SU_SEC=secret phrase that would be encoded to the next field
SU_SEC_3SHA512=hashed SU_SEC
SU_ISSUER=name of token issuer. (DeiC)
RU_HOST=host ip that serves ddosapi (localhost)
RU_SERVER_PORT= default port to run on (9696 for dev, 9090 for prod, 9393 for staging)
RU_NAMESPACE=apis namespace (ddosapi)
RU_DBC=db name (postgres)
RU_DB_VER=db version (9.5)
RU_SCHEMA=db schema
RU_USER=schema user
IF_HOST=influxdb host (should be removed since it depends on logged in user)
IF_HOST_PORT= influx db port that serves the webapi and json (usually 8086 in the new version)
IF_SCHEMA=influx db schema if all the influxdbs have the same schema (should be removed since it depends on logged in user)
NODE_ENV=development (or production or staging)
The file is in plain text and should be named .env and not checked into git.
.gitignore should include all .files to be excluded from git commits.