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[Blog 1] Orchestrating Microservices with Docker Compose: A Scala and Play Framework Example

In this blog, we'll delve into setting up a microservices architecture using Scala, the Play Framework, and Docker. We'll outline how two microservices can interact seamlessly over HTTP, facilitated by Docker Compose, providing a practical guide for both novice and experienced DevOps engineers.

Overview of the Project Structure

The project leverages several components to manage the build and deployment processes efficiently:

  • build.sbt: Configures the Scala build environment.
  • Scala Controllers: Handle application logic and HTTP request routing.
  • Dockerfile: Specifies the runtime environment and packages the application.
  • docker-compose.yml: Manages container orchestration.
  • .env file: Centralizes configuration by storing environment variables.

Configuration and Setup

  1. Build Configuration (build.sbt):
    • The build.sbt file is pivotal in setting up project metadata, managing dependencies, and defining the Scala version. It ensures that all necessary libraries, such as Play Framework components and logging utilities, are available for the application.
  2. Scala Play Framework Controllers (ServiceAController.scala):
    • Root Route (GET /): Responds to HTTP GET requests at the root URL. It utilizes a logLevel query parameter to demonstrate dynamic logging capabilities.
    • Inter-Service Communication (GET /other/:serviceName): Facilitates communication between services using asynchronous HTTP calls, highlighting the microservices' ability to interact through the network.
    • Resource Management Routes (GET /cause-gc and GET /cause-oom): These endpoints are instrumental for testing the application's behavior under specific conditions like triggering garbage collection or simulating memory overflow.

Local Environment Setup

The github repo contains the package at my-play-application-0.1.0 To package the application locally:

sbt clean compile dist
unzip target/universal/

These commands prepare the application for deployment by compiling the Scala files, packaging the application into a distributable format, and extracting the distribution.

Docker Environment Configuration

The Dockerfile sets up the Java Runtime Environment, copies the Play application into the Docker container, and exposes port 9000, preparing the application for network communication.

FROM eclipse-temurin:8-jre
COPY my-play-application-0.1.0 /app/my-play-application-0.1.0
CMD ["/app/my-play-application-0.1.0/bin/my-play-application"]

Docker Compose for Microservices

Docker Compose is crucial for defining and running multi-container Docker applications. It simplifies the configuration of services, networks, and volumes, and enables the setup of an entire application with a single command.

Structure of docker-compose.yml:

    build: .
      - "${SERVICE_ONE_PORT}:9000"
      service1_URL: http://${SERVICE_ONE_NAME}:9000
      service2_URL: http://${SERVICE_TWO_NAME}:9000
    build: .
      - "${SERVICE_TWO_PORT}:9000"
      service1_URL: http://${SERVICE_ONE_NAME}:9000
      service2_URL: http://${SERVICE_TWO_NAME}:9000

Each service is defined with build context, port mappings, and specific environment variables.

Key Components

  • Services: Defines the different containers that make up your application. Here service1 and service2 are two separate services.

Each service section can contain the following:

  • build: Specifies the directory containing the Dockerfile and the context for building the Docker image.
  • ports: Maps the container’s ports to the host. Format is HOST:CONTAINER.
  • environment: Defines environment variables inside the container.

Understanding Environment Variables and the .env File

Docker Compose utilizes an .env file to manage environment variables that configure services dynamically:

Example .env file:


These variables are referenced in docker-compose.yml using ${VARIABLE_NAME} syntax, allowing Docker Compose to replace placeholders with actual values at runtime, which is instrumental for adjusting settings without altering the docker-compose file.

Networking and Service Interaction

The containers, service1 and service2, communicate over a Docker-managed network, using ports 9000 internally. So inside the backend services will connect with each other at http://:9000 which in our case is http://service1:9000 and http://service2:9000 Externally, these services are accessible on the host machine via ports 9001 and 9002 as configured in the ports config, respectively. This setup allows for seamless interaction both internally among services and externally for debugging and API access.

Running and Testing the Microservices with Docker Compose

Once your Docker environment is set up, you can easily bring up the microservices and test their interactions using the following steps:

Bringing Up the Containers

To start the microservices, navigate to the directory containing your docker-compose.yml file and run:

docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d

This command launches the services defined in docker-compose.yml in detached mode (-d), meaning they run in the background. This setup allows the microservices to communicate with each other as configured without blocking access to the command line.

Checking container and container logs

An essential aspect of managing microservices is the ability to monitor and debug them using logs generated during their operation. Docker provides a straightforward method to view these logs, helping you track down issues, understand service interactions, and monitor system behavior in real-time.

Checking Active Containers

Before viewing the logs, you need to identify the containers for which you want to see the logs. Use the following command to list all active containers:

docker ps

This command displays a list of all running containers along with their details like CONTAINER ID, IMAGE, COMMAND, CREATED status, PORTS, and NAMES. Here’s what the output might look like:

CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                         COMMAND                  CREATED       STATUS       PORTS                                       NAMES
b3399a11f27f   play-observability-service2   "/__cacert_entrypoin…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours>9000/tcp, :::9002->9000/tcp   play-observability-service2-1
e50c71c0e9f6   play-observability-service1   "/__cacert_entrypoin…"   2 hours ago   Up 2 hours>9000/tcp, :::9001->9000/tcp   play-observability-service1-1

Viewing Logs

Once you have identified the container names or IDs from the docker ps output, you can view the logs using the docker logs command. This is particularly useful for troubleshooting and ensuring that your microservices are functioning as expected.

For service1, use:

docker logs -f play-observability-service1-1

For service2, use:

docker logs -f play-observability-service2-1

The -f flag "follows" the log output, meaning you can see log entries in real-time as they are being written. This is equivalent to "tailing" the logs.

Sample Log Outputs

Here are some snippets from what you might see in the logs for each service:

  • service1 Logs:

    2024-05-21 10:20:21,376 [INFO] from play.api.Play in main - Application started (Prod)
    2024-05-21 11:49:00,838 [ERROR] from controllers.SampleController - Service: service1, Time: 2024-05-21T11:49:00.837
  • service2 Logs:

    2024-05-21 10:20:18,112 [INFO] from akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger - Slf4jLogger started
    2024-05-21 11:49:10,883 [ERROR] from controllers.SampleController - Service: service2, Time: 2024-05-21T11:49:10.883

Testing Setup with CURL

With the services running, you can now test their functionality and interaction using CURL. Here's how you can verify each service individually and their ability to communicate with each other:

Test Service 1 :

  • Send a request to service1 with the log level set to error:

    curl "http://localhost:9001/?logLevel=error"
    Service: service1, Time: 2024-05-21T11:49:00.837%

Test Service 2 :

  • Send a request to service2 with the log level set to error:

    curl "http://localhost:9002/?logLevel=error"
    Service: service2, Time: 2024-05-21T11:49:05.974%

Inter-Service Communication from Service 1 to Service 2:

  • Trigger service1 to call service2, setting the log level to error:

    curl "http://localhost:9001/other/service2?logLevel=error"
    Service: service2, Time: 2024-05-21T11:49:10.883%

Inter-Service Communication from Service 2 to Service 1:

  • Trigger service2 to call service1, setting the log level to error:

    curl "http://localhost:9002/other/service1?logLevel=error"
    Service: service1, Time: 2024-05-21T11:49:16.106%

By following these steps, you ensure that your services are not only operational but also interact correctly, providing a dependable and scalable service architecture ready for further development and deployment.


This blog post marks the beginning of a multi-blog series on the observability of a sample Java application using OpenTelemetry over Docker Compose. We started by setting up Scala microservices over the Play Framework and Docker Compose, laying the groundwork for deeper insights into observability practices in subsequent posts.