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Reddbot - Slack Reddcoin Tipbot.

Reddcoin crypto currency tipbot for Slack


We're using so these instructions will be specific to that plaform.

Create and configure droplet

Create droplet

  • Go to and create a new droplet
    • hostname: reddbot
    • Size
      • Pick either w/ 2GB/2CPUs $20 a month or w/ 1GB/1CPUs $10 a month.
    • Region
      • Amsterdam or whatever location is closest to you.
    • One-click Apps
      • Dokku 0.94 on 16.04
    • Add SSH keys
      • Digital Ocean provide a easy-following tutorial for this that can be accessed once you click on add SSH key’s option, you’ll see a html link above the ssh key input console for creating and using SSH keys.

Configure hostname

  • Copy/Paste IP address into URL bar after the droplet has installed which might take 5/10 minutes, to be faced with the Dokku setup.
    • Put in hostname for whatever domain you are using.
    • Check `Use virtualhost naming for apps
      • http://<app-name>
    • Finish Setup


  • You'll need a domain for this. For this documentation I'm using
  • Point your domain's nameservers to digitalocean
  • In digitalocean's DNS section set an A-Record for your hostname from your previous step
    • Make the hostname be the name of your app
      • reddbot
    • Make the IP address be the one provided by digitalocean for your droplet.
  • After the DNS propogates which may take 10/20 minutes.
    • In the Zone file of the DNS section of digital ocean you'll see:
      • reddbot IN A
  • Go to a console/terminal on your Desktop and enter the following to command to see if the domain is live and connected to your droplet, you should see a response with your droplet's IP.
  • ping
    • PING ( 56 data bytes

SSH into your new virualized box

  • ssh -o "IdentitiesOnly yes" -i ~/location/id_rsa root@droplet-ip or ssh root@droplet-ip
    • If you correctly added your SSH keys you'll get signed in


  • To allow port open on 4567 and 45543 the firewall needs to be disabled, will update with port-forwarding method ASAP. If you can do this yourself great, if not wait or continue at your own risk.
  • use command sudo ufw disable

Compile reddcoind

  • Download the source code

    • git clone
  • Install Dependencies

  • wget

  • tar xzvf miniupnpc_1.9.20140610.orig.tar.gz

  • cd miniupnpc-1.9.20140610

  • make && make install

    • cd * sudo apt-get -y install build-essential * sudo apt-get -y install libtool autotools-dev autoconf * sudo apt-get -y install libssl-dev * sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bitcoin/bitcoin * sudo apt-get update * sudo apt-get -y install libdb4.8 * sudo apt-get -y install libdb4.8-dev * sudo apt-get -y install libdb4.8++-dev * sudo apt-get -y install libminiupnpc-dev * sudo apt-get -y install libqt4-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler * sudo apt-get -y install libqrencode-dev * sudo apt-get -y install libqt5gui5 * sudo apt-get -y install qttools5-dev * sudo apt-get -y install qttools5-dev-tools * sudo apt-get -y install libprotobuf-dev * sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y install pkg-config
  • Note if you are using a 10$ Droplet with 1GB ram you will need accommodate for more memory usage.

    • free
    • dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/swap.img bs=1024k count=1000
    • mkswap /var/swap.img
    • swapon /var/swap.img
    • Confirm that you actually did free some memory by comparing it to the first output of free
  • Compile reddcoind

    • cd reddcoin
    • ./
  • Build Berkeley DB 4.8

    • BITCOIN_ROOT=$(pwd)
  • Pick some path to install BDB to, here we create a directory within the reddcoin directory

    • mkdir -p $BDB_PREFIX
  • Fetch the source and verify that it is not tampered with

    • wget ''
    • echo '12edc0df75bf9abd7f82f821795bcee50f42cb2e5f76a6a281b85732798364ef db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz' | sha256sum -c
  • Output should be: db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz: OK

    • tar -xzvf db-4.8.30.NC.tar.gz
  • Build the library and install to our prefix

    • cd db-4.8.30.NC/build_unix/
  • Note: Do a static build so that it can be embedded into the exectuable, instead of having to find a .so at runtime

    • ../dist/configure --enable-cxx --disable-shared --with-pic --prefix=$BDB_PREFIX
    • make install
  • Configure Reddcoin Core to use our own-built instance of BDB

    • cd $BITCOIN_ROOT
    • sudo apt-get -y install libboost-all-dev
    • ./configure LDFLAGS="-L${BDB_PREFIX}/lib/" CPPFLAGS="-I${BDB_PREFIX}/include/"
    • make - This will take some time, let it do it’s thing.
    • make install
    • cd
    • cd /usr/local/bin
    • strip reddcoind
  • Add a user and move reddcoind

    • Ubuntu has a password error when attempting to switch back to root from your new user so make sure to re-enter or make a new password for sudo sudo passwd root
    • adduser reddcoin && usermod -g users reddcoin && usermod -aG sudo reddcoin && delgroup reddcoin && chmod 0701 /home/reddcoin
    • mkdir /home/reddcoin/bin
    • cp ~/reddcoin/src/reddcoind /home/reddcoin/bin/reddcoin
    • chown -R reddcoin:users /home/reddcoin/bin
    • cd && rm -rf reddcoin
  • Run the daemon

  • su reddcoin

  • cd && bin/reddcoin

  • On the first run, reddcoin will return an error and tell you to make a configuration file, named reddcoin.conf, in order to add a username and password to the file.

    • nano ~/.reddcoin/reddcoin.conf && chmod 0600 ~/.reddcoin/reddcoin.conf
  • Add the following to your config file, changing the username and password to something secure. Make sure to take note of the rpcuser and rpcpassword because you'll need them in a couple of steps

  • daemon = 1

  • rpcuser=reddrpc

  • rpcpassword=Z01BBDFKF

  • rpcthreads=300

  • rpcallowip=droplet_ip

  • listen=1

  • txindex=1

  • To exit nano editor use Ctrl + X + Enter to save.

    • Run the daemon again
      • cd && bin/reddcoin
    • To confirm that the daemon is running
      • cd && bin/reddcoin getinfo
    • Add the bootstrap to speed up syncing times
      • cd ~/.reddcoin
      • wget
      • unxz bootstrap.dat.xz

Let the blockchain sync which may take up to around 10-15 hours. (You can still progress but balances won't update until synced)

Clone the Reddbot Bot git repo

  • cd

  • git clone

  • cd reddbot

  • Install Ruby 2.4.0 and rvm

  • sudo apt-get install libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison libffi-dev

    • gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3
    • curl -sSL | bash -s stable
    • source /home/reddcoin/.rvm/scripts/rvm
  • rvm install ruby-2.4.0

  • rvm use 2.4.0 --default

  • ruby -v

  • Install bundler

  • gem install bundler

  • bundle update

  • sudo apt install ruby-bundler

  • To start using RVM you need to run source rvm

  • Run bundle

  • Parsing dependencies.

  • chmod +x

  • sudo apt-get install html-xml-utils

  • Enter droplet IP in the bitcoin_client_extensions.rb file where it says Host IP

  • nano bitcoin_client_extensions.rb

  • { host: 'Host IP', port: 45443, ssl: false} )

  • Ctrl + X + Enter to save.

  • Install node.js and slack-sdk client.

  • sudo apt install -y nodejs-legacy && sudo apt install -y npm && git clone

  • cd node-slack-sdk

  • sudo npm install -g forever

  • sudo npm install -g @slack/client --save

  • sudo npm install -g --save-dev capture-console

  • cd

  • cd reddbot

Setup node.js client.

  • Request a legacy token for your slack channel and copy it to the clipboard.
  • Paste this value in the leaderboard.js file and message.js file in the following positon where the value API_KEY is.
  • var token = process.env.SLACK_API_TOKEN || 'API_KEY' ;
  • nano leaderboard.js -> Ctrl + X + Enter to save.
  • nano message.js -> Ctrl + X + Enter to save.

Set up the Slack integration: as an "outgoing webhook"

Launch the server!

  • source rvm
  • bundle
  • forever start message.js
  • forever start leaderboard.js
  • If you want to keep the servering running use can use the unbuntu screen command
  • Enter your sudo password you made or re-entered earlier -> su
  • screen
  • su reddcoin
  • RPC_USER=reddrpc RPC_PASSWORD=your_pass SLACK_API_TOKEN=your_api_key COIN=reddcoin bundle exec ruby tipper.rb -p 4567
  • Ctrl/Cmd + A + D to detach from the screen.

Emoji setup

There is three emoji's included , reddbank , reddcoin and bitcoin Setup each of them here ->


Alt text


Note: Tip over 10 times before initating the leaderboard command.

say any of the reddbot commands for example reddbot hi , reddbot tip @username 100 , reddbot deposit use the command reddbot help to find out more.


This wallet is unecrypted please go to extra efforts to secure the system from attacks, aka encrypting the reddcoin core wallet and SSL encryption improvement.


Thanks to one of the reddcoin community members making the reddbank gif.

Using the Reddcoin Core v2.0 library by the Reddcoin Core Developers but also incoperating some of the build instructions to the tutorial.

Which was then forked from coin-agnostic tipbot by cgcardona along with aspects of the tutorial.

This project was originally forked from dogetip-slack by tenforwardconsulting