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1000 lines (806 loc) · 19.6 KB

File metadata and controls

1000 lines (806 loc) · 19.6 KB


Opinionated collection of utilities and helpers, assembled with Deno in mind.

import * as _ from "[email protected]/mod.ts";
├── deps.ts
├── mod.ts
├── src/
|  ├── cache.ts
|  ├── collection.ts
|  ├── date.ts
|  ├── fmt.ts
|  ├── hash.ts
|  ├── http.ts
|  ├── json.ts
|  ├── log.ts
|  ├── math.ts
|  ├── memoize.ts
|  ├── params.ts
|  ├── promises.ts
|  ├── serialize_map.ts
|  ├── serialize_set.ts
|  ├── state.ts
|  ├── throttle.ts
|  └── type.ts
├── tests/
|  ├── date_test.ts
|  ├── memoize_test.ts
|  ├── params_test.ts
|  ├── promises_test.ts
|  ├── serialize_map_test.ts
|  ├── serialize_set_test.ts
|  └── throttle_test.ts
└── types.d.ts



See the Deno Documentation for this file.


const globalCache: Cache;


function createCache(capacity: number, cacheKey: string): Cache;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


type SortKeyFn<T> = (keyof T) | ((el: T) => T[keyof T]);
type SortCompareFn<T> = (...args: [T, T]) => number;

Methods: Arrays

function toArray(array?: Nullable<Arrayable<T>>): Array<T>;
function flattenArrayable(array?: Nullable<Arrayable<T | Array<T>>>): T[];
function mergeArrayable(...args: Nullable<Arrayable<T>>[]): Array<T>;
function partition(array: readonly T[], ...filters: PartitionFilter<T>[]);
function uniq(array: readonly T[]): T[];
function last(array: readonly T[]): T;
function at(array: readonly T[], index: number): T;
function remove(array: T[], value: T): T[];
function range(start: number, stop: number, step?: number): number[];
function move(arr: T[], from: number, to: number): T[];
function clampArrayRange(n: number, arr: readonly unknown[]);
function shuffle(array: T[]): T[];

Methods: Objects and Records

function hasOwnProperty(obj: T, v: PropertyKey): boolean;
function assign<T extends {}, U, V extends any[] = U[]>(
  target: T,
  ...sources: V[]
): asserts target is T & V[any];
function isKeyOf<T extends object>(obj: T, k: keyof any): k is keyof T;
function objectKeys<T extends object>(obj: T): (keyof T)[];
function objectValues<T extends any>(obj: Record<string, T>): T[];
function objectEntries<T extends object>(obj: T): [string, any][];
function pick<
  T extends any,
  K extends (keyof T & string),
>(o: T, keys: K[]): Record<K, T[K]>;

Methods: Filters

function filterKeys(
  record: Readonly<Record<string, T>>,
  predicate: (key: string) => boolean,
): Record<string, T>;
function filterValues(
  record: Readonly<Record<string, T>>,
  predicate: (value: T) => boolean,
): Record<string, T>;
function filterEntries(
  record: Readonly<Record<string, T>>,
  predicate: (entry: [string, T]) => boolean,
): Record<string, T>;
function removeEmptyValues<T extends object>(obj: T): T;

Methods: Mappers

function mapKeys(
  record: Readonly<Record<string, T>>,
  transformer: (key: string) => string,
): Record<string, T>;
function mapValues(
  record: Readonly<Record<string, T>>,
  transformer: (value: T) => O,
): Record<string, O>;
function mapEntries<
  TK extends string,
  TV extends any,
  OK extends string = TK,
  OV extends any = TV,
  record: Record<TK, TV>,
  mapFn: (entry: [keyof TK, TV]) => [keyof OK, OV],
): Record<OK, OV>;
function objectMap<V, NV extends V, K extends string>(
  obj: Record<K, V>,
    | ((value: V, key?: K) => Maybe<[K, V]>)
    | (([key, value]: [K, V]) => Maybe<[K, V]>),
): Record<K, V>;

Methods: Sorting

function sortBy<T extends Record<string, any>>(
  array: T[],
  key: SortKeyFn<T>,
): T[];
function sortInPlace<T extends Record<string, any>>(
  array: T[],
  key: SortKeyFn<T>,
): T[];
function sortFactory<T extends Record<string, any>>(
  key: SortKeyFn<T>,
): SortCompareFn<T> {
  return function (a, b) {
    const fn: SortKeyFn<T> = (el) => (
      typeof key === "function" ? key(el) : el[key]
    return (, a)).localeCompare(, b));


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


interface RelativeTimeOptions extends Intl.RelativeTimeFormatOptions {
  locales?: string | string[];
  absolute?: boolean;
  timeZone?: string;


enum Times {
   * set to 1 to scale everything down to seconds.
   * leave as 1e3 to scale everything as milliseconds.
  second = 1e3,
  millisecond = 1e-3 * second,
  microsecond = 1e-6 * second,
  nanosecond = 1e-9 * second,
  minute = 60 * second,
  hour = 3.6e3 * second,
  day = 8.64e4 * second,
  week = 6.048e5 * second,
  month = 2.628e6 * second,
  year = 3.1536e7 * second,
enum TimesAbbr {
  millis = Times.millisecond,
  nanos = Times.nanosecond,
  micros = Times.microsecond,
  sec = Times.second,
  min = Times.minute,
  hr = Times.hour,
  wk = Times.week,
  mo = Times.month,
  yr = Times.year,
  ms = Times.millisecond,
  ns = Times.nanosecond,
  us = Times.microsecond,
  s = Times.second,
  m = Times.minute,
  h = Times.hour,
  d =,
  w = Times.week,
  M = Times.month,
  Y = Times.year,


const CENTURY = Times.year * 100;
const DECADE = Times.year * 10;
const YEAR = Times.year;
const QUARTER = Times.year / 4;
const MONTH = Times.month;
const WEEK = Times.week;
const DAY =;
const HOUR = Times.hour;
const MINUTE = Times.minute;
const SECOND = Times.second;
const MILLISECOND = Times.millisecond;
const NANOSECOND = Times.nanosecond;
const MICROSECOND = Times.microsecond;


function parse(
  date: string | number,
  formatString = defaultFormatString,
): Date;
function format(
  date: Date | string | number,
  formatString = defaultFormatString,
): string;
function difference(
  from: number | string | Date,
  to: number | string | Date,
  options?: DifferenceOptions,
): Partial<DifferenceFormat>;
function relative(
  value: number,
  unit: RelativeUnit,
    style = "long",
    numeric = "auto",
    locales = "en",
    localeMatcher = "best fit",
  }: RelativeTimeOptions = {},
): string;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


const utf8TextEncoder: TextEncoder;
const utf8TextDecoder: TextDecoder;


function toHex(buffer: Uint8Array | ArrayBuffer): string;
async function computeHash(
  data: string | Uint8Array,
  algorithm: AlgorithmIdentifier = "SHA-1",
): Promise<string>;
async function sha1(data: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string>;
async function sha256(data: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string>;
async function sha512(data: string | Uint8Array): Promise<string>;
async function eTag(data: any, weak = true): Promise<string>;
function uuid(): string;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


/** Information about the connection a request arrived on. */
interface ConnInfo {
  /** The local address of the connection. */
  readonly localAddr: Deno.Addr;
  /** The remote address of the connection. */
  readonly remoteAddr: Deno.Addr;
declare type Handler = (
  request: Request,
  connInfo: ConnInfo,
  params: PathParams,
) => Promise<Response> | Response;
interface Routes {
  [path: string]: Handler;
interface ServeInit extends Partial<Deno.ListenOptions> {
  /** An AbortSignal to close the server and all connections. */
  signal?: AbortSignal;

  /** The handler to invoke when route handlers throw an error. */
  onError?: (error: unknown) => Response | Promise<Response>;

  /** The callback which is called when the server started listening */
  onListen?: (params: { hostname: string; port: number }) => void;
declare type PathParams = Record<string, string> | undefined;
export interface ServeStaticOptions {
  /** The base to be used for the construction of absolute URL. */
  baseUrl: string;
  /** A function to modify the response before it's served to the request.
   * For example, set appropriate content-type header.
   * @default undefined */
  intervene?: (
    request: Request,
    response: Response,
  ) => Promise<Response> | Response;
  /** Disable caching of the responses.
   * @default true */
  cache?: boolean;
interface RequestTerms {
  [key: string]: {
    headers?: string[];
    body?: string[];
    params?: string[];
export declare type ResponseProps = Record<string, any>;


 * Given an extension, lookup the appropriate media type for that extension.
 * Likely you should be using `contentType()` though instead.
function lookupMediaType(pathname: string): string | undefined;
/** serve() registers "fetch" event listener and invokes the provided route
 * handler for the route with the request as first argument and processed path
 * params as the second.
 * @example
 * ```ts
 * serve({
 *  "/": (request: Request) => new Response("Hello World!"),
 *  404: (request: Request) => new Response("not found")
 * })
 * ```
 * The route handler declared for `404` will be used to serve all
 * requests that do not have a route handler declared.
 * @see {@link[email protected]/mod.ts}
function serve(userRoutes: Routes, options?: ServeInit): void;
function handleRequest(
  request: Request,
  connInfo: ConnInfo,
  routes: Routes,
): Promise<Response>;
function defaultNotFoundPage(): Response;
 * Serve static files hosted on the internet or relative to your source code.
 * Be default, up to 20 static assets that are less than 10MB are cached. You
 * can disable caching by setting `cache: false` in the options object.
 * @example ```ts
 * import { serve, serveStatic } from "[email protected]/src/http.ts"
 * serve({
 *  // It is required that the path ends with `:filename+`
 *  "/:filename+": serveStatic("public", { baseUrl: import.meta.url }),
 * })
 * ```
function serveStatic(
  relativePath: string,
  { baseUrl, intervene, cache }: ServeStaticOptions,
): Handler;
 * Renders JSX components to HTML and returns a Response with `text/html`
 * as the `content-type.`
 * @example
 * ```jsx
 * import { serve, jsx, h } from ""
 * const Greet = ({name}) => <div>Hello, {name}</div>;
 * serve({
 *  "/": () => jsx(<html><Greet name="Sift" /></html),
 * })
 * ```
 * Make sure your file extension is either `.tsx` or `.jsx` and you've `h` imported
 * when using this function. */
function jsx(jsx: VNode, init?: ResponseInit): Response;
 * Validate whether the incoming request meets the provided terms.
function validateRequest(
  request: Request,
  terms: RequestTerms,
): Promise<{
  error?: {
    message: string;
    status: number;
  body?: {
    [key: string]: unknown;
function toResponse(
  data: string | ArrayBuffer,
  { contentType, status, headers, ...init }?: ResponseInit & ResponseProps,
): Promise<Response>;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


declare type JsonReplacerFn = (
  this: any,
  key: string,
  value: any,
) => any;
declare type JsonValue<T extends any = string | number | boolean> = T extends (
  T | T[] | Record<string, (T | T[] | Record<string, T>)>
) ? T
  : never;
declare type JsonInit = {
  replacer?: Maybe<OmitThisParameter<JsonReplacerFn>>;
  space?: string | number;
} & ResponseInit;
declare type JsonInitAlt = {
  replacer: (string | number)[];
  space: string | number;
} & ResponseInit;


 * Serializes the given JavaScript value to a JSON string, returning it as a
 * new Response with appropriate `content-type` and CORS headers applied.
 * Accepts the same init parameters as `JSON.stringify()` and ResponseInit.
function json<T extends unknown>(
  data: T, init?: Partial<JsonInit>
): Response (+1 overload)


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


type LogLevelName = "debug" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "fatal";


enum LogLevel {


class Timing {
  #t =;

  reset() {
    this.#t =;

  stop(message: string) {
    const now =;
    const d = Math.round(now - this.#t);
    let cf =;
    if (d > 10000) {
      cf =;
    } else if (d > 1000) {
      cf = ansi.yellow;
    console.debug(ansi.dim("TIMING"), message, "in", cf(d + "ms"));
    this.#t = now;
class Logger {
  get level(): LogLevel;
  set level(level: LogLevel | LogLevelName);

  setLevel(level: LogLevelName): void;

  debug(...args: unknown[]): void;

  log(...args: unknown[]): void;

  info(...args: unknown[]): void;

  warn(...args: unknown[]): void;

  error(...args: unknown[]): void;

  fatal(...args: unknown[]): void;

  timing(): {
    reset(): void;
    stop(message?: string): void;
  } | Timing;


const log: Logger;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


function clamp(n: number, min: number, max: number): number;
function randomInteger(lower: number, upper: number): number;
function sum(...values: number[] | number[][]): number;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


interface MemoizeOptions<A extends unknown[], R> {
   * Provides a single value to use as the Key for the memoization.
   * Defaults to `JSON.stringify` (ish).
  hash?: (...args: A) => unknown;

   * The Cache implementation to provide. Must be a Map or Map-alike.
   * Defaults to a Map. Useful for replacing the cache with an LRU cache or similar.
  cache?: Map<unknown, R>;
type MemoizableFn<
  A extends unknown[],
  R extends any,
  T extends unknown,
> = (this: T, ...args: A) => R;


const defaultOptions: {
  cache: Map<any, any>;
  hash(...args: any[]): string;


function memoize<
  A extends unknown[],
  R extends unknown,
  T extends unknown,
  fn: MemoizableFn<A, R, T>,
  opts: MemoizeOptions<A, R> = defaultOptions,
): MemoizableFn<A, R, T>;


function memoized<A extends unknown[], R, T>(
  options: MemoizeOptions<A, R> = {},
): MemoizeDecoratorFactory<A, R, T>;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


type Obj<T extends string = string> = Record<string, T>;
type ParamsInit =
  | string
  | string[][]
  | Record<string, string>
  | URLSearchParams;
interface ParamsOptions {
  distinct?: boolean;
  sort?: boolean;
  defaultParams?: Record<string, string>;


class Params extends URLSearchParams {
    readonly options: ParamsOptions;
    constructor(init?: ParamsInit, options?: ParamsOptions);
     * Sorts all parameters, flattens any keys with multiple values (using
     * the last value encountered as each key's final value), and then sorts
     * them once again.
     * @category Params
     * @returns reference to the original Params object with any duplicates removed
     * @example ```ts
     * import { Params } from "./params.ts";
     * const params = new Params("key=val1&key2=val2&key=val3");
     * params.distinct().toString();
     * // key=val3&key2=val2
     * ```
    distinct(): Params;
    get size(): number;
    get length(): number;
    get<T extends any = string>(name: string | string[]): T | T[];
    getAll(names: string | string[]): any;

     * Parse parameters from a string, array of entries, object literal, or
     * an existing Params / URLSearchParams instance. Allows parameters with
     * semicolon (`;`) delimiters, per the IETF RFC specification.
     * @param value raw value to be parsed
     * @returns
    parse<T extends ParamsInit>(value: T): Params (+3 overloads)
    toJSON(): {
        [k: string]: string;
    toString(): string;
    toObject(): Obj;
    static toObject<T extends any = {
        [K: string]: string;
    }>(params: Params): T;
     * Verify if an arbitrary value is fit for initializing a Params instance.
     * @param value
     * @returns
    static validate(value: unknown, named?: boolean): value is ParamsInit;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


function sleep(ms: number, callback?: Fn<void>): Promise<void>;
function throttle(
  callback: Fn<void, any> | ((...args: any[]) => any),
  delay?: number,
  debounceMode?: boolean,
  noTrailing?: boolean,
): {
  (this: any, ...args: any[]): void;
  cancel: () => void;
function debounce(
  callback: Fn<any>,
  delay: number,
  atBegin?: boolean,
): {
  (this: any, ...args: any[]): void;
  cancel: () => void;


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


See the Deno Documentation for this file.


See the Deno Documentation for this file.

License and Copyright Info

MIT © 2022 Nicholas Berlette • MIT © 2018-2022 the Deno Authors • MIT © 2019-2022 Anthony Fu

All rights reserved.

Apologies to any contributors not included here - email me to have these credits amended with your license/copyright info. Thank you!