diff --git a/src/context/MainStateProvider.tsx b/src/context/MainStateProvider.tsx
index 9b62d18..f6d907b 100644
--- a/src/context/MainStateProvider.tsx
+++ b/src/context/MainStateProvider.tsx
@@ -1,37 +1,21 @@
-import {
- useCallback,
- useContext,
- useEffect,
- useMemo,
- useRef,
- useState,
-} from "react";
-import { Alert, AppState, AppStateStatus, Linking } from "react-native";
-import i18next from "i18next";
+import { useCallback, useContext, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react";
import PaymentModal from "../components/PaymentModal";
import Sheet, { SheetRefProps } from "../components/Sheet";
-import payForSession from "../services/payForSessionService";
-import sessionShow from "../services/sessionShow";
-import { parsePaymentMethods } from "../util/helpers";
import {
- PaymentStatuses,
- ResponseScreenStatuses,
- sessionPayProps,
- TokenResponseStatuses,
} from "../util/types";
-import { validateSessionResponse } from "../util/validator";
import "../assets/languages/i18n";
import { Actions, DispatchContext, KomojuContext } from "./state";
+import useBackgroundHandler from "../hooks/useBackgroundHandler";
+import useDeepLinkHandler from "../hooks/useDeepLinkHandler";
+import usePaymentHandler from "../hooks/usePaymentHandler";
+import useMainStateUtils from "../hooks/useMainStateUtils";
export const MainStateProvider = (props: KomojuProviderIprops) => {
const dispatch = useContext(DispatchContext);
@@ -45,296 +29,65 @@ export const MainStateProvider = (props: KomojuProviderIprops) => {
// ref to hold client provided session Id
const sessionIdRef = useRef("");
- useEffect(() => {
- // Add event listener for deep links
- const subscription = Linking.addEventListener(
- "url",
- handleDeepLinkStateChange
- );
- // Add event listener for deep links
- const windowChangeListener = AppState.addEventListener(
- "change",
- handleBackgroundStateChange
- );
- return () => {
- subscription.remove();
- windowChangeListener.remove();
- };
- }, [props]);
- // This callback method is used to check the background state
- const handleBackgroundStateChange = async (status: AppStateStatus) => {
- startLoading();
- if (status === "active") {
- // if this is a session flow, check until session response changes from 'pending' to 'completed' or 'error'
- const sessionShowPayload = {
- publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
- sessionId: sessionIdRef.current,
- };
- // fetch session status to check if the payment is completed
- const sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
- // if payment success showing success screen or if failed showing error screen
- if (sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.SUCCESS) {
- if (
- sessionResponse?.payment?.status === TokenResponseStatuses.CAPTURED
- ) {
- onPaymentSuccess();
- } else {
- onPaymentAwaiting();
- } // calling user passed onComplete method with session response data
- onCompleteCallback.current &&
- // TODO: Fix this type error
- // @ts-expect-error - Argument of type 'PaymentSessionResponse' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
- onCompleteCallback.current(sessionResponse);
- } else if (
- sessionResponse?.payment?.status === PaymentStatuses.CANCELLED
- ) {
- onPaymentCancelled();
- } else if (sessionResponse?.expired) {
- onSessionExpired();
- } else if (
- sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.ERROR ||
- sessionResponse?.payment?.status === PaymentStatuses.ERROR ||
- sessionResponse?.secure_token?.verification_status ===
- TokenResponseStatuses.ERROR
- ) {
- onPaymentFailed();
- }
- }
- // after all api calls are done stopping the loading indicator
- stopLoading();
- };
- const openPaymentSheet = () => {
- if (props?.useBottomSheet) {
- sheetRef?.current?.open();
- } else {
- setModalVisible(true);
- }
- };
- const closePaymentSheet = () => {
- // TODO: Fix this type error
- // @ts-expect-error - Object is possibly 'null'.
- sheetRef?.current?.close(false);
- setModalVisible(false);
- };
- const resetGlobalStates = () =>
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.RESET_STATES,
- payload: initialState,
- });
- // when payment is success global state is rest and invoking the success screen
- const onPaymentSuccess = () => {
- resetGlobalStates();
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
- payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.SUCCESS,
- });
- };
- // when payment is failed invoking the error screen
- const onPaymentFailed = () =>
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
- payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.FAILED,
- });
- // when payment is cancelled by the user
- const onPaymentCancelled = () => {
- resetGlobalStates();
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
- payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.CANCELLED,
- });
- };
- // when payment is completed but awaiting payment
- const onPaymentAwaiting = () => {
- resetGlobalStates();
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
- payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.COMPLETE,
- });
- };
- // when payment is failed invoking the error screen
- const onSessionExpired = () =>
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
- payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.EXPIRED,
- });
- const onUserCancel = async () => {
- if (onDismissCallback.current) {
- const sessionShowPayload = {
- publishableKey: props?.publishableKey,
- sessionId: sessionIdRef.current,
- };
- // fetch session status to check if the payment is completed
- const sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
- // invoking client provided onDismiss callback
- // TODO: Fix this type error
- // @ts-expect-error - Argument of type 'PaymentSessionResponse' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
- onDismissCallback.current(sessionResponse);
- }
- };
- // showing overlay loading indicator disabling all interactions
- const startLoading = () =>
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_LOADING,
- payload: true,
- });
- // Hiding overlay loading indicator
- const stopLoading = () =>
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_LOADING,
- payload: false,
- });
- const openURL = async (url: string) => {
- try {
- await Linking.openURL(url);
- } catch (err) {
- Alert.alert("Redirection not working. Please contact support!");
- }
- };
- // validating the provided session ID by user before proceeding
- const validateSession = async (sessionId: string) => {
- startLoading();
- // Fetching session data from given session ID
- const sessionData = await sessionShow({
- sessionId,
- publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
- });
- // validating the session data and closing the payment gateway if data is not valid
- if (validateSessionResponse(sessionData)) {
- closePaymentSheet();
- Alert.alert("Error", "Invalid Session");
- } else {
- // if explicitly language is not set. set to the localization from session
- if (props?.language) {
- i18next.changeLanguage(props?.language);
- } else {
- i18next.changeLanguage(sessionData?.default_locale);
- }
- // if session is valid setting amount, currency type at global store for future use
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_AMOUNT,
- payload: sessionData?.amount.toString(),
- });
- dispatch({ type: Actions.SET_CURRENCY, payload: sessionData?.currency });
- // if user provided explicitly payments methods via props, will give priority to that over session payment methods
- const paymentMethods = parsePaymentMethods(
- props?.paymentMethods,
- sessionData?.payment_methods
- );
- // setting the payment methods in global state
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_METHODS,
- payload: paymentMethods,
- });
- // setting the current selected payment method as the first payment method on the list
- dispatch({
- type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_OPTION,
- payload: paymentMethods ? paymentMethods[0]?.type : "",
- });
- }
- stopLoading();
- };
- // This callback method is used to intercept Web View urls
- const handleDeepLinkStateChange = async () => {
- startLoading();
- // if this is a session flow, check until session response changes from 'pending' to 'completed' or 'error'
- const sessionShowPayload = {
- publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
- sessionId: sessionIdRef.current,
- };
- // fetch session status to check if the payment is completed
- let sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
- // Polling until session verification status changes
- while (
- sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.PENDING &&
- sessionResponse?.payment?.status !== PaymentStatuses.CANCELLED &&
- sessionResponse?.secure_token?.verification_status !==
- TokenResponseStatuses.ERROR
- ) {
- sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
- }
- // if payment success showing success screen or if failed showing error screen
- if (sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.SUCCESS) {
- if (sessionResponse?.payment?.status === TokenResponseStatuses.CAPTURED) {
- onPaymentSuccess();
- } else {
- onPaymentAwaiting();
- }
- // calling user passed onComplete method with session response data
- onCompleteCallback.current &&
- // TODO: Fix this type error
- // @ts-expect-error - Argument of type 'PaymentSessionResponse' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
- onCompleteCallback.current(sessionResponse);
- } else if (sessionResponse?.payment?.status === PaymentStatuses.CANCELLED) {
- onPaymentCancelled();
- } else {
- onPaymentFailed();
- }
- // after all api calls are done stopping the loading indicator
- stopLoading();
- };
- // Session pay callback. this method handles all the payment logic and APIs
- const sessionPay = ({ sessionId }: CreatePaymentFuncType) => {
- return async ({ paymentType, paymentDetails }: sessionPayProps) => {
- // Start of the payment handling method
- startLoading();
- // initiate payment for the session ID with payment details
- const response = await payForSession({
- paymentType,
- sessionId,
- publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
- paymentDetails,
- });
- stopLoading();
- if (response?.status === PaymentStatuses.PENDING) {
- openURL(response.redirect_url);
- } else if (response?.status === PaymentStatuses.SUCCESS) {
- if (response?.payment?.status === TokenResponseStatuses.CAPTURED) {
- onPaymentSuccess();
- } else if (response?.payment?.payment_details?.instructions_url) {
- openURL(response?.payment?.payment_details?.instructions_url);
- onPaymentAwaiting();
- }
- } else {
- onPaymentFailed();
- }
- };
- };
+ // Get all the util functions that needs to function the Main State
+ const {
+ startLoading,
+ stopLoading,
+ onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentCancelled,
+ onSessionExpired,
+ onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentSuccess,
+ closePaymentSheet,
+ onUserCancel,
+ openPaymentSheet,
+ resetGlobalStates,
+ } = useMainStateUtils({
+ props: props,
+ sheetRef: sheetRef,
+ sessionIdRef: sessionIdRef,
+ toggleUIVisibility: (value: boolean) => setModalVisible(value),
+ initialState: initialState,
+ onDismissCallback: onDismissCallback,
+ });
+ // Handle events when module goes foreground
+ useBackgroundHandler({
+ props: props,
+ startLoading: startLoading,
+ stopLoading: stopLoading,
+ sessionIdRef: sessionIdRef,
+ onCompleteCallback: onCompleteCallback,
+ onPaymentAwaiting: onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentCancelled: onPaymentCancelled,
+ onSessionExpired: onSessionExpired,
+ onPaymentFailed: onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentSuccess: onPaymentSuccess,
+ });
+ // Handle deep-links of the module
+ useDeepLinkHandler({
+ props: props,
+ startLoading: startLoading,
+ stopLoading: stopLoading,
+ sessionIdRef: sessionIdRef,
+ onCompleteCallback: onCompleteCallback,
+ onPaymentAwaiting: onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentCancelled: onPaymentCancelled,
+ onPaymentFailed: onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentSuccess: onPaymentSuccess,
+ });
+ // Handle validations of the session and pay for session
+ const { sessionPay, validateSession } = usePaymentHandler({
+ props: props,
+ startLoading: startLoading,
+ stopLoading: stopLoading,
+ onPaymentAwaiting: onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentFailed: onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentSuccess: onPaymentSuccess,
+ closePaymentSheet: closePaymentSheet,
+ });
const createPayment = useCallback(
({ sessionId, onComplete, onDismiss }: CreatePaymentFuncType) => {
@@ -369,9 +122,10 @@ export const MainStateProvider = (props: KomojuProviderIprops) => {
}, []);
// TODO: Fix this type error
- // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const initializeKomoju = useCallback((_params: InitPrams) => {}, []);
+ // Conditionally rendering the payment ui
const renderPaymentUI = useMemo(() => {
const UI = props?.useBottomSheet ? (
diff --git a/src/hooks/useBackgroundHandler.tsx b/src/hooks/useBackgroundHandler.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f115686
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/useBackgroundHandler.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+import React, { MutableRefObject, useEffect } from 'react'
+import { View, Text, AppState, AppStateStatus } from 'react-native'
+import { KomojuProviderIprops, PaymentStatuses, TokenResponseStatuses } from '../util/types';
+import sessionShow from '../services/sessionShow';
+type Props = {
+ props: KomojuProviderIprops,
+ startLoading: () => void
+ stopLoading: () => void
+ sessionIdRef: MutableRefObject
+ onCompleteCallback: MutableRefObject
+ onPaymentSuccess: () => void
+ onPaymentAwaiting: () => void
+ onPaymentCancelled: () => void
+ onSessionExpired: () => void
+ onPaymentFailed: () => void
+const useBackgroundHandler = ({
+ props,
+ startLoading,
+ stopLoading,
+ sessionIdRef,
+ onCompleteCallback,
+ onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentCancelled,
+ onPaymentFailed,
+ onSessionExpired,
+ onPaymentSuccess
+}: Props) => {
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // Add event listener for deep links
+ const windowChangeListener = AppState.addEventListener(
+ "change",
+ handleBackgroundStateChange
+ );
+ return () => {
+ windowChangeListener.remove();
+ };
+ }, [props]);
+ const handleBackgroundStateChange = async (status: AppStateStatus) => {
+ startLoading();
+ if (status === "active") {
+ // if this is a session flow, check until session response changes from 'pending' to 'completed' or 'error'
+ const sessionShowPayload = {
+ publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
+ sessionId: sessionIdRef.current,
+ };
+ // fetch session status to check if the payment is completed
+ const sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
+ // if payment success showing success screen or if failed showing error screen
+ if (sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.SUCCESS) {
+ if (
+ sessionResponse?.payment?.status === TokenResponseStatuses.CAPTURED
+ ) {
+ onPaymentSuccess();
+ } else {
+ onPaymentAwaiting();
+ } // calling user passed onComplete method with session response data
+ onCompleteCallback.current &&
+ // TODO: Fix this type error
+ // @ts-expect-error - Argument of type 'PaymentSessionResponse' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
+ onCompleteCallback.current(sessionResponse);
+ } else if (
+ sessionResponse?.payment?.status === PaymentStatuses.CANCELLED
+ ) {
+ onPaymentCancelled();
+ } else if (sessionResponse?.expired) {
+ onSessionExpired();
+ } else if (
+ sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.ERROR ||
+ sessionResponse?.payment?.status === PaymentStatuses.ERROR ||
+ sessionResponse?.secure_token?.verification_status ===
+ TokenResponseStatuses.ERROR
+ ) {
+ onPaymentFailed();
+ }
+ }
+ // after all api calls are done stopping the loading indicator
+ stopLoading();
+ };
+ return undefined;
+export default useBackgroundHandler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/hooks/useDeepLinkHandler.tsx b/src/hooks/useDeepLinkHandler.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..327ac57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/useDeepLinkHandler.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+import { Linking } from 'react-native'
+import { MutableRefObject, useEffect } from 'react'
+import { KomojuProviderIprops, PaymentStatuses, TokenResponseStatuses } from '../util/types'
+import sessionShow from '../services/sessionShow'
+type Props = {
+ props: KomojuProviderIprops,
+ startLoading: () => void
+ stopLoading: () => void
+ sessionIdRef: MutableRefObject
+ onCompleteCallback: MutableRefObject
+ onPaymentSuccess: () => void
+ onPaymentAwaiting: () => void
+ onPaymentCancelled: () => void
+ onPaymentFailed: () => void
+const useDeepLinkHandler = ({
+ props,
+ startLoading,
+ stopLoading,
+ sessionIdRef,
+ onCompleteCallback,
+ onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentCancelled,
+ onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentSuccess
+}: Props) => {
+ useEffect(() => {
+ // Add event listener for deep links
+ const subscription = Linking.addEventListener(
+ 'url',
+ handleDeepLinkStateChange
+ );
+ return () => {
+ subscription.remove();
+ };
+ }, [props]);
+ const handleDeepLinkStateChange = async () => {
+ startLoading();
+ // if this is a session flow, check until session response changes from 'pending' to 'completed' or 'error'
+ const sessionShowPayload = {
+ publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
+ sessionId: sessionIdRef.current,
+ };
+ // fetch session status to check if the payment is completed
+ let sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
+ // Polling until session verification status changes
+ while (
+ sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.PENDING &&
+ sessionResponse?.payment?.status !== PaymentStatuses.CANCELLED &&
+ sessionResponse?.secure_token?.verification_status !==
+ TokenResponseStatuses.ERROR
+ ) {
+ sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
+ }
+ // if payment success showing success screen or if failed showing error screen
+ if (sessionResponse?.status === PaymentStatuses.SUCCESS) {
+ if (sessionResponse?.payment?.status === TokenResponseStatuses.CAPTURED) {
+ onPaymentSuccess();
+ } else {
+ onPaymentAwaiting();
+ }
+ // calling user passed onComplete method with session response data
+ onCompleteCallback.current &&
+ // TODO: Fix this type error
+ // @ts-expect-error - Argument of type 'PaymentSessionResponse' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
+ onCompleteCallback.current(sessionResponse);
+ } else if (sessionResponse?.payment?.status === PaymentStatuses.CANCELLED) {
+ onPaymentCancelled();
+ } else {
+ onPaymentFailed();
+ }
+ // after all api calls are done stopping the loading indicator
+ stopLoading();
+ };
+ return undefined;
+export default useDeepLinkHandler
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/hooks/useMainStateUtils.tsx b/src/hooks/useMainStateUtils.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c01457c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/useMainStateUtils.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+import { MutableRefObject, RefObject, useContext } from 'react'
+import { Actions, DispatchContext } from '../context/state';
+import { SheetRefProps } from '../components/Sheet';
+import { KomojuProviderIprops, ResponseScreenStatuses, State } from '../util/types';
+import sessionShow from '../services/sessionShow';
+type Props = {
+ props: KomojuProviderIprops,
+ sheetRef: RefObject,
+ sessionIdRef: MutableRefObject
+ toggleUIVisibility: (value: boolean) => void,
+ initialState: State,
+ onDismissCallback: MutableRefObject,
+const useMainStateUtils = ({
+ props,
+ sheetRef,
+ sessionIdRef,
+ toggleUIVisibility,
+ initialState,
+ onDismissCallback
+}: Props) => {
+ const dispatch = useContext(DispatchContext);
+ const openPaymentSheet = () => {
+ if (props?.useBottomSheet) {
+ sheetRef?.current?.open();
+ } else {
+ toggleUIVisibility(true);
+ }
+ };
+ const closePaymentSheet = () => {
+ // TODO: Fix this type error
+ // @ts-expect-error - Object is possibly 'null'.
+ sheetRef?.current?.close(false);
+ toggleUIVisibility(false);
+ };
+ const resetGlobalStates = () =>
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.RESET_STATES,
+ payload: initialState,
+ });
+ // when payment is success global state is rest and invoking the success screen
+ const onPaymentSuccess = () => {
+ resetGlobalStates();
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
+ payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.SUCCESS,
+ });
+ };
+ // when payment is failed invoking the error screen
+ const onPaymentFailed = () =>
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
+ payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.FAILED,
+ });
+ // when payment is cancelled by the user
+ const onPaymentCancelled = () => {
+ resetGlobalStates();
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
+ payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.CANCELLED,
+ });
+ };
+ // when payment is completed but awaiting payment
+ const onPaymentAwaiting = () => {
+ resetGlobalStates();
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
+ payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.COMPLETE,
+ });
+ };
+ // when payment is failed invoking the error screen
+ const onSessionExpired = () =>
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_STATE,
+ payload: ResponseScreenStatuses.EXPIRED,
+ });
+ const onUserCancel = async () => {
+ if (onDismissCallback.current) {
+ const sessionShowPayload = {
+ publishableKey: props?.publishableKey,
+ sessionId: sessionIdRef.current,
+ };
+ // fetch session status to check if the payment is completed
+ const sessionResponse = await sessionShow(sessionShowPayload);
+ // invoking client provided onDismiss callback
+ // TODO: Fix this type error
+ // @ts-expect-error - Argument of type 'PaymentSessionResponse' is not assignable to parameter of type 'string'.
+ onDismissCallback.current(sessionResponse);
+ }
+ };
+ // showing overlay loading indicator disabling all interactions
+ const startLoading = () =>
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_LOADING,
+ payload: true,
+ });
+ // Hiding overlay loading indicator
+ const stopLoading = () =>
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_LOADING,
+ payload: false,
+ });
+ return {
+ openPaymentSheet,
+ closePaymentSheet,
+ onPaymentSuccess,
+ onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentCancelled,
+ onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onSessionExpired,
+ onUserCancel,
+ startLoading,
+ stopLoading,
+ resetGlobalStates
+ }
+export default useMainStateUtils
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/hooks/usePaymentHandler.tsx b/src/hooks/usePaymentHandler.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e385425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/hooks/usePaymentHandler.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+import { useContext } from "react";
+import { Alert, Linking } from "react-native";
+import i18next from "i18next";
+import {
+ CreatePaymentFuncType,
+ KomojuProviderIprops,
+ PaymentStatuses,
+ sessionPayProps,
+ TokenResponseStatuses,
+} from "../util/types";
+import sessionShow from "../services/sessionShow";
+import { validateSessionResponse } from "../util/validator";
+import { Actions, DispatchContext } from "../context/state";
+import { parsePaymentMethods } from "../util/helpers";
+import payForSession from "../services/payForSessionService";
+type Props = {
+ props: KomojuProviderIprops;
+ startLoading: () => void;
+ stopLoading: () => void;
+ onPaymentSuccess: () => void;
+ onPaymentAwaiting: () => void;
+ onPaymentFailed: () => void;
+ closePaymentSheet: () => void;
+const usePaymentHandler = ({
+ props,
+ startLoading,
+ stopLoading,
+ onPaymentAwaiting,
+ onPaymentFailed,
+ onPaymentSuccess,
+ closePaymentSheet,
+}: Props) => {
+ const dispatch = useContext(DispatchContext);
+ // validating the provided session ID by user before proceeding
+ const validateSession = async (sessionId: string) => {
+ startLoading();
+ // Fetching session data from given session ID
+ const sessionData = await sessionShow({
+ sessionId,
+ publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
+ });
+ // validating the session data and closing the payment gateway if data is not valid
+ if (validateSessionResponse(sessionData)) {
+ closePaymentSheet();
+ Alert.alert("Error", "Invalid Session");
+ } else {
+ // if explicitly language is not set. set to the localization from session
+ if (props?.language) {
+ i18next.changeLanguage(props?.language);
+ } else {
+ i18next.changeLanguage(sessionData?.default_locale);
+ }
+ // if session is valid setting amount, currency type at global store for future use
+ dispatch({ type: Actions.SET_AMOUNT, payload: sessionData?.amount });
+ dispatch({ type: Actions.SET_CURRENCY, payload: sessionData?.currency });
+ // if user provided explicitly payments methods via props, will give priority to that over session payment methods
+ const paymentMethods = parsePaymentMethods(
+ props?.paymentMethods,
+ sessionData?.payment_methods
+ );
+ // setting the payment methods in global state
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_METHODS,
+ payload: paymentMethods,
+ });
+ // setting the current selected payment method as the first payment method on the list
+ dispatch({
+ type: Actions.SET_PAYMENT_OPTION,
+ payload: paymentMethods ? paymentMethods[0]?.type : "",
+ });
+ }
+ stopLoading();
+ };
+ // Session pay callback. this method handles all the payment logic and APIs
+ const sessionPay = ({ sessionId }: CreatePaymentFuncType) => {
+ return async ({ paymentType, paymentDetails }: sessionPayProps) => {
+ // Start of the payment handling method
+ startLoading();
+ // initiate payment for the session ID with payment details
+ const response = await payForSession({
+ paymentType,
+ sessionId,
+ publishableKey: props.publishableKey,
+ paymentDetails,
+ });
+ stopLoading();
+ if (response?.status === PaymentStatuses.PENDING) {
+ openURL(response.redirect_url);
+ } else if (response?.status === PaymentStatuses.SUCCESS) {
+ if (response?.payment?.status === TokenResponseStatuses.CAPTURED) {
+ onPaymentSuccess();
+ } else if (response?.payment?.payment_details?.instructions_url) {
+ openURL(response?.payment?.payment_details?.instructions_url);
+ onPaymentAwaiting();
+ }
+ } else {
+ onPaymentFailed();
+ }
+ };
+ };
+ const openURL = async (url: string) => {
+ try {
+ await Linking.openURL(url);
+ } catch (err) {
+ Alert.alert("Redirection not working. Please contact support!");
+ }
+ };
+ return {
+ sessionPay,
+ validateSession,
+ };
+export default usePaymentHandler;