + "__worldX": 968, + "__worldY": 944, "iid": "b70d98a0-66b0-11ec-a595-b125edb525fa", "width": 24, "height": 24, @@ -33248,7 +33741,13 @@ "entityInstances": [] } ], - "__neighbours": [{ "levelIid": "a36f8be0-66b0-11ec-9cd7-a9c628ac47cf", "dir": "n" }] + "__neighbours": [ + { "levelIid": "a36b6d30-66b0-11ec-9cd7-8145d2a69a56", "dir": "<" }, + { "levelIid": "a36fda00-66b0-11ec-9cd7-ffa8f8d0b484", "dir": "<" }, + { "levelIid": "a3707640-66b0-11ec-9cd7-59efc6b24075", "dir": "<" }, + { "levelIid": "a373aa90-66b0-11ec-9cd7-a9310f178834", "dir": "<" }, + { "levelIid": "a36f8be0-66b0-11ec-9cd7-a9c628ac47cf", "dir": "n" } + ] } ], "worlds": [], diff --git a/app/package.json b/app/package.json index 4e4543a32..fcbcc3693 100644 --- a/app/package.json +++ b/app/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "ldtk", - "version": "1.3.4", + "version": "1.4.0", "main": "assets/main.js", "productName": "LDtk", "author": "Sebastien Benard", @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ "codemirror": "^5.64.0", "electron-updater": "^5.3.0", "simple-color-picker": "^1.0.5", - "sortablejs": "^1.14.0" + "sortablejs": "^1.15.0" }, "devDependencies": { "electron": "^24.1.2", diff --git a/docs/CHANGELOG.md b/docs/CHANGELOG.md index 3cd69866f..e3c84c936 100644 --- a/docs/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/docs/CHANGELOG.md @@ -1,3 +1,54 @@ +# 1.4.0 - Int-Grid groups + +## Int-Grid groups +![](1.4.0/intGridGroups.png) + +You can now create custom groups for your Int Grid values, allowing much more advanced rules based on these groups. + +For example, you may render "vegetation" tiles only over values from a "Solid Walls" group, and not over values from a "Water" group. + +## Zen mode +![](1.4.0/zenMode.png) + +The old (and confusing) "Compact mode" has been replaced by a new "Zen mode". + +Simply hit `TAB` to toggle it. + +In zen mode, the left interface automatically disappears to leave much more editing space. You can briefly show the interface again by moving your mouse cursor to the window left edge. + +## Grid view in tool palettes +![](1.4.0/paletteGridView.png) + +Entity and Int Grid tool palettes can now be displayed in grid modes, for a much more compact experience. + +## Quality of life +![](1.4.0/ruleGroupsColors.png) + +LDtk is all about being enjoyable to use, so this update includes many quality-of-life oriented changes: + + - You can now assign individual **icons** and **colors** to groups of Auto-layer rules. + - Entity previews in the UI panels were reworked to look nicer and less pixelated. + - Increased the max number of columns in Select components (up to 10 columns!) + - Added a gray background behind transparent rule tiles + + +## Other changes + + - Fixed out-of-screen color picker window + - Fixed backslashes in custom project commands that broke the JSON file parsing + - Added more integrated icons: check marks, circles, buttons, cogs, etc. + - Reworked start screen design + - Changed `CMD-H` shortcut on macOs to `SHIFT-H` + - Updated some sample maps + - Many bug fixes + + ## JSON format changes + + - The `__neighbours` array in levels JSON now includes overlapping levels (either in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers). + - Deprecated values `tileId` and `__tileSrcRect` were removed from *Enum value definitions* + + + # 1.3.4 - You can now use the mouse MIDDLE button to reset any custom field input to its default value. diff --git a/docs/JSON_DOC.md b/docs/JSON_DOC.md index a2049c317..ae885b755 100644 --- a/docs/JSON_DOC.md +++ b/docs/JSON_DOC.md @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# LDtk Json structure (version 1.3.4) +# LDtk Json structure (version 1.4.0) @@ -25,17 +25,17 @@ Value | Type | Description `appBuildId`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Float | LDtk application build identifier.
          This is only used to identify the LDtk version that generated this particular project file, which can be useful for specific bug fixing. Note that the build identifier is just the date of the release, so it's not unique to each user (one single global ID per LDtk public release), and as a result, completely anonymous. `backupLimit`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | Int | Number of backup files to keep, if the `backupOnSave` is TRUE `backupOnSave`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | Bool | If TRUE, an extra copy of the project will be created in a sub folder, when saving. -`backupRelPath`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | Target relative path to store backup files +`backupRelPath`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | Target relative path to store backup files `customCommands`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.2.0-gray.svg) | Array of Object | An array of command lines that can be ran manually by the user
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`command`** **(String**)
          • **`when`** **(Enum**) : *Possible values: `Manual`, `AfterLoad`, `BeforeSave`, `AfterSave`*
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-green.svg) | Int | Default height for new entities -`defaultEntityWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-green.svg) | Int | Default width for new entities +`defaultEntityHeight`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-gray.svg) | Int | Default height for new entities +`defaultEntityWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-gray.svg) | Int | Default width for new entities `defaultGridSize`
          *Only used by editor* | Int | Default grid size for new layers `defaultLevelBgColor`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) | String
          *Hex color "#rrggbb"* | Default background color of levels `defaultLevelHeight`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

          Default new level height `defaultLevelWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this field will move to the `worlds` array after the "multi-worlds" update. It will then be `null`. You can enable the Multi-worlds advanced project option to enable the change immediately.

          Default new level width `defaultPivotX`
          *Only used by editor* | Float | Default X pivot (0 to 1) for new entities `defaultPivotY`
          *Only used by editor* | Float | Default Y pivot (0 to 1) for new entities -`dummyWorldIid`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | String | If the project isn't in MultiWorlds mode, this is the IID of the internal "dummy" World. +`dummyWorldIid`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | String | If the project isn't in MultiWorlds mode, this is the IID of the internal "dummy" World. `exportLevelBg`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.2.0-gray.svg) | Bool | If TRUE, the exported PNGs will include the level background (color or image). `exportTiled`
          *Only used by editor* | Bool | If TRUE, a Tiled compatible file will also be generated along with the LDtk JSON file (default is FALSE) `flags`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Array of Enum | An array containing various advanced flags (ie. options or other states).
          Possible values: `DiscardPreCsvIntGrid`, `ExportPreCsvIntGridFormat`, `IgnoreBackupSuggest`, `PrependIndexToLevelFileNames`, `MultiWorlds`, `UseMultilinesType` @@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Value | Type | Description -- | -- | -- `__bgColor`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) | String
          *Hex color "#rrggbb"* | Background color of the level (same as `bgColor`, except the default value is automatically used here if its value is `null`) `__bgPos`
          Only *If background image exists*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | Object *(can be `null`)* | Position informations of the background image, if there is one.
          This object contains the following fields:
          • **`cropRect`** **(Array of Float**) : *An array of 4 float values describing the cropped sub-rectangle of the displayed background image. This cropping happens when original is larger than the level bounds. Array format: `[ cropX, cropY, cropWidth, cropHeight ]`*
          • **`scale`** **(Array of Float**) : *An array containing the `[scaleX,scaleY]` values of the **cropped** background image, depending on `bgPos` option.*
          • **`topLeftPx`** **(Array of Int**) : *An array containing the `[x,y]` pixel coordinates of the top-left corner of the **cropped** background image, depending on `bgPos` option.*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Array of Object | An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`dir`** **(String**) : *A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).*
          • **`levelIid`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) : *Neighbour Instance Identifier*
          • **`levelUid`** **(Int *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.2.0-gray.svg) : ***WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0* ** *Replaced by: `levelIid`*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.6.0-gray.svg) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.4.0-green.svg) | Array of Object | An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.4.0, this includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`dir`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.4.0-green.svg) : *A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).
            Since 1.4.0, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world depth).*
          • **`levelIid`** **(String**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) : *Neighbour Instance Identifier*
          • **`levelUid`** **(Int *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.2.0-gray.svg) : ***WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0* ** *Replaced by: `levelIid`*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | The *optional* relative path to the level background image. `externalRelPath`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.7.0-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | This value is not null if the project option "*Save levels separately*" is enabled. In this case, this **relative** path points to the level Json file. `fieldInstances`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Array of [Field instance](#ldtk-FieldInstanceJson) | An array containing this level custom field values. @@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ This structure represents a single tile from a given Tileset. Value | Type | Description -- | -- | -- -`a`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.1-green.svg) | Float | Alpha/opacity of the tile (0-1, defaults to 1) +`a`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.1-gray.svg) | Float | Alpha/opacity of the tile (0-1, defaults to 1) `f` | Int | "Flip bits", a 2-bits integer to represent the mirror transformations of the tile.
          - Bit 0 = X flip
          - Bit 1 = Y flip
          Examples: f=0 (no flip), f=1 (X flip only), f=2 (Y flip only), f=3 (both flips) `px`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_0.5.0-gray.svg) | Array of Int | Pixel coordinates of the tile in the **layer** (`[x,y]` format). Don't forget optional layer offsets, if they exist! `src` | Array of Int | Pixel coordinates of the tile in the **tileset** (`[x,y]` format) @@ -151,8 +151,8 @@ Value | Type | Description `__smartColor`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | String | The entity "smart" color, guessed from either Entity definition, or one its field instances. `__tags`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Array of String | Array of tags defined in this Entity definition `__tile`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.4.0-gray.svg) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | [Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)* | Optional TilesetRect used to display this entity (it could either be the default Entity tile, or some tile provided by a field value, like an Enum). -`__worldX`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-green.svg) | Int | X world coordinate in pixels -`__worldY`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-green.svg) | Int | Y world coordinate in pixels +`__worldX`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-gray.svg) | Int | X world coordinate in pixels +`__worldY`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-gray.svg) | Int | Y world coordinate in pixels `defUid` | Int | Reference of the **Entity definition** UID `fieldInstances` | Array of [Field instance](#ldtk-FieldInstanceJson) | An array of all custom fields and their values. `height`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Int | Entity height in pixels. For non-resizable entities, it will be the same as Entity definition. @@ -215,7 +215,8 @@ Value | Type | Description `displayOpacity` | Float | Opacity of the layer (0 to 1.0) `gridSize` | Int | Width and height of the grid in pixels `identifier` | String | User defined unique identifier -`intGridValues`
          Only *IntGrid layer*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Array of Object | An array that defines extra optional info for each IntGrid value.
          WARNING: the array order is not related to actual IntGrid values! As user can re-order IntGrid values freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array.
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`color`** **(String**) *Hex color "#rrggbb"*
          • **`identifier`** **(String *(can be `null`)***) : *User defined unique identifier*
          • **`tile`** **([Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-green.svg)
          • **`value`** **(Int**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) : *The IntGrid value itself*
          Only *IntGrid layer*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Array of Object | An array that defines extra optional info for each IntGrid value.
          WARNING: the array order is not related to actual IntGrid values! As user can re-order IntGrid values freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array.
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`color`** **(String**) *Hex color "#rrggbb"*
          • **`groupUid`** **(Int**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.4.0-green.svg) : *Parent group identifier (0 if none)*
          • **`identifier`** **(String *(can be `null`)***) : *User defined unique identifier*
          • **`tile`** **([Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-gray.svg)
          • **`value`** **(Int**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) : *The IntGrid value itself*
          Only *IntGrid layer*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.4.0-green.svg) | Array of Object | Group informations for IntGrid values
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`color`** **(String *(can be `null`)***) : *User defined color*
          • **`identifier`** **(String *(can be `null`)***) : *User defined string identifier*
          • **`uid`** **(Int**) : *Group unique ID*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Float | Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. `parallaxFactorY`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Float | Parallax vertical factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. `parallaxScaling`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Bool | If true (default), a layer with a parallax factor will also be scaled up/down accordingly. @@ -223,7 +224,7 @@ Value | Type | Description `pxOffsetY`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.5.0-gray.svg) | Int | Y offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance` optional offset) `tilesetDefUid`
          Only *Tile layers, Auto-layers*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Reference to the default Tileset UID being used by this layer definition.
          **WARNING**: some layer *instances* might use a different tileset. So most of the time, you should probably use the `__tilesetDefUid` value found in layer instances.
          Note: since version 1.0.0, the old `autoTilesetDefUid` was removed and merged into this value. `uid` | Int | Unique Int identifier -`autoRuleGroups`
          Only *Auto-layers*
          *Only used by editor* | Array of Object | Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions.
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`active`** **(Bool**)
          • ~~collapsed~~ **(Bool**) *This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.*
          • **`isOptional`** **(Bool**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.9.0-gray.svg)
          • **`name`** **(String**)
          • **`rules`** **(Array of [Auto-layer rule definition](#ldtk-AutoRuleDef)**)
          • **`uid`** **(Int**)
          • **`usesWizard`** **(Bool**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.1.4-gray.svg)
          Only *Auto-layers*
          *Only used by editor* | Array of Object | Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions.
          This array contains objects with the following fields:
          • **`active`** **(Bool**)
          • ~~collapsed~~ **(Bool**) *This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.*
          • **`color`** **(String *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.4.0-green.svg)
          • **`icon`** **([Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)***) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.4.0-green.svg)
          • **`isOptional`** **(Bool**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.9.0-gray.svg)
          • **`name`** **(String**)
          • **`rules`** **(Array of [Auto-layer rule definition](#ldtk-AutoRuleDef)**)
          • **`uid`** **(Int**)
          • **`usesWizard`** **(Bool**) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.1.4-gray.svg)
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.1.4-gray.svg) | Bool | Allow editor selections when the layer is not currently active. `doc`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.2.5-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | User defined documentation for this element to provide help/tips to level designers. `excludedTags`
          Only *Entity layer*
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Array of String | An array of tags to forbid some Entities in this layer @@ -232,12 +233,12 @@ Value | Type | Description `hideFieldsWhenInactive`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Bool | `hideInList`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Bool | Hide the layer from the list on the side of the editor view. `inactiveOpacity`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Float | Alpha of this layer when it is not the active one. -`renderInWorldView`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.1-green.svg) | Bool | If TRUE, the content of this layer will be used when rendering levels in a simplified way for the world view +`renderInWorldView`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.1-gray.svg) | Bool | If TRUE, the content of this layer will be used when rendering levels in a simplified way for the world view `requiredTags`
          Only *Entity layer*
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Array of String | An array of tags to filter Entities that can be added to this layer `tilePivotX`
          Only *Tile layers*
          *Only used by editor* | Float | If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to position the tile relatively its grid cell. `tilePivotY`
          Only *Tile layers*
          *Only used by editor* | Float | If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to position the tile relatively its grid cell. `type`
          *Only used by editor* | Enum | Type of the layer as Haxe Enum
          Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`, `AutoLayer` -`uiColor`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.1-green.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | User defined color for the UI +`uiColor`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.1-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | User defined color for the UI ~~`autoTilesetDefUid`~~
          Only *Auto-layers*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.2.0-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0

          Replaced by: `tilesetDefUid` @@ -264,12 +265,12 @@ Value | Type | Description `size`
          *Only used by editor* | Int | Pattern width & height. Should only be 1,3,5 or 7. `tileIds`
          *Only used by editor* | Array of Int | Array of all the tile IDs. They are used randomly or as stamps, based on `tileMode` value. `tileMode`
          *Only used by editor* | Enum | Defines how tileIds array is used
          Possible values: `Single`, `Stamp` -`tileRandomXMax`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int | Max random offset for X tile pos -`tileRandomXMin`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int | Min random offset for X tile pos -`tileRandomYMax`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int | Max random offset for Y tile pos -`tileRandomYMin`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int | Min random offset for Y tile pos -`tileXOffset`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int | Tile X offset -`tileYOffset`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int | Tile Y offset +`tileRandomXMax`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int | Max random offset for X tile pos +`tileRandomXMin`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int | Min random offset for X tile pos +`tileRandomYMax`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int | Max random offset for Y tile pos +`tileRandomYMin`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int | Min random offset for Y tile pos +`tileXOffset`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int | Tile X offset +`tileYOffset`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int | Tile Y offset `uid`
          *Only used by editor* | Int | Unique Int identifier `xModulo`
          *Only used by editor* | Int | X cell coord modulo `xOffset`
          *Only used by editor* | Int | X cell start offset @@ -289,6 +290,7 @@ Value | Type | Description `tileRect`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | [Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)* | An object representing a rectangle from an existing Tileset `tileRenderMode`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_0.8.1-gray.svg) | Enum | An enum describing how the the Entity tile is rendered inside the Entity bounds.
          Possible values: `Cover`, `FitInside`, `Repeat`, `Stretch`, `FullSizeCropped`, `FullSizeUncropped`, `NineSlice` `tilesetId` | Int *(can be `null`)* | Tileset ID used for optional tile display +`uiTileRect`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.4.0-green.svg) | [Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)* | This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI `uid` | Int | Unique Int identifier `width` | Int | Pixel width `doc`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.2.5-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | User defined documentation for this element to provide help/tips to level designers. @@ -301,10 +303,10 @@ Value | Type | Description `limitScope`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Enum | If TRUE, the maxCount is a "per world" limit, if FALSE, it's a "per level".
          Possible values: `PerLayer`, `PerLevel`, `PerWorld` `lineOpacity`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Float | `maxCount`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Int | Max instances count -`maxHeight`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-green.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Max pixel height (only applies if the entity is resizable on Y) -`maxWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-green.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Max pixel width (only applies if the entity is resizable on X) -`minHeight`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-green.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Min pixel height (only applies if the entity is resizable on Y) -`minWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-green.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Min pixel width (only applies if the entity is resizable on X) +`maxHeight`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Max pixel height (only applies if the entity is resizable on Y) +`maxWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Max pixel width (only applies if the entity is resizable on X) +`minHeight`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Min pixel height (only applies if the entity is resizable on Y) +`minWidth`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.3-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | Min pixel width (only applies if the entity is resizable on X) `renderMode`
          *Only used by editor* | Enum | Possible values: `Rectangle`, `Ellipse`, `Tile`, `Cross` `resizableX`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Bool | If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable horizontally `resizableY`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Bool | If TRUE, the entity instances will be resizable vertically @@ -336,14 +338,14 @@ Value | Type | Description `allowOutOfLevelRef`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Bool | `allowedRefTags`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Array of String | `allowedRefs`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Enum | Possible values: `Any`, `OnlySame`, `OnlyTags`, `OnlySpecificEntity` -`allowedRefsEntityUid`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | +`allowedRefsEntityUid`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | `autoChainRef`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Bool | `editorAlwaysShow`
          *Only used by editor* | Bool | `editorCutLongValues`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.8.0-gray.svg) | Bool | -`editorDisplayColor`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-green.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | +`editorDisplayColor`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.4-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | `editorDisplayMode`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.0.0-gray.svg) | Enum | Possible values: `Hidden`, `ValueOnly`, `NameAndValue`, `EntityTile`, `LevelTile`, `Points`, `PointStar`, `PointPath`, `PointPathLoop`, `RadiusPx`, `RadiusGrid`, `ArrayCountWithLabel`, `ArrayCountNoLabel`, `RefLinkBetweenPivots`, `RefLinkBetweenCenters` `editorDisplayPos`
          *Only used by editor* | Enum | Possible values: `Above`, `Center`, `Beneath` -`editorDisplayScale`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.3.0-green.svg) | Float | +`editorDisplayScale`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Changed_1.3.0-gray.svg) | Float | `editorLinkStyle`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.1.4-gray.svg) | Enum | Possible values: `ZigZag`, `StraightArrow`, `CurvedArrow`, `ArrowsLine`, `DashedLine` `editorShowInWorld`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.1.4-gray.svg) | Bool | `editorTextPrefix`
          *Only used by editor*
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.0.0-gray.svg) | String *(can be `null`)* | @@ -407,6 +409,6 @@ Value | Type | Description -- | -- | -- `color`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.9.0-gray.svg) | Int | Optional color `id` | String | Enum value -`tileRect`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-green.svg) | [Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)* | Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value -~~`tileId`~~
          | Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+

          Replaced by: `tileRect` -~~`__tileSrcRect`~~
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.4.0-gray.svg) | Array of Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+

          Replaced by: `tileRect` \ No newline at end of file +`tileRect`
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_1.3.0-gray.svg) | [Tileset rectangle](#ldtk-TilesetRect) *(can be `null`)* | Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value +~~`tileId`~~
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.4.0-green.svg) | Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0

          Replaced by: `tileRect` +~~`__tileSrcRect`~~
          ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Added_0.4.0-gray.svg) ![Generic badge](https://img.shields.io/badge/Removed_1.4.0-green.svg) | Array of Int *(can be `null`)* | **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0

          Replaced by: `tileRect` \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/JSON_SCHEMA.json b/docs/JSON_SCHEMA.json index 15cc7471f..5cdcb6914 100644 --- a/docs/JSON_SCHEMA.json +++ b/docs/JSON_SCHEMA.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "description": "This file is a JSON schema of files created by LDtk level editor (https://ldtk.io).", - "title": "LDtk 1.3.4 JSON schema", + "title": "LDtk 1.4.0 JSON schema", "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$ref": "#/LdtkJsonRoot", - "version": "1.3.4", + "version": "1.4.0", "LdtkJsonRoot": { "description": "This is the root of any Project JSON file. It contains: - the project settings, - an array of levels, - a group of definitions (that can probably be safely ignored for most users).", "title": "LDtk Json root", @@ -249,6 +249,9 @@ "AutoLayerRuleGroup": { "$ref": "#/otherTypes/AutoLayerRuleGroup" }, + "IntGridValueGroupDef": { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/IntGridValueGroupDef" + }, "IntGridValueInstance": { "$ref": "#/otherTypes/IntGridValueInstance" }, @@ -1453,6 +1456,19 @@ "boolean" ] }, + "uiTileRect": { + "description": "This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI", + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": [ + "null" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/TilesetRect" + } + ] + }, "uid": { "description": "Unique Int identifier", "type": [ @@ -1564,12 +1580,32 @@ "null" ] }, + "color": { + "description": "", + "type": [ + "string", + "null" + ] + }, "isOptional": { "description": "", "type": [ "boolean" ] }, + "icon": { + "description": "", + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": [ + "null" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/TilesetRect" + } + ] + }, "usesWizard": { "description": "", "type": [ @@ -1602,6 +1638,39 @@ "object" ] }, + "IntGridValueGroupDef": { + "description": "IntGrid value group definition", + "title": "IntGrid value group definition", + "required": [ + "uid" + ], + "additionalProperties": false, + "properties": { + "color": { + "description": "User defined color", + "type": [ + "string", + "null" + ] + }, + "uid": { + "description": "Group unique ID", + "type": [ + "integer" + ] + }, + "identifier": { + "description": "User defined string identifier", + "type": [ + "string", + "null" + ] + } + }, + "type": [ + "object" + ] + }, "IntGridValueInstance": { "description": "IntGrid value instance", "title": "IntGrid value instance", @@ -1651,7 +1720,7 @@ ] }, "dir": { - "description": "A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).", + "description": "A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).
          Since 1.4.0, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world depth).", "type": [ "string" ] @@ -2159,7 +2228,7 @@ "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "tileId": { - "description": "**WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ Replaced by: `tileRect`", + "description": "**WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced by: `tileRect`", "type": [ "integer", "null" @@ -2191,7 +2260,7 @@ ] }, "__tileSrcRect": { - "description": "**WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ Replaced by: `tileRect`", + "description": "**WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced by: `tileRect`", "items": { "type": [ "integer" @@ -2284,6 +2353,7 @@ "gridSize", "identifier", "intGridValues", + "intGridValuesGroups", "parallaxFactorX", "parallaxFactorY", "parallaxScaling", @@ -2401,6 +2471,15 @@ "boolean" ] }, + "intGridValuesGroups": { + "description": "Group informations for IntGrid values", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/IntGridValueGroupDef" + }, + "type": [ + "array" + ] + }, "inactiveOpacity": { "description": "Alpha of this layer when it is not the active one.", "type": [ @@ -2580,7 +2659,7 @@ "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "__neighbours": { - "description": "An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.", + "description": "An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.4.0, this includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.", "items": { "$ref": "#/otherTypes/NeighbourLevel" }, @@ -2862,6 +2941,7 @@ "title": "IntGrid value definition", "required": [ "color", + "groupUid", "value" ], "additionalProperties": false, @@ -2897,6 +2977,12 @@ "type": [ "integer" ] + }, + "groupUid": { + "description": "Parent group identifier (0 if none)", + "type": [ + "integer" + ] } }, "type": [ diff --git a/docs/MINIMAL_JSON_SCHEMA.json b/docs/MINIMAL_JSON_SCHEMA.json index b7b241a31..442c42a7e 100644 --- a/docs/MINIMAL_JSON_SCHEMA.json +++ b/docs/MINIMAL_JSON_SCHEMA.json @@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ { "description": "This file is a JSON schema of files created by LDtk level editor (https://ldtk.io).", - "title": "LDtk 1.3.4 JSON schema", + "title": "LDtk 1.4.0 JSON schema", "$schema": "https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#", "$ref": "#/LdtkJsonRoot", - "version": "1.3.4", + "version": "1.4.0", "LdtkJsonRoot": { "description": "This is the root of any Project JSON file. It contains: - the project settings, - an array of levels, - a group of definitions (that can probably be safely ignored for most users).", "title": "LDtk Json root", @@ -106,6 +106,9 @@ "AutoLayerRuleGroup": { "$ref": "#/otherTypes/AutoLayerRuleGroup" }, + "IntGridValueGroupDef": { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/IntGridValueGroupDef" + }, "IntGridValueInstance": { "$ref": "#/otherTypes/IntGridValueInstance" }, @@ -645,6 +648,19 @@ "array" ] }, + "uiTileRect": { + "description": "This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI", + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": [ + "null" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/TilesetRect" + } + ] + }, "uid": { "description": "Unique Int identifier", "type": [ @@ -698,12 +714,32 @@ "string" ] }, + "color": { + "description": "", + "type": [ + "string", + "null" + ] + }, "isOptional": { "description": "", "type": [ "boolean" ] }, + "icon": { + "description": "", + "oneOf": [ + { + "type": [ + "null" + ] + }, + { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/TilesetRect" + } + ] + }, "usesWizard": { "description": "", "type": [ @@ -736,6 +772,39 @@ "object" ] }, + "IntGridValueGroupDef": { + "description": "IntGrid value group definition", + "title": "IntGrid value group definition", + "required": [ + "uid" + ], + "additionalProperties": false, + "properties": { + "color": { + "description": "User defined color", + "type": [ + "string", + "null" + ] + }, + "uid": { + "description": "Group unique ID", + "type": [ + "integer" + ] + }, + "identifier": { + "description": "User defined string identifier", + "type": [ + "string", + "null" + ] + } + }, + "type": [ + "object" + ] + }, "IntGridValueInstance": { "description": "IntGrid value instance", "title": "IntGrid value instance", @@ -778,7 +847,7 @@ ] }, "dir": { - "description": "A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).", + "description": "A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, `e`ast).
          Since 1.4.0, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world depth).", "type": [ "string" ] @@ -1320,6 +1389,7 @@ "gridSize", "identifier", "intGridValues", + "intGridValuesGroups", "parallaxFactorX", "parallaxFactorY", "parallaxScaling", @@ -1373,6 +1443,15 @@ "boolean" ] }, + "intGridValuesGroups": { + "description": "Group informations for IntGrid values", + "items": { + "$ref": "#/otherTypes/IntGridValueGroupDef" + }, + "type": [ + "array" + ] + }, "uid": { "description": "Unique Int identifier", "type": [ @@ -1484,7 +1563,7 @@ "additionalProperties": false, "properties": { "__neighbours": { - "description": "An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.", + "description": "An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.4.0, this includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty.", "items": { "$ref": "#/otherTypes/NeighbourLevel" }, @@ -1717,6 +1796,7 @@ "title": "IntGrid value definition", "required": [ "color", + "groupUid", "value" ], "additionalProperties": false, @@ -1752,6 +1832,12 @@ "type": [ "integer" ] + }, + "groupUid": { + "description": "Parent group identifier (0 if none)", + "type": [ + "integer" + ] } }, "type": [ diff --git a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cpp b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cpp index 3c198a502..d0d39bbb8 100644 --- a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cpp +++ b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cpp @@ -496,6 +496,7 @@ namespace quicktype { TileRenderMode tile_render_mode; boost::optional tileset_id; int64_t uid; + boost::optional ui_tile_rect; int64_t width; public: @@ -704,6 +705,12 @@ namespace quicktype { int64_t & get_mutable_uid() { return uid; } void set_uid(const int64_t & value) { this->uid = value; } + /** + * This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI + */ + boost::optional get_ui_tile_rect() const { return ui_tile_rect; } + void set_ui_tile_rect(boost::optional value) { this->ui_tile_rect = value; } + /** * Pixel width */ @@ -726,8 +733,8 @@ namespace quicktype { public: /** - * **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - * Replaced by: `tileRect` + * **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + * by: `tileRect` */ boost::optional> get_tile_src_rect() const { return tile_src_rect; } void set_tile_src_rect(boost::optional> value) { this->tile_src_rect = value; } @@ -747,8 +754,8 @@ namespace quicktype { void set_id(const std::string & value) { this->id = value; } /** - * **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - * Replaced by: `tileRect` + * **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + * by: `tileRect` */ boost::optional get_tile_id() const { return tile_id; } void set_tile_id(boost::optional value) { this->tile_id = value; } @@ -1071,6 +1078,8 @@ namespace quicktype { private: bool active; boost::optional collapsed; + boost::optional color; + boost::optional icon; bool is_optional; std::string name; std::vector rules; @@ -1088,6 +1097,12 @@ namespace quicktype { boost::optional get_collapsed() const { return collapsed; } void set_collapsed(boost::optional value) { this->collapsed = value; } + boost::optional get_color() const { return color; } + void set_color(boost::optional value) { this->color = value; } + + boost::optional get_icon() const { return icon; } + void set_icon(boost::optional value) { this->icon = value; } + const bool & get_is_optional() const { return is_optional; } bool & get_mutable_is_optional() { return is_optional; } void set_is_optional(const bool & value) { this->is_optional = value; } @@ -1119,6 +1134,7 @@ namespace quicktype { private: std::string color; + int64_t group_uid; boost::optional identifier; boost::optional tile; int64_t value; @@ -1128,6 +1144,13 @@ namespace quicktype { std::string & get_mutable_color() { return color; } void set_color(const std::string & value) { this->color = value; } + /** + * Parent group identifier (0 if none) + */ + const int64_t & get_group_uid() const { return group_uid; } + int64_t & get_mutable_group_uid() { return group_uid; } + void set_group_uid(const int64_t & value) { this->group_uid = value; } + /** * User defined unique identifier */ @@ -1145,6 +1168,40 @@ namespace quicktype { void set_value(const int64_t & value) { this->value = value; } }; + /** + * IntGrid value group definition + */ + class IntGridValueGroupDefinition { + public: + IntGridValueGroupDefinition() = default; + virtual ~IntGridValueGroupDefinition() = default; + + private: + boost::optional color; + boost::optional identifier; + int64_t uid; + + public: + /** + * User defined color + */ + boost::optional get_color() const { return color; } + void set_color(boost::optional value) { this->color = value; } + + /** + * User defined string identifier + */ + boost::optional get_identifier() const { return identifier; } + void set_identifier(boost::optional value) { this->identifier = value; } + + /** + * Group unique ID + */ + const int64_t & get_uid() const { return uid; } + int64_t & get_mutable_uid() { return uid; } + void set_uid(const int64_t & value) { this->uid = value; } + }; + /** * Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`, * `AutoLayer` @@ -1173,6 +1230,7 @@ namespace quicktype { std::string identifier; double inactive_opacity; std::vector int_grid_values; + std::vector int_grid_values_groups; double parallax_factor_x; double parallax_factor_y; bool parallax_scaling; @@ -1294,6 +1352,13 @@ namespace quicktype { std::vector & get_mutable_int_grid_values() { return int_grid_values; } void set_int_grid_values(const std::vector & value) { this->int_grid_values = value; } + /** + * Group informations for IntGrid values + */ + const std::vector & get_int_grid_values_groups() const { return int_grid_values_groups; } + std::vector & get_mutable_int_grid_values_groups() { return int_grid_values_groups; } + void set_int_grid_values_groups(const std::vector & value) { this->int_grid_values_groups = value; } + /** * Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling * speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. @@ -2275,7 +2340,9 @@ namespace quicktype { public: /** * A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, - * `e`ast). + * `e`ast).
          Since 1.3.5, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is + * lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world + * depth). */ const std::string & get_dir() const { return dir; } std::string & get_mutable_dir() { return dir; } @@ -2350,9 +2417,10 @@ namespace quicktype { void set_bg_pos(boost::optional value) { this->bg_pos = value; } /** - * An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant - * for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For - * Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. + * An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.3.5, this + * includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          + * Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, + * Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. */ const std::vector & get_neighbours() const { return neighbours; } std::vector & get_mutable_neighbours() { return neighbours; } @@ -2621,6 +2689,7 @@ namespace quicktype { boost::optional field_instance; boost::optional grid_point; boost::optional int_grid_value_def; + boost::optional int_grid_value_group_def; boost::optional int_grid_value_instance; boost::optional layer_def; boost::optional layer_instance; @@ -2677,6 +2746,9 @@ namespace quicktype { boost::optional get_int_grid_value_def() const { return int_grid_value_def; } void set_int_grid_value_def(boost::optional value) { this->int_grid_value_def = value; } + boost::optional get_int_grid_value_group_def() const { return int_grid_value_group_def; } + void set_int_grid_value_group_def(boost::optional value) { this->int_grid_value_group_def = value; } + boost::optional get_int_grid_value_instance() const { return int_grid_value_instance; } void set_int_grid_value_instance(boost::optional value) { this->int_grid_value_instance = value; } @@ -3104,6 +3176,9 @@ namespace quicktype { void from_json(const json & j, IntGridValueDefinition & x); void to_json(json & j, const IntGridValueDefinition & x); + void from_json(const json & j, IntGridValueGroupDefinition & x); + void to_json(json & j, const IntGridValueGroupDefinition & x); + void from_json(const json & j, LayerDefinition & x); void to_json(json & j, const LayerDefinition & x); @@ -3351,6 +3426,7 @@ namespace quicktype { x.set_tile_render_mode(j.at("tileRenderMode").get()); x.set_tileset_id(get_stack_optional(j, "tilesetId")); x.set_uid(j.at("uid").get()); + x.set_ui_tile_rect(get_stack_optional(j, "uiTileRect")); x.set_width(j.at("width").get()); } @@ -3387,6 +3463,7 @@ namespace quicktype { j["tileRenderMode"] = x.get_tile_render_mode(); j["tilesetId"] = x.get_tileset_id(); j["uid"] = x.get_uid(); + j["uiTileRect"] = x.get_ui_tile_rect(); j["width"] = x.get_width(); } @@ -3496,6 +3573,8 @@ namespace quicktype { inline void from_json(const json & j, AutoLayerRuleGroup& x) { x.set_active(j.at("active").get()); x.set_collapsed(get_stack_optional(j, "collapsed")); + x.set_color(get_stack_optional(j, "color")); + x.set_icon(get_stack_optional(j, "icon")); x.set_is_optional(j.at("isOptional").get()); x.set_name(j.at("name").get()); x.set_rules(j.at("rules").get>()); @@ -3507,6 +3586,8 @@ namespace quicktype { j = json::object(); j["active"] = x.get_active(); j["collapsed"] = x.get_collapsed(); + j["color"] = x.get_color(); + j["icon"] = x.get_icon(); j["isOptional"] = x.get_is_optional(); j["name"] = x.get_name(); j["rules"] = x.get_rules(); @@ -3516,6 +3597,7 @@ namespace quicktype { inline void from_json(const json & j, IntGridValueDefinition& x) { x.set_color(j.at("color").get()); + x.set_group_uid(j.at("groupUid").get()); x.set_identifier(get_stack_optional(j, "identifier")); x.set_tile(get_stack_optional(j, "tile")); x.set_value(j.at("value").get()); @@ -3524,11 +3606,25 @@ namespace quicktype { inline void to_json(json & j, const IntGridValueDefinition & x) { j = json::object(); j["color"] = x.get_color(); + j["groupUid"] = x.get_group_uid(); j["identifier"] = x.get_identifier(); j["tile"] = x.get_tile(); j["value"] = x.get_value(); } + inline void from_json(const json & j, IntGridValueGroupDefinition& x) { + x.set_color(get_stack_optional(j, "color")); + x.set_identifier(get_stack_optional(j, "identifier")); + x.set_uid(j.at("uid").get()); + } + + inline void to_json(json & j, const IntGridValueGroupDefinition & x) { + j = json::object(); + j["color"] = x.get_color(); + j["identifier"] = x.get_identifier(); + j["uid"] = x.get_uid(); + } + inline void from_json(const json & j, LayerDefinition& x) { x.set_type(j.at("__type").get()); x.set_auto_rule_groups(j.at("autoRuleGroups").get>()); @@ -3546,6 +3642,7 @@ namespace quicktype { x.set_identifier(j.at("identifier").get()); x.set_inactive_opacity(j.at("inactiveOpacity").get()); x.set_int_grid_values(j.at("intGridValues").get>()); + x.set_int_grid_values_groups(j.at("intGridValuesGroups").get>()); x.set_parallax_factor_x(j.at("parallaxFactorX").get()); x.set_parallax_factor_y(j.at("parallaxFactorY").get()); x.set_parallax_scaling(j.at("parallaxScaling").get()); @@ -3579,6 +3676,7 @@ namespace quicktype { j["identifier"] = x.get_identifier(); j["inactiveOpacity"] = x.get_inactive_opacity(); j["intGridValues"] = x.get_int_grid_values(); + j["intGridValuesGroups"] = x.get_int_grid_values_groups(); j["parallaxFactorX"] = x.get_parallax_factor_x(); j["parallaxFactorY"] = x.get_parallax_factor_y(); j["parallaxScaling"] = x.get_parallax_scaling(); @@ -3965,6 +4063,7 @@ namespace quicktype { x.set_field_instance(get_stack_optional(j, "FieldInstance")); x.set_grid_point(get_stack_optional(j, "GridPoint")); x.set_int_grid_value_def(get_stack_optional(j, "IntGridValueDef")); + x.set_int_grid_value_group_def(get_stack_optional(j, "IntGridValueGroupDef")); x.set_int_grid_value_instance(get_stack_optional(j, "IntGridValueInstance")); x.set_layer_def(get_stack_optional(j, "LayerDef")); x.set_layer_instance(get_stack_optional(j, "LayerInstance")); @@ -3995,6 +4094,7 @@ namespace quicktype { j["FieldInstance"] = x.get_field_instance(); j["GridPoint"] = x.get_grid_point(); j["IntGridValueDef"] = x.get_int_grid_value_def(); + j["IntGridValueGroupDef"] = x.get_int_grid_value_group_def(); j["IntGridValueInstance"] = x.get_int_grid_value_instance(); j["LayerDef"] = x.get_layer_def(); j["LayerInstance"] = x.get_layer_instance(); diff --git a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cs b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cs index 0ee9ee583..9d5222390 100644 --- a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cs +++ b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.cs @@ -538,6 +538,12 @@ public partial class EntityDefinition [JsonProperty("uid")] public long Uid { get; set; } + /// + /// This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI + /// + [JsonProperty("uiTileRect")] + public TilesetRectangle UiTileRect { get; set; } + /// /// Pixel width /// @@ -810,8 +816,8 @@ public partial class EnumDefinition public partial class EnumValueDefinition { /// - /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - /// Replaced by: `tileRect` + /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + /// by: `tileRect` /// [JsonProperty("__tileSrcRect")] public long[] TileSrcRect { get; set; } @@ -829,8 +835,8 @@ public partial class EnumValueDefinition public string Id { get; set; } /// - /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - /// Replaced by: `tileRect` + /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + /// by: `tileRect` /// [JsonProperty("tileId")] public long? TileId { get; set; } @@ -937,6 +943,12 @@ public partial class LayerDefinition [JsonProperty("intGridValues")] public IntGridValueDefinition[] IntGridValues { get; set; } + /// + /// Group informations for IntGrid values + /// + [JsonProperty("intGridValuesGroups")] + public IntGridValueGroupDefinition[] IntGridValuesGroups { get; set; } + /// /// Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling /// speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. @@ -1038,6 +1050,12 @@ public partial class AutoLayerRuleGroup [JsonProperty("collapsed")] public bool? Collapsed { get; set; } + [JsonProperty("color")] + public string Color { get; set; } + + [JsonProperty("icon")] + public TilesetRectangle Icon { get; set; } + [JsonProperty("isOptional")] public bool IsOptional { get; set; } @@ -1233,6 +1251,12 @@ public partial class IntGridValueDefinition [JsonProperty("color")] public string Color { get; set; } + /// + /// Parent group identifier (0 if none) + /// + [JsonProperty("groupUid")] + public long GroupUid { get; set; } + /// /// User defined unique identifier /// @@ -1249,6 +1273,30 @@ public partial class IntGridValueDefinition public long Value { get; set; } } + /// + /// IntGrid value group definition + /// + public partial class IntGridValueGroupDefinition + { + /// + /// User defined color + /// + [JsonProperty("color")] + public string Color { get; set; } + + /// + /// User defined string identifier + /// + [JsonProperty("identifier")] + public string Identifier { get; set; } + + /// + /// Group unique ID + /// + [JsonProperty("uid")] + public long Uid { get; set; } + } + /// /// The `Tileset` definition is the most important part among project definitions. It /// contains some extra informations about each integrated tileset. If you only had to parse @@ -1433,6 +1481,9 @@ public partial class ForcedRefs [JsonProperty("IntGridValueDef", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public IntGridValueDefinition IntGridValueDef { get; set; } + [JsonProperty("IntGridValueGroupDef", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] + public IntGridValueGroupDefinition IntGridValueGroupDef { get; set; } + [JsonProperty("IntGridValueInstance", NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore)] public IntGridValueInstance IntGridValueInstance { get; set; } @@ -1903,9 +1954,10 @@ public partial class Level public LevelBackgroundPosition BgPos { get; set; } /// - /// An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant - /// for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For - /// Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. + /// An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.3.5, this + /// includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          + /// Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, + /// Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. ///
          [JsonProperty("__neighbours")] public NeighbourLevel[] Neighbours { get; set; } @@ -2069,7 +2121,9 @@ public partial class NeighbourLevel { /// /// A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, - /// `e`ast). + /// `e`ast).
          Since 1.3.5, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is + /// lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world + /// depth). ///
          [JsonProperty("dir")] public string Dir { get; set; } diff --git a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.go b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.go index 9fa5bc3b1..2efb6a437 100644 --- a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.go +++ b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.go @@ -238,6 +238,8 @@ type EntityDefinition struct { TilesetID *int64 `json:"tilesetId"` // Unique Int identifier Uid int64 `json:"uid"` + // This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI + UITileRect *TilesetRectangle `json:"uiTileRect"` // Pixel width Width int64 `json:"width"` } @@ -347,97 +349,101 @@ type EnumDefinition struct { } type EnumValueDefinition struct { - // **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - // Replaced by: `tileRect` - TileSrcRect []int64 `json:"__tileSrcRect"` - // Optional color - Color int64 `json:"color"` - // Enum value - ID string `json:"id"` - // **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - // Replaced by: `tileRect` - TileID *int64 `json:"tileId"` - // Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value - TileRect *TilesetRectangle `json:"tileRect"` + // **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + // by: `tileRect` + TileSrcRect []int64 `json:"__tileSrcRect"` + // Optional color + Color int64 `json:"color"` + // Enum value + ID string `json:"id"` + // **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + // by: `tileRect` + TileID *int64 `json:"tileId"` + // Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value + TileRect *TilesetRectangle `json:"tileRect"` } type LayerDefinition struct { - // Type of the layer (*IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer*) - Type string `json:"__type"` - // Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions. - AutoRuleGroups []AutoLayerRuleGroup `json:"autoRuleGroups"` - AutoSourceLayerDefUid *int64 `json:"autoSourceLayerDefUid"` - // **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0 Replaced - // by: `tilesetDefUid` - AutoTilesetDefUid *int64 `json:"autoTilesetDefUid"` - // Allow editor selections when the layer is not currently active. - CanSelectWhenInactive bool `json:"canSelectWhenInactive"` - // Opacity of the layer (0 to 1.0) - DisplayOpacity float64 `json:"displayOpacity"` - // User defined documentation for this element to provide help/tips to level designers. - Doc *string `json:"doc"` - // An array of tags to forbid some Entities in this layer - ExcludedTags []string `json:"excludedTags"` - // Width and height of the grid in pixels - GridSize int64 `json:"gridSize"` - // Height of the optional "guide" grid in pixels - GuideGridHei int64 `json:"guideGridHei"` - // Width of the optional "guide" grid in pixels - GuideGridWid int64 `json:"guideGridWid"` - HideFieldsWhenInactive bool `json:"hideFieldsWhenInactive"` - // Hide the layer from the list on the side of the editor view. - HideInList bool `json:"hideInList"` - // User defined unique identifier - Identifier string `json:"identifier"` - // Alpha of this layer when it is not the active one. - InactiveOpacity float64 `json:"inactiveOpacity"` - // An array that defines extra optional info for each IntGrid value.
          WARNING: the - // array order is not related to actual IntGrid values! As user can re-order IntGrid values - // freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array. - IntGridValues []IntGridValueDefinition `json:"intGridValues"` - // Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling - // speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. - ParallaxFactorX float64 `json:"parallaxFactorX"` - // Parallax vertical factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed - // of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. - ParallaxFactorY float64 `json:"parallaxFactorY"` - // If true (default), a layer with a parallax factor will also be scaled up/down accordingly. - ParallaxScaling bool `json:"parallaxScaling"` - // X offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance` - // optional offset) - PxOffsetX int64 `json:"pxOffsetX"` - // Y offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance` - // optional offset) - PxOffsetY int64 `json:"pxOffsetY"` - // If TRUE, the content of this layer will be used when rendering levels in a simplified way - // for the world view - RenderInWorldView bool `json:"renderInWorldView"` - // An array of tags to filter Entities that can be added to this layer - RequiredTags []string `json:"requiredTags"` - // If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to - // position the tile relatively its grid cell. - TilePivotX float64 `json:"tilePivotX"` - // If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to - // position the tile relatively its grid cell. - TilePivotY float64 `json:"tilePivotY"` - // Reference to the default Tileset UID being used by this layer definition.
          - // **WARNING**: some layer *instances* might use a different tileset. So most of the time, - // you should probably use the `__tilesetDefUid` value found in layer instances.
          Note: - // since version 1.0.0, the old `autoTilesetDefUid` was removed and merged into this value. - TilesetDefUid *int64 `json:"tilesetDefUid"` - // Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`, - // `AutoLayer` - LayerDefinitionType Type `json:"type"` - // User defined color for the UI - UIColor *string `json:"uiColor"` - // Unique Int identifier - Uid int64 `json:"uid"` + // Type of the layer (*IntGrid, Entities, Tiles or AutoLayer*) + Type string `json:"__type"` + // Contains all the auto-layer rule definitions. + AutoRuleGroups []AutoLayerRuleGroup `json:"autoRuleGroups"` + AutoSourceLayerDefUid *int64 `json:"autoSourceLayerDefUid"` + // **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0 Replaced + // by: `tilesetDefUid` + AutoTilesetDefUid *int64 `json:"autoTilesetDefUid"` + // Allow editor selections when the layer is not currently active. + CanSelectWhenInactive bool `json:"canSelectWhenInactive"` + // Opacity of the layer (0 to 1.0) + DisplayOpacity float64 `json:"displayOpacity"` + // User defined documentation for this element to provide help/tips to level designers. + Doc *string `json:"doc"` + // An array of tags to forbid some Entities in this layer + ExcludedTags []string `json:"excludedTags"` + // Width and height of the grid in pixels + GridSize int64 `json:"gridSize"` + // Height of the optional "guide" grid in pixels + GuideGridHei int64 `json:"guideGridHei"` + // Width of the optional "guide" grid in pixels + GuideGridWid int64 `json:"guideGridWid"` + HideFieldsWhenInactive bool `json:"hideFieldsWhenInactive"` + // Hide the layer from the list on the side of the editor view. + HideInList bool `json:"hideInList"` + // User defined unique identifier + Identifier string `json:"identifier"` + // Alpha of this layer when it is not the active one. + InactiveOpacity float64 `json:"inactiveOpacity"` + // An array that defines extra optional info for each IntGrid value.
          WARNING: the + // array order is not related to actual IntGrid values! As user can re-order IntGrid values + // freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array. + IntGridValues []IntGridValueDefinition `json:"intGridValues"` + // Group informations for IntGrid values + IntGridValuesGroups []IntGridValueGroupDefinition `json:"intGridValuesGroups"` + // Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling + // speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. + ParallaxFactorX float64 `json:"parallaxFactorX"` + // Parallax vertical factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed + // of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. + ParallaxFactorY float64 `json:"parallaxFactorY"` + // If true (default), a layer with a parallax factor will also be scaled up/down accordingly. + ParallaxScaling bool `json:"parallaxScaling"` + // X offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance` + // optional offset) + PxOffsetX int64 `json:"pxOffsetX"` + // Y offset of the layer, in pixels (IMPORTANT: this should be added to the `LayerInstance` + // optional offset) + PxOffsetY int64 `json:"pxOffsetY"` + // If TRUE, the content of this layer will be used when rendering levels in a simplified way + // for the world view + RenderInWorldView bool `json:"renderInWorldView"` + // An array of tags to filter Entities that can be added to this layer + RequiredTags []string `json:"requiredTags"` + // If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to + // position the tile relatively its grid cell. + TilePivotX float64 `json:"tilePivotX"` + // If the tiles are smaller or larger than the layer grid, the pivot value will be used to + // position the tile relatively its grid cell. + TilePivotY float64 `json:"tilePivotY"` + // Reference to the default Tileset UID being used by this layer definition.
          + // **WARNING**: some layer *instances* might use a different tileset. So most of the time, + // you should probably use the `__tilesetDefUid` value found in layer instances.
          Note: + // since version 1.0.0, the old `autoTilesetDefUid` was removed and merged into this value. + TilesetDefUid *int64 `json:"tilesetDefUid"` + // Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`, + // `AutoLayer` + LayerDefinitionType Type `json:"type"` + // User defined color for the UI + UIColor *string `json:"uiColor"` + // Unique Int identifier + Uid int64 `json:"uid"` } type AutoLayerRuleGroup struct { Active bool `json:"active"` // *This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.* Collapsed *bool `json:"collapsed"` + Color *string `json:"color"` + Icon *TilesetRectangle `json:"icon"` IsOptional bool `json:"isOptional"` Name string `json:"name"` Rules []AutoLayerRuleDefinition `json:"rules"` @@ -508,12 +514,24 @@ type AutoLayerRuleDefinition struct { // IntGrid value definition type IntGridValueDefinition struct { - Color string `json:"color"` - // User defined unique identifier - Identifier *string `json:"identifier"` - Tile *TilesetRectangle `json:"tile"` - // The IntGrid value itself - Value int64 `json:"value"` + Color string `json:"color"` + // Parent group identifier (0 if none) + GroupUid int64 `json:"groupUid"` + // User defined unique identifier + Identifier *string `json:"identifier"` + Tile *TilesetRectangle `json:"tile"` + // The IntGrid value itself + Value int64 `json:"value"` +} + +// IntGrid value group definition +type IntGridValueGroupDefinition struct { + // User defined color + Color *string `json:"color"` + // User defined string identifier + Identifier *string `json:"identifier"` + // Group unique ID + Uid int64 `json:"uid"` } // The `Tileset` definition is the most important part among project definitions. It @@ -589,6 +607,7 @@ type ForcedRefs struct { FieldInstance *FieldInstance `json:"FieldInstance,omitempty"` GridPoint *GridPoint `json:"GridPoint,omitempty"` IntGridValueDef *IntGridValueDefinition `json:"IntGridValueDef,omitempty"` + IntGridValueGroupDef *IntGridValueGroupDefinition `json:"IntGridValueGroupDef,omitempty"` IntGridValueInstance *IntGridValueInstance `json:"IntGridValueInstance,omitempty"` LayerDef *LayerDefinition `json:"LayerDef,omitempty"` LayerInstance *LayerInstance `json:"LayerInstance,omitempty"` @@ -788,9 +807,10 @@ type Level struct { BgColor string `json:"__bgColor"` // Position informations of the background image, if there is one. BgPos *LevelBackgroundPosition `json:"__bgPos"` - // An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant - // for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For - // Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. + // An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.3.5, this + // includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          + // Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, + // Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. Neighbours []NeighbourLevel `json:"__neighbours"` // The "guessed" color for this level in the editor, decided using either the background // color or an existing custom field. @@ -861,14 +881,16 @@ type LevelBackgroundPosition struct { // Nearby level info type NeighbourLevel struct { - // A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, - // `e`ast). - Dir string `json:"dir"` - // Neighbour Instance Identifier - LevelIid string `json:"levelIid"` - // **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0 Replaced - // by: `levelIid` - LevelUid *int64 `json:"levelUid"` + // A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, + // `e`ast).
          Since 1.3.5, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is + // lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world + // depth). + Dir string `json:"dir"` + // Neighbour Instance Identifier + LevelIid string `json:"levelIid"` + // **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.2.0 Replaced + // by: `levelIid` + LevelUid *int64 `json:"levelUid"` } type LdtkTableOfContentEntry struct { diff --git a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.js b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.js index 504a1d51a..fb746f07a 100644 --- a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.js +++ b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.js @@ -225,6 +225,7 @@ const typeMap = { { json: "FieldInstance", js: "FieldInstance", typ: u(undefined, r("FieldInstance")) }, { json: "GridPoint", js: "GridPoint", typ: u(undefined, r("GridPoint")) }, { json: "IntGridValueDef", js: "IntGridValueDef", typ: u(undefined, r("IntGridValueDefinition")) }, + { json: "IntGridValueGroupDef", js: "IntGridValueGroupDef", typ: u(undefined, r("IntGridValueGroupDefinition")) }, { json: "IntGridValueInstance", js: "IntGridValueInstance", typ: u(undefined, r("IntGridValueInstance")) }, { json: "LayerDef", js: "LayerDef", typ: u(undefined, r("LayerDefinition")) }, { json: "LayerInstance", js: "LayerInstance", typ: u(undefined, r("LayerInstance")) }, @@ -241,12 +242,21 @@ const typeMap = { "AutoLayerRuleGroup": o([ { json: "active", js: "active", typ: true }, { json: "collapsed", js: "collapsed", typ: u(undefined, u(true, null)) }, + { json: "color", js: "color", typ: u(undefined, u(null, "")) }, + { json: "icon", js: "icon", typ: u(undefined, u(r("TilesetRectangle"), null)) }, { json: "isOptional", js: "isOptional", typ: true }, { json: "name", js: "name", typ: "" }, { json: "rules", js: "rules", typ: a(r("AutoLayerRuleDefinition")) }, { json: "uid", js: "uid", typ: 0 }, { json: "usesWizard", js: "usesWizard", typ: true }, ], false), + "TilesetRectangle": o([ + { json: "h", js: "h", typ: 0 }, + { json: "tilesetUid", js: "tilesetUid", typ: 0 }, + { json: "w", js: "w", typ: 0 }, + { json: "x", js: "x", typ: 0 }, + { json: "y", js: "y", typ: 0 }, + ], false), "AutoLayerRuleDefinition": o([ { json: "active", js: "active", typ: true }, { json: "alpha", js: "alpha", typ: 3.14 }, @@ -322,6 +332,7 @@ const typeMap = { { json: "tileRenderMode", js: "tileRenderMode", typ: r("TileRenderMode") }, { json: "tilesetId", js: "tilesetId", typ: u(undefined, u(0, null)) }, { json: "uid", js: "uid", typ: 0 }, + { json: "uiTileRect", js: "uiTileRect", typ: u(undefined, u(r("TilesetRectangle"), null)) }, { json: "width", js: "width", typ: 0 }, ], false), "FieldDefinition": o([ @@ -359,13 +370,6 @@ const typeMap = { { json: "uid", js: "uid", typ: 0 }, { json: "useForSmartColor", js: "useForSmartColor", typ: true }, ], false), - "TilesetRectangle": o([ - { json: "h", js: "h", typ: 0 }, - { json: "tilesetUid", js: "tilesetUid", typ: 0 }, - { json: "w", js: "w", typ: 0 }, - { json: "x", js: "x", typ: 0 }, - { json: "y", js: "y", typ: 0 }, - ], false), "EnumDefinition": o([ { json: "externalFileChecksum", js: "externalFileChecksum", typ: u(undefined, u(null, "")) }, { json: "externalRelPath", js: "externalRelPath", typ: u(undefined, u(null, "")) }, @@ -399,6 +403,7 @@ const typeMap = { { json: "identifier", js: "identifier", typ: "" }, { json: "inactiveOpacity", js: "inactiveOpacity", typ: 3.14 }, { json: "intGridValues", js: "intGridValues", typ: a(r("IntGridValueDefinition")) }, + { json: "intGridValuesGroups", js: "intGridValuesGroups", typ: a(r("IntGridValueGroupDefinition")) }, { json: "parallaxFactorX", js: "parallaxFactorX", typ: 3.14 }, { json: "parallaxFactorY", js: "parallaxFactorY", typ: 3.14 }, { json: "parallaxScaling", js: "parallaxScaling", typ: true }, @@ -415,10 +420,16 @@ const typeMap = { ], false), "IntGridValueDefinition": o([ { json: "color", js: "color", typ: "" }, + { json: "groupUid", js: "groupUid", typ: 0 }, { json: "identifier", js: "identifier", typ: u(undefined, u(null, "")) }, { json: "tile", js: "tile", typ: u(undefined, u(r("TilesetRectangle"), null)) }, { json: "value", js: "value", typ: 0 }, ], false), + "IntGridValueGroupDefinition": o([ + { json: "color", js: "color", typ: u(undefined, u(null, "")) }, + { json: "identifier", js: "identifier", typ: u(undefined, u(null, "")) }, + { json: "uid", js: "uid", typ: 0 }, + ], false), "TilesetDefinition": o([ { json: "__cHei", js: "__cHei", typ: 0 }, { json: "__cWid", js: "__cWid", typ: 0 }, diff --git a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.py b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.py index 18a400ea3..075b5c09d 100644 --- a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.py +++ b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.py @@ -515,10 +515,12 @@ class EntityDefinition: tileset_id: Optional[int] """Unique Int identifier""" uid: int + """This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI""" + ui_tile_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle] """Pixel width""" width: int - def __init__(self, color: str, doc: Optional[str], export_to_toc: bool, field_defs: List[FieldDefinition], fill_opacity: float, height: int, hollow: bool, identifier: str, keep_aspect_ratio: bool, limit_behavior: LimitBehavior, limit_scope: LimitScope, line_opacity: float, max_count: int, max_height: Optional[int], max_width: Optional[int], min_height: Optional[int], min_width: Optional[int], nine_slice_borders: List[int], pivot_x: float, pivot_y: float, render_mode: RenderMode, resizable_x: bool, resizable_y: bool, show_name: bool, tags: List[str], tile_id: Optional[int], tile_opacity: float, tile_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle], tile_render_mode: TileRenderMode, tileset_id: Optional[int], uid: int, width: int) -> None: + def __init__(self, color: str, doc: Optional[str], export_to_toc: bool, field_defs: List[FieldDefinition], fill_opacity: float, height: int, hollow: bool, identifier: str, keep_aspect_ratio: bool, limit_behavior: LimitBehavior, limit_scope: LimitScope, line_opacity: float, max_count: int, max_height: Optional[int], max_width: Optional[int], min_height: Optional[int], min_width: Optional[int], nine_slice_borders: List[int], pivot_x: float, pivot_y: float, render_mode: RenderMode, resizable_x: bool, resizable_y: bool, show_name: bool, tags: List[str], tile_id: Optional[int], tile_opacity: float, tile_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle], tile_render_mode: TileRenderMode, tileset_id: Optional[int], uid: int, ui_tile_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle], width: int) -> None: self.color = color self.doc = doc self.export_to_toc = export_to_toc @@ -550,6 +552,7 @@ def __init__(self, color: str, doc: Optional[str], export_to_toc: bool, field_de self.tile_render_mode = tile_render_mode self.tileset_id = tileset_id self.uid = uid + self.ui_tile_rect = ui_tile_rect self.width = width @staticmethod @@ -586,8 +589,9 @@ def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'EntityDefinition': tile_render_mode = TileRenderMode(obj.get("tileRenderMode")) tileset_id = from_union([from_none, from_int], obj.get("tilesetId")) uid = from_int(obj.get("uid")) + ui_tile_rect = from_union([from_none, TilesetRectangle.from_dict], obj.get("uiTileRect")) width = from_int(obj.get("width")) - return EntityDefinition(color, doc, export_to_toc, field_defs, fill_opacity, height, hollow, identifier, keep_aspect_ratio, limit_behavior, limit_scope, line_opacity, max_count, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, nine_slice_borders, pivot_x, pivot_y, render_mode, resizable_x, resizable_y, show_name, tags, tile_id, tile_opacity, tile_rect, tile_render_mode, tileset_id, uid, width) + return EntityDefinition(color, doc, export_to_toc, field_defs, fill_opacity, height, hollow, identifier, keep_aspect_ratio, limit_behavior, limit_scope, line_opacity, max_count, max_height, max_width, min_height, min_width, nine_slice_borders, pivot_x, pivot_y, render_mode, resizable_x, resizable_y, show_name, tags, tile_id, tile_opacity, tile_rect, tile_render_mode, tileset_id, uid, ui_tile_rect, width) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} @@ -630,21 +634,23 @@ def to_dict(self) -> dict: if self.tileset_id is not None: result["tilesetId"] = from_union([from_none, from_int], self.tileset_id) result["uid"] = from_int(self.uid) + if self.ui_tile_rect is not None: + result["uiTileRect"] = from_union([from_none, lambda x: to_class(TilesetRectangle, x)], self.ui_tile_rect) result["width"] = from_int(self.width) return result class EnumValueDefinition: - """**WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - Replaced by: `tileRect` + """**WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + by: `tileRect` """ tile_src_rect: Optional[List[int]] """Optional color""" color: int """Enum value""" id: str - """**WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - Replaced by: `tileRect` + """**WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + by: `tileRect` """ tile_id: Optional[int] """Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value""" @@ -910,15 +916,19 @@ class AutoLayerRuleGroup: active: bool """*This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.*""" collapsed: Optional[bool] + color: Optional[str] + icon: Optional[TilesetRectangle] is_optional: bool name: str rules: List[AutoLayerRuleDefinition] uid: int uses_wizard: bool - def __init__(self, active: bool, collapsed: Optional[bool], is_optional: bool, name: str, rules: List[AutoLayerRuleDefinition], uid: int, uses_wizard: bool) -> None: + def __init__(self, active: bool, collapsed: Optional[bool], color: Optional[str], icon: Optional[TilesetRectangle], is_optional: bool, name: str, rules: List[AutoLayerRuleDefinition], uid: int, uses_wizard: bool) -> None: self.active = active self.collapsed = collapsed + self.color = color + self.icon = icon self.is_optional = is_optional self.name = name self.rules = rules @@ -930,18 +940,24 @@ def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'AutoLayerRuleGroup': assert isinstance(obj, dict) active = from_bool(obj.get("active")) collapsed = from_union([from_none, from_bool], obj.get("collapsed")) + color = from_union([from_none, from_str], obj.get("color")) + icon = from_union([from_none, TilesetRectangle.from_dict], obj.get("icon")) is_optional = from_bool(obj.get("isOptional")) name = from_str(obj.get("name")) rules = from_list(AutoLayerRuleDefinition.from_dict, obj.get("rules")) uid = from_int(obj.get("uid")) uses_wizard = from_bool(obj.get("usesWizard")) - return AutoLayerRuleGroup(active, collapsed, is_optional, name, rules, uid, uses_wizard) + return AutoLayerRuleGroup(active, collapsed, color, icon, is_optional, name, rules, uid, uses_wizard) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} result["active"] = from_bool(self.active) if self.collapsed is not None: result["collapsed"] = from_union([from_none, from_bool], self.collapsed) + if self.color is not None: + result["color"] = from_union([from_none, from_str], self.color) + if self.icon is not None: + result["icon"] = from_union([from_none, lambda x: to_class(TilesetRectangle, x)], self.icon) result["isOptional"] = from_bool(self.is_optional) result["name"] = from_str(self.name) result["rules"] = from_list(lambda x: to_class(AutoLayerRuleDefinition, x), self.rules) @@ -953,14 +969,17 @@ def to_dict(self) -> dict: class IntGridValueDefinition: """IntGrid value definition""" color: str + """Parent group identifier (0 if none)""" + group_uid: int """User defined unique identifier""" identifier: Optional[str] tile: Optional[TilesetRectangle] """The IntGrid value itself""" value: int - def __init__(self, color: str, identifier: Optional[str], tile: Optional[TilesetRectangle], value: int) -> None: + def __init__(self, color: str, group_uid: int, identifier: Optional[str], tile: Optional[TilesetRectangle], value: int) -> None: self.color = color + self.group_uid = group_uid self.identifier = identifier self.tile = tile self.value = value @@ -969,14 +988,16 @@ def __init__(self, color: str, identifier: Optional[str], tile: Optional[Tileset def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'IntGridValueDefinition': assert isinstance(obj, dict) color = from_str(obj.get("color")) + group_uid = from_int(obj.get("groupUid")) identifier = from_union([from_none, from_str], obj.get("identifier")) tile = from_union([from_none, TilesetRectangle.from_dict], obj.get("tile")) value = from_int(obj.get("value")) - return IntGridValueDefinition(color, identifier, tile, value) + return IntGridValueDefinition(color, group_uid, identifier, tile, value) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} result["color"] = from_str(self.color) + result["groupUid"] = from_int(self.group_uid) if self.identifier is not None: result["identifier"] = from_union([from_none, from_str], self.identifier) if self.tile is not None: @@ -985,6 +1006,38 @@ def to_dict(self) -> dict: return result +class IntGridValueGroupDefinition: + """IntGrid value group definition""" + """User defined color""" + color: Optional[str] + """User defined string identifier""" + identifier: Optional[str] + """Group unique ID""" + uid: int + + def __init__(self, color: Optional[str], identifier: Optional[str], uid: int) -> None: + self.color = color + self.identifier = identifier + self.uid = uid + + @staticmethod + def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'IntGridValueGroupDefinition': + assert isinstance(obj, dict) + color = from_union([from_none, from_str], obj.get("color")) + identifier = from_union([from_none, from_str], obj.get("identifier")) + uid = from_int(obj.get("uid")) + return IntGridValueGroupDefinition(color, identifier, uid) + + def to_dict(self) -> dict: + result: dict = {} + if self.color is not None: + result["color"] = from_union([from_none, from_str], self.color) + if self.identifier is not None: + result["identifier"] = from_union([from_none, from_str], self.identifier) + result["uid"] = from_int(self.uid) + return result + + class TypeEnum(Enum): """Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`, `AutoLayer` @@ -1031,6 +1084,8 @@ class LayerDefinition: freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array. """ int_grid_values: List[IntGridValueDefinition] + """Group informations for IntGrid values""" + int_grid_values_groups: List[IntGridValueGroupDefinition] """Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. """ @@ -1078,7 +1133,7 @@ class LayerDefinition: """Unique Int identifier""" uid: int - def __init__(self, type: str, auto_rule_groups: List[AutoLayerRuleGroup], auto_source_layer_def_uid: Optional[int], auto_tileset_def_uid: Optional[int], can_select_when_inactive: bool, display_opacity: float, doc: Optional[str], excluded_tags: List[str], grid_size: int, guide_grid_hei: int, guide_grid_wid: int, hide_fields_when_inactive: bool, hide_in_list: bool, identifier: str, inactive_opacity: float, int_grid_values: List[IntGridValueDefinition], parallax_factor_x: float, parallax_factor_y: float, parallax_scaling: bool, px_offset_x: int, px_offset_y: int, render_in_world_view: bool, required_tags: List[str], tile_pivot_x: float, tile_pivot_y: float, tileset_def_uid: Optional[int], layer_definition_type: TypeEnum, ui_color: Optional[str], uid: int) -> None: + def __init__(self, type: str, auto_rule_groups: List[AutoLayerRuleGroup], auto_source_layer_def_uid: Optional[int], auto_tileset_def_uid: Optional[int], can_select_when_inactive: bool, display_opacity: float, doc: Optional[str], excluded_tags: List[str], grid_size: int, guide_grid_hei: int, guide_grid_wid: int, hide_fields_when_inactive: bool, hide_in_list: bool, identifier: str, inactive_opacity: float, int_grid_values: List[IntGridValueDefinition], int_grid_values_groups: List[IntGridValueGroupDefinition], parallax_factor_x: float, parallax_factor_y: float, parallax_scaling: bool, px_offset_x: int, px_offset_y: int, render_in_world_view: bool, required_tags: List[str], tile_pivot_x: float, tile_pivot_y: float, tileset_def_uid: Optional[int], layer_definition_type: TypeEnum, ui_color: Optional[str], uid: int) -> None: self.type = type self.auto_rule_groups = auto_rule_groups self.auto_source_layer_def_uid = auto_source_layer_def_uid @@ -1095,6 +1150,7 @@ def __init__(self, type: str, auto_rule_groups: List[AutoLayerRuleGroup], auto_s self.identifier = identifier self.inactive_opacity = inactive_opacity self.int_grid_values = int_grid_values + self.int_grid_values_groups = int_grid_values_groups self.parallax_factor_x = parallax_factor_x self.parallax_factor_y = parallax_factor_y self.parallax_scaling = parallax_scaling @@ -1128,6 +1184,7 @@ def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'LayerDefinition': identifier = from_str(obj.get("identifier")) inactive_opacity = from_float(obj.get("inactiveOpacity")) int_grid_values = from_list(IntGridValueDefinition.from_dict, obj.get("intGridValues")) + int_grid_values_groups = from_list(IntGridValueGroupDefinition.from_dict, obj.get("intGridValuesGroups")) parallax_factor_x = from_float(obj.get("parallaxFactorX")) parallax_factor_y = from_float(obj.get("parallaxFactorY")) parallax_scaling = from_bool(obj.get("parallaxScaling")) @@ -1141,7 +1198,7 @@ def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'LayerDefinition': layer_definition_type = TypeEnum(obj.get("type")) ui_color = from_union([from_none, from_str], obj.get("uiColor")) uid = from_int(obj.get("uid")) - return LayerDefinition(type, auto_rule_groups, auto_source_layer_def_uid, auto_tileset_def_uid, can_select_when_inactive, display_opacity, doc, excluded_tags, grid_size, guide_grid_hei, guide_grid_wid, hide_fields_when_inactive, hide_in_list, identifier, inactive_opacity, int_grid_values, parallax_factor_x, parallax_factor_y, parallax_scaling, px_offset_x, px_offset_y, render_in_world_view, required_tags, tile_pivot_x, tile_pivot_y, tileset_def_uid, layer_definition_type, ui_color, uid) + return LayerDefinition(type, auto_rule_groups, auto_source_layer_def_uid, auto_tileset_def_uid, can_select_when_inactive, display_opacity, doc, excluded_tags, grid_size, guide_grid_hei, guide_grid_wid, hide_fields_when_inactive, hide_in_list, identifier, inactive_opacity, int_grid_values, int_grid_values_groups, parallax_factor_x, parallax_factor_y, parallax_scaling, px_offset_x, px_offset_y, render_in_world_view, required_tags, tile_pivot_x, tile_pivot_y, tileset_def_uid, layer_definition_type, ui_color, uid) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} @@ -1164,6 +1221,7 @@ def to_dict(self) -> dict: result["identifier"] = from_str(self.identifier) result["inactiveOpacity"] = to_float(self.inactive_opacity) result["intGridValues"] = from_list(lambda x: to_class(IntGridValueDefinition, x), self.int_grid_values) + result["intGridValuesGroups"] = from_list(lambda x: to_class(IntGridValueGroupDefinition, x), self.int_grid_values_groups) result["parallaxFactorX"] = to_float(self.parallax_factor_x) result["parallaxFactorY"] = to_float(self.parallax_factor_y) result["parallaxScaling"] = from_bool(self.parallax_scaling) @@ -1903,7 +1961,9 @@ class BgPos(Enum): class NeighbourLevel: """Nearby level info""" """A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, - `e`ast). + `e`ast).
          Since 1.3.5, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is + lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world + depth). """ dir: str """Neighbour Instance Identifier""" @@ -1951,9 +2011,10 @@ class Level: bg_color: str """Position informations of the background image, if there is one.""" bg_pos: Optional[LevelBackgroundPosition] - """An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant - for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For - Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. + """An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.3.5, this + includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          + Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, + Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. """ neighbours: List[NeighbourLevel] """The "guessed" color for this level in the editor, decided using either the background @@ -2209,6 +2270,7 @@ class ForcedRefs: field_instance: Optional[FieldInstance] grid_point: Optional[GridPoint] int_grid_value_def: Optional[IntGridValueDefinition] + int_grid_value_group_def: Optional[IntGridValueGroupDefinition] int_grid_value_instance: Optional[IntGridValueInstance] layer_def: Optional[LayerDefinition] layer_instance: Optional[LayerInstance] @@ -2222,7 +2284,7 @@ class ForcedRefs: tileset_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle] world: Optional[World] - def __init__(self, auto_layer_rule_group: Optional[AutoLayerRuleGroup], auto_rule_def: Optional[AutoLayerRuleDefinition], custom_command: Optional[LdtkCustomCommand], definitions: Optional[Definitions], entity_def: Optional[EntityDefinition], entity_instance: Optional[EntityInstance], entity_reference_infos: Optional[ReferenceToAnEntityInstance], enum_def: Optional[EnumDefinition], enum_def_values: Optional[EnumValueDefinition], enum_tag_value: Optional[EnumTagValue], field_def: Optional[FieldDefinition], field_instance: Optional[FieldInstance], grid_point: Optional[GridPoint], int_grid_value_def: Optional[IntGridValueDefinition], int_grid_value_instance: Optional[IntGridValueInstance], layer_def: Optional[LayerDefinition], layer_instance: Optional[LayerInstance], level: Optional[Level], level_bg_pos_infos: Optional[LevelBackgroundPosition], neighbour_level: Optional[NeighbourLevel], table_of_content_entry: Optional[LdtkTableOfContentEntry], tile: Optional[TileInstance], tile_custom_metadata: Optional[TileCustomMetadata], tileset_def: Optional[TilesetDefinition], tileset_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle], world: Optional[World]) -> None: + def __init__(self, auto_layer_rule_group: Optional[AutoLayerRuleGroup], auto_rule_def: Optional[AutoLayerRuleDefinition], custom_command: Optional[LdtkCustomCommand], definitions: Optional[Definitions], entity_def: Optional[EntityDefinition], entity_instance: Optional[EntityInstance], entity_reference_infos: Optional[ReferenceToAnEntityInstance], enum_def: Optional[EnumDefinition], enum_def_values: Optional[EnumValueDefinition], enum_tag_value: Optional[EnumTagValue], field_def: Optional[FieldDefinition], field_instance: Optional[FieldInstance], grid_point: Optional[GridPoint], int_grid_value_def: Optional[IntGridValueDefinition], int_grid_value_group_def: Optional[IntGridValueGroupDefinition], int_grid_value_instance: Optional[IntGridValueInstance], layer_def: Optional[LayerDefinition], layer_instance: Optional[LayerInstance], level: Optional[Level], level_bg_pos_infos: Optional[LevelBackgroundPosition], neighbour_level: Optional[NeighbourLevel], table_of_content_entry: Optional[LdtkTableOfContentEntry], tile: Optional[TileInstance], tile_custom_metadata: Optional[TileCustomMetadata], tileset_def: Optional[TilesetDefinition], tileset_rect: Optional[TilesetRectangle], world: Optional[World]) -> None: self.auto_layer_rule_group = auto_layer_rule_group self.auto_rule_def = auto_rule_def self.custom_command = custom_command @@ -2237,6 +2299,7 @@ def __init__(self, auto_layer_rule_group: Optional[AutoLayerRuleGroup], auto_rul self.field_instance = field_instance self.grid_point = grid_point self.int_grid_value_def = int_grid_value_def + self.int_grid_value_group_def = int_grid_value_group_def self.int_grid_value_instance = int_grid_value_instance self.layer_def = layer_def self.layer_instance = layer_instance @@ -2267,6 +2330,7 @@ def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'ForcedRefs': field_instance = from_union([FieldInstance.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("FieldInstance")) grid_point = from_union([GridPoint.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("GridPoint")) int_grid_value_def = from_union([IntGridValueDefinition.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("IntGridValueDef")) + int_grid_value_group_def = from_union([IntGridValueGroupDefinition.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("IntGridValueGroupDef")) int_grid_value_instance = from_union([IntGridValueInstance.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("IntGridValueInstance")) layer_def = from_union([LayerDefinition.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("LayerDef")) layer_instance = from_union([LayerInstance.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("LayerInstance")) @@ -2279,7 +2343,7 @@ def from_dict(obj: Any) -> 'ForcedRefs': tileset_def = from_union([TilesetDefinition.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("TilesetDef")) tileset_rect = from_union([from_none, TilesetRectangle.from_dict], obj.get("TilesetRect")) world = from_union([World.from_dict, from_none], obj.get("World")) - return ForcedRefs(auto_layer_rule_group, auto_rule_def, custom_command, definitions, entity_def, entity_instance, entity_reference_infos, enum_def, enum_def_values, enum_tag_value, field_def, field_instance, grid_point, int_grid_value_def, int_grid_value_instance, layer_def, layer_instance, level, level_bg_pos_infos, neighbour_level, table_of_content_entry, tile, tile_custom_metadata, tileset_def, tileset_rect, world) + return ForcedRefs(auto_layer_rule_group, auto_rule_def, custom_command, definitions, entity_def, entity_instance, entity_reference_infos, enum_def, enum_def_values, enum_tag_value, field_def, field_instance, grid_point, int_grid_value_def, int_grid_value_group_def, int_grid_value_instance, layer_def, layer_instance, level, level_bg_pos_infos, neighbour_level, table_of_content_entry, tile, tile_custom_metadata, tileset_def, tileset_rect, world) def to_dict(self) -> dict: result: dict = {} @@ -2311,6 +2375,8 @@ def to_dict(self) -> dict: result["GridPoint"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(GridPoint, x), from_none], self.grid_point) if self.int_grid_value_def is not None: result["IntGridValueDef"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(IntGridValueDefinition, x), from_none], self.int_grid_value_def) + if self.int_grid_value_group_def is not None: + result["IntGridValueGroupDef"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(IntGridValueGroupDefinition, x), from_none], self.int_grid_value_group_def) if self.int_grid_value_instance is not None: result["IntGridValueInstance"] = from_union([lambda x: to_class(IntGridValueInstance, x), from_none], self.int_grid_value_instance) if self.layer_def is not None: diff --git a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.rs b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.rs index 2b86f3325..3ff15fdf5 100644 --- a/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.rs +++ b/docs/quicktype/LdtkJson.rs @@ -331,6 +331,9 @@ pub struct EntityDefinition { /// Unique Int identifier pub uid: i64, + /// This tile overrides the one defined in `tileRect` in the UI + pub ui_tile_rect: Option, + /// Pixel width pub width: i64, } @@ -682,8 +685,8 @@ pub struct EnumDefinition { #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct EnumValueDefinition { - /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - /// Replaced by: `tileRect` + /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + /// by: `tileRect` #[serde(rename = "__tileSrcRect")] pub tile_src_rect: Option>, @@ -693,8 +696,8 @@ pub struct EnumValueDefinition { /// Enum value pub id: String, - /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value will be *removed* completely on version 1.4.0+ - /// Replaced by: `tileRect` + /// **WARNING**: this deprecated value is no longer exported since version 1.4.0 Replaced + /// by: `tileRect` pub tile_id: Option, /// Optional tileset rectangle to represents this value @@ -754,6 +757,9 @@ pub struct LayerDefinition { /// freely, you may value "2" before value "1" in this array. pub int_grid_values: Vec, + /// Group informations for IntGrid values + pub int_grid_values_groups: Vec, + /// Parallax horizontal factor (from -1 to 1, defaults to 0) which affects the scrolling /// speed of this layer, creating a fake 3D (parallax) effect. pub parallax_factor_x: f64, @@ -814,6 +820,10 @@ pub struct AutoLayerRuleGroup { /// *This field was removed in 1.0.0 and should no longer be used.* pub collapsed: Option, + pub color: Option, + + pub icon: Option, + pub is_optional: bool, pub name: String, @@ -936,9 +946,13 @@ pub enum TileMode { /// IntGrid value definition #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +#[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct IntGridValueDefinition { pub color: String, + /// Parent group identifier (0 if none) + pub group_uid: i64, + /// User defined unique identifier pub identifier: Option, @@ -948,6 +962,19 @@ pub struct IntGridValueDefinition { pub value: i64, } +/// IntGrid value group definition +#[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] +pub struct IntGridValueGroupDefinition { + /// User defined color + pub color: Option, + + /// User defined string identifier + pub identifier: Option, + + /// Group unique ID + pub uid: i64, +} + /// Type of the layer as Haxe Enum Possible values: `IntGrid`, `Entities`, `Tiles`, /// `AutoLayer` #[derive(Debug, Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)] @@ -1105,6 +1132,8 @@ pub struct ForcedRefs { pub int_grid_value_def: Option, + pub int_grid_value_group_def: Option, + pub int_grid_value_instance: Option, pub layer_def: Option, @@ -1406,9 +1435,10 @@ pub struct Level { #[serde(rename = "__bgPos")] pub bg_pos: Option, - /// An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map.
          Only relevant - /// for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, Free). For - /// Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. + /// An array listing all other levels touching this one on the world map. Since 1.3.5, this + /// includes levels that overlap in the same world layer, or in nearby world layers.
          + /// Only relevant for world layouts where level spatial positioning is manual (ie. GridVania, + /// Free). For Horizontal and Vertical layouts, this array is always empty. #[serde(rename = "__neighbours")] pub neighbours: Vec, @@ -1522,7 +1552,9 @@ pub enum BgPos { #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct NeighbourLevel { /// A single lowercase character tipping on the level location (`n`orth, `s`outh, `w`est, - /// `e`ast). + /// `e`ast).
          Since 1.3.5, this character value can also be `<` (neighbour depth is + /// lower), `>` (neighbour depth is greater) or `o` (levels overlap and share the same world + /// depth). pub dir: String, /// Neighbour Instance Identifier diff --git a/docs/version.txt b/docs/version.txt index 8c9698aaf..e21e727f9 100644 --- a/docs/version.txt +++ b/docs/version.txt @@ -1 +1 @@ -1.3.4 \ No newline at end of file +1.4.0 \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/electron.common/Settings.hx b/src/electron.common/Settings.hx index b65b73e9a..e4af6a962 100644 --- a/src/electron.common/Settings.hx +++ b/src/electron.common/Settings.hx @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import EditorTypes; typedef AppSettings = { var lastKnownVersion: Null; - var compactMode : Bool; + var zenMode : Bool; var grid : Bool; var emptySpaceSelection : Bool; var tileStacking : Bool; @@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ enum abstract UiState(String) { var ShowProjectColors; var HideSamplesOnHome; var RuleValuesColumns; + var IntGridPaletteColumns; + var EntityPaletteColumns; } /* Notes: Settings related enums are stored in this file instead of EditorTypes to avoid Main compilation to reach unwanted classes, by importing EditorTypes. */ @@ -83,7 +85,7 @@ class Settings { recentDirs: null, recentDirColors: [], - compactMode: false, + zenMode: false, grid: true, emptySpaceSelection: true, diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/App.hx b/src/electron.renderer/App.hx index 08ac2205e..7128a588a 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/App.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/App.hx @@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ class App extends dn.Process { var requestedCpuEndTime = 0.; public var pendingUpdate : Null<{ ver:String, github:Bool }>; + public var keyBindings : Array = []; + public function new() { super(); @@ -178,6 +180,80 @@ class App extends dn.Process { IpcRenderer.invoke("appReady"); updateBodyClasses(); LOG.flushOnAdd = false; + initKeyBindings(); + } + + + function initKeyBindings() { + keyBindings = []; + + // Parse AppCommands meta + var meta = haxe.rtti.Meta.getFields(AppCommand); + var keyNameReg = ~/(ctrl|shift|alt| |-|\+|\[wasd\]|\[zqsd\]|\[arrows\]|\[win\]|\[linux\]|\[mac\]|\[debug\])/gi; + for(k in AppCommand.getConstructors()) { + var cmd = AppCommand.createByName(k); + var cmdMeta : Dynamic = Reflect.field(meta, k); + var rawCombos : String = try cmdMeta.k[0] catch(_) null; + if( rawCombos==null ) + continue; + + rawCombos = rawCombos.toLowerCase(); + for(rawCombo in rawCombos.split(",")) { + + var rawKey = keyNameReg.replace(rawCombo, ""); + var keyCode = switch rawKey { + case "escape": K.ESCAPE; + case "tab": K.TAB; + case "pagedown": K.PGDOWN; + case "pageup": K.PGUP; + case "up": K.UP; + case "down": K.DOWN; + case "left": K.LEFT; + case "right": K.RIGHT; + case "²": K.QWERTY_TILDE; + case "`": K.QWERTY_QUOTE; + + case _: + var fnReg = ~/f([0-9]|1[0-2])$/gi; + if( rawKey.length==1 && rawKey>="a" && rawKey<="z" ) + K.A + ( rawKey.charCodeAt(0) - "a".code ) + else if( rawKey.length==1 && rawKey>="0" && rawKey<="9" ) + K.NUMBER_0 + ( rawKey.charCodeAt(0) - "0".code ) + else if( fnReg.match(rawKey) ) + K.F1 + Std.parseInt( fnReg.matched(1) ) - 1; + else + throw "Unknown key "+rawKey; + } + + var navKeys : Null = + rawCombo.indexOf("[wasd]")>=0 ? Settings.NavigationKeys.Wasd + : rawCombo.indexOf("[zqsd]")>=0 ? Settings.NavigationKeys.Zqsd + : rawCombo.indexOf("[arrows]")>=0 ? Settings.NavigationKeys.Arrows + : null; + + + var os : Null = + rawCombo.indexOf("[win]")>=0 ? "win" + : rawCombo.indexOf("[linux]")>=0 ? "linux" + : rawCombo.indexOf("[mac]")>=0 ? "mac" + : null; + + + keyBindings.push({ + keyCode: keyCode, + jsKey: rawKey, + ctrl: rawCombo.indexOf("ctrl")>=0, + shift: rawCombo.indexOf("shift")>=0, + alt: rawCombo.indexOf("alt")>=0, + navKeys: navKeys, + os: os, + debug: rawCombo.indexOf("[debug]")>=0, + allowInInputs: Reflect.hasField(cmdMeta, "input"), + command: cmd, + }); + } + + } } diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/Const.hx b/src/electron.renderer/Const.hx index 9e734a32a..44a4c4802 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/Const.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/Const.hx @@ -12,6 +12,10 @@ class Const { ].join("-"); } + public static function getAppVersionObj() { + return new dn.Version(APP_VERSION); + } + public static function getAppBuildId() : Float { return Std.int( dn.MacroTools.getBuildTimeStampSeconds() / (60*60) ); } @@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ class Const { } public static var AUTO_LAYER_ANYTHING = 1000001; - public static var MAX_AUTO_PATTERN_SIZE = 7; + public static var MAX_AUTO_PATTERN_SIZE = 9; #end diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/EditorTypes.hx b/src/electron.renderer/EditorTypes.hx index ffc64698f..9f06eb80a 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/EditorTypes.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/EditorTypes.hx @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ enum GlobalEvent { LayerDefChanged(defUid:Int); LayerDefSorted; LayerDefConverted; + LayerDefIntGridValueAdded(defUid:Int, valueId:Int); LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(defUid:Int); LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(defUid:Int, valueId:Int, isUsed:Bool); @@ -223,3 +224,69 @@ typedef CachedIID = { var level: data.Level; var ?ei: data.inst.EntityInstance ; } + + +enum ModalAnchor { + MA_Free; + MA_Centered; + MA_JQuery(je:js.jquery.JQuery); + MA_Coords(m:Coords); +} + + +typedef KeyBinding = { + var keyCode : Int; + var jsKey : String; + var ctrl : Bool; + var shift : Bool; + var alt : Bool; + + var navKeys : Null; + var os : Null; + var debug: Bool; + + var allowInInputs : Bool; + + var command : AppCommand; +} + +enum AppCommand { + @k("ctrl s") @input C_SaveProject; + @k("ctrl shift s") @input C_SaveProjectAs; + @k("ctrl W") @input C_CloseProject; + C_RenameProject; + + @k("escape") @input C_Back; + @k("f12") @input C_AppSettings; + @k("ctrl z") C_Undo; + @k("ctrl y") C_Redo; + @k("ctrl a") C_SelectAll; + @k("tab") C_ZenMode; + @k("h") C_ShowHelp; + @k("shift w, ², `, [zqsd] w, [arrows] w") C_ToggleWorldMode; + @k("ctrl r, [debug] ctrl shift r") @input C_RunCommand; + @k("ctrl q") @input C_ExitApp; + @k("pagedown") C_GotoPreviousWorldLayer; + @k("pageup") C_GotoNextWorldLayer; + @k("ctrl pagedown, shift pagedown") C_MoveLevelToPreviousWorldLayer; + @k("ctrl pageup, shift pageup") C_MoveLevelToNextWorldLayer; + + @k("p") C_OpenProjectPanel; + @k("l") C_OpenLayerPanel; + @k("e") C_OpenEntityPanel; + @k("u") C_OpenEnumPanel; + @k("t") C_OpenTilesetPanel; + @k("c") C_OpenLevelPanel; + + @k("[zqsd] z, [wasd] w, [arrows] up") C_NavUp; + @k("[zqsd] s, [wasd] s, [arrows] down") C_NavDown; + @k("[zqsd] q, [wasd] a, [arrows] left") C_NavLeft; + @k("[zqsd] d, [wasd] d, [arrows] right") C_NavRight; + + @k("shift r") C_ToggleAutoLayerRender; + @k("shift e") C_ToggleSelectEmptySpaces; + @k("shift t") C_ToggleTileStacking; + @k("shift a, [zqsd] a, [arrows] a") C_ToggleSingleLayerMode; + @k("[win] ctrl h, [linux] ctrl h, [mac] shift h") C_ToggleDetails; + @k("g") C_ToggleGrid; +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/DataTypes.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/DataTypes.hx index 174a131fd..5a8f2f04e 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/DataTypes.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/DataTypes.hx @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ typedef IntGridValueDefEditor = { var identifier : Null; var color : dn.Col; var tile : Null; + var groupUid : Int; } enum ValueWrapper { @@ -40,6 +41,8 @@ typedef EnumDefValue = { typedef AutoLayerRuleGroup = { var uid : Int; var name : String; + var color: Null; + var icon: Null; var active : Bool; var collapsed : Bool; var rules : Array; diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/Level.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/Level.hx index 991069006..e7e5011cc 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/Level.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/Level.hx @@ -85,14 +85,38 @@ class Level { List nearby levels as JSON **/ public function getNeighboursJson() : Array { - var neighbours : Array = switch _world.worldLayout { + var neighbours : Array = []; + + // Overlaps in world layers + neighbours = neighbours.concat( switch _world.worldLayout { + case Free, GridVania: + var nears = _world.levels.filter( (ol)-> + ol!=this + && M.iabs(worldDepth-ol.worldDepth)<=1 + && dn.Lib.rectangleOverlaps(worldX,worldY,pxWid,pxHei, ol.worldX,ol.worldY,ol.pxWid,ol.pxHei) + ); + nears.map( (l)->{ + var dir = l.worldDepth==worldDepth ? "o" : l.worldDepth>worldDepth? ">" : "<"; + var nl : ldtk.Json.NeighbourLevel = { + levelIid: l.iid, + dir: dir, + } + return nl; + }); + + case LinearHorizontal, LinearVertical: + []; + } ); + + // Touching neighbours + neighbours = neighbours.concat( switch _world.worldLayout { case Free, GridVania: var nears = _world.levels.filter( (ol)-> ol!=this && getBoundsDist(ol)==0 && ol.worldDepth==worldDepth && !( ( ol.worldX>=worldX+pxWid || ol.worldX+ol.pxWid<=worldX ) - && ( ol.worldY>=worldY+pxHei || ol.worldY+ol.pxHei<=worldY ) - ) + && ( ol.worldY>=worldY+pxHei || ol.worldY+ol.pxHei<=worldY ) ) + && !dn.Lib.rectangleOverlaps(worldX,worldY,pxWid,pxHei, ol.worldX,ol.worldY,ol.pxWid,ol.pxHei) ); nears.map( (l)->{ var dir = l.worldX>=worldX+pxWid ? "e" @@ -108,12 +132,13 @@ class Level { case LinearHorizontal, LinearVertical: []; - } + }); return neighbours; } + public function toJson(ignoreCache=false) : ldtk.Json.LevelJson { if( !ignoreCache && hasJsonCache() ) { var o = getCacheJsonObject(); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/Project.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/Project.hx index e0dd79781..867fd9b22 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/Project.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/Project.hx @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class Project { p.tutorialDesc = JsonTools.unescapeString(json.tutorialDesc); p.customCommands = JsonTools.readArray(json.customCommands, []).map( (cmdJson:ldtk.Json.CustomCommand)->{ return { - command: cmdJson.command, + command: JsonTools.unescapeString(cmdJson.command), when: JsonTools.readEnum(ldtk.Json.CustomCommandTrigger, cmdJson.when, false, Manual), } }); @@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ class Project { levelNamePattern: levelNamePattern, tutorialDesc : JsonTools.escapeString(tutorialDesc), customCommands: customCommands.map(cmd->{ - command: cmd.command, + command: JsonTools.escapeString(cmd.command), when: JsonTools.writeEnum(cmd.when, false), }), diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/AutoLayerRuleDef.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/AutoLayerRuleDef.hx index 8c027d01d..9b7492244 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/AutoLayerRuleDef.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/AutoLayerRuleDef.hx @@ -263,7 +263,13 @@ class AutoLayerRuleDef { for(px in 0...size) for(py in 0...size) { v = dn.M.iabs( pattern[px+py*size] ); - if( v!=0 && v!=Const.AUTO_LAYER_ANYTHING && !ld.hasIntGridValue(v) ) + if( v==0 ) + continue; + + if( v<=999 && !ld.hasIntGridValue(v) ) + return true; + + if( v>999 && v!=Const.AUTO_LAYER_ANYTHING && ld.getIntGridGroup( ld.resolveIntGridGroupUidFromRuleValue(v), false )==null ) return true; } @@ -281,8 +287,8 @@ class AutoLayerRuleDef { return false; // Rule check - // var isOutOfBounds = false; var value : Null = 0; + var valueInf : Null = null; var radius = Std.int( size/2 ); for(px in 0...size) for(py in 0...size) { @@ -290,15 +296,12 @@ class AutoLayerRuleDef { if( pattern[coordId]==0 ) continue; - // isOutOfBounds = !source.isValid( cx+dirX*(px-radius), cy+dirY*(py-radius) ); value = source.isValid( cx+dirX*(px-radius), cy+dirY*(py-radius) ) ? source.getIntGrid( cx+dirX*(px-radius), cy+dirY*(py-radius) ) : outOfBoundsValue; if( value==null ) return false; - // if( !source.isValid(cx+dirX*(px-radius), cy+dirY*(py-radius)) ) - // return false; if( dn.M.iabs( pattern[coordId] ) == Const.AUTO_LAYER_ANYTHING ) { // "Anything" checks @@ -308,6 +311,15 @@ class AutoLayerRuleDef { if( pattern[coordId]<0 && value!=0 ) return false; } + else if( dn.M.iabs( pattern[coordId] ) > 999 ) { + // Group checks + valueInf = source.def.getIntGridValueDef(value); + if( pattern[coordId]>0 && ( valueInf==null || valueInf.groupUid != Std.int(pattern[coordId]/1000)-1 ) ) + return false; + + if( pattern[coordId]<0 && ( valueInf!=null && valueInf.groupUid == Std.int(-pattern[coordId]/1000)-1 ) ) + return false; + } else { // Specific value checks if( pattern[coordId]>0 && value != pattern[coordId] ) diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EntityDef.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EntityDef.hx index e082552df..87f1275e8 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EntityDef.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EntityDef.hx @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ class EntityDef { public var nineSliceBorders : Array; public var tilesetId : Null; public var tileRect : Null; + public var uiTileRect : Null; public var _oldTileId : Null; public var hollow : Bool; @@ -171,6 +172,7 @@ class EntityDef { o.tileRect = JsonTools.readTileRect(json.tileRect, true); if( o.tileRect!=null && o.tileRect.tilesetUid==null ) o.tileRect.tilesetUid = o.tilesetId; + o.uiTileRect = JsonTools.readTileRect(json.uiTileRect, true); if( (cast json.tileRenderMode)=="Crop" ) json.tileRenderMode = cast "Cover"; o.tileRenderMode = JsonTools.readEnum(ldtk.Json.EntityTileRenderMode, json.tileRenderMode, false, FitInside); @@ -222,6 +224,7 @@ class EntityDef { tilesetId: tilesetId, tileRenderMode: JsonTools.writeEnum(tileRenderMode, false), tileRect: JsonTools.writeTileRect(tileRect), + uiTileRect: JsonTools.writeTileRect(uiTileRect), nineSliceBorders: tileRenderMode==NineSlice ? nineSliceBorders.copy() : [], maxCount: maxCount, diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EnumDef.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EnumDef.hx index 0e3b3c428..bd13d3ee0 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EnumDef.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/EnumDef.hx @@ -89,18 +89,14 @@ class EnumDef { return { identifier: identifier, uid: uid, - values: values.map( function(v) return { // breaks memory refs - id: v.id, - tileRect: JsonTools.writeTileRect(v.tileRect), - tileId: -1, - color: v.color, - __tileSrcRect: v.tileRect==null ? null : [ - v.tileRect.x, - v.tileRect.y, - v.tileRect.w, - v.tileRect.h, - ], - } ), + values: values.map( function(v) { + var out : ldtk.Json.EnumDefValues = { // breaks memory refs + id: v.id, + tileRect: JsonTools.writeTileRect(v.tileRect), + color: v.color, + } + return out; + }), iconTilesetUid: iconTilesetUid, externalRelPath: JsonTools.writePath(externalRelPath), externalFileChecksum: externalFileChecksum, diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/LayerDef.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/LayerDef.hx index 332752232..7e5473b88 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/def/LayerDef.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/def/LayerDef.hx @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ class LayerDef { // IntGrid @:allow(importer) var intGridValues : Array = []; + var intGridValuesGroups : Array = []; // IntGrid/AutoLayers public var autoSourceLayerDefUid : Null; @@ -113,18 +114,29 @@ class LayerDef { o.excludedTags = Tags.fromJson(json.excludedTags); o.intGridValues = []; + o.intGridValuesGroups = []; if( o.type==IntGrid ) { - var all : Array = JsonTools.readArray(json.intGridValues); + // IntGrid values + var allValues : Array = JsonTools.readArray(json.intGridValues); var fixedIdx = 1; // fix old projects missing intgrid "value" field - for( v in all ) { + for( v in allValues ) { o.intGridValues.push({ value: M.isValidNumber(v.value) ? v.value : fixedIdx, identifier: v.identifier, color: JsonTools.readColor(v.color), tile: JsonTools.readTileRect(v.tile, true), + groupUid: JsonTools.readInt(v.groupUid, 0), }); fixedIdx++; } + // Groups + if( json.intGridValuesGroups==null ) + json.intGridValuesGroups = []; + o.intGridValuesGroups = json.intGridValuesGroups.map(g->{ + uid: g.uid, + identifier: g.identifier, + color: g.color, + }); } o.autoSourceLayerDefUid = JsonTools.readNullableInt(json.autoSourceLayerDefUid); @@ -180,6 +192,13 @@ class LayerDef { identifier: iv.identifier, color: JsonTools.writeColor(iv.color), tile: JsonTools.writeTileRect(iv.tile), + groupUid: iv.groupUid, + }), + + intGridValuesGroups: intGridValuesGroups.map(g->{ + uid: g.uid, + identifier: g.identifier, + color: g.color, }), autoRuleGroups: isAutoLayer() ? autoRuleGroups.map( function(rg) return toJsonRuleGroup(rg)) : [], @@ -195,6 +214,8 @@ class LayerDef { return { uid: rg.uid, name: rg.name, + color: rg.color!=null ? rg.color.toHex() : null, + icon: JsonTools.writeTileRect(rg.icon), active: rg.active, isOptional: rg.isOptional, rules: rg.rules.map( function(r) return r.toJson(this) ), @@ -207,8 +228,10 @@ class LayerDef { JsonTools.readInt(ruleGroupJson.uid,-1), JsonTools.readString(ruleGroupJson.name, "default") ); + rg.color = JsonTools.readColor(ruleGroupJson.color, true); rg.active = JsonTools.readBool( ruleGroupJson.active, true ); rg.isOptional = JsonTools.readBool( ruleGroupJson.isOptional, false ); + rg.icon = JsonTools.readTileRect( ruleGroupJson.icon, true ); rg.rules = JsonTools.readArray( ruleGroupJson.rules ).map( function(ruleJson) { return AutoLayerRuleDef.fromJson(jsonVersion, ruleJson); }); @@ -222,18 +245,46 @@ class LayerDef { } - public function sortIntGridValueDef(from:Int, to:Int) : Null { + public function sortIntGridValueDef(valueId:Int, fromGroupUid:Int, toGroupUid:Int, fromGroupIdx:Int, toGroupIdx:Int) : Null { if( type!=IntGrid ) return null; - if( from<0 || from>=intGridValues.length || from==to ) + if( !hasIntGridValue(valueId) || fromGroupUid==toGroupUid && fromGroupIdx==toGroupIdx ) return null; - if( to<0 || to>=intGridValues.length ) + var groupedValues = getGroupedIntGridValues(); + var moved = getIntGridValueDef(valueId); + + // Order values + var toGroup = groupedValues.filter( g->g.groupUid==toGroupUid )[0]; + if( toGroup.all.length>0 ) { + if( toGroupIdx>=toGroup.all.length || fromGroupUid==toGroupUid && toGroupIdx>fromGroupIdx ) { + var insertAfter = toGroup.all[toGroup.all.length-1]; + intGridValues.splice( intGridValues.indexOf(moved), 1 ); + intGridValues.insert( intGridValues.indexOf(insertAfter)+1, moved ); + } + else { + var insertBefore = toGroup.all[toGroupIdx]; + intGridValues.splice( intGridValues.indexOf(moved), 1 ); + intGridValues.insert( intGridValues.indexOf(insertBefore), moved ); + } + } + + // Change group + moved.groupUid = toGroupUid; + + return moved; + } + + public function sortIntGridValueGroupDef(from:Int, to:Int) : Null { + if( from<0 || from>=intGridValuesGroups.length || from==to ) return null; - var moved = intGridValues.splice(from,1)[0]; - intGridValues.insert(to, moved); + if( to<0 || to>=intGridValuesGroups.length ) + return null; + + var moved = intGridValuesGroups.splice(from,1)[0]; + intGridValuesGroups.insert(to, moved); return moved; } @@ -247,18 +298,38 @@ class LayerDef { return max+1; } - public function addIntGridValue(col:dn.Col, ?id:String) { + public function addIntGridValue(col:dn.Col, ?id:String) : Int { if( !isIntGridValueIdentifierValid(id) ) throw "Invalid intGrid value identifier "+id; + var iv = getNextIntGridValue(); intGridValues.push({ - value: getNextIntGridValue(), + value: iv, color: col, identifier: id, tile: null, + groupUid: 0, }); + + return iv; } + + public function addIntGridGroup() : ldtk.Json.IntGridValueGroupDef { + var uniqUid = 1; + for(g in intGridValuesGroups) + uniqUid = M.imax(uniqUid, g.uid+1); + + var g : ldtk.Json.IntGridValueGroupDef = { + uid: uniqUid, + identifier: null, + color: null, + } + intGridValuesGroups.push(g); + return g; + } + + public inline function hasIntGridValue(v:Int) { return getIntGridValueDef(v)!=null; } @@ -302,7 +373,81 @@ class LayerDef { return false; } + public function removeIntGridGroup(groupUid:Int) : Bool { + for(iv in intGridValues) + if( iv.groupUid==groupUid ) + return false; + + for(g in intGridValuesGroups) + if( g.uid==groupUid ) { + intGridValuesGroups.remove(g); + return true; + } + + return false; + } + public inline function getAllIntGridValues() return intGridValues; + + public function getIntGridGroup(groupUid:Int, returnUngrouped=true) { + for(g in intGridValuesGroups) + if( g.uid==groupUid ) + return { + groupUid: g.uid, + displayName: g.identifier==null ? 'Group ${g.uid}' : g.identifier, + color: g.color==null ? null : dn.Col.parseHex(g.color), + groupInf: g, + all: intGridValues.filter( iv->iv.groupUid==g.uid ), + } + + if( returnUngrouped ) + return { + groupUid: 0, + displayName: "Ungrouped", + color: null, + groupInf: null, + all: intGridValues.filter( iv->iv.groupUid==0 ), + } + else + return null; + } + + public inline function resolveIntGridGroupUidFromRuleValue(ruleValue:Int) { + return Std.int(ruleValue/1000)-1; + } + + public inline function hasIntGridGroups() { + return intGridValuesGroups.length>0; + } + + public function getGroupedIntGridValues() { + var groups : Array<{ + groupUid: Int, + displayName: String, + color: Null, + groupInf:Null, + all:Array + }> = []; + + groups.push({ + groupUid: 0, + displayName: "Ungrouped", + color: null, + groupInf: null, + all: intGridValues.filter( iv->iv.groupUid==0 ), + }); + for(g in intGridValuesGroups) { + groups.push({ + groupUid: g.uid, + displayName: g.identifier==null ? 'Group ${g.uid}' : g.identifier, + color: g.color==null ? null : dn.Col.parseHex(g.color), + groupInf: g, + all: intGridValues.filter( iv->iv.groupUid==g.uid ), + }); + } + return groups; + } + public inline function countIntGridValues() return intGridValues.length; public function isIntGridValueIdentifierValid(id:Null) { @@ -420,6 +565,8 @@ class LayerDef { var rg : AutoLayerRuleGroup = { uid: uid, name: name, + color: null, + icon: null, active: true, collapsed: false, isOptional: false, diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/data/inst/LayerInstance.hx b/src/electron.renderer/data/inst/LayerInstance.hx index ebf0dd10e..68684feb3 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/data/inst/LayerInstance.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/data/inst/LayerInstance.hx @@ -773,7 +773,7 @@ class LayerInstance { )); } - inline function runAutoLayerRuleAt(source:LayerInstance, r:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef, cx:Int, cy:Int) : Bool { + function applyAutoLayerRuleAt(source:LayerInstance, r:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef, cx:Int, cy:Int) : Bool { if( !def.autoLayerRulesCanBeUsed() ) return false; else { @@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ class LayerInstance { def.iterateActiveRulesInEvalOrder( this, (r)->{ for(x in left...right+1) for(y in top...bottom+1) - runAutoLayerRuleAt(source, r, x,y); + applyAutoLayerRuleAt(source, r, x,y); }); // Discard using break-on-match flag @@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ class LayerInstance { for(cx in 0...cWid) for(cy in 0...cHei) - runAutoLayerRuleAt(source, r, cx,cy); + applyAutoLayerRuleAt(source, r, cx,cy); if( applyBreakOnMatch ) applyBreakOnMatchesEverywhere(); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/display/LevelRender.hx b/src/electron.renderer/display/LevelRender.hx index 787939cf0..589b0a084 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/display/LevelRender.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/display/LevelRender.hx @@ -186,6 +186,8 @@ class LevelRender extends dn.Process { case LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(defUid): + case LayerDefIntGridValueAdded(defUid,value): + case LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(defUid,value,used): if( used ) invalidateLayer(defUid); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/misc/JsTools.hx b/src/electron.renderer/misc/JsTools.hx index 90440db0f..ec9f392f9 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/misc/JsTools.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/misc/JsTools.hx @@ -4,20 +4,28 @@ import sortablejs.*; import sortablejs.Sortable; import js.node.Fs; +typedef InternalSortableOptions = { + var ?onlyDraggables: Bool; + var ?disableAnim: Bool; +} + class JsTools { /** Use SortableJS to make some list sortable See: https://github.com/SortableJS/Sortable **/ - public static function makeSortable(jSortable:js.jquery.JQuery, ?jScrollRoot:js.jquery.JQuery, ?group:String, anim=true, onSort:(event:SortableDragEvent)->Void) { + public static function makeSortable(jSortable:js.jquery.JQuery, ?jScrollRoot:js.jquery.JQuery, ?group:String, onSort:(event:SortableDragEvent)->Void, ?extraOptions:InternalSortableOptions) { + if( extraOptions==null ) + extraOptions = {} + if( jSortable.length!=1 ) throw "Used sortable on a set of "+jSortable.length+" element(s)"; jSortable.addClass("sortable"); // Base settings - var settings : SortableOptions = { + var options : SortableOptions = { onStart: function(ev) { App.ME.jBody.addClass("sorting"); jSortable.addClass("sorting"); @@ -38,17 +46,22 @@ class JsTools { scroll: jScrollRoot!=null ? jScrollRoot.get(0) : jSortable.get(0), scrollSpeed: 40, scrollSensitivity: 140, - filter: ".fixed", - animation: anim ? 100 : 0, + animation: extraOptions.disableAnim==true ? 0 : 100, } // Custom handle if( jSortable.children().children(".sortHandle").length>0 ) { - settings.handle = ".sortHandle"; + options.handle = ".sortHandle"; jSortable.addClass("customHandle"); } - Sortable.create( jSortable.get(0), settings); + // Extra options + if( extraOptions.onlyDraggables==true ) { + jSortable.addClass("onlyDraggables"); + options.draggable = ".draggable"; + } + + Sortable.create( jSortable.get(0), options); } @@ -245,82 +258,145 @@ class JsTools { } - public static function createEntityPreview(project:data.Project, ed:data.def.EntityDef, sizePx=24) { + public static function createEntityPreview(project:data.Project, ed:data.def.EntityDef, sizePx=32) { var jWrapper = new J('
          '); jWrapper.css("width", sizePx+"px"); jWrapper.css("height", sizePx+"px"); - var scale = sizePx / M.fmax(ed.width, ed.height); + if( ed.uiTileRect!=null && ed.uiTileRect.w>0 ) { + // Alt custom UI tile + var td = project.defs.getTilesetDef(ed.uiTileRect.tilesetUid); + var jImg = td.createTileHtmlImageFromRect(ed.uiTileRect); + jWrapper.append(jImg); + } + else if( ed.renderMode==Tile && ed.tileRect!=null ) { + // Tile + var td = project.defs.getTilesetDef(ed.tileRect.tilesetUid); + var jImg = td.createTileHtmlImageFromRect(ed.tileRect); + jWrapper.append(jImg); + jImg.css("opacity", ed.tileOpacity); + if( ed.lineOpacity>0 ) { + jWrapper.addClass("hasBg"); + jWrapper.css("outline", "1px solid "+new dn.Col(ed.color).toCssRgba(ed.lineOpacity)); + } + if( ed.fillOpacity>0 ) { + jWrapper.addClass("hasBg"); + jWrapper.css("background-color", new dn.Col(ed.color).toCssRgba(ed.fillOpacity)); + } + } + else { + // Shape + var superScale = 3; + var wid = ed.width*superScale; + var hei = ed.height*superScale; + var jCanvas = new J(''); + jCanvas.appendTo(jWrapper); + jCanvas.attr("width", wid); + jCanvas.attr("height", hei); + + var cnv = Std.downcast( jCanvas.get(0), js.html.CanvasElement ); + var ctx = cnv.getContext2d(); + var pad = M.round( sizePx*0.1*superScale ); + + ctx.fillStyle = new dn.Col(ed.color).toCssRgba(ed.fillOpacity); + ctx.strokeStyle = new dn.Col(ed.color).toCssRgba(ed.lineOpacity); + ctx.lineWidth = 2/superScale; + + switch ed.renderMode { + case Rectangle: + ctx.fillRect(pad, pad, wid-pad*2, hei-pad*2); + ctx.strokeRect(pad, pad, wid-pad*2, hei-pad*2); + + case Ellipse: + ctx.beginPath(); + ctx.ellipse( + wid*0.5, hei*0.5, + wid*0.5-pad, hei*0.5-pad, + 0, 0, M.PI*2 + ); + ctx.fill(); + ctx.stroke(); + + case Cross: + ctx.lineWidth = 3; + ctx.moveTo(0,0); + ctx.lineTo(wid, hei); + ctx.moveTo(0,hei); + ctx.lineTo(wid, 0); + ctx.stroke(); + + case Tile: // N/A + } + } - var jCanvas = new J(''); - jCanvas.appendTo(jWrapper); - jCanvas.attr("width", ed.width*scale); - jCanvas.attr("height", ed.height*scale); + // var scale = sizePx / M.fmax(ed.width, ed.height); + + // var jCanvas = new J(''); + // jCanvas.appendTo(jWrapper); + // jCanvas.attr("width", ed.width*scale); + // jCanvas.attr("height", ed.height*scale); + + // var cnv = Std.downcast( jCanvas.get(0), js.html.CanvasElement ); + // var ctx = cnv.getContext2d(); + + // if( ed.uiTileRect!=null && ed.uiTileRect.w>0 ) { + // // Custom override UI tile + // var td = project.defs.getTilesetDef(ed.uiTileRect.tilesetUid); + // ctx.fillStyle = C.intToHex(ed.color)+"88"; + // ctx.beginPath(); + // ctx.rect(0, 0, Std.int(ed.width*scale), Std.int(ed.height*scale)); + // ctx.fill(); + // var s = M.fmin(scale * ed.width/td.tileGridSize, scale * ed.height/td.tileGridSize); + // td.drawTileRectToCanvas(jCanvas, ed.uiTileRect, 0,0, s,s); + // } + // else { + // // Default editor visual + // switch ed.renderMode { + // case Rectangle: + + // case Cross: + + // case Ellipse: + + // case Tile: + // ctx.fillStyle = C.intToHex(ed.color)+"66"; + // ctx.beginPath(); + // ctx.rect(0, 0, Std.int(ed.width*scale), Std.int(ed.height*scale)); + // ctx.fill(); + + // if( ed.isTileDefined() ) { + // var td = project.defs.getTilesetDef(ed.tilesetId); + // var x = 0; + // var y = 0; + // var scaleX = 1.; + // var scaleY = 1.; + // switch ed.tileRenderMode { + // case Stretch: + // scaleX = scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize; + // scaleY = scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize; + + // case FitInside: + // var s = M.fmin(scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize, scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize); + // scaleX = s; + // scaleY = s; + + // case Cover, Repeat: + // var s = M.fmin(scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize, scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize); + // scaleX = s; + // scaleY = s; + + // case FullSizeCropped: + // case FullSizeUncropped: + + // case NineSlice: + // scaleX = scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize; // TODO + // scaleY = scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize; + // } + // td.drawTileRectToCanvas(jCanvas, ed.tileRect, x,y, scaleX, scaleY); + // } + // } + // } - var cnv = Std.downcast( jCanvas.get(0), js.html.CanvasElement ); - var ctx = cnv.getContext2d(); - - switch ed.renderMode { - case Rectangle: - ctx.fillStyle = C.intToHex(ed.color); - ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ed.width*scale, ed.height*scale); - - case Cross: - ctx.strokeStyle = C.intToHex(ed.color); - ctx.lineWidth = 5 * js.Browser.window.devicePixelRatio; - ctx.moveTo(0,0); - ctx.lineTo(ed.width*scale, ed.height*scale); - ctx.moveTo(0,ed.height*scale); - ctx.lineTo(ed.width*scale, 0); - ctx.stroke(); - - case Ellipse: - ctx.fillStyle = C.intToHex(ed.color); - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.ellipse( - ed.width*0.5*scale, ed.height*0.5*scale, - ed.width*0.5*scale, ed.height*0.5*scale, - 0, 0, M.PI*2 - ); - ctx.fill(); - - case Tile: - ctx.fillStyle = C.intToHex(ed.color)+"66"; - ctx.beginPath(); - ctx.rect(0, 0, Std.int(ed.width*scale), Std.int(ed.height*scale)); - ctx.fill(); - - if( ed.isTileDefined() ) { - var td = project.defs.getTilesetDef(ed.tilesetId); - var x = 0; - var y = 0; - var scaleX = 1.; - var scaleY = 1.; - switch ed.tileRenderMode { - case Stretch: - scaleX = scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize; - scaleY = scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize; - - case FitInside: - var s = M.fmin(scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize, scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize); - scaleX = s; - scaleY = s; - - case Cover, Repeat: - var s = M.fmin(scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize, scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize); - scaleX = s; - scaleY = s; - - case FullSizeCropped: - case FullSizeUncropped: - - case NineSlice: - scaleX = scale * ed.width / td.tileGridSize; // TODO - scaleY = scale * ed.height / td.tileGridSize; - } - td.drawTileRectToCanvas(jCanvas, ed.tileRect, x,y, scaleX, scaleY); - } - } return jWrapper; } @@ -549,6 +625,9 @@ class JsTools { public static function parseComponents(jCtx:js.jquery.JQuery) : Void { + // Disable img dragging + jCtx.find("img").attr("draggable","false"); + // Info bubbles: (i) and (!) jCtx.find(".info, info, warning").each( function(idx, e) { var jThis = new J(e); @@ -1103,47 +1182,51 @@ class JsTools { var jTileCanvas = new J(''); if( tilesetId!=null ) { - if( active ) - jTileCanvas.addClass("active"); - var td = Editor.ME.project.defs.getTilesetDef(tilesetId); - - if( cur==null ) { - // No tile selected + if( td==null ) jTileCanvas.addClass("empty"); - } else { - // Tile rect - jTileCanvas.attr("width", cur.w); - jTileCanvas.attr("height", cur.h); - var scale = 35 / M.fmax(cur.w, cur.h); - jTileCanvas.css("width", cur.w * scale ); - jTileCanvas.css("height", cur.h * scale ); - td.drawTileRectToCanvas(jTileCanvas, cur); - } - ui.Tip.attach(jTileCanvas, "Use LEFT click to pick a tile or RIGHT click to remove it."); + if( active ) + jTileCanvas.addClass("active"); - // Open picker - if( active ) - jTileCanvas.mousedown( (ev:js.jquery.Event)->{ - switch ev.button { - case 0: - var m = new ui.Modal(); - m.addClass("singleTilePicker"); - - var tp = new ui.Tileset(m.jContent, td, RectOnly); - tp.useSavedSelections = false; - tp.setSelectedRect(cur); - tp.onSelectAnything = ()->{ - onPick( tp.getSelectedRect() ); - m.close(); - } - tp.focusOnSelection(true); + if( cur==null ) { + // No tile selected + jTileCanvas.addClass("empty"); + } + else { + // Tile rect + jTileCanvas.attr("width", cur.w); + jTileCanvas.attr("height", cur.h); + var scale = 35 / M.fmax(cur.w, cur.h); + jTileCanvas.css("width", cur.w * scale ); + jTileCanvas.css("height", cur.h * scale ); + td.drawTileRectToCanvas(jTileCanvas, cur); + } + ui.Tip.attach(jTileCanvas, "Use LEFT click to pick a tile or RIGHT click to remove it."); + + // Open picker + if( active ) + jTileCanvas.mousedown( (ev:js.jquery.Event)->{ + switch ev.button { + case 0: + var m = new ui.Modal(); + m.addClass("singleTilePicker"); + + var tp = new ui.Tileset(m.jContent, td, RectOnly); + tp.useSavedSelections = false; + tp.setSelectedRect(cur); + tp.onSelectAnything = ()->{ + onPick( tp.getSelectedRect() ); + m.close(); + } + tp.focusOnSelection(true); + + case _: + onPick(null); + } + }); + } - case _: - onPick(null); - } - }); } else { // Invalid tileset @@ -1231,7 +1314,7 @@ class JsTools { jRecall.appendTo(jWrapper); jRecall.click( (ev:js.jquery.Event)->{ var ctx = new ui.modal.ContextMenu(); - ctx.positionNear(jRecall); + ctx.setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jRecall) ); for( img in allImages ) ctx.add({ label: L.untranslated(img.fileName), @@ -1302,17 +1385,20 @@ class JsTools { } - public static function createIntGridValue(project:data.Project, ?iv:data.DataTypes.IntGridValueDefEditor, ?rawIv:ldtk.Json.IntGridValueDef) : js.jquery.JQuery { + public static function createIntGridValue(project:data.Project, ?iv:data.DataTypes.IntGridValueDefEditor, ?rawIv:ldtk.Json.IntGridValueDef, showInt=true) : js.jquery.JQuery { if( iv==null ) iv = { identifier: rawIv.identifier, value: rawIv.value, color: dn.Col.parseHex(rawIv.color), tile: rawIv.tile, + groupUid: 0, } var jVal = new J('
          '); - jVal.append('${iv.value}'); + if( showInt ) + jVal.append('${iv.value}'); + jVal.css({ color: C.intToHex( iv.color.toWhite(0.5) ), borderColor: C.intToHex( iv.color.toWhite(0.2) ), @@ -1321,10 +1407,11 @@ class JsTools { if( iv.tile!=null ) { jVal.addClass("hasIcon"); jVal.append( project.resolveTileRectAsHtmlImg(iv.tile) ); - jVal.find(".index").css({ - color: iv.color.getAutoContrastCustom(0.4).toHex(), - backgroundColor: iv.color.toHex(), - }); + if( showInt ) + jVal.find(".index").css({ + color: iv.color.getAutoContrastCustom(0.4).toHex(), + backgroundColor: iv.color.toHex(), + }); } return jVal; } diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/page/Editor.hx b/src/electron.renderer/page/Editor.hx index 32b19985a..981e81970 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/page/Editor.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/page/Editor.hx @@ -54,6 +54,7 @@ class Editor extends Page { var bg : h2d.Bitmap; public var cursor : ui.Cursor; public var gifMode = false; + var zenModeRevealed = false; @:allow(LevelTimeline) @@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ class Editor extends Page { } saveLastProjectInfos(); - setCompactMode( settings.v.compactMode, true ); + setZenMode( settings.v.zenMode, false ); dn.Process.resizeAll(); } @@ -172,56 +173,31 @@ class Editor extends Page { // Edit buttons jMainPanel.find("button.editProject").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditProject) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - new ui.modal.panel.EditProject(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenProjectPanel); }); jMainPanel.find("button.world").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - setWorldMode(!worldMode); + executeAppCommand(C_ToggleWorldMode); }); jMainPanel.find("button.editLevelInstance").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.LevelInstancePanel) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - new ui.modal.panel.LevelInstancePanel(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenLevelPanel); }); jMainPanel.find("button.editLayers").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditLayerDefs) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - new ui.modal.panel.EditLayerDefs(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenLayerPanel); }); jMainPanel.find("button.editEntities").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditEntityDefs) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - new ui.modal.panel.EditEntityDefs(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenEntityPanel); }); jMainPanel.find("button.editTilesets").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditTilesetDefs) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - new ui.modal.panel.EditTilesetDefs(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenTilesetPanel); }); jMainPanel.find("button.editEnums").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditEnumDefs) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - new ui.modal.panel.EditEnumDefs(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenEnumPanel); }); @@ -229,19 +205,11 @@ class Editor extends Page { jMainPanel.find("button.showHelp").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.Help) ) - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - else - onHelp(); + executeAppCommand(C_ShowHelp); }); jMainPanel.find("button.settings").click( function(_) { - if( isPaused() ) return; - if( !ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.dialog.EditAppSettings) ) { - ui.Modal.closeAll(); - new ui.modal.dialog.EditAppSettings(); - } + executeAppCommand(C_AppSettings); }); @@ -569,18 +537,88 @@ class Editor extends Page { override function onKeyPress(keyCode:Int) { super.onKeyPress(keyCode); - if( cd.has("debugLock") ) { - #if debug - if( keyCode==K.L && App.ME.isCtrlDown() && App.ME.isShiftDown() ) { - cd.unset("debugLock"); - N.msg("Unlocked", 0x77ff00); - } + for(b in App.ME.keyBindings) { + if( b.keyCode!=keyCode ) + continue; + + if( b.shift && !App.ME.isShiftDown() || !b.shift && App.ME.isShiftDown() ) + continue; + + if( b.ctrl && !App.ME.isCtrlDown() || !b.ctrl && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ) + continue; + + if( b.alt && !App.ME.isAltDown() || !b.alt && App.ME.isAltDown() ) + continue; + + if( !b.allowInInputs && hasInputFocus() ) + continue; + + if( b.navKeys!=null && b.navKeys!=settings.v.navigationKeys ) + continue; + + #if( !debug ) + if( b.debug ) + continue; #end - return; + + switch b.os { + case null: + case "win": if( !App.isWindows() ) continue; + case "linux": if( !App.isLinux() ) continue; + case "mac": if( !App.isMac() ) continue; + case _: + } + + executeAppCommand(b.command); } switch keyCode { - case K.ESCAPE: + // Select layers (numbers 1-9-0) + case k if( k>=48 && k<=57 && !hasInputFocus() ): + var idx = k==48 ? 9 : k-49; + if( idx < curLevel.layerInstances.length ) + selectLayerInstance( curLevel.layerInstances[idx] ); + + // Select layers (F1-F10) + case k if( k>=K.F1 && k<=K.F10 && !hasInputFocus() ): + var idx = k-K.F1; + var i = 0; + for(l in curLevel.layerInstances) + if( !l.def.hideInList ) { + if( i==idx ) { + selectLayerInstance(l); + break; + } + i++; + } + } + + + // Propagate to tools + if( !hasInputFocus() && !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() ) { + worldTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); + panTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); + if( resizeTool!=null ) + resizeTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); + + if( !worldMode ) { + if( isSpecialToolActive() ) + specialTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); + else { + selectionTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); + curTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); + } + } + } + } + + + public function executeAppCommand(cmd:AppCommand) { + if( isPaused() ) + return; + + switch cmd { + case C_Back: if( hasInputFocus() ) { // BUG jquery crashes on "Blur" if element is removed in the process // see: https://github.com/jquery/jquery/issues/4417 @@ -600,39 +638,107 @@ class Editor extends Page { else if( selectionTool.any() ) selectionTool.clear(); - case K.TAB: - if( !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() && !hasInputFocus() && !ui.EntityInstanceEditor.isOpen() ) - setCompactMode( !settings.v.compactMode ); + case C_ZenMode: + if( ( !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() || worldMode ) && !hasInputFocus() ) + setZenMode( !settings.v.zenMode ); - case K.Z if( !worldMode && !hasInputFocus() && !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): - curLevelTimeline.undo(); + case C_SaveProject: + if( project.isBackup() ) + N.error("Cannot save over a backup file."); + else + onSave(); - case K.Y if( !worldMode && !hasInputFocus() && !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): - curLevelTimeline.redo(); + case C_SaveProjectAs: + onSave(true); - #if debug - case K.L if( !worldMode && !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() && App.ME.isShiftDown() ): - cd.setS("debugLock",Const.INFINITE); - N.msg("Locked.", 0xff7700); - #end + case C_RenameProject: + new ui.modal.dialog.InputDialog( + L.t._("Enter the new project file name :"), + project.filePath.fileName, + project.filePath.extWithDot, + (str)->{ + if( str==null || str.length==0 ) + return L.t._("Invalid file name"); - case K.S if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): - if( project.isBackup() ) - N.error("Cannot save over a backup file."); - else { - if( App.ME.isShiftDown() ) - onSave(true); - else - onSave(); - } + var clean = dn.FilePath.cleanUp(str, true); + if( clean.length==0 ) + return L.t._("Invalid file name"); + + if( project.filePath.fileName==str ) + return L.t._("Enter a new project file name."); + + var newPath = project.filePath.directoryWithSlash + str + project.filePath.extWithDot; + if( NT.fileExists(newPath) ) + return L.t._("This file name is already in use."); + + return null; + }, + (str)->{ + return dn.FilePath.cleanUpFileName(str); + }, + (fileName)->{ + // Rename project + App.LOG.fileOp('Renaming project: ${project.filePath.fileName} -> $fileName'); + try { + // Rename project file + App.LOG.fileOp(' Renaming project file...'); + var oldProjectFp = project.filePath.clone(); + var oldExtDir = project.getAbsExternalFilesDir(); + project.filePath.fileName = fileName; + + // Rename sub dir + if( NT.fileExists(oldExtDir) ) { + App.LOG.fileOp(' Renaming project sub dir...'); + NT.renameFile(oldExtDir, project.getAbsExternalFilesDir()); + } - case K.F12 if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): + // Rename sibling files + for(ext in ["meta"]) { + var siblingFp = oldProjectFp.clone(); + siblingFp.extension += "."+ext; + if( NT.fileExists(siblingFp.full) ) { + App.LOG.fileOp(' Renaming sibiling file: ${siblingFp.fileWithExt}...'); + var newFp = oldProjectFp.clone(); + newFp.fileWithExt = project.filePath.fileWithExt+"."+ext; + NT.renameFile(siblingFp.full, newFp.full); + } + } + + // Re-save project + invalidateAllLevelsCache(); + App.LOG.fileOp(' Saving project...'); + new ui.ProjectSaver(this, project, (success)->{ + // Remove old project file + App.LOG.fileOp(' Deleting old project file...'); + NT.removeFile(oldProjectFp.full); + App.ME.unregisterRecentProject(oldProjectFp.full); + + // Success! + N.success("Renamed project!"); + needSaving = false; + updateTitle(); + App.ME.registerRecentProject(project.filePath.full); + App.LOG.fileOp(' Done.'); + }); + } + } + ); + + case C_Undo: + if( !worldMode && !hasInputFocus() && !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() ) + curLevelTimeline.undo(); + + case C_Redo: + if( !worldMode && !hasInputFocus() && !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() ) + curLevelTimeline.redo(); + + case C_AppSettings: if( !ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.dialog.EditAppSettings) ) { ui.Modal.closeAll(); new ui.modal.dialog.EditAppSettings(); } - case K.R if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): + case C_RunCommand: ui.Modal.closeAll(); if( ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() ) N.error("Cannot run commands for now"); @@ -657,197 +763,150 @@ class Editor extends Page { } } - case K.R if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isShiftDown() && !App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): + case C_ToggleAutoLayerRender: var state = levelRender.toggleAutoLayerRendering(); N.quick( "Auto-layers rendering: "+L.onOff(state)); - case K.W if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): + case C_CloseProject: onClose(); - case K.W if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.isCtrlDown() && App.ME.isShiftDown() ): + case C_ToggleWorldMode: setWorldMode( !worldMode ); - case K.QWERTY_QUOTE, K.QWERTY_TILDE: - if( !hasInputFocus() ) - setWorldMode( !worldMode ); - - case K.W if( settings.v.navigationKeys!=Wasd ): - if( !hasInputFocus() ) - setWorldMode( !worldMode ); - - case K.Q if( App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): + case C_ExitApp: App.ME.exit(); - case K.E if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isShiftDown() ): + case C_ToggleSelectEmptySpaces: setEmptySpaceSelection( !settings.v.emptySpaceSelection ); - case K.T if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isShiftDown() ): + case C_ToggleTileStacking: setTileStacking( !settings.v.tileStacking ); - case K.A if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.isCtrlDown() && ( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys!=Wasd || App.ME.isShiftDown() ) ): + case C_ToggleSingleLayerMode: setSingleLayerMode( !settings.v.singleLayerMode ); - case K.A if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() && !App.ME.isShiftDown() && !worldMode ): - if( settings.v.singleLayerMode ) - selectionTool.selectAllInLayers(curLevel, [curLayerInstance]); - else - selectionTool.selectAllInLayers(curLevel, curLevel.layerInstances); - - if( !selectionTool.isEmpty() ) { + case C_SelectAll: + if( !worldMode ) { if( settings.v.singleLayerMode ) - N.quick( L.t._("Selected all in layer") ); + selectionTool.selectAllInLayers(curLevel, [curLayerInstance]); + else + selectionTool.selectAllInLayers(curLevel, curLevel.layerInstances); + + if( !selectionTool.isEmpty() ) { + if( settings.v.singleLayerMode ) + N.quick( L.t._("Selected all in layer") ); + else + N.quick( L.t._("Selected all") ); + } else - N.quick( L.t._("Selected all") ); + N.error("Nothing to select"); } - else - N.error("Nothing to select"); - case K.G if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): + case C_ToggleGrid: setGrid( !settings.v.grid ); - case K.H if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - onHelp(); + case C_ShowHelp: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen( ui.modal.panel.Help ) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.Help(); - case K.H if( !hasInputFocus() && App.ME.isCtrlDown() ): + case C_ToggleDetails: setShowDetails( !settings.v.showDetails ); - case K.PGDOWN if( !hasInputFocus() ): + case C_GotoPreviousWorldLayer: if( !worldMode ) setWorldMode(true); - else if( !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ) { + else { // Change active depth if( curWorldDepth > curWorld.getLowestLevelDepth() ) selectWorldDepth(curWorldDepth-1); } - else if( App.ME.isCtrlDown() || App.ME.isShiftDown() ) { + + case C_GotoNextWorldLayer: + if( !worldMode ) + setWorldMode(true); + else { + // Change active depth + if( curWorldDepth < curWorld.getHighestLevelDepth() ) + selectWorldDepth(curWorldDepth+1); + } + + case C_MoveLevelToPreviousWorldLayer: + if( !worldMode ) + setWorldMode(true); + else { // Move current level closer curWorld.moveLevelToDepthCloser(curLevel); ge.emit( LevelSettingsChanged(curLevel) ); selectWorldDepth(curLevel.worldDepth); } - case K.PGUP if( !hasInputFocus() ): + case C_MoveLevelToNextWorldLayer: if( !worldMode ) setWorldMode(true); - else if( !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ) { - // Change active depth - if( curWorldDepth < curWorld.getHighestLevelDepth() ) - selectWorldDepth(curWorldDepth+1); - } - else if( App.ME.isCtrlDown() || App.ME.isShiftDown() ) { + else { // Move current level further curWorld.moveLevelToDepthFurther(curLevel); ge.emit( LevelSettingsChanged(curLevel) ); selectWorldDepth(curLevel.worldDepth); } + case C_OpenProjectPanel: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditProject) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.EditProject(); - case k if( k>=48 && k<=57 && !hasInputFocus() ): - var idx = k==48 ? 9 : k-49; - if( idx < curLevel.layerInstances.length ) - selectLayerInstance( curLevel.layerInstances[idx] ); - - // Select layers (F1-F10) - case k if( k>=K.F1 && k<=K.F10 && !hasInputFocus() ): - var idx = k-K.F1; - var i = 0; - for(l in curLevel.layerInstances) - if( !l.def.hideInList ) { - if( i==idx ) { - selectLayerInstance(l); - break; - } - i++; - } - - - case K.P if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - jMainPanel.find("#mainBar .buttons button.editProject").click(); - - case K.L if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - jMainPanel.find("#mainBar .buttons button.editLayers").click(); - - case K.E if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - jMainPanel.find("#mainBar .buttons button.editEntities").click(); - - case K.U if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - jMainPanel.find("#mainBar .buttons button.editEnums").click(); - - case K.T if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - jMainPanel.find("#mainBar .buttons button.editTilesets").click(); - - case K.C if( !hasInputFocus() && !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ): - jMainPanel.find("#mainBar .buttons button.editLevelInstance").click(); - - - // ZQSD/WASD navigation - case K.Z if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Zqsd && !hasInputFocus() ): - onNavigateShortcut(0, -1, true); - - case K.Q if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Zqsd && !hasInputFocus() ): - onNavigateShortcut(-1, 0, true); + case C_OpenLayerPanel: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditLayerDefs) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.EditLayerDefs(); - case K.W if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Wasd && !hasInputFocus() ): - onNavigateShortcut(0, -1, true); + case C_OpenEntityPanel: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditEntityDefs) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.EditEntityDefs(); - case K.A if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Wasd && !hasInputFocus() ): - onNavigateShortcut(-1, 0, true); + case C_OpenEnumPanel: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditEnumDefs) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.EditEnumDefs(); - case K.S if( ( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Wasd || App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Zqsd ) && !hasInputFocus() ): - onNavigateShortcut(0, 1, true); + case C_OpenTilesetPanel: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.EditTilesetDefs) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.EditTilesetDefs(); - case K.D if( ( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Wasd || App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Zqsd ) && !hasInputFocus() ): - onNavigateShortcut(1, 0, true); + case C_OpenLevelPanel: + if( ui.Modal.isOpen(ui.modal.panel.LevelInstancePanel) ) + ui.Modal.closeAll(); + else + new ui.modal.panel.LevelInstancePanel(); - case K.UP if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Arrows && !hasInputFocus() ): + case C_NavUp: onNavigateShortcut(0, -1, true); - case K.DOWN if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Arrows && !hasInputFocus() ): + case C_NavDown: onNavigateShortcut(0, 1, true); - case K.LEFT if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Arrows && !hasInputFocus() ): + case C_NavLeft: onNavigateShortcut(-1, 0, true); - case K.RIGHT if( App.ME.settings.v.navigationKeys==Arrows && !hasInputFocus() ): + case C_NavRight: onNavigateShortcut(1, 0, true); } - - // Propagate to tools - if( !hasInputFocus() && !ui.Modal.hasAnyOpen() ) { - worldTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); - panTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); - if( resizeTool!=null ) - resizeTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); - - if( !worldMode ) { - if( isSpecialToolActive() ) - specialTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); - else { - selectionTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); - curTool.onKeyPress(keyCode); - } - } - } } + function onNavigateShortcut(dx:Int, dy:Int, pressed:Bool) { if( App.ME.isCtrlDown() ) return; - // if( App.ME.isShiftDown() ) { - // // Layers navigation - // if( project.defs.layers.length>0 ) { - // var lidx = 0; - // for(ld in project.defs.layers) - // if( curLayerDef==ld ) - // break; - // else - // lidx++; - // lidx += dy + dx*2; - // var ld = project.defs.layers[ M.iclamp(lidx, 0, project.defs.layers.length-1) ]; - // selectLayerInstance( curLevel.getLayerInstance(ld) ); - // } - // } if( !App.ME.hasAnyToggleKeyDown() ) { // Tool navigation !panTool.onNavigateSelection(dx,dy,pressed) @@ -1439,6 +1498,10 @@ class Editor extends Page { .off(); // Update all + applyEditOption( jEditOptions.find("li.zen"), ()->settings.v.zenMode, (v)->{ + setZenMode(v); + setZenModeReveal(true); + }); applyEditOption( jEditOptions.find("li.grid"), ()->settings.v.grid, (v)->setGrid(v) ); applyEditOption( jEditOptions.find("li.showDetails"), ()->settings.v.showDetails, (v)->setShowDetails(v) ); @@ -1491,13 +1554,16 @@ class Editor extends Page { worldMode = v; ge.emit( WorldMode(worldMode) ); if( worldMode ) { + jPage.addClass("worldMode"); cursor.set(None); N.quick(L.t._("World view"), new J('')); ui.Modal.closeAll(); new ui.modal.panel.WorldPanel(); } - else + else { + jPage.removeClass("worldMode"); updateLayerList(); + } // Offset editing options & world layers var jFloatingOptions = jPage.find("#editingOptions, #worldDepths"); @@ -1564,32 +1630,69 @@ class Editor extends Page { updateEditOptions(); } - public function setCompactMode(v:Bool, init=false) { - settings.v.compactMode = v; - if( !init ) + public function setZenMode(v:Bool, saveSetting=true) { + settings.v.zenMode = v; + if( saveSetting ) App.ME.settings.save(); - if( settings.v.compactMode ) - App.ME.jPage.addClass("compactPanel"); + var jRevealer = jPage.find("#zenModeRevealer"); + jRevealer.off(); + App.ME.jCanvas.off(".zenMode"); + setZenModeReveal(false); + + if( settings.v.zenMode ) { + App.ME.jPage.addClass("zenMode"); + jRevealer.mouseover( _->{ + setZenModeReveal(true); + }); + } else - App.ME.jPage.removeClass("compactPanel"); + App.ME.jPage.removeClass("zenMode"); + + updateCanvasSize(); updateAppBg(); updateWorldList(); - if( !init ) - N.quick("Compact UI: "+L.onOff(settings.v.compactMode)); + updateEditOptions(); + if( saveSetting ) + N.quick("Zen mode: "+L.onOff(settings.v.zenMode)); } + function setZenModeReveal(reveal:Bool) { + zenModeRevealed = reveal; + var jCanvas = App.ME.jCanvas; + jCanvas.off(".zenMode"); + + cd.unset("pendingZenModeReHide"); + cd.unset("zenModeReHideLock"); - function onHelp() { - new ui.modal.panel.Help(); + if( reveal ) { + App.ME.jPage.addClass("revealed"); + jCanvas.on("mouseover.zenMode", _->{ + cd.setS("pendingZenModeReHide", Const.INFINITE); + cd.setS("zenModeReHideLock", 1, true); + }); + jCanvas.on("mousemove.zenMode", (ev:js.jquery.Event)->{ + final t = 0.2; + if( cd.getS("zenModeReHideLock")>t && ev.pageX > jMainPanel.outerWidth() + 200 ) + cd.setS("zenModeReHideLock", t, true); + }); + jCanvas.on("mouseleave.zenMode", _->{ + cd.unset("pendingZenModeReHide"); + cd.unset("zenModeReHideLock"); + }); + } + else { + App.ME.jPage.removeClass("revealed"); + } } + + public function isLocked() { - return App.ME.isLocked() - #if debug || cd.has("debugLock") #end; + return App.ME.isLocked(); } public function onClose(?bt:js.jquery.JQuery) { @@ -1893,6 +1996,7 @@ class Editor extends Page { case LayerDefChanged(defUid): invalidateAllLevelsCache(); case LayerDefSorted: invalidateAllLevelsCache(); case LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(defUid): + case LayerDefIntGridValueAdded(defUid,value): case LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(defUid,value,used): if( used ) { invalidateAllLevelsCache(); @@ -2190,7 +2294,10 @@ class Editor extends Page { case LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(defUid): updateTool(); - case LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(defUid,value,used): + case LayerDefIntGridValueAdded(_): + updateTool(); + + case LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(_): updateTool(); case WorldSettingsChanged: @@ -2247,8 +2354,16 @@ class Editor extends Page { function updateCanvasSize() { var panelWid = jMainPanel.outerWidth(); App.ME.jCanvas.show(); - App.ME.jCanvas.css("left", panelWid+"px"); - App.ME.jCanvas.css("width", "calc( 100vw - "+panelWid+"px )"); + if( settings.v.zenMode ) + App.ME.jCanvas.css({ + left: "0", + width: "100vw", + }); + else + App.ME.jCanvas.css({ + left: panelWid+"px", + width: "calc( 100vw - "+panelWid+"px )", + }); camera.invalidateCache(); } @@ -2333,6 +2448,8 @@ class Editor extends Page { onMouseUp(); heldVisibilitySet = null; + setZenModeReveal(false); + if( !ET.isDevToolsOpened() ) enableClicktrap(); } @@ -2471,7 +2588,7 @@ class Editor extends Page { icon: "edit", cb: ()->{ selectLayerInstance(li); - new ui.modal.panel.EditLayerDefs(); + executeAppCommand(C_OpenLayerPanel); }, } ]; @@ -2566,5 +2683,9 @@ class Editor extends Page { invalidatedMouseCoords = false; updateMouseCoordsBlock( getMouse() ); } + + // Auto re-hide panel in zen mode + if( settings.v.zenMode && cd.has("pendingZenModeReHide") && !cd.has("zenModeReHideLock") ) + setZenModeReveal(false); } } diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/page/Home.hx b/src/electron.renderer/page/Home.hx index ec114a814..eb1338240 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/page/Home.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/page/Home.hx @@ -12,9 +12,12 @@ class Home extends Page { ME = this; var changeLog = Const.getChangeLog(); + var ver = Const.getAppVersionObj(); loadPageTemplate("home", { app: Const.APP_NAME, - appVer: Const.getAppVersion(true), + majorVer: ver.major, + minorVer: ver.minor, + patchVer: ver.patch, buildDate: dn.MacroTools.getHumanBuildDate(), latestVer: changeLog.latest.version, latestDesc: changeLog.latest.title==null ? L.t._("Release notes") : '"'+changeLog.latest.title+'"', @@ -28,6 +31,10 @@ class Home extends Page { }); App.ME.setWindowTitle(); + // Hide patch version if zero + if( ver.patch!=0 ) + jPage.find("header .version").addClass("patchRelease"); + jPage.find(".changelogs code").each( function(idx,e) { var jCode = new J(e); if( (~/sample/i).match( jCode.text().toLowerCase() ) ) { @@ -55,9 +62,10 @@ class Home extends Page { if( !settings.getUiStateBool(HideSamplesOnHome) ) showSamples(false); - jPage.find(".buy").click( (ev)->{ + jPage.find(".support").click( (ev)->{ var w = new ui.Modal(); - w.loadTemplate("buy", { + w.setAnchor(MA_Centered); + w.loadTemplate("support", { app: Const.APP_NAME, itchUrl: Const.ITCH_IO_BUY_URL, gitHubSponsorUrl: Const.GITHUB_SPONSOR_URL, @@ -392,7 +400,7 @@ class Home extends Page { function onImport(ev:js.jquery.Event) { var ctx = new ui.modal.ContextMenu(ev); ctx.addTitle( L.t._("Import a project from another app") ); - ctx.positionNear( new J(ev.target) ); + ctx.setAnchor( MA_JQuery(new J(ev.target)) ); ctx.add({ label: L.t._("Ogmo 3 project"), cb: ()->onImportOgmo(), diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/FieldDefsForm.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/FieldDefsForm.hx index c0de56aba..035ee84a9 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/FieldDefsForm.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/FieldDefsForm.hx @@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ class FieldDefsForm { } // Make fields list sortable - JsTools.makeSortable(jList, false, function(ev) { + JsTools.makeSortable(jList, function(ev) { var from = ev.oldIndex; var to = ev.newIndex; @@ -322,7 +322,7 @@ class FieldDefsForm { selectField(moved); editor.ge.emit( FieldDefSorted ); onAnyChange(); - }); + }, { disableAnim:true }); JsTools.parseComponents(jList); } diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/Modal.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/Modal.hx index 607678b6d..f8d447156 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/Modal.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/Modal.hx @@ -15,6 +15,10 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { var jMask: js.jquery.JQuery; public var canBeClosedManually = true; + var anchor : ModalAnchor; + var anchorInvalidated = true; + + public function new() { super(Editor.ME); @@ -23,6 +27,7 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { Tip.clear(); ALL.push(this); + anchor = MA_Free; jModalAndMask = new J("xml#window").children().first().clone(); App.ME.jPage.append(jModalAndMask).addClass("hasModal"); @@ -42,8 +47,6 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { if( editor!=null ) editor.ge.addGlobalListener(onGlobalEvent); - positionNear(); - for(e in ALL) if( e!=this && !e.isClosing() ) e.onAnotherModalOpen(); @@ -53,15 +56,54 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { function onAnotherModalOpen() {} function onAnotherModalClose() {} - public function positionNear(?target:js.jquery.JQuery, ?m:Coords) { - if( target==null && m==null ) - jModalAndMask.addClass("centered"); - else { - jModalAndMask.removeClass("centered"); - var docHei = App.ME.jDoc.innerHeight(); - if( m!=null ) { - // Use mouse coords + public function setAnchor(a:ModalAnchor, applyNow=true) { + this.anchor = a; + if( applyNow ) + applyAnchor(); + anchorInvalidated = true; + } + + + function applyAnchor() { + var docHei = App.ME.jDoc.innerHeight(); + + switch anchor { + case MA_Free: + jModalAndMask.removeClass("centered"); + + case MA_Centered: + jModalAndMask.addClass("centered"); + // Force scrollbars when modal is bigger than window + if( !jModalAndMask.hasClass("forceScroll") && jContent.outerHeight()>=App.ME.jDoc.innerHeight() ) + jModalAndMask.addClass("forceScroll"); + else if( jModalAndMask.hasClass("forceScroll") && jContent.outerHeight()=js.Browser.window.innerWidth*0.6; + var x = toLeft ? targetOff.left+jTarget.outerWidth()-jContent.width() : targetOff.left; + if( targetOff.top>=docHei*0.7 ) { + // Place above target + jWrapper.offset({ + left: x, + top: 0, + }); + jWrapper.css("top", "auto"); + jWrapper.css("bottom", (docHei-targetOff.top)+"px"); + } + else { + // Place beneath target + jWrapper.offset({ + left: x, + top: targetOff.top + jTarget.outerHeight() + }); + } + + case MA_Coords(m): + jModalAndMask.removeClass("centered"); var toLeft = m.pageX>=js.Browser.window.innerWidth*0.6; var x = toLeft ? m.pageX-jContent.width() : m.pageX; var y = m.pageY; @@ -81,29 +123,29 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { top: y+10, }); } - } - else { - // Use DOM element - var targetOff = target.offset(); - var toLeft = targetOff.left>=js.Browser.window.innerWidth*0.6; - var x = toLeft ? targetOff.left+target.outerWidth()-jContent.width() : targetOff.left; - if( targetOff.top>=docHei*0.7 ) { - // Place above target + } + + // Window bounds clamping + switch anchor { + case MA_Free: + case MA_Centered: + case MA_JQuery(_), MA_Coords(_): + var padding = 16; + var x = jWrapper.offset().left; + var y = jWrapper.offset().top; + var hei = jWrapper.outerHeight(); + if( y docHei-padding-hei ) { jWrapper.offset({ left: x, - top: targetOff.top+target.outerHeight() + top: docHei - padding - hei }); } - } } } @@ -127,9 +169,6 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { editor.ge.removeListener(onGlobalEvent); jModalAndMask.remove(); - jModalAndMask = null; - jMask = null; - jContent = null; if( hasAnyOpen() ) { for(e in ALL) @@ -259,13 +298,15 @@ class Modal extends dn.Process { override function onResize() { super.onResize(); + anchorInvalidated = true; + } + - // Force scrollbars when modal is bigger than window - if( jModalAndMask.hasClass("centered") ) { - if( !jModalAndMask.hasClass("forceScroll") && jContent.outerHeight()>=App.ME.jDoc.innerHeight() ) - jModalAndMask.addClass("forceScroll"); - else if( jModalAndMask.hasClass("forceScroll") && jContent.outerHeight()999 ) { + var g = sourceDef.getIntGridGroup( Std.int(intGridVal/1000)-1 ); + jCell.addClass("group"); + if( g.color!=null ) { + jCell.css("background-color", g.color.toCssRgba(0.9)); + jCell.css("outline-color", g.color.toWhite(0.6).toHex()); + } + addExplain(jCell, 'This cell should contain any IntGrid value from the group ${g.displayName} to match.'); + } else if( sourceDef.hasIntGridValue(intGridVal) ) { jCell.css("background-color", C.intToHex( sourceDef.getIntGridValueDef(intGridVal).color ) ); var iv = sourceDef.getIntGridValueDef(intGridVal); @@ -151,6 +160,15 @@ class RulePatternEditor { jCell.addClass("anything"); addExplain(jCell, 'This cell should NOT contain any IntGrid value to match.'); } + else if( intGridVal>999 ) { + var g = sourceDef.getIntGridGroup( Std.int(intGridVal/1000)-1 ); + jCell.addClass("group"); + if( g.color!=null ) { + jCell.css("background-color", g.color.toCssRgba(0.9)); + jCell.css("outline-color", g.color.toWhite(0.6).toHex()); + } + addExplain(jCell, 'This cell should NOT contain any IntGrid value from the group ${g.displayName} to match.'); + } else if( sourceDef.hasIntGridValue(intGridVal) ) { jCell.css("background-color", C.intToHex( sourceDef.getIntGridValueDef(intGridVal).color ) ); var iv = sourceDef.getIntGridValueDef(intGridVal); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/ContextMenu.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/ContextMenu.hx index 31b2a4a96..7adde3c6a 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/ContextMenu.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/ContextMenu.hx @@ -34,15 +34,15 @@ class ContextMenu extends ui.Modal { jAttachTarget.addClass("contextMenuOpen"); if( jEventTarget.is("button") || jEventTarget.parent().is("button") || jNear!=null ) - placer = ()->positionNear(jEventTarget); + placer = ()->setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jEventTarget) ); else if( openEvent!=null ) - placer = ()->positionNear( new Coords(openEvent.pageX, openEvent.pageY) ); + placer = ()->setAnchor( MA_Coords(new Coords(openEvent.pageX, openEvent.pageY)) ); } else { jAttachTarget = new J(""); if( m!=null ) - placer = ()->positionNear(m); + placer = ()->setAnchor( MA_Coords(m) ); } setTransparentMask(); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/DebugMenu.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/DebugMenu.hx index e4eb13052..6e815588e 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/DebugMenu.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/DebugMenu.hx @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class DebugMenu extends ui.modal.ContextMenu { cb: ()->{ editor.gifMode = !editor.gifMode; if( editor.gifMode ) { - editor.setCompactMode(true); + editor.setZenMode(true); N.success("GIF mode: ON"); } else diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Dialog.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Dialog.hx index 5a51474e6..7b07566bd 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Dialog.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Dialog.hx @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package ui.modal; class Dialog extends ui.Modal { var jButtons: js.jquery.JQuery; - public function new(?target:js.jquery.JQuery, ?className:String) { + public function new(?jTarget:js.jquery.JQuery, ?className:String) { super(); jModalAndMask.addClass("dialog"); @@ -19,11 +19,14 @@ class Dialog extends ui.Modal { openAnim(); // Position near attach target - positionNear(target); + if( jTarget!=null ) + setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jTarget) ); + else + setAnchor( MA_Centered ); } function openAnim() { - jWrapper.hide().slideDown(60); + jWrapper.hide().slideDown(60, applyAnchor); } public static function closeAll() { diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Panel.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Panel.hx index 7cad5f1cc..26bec1168 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Panel.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/Panel.hx @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ class Panel extends ui.Modal { var mainPanel = new J("#mainPanel"); jModalAndMask.addClass("panel"); - jModalAndMask.removeClass("centered"); + anchor = MA_Free; jCloseButton = new J(''); jCloseButton.click( ev->if( !isClosing() ) close() ); @@ -65,21 +65,12 @@ class Panel extends ui.Modal { override function onResize() { super.onResize(); var jBar = editor.jMainPanel.find("#mainBar"); - if( settings.v.compactMode ) { - jWrapper.css({ - top: "0px", - left: jBar.outerWidth()+"px", - height: '100vh', - }); - } - else { - var y = jBar.offset().top + jBar.outerHeight() - 6; - jWrapper.css({ - top: y+"px", - left: "0px", - height: 'calc( 100vh - ${y}px )', - }); - } + var y = settings.v.zenMode ? 0 : jBar.offset().top + jBar.outerHeight() - 6; + jWrapper.css({ + top: y+"px", + left: "0px", + height: 'calc( 100vh - ${y}px )', + }); } function insertCloseButton() { diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/Changelog.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/Changelog.hx index 4afc78279..91ef6ed3d 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/Changelog.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/Changelog.hx @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ class Changelog extends ui.modal.Dialog { // Load page loadTemplate("changelog", { - ver: latestPatchedVer.full, + mainVer: latestPatchedVer.major+"."+latestPatchedVer.minor, + patchVer: latestPatchedVer.patch>0 ? "."+latestPatchedVer.patch : "", app: Const.APP_NAME, title: changeLog.title==null ? "" : '“ '+changeLog.title+' ”', }, false); @@ -123,6 +124,16 @@ class Changelog extends ui.modal.Dialog { // Call Marked parser for main changelog js.Syntax.code("parseMd({0}, {1})", rawMd, "updateChangelogHtml"); + + // Images animations + var jImgs = jContent.find("p img"); + jImgs.each( (idx,e)->{ + var jImg = new J(e); + jImg.unwrap().wrap('
          '); + var jShadow = new J('
          ').insertAfter(jImg); + }); + + // Hot fixes listing if( changeLog.version.patch==0 ) { var jHotFixes = jContent.find(".hotfixes"); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/ColorPicker.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/ColorPicker.hx index d5690c8f6..46227e624 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/ColorPicker.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/ColorPicker.hx @@ -5,18 +5,16 @@ class ColorPicker extends ui.modal.Dialog { var jTargetInput : js.jquery.JQuery; var originalColor : Int; var usedColorsTag : Null; + var nullable = false; - public function new(?usedColorsTag:String, ?suggestedColors:Array, ?target:js.jquery.JQuery, ?color:dn.Col) { - super(); + public function new(?usedColorsTag:String, ?suggestedColors:Array, ?jTarget:js.jquery.JQuery, ?color:dn.Col, allowNull=false) { + super(jTarget); this.usedColorsTag = usedColorsTag; loadTemplate("colorPicker"); - if( target!=null ) { - positionNear(target); - if( target.is("input") ) - jTargetInput = target; - } + if( jTarget!=null && jTarget.is("input") ) + jTargetInput = jTarget; var jPreview = jContent.find(".preview"); @@ -50,6 +48,16 @@ class ColorPicker extends ui.modal.Dialog { updatePaste(); }); + // Nullable + if( allowNull ) { + nullable = true; + jContent.find(".nullify").click(_->{ + onValidate(null); + close(); + }); + } + else + jContent.find(".nullify").hide(); var jExpand = jContent.find(".recentColors .expand"); var jRecents = jContent.find(".recentColors .recents"); @@ -148,10 +156,11 @@ class ColorPicker extends ui.modal.Dialog { originalColor = getColor(); // Init elements - jInput - .val( picker.getHexString().substr(1) ) - .focus() - .select(); + if( nullable && color==null ) + jInput.val(""); + else + jInput.val( picker.getHexString().substr(1) ); + jInput.focus().select(); jPreview.css({ backgroundColor:picker.getHexString() }); JsTools.parseComponents(jContent); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/IntGridValuePicker.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/IntGridValuePicker.hx index c2f45d123..75985e00b 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/IntGridValuePicker.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/IntGridValuePicker.hx @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class IntGridValuePicker extends ui.modal.Dialog { if( jNear!=null ) { jWrapper.css("minWidth", jNear.outerWidth()+"px"); - positionNear(jNear); + setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jNear) ); jWrapper.offset({ top: jWrapper.offset().top-jNear.outerHeight(), left: jWrapper.offset().left, diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleEditor.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleEditor.hx index 76adc4cde..a0f71437b 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleEditor.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleEditor.hx @@ -133,18 +133,17 @@ class RuleEditor extends ui.modal.Dialog { - function updateValuePicker() { - var jValues = jContent.find(">.pattern .values ul").empty(); + function updateValuePalette() { + var jValuePalette = jContent.find(">.pattern .valuePalette>ul").empty(); // Values view mode var stateId = settings.makeStateId(RuleValuesColumns, layerDef.uid); var columns = settings.getUiStateInt(stateId, project, 1); - JsTools.removeClassReg(jValues, ~/col-[0-9]+/g); - jValues.addClass("col-"+columns); + JsTools.removeClassReg(jValuePalette, ~/col-[0-9]+/g); + jValuePalette.addClass("col-"+columns); // View select var jMode = jContent.find(".displayMode"); - jMode.off(); jMode.off().click(_->{ var m = new ContextMenu(jMode); m.add({ @@ -152,7 +151,7 @@ class RuleEditor extends ui.modal.Dialog { icon: "listView", cb: ()->{ settings.deleteUiState(stateId, project); - updateValuePicker(); + updateValuePalette(); } }); for(n in [2,3,4,5]) { @@ -161,48 +160,83 @@ class RuleEditor extends ui.modal.Dialog { icon: "gridView", cb: ()->{ settings.setUiStateInt(stateId, n, project); - updateValuePicker(); + updateValuePalette(); } }); } }); - // Values picker - for(v in sourceDef.getAllIntGridValues()) { - var jVal = new J('
        • '); - jVal.appendTo(jValues); + // Groups + for(g in sourceDef.getGroupedIntGridValues()) { + var groupValue = (g.groupUid+1)*1000; - jVal.css("background-color", C.intToHex(v.color)); - jVal.append( JsTools.createIntGridValue(project,v) ); - jVal.append('${v.identifier!=null ? v.identifier : ""}'); - jVal.find(".name").css("color", C.intToHex( C.autoContrast(v.color) ) ); + var jHeader = new J('
        • '); + jHeader.append(''); + if( sourceDef.hasIntGridGroups() ) { + jHeader.appendTo(jValuePalette); + jHeader.append('${g.displayName}'); - if( v.value==curValue ) - jVal.addClass("active"); + jHeader.click(_->{ + curValue = groupValue; + updateValuePalette(); + }); + } - var id = v.value; - jVal.click( function(ev) { - curValue = id; - editor.ge.emit( LayerRuleChanged(rule) ); - updateValuePicker(); - }); + var jSubList = new J('
          • '); + jSubList.appendTo(jValuePalette); + + if( g.color!=null ) { + var alpha = curValue==groupValue ? 1 : 0.4; + jHeader.css("background-color", g.color.toCssRgba(0.8*alpha)); + jSubList.css("background-color", g.color.toCssRgba(0.5*alpha)); + } + + if( curValue==groupValue ) + jHeader.add(jSubList).addClass("active"); + + // Individual values + jSubList = jSubList.find("ul"); + for(v in g.all) { + var jVal = new J('
          • '); + jVal.appendTo(jSubList); + jVal.css("background-color", C.intToHex(v.color)); + jVal.append( JsTools.createIntGridValue(project, v, false) ); + jVal.append('${v.identifier!=null ? v.identifier : Std.string(v.value)}'); + jVal.find(".name").css("color", C.intToHex( C.autoContrast(v.color) ) ); + + if( curValue==v.value ) + jVal.addClass("active"); + + var id = v.value; + jVal.click( function(ev) { + curValue = id; + updateValuePalette(); + }); + } } // "Anything" value var jVal = new J('
          • '); - jVal.appendTo(jValues); + jVal.appendTo(jValuePalette); jVal.addClass("any"); jVal.append(''); - var label = columns>1 ? "Any" : "Anything/nothing"; + var label = '"Any value" / "No value"'; jVal.append('$label'); if( curValue==Const.AUTO_LAYER_ANYTHING ) jVal.addClass("active"); jVal.click( function(ev) { curValue = Const.AUTO_LAYER_ANYTHING; editor.ge.emit( LayerRuleChanged(rule) ); - updateValuePicker(); + updateValuePalette(); }); + + // Value groups + // var jGroups = jContent.find(">.pattern .groups ul").empty(); + // // JsTools.removeClassReg(jGroups, ~/col-[0-9]+/g); + // // jGroups.addClass("col-"+columns); + // for(g in sourceDef.getGroupedIntGridValues()) + // jGroups.append('
          • ${g.displayName}
          • '); } function renderAll() { @@ -245,8 +279,6 @@ class RuleEditor extends ui.modal.Dialog { var sizes = [ while( s${size}x$size'); - // if( size>=7 ) - // jOpt.append(" (WARNING: might slow-down app)"); jOpt.appendTo(jSizes); } jSizes.change( function(_) { @@ -266,7 +298,7 @@ class RuleEditor extends ui.modal.Dialog { }); // Finalize - updateValuePicker(); + updateValuePalette(); if( guidedMode ) enableGuidedMode(); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleModuloEditor.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleModuloEditor.hx index 2d4d7dc5c..c1ee20dbd 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleModuloEditor.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleModuloEditor.hx @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ class RuleModuloEditor extends ui.modal.Dialog { public function new(jFrom:js.jquery.JQuery, layerDef:data.def.LayerDef, rule:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef) { super("ruleModuloEditor"); - positionNear(jFrom); + setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jFrom) ); setTransparentMask(); this.layerDef = layerDef; diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RulePerlinSettings.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RulePerlinSettings.hx index cb5d46e7e..7af9c0845 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RulePerlinSettings.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RulePerlinSettings.hx @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ class RulePerlinSettings extends ui.modal.Dialog { var preview : h2d.Graphics; var rule : data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef; - public function new(?target:js.jquery.JQuery, r:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef) { + public function new(?jTarget:js.jquery.JQuery, r:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef) { super(); rule = r; @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ class RulePerlinSettings extends ui.modal.Dialog { i.enableSlider(0.2); i.onChange = onChange.bind(r); - positionNear(target); + setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jTarget) ); updatePreview(); } diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleRandomOffsets.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleRandomOffsets.hx index b9d75403c..7e5e52193 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleRandomOffsets.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/RuleRandomOffsets.hx @@ -2,22 +2,31 @@ package ui.modal.dialog; class RuleRandomOffsets extends ui.modal.Dialog { var rule : data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef; + var xLinked : Bool; + var yLinked : Bool; - public function new(?target:js.jquery.JQuery, r:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef) { + public function new(?jTarget:js.jquery.JQuery, r:data.def.AutoLayerRuleDef) { super(); rule = r; + xLinked = r.tileRandomXMin == -r.tileRandomXMax; + yLinked = r.tileRandomYMin == -r.tileRandomYMax; loadTemplate("ruleRandomOffsets"); setTransparentMask(); updateForm(); - positionNear(target); + setAnchor( MA_JQuery(jTarget) ); } function updateForm() { + var limit = 1024; jContent.find("*").off(); + // Link icons + jContent.find("#xMin").siblings("button.link").find(".icon").removeClass("link, unlink").addClass(xLinked ? "link" : "unlink"); + jContent.find("#yMin").siblings("button.link").find(".icon").removeClass("link, unlink").addClass(yLinked ? "link" : "unlink"); + jContent.find(".resetAll").click(_->{ rule.tileXOffset = 0; rule.tileYOffset = 0; @@ -26,9 +35,11 @@ class RuleRandomOffsets extends ui.modal.Dialog { onChange(); }); + + // X var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(rule.tileXOffset, jContent.find("#xOffset")); - i.setBounds(-256, 256); + i.setBounds(-limit, limit); i.enableSlider(0.66); i.setEmptyValue(0); i.setPlaceholder(0); @@ -39,32 +50,53 @@ class RuleRandomOffsets extends ui.modal.Dialog { onChange(); }); - // X random + // X random min var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(rule.tileRandomXMin, jContent.find("#xMin")); i.fixValue = (v)->return M.imin(v, rule.tileRandomXMax); - i.setBounds(-256, 256); + i.setBounds(-limit, limit); i.enableSlider(0.66); i.setEmptyValue(0); i.setPlaceholder(0); - i.onChange = onChange; + i.onChange = ()->onChange(); + if( xLinked ) + i.disable(); + else + i.enable(); + // X random max var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(rule.tileRandomXMax, jContent.find("#xMax")); i.fixValue = (v)->return M.imax(v, rule.tileRandomXMin); - i.setBounds(-256, 256); + i.setBounds(xLinked?0:-limit, limit); i.enableSlider(0.66); i.setEmptyValue(0); i.setPlaceholder(0); - i.onChange = onChange; + i.onChange = ()->{ + if( xLinked ) + rule.tileRandomXMin = -rule.tileRandomXMax; + onChange(); + }; + + // X random link + i.jInput.siblings("button.link").click(_->{ + xLinked = !xLinked; + if( xLinked ) { + rule.tileRandomXMax = M.imax(rule.tileRandomXMin, rule.tileRandomXMax); + rule.tileRandomXMin = -rule.tileRandomXMax; + } + onChange(); + }); + // X random reset i.jInput.siblings(".reset").click(_->{ rule.tileRandomXMin = 0; rule.tileRandomXMax = 0; onChange(); }); + // Y var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(rule.tileYOffset, jContent.find("#yOffset")); - i.setBounds(-256, 256); + i.setBounds(-limit, limit); i.enableSlider(0.66); i.setEmptyValue(0); i.setPlaceholder(0); @@ -75,23 +107,43 @@ class RuleRandomOffsets extends ui.modal.Dialog { onChange(); }); - // Y random + // Y random min var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(rule.tileRandomYMin, jContent.find("#yMin")); i.fixValue = (v)->return M.imin(v, rule.tileRandomYMax); - i.setBounds(-256, 256); + i.setBounds(-limit, limit); i.enableSlider(0.66); i.setEmptyValue(0); i.setPlaceholder(0); - i.onChange = onChange; + i.onChange = ()->onChange(); + if( yLinked ) + i.disable(); + else + i.enable(); + // Y random max var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(rule.tileRandomYMax, jContent.find("#yMax")); i.fixValue = (v)->return M.imax(v, rule.tileRandomYMin); - i.setBounds(-256, 256); + i.setBounds(yLinked?0:-limit, limit); i.enableSlider(0.66); i.setEmptyValue(0); i.setPlaceholder(0); - i.onChange = onChange; + i.onChange = ()->{ + if( yLinked ) + rule.tileRandomYMin = -rule.tileRandomYMax; + onChange(); + }; + + // Y random link + i.jInput.siblings("button.link").click(_->{ + yLinked = !yLinked; + if( yLinked ) { + rule.tileRandomYMax = M.imax(rule.tileRandomYMin, rule.tileRandomYMax); + rule.tileRandomYMin = -rule.tileRandomYMax; + } + onChange(); + }); + // Y random reset i.jInput.siblings(".reset").click(_->{ rule.tileRandomYMin = 0; rule.tileRandomYMax = 0; @@ -99,6 +151,8 @@ class RuleRandomOffsets extends ui.modal.Dialog { }); } + + function onChange() { if( rule.hasAnyPositionOffset() ) rule.breakOnMatch = false; diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/SelectPicker.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/SelectPicker.hx index 3a33cc2d1..020e37e47 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/SelectPicker.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/dialog/SelectPicker.hx @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ package ui.modal.dialog; class SelectPicker extends ui.modal.Dialog { - static var MAX_COLUMNS = 6; + static var MAX_COLUMNS = 10; var jSelect : js.jquery.JQuery; var jSearch : js.jquery.JQuery; diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditAllAutoLayerRules.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditAllAutoLayerRules.hx index 1aa16907b..9cad2569a 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditAllAutoLayerRules.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditAllAutoLayerRules.hx @@ -212,8 +212,8 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { for( ruleTiles in li.autoTilesCache.get(r.uid) ) { for(t in ruleTiles) { editor.levelRender.temp.drawRect( - t.x, - t.y, + t.x+li.pxTotalOffsetX, + t.y+li.pxTotalOffsetY, li.def.gridSize, li.def.gridSize ); @@ -226,6 +226,37 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { } + function onPickGroupColor(rg:AutoLayerRuleGroup) { + var cp = new ui.modal.dialog.ColorPicker(Const.getNicePalette(), rg.color, true); + cp.onValidate = (c)->{ + rg.color = c; + updateRuleGroup(rg); + } + } + + + + function onPickGroupIcon(rg:AutoLayerRuleGroup) { + var td = li.getTilesetDef(); + if( td==null ) + N.error("Invalid layer tileset"); + else { + var m = new ui.Modal(); + m.addClass("singleTilePicker"); + + var tp = new ui.Tileset(m.jContent, td, RectOnly); + tp.useSavedSelections = false; + tp.setSelectedRect(rg.icon); + tp.onSelectAnything = ()->{ + rg.icon = tp.getSelectedRect(); + m.close(); + editor.ge.emit( LayerRuleGroupChanged(rg) ); + } + tp.focusOnSelection(true); + } + } + + function onRenameGroup(jGroupHeader:js.jquery.JQuery, rg:AutoLayerRuleGroup) { jGroupHeader.find("div.name").hide(); var jInput = jGroupHeader.find("input.name"); @@ -291,6 +322,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { m.add({ label: L.t._("Use assistant (recommended)"), + icon: "wizard", cb: ()->{ if( ld.isAutoLayer() && ld.tilesetDefUid==null ) { N.error( Lang.t._("This auto-layer doesn't have a tileset. Please pick one in the LAYERS panel.") ); @@ -302,6 +334,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { m.add({ label: L.t._("Create an empty group"), + icon: "folder", cb: ()->{ if( ld.isAutoLayer() && ld.tilesetDefUid==null ) { N.error( Lang.t._("This auto-layer doesn't have a tileset. Please pick one in the LAYERS panel.") ); @@ -436,10 +469,10 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { } // Make groups sortable - JsTools.makeSortable(jRuleGroupList, "allGroups", false, function(ev) { + JsTools.makeSortable(jRuleGroupList, "allGroups", function(ev) { project.defs.sortLayerAutoGroup(ld, ev.oldIndex, ev.newIndex); editor.ge.emit(LayerRuleGroupSorted); - }); + }, { disableAnim:true }); checkBackup(); } @@ -484,6 +517,9 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { var jGroup = jContent.find("xml#ruleGroup").clone().children().wrapAll('
          • ').parent(); jGroup.addClass(li.isRuleGroupActiveHere(rg) ? "active" : "inactive"); + if( rg.color!=null ) { + jGroup.find(".sortHandle, header").css("background-color", rg.color.toCssRgba(0.7)); + } var jGroupList = jGroup.find(">ul"); jGroupList.attr("groupUid", rg.uid); @@ -498,7 +534,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { editor.ge.emit( LayerRuleGroupCollapseChanged(rg) ); }) .find(".text").text(rg.name).parent() - .find(".icon").removeClass().addClass("icon").addClass(rg.collapsed ? "collapsed" : "expanded"); + .find(".collapserIcon").removeClass().addClass("collapserIcon").addClass(rg.collapsed ? "collapsed" : "expanded"); if( rg.collapsed ) { jGroup.addClass("collapsed"); @@ -507,6 +543,13 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { jDropTarget.attr("groupUid",rg.uid); jGroup.append(jDropTarget); } + if( rg.icon!=null ) { + var td = li.getTilesetDef(); + if( td!=null ) { + var jImg = td.createTileHtmlImageFromRect(rg.icon, 32); + jName.find(".customIcon").append(jImg); + } + } // Show cells affected by this whole group jName.mouseenter( (ev)->{ @@ -524,7 +567,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { jGroup.addClass("optional"); // Enable/disable group - var jToggle = jGroupHeader.find(".active"); + var jToggle = jGroupHeader.find(".ruleActive"); jToggle.click( function(ev:js.jquery.Event) { if( rg.rules.length>0 && !rg.isOptional ) invalidateRuleGroup(rg); @@ -538,8 +581,6 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { }); if( rg.isOptional ) jToggle.attr("title", (li.isRuleGroupActiveHere(rg)?"Disable":"Enable")+" this group of rules in this level"); - // else - // jToggle.attr("title", (rg.active?"Disable":"Enable")+" this group of rules everywhere"); // Add rule var jAdd = jGroupHeader.find(".addRule"); @@ -565,28 +606,32 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { }, { - label: L.t._("Edit rules using the Assistant"), - cb: ()->{ - doUseWizard(rg); - }, - show: ()->rg.usesWizard, + label: L.t._("Assign group color"), + icon: "color", + cb: ()->onPickGroupColor(rg), }, { - label: L.t._("Turn into an OPTIONAL group"), - sub: L.t._("An optional group is disabled everywhere by default, and can be enabled manually only in some specific levels."), + label: L.t._("Assign group icon"), + icon: "pickIcon", + cb: ()->onPickGroupIcon(rg), + }, + + { + label: L.t._("Remove group icon"), + icon: "deleteIcon", + show: ()->rg.icon!=null, cb: ()->{ - invalidateRuleGroup(rg); - rg.isOptional = true; - rg.active = true; // just some cleanup + rg.icon = null; editor.ge.emit( LayerRuleGroupChanged(rg) ); }, - show: ()->!rg.isOptional, }, { label: L.t._('Edit "out-of-bounds" policy for all rules'), // sub: L.t._("An optional group is disabled everywhere by default, and can be enabled manually only in some specific levels."), + icon: "outOfBounds", + separatorBefore: true, cb: ()->{ var m = new ui.modal.Dialog(); m.loadTemplate("outOfBoundsPolicyGlobal.html"); @@ -605,7 +650,28 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { m.addCancel(); }, show: ()->!rg.isOptional, - separatorAfter: true, + }, + + { + label: L.t._("Edit rules using the Assistant"), + icon: "wizard", + cb: ()->{ + doUseWizard(rg); + }, + show: ()->rg.usesWizard, + }, + + { + label: L.t._("Turn into an OPTIONAL group"), + sub: L.t._("An optional group is disabled everywhere by default, and can be enabled manually only in some specific levels."), + icon: "optional", + cb: ()->{ + invalidateRuleGroup(rg); + rg.isOptional = true; + rg.active = true; // just some cleanup + editor.ge.emit( LayerRuleGroupChanged(rg) ); + }, + show: ()->!rg.isOptional, }, { @@ -623,10 +689,10 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { ); }, show: ()->rg.isOptional, - separatorAfter: true, }, { label: L._PasteAfter("rule"), + separatorBefore: true, cb: ()->{ var copy = ld.pasteRule(project, rg, App.ME.clipboard); lastRule = copy; @@ -731,7 +797,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { allActive = false; } - jGroupHeader.find(".active .icon") + jGroupHeader.find(".ruleActive .icon") .addClass( rg.isOptional ? li.isRuleGroupActiveHere(rg) ? "visible" : "hidden" : li.isRuleGroupActiveHere(rg) ? ( allActive ? "active" : "partial" ) : "inactive" @@ -739,7 +805,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { // Make individual rules sortable - JsTools.makeSortable(jGroupList, jContent.find("ul.ruleGroups"), "allRules", false, function(ev) { + JsTools.makeSortable(jGroupList, jContent.find("ul.ruleGroups"), "allRules", function(ev) { var fromUid = Std.parseInt( ev.from.getAttribute("groupUid") ); if( fromUid!=rg.uid ) return; // Prevent double "onSort" call (one for From, one for To) @@ -758,11 +824,11 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { invalidateRuleAndOnesBelow( ld.getRule(ruleUid) ); editor.ge.emit(LayerRuleSorted); - }); + }, { disableAnim:true }); // Turn the fake UL in collapsed groups into a sorting drop-target if( rg.collapsed ) - JsTools.makeSortable( jGroup.find(".collapsedSortTarget"), "allRules", false, function(_) {} ); + JsTools.makeSortable( jGroup.find(".collapsedSortTarget"), "allRules", function(_) {}, { disableAnim:true } ); JsTools.parseComponents(jGroup); return jGroup; @@ -949,7 +1015,7 @@ class EditAllAutoLayerRules extends ui.modal.Panel { }); // Enable/disable rule - var jActive = jRule.find("a.active"); + var jActive = jRule.find("a.ruleActive"); jActive.find(".icon").addClass( r.active ? "active" : "inactive" ); jActive.click( function(ev:js.jquery.Event) { ev.preventDefault(); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEntityDefs.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEntityDefs.hx index 961daf223..8af6835ea 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEntityDefs.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEntityDefs.hx @@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ class EditEntityDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { return; } - JsTools.parseComponents(jEntityForm); jAll.css("visibility","visible"); jContent.find(".none").hide(); @@ -448,6 +447,37 @@ class EditEntityDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { } + // UI override tile + JsTools.createTilesetSelect( + project, + jEntityForm.find(".uiTileset"), + curEntity.uiTileRect!=null ? curEntity.uiTileRect.tilesetUid : null, + true, + "Use default editor visual", + (uid)->{ + if( uid!=null ) + curEntity.uiTileRect = { tilesetUid: uid, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h:0, } + else + curEntity.uiTileRect = null; + editor.ge.emit(EntityDefChanged); + } + ); + var jUiTilePickerWrapper = jEntityForm.find(".uiTilePicker").empty(); + if( curEntity.uiTileRect!=null ) { + var jPicker = JsTools.createTileRectPicker( + curEntity.uiTileRect.tilesetUid, + curEntity.uiTileRect.w>0 ? curEntity.uiTileRect : null, + (rect)->{ + if( rect!=null ) { + curEntity.uiTileRect = rect; + editor.ge.emit(EntityDefChanged); + } + } + ); + jUiTilePickerWrapper.append( jPicker ); + } + + // Max count var i = Input.linkToHtmlInput(curEntity.maxCount, jEntityForm.find("input#maxCount") ); i.setBounds(0,1024); @@ -510,6 +540,7 @@ class EditEntityDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { jPivots.append(p); checkBackup(); + JsTools.parseComponents(jEntityForm); } @@ -545,7 +576,7 @@ class EditEntityDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { for( group in tagGroups ) { // Tag name if( tagGroups.length>1 ) { - var jSep = new J('
          • '); + var jSep = new J('
          • '); jSep.text( group.tag==null ? L._Untagged() : group.tag ); jSep.attr("id", project.iid+"_entity_tag_"+group.tag); jSep.attr("default", "open"); @@ -577,7 +608,7 @@ class EditEntityDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { jSubList.appendTo(jLi); for(ed in group.all) { - var jEnt = new J('
          • '); + var jEnt = new J('
          • '); jEnt.appendTo(jSubList); jEnt.attr("uid", ed.uid); jEnt.css("background-color", dn.Col.fromInt(ed.color).toCssRgba(0.2)); @@ -642,7 +673,7 @@ class EditEntityDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { var moved = project.defs.sortEntityDef(fromIdx, toIdx); selectEntity(moved); editor.ge.emit(EntityDefSorted); - }); + }, { onlyDraggables:true }); } JsTools.parseComponents(jEntityList); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEnumDefs.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEnumDefs.hx index 6223189e0..6205d334f 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEnumDefs.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditEnumDefs.hx @@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ class EditEnumDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { for( group in tagGroups) { // Tag name if( tagGroups.length>1 ) { - var jSep = new J('
          • '); + var jSep = new J('
          • '); jSep.text( group.tag==null ? L._Untagged() : group.tag ); jSep.appendTo(jEnumList); jSep.attr("id", project.iid+"_enum_tag_"+group.tag); @@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ class EditEnumDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { } } - var jLi = new J('
          • '); + var jLi = new J('
          • '); jLi.appendTo(jEnumList); var jSubList = new J('
              '); jSubList.appendTo(jLi); for(ed in group.all) { - var jLi = new J("
            • "); + var jLi = new J('
            • '); jLi.appendTo(jSubList); jLi.data("uid", ed.uid); if( ed==curEnum ) @@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ class EditEnumDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { var moved = project.defs.sortEnumDef(fromIdx, toIdx); selectEnum(moved); editor.ge.emit(EnumDefSorted); - }); + }, { onlyDraggables:true }); } @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ class EditEnumDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { // Source name var jSep = new J("
            • "); jSep.appendTo(jEnumList); - jSep.addClass("title fixed collapser"); + jSep.addClass("title collapser"); var name = dn.FilePath.fromFile(group.key).fileWithExt; jSep.html('$name'); jSep.attr("id", project.iid+"_entity_tag_"+name); @@ -344,7 +344,6 @@ class EditEnumDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { for(ed in group.value) { var jLi = new J("
            • "); jLi.appendTo(jSubList); - jLi.addClass("fixed"); if( !fileExists ) jLi.addClass("missing"); if( ed==curEnum ) diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditLayerDefs.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditLayerDefs.hx index 0ef89d66a..1014ec8ff 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditLayerDefs.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditLayerDefs.hx @@ -206,6 +206,10 @@ class EditLayerDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { case LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(defUid): updateForm(); + case LayerDefIntGridValueAdded(defUid,value): + updateForm(); + jForm.find("ul.intGridValues li.value:last .name").focus(); + case LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(defUid,value,used): updateForm(); @@ -460,98 +464,231 @@ class EditLayerDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { }); - var jValuesList = jForm.find("ul.intGridValues"); - jValuesList.find("li.value").remove(); + var jIntGridValuesWrapper = jForm.find("dd.intGridValues"); + var jAllGroups = jIntGridValuesWrapper.find("ul.intGridValuesGroups"); + jAllGroups.empty(); // Add intGrid value button - var jAddButton = jValuesList.find("li.add"); - jAddButton.find("button").off().click( function(ev) { - var picker = new ui.modal.dialog.ColorPicker(Const.getNicePalette(), Const.suggestNiceColor(cur.getAllIntGridValues().map(iv->iv.color))); - picker.onValidate = (c)->{ - cur.addIntGridValue(c); - editor.ge.emit(LayerDefChanged(cur.uid)); - updateForm(); - } + jIntGridValuesWrapper.find(".addValue").off().click( _->{ + var col = Const.suggestNiceColor( cur.getAllIntGridValues().map(iv->iv.color) ); + var iv = cur.addIntGridValue(col); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefIntGridValueAdded(cur.uid,iv) ); + }); + + // Add intGrid group button + jIntGridValuesWrapper.find(".addGroup").off().click( _->{ + cur.addIntGridGroup(); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); }); - // Existing values - for( intGridVal in cur.getAllIntGridValues() ) { - var jValue = jForm.find("xml#intGridValue").clone().children().wrapAll("
            • ").parent(); - jValue.addClass("value"); - jValue.insertBefore(jAddButton); - jValue.find(".id") - .html( Std.string(intGridVal.value) ) - .css({ - color: C.intToHex( C.toWhite(intGridVal.color,0.5) ), - borderColor: C.intToHex( C.toWhite(intGridVal.color,0.2) ), - backgroundColor: C.intToHex( C.toBlack(intGridVal.color,0.5) ), + // Grouped intGrid values + var groupedValues = cur.getGroupedIntGridValues(); + for(g in groupedValues) { + var jGroupWrapper = jForm.find("xml#intGridValuesGroup").clone().children().wrapAll("
            • ").parent(); + jGroupWrapper.appendTo(jAllGroups); + + if( g.color!=null ) + jGroupWrapper.css('background-color', g.color.toCssRgba(0.7)); + + if( g.groupUid!=0 ) + jGroupWrapper.addClass("draggable"); + + // Group header + var jGroupHeader = jGroupWrapper.find(".header"); + if( groupedValues.length==1 ) + jGroupHeader.hide(); + var jIcon = jGroupHeader.find(".groupIcon"); + var jName = jGroupHeader.find(".name"); + switch g.groupUid { + case 0 : + jGroupWrapper.addClass("none"); + jName.text(g.displayName); + + case _ : + // Editable group name + jName.addClass("editable"); + jName.text(g.displayName); + jName.click(_->{ + var jInput = new J(''); + jInput.insertAfter(jName); + jName.hide(); + // jName.replaceWith(jInput); + jInput.focus(); + if( g.groupInf.identifier==null ) + jInput.attr("placeholder", g.displayName); + + if( g.groupInf.identifier!=null ) + jInput.val(g.groupInf.identifier); + + var original = jInput.val(); + jInput.blur(_->{ + if( jInput.val()==original ) { + jName.show(); + jInput.remove(); + return; + } + var identifier = data.Project.cleanupIdentifier(jInput.val(), Free); + g.groupInf.identifier = identifier; + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); + }); + + jInput.keydown((ev:js.jquery.Event)->{ + switch ev.key { + case "Enter": jInput.blur(); + case _: + } + }); + }); + + var act : Array = [ + { // Delete group + label: L._Delete(L.t._("group")), + enable: ()->g.groupUid>0, + cb: ()->{ + if( g.all.length>0 ) { + // Move all values back to "ungrouped" + new ui.modal.dialog.Confirm( + L.t._("Deleting this group will move all its values back to \"UNGROUPED\". Confirm?"), + true, + ()->{ + for(iv in g.all) + iv.groupUid = 0; + cur.removeIntGridGroup(g.groupUid); + editor.ge.emitAtTheEndOfFrame( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); + } + ); + } + else { + // Empty group + cur.removeIntGridGroup(g.groupUid); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); + } + } + }, + { // Custom color + label: L.t._("Set group color"), + cb: ()->{ + var cp = new ui.modal.dialog.ColorPicker( Const.getNicePalette(), g.color, true ); + cp.onValidate = (c)->{ + g.groupInf.color = c.toHex(); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); + } + }, + }, + { // Remove custom color + label: L.t._("Remove group color"), + show: ()->g.color!=null, + cb: ()->{ + g.groupInf.color = null; + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); + }, + }, + ]; + ContextMenu.addTo(jGroupHeader, act); + } + + var jGroup = jGroupWrapper.find(".intGridValuesGroup"); + jGroup.attr("groupUid", Std.string(g.groupUid)); + + // IntGrid values + for( intGridVal in g.all ) { + var jValue = jForm.find("xml#intGridValue").clone().children().wrapAll("
            • ").parent(); + jValue.attr("valueId", Std.string(intGridVal.value)); + jValue.addClass("value"); + jValue.appendTo(jGroup); + jValue.find(".id") + .html( Std.string(intGridVal.value) ) + .css({ + color: C.intToHex( C.toWhite(intGridVal.color,0.5) ), + borderColor: C.intToHex( C.toWhite(intGridVal.color,0.2) ), + backgroundColor: C.intToHex( C.toBlack(intGridVal.color,0.5) ), + }); + + // Tile + var jTile = jValue.find(".tile"); + if( intGridValuesIconsTdUid!=null ) + jTile.append( JsTools.createTileRectPicker(intGridValuesIconsTdUid, intGridVal.tile, true, (r)->{ + intGridVal.tile = r; + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); + })); + + // Edit value identifier + var i = new form.input.StringInput( + jValue.find("input.name"), + function() return intGridVal.identifier, + function(v) { + if( v!=null && StringTools.trim(v).length==0 ) + v = null; + intGridVal.identifier = data.Project.cleanupIdentifier(v, Free); + } + ); + i.validityCheck = cur.isIntGridValueIdentifierValid; + i.validityError = N.invalidIdentifier; + i.onChange = editor.ge.emit.bind(LayerDefChanged(cur.uid)); + i.jInput.css({ + backgroundColor: C.intToHex( C.toBlack(intGridVal.color,0.7) ), }); - // Tile - var jTile = jValue.find(".tile"); - if( intGridValuesIconsTdUid!=null ) - jTile.append( JsTools.createTileRectPicker(intGridValuesIconsTdUid, intGridVal.tile, true, (r)->{ - intGridVal.tile = r; - editor.ge.emit( LayerDefChanged(cur.uid) ); - })); - - // Edit value identifier - var i = new form.input.StringInput( - jValue.find("input.name"), - function() return intGridVal.identifier, - function(v) { - if( v!=null && StringTools.trim(v).length==0 ) - v = null; - intGridVal.identifier = data.Project.cleanupIdentifier(v, Free); - } - ); - i.validityCheck = cur.isIntGridValueIdentifierValid; - i.validityError = N.invalidIdentifier; - i.onChange = editor.ge.emit.bind(LayerDefChanged(cur.uid)); - i.jInput.css({ - backgroundColor: C.intToHex( C.toBlack(intGridVal.color,0.7) ), - }); + // Edit color + var col = jValue.find("input[type=color]"); + col.val( C.intToHex(intGridVal.color) ); + col.change( function(ev) { + cur.getIntGridValueDef(intGridVal.value).color = C.hexToInt( col.val() ); + editor.ge.emit(LayerDefChanged(cur.uid)); + updateForm(); + }); - // Edit color - var col = jValue.find("input[type=color]"); - col.val( C.intToHex(intGridVal.color) ); - col.change( function(ev) { - cur.getIntGridValueDef(intGridVal.value).color = C.hexToInt( col.val() ); - editor.ge.emit(LayerDefChanged(cur.uid)); - updateForm(); - }); + // Remove + jValue.find("button.remove").click( function(ev:js.jquery.Event) { + var jThis = ev.getThis(); + var isUsed = project.isIntGridValueUsed(cur, intGridVal.value); + function run() { + if( isUsed ) + new LastChance(L.t._("IntGrid value removed"), project); + cur.removeIntGridValue(intGridVal.value); + project.tidy(); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(cur.uid, intGridVal.value, isUsed) ); + } + if( isUsed ) { + new ui.modal.dialog.Confirm( + jThis, + L.t._("This value is used in some levels: removing it will also remove the value from all these levels. Are you sure?"), + true, + run + ); + return; + } + else + run(); + }); + } - // Remove - jValue.find("button.remove").click( function(ev:js.jquery.Event) { - var jThis = ev.getThis(); - var isUsed = project.isIntGridValueUsed(cur, intGridVal.value); - function run() { - if( isUsed ) - new LastChance(L.t._("IntGrid value removed"), project); - cur.removeIntGridValue(intGridVal.value); - project.tidy(); - editor.ge.emit( LayerDefIntGridValueRemoved(cur.uid, intGridVal.value, isUsed) ); - } - if( isUsed ) { - new ui.modal.dialog.Confirm( - jThis, - L.t._("This value is used in some levels: removing it will also remove the value from all these levels. Are you sure?"), - true, - run - ); - return; - } - else - run(); + // Make intGrid values sortable + JsTools.makeSortable(jGroup, "allIntGroups", (ev:sortablejs.Sortable.SortableDragEvent)->{ + var fromGroupUid = Std.parseInt( ev.from.getAttribute("groupUid") ); + var toGroupUid = Std.parseInt( ev.to.getAttribute("groupUid") ); + var valueId = Std.parseInt( ev.item.getAttribute("valueId") ); + var iv = cur.getIntGridValueDef(valueId); + + if( iv.groupUid!=fromGroupUid ) + return; // Prevent double "onSort" call (one for From, one for To) + + var moved = cur.sortIntGridValueDef(valueId, fromGroupUid, toGroupUid, ev.oldIndex, ev.newIndex); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(cur.uid) ); }); } - // Make intGrid valueslist sortable - JsTools.makeSortable(jValuesList, function(ev) { - var moved = cur.sortIntGridValueDef(ev.oldIndex, ev.newIndex); - editor.ge.emit( LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(cur.uid) ); - }); + // Make intGrid groups sortable + if( groupedValues.length>1 ) + JsTools.makeSortable( + jAllGroups, + (ev:sortablejs.Sortable.SortableDragEvent)->{ + var moved = cur.sortIntGridValueGroupDef(ev.oldIndex-1, ev.newIndex-1); + editor.ge.emit( LayerDefIntGridValuesSorted(cur.uid) ); + }, + { onlyDraggables: true } + ); initAutoTilesetSelect(); @@ -769,7 +906,7 @@ class EditLayerDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { } // Make layer list sortable - JsTools.makeSortable(jList, function(ev) { + JsTools.makeSortable(jList, (ev)->{ var moved = project.defs.sortLayerDef(ev.oldIndex, ev.newIndex); select(moved); editor.ge.emit(LayerDefSorted); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditProject.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditProject.hx index ea04d359f..7ec44786f 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditProject.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditProject.hx @@ -25,93 +25,19 @@ class EditProject extends ui.modal.Panel { showAdvanced = project.hasAnyFlag(allAdvancedOptions); var jSave = jContent.find("button.save").click( function(ev) { - editor.onSave(); + editor.executeAppCommand(C_SaveProject); if( project.isBackup() ) close(); }); if( project.isBackup() ) jSave.text(L.t._("Restore this backup")); - var jSaveAs = jContent.find("button.saveAs").click( function(ev) { - editor.onSave(true); - }); + var jSaveAs = jContent.find("button.saveAs").click( _->editor.executeAppCommand(C_SaveProjectAs) ); if( project.isBackup() ) jSaveAs.hide(); - var jRename = jContent.find("button.rename").click( function(ev) { - new ui.modal.dialog.InputDialog( - L.t._("Enter the new project file name :"), - project.filePath.fileName, - project.filePath.extWithDot, - (str)->{ - if( str==null || str.length==0 ) - return L.t._("Invalid file name"); - - var clean = dn.FilePath.cleanUp(str, true); - if( clean.length==0 ) - return L.t._("Invalid file name"); - - if( project.filePath.fileName==str ) - return L.t._("Enter a new project file name."); - - var newPath = project.filePath.directoryWithSlash + str + project.filePath.extWithDot; - if( NT.fileExists(newPath) ) - return L.t._("This file name is already in use."); - - return null; - }, - (str)->{ - return dn.FilePath.cleanUpFileName(str); - }, - (fileName)->{ - // Rename project - App.LOG.fileOp('Renaming project: ${project.filePath.fileName} -> $fileName'); - try { - // Rename project file - App.LOG.fileOp(' Renaming project file...'); - var oldProjectFp = project.filePath.clone(); - var oldExtDir = project.getAbsExternalFilesDir(); - project.filePath.fileName = fileName; - - // Rename sub dir - if( NT.fileExists(oldExtDir) ) { - App.LOG.fileOp(' Renaming project sub dir...'); - NT.renameFile(oldExtDir, project.getAbsExternalFilesDir()); - } - - // Rename sibling files - for(ext in ["meta"]) { - var siblingFp = oldProjectFp.clone(); - siblingFp.extension += "."+ext; - if( NT.fileExists(siblingFp.full) ) { - App.LOG.fileOp(' Renaming sibiling file: ${siblingFp.fileWithExt}...'); - var newFp = oldProjectFp.clone(); - newFp.fileWithExt = project.filePath.fileWithExt+"."+ext; - NT.renameFile(siblingFp.full, newFp.full); - } - } - - // Re-save project - editor.invalidateAllLevelsCache(); - App.LOG.fileOp(' Saving project...'); - new ui.ProjectSaver(this, project, (success)->{ - // Remove old project file - App.LOG.fileOp(' Deleting old project file...'); - NT.removeFile(oldProjectFp.full); - App.ME.unregisterRecentProject(oldProjectFp.full); - - // Success! - N.success("Renamed project!"); - editor.needSaving = false; - editor.updateTitle(); - App.ME.registerRecentProject(editor.project.filePath.full); - App.LOG.fileOp(' Done.'); - }); - } - } - ); - }); + var jRename = jContent.find("button.rename").click( _->editor.executeAppCommand(C_RenameProject) ); if( project.isBackup() ) jRename.hide(); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditTilesetDefs.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditTilesetDefs.hx index 59d784793..2a2f8fe6a 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditTilesetDefs.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/modal/panel/EditTilesetDefs.hx @@ -311,7 +311,7 @@ class EditTilesetDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { for( group in tagGroups) { // Tag name if( tagGroups.length>1 ) { - var jSep = new J('
            • '); + var jSep = new J('
            • '); jSep.text( group.tag==null ? L._Untagged() : group.tag ); jSep.appendTo(jList); jSep.attr("id", project.iid+"_tileset_tag_"+group.tag); @@ -335,7 +335,7 @@ class EditTilesetDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { jSubList.appendTo(jLi); for(td in group.all) { - var jLi = new J("
            • "); + var jLi = new J('
            • '); jSubList.append(jLi); jLi.append(''+td.identifier+''); @@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ class EditTilesetDefs extends ui.modal.Panel { var moved = project.defs.sortTilesetDef(fromIdx, toIdx); selectTileset(moved); editor.ge.emit(TilesetDefSorted); - }); + }, { onlyDraggables:true }); } JsTools.parseComponents(jList); diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/EntityPalette.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/EntityPalette.hx index 977ac2123..c4bbf676d 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/EntityPalette.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/EntityPalette.hx @@ -13,13 +13,49 @@ class EntityPalette extends ui.ToolPalette { override function doRender() { super.doRender(); + jContent.empty(); + var tool : tool.lt.EntityTool = cast tool; jList = new J('
                '); jList.appendTo(jContent); + var jTopBar = new J('
                '); + jTopBar.prependTo(jContent); + search = new ui.QuickSearch(jList); - search.jWrapper.prependTo(jContent); + search.jWrapper.appendTo(jTopBar); + + + // View select + var stateId = App.ME.settings.makeStateId(EntityPaletteColumns, editor.curLayerDef.uid); + var columns = App.ME.settings.getUiStateInt(stateId, project, 1); + JsTools.removeClassReg(jList, ~/col-[0-9]+/g); + jList.addClass("col-"+columns); + var jMode = new J(''); + jMode.appendTo(jTopBar); + jMode.off().click(_->{ + var m = new ui.modal.ContextMenu(jMode); + m.add({ + label:L.t._("List"), + icon: "listView", + cb: ()->{ + App.ME.settings.deleteUiState(stateId, project); + doRender(); + } + }); + for(n in [2,3,4,5]) { + m.add({ + label:L.t._("::n:: columns", {n:n}), + icon: "gridView", + cb: ()->{ + App.ME.settings.setUiStateInt(stateId, n, project); + doRender(); + } + }); + } + }); + var ld = Editor.ME.curLayerDef; allTagGroups = project.defs.groupUsingTags( @@ -36,7 +72,7 @@ class EntityPalette extends ui.ToolPalette { var jTag = new J('
              • '); jTag.appendTo(jList); jTag.text( group.tag==null ? L._Untagged() : group.tag ); - jTag.attr("id", project.iid+"_entityPalette_tag_"+group.tag); + jTag.attr("id", project.iid+"_entityPalette_"+ld.uid+"_tag_"+group.tag); jTag.attr("default", "open"); } @@ -73,9 +109,11 @@ class EntityPalette extends ui.ToolPalette { var jPreview = JsTools.createEntityPreview(Editor.ME.project, ed); jPreview.addClass("notCompact"); jLi.append(jPreview); - jLi.append(ed.identifier); + jLi.append('${ed.identifier}'); - jLi.click( function(_) { + jLi.mousedown( function(_) { + if( Editor.ME.isPaused() ) + return; tool.selectValue(ed.uid); render(); }); @@ -131,24 +169,24 @@ class EntityPalette extends ui.ToolPalette { if( dy!=0 ) { // Prev/next item selY+=dy; - jContent.find('[data-y=$selY]').click(); + jContent.find('[data-y=$selY]').mousedown(); focusOnSelection(true); } else if( dx!=0 ) { // Prev/next tag group if( dx<0 && !jContent.find("li.active").is('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first') ) { - jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first').click(); + jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first').mousedown(); focusOnSelection(true); return true; } else if( dx>0 && groupIdx==allTagGroups.length-1 ) { - jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:last').click(); + jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:last').mousedown(); focusOnSelection(true); return true; } else { groupIdx+=dx; - jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first').click(); + jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first').mousedown(); focusOnSelection(true); return true; } diff --git a/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/IntGridPalette.hx b/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/IntGridPalette.hx index 7617d01be..67e9b7568 100644 --- a/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/IntGridPalette.hx +++ b/src/electron.renderer/ui/palette/IntGridPalette.hx @@ -12,51 +12,109 @@ class IntGridPalette extends ui.ToolPalette { override function doRender() { super.doRender(); + jContent.empty(); + jList = new J('
                  '); jList.appendTo(jContent); - search = new ui.QuickSearch(jList); - search.jWrapper.prependTo(jContent); + var jTopBar = new J('
                  '); + jTopBar.prependTo(jContent); - var y = 0; - for( intGridVal in tool.curLayerInstance.def.getAllIntGridValues() ) { - var jLi = new J("
                • "); - jLi.appendTo(jList); - jLi.attr("data-id", intGridVal.value); - jLi.attr("data-y", Std.string(y++)); - jLi.addClass("color"); + search = new ui.QuickSearch(jList); + search.jWrapper.appendTo(jTopBar); + + + // View select + var stateId = App.ME.settings.makeStateId(IntGridPaletteColumns, editor.curLayerDef.uid); + var columns = App.ME.settings.getUiStateInt(stateId, project, 1); + JsTools.removeClassReg(jList, ~/col-[0-9]+/g); + jList.addClass("col-"+columns); + var jMode = new J(''); + jMode.appendTo(jTopBar); + jMode.off().click(_->{ + var m = new ui.modal.ContextMenu(jMode); + m.add({ + label:L.t._("List"), + icon: "listView", + cb: ()->{ + App.ME.settings.deleteUiState(stateId, project); + doRender(); + } + }); + for(n in [2,3,4,5]) { + m.add({ + label:L.t._("::n:: columns", {n:n}), + icon: "gridView", + cb: ()->{ + App.ME.settings.setUiStateInt(stateId, n, project); + doRender(); + } + }); + } + }); - jLi.css( "border-color", C.intToHex(intGridVal.color) ); + var groups = tool.curLayerInstance.def.getGroupedIntGridValues(); - // State - if( intGridVal.value==tool.getSelectedValue() ) { - jLi.addClass("active"); - jLi.css( "background-color", makeBgActiveColor(intGridVal.color) ); - } - else { - jLi.css( "background-color", makeBgInactiveColor(intGridVal.color) ); - jLi.css( "color", makeTextInactiveColor(intGridVal.color) ); + var groupIdx = 0; + var y = 0; + for(g in groups) { + if( g.all.length>0 && groups.length>1 ) { + var jTitle = new J('
                • '); + jTitle.appendTo(jList); + jTitle.text(g.displayName); + jTitle.attr("id", project.iid+"_intGridPalette_"+tool.curLayerInstance.layerDefUid+"_group_"+g.groupUid); + jTitle.attr("default", "open"); } - // Value - var jVal = JsTools.createIntGridValue(project, intGridVal); - jVal.appendTo(jLi); - - // Label - if( intGridVal.identifier!=null ) - jLi.append(intGridVal.identifier); + var jLi = new J('
                  • '); + jLi.attr("data-groupIdx", Std.string(groupIdx)); + jLi.appendTo(jList); + var jSubList = jLi.find("ul"); + + for( intGridVal in g.all ) { + var jLi = new J("
                  • "); + jLi.appendTo(jSubList); + jLi.attr("data-id", intGridVal.value); + jLi.attr("data-y", Std.string(y++)); + jLi.addClass("color"); + + jLi.css( "border-color", C.intToHex(intGridVal.color) ); + + // State + if( intGridVal.value==tool.getSelectedValue() ) { + jLi.addClass("active"); + jLi.css( "background-color", makeBgActiveColor(intGridVal.color) ); + } + else { + jLi.css( "background-color", makeBgInactiveColor(intGridVal.color) ); + jLi.css( "color", makeTextInactiveColor(intGridVal.color) ); + } + + // Value + var jVal = JsTools.createIntGridValue(project, intGridVal, false); + jVal.appendTo(jLi); + + // Label + if( intGridVal.identifier!=null ) + jLi.append('${intGridVal.identifier}'); + + var curValue = intGridVal.value; + jLi.mousedown( function(_) { + if( Editor.ME.isPaused() ) + return; + tool.selectValue(curValue); + render(); + }); + } - var curValue = intGridVal.value; - jLi.click( function(_) { - if( Editor.ME.isPaused() ) return; - tool.selectValue(curValue); - render(); - }); + groupIdx++; } if( searchMemory!=null ) search.run(searchMemory); search.onSearch = (s)->searchMemory = s; + + JsTools.parseComponents(jList); } @@ -84,32 +142,52 @@ class IntGridPalette extends ui.ToolPalette { // Search current selection position var tool : tool.lt.IntGridTool = cast tool; var ld = Editor.ME.curLayerDef; + var groupIdx = 0; var selY = 0; - var allValues = ld.getAllIntGridValues(); - for(iv in allValues) - if( iv.value==tool.getSelectedValue() ) + var groups = ld.getGroupedIntGridValues(); + var found = false; + for(g in groups) { + for(iv in g.all) + if( iv.value==tool.getSelectedValue() ) { + found = true; + break; + } + else + selY++; + + if( found ) break; else - selY++; + groupIdx++; + } - if( dy!=0 ) - selY+=dy; - else if( dx!=0 ) - selY+=dx*2; - if( selY<0 ) { - // First - jList.find("li[data-y]:first").click(); - } - else if( selY>=allValues.length ) { - // Last - jList.find("li[data-y]:last").click(); - } - else { + if( dy!=0 ) { // Prev/next item - jContent.find('[data-y=$selY]').click(); + selY+=dy; + jContent.find('[data-y=$selY]').mousedown(); + focusOnSelection(true); } - focusOnSelection(true); + else if( dx!=0 ) { + // Prev/next group + if( dx<0 && !jContent.find("li.active").is('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first') ) { + jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first').mousedown(); + focusOnSelection(true); + return true; + } + else if( dx>0 && groupIdx==groups.length-1 ) { + jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:last').mousedown(); + focusOnSelection(true); + return true; + } + else { + groupIdx+=dx; + jContent.find('[data-groupIdx=$groupIdx] li:first').mousedown(); + focusOnSelection(true); + return true; + } + } + return true; } diff --git a/src/externs/sortablejs/Sortable.hx b/src/externs/sortablejs/Sortable.hx index 720536486..d8a6031c6 100644 --- a/src/externs/sortablejs/Sortable.hx +++ b/src/externs/sortablejs/Sortable.hx @@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ typedef SortableOptions = { /** Selector for excluded elements, separated with comma **/ var ?filter: String; + /** Selector for included elements, separated with comma **/ + var ?draggable: String; + /** Sorting group name for nested lists **/ var ?group: String; diff --git a/tests/2.5D.ldtk b/tests/2.5D.ldtk index 8d94f62c6..ca467a1ee 100644 --- a/tests/2.5D.ldtk +++ b/tests/2.5D.ldtk @@ -5,13 +5,13 @@ "doc": "https://ldtk.io/json", "schema": "https://ldtk.io/files/JSON_SCHEMA.json", "appAuthor": "Sebastien 'deepnight' Benard", - "appVersion": "1.3.1", + "appVersion": "1.3.5", "url": "https://ldtk.io" }, "iid": "905bf6f0-c640-11ed-96b5-8564b2c2bcd9", - "jsonVersion": "1.3.1", - "appBuildId": 467533, - "nextUid": 14, + "jsonVersion": "1.3.5", + "appBuildId": 470869, + "nextUid": 17, "identifierStyle": "Capitalize", "toc": [], "worldLayout": "Free", @@ -22,6 +22,8 @@ "defaultPivotX": 0, "defaultPivotY": 0, "defaultGridSize": 16, + "defaultEntityWidth": 16, + "defaultEntityHeight": 16, "bgColor": "#292F40", 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