Thank you for your contribution. Please follow these steps to contribute.
- Fork the repository (How to)
- Clone the repository (How to)
- Create a feature branch (anything but master) from origin/master, (How to)
- Make your changes locally
- Test your changes locally!
- Update the with details of changes to the interface, this includes new environment variables, exposed ports, useful file locations and container parameters.
- Commit your changes (How to)
- Push to GHE (How to)
- Create a Pull Request (How to)
- Follow the instructions in the PR template and describe your requested change
- Make sure all checks pass (How to)
- Get it reviewed in a timely manner (How to)
- It is your responsibility to follow up with reviewers
- Additional commits will invalidate prior approvals
- Complete requested changes in a timely manner
- Rebase your changes onto master if your branch goes stale (more info)
- Have a user with permissions accept the pull request (squash and merge)
- Delete the feature branch (deleting branches in pull request)
That's it! Get forking!