- Rebuilding Rust extension and interop layer
- Rebuilding Kernel FFI and interop layer
- Regenerating API docs
To regen core interop from header, install ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator like:
dotnet tool install --global ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator
Then, run:
ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator @src/DeltaLake/Bridge/GenerateInterop.rsp
The Rust DLL is built automatically when the project is built.
dotnet tool install --global ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator
delta-kernel-rs is linked as a git submodule in this repo.
We first build the Kernel DLL and FFI header, and use the header to generate the C# Interop classes.
All 3 of these things are tightly coupled and must happen sequentially when you git clone this repo:
- The git submodule must be initiated
- The
must be built - The
header is used to generate the interop.cs
Note that the
files are continuously generated via thecsproj
- but the.h
and the.cs
files are git committed, and must be generated by a maintainer using the steps below, whenever we bump the FFI version indelta-kernel-rs.version.txt
$GIT_ROOT = git rev-parse --show-toplevel
cd "$GIT_ROOT"
# Initiate submodule at release tag
git submodule update --init
$DELTA_KERNEL_RS_TAG = Get-Content $GIT_ROOT\src\DeltaLake\Kernel\delta-kernel-rs.version.txt
git -C $GIT_ROOT\src\DeltaLake\Kernel\delta-kernel-rs checkout $DELTA_KERNEL_RS_TAG
# Build the FFI with cloud storage features
$FFI_PROJ_PATH = "$GIT_ROOT/src/DeltaLake/Kernel/delta-kernel-rs/ffi"
cargo build --manifest-path $FFI_PROJ_PATH/Cargo.toml --features "delta_kernel/cloud"
# Copy the built header from cargo into C# Interop project
$HEADER_FILE = "delta_kernel_ffi.h"
$GENERATED_FFI_HEADER = "${GIT_ROOT}/src/DeltaLake/Kernel/delta-kernel-rs/target/ffi-headers/${HEADER_FILE}"
# Prepare header for ClangSharp conversion.
# TODO: we should work out a solution with delta-kernel folks for a future release,
# on a solution for removing the build flags at the C header level, and instead pushing
# it up to a Rust feature flag.
Get-ChildItem "$GIT_ROOT/src/DeltaLake/Kernel/include" -Filter delta_kernel_ffi.h -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw
$updatedContent = $content -replace '(?m)^(#if .+)$', '// $1 // CLangSharp does not support build time feature flags, meaning C# won`t have the class, so we comment them out' `
-replace '(?m)^(#endif)$', '// $1'
$updatedContent = $updatedContent.TrimEnd("`r`n")
Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Value $updatedContent
ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator @src/DeltaLake/Kernel/GenerateInterop.rsp
# Post-processing script to remove Mangled entrpoints - ClangSharpPInvokeGenerator
# does not seem to have a built-in arg that does this.
Get-ChildItem "$GIT_ROOT/src/DeltaLake/Kernel/Interop" -Filter Interop.cs -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$content = Get-Content $_.FullName -Raw
$updatedContent = $content -replace ', EntryPoint = "[^"]+"', ''
Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Value $updatedContent
Install docfx, then run:
docfx src/DeltaLake.ApiDoc/docfx.json